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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1913)
Press Paragraphs the Golden Peu- Jones were ranch yes- Yod can do better at Bole Store. W. E. Dobson had business Id dletoo Tuesday. - Big sale od all oxfords and pomps at Fix & Kadtke's. Mial E. MoPheien visited friends at Uslix this week. Charley Henley arrived from Blaok Bear, Idaho this week. . Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Max Kidder, Joly 12, 1913, a daughter. Tremendoos reductions on oxfoids and pomps at Fix & Badtke's. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Harris of Wes ton, were in the oitr yesterday. Attorney Watts spent a ooople of days this week in Seattle on legal bus iness. ; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. down from the mountain terday. 'J he J. F. F. olob was entertained last evening at the home of Miss Kit tle Gholson. V George Winship was . behind the connter at Dell's Monday and Tuesday of tbis week. : Dr. Madden and Druggist Morrison, of Weston, spent several boors in the city, Tuesday. E. M. Smith, cashier of the Farm- eis jaans di .Yvesion, was in me city Tuesday evening. Mrs. E. M. Smith and daughter Norma, were in the city from Weston, Tuesday eveniug. Helix is to have new brick sobool bouse, to be finished by the opening of sobool tbis fall. Mre.H.B. Bill was a guest for tbree dajs last week at ibe home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koepke, near town. . Mrs. B. B. Richards has returned from a pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. Otis Wbiteman, at Pampa, Wash. Mrs. James Mo Cool of Portland, will ba the guest for several weeks, of Mrs. H. A. Bartetr. Miss Lola Tharp came over from Walla Walla Sunday evening for a abort visit at borne. Mrs. W. W. Wlliiams was down from the ranob Saturday and disposed of some fine strawberries. Misses Iva and Ruby Callender of Portland, are spending their vacation in California this mouth. Mrs. J. D. Plamondon entertained a party of friends at her home Sunday. Ioe cream and-oake was served. Cbarles Kidder has been over from Milton for several days painting and papering at tbe A. A. Foes residence. Mrs. Walter B. Hinkle of Hermiston. formerly Miss Minnie Navlor, is vis iting relatives and friends in Athena. - Mrs. La Brasobe returned Tuesday evening from Walla walla, wnere she visited her daughter several days. Tbe Golden Bole store sells depend able, up to date merchandise only; yon will not find Boy old stook at this store. . '. , Mrs. Albert Fix and children ar rived in tbe city yesterday from Wal la Walla. They will visit friends in the city. Miss Kathleen Fnrnish of Portland. will arrive in Atheoa Monday to spend month with her friend, Miss Jessioa MoEweu. Mr. Callahan of Portland, who vis ited friends in Athena and vioinity for several days, returned to his home Wednesday evening. . Mr. and Mrs. Clark Walter oame over from WallaWalla and spent sev eral days at the home of their son John, west of town. Evidently the warm days have oome at bat. and are weloomed as desirable for tbe ripening of wheat. Cool, pleasant nights are tbe order, tbe wea ther being indeed ideal. J. H. Ridenour arrived Sunday afternoon from a sheep shearing tonr in Montana, and left Monday for a short stay at Bingham springs in oom pany with Weston friends. Stock I and to prepare for our contemplated changes, we offer Special cash prices on our Buggies, Hacks and Wagons. This stock is late style and all first class. The buggies and hacks are Henney and Studebaker make. Open ilenny Buggy IX in. rubber tire, former price $100 Price Now $8) Top Henny Buggy H in. rubber tire, former price $160 Price Now $120 " " in. rubber tire, former price $140 Price Now $110 in. i platform spring Studebaker hack, formerly $125 Price Now $105 in. 4 spring Studebaker Hack, formerly priced at $145 Price Now $120 3 in. Steel Skein Gear International Wagon, price $100 Price Now $85 Si in. " " International Wagon, $102.50 Price Now $87.50 3i Racine truss brace gear, no brake, $65, go Now at $55 Si " " with brake, $70, go Now at $60 Header Drapers 15 per cent discount from RegularPiices 11 IK Ob IS arrett Athena, Oregon r'KiocKi flralMRlf Pin iilHlvi Mi- Receiving Station is at Ask For Prices. Cash Paid for Cream. fS; ' ' ' - Cy oA. J- Parker fsf; in IP HS " 'f f" ' Everything Flret 'Z r 1 ' . Clasa - Modem T ... S J i. 4BH..d.U Slljif'M: SOUTH SIDE MAIN George Mnlkey has been nnising a Gore arm, as tbe result of a mosquito bite. For a time be was threatened with blood poisoning. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. S. ArmGeld, parents of Mrs. Fred Badtkn, ate in tbe city from Portland, visitiug, at their daughter's home. The Mothers' Club will meet at tbe home of Mrs. Victor Burke on Friday, Jul? 25th at 2:30 p. m. Go and take your friends with yon. . ' pHaontraotor Gore of Weston, and bis workmen are making commendable progress on tbe Cannon residence in I toe sooth part ol tbe oity. VCharlas Hear and Charles Smit irVrebnildins the residence for Mr, and Mrs. Hogh Molntyre, recently purchased from Mr. Pieieol. Mrs. Jeriy Swartz and obildren have returned to their home in North Yakima, after visiting relatives and friends in Athena and vicinity. Mrs. E. A. Boyd went over to Milton Wednesday, wbere she will spend a while at the homo of her daughter, Mrs. B. D. Edwards. Lee Atkinson has sold tbe Gommer oial livery stable in this oity lo Wm. Vanoil of Freewater. Mr. Vanoil has taken possession of tbe business. Mrs. Harry Walters of Bellingbam, Wash., visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Lillie Miller,- tbis week. She was accompanied by her little son. Trade at tbe Golden) Hole Store where yon do not tave the extra ex pense of trading stamps, bad aooonota or delivering added on to what yon ouy. -.. ' ' ' Tbe family of O. S. Barnes have returned from Blaok Bear, Jdabo, and have taken np residence in the bouse on 3rd street formerly -oooupied by them. Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Gerking and Misses Zelma DePeatt and Nettie Boyse lett yesterday by automobile for Lehman springs, where they will spend a few days. kB. B. Richards adjusted a flie loss toXLouis Bodgena at Vincent, near Freewater, Monday. Mr. Hodgens lost his oonfeotionery store and chop mill by an early morning Are, last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Willaby'a new six room bungalow is neatly complet ed and ready for ooonpanoy. The new borne is located on tbe farm west of town and will prove a model of oomfort to the owners. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gerking and little son came np from Pendleton Fri day where they have teen for several weeks, and visited friends in Atbena and vioinity, before proceeding to their home near Milton. - John Botbrook and daughter. Mies Aieta, have gone to Lehman springs, where they will make arrangements for oamping throngh the summer. Mr. Rothrock willteiurn for tbe other members of tbe family. E. L. Barnett of Portland spent Sunday and Mouday in the city. Mi. Barnett has been engaged in improving his acreage property near Portland. He returned to Portland Monday even by way of Pendleton. harvester named Stookdale, from don. loft bis snitoase at tbe 0-W. depot while be oame up town to look after a job, Wednesday. A oouple of tours later on retaining, be found bis snitoase missing, and officers have failed to reoover it. . Miss Lanra Smith enjoyed a pieoio trip to tbe Power House on tbe Walla Wvlla river Sunday, in company witiyl Milton friends, among whom were Miss Edith Still, Claode Still and Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Hughes. A most pleasant day was passed. Miss Lncile Kemp, wbile extending ber own mnsioal ednoation under the direotion of one of Poitland's best teachers, has secured two classes in tnosio there, to whom she is giving In struction, and ber ability as a musio teacher is fast gaining recognition. Fred Flint and John Stantoa have returned from their sbeepshearing pilgrimage in Montana. Montana was not a paying venture tbis yesr with tbe sheepsbearers. Sheep owners bad sold many of their bands and tbe lain interfered considerably with woik. A birthday party was enjoyed by tbe little friends of Kathleen Radtke at her home on Fourth street last Fri day, in honor of ber third birtbday. A real pieoio lunoh was served on tbe lawn to tbe bappy children, with dainty iocs and cakes for refreshment. Vpr. Sharp was called to tbe leserva 4icha yesterday to attend Tom Johnson and wife, Indians, woo were bore in a runaway whiob ooonrred near tbe Pambrun place. Mrs. Johnson waa badly cut and bruised about tbe head and ber husband sustained minor in juries. plenty DAI and Edward Koootz made a trip to the Tokannon stream, above Dayton on a fishing expedition, retorniog Tuesday evening. - Auto mobile trouble interfere with tbe pleasure of the trip to some extent. The bovs bronght home some flnespeo- mens of front. 77 46 Five of tbe most famous horse women and cowgirls of the world will be seen in tbe bncking horse riding, fanoy riding and fanoy roping at tbe Bonnd Uo at Pendleton, September 11-13-13. They are Tillie Baldwin Jane Eernondv, Blanobe MoGaughey, Hazel Walker and Bertha Dukes. Sunday evening at the Methodist Episcopal obnrch, Rev. D. M. Hel miok will deliver an address on "Moi monism, As It Is." Mr. Helmick spent sevro years in Utah, and is thotoogtly competent to gire inform- 1 ation on tbe inside workings of tbe Mormon church. All are invited. ale wheat is ripening fast, and bat variety of grain will be tbo first ready for tbe maobines in tbis vicin ity. J. N. Soott expeota to begin on bis orop of Dale next week. Henry Barrett tcok bis comtine ont to tbet Pine creek ranch Wednesday, and ex pects to begin harvesting next week. The program at tbe Dreamland for Friday and Saturday nights is as fol lows: 1. "A Question of Age," Pa ths. 2. "Six o'clock." Vitagrapb. 8. "The Silent Sigual." Lnbin. Sun day: 1. "Ibe Mantle of Red Evans." Selig 2. "The Scoop," Vitagrapb. 3. "The New York Hat," Biograpb. J. E. Gorman, an old time imple ment dealer of Atbena, was in the oity Wednesday from Portland. " He trav els on tbe road for tbe Oliver Plow company, and waa in Athena in tbe interest of that oonoern. Bis family reside in Portland, where bis eldest danghter is employed as a teaoher in the pnblio schools. -- Water Soperintendent Dobson has completed two mau holes at the in take of tbe oity water system, which will greatly faoilitate tbe task of re lieving the pipes from root growth, whioh has given considerable trouble in tbe past. It is now possible for tbe roots to be removed without excavat ing along tbe line. Peail Pioard of Adams, aged 18 years, died of tuberculosis in a hos pital at Pendleton Monday after an illness of only tbree weeks. ,Tbe funeral was beid from tbe family res idence yesterday in Adams at 0 a. m. and interment took plaoe in the Atbena oemetery. Rev. Stookton of Adams oouduoted the services. Jaok Read after a couple of weeks lay off, dnriog whioh time be made bay, plowed corn, hoed tbe garden, pulled weeds, pruned trees, gatbeied berries, chopped ., wood, mowed the lawn, built fence, fed tbe stook, milled the oow and did incidental chores at borne over io Weston, is again behind tbe block at tbe City Meat Market. . Tbarp Bios, have deoided to pot in an automobile repairing department at their shop on Fourth street. Mr. Alex Bier, a competent meohaoioiun, lately employed in Pendleton, has been seonred to oonduot tbis depart ment. . Alterations are being made at tbe shop now to make room for auto mobiles. A specialty of repair work will be made and extras of all kinds will be oarried in stook. We have built up a rep utation for quality in our Hosiery department throu our invariable insistence upon having only the best grades. First of all, we demand new goods and ' never permit them to be carried over from one sea son to another. Hosiery three or four ; seasons old has had the life of the yarn "burnt" out by the dyes used; that's why freshness of stock is necessary. Our stocks include the best makes in black, white and and colored stockings, in all sizes, and fashioned in the making to insure a perfect fit . UmVERSITY of OREGON SUMMER SCHOOL June 23 to Aug. 1 TWENTY-FIVE INSTRUCTORS. - FIFTY COURSES DiatioBuisbed Eastern ednoatora added to the regular Faculty. Uoiver nit DnrmitnriM nnpn. Board and room at 3.50 per week. Reduced railroad rates. For complete illustrated catalog, address THE REGISTRAR, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE ifon s. tlenry Koepke and little dangh ter, Dnrotby, left Monday for Colom tins, Ohio, tor a snmmer'a visit witb relatives. Mrs. Koepke stopped over a day at La Cross, Wash., wbere ebe visited witb tbe family of Rev. Thom as Law son. formerly pastor of the M. E. ohuroL in Atbena. The regular weekly rehearsal cf tbe Christian church oboir was held at the home of Mrs. W. R. Taylor Tuesday evening, A large number were present, going out in automo biles. Refreshments of fruit salad, cak and lemonade warn servad. Next Tuesday evening tbe singers will meet at tbe borne of Mrs. W. E. Dobson. Mrs. Alma Wilkinson returned Son day from a pleasant visit at Farming ton and Tekoa. Wash. She contem plates another visit about August 1, when she will go to Aberdeen to spend tbe month witb ber brother. She will be acoompaoied by ber daogbter, MUa Velma Wilkinson, who will return by way of Portland, visiting friends there- dnriog tbe latter part of tbe mooth. A. Miller narrowly escaped a serious aocident Monday, wbile riding one of bis horsos baiebnok and witb ouly the baiter to control it. The borsd playfully bolted witb its rider and smashed into a wire fence near tbe Wright lively stable. Mr. Miller's ooat was literally shredded and torn from bis baok, bnt strange to relate tbe barbs did not even scratch bim. Tbe horse was cot to some extent, and Mr. Miller reoelved slight trnises the bead and one leg. arry Sayers was in towu yesterday om bis Dome on tne umauiia river, and endeavored to interest tbe bus iness men in lepairing tbe Thorn Hollow road. He says that tbe road leadiog to tbe river is in a deplorable oondition, ana should be repaired at onoe nelore men ana . teams uegin work in the harvest fields. He ad vances the idea that tbe federal gov ernment, throngh tbe Indian depart ment, should be acquainted with tbe fact that a permanent bridge is needed at tbe river crossing at Thorn Hollo With a bridge tbere, Mr. Savers i tbe opinion tbe County and faimeis wbo live in tbe vicinity of Ibe road, witb little expense and work could make a good tborongbfare for travel at all seasons of the year. ded THREE EX-PRESIDENTS WHO DIED ON FOURTH OF JULY One of the strangest coincidences of American bMory was tbe death of two ex-presldcnts, John Adams and Thom as Jefferson, ou the name day, July 4, 182a ' .- Adams and Jefferson were political enemies. When Jefferson waa Inaugu rated his predecessor did not even wait to receive bim. In 1823 Mr. Adams, feeling his growing infirmities, hoped that he might lire to see tbe fiftieth anniversary of the nation. Tbe hope was realized, and it seemed as though, being thus gratifled, the great intellect of the Revolution cared not to live throughout the day. He expired before noon, almost bis lust words being: "And Tliomns Jefferson still sur vives." - . Jefferson did survive,, but only for a few hours. He, too, had been desrous of living for the semicentennial anni versary of the nation. J Hut be was mo ill aiid fragile that it was not expected be would hold ho long. The morning of the Fourth of July, 1S20. enme at last, however, and with a satisfied look upon his face the author of the Dec laration soon passed away. ' Neither Adams nor Jefferson knew of the death of the other on tbo same day, for communication waa slow then. I'lve years nTter the death of Adams and Jefferson another ex-prewldent, i:iue Monroe, passed away; on the FourUi of July. lie was n resident of New York, ami, like Jefferson, was al most In object poverty n the time of his death, lie had been living the life of a recluse, humiliated both by flnart-i-Ui) embarrausnieuts nnd the inUfor tunes of iiis family. He dlml on Hie Fourth of July. 1S3I. Prices Correspond. Childrens Hose, 10 cents and up. Child's half Hose 25 cents and 35 cents. Ladies' Hose, 10 cents and up. lie m mmr THE "MONEY-BACK STORE," ATHENA, OREGON lew Wall Paper 3JJjiV)hil J MILLER, "The Furniture Man' has added this line to his already large, varied stock Art Square Bargains We have tbe finest line of Art Squares ever shown in Atbena. All are of modern designs and op-t tbe minute patterns. They are going at prices never before heard of, class of goods oonsideied. Our line of Furnitnre is complete. It inoludea late styles in Uotsioao Walnnt, Birdseye and tbe popnlar Golden Oak. Tbe very latest novelties in Iron and Brass Beds. Everything in Springs and Mattresses. ATHENA WEDNESDAY JULY 3QTH COLOSSAL binuuorasr.- W 12-Gauge ammerless Pump" Guns' O.i.iiW . tiammerlcai 12-Kaupre rftn'mmir hmiiuuii. unmut ica. i m iiiip-aimparinir- npaiifiiiii i v. balanced gun, without any objectionable humps or buiiijis; no holia on top for gat to blow'ouf through or water to get in ; can't freeze up with rain, anow, or sleet; it's soliil steel breech (not a shell of wood) permits a thoroughly symmetrical gun without sacrificing strength' or safety) it lath safest brch-lodint shotgun Ter built. It is Hammarles with Solid Steal Breach (inside as well as out) Solid Toe-Sldo Ejection-Matted Barrel (which costs $4.0 extra on other guns) Prese Button Cartridge Release (to remove loailed cartridges quickly from niagailne without working through action). Double Extractors-Tabe-Down Feature-Trigger and Hammer Safety. Handle rapidly;! guaranteed in shooting ability; price standard Grade "A" un,22.60. Send 3 stamps postage for big catalog describing No. TZ- Wyrrtrt firearms Gk.1 A, It, C, I). T and Trap Special and a l other 7 r- 1)0 tl HOW I 1BIIIOW aviflli n.w vwnw IR A. It. t. 1. T and Trap fflarlin repeating rifles and shotguns. . i . 1. II. i u I n, you shouin nave a copy 01 " tful Information for shooters. It tells all about ana snoigun If rAii .L-.l ft rifle, pistol or shotgun, It VOU BilOOt tt.-t. ' inn ,.. f ,,.. f tinll.ia nrtm.r. n.l mlxifilnir noU for all standard rifle, pistol 1 . . . ' . " . , i . . t. . .n ... n.. .ttiNiiinihnn ammunition; how to measure powder accurately; snows yu nxw , . - - - expense In half and do more and better shooting. This book Is free to any shooter who will send three stamps postage to The Marlin Firearml Co., ii Willow St., New Haven, Conn, HIPPODROME AND MENAGERIE CONQUERING NEW FIELDS MAKING NEW FRIENDS ADDING NEW LAURELS "IIVM He' Intent flrex'iiMker rorxlpl always .i mh.u i". tvlifii ftif jjuil" otlt." !.t i ni.Hii) si nliiMfi motive sit- !!!! tu 'nfc lift dit'us " Bal iiiwie Amerk'uu. Grand Free Street Parade Every Day at 11 A. M. followed by Free Out-Dedr Exhibition AT THE SHOW GR.OUNDS DRY-CLEAN -COMFORTABLE Seats for 6,0110 People BUTTER WRAPS At the Pres Office KILLthe AND CURE THE coughI he LUNGS j w Dr. ling's flow Discovery rnn souchs PRICE to a il.OO. OLDS Trial Bottle Fret AND MX THROAT AND IMP TROUBLE QUABANTEED SATISFACIOiil OK MONEY SEyUHDm Bum NOW IN FULL BLAST Why not plan your Summer Vacation at this wonderful resort, reached by rail to Portland via A Trip Down the Columbia Rest By the Ocean STEAMER TRIP down the Columbia yia O-W. R. & N. Steamers "T. J. Potter" or "Hassalo", daily except Sunday, Surf Bathing, Fishing Tents and cottages for rent Good hotel accommodations. EXCELLENT RESTAURANT SERVICE OH BOATS. .. Information famished on application to J. R. MATHERS, Athena, Agent 0.-W. R. & N.