The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, July 11, 1913, Image 4

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    That Tired Feel i ng
That comes to you every spring is a sign tiat your blood is wantinf in
vitality, just as pimples and other eruptions art signs that it is impure.
Do not delay treatment, but begin at ones to take Hood's Sarsaparilla,
which accomplishes its wonderful results, not simply because it contains
sarsaparilla, but because it combines the great curative principles of many
roots, barks, herba and other valuable ingredients. - ,
There is no real substitute; insist on having
K! oo d ' s Sarsapar i 1 1 a
The Medicine that makes people feel
better, look, eat and sleep better; the
remedy for stomach, kidney and liver
affeottons, rheumatism, catarrh,
orofula, skin diseases, bolls, debility,
and other Ills arising from Impure or
impoverished blood. .
"I felt tired aU the time and could
not sleep nights. After taking Hood's
Sarsaparilla a little while I could sleep
well and the tired feeling had gone.
This great medicine has also cured me
of scrofula." Mrs. C. M. Root, Box 25,
Gllead, Conn
Can get you fancy prices for Wild Ducks
and other came in season. Write ui for
cash offer on all kinds of poultry, pork, ate
Pearson-Page Co., Portland
Wataoa TC, Coleman,
I'Hient lawyer, wawungiou,
1.J. Ad vlct and books free.
Kates reasou&ble. Highest references. Bestservloea.
Lowest rates. Write for application blank. West
era Bond A Mortgage Co., Gxnnxrcul Ota BUi, Portlud
Second-Hand Machln
ery houifht, sold and
exchanired: murines.
boilers, sawmills, etc. Ihe 1. E. Martin Co.. 83 Ut
Bt Portland, Bend for Stock 1. 1st and prices.
Information and booklets of value to you.
182 Madison St.. Portland. Or. .
band Instruments. The most complete stock
of Musical Merchandise in the Northwest
Writs for Catalogues.
184 Second Street . Portland. Oregon
Learn to be a DETECTIVE
tarn from $150 to $300 per month
Full course In tan weeks: actual expert
ence methods used. Easy payment plan.
For full particulars write
bkmlionl Detedin Tiaining Csrraposstai Sduol '
510 12 Dekus Bldi., Pgrtlud, Oreiaa
$100 TO $500 SAVED
On Each Automobile.
Our co-operative salea plan en
ables you to buy a brand new au
tomobile; only M75 required, bal
ance easy terms. For full partic
ulars address
(90 Washington Street,
Kansas Solomon.
King Solomon had nothing on a
Centralltt Justice of the peace before
whom a colored man and brother was
being tried for stealing a chicken. The
prosecuting witness thought it was
his fowl, but was not willing to swear.
It being sundown the local Solomon
let the hen loose and watched her
going home to roost. Result, the ne
gro was fined $50. Kansas City Journal.
Detailed Instructions and Illustration
Given for Construction of Imple
ment Handy on Farm.
The device described and shown
herewith may bo found very handy on
any farm. Take a mower truck, ham
mer and cold chisel and knock off the
prongs and so make a smooth wheel.
Then drive out the pins that go
through the shaft. Take the sickle
bars from an old binder for sills. Lay
the guard holes down and stick a bolt
In the holes where the pins were and
through the holes where the guards
were. Then you have a hole every
two inches and by taking off the burrs
you can change to any height from a
high wagon to a bob sled. Put a good
piece of oak on the upper end 2x8,
bore two holes in the center, then
take an old tongue and bore two holes
through it, stick in the bolt and you
have a cart. Have an end gate for
each end so that the sow, pigs or
calves can be removed from one pen
to another with ease.
Yon Can Get Allen's root-Case FREE.
Write Allen 8. OlmRted.Le Roy, N. Y for a
hve sainplo o( Allen's Foot-Jiase. It cures
sweating, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes
new or tight shoes easy. A curtain cure fur
coi us. Ingrowing nails and bunions. All drug
gtstn toll it. 25c. Don't accept any substitute,
Artistic Pottery.
English and American pottery show
ing the silver deposit work is very
pretty. This is newer than the de
posit on glass, which has lost its pop
ularity because of its fragility. An in
valid would appreciate one of the pot
tery tea sets, which is bo ingeniously
fitted together that It takes up only
a few Inches on the tray. The English
ware is either black, white or dark
brown in color, while some of the
American ware 1b beautifully shaded
in tones of brown.
Best Qualities of Wood.
Unlike most other timber, the
straighter and better formed trees do
not yield the most highly prized quali
ty of lumber. It 1b the crooked, irreg
ular logs that possess the best figured
wood. The best qualities of wood are
obtained from trees over one hundred
years old, which rarely have a clear
length of more than 12 feet The
most beautiful grained wood Is in the
roots and burls.
Cured of Enthusiasm.
A. "You don't seem to have any
life in you. Is there nothing or no
body over which you can enthuse?"
B. "Nothing at all. I once became
enthuslnBtlo over somebody, and n
short time afterwards ehe became my
wife. That was a sad warning to me
to avoid enthusiasm."
Posthumous Growth.
"If you do good work your work
will grow after you are gone." "That's
a fact. RulietiB loft only some 2,000
pictures, hut there are 10,000 of his
pictures In circulation now." Louis
ville Courier-Journal.
Peril of the Game.
"Making love Is dangorous, some
times." "In what way?"
"I've Just henrd about a fellow who
Inhaled so much talcum powder he
now has a chronic cough."
What Joy.
Legitimate nctors may sneer, but
the actor who acts to tho "movies" has
one privilege worth more than gold
or precious Btone he can see himself
Red Cross Ball lllue gives double value for your
money, goes twice as far aa any other. Ask your
Blue Nose.
Dlue Nose Is a popular name for n
native of Nova Scotia. Hallburton,
in "Sam Slick," gives the following
account of its origin: '"Pray, sir,'
said one of my fellow passengers, 'can
you tell me why the Nova Scotians
are called Dlue Noses?' 'It is the name
of a potato,' said I, 'which they pro
duce in the greatest perfection, and
boast to be the best in the world. The
Americans have, in consequence,
given them the nickname 'Blue
Noses.' "
Trouble May Be Avoided if Manure Is
Not Allowed to Accumulate and
Urine Is Drained.
versity Farm, St. Paul.)
Scratches, also called cracked heels
or mud fever, can be prevented by
careful stable management Cases
are rarely met with in well kept
barns, but are often seen In dirty,
poorly drained stables. Dryness and
cleanliness of the floor of the stall
are the two most Important factors
In the prevention of scratches.
Horses should not be allowed to
stand in piles of manure and decom
posing urine. These Irritate and In
flame the skin In the fold of the ankle
Just below the fetlock. The skin then
becomes thickened, due to the Inflam
mation and breaks or cracks in It ap
pear and If allowed to go untreated
the condition grows gradually worse.
The affected area grows larger, the
cracks become deeper and the animal
1b in an unsightly and painful condi
tion. Owners of horses can , prevent the
trouble in the majority of cases by
doing two things. Do not allow man
ure to accumulate behind your horses,
and see that your stalls are so con
structed that the urine will drain
away promptly. If your horses show
any tendency toward the condition ap
ply a small amount of carbollzed vase
line, benzoinated lard; or zino oxide
ointment, well rubbed into the af
fected parts. These remedies will
soften the skin and protect it from
external moisture and irritating sub
stances. During wet weather or when
the roads and streets are muddy or
slushy, extra precaution should be
taken to prevent the condition. Do
not wash cracked heels, as water and
rubbing only aggravate the condltioa
Substance Improves Sandy Soils by
..Making Them More Compact and
Retentive of Moisture.
w ' (By b. H. "MITE.)
Nothing in agricultural science or
practice may be mentioned with more
assurance than the beneficial effect of
lime on easily puddled still clay soils.
This is so nearly a matter of common
laowledge, the wonder is that anyone
will worry along with such soils yeai
after year, and even from one genera
tion to another, while the possible in
crease in yield in a single year wil!
often pay for the necessary lime.
Lime may Improve loose sandy soils
by making them more compact and
more retentive of moisture. For this
purpose some form of carbonate oi
lime is usually recommended, and In
much smaller quantities than for clay
soils. Clay soils will stand more lime
f""jZ ft--. r y
vtf'T'.r r
Read Story of Her Death.
When a blacksmith, named Lyon,
declared that the body of a drowned
woman, recently exhumed at Crell,
France, was that of his wife, Juliette,
who deserted him two years ago, a
death certificate was made out in her
name. Juliette, however, was very
much alive, and, after reading the
story in the Petit Parislen, she wrote
an indignant letter to the authorities,
demanding to be "officially resuscitated."
Slobber In Horses.
Cnbhnge will sometimes cure slob
ber In horses, caused by eating white
clover; but It Is better to keep the
clover away from the horses.
New York City Crowded.
In tho densest parts of Bombay
there are 740 persons to the acre.
New York has 1,000 in the same area.
In Boston?
You can always recognize a stranger
In town by the way he keeps one hand
on hlB pocket book and the other on
his watch. Boston Transcript
Pleasantry of Astronomy.
One thing at least baseball has done
for the country. It has settled the
question of the time when spring
comes. New York Evening Mall,
Old-Fashioned Storm.
What's become of the old-fashioned,
harmless storm that merely cleared
the atmosphere.
Clearing the Throat.
Hoarseness caused by Irritation of
the throat may be cured by gargling
with cold Bait and water. For severe
hoarseness inhalo the steam of hot
milk in which figs have been boiled.
Singers and public speakers should
out baked apples for clearing the
throat; it is also said that swallow
ing the yolk of an uncooked egg is
Take LAXATIVE BROMO Qulnlna Tablets,
Drug-grists refund money if it falls to cure. E. W,
tiiiOVtt'S sUrnatun iaon each box. oc
Practical Flower Holder.
A simple and practical flower hold
er is made of green rubberized silk,
the shade of natural leaves, and is
outlined with a green wire. When
worn, it effectually prevents the pene
tration of any moisture to the gown.
The wlro edge permits of shaping the
holder to the bouquet proper, and the
latter Is then attached to the corsage
or whatever else deslrej.
No Excitement.
A young man was compelled by his
father to turn farmer against his will.
Not liking the profession, he went
and hanged himself, leaving this writ
ten statement: "Farming is a most
senseless pursuit; a mere laboring in
a circle. You sow that you may reap,
and then you reap that you may sov.1
Nothing ever comes of It" Life.
He Couldn't Deny It.
"Sir!" she exclaimed when he kiss
ed her; "you forget yourself.'' "Pos
sibly," he replied calmly; "but I can
think of myself any old time. Just
now you are occupying my uudlvlded
attention." Boston Transcript
Beef of 1889 Still Fresh.
It Whymper, writing In Knowledge,
mentioned that a piece of beefsteak
which his uncle, the late Edward
Whymper, the Alpinist, sealed up in
a vacuum In 1889, Is still tn a re
markably good state of preservation.,
Kntcker "Jones says he ia an im
pressionist" Bocker "Then I am a
No Use Tryln..
Come to think of It the man doesn't
exist who can blow out an electric
light -
Many a girl would go through fire
and water for a man, or even through
his bank account
Manure Spreader With Lime Hood.
and, for almost every purpose, require
more lime than sandy soils. The im
provement of sandy soils will often be
much greater if the lime is applied to
a green crop turned under. Llm
hastens the conversion of the vege
table matter into humus, and this with
the lime helps to fill the open spaces
between the sand grains. It is claimed
by those who have given much atten
tion to light sandy soils that there are
no other types of soils that will re
spond quite so readily to liming, pro
vlded the necessary vegetable mattei
Is supplied.
Vigorous and Patient Treatment
Is Required.
Blood-Sucking Parasites Cause Much
Irritation of Skin In Dipping
Creollne Is Better Than Lime
and Sulphur,
(By N. S. MAYO.) ,
The hog louse is a common parasitic
pest on swine and one that requires
vigorous and patient treatment to
eradicate. The hog louse is one of
the largest of the lice that attacks
domestic animals. They are readily
seen traveling about on the bristles,
usually on the neck, back of the ears,
moving with a peculiar sliding mo
tion. The eggs or "nits" are small,
white, oval bodies attached to the
bristles.- Hog lice may be found on
almost anv Dart of the animal's body,
but are most common about the neck.
ears and back of the elbow.
These are blood-sucking parasites
and, by biting the hog and abstract
ing blood, they cause a good deal or
Irritation': of the skin. The animal
rubs on hosts and other objects and
the coat looks rough and harsh. The
fjaraalte and eeea are easily found
noon examination. The parasites are
transmitted from one animal to an
other by contact, or by contact with
Infected Redding or quarters.
DlDDlna the animals three or four
times at intervals of ten. days will usu-
flly free them from these parasites.
8oll Is Made Looser and Therefore
More Productive Success At
tributed to Substance.
Much of my success in growing big
onions, many specimens weighing a
pound and a half apiece, I attribute to
a free application of lime to the land
In spring, says the Farm and Fire
side. Likewise, I believe that similar
applications, Just before sowing the
seed of the Portugal onion early in
August have helped me to get a re
markably fine stand and growth.
I have used manures right along,
year after year. The land is rich. The
fine and almost spontaneous growth
of clover on any patch that is left
to Itself for a while would hardly show
that there is any need of lime. Yet
owning perhaps to faulty drainage, the
land often turns up rather soggy, with
close texture. Lime seems to make
it closer, and therefore more productive.
Grass Demonstration.
A new line of work of the depart
ment of agriculture and one that la
very promising was begun last year
in conducting demonstration experi
ments in grass. One hundred demon
stration farms, of one acre each were
established In 20 counties In South
Carolina. Am average yield of 8,146
pounds of cured hay at an average
cost of 123,66, per acre was produced,
and In some. Instances as much as
6,000 or 6.00 w pounds of cured hay an
acre was harvested. These highly sat
isfactory results have stimulated great
Interest In grass growing, especially
In South Carolina. A vigorous grass
campaign; has been started In Nortq
Carolina, Virginia and other states.
It Is expeteted that .5,000 or more al
falfa demonstrations wlll be conducted
this year . In Virginia alone.
Preparing , for the Hatch.
Some days before the first hatch i
due from the incubator .the brooder
house should be thoroughly renot-
Tliou vtvaucu uviu ivy w wuuui,
The floors should be scrubbed thor
oughly, and when dry, sprinkled with
air-slaked lime. - Close the doors and
windows tight, and burn a quantity
of sulphur on some hot coal In an. old
Leave the house closed for a day,
sand should then be sprinkled over
tho floor. The brooders should be
cleaned In the some thorough man
ner, and well sunned. One cannot be
too thorough with this end of the
work. Give the youngsters a clean
start at least
Vat for Dipping Hogs.
provided the sleeping quarters are
thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
In dipping to kill lice, the coal-tar
dlpB of the creollne type are better
than lime and sulphur. If the hog
wallows are kept well filled with wa
ter, to which some of the creollne
dips are added every ten days, the
iwlne will usually free themselves
from the lice. Another good way of
oombatlng the parasites is to tie
gunnysacks or other coarse cloths
around rubbing posts and keep these
cloths saturated with crude petrole
um. There are many coal-tar "dips" on
the market. They are made from the
products of the distillation of coal tar
and have a variety of trade names.
Creollne is one of these preparations.
They are all dark-colored liquids
with a strong coal-tar odor and when
mixed with water form a milky white
or slightly brownish emulsion. We
have tried several kinds with ex
cellent results. Practically all drug
gists have these dips, but we would
advise using a dip made by a well
known and reliable firm. These dips
should be used at the strength of
one part of the dip to forty or fifty
parts of water. If rain water Is ob
tainable it is preferred to "hard" wa
ter. These dips should be used warm.
There should be a dipping vat on
every hog farm. They may be made
of wood, galvanized iron or cement
They are set In the ground at a con
venient place so that there Is good
surface drainage away from the vat
A good size for a large vat Is ten feet
long on top, eight feet long on the bot
tom, and two feet wide on top. The
end where the hogs enter should be
perpendicular and the other end in
clined, with cleats, so that the hogs
can emerge after swimming through.
The entrance should be by a slide.
Such a tank is very useful whereever
hogs are kept in numbers, as frequent
dipping tends to keep the hogs healthy
and free from parasites.
To Avoid the Runty Pig.
Runty pigs stand a poor show at
the feeding trough with a bunch of
their husky brothers and sisters. Aa
they are crowded out of rlace natu
rally they do not get enough to eat
to keep them growing, and they stay
A trough arranged with V-shaped
partitions set strongly in the trough
would give the little fellows an equal
show with the big ones, and the
weaker ones would get their share of
food. A handy man can. make such
a trough arrangement in' an hour or
o, and even the growth of his pigs
would more than pay for his trouble.
' Buckwheat Crops.
' No other crop will bring in better
return in the Northern States for the
time it occupies the ground than
buckwheat It is put, in after the
other crops have been planted and
are growing. It Is the best grain to
raise to subdue a patch of trouble
some weeds and to starve out worms
In the soli.
' It comes handy to sow on vacant
pieces of ground which have been
left because too late to be sown to
some other crop. It is a valuable crop
to plow under to enrich the soil and
give humus.
If Pure-Bred and Well Cared for They
! Pay Handsomely need Shelter
; In Severe Weather.
'My sheep are pure American Meri
nos, all registered. Two of this kind
I can keep in summer or winter with
the same care and feed with which
one of most any other breed can be
kept, says a writer in an exchange.
My sheep barn is a closed building
with a broad door so that the sheep
can go in and out without crowding
each other. The feeding racks in one
room are on the outside; the other
room has a double rack through the
middle. I give my sheep a large run
in the fall so they go into winter quar
ters in good condition and never leave
them out in heavy rains through the
The breeding ewes are let out every
morning in winter to eat their grain,
which is oats, and to give them exer
cise. I feed them hay three times a
day. Some only feed twice. I only
give them a little at noon time, also
give their pens a litter of oat straw
two or three times a week. I try to
have my sheep shorn before they drop
their lambs so the little fellows have
no trouble to find their first meal. The
ewe that is In good condition has a
good supply of milk and almost al
ways owns her lanib. I never keep
salt by them, but feed it to them once
a week. I have water by them all the
time. I never allow the. jam. to run
with; the ewes. The rams that are to
be used are fed three-quarters oats
and one-quarter wheat mixed. Tho
young lambs in the fall and winter are
fed twice dally a grain ration of oats
and sometimes wheat brail half
:.V When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Eye. Remedy. No Smarting Peels
Fine Act Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak,
Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus
trated Book in each Package. Murine is
compounded by our Oculists Dot a "Patent Med
icine" but used in successful Physicians' Prac
tice for maay years. Now dedicated to the Pub
lio and sold by Untwists at 26c and 60c per Bottle.
Murine Mjre Salve In Aseptlo Tubes, 26o and Wo.
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
Preachers With Odd Names.
At . Canterbury a Partridge preach
ed, at . Peterborough a Pheasant, - at
Ripon a Swann, at St. Albans a Gos
ling, while at Lincoln a Bullock was
listened to, no doubt with great at
tention and profit. At least a few of
the present members of the Anglican
episcopate can not assert that they
are "neither fish, flesh nor fowl," for
we find among our bishops in various
parts of the world a Henn, a Part
ridge, a Peacock, a Woodcock, a Pol
lock and a Roach. Church Family
Newspaper. .,.
Shoeing the Colt.
The. first shoeing of a colt ia the
most important, not only In the fit of
the shoes, but also in seeing that the
colt Is not badly scared by the forge,
the unusual handling and new Bounds.
Horses mean to shoe are generally the
result of improper handling at early
shoeings. -
Mothers will find Mrs. Winnows Boothlng
Byrup the best remedy to use for their children
during the teething period.
Didn't Look Good to Her.
My five-year old niece went to a
restaurant with me one day. I or
dered some hash for both of us. When
the waitress set It on the table my
little niece kept looking at it. I asked
her why she didn't eat and she re
plied, "Aunty, I don't eat anything
that looks like a puzzle to me." Chi
cago Tribune. "
Complimenting Dad.
"I hear that you undertook to chas
tise that precocious youngster of
yours." "Yes, and I got a little re
spect out of him, too." "How do you
know?" "He told me that if I would
go to the gym and train a little he
thought he could make a hard hitter
out of me."
files. Neat, cltan, or
namental, convemcut,
clirap. taitl all
tea ton. Made ol
metal, can'tspillortjp
over i will not s-jil or
tn! ura anything.
Guaranteed efTectWe.
Sola by dealers, or
Stent by exprcsspre
pakl ior 1.
BABOLO SOaOUtS, UODaXalb At., Brooklyn, . T.
Manufacturing Chemist.
Spokane, Wash,
Dear Slrt Having suffered with stomach
trouble for a number of yean, and tried a
grant many doctors and a great many pro
prietary preparations but obtained no per-.
manent relief nntil 1 took your stomach
remedy, and am pleased to say that I have no
further stomach trouble and can eat any
thing I desire and suffer no bad results. I am
a professional nurse, havlnu nnrsed for 90
years, some of the time for Dr. Holb of New
York Clti. the greatest specialist on child
ren's diseases : also had charge of Wardner
Hospital at Wardner, Idaho, for two years.
Since learning by my own experience the
great benefit from the use of Powell's Stom
ach Hemedy, I have recommended it to a
great many for children and adults, and In
each eaue It has been remarkable for the
food It has done. I cheerfully recommend
It to anyone suffering with any kind of atom-
ach trouble, as I am anxious to sld snyone
suffering from sickness of any kind, and I
have never known of medicine to compare
with Powell's Stomaoh Kemedy for all kinds
of stomaoh trouble. Yours truly,
213) Boone Ave.
' Too Fond of Giving Advice.
He gave advice and never quit. He
tossed it round both far and nigh, and
was annoyed when some of it flew
back and hit him in the eye.
Dally Thought
fAt whatever value a man set on
himself, at that value he should be es
timated by his friends. Cicero.
I UMLratKiL :-
WL.-r. J5;'OJh.
3.00 3.5Q 4.0Q
A.po AND $5oo
r-An mi-i avirt l.ftMCW
$2.00, S2.60 ant fS.ov.
The largest makers of 1
Men's S3.50 and 4.0W
shoes in the world.
LA vnnr riffalAr to) ehOW Ton
VI. t. Doucrlaa S3.S0. M.00 and
st j an thnjM. .iiiat. ma cof.fl in stvle).
t and wear as otner mssei cosiing w.vv iu uu
-the only difference is tue price, unoes in an
, . . . -,.1 k V. a nAa ,a anlt avArvrwirlv
if , ronlfi visit W. L. Doncrlas iartre facto- M1
ries at Brockton, Mass., and see for yourself
hntr catwfnllv W. L. Douarlas shoes are made.
yon would then understand why they ar warranted
to fit better, look better, hold their shape and wear
longer than any otner rasas ior me pneo.
If W. h. Donglas sboes are not ror sale in yonr Ticmny. oraer
flirecs rrom we iaroury uu bavc nn . 7 : '
Bnoes lor erery memneroi uie lam.iy, -w uj
farcel rose, postage inw. i.nwiuriii"i."--
Catalog. It will show yon bow to order by mad,
and why yon can .save money on your footwear.
W. Ia JOl7liA8) . . Brockton, Moss.
sex mm
Ws W Wf Ji
vi'i 7 w 'or rfrv-r.::.-Kmw
-ksmaasw MwV- W. l W.T
trir ; ftjtiTisioa
See that
name Is stamped
on me Dottom
.-'Helping the Little Fellow
The United Shoe Machinery Com
pany is the only real obstacle to the
formation of a shoe trust. We help
the small manufacturer' to start in
business and keep going. -He could
not afford to buy and care for his ma
chines, but he can afford to lease them
on the terms we give him based on
the number of shoes he makes an
average of less than 2 2-3 cents a pair
--and let us keep them up to date.
That is a fair arrangement -., Some Qf
the big fellows don't like our system,
because they think we ought to give
them special rates. But the little fel
lows stand with us because they know
we treat all manufacturers alike no
matter how many machines they use.
If it were not for our methods of doing
business there would be no small fac
tories anywhere and no prosperous
factories in small towns.
The United Shoe Machinery Co.,
Boston, Mass. Adv. ' .' :
Be thrifty en little thlnps like bluing. Don't ac
cept water for bluing. Ask for Red Cross Ball
Blue, the extra good value blue -
y. .
Raising Race Winners. . .
- Before declining to patronize - any
particular stallion though his blood
lines may be pleasing, the small breed
er who Is desirous of raising race win
ners should learn whether the horse
has sired race .winning speed or not.
He should also learn whether the an
cestors of the stallion on both sides
have been successful either as race
winners themselves or as sires or pro
ducers of uniform race winning speed.
The horse all of whose ancestors for
several generations have been the
most successful in this respect, other
things being equal, Is the most likely
to transmit race winning speed.
Man's Personality His Own.
"A man's personality," writes J. W.
Scott of the University of Glasgow,
"is a thing which needs to be made.
He does not bring it full-edged into
the world with him. Strange as it
may seem, personality is a thing
which a man absorbs from his envir
onment as a plant absorbs air and
light. .We are all plagiarists. In the
last resort everything we have or
know is borrowed."
Hot Corn Bags.
An excellent substitute for the ex
pensive hot water bottle of rubber is
made by heating common field corn,
shelled, in a pan in the oven. When
thoroughly warmed, pour it into cloth
bags, such as salt and sugar are pack
ed in. These filled bags are light and
pliable, and satisfactorily answer ev
ery purpose of the hot water bottle.
McCall's Magazine. :;r
Tour druggist will refund money if PAZO OINT
MENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind,
Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to U days. 60c
Hard Work Called For. ,
One of the popular song demonstra
tors was making more racket than
usual the other day in one of the big
stores, his voice reaching far beyond
Its usual limits. A sales woman in
another department seeing one of her
customers wince at the terrible vocal
noise, explained: "You see he got here
a little late this morning and has to
sing loud to catch up."
Orator Slightly Mixed.
A former senator of the United
States was addressing a meetingjn
his home town to celebrate the appro
priation by the legislature of funds
for the erection of a new state capi
tol. "My fellow citizens," said he,
"we will build here the greatest epi
taph under God's green footstool."
Constipation causes and seriously ag
gravates many diseases. It is thor
oughly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pellets.
Tiny sugar-coated granules.
A street car and an automobile had
had an altercation which ended with
the latter, In a more or less battered
condition, lodged.on the fender of the
former. A little boy and his mother
happened along just at it was over,
and when the youngster saw them he
cried out in glee: "Oh, look, there's
an auto standing on that street car's
" Never Become Widows.
Nepal has the earliest marriages In
the worldrThere every girl Is mar
ried in .infancy. But, then, tho bride
groom itj not. very terrible. She la
married with "elaborate ceremony to a
bel fruit, which is then thrown Into
some sacred stream. The fate of the
fruit being always unknown, - every
girl js thus spared the disgrace of be
coming a widow, while at the same
time a second husband is allowed her
later on. -i -' 1 ' "'
DIUV Atai-i .
Orator "Now, then, is there any
body in the. audience who would like
to ask a question?" Voice "Yes, sir;
how. soon is the band going to play?"
New. Orleans'' Times-Democrat
fv Nancy Is for Rent
,'Ih the window of an uptown bird
store . there . is a sign that reads:
"Nancy, our - Angora cat, rented out
by the hour or day. Warranted to
kill every rat Or mouse in your home."
vis Near
Are you smiling? Look
ing forward with pleas
ure arid a keen appetite
or is your "stomach so
bad you "just don't
try -:: H'-V': .-
H os tetter's
Stomach Bitters
It assists digestion and
makes you; "forget" all
about " stomach ills.
Stunted Pigs. V
" Be careful not to treat in any way
or feed your pigs so' as to stunt their
growth, for a pig .once stunted-never
can be fed so economically as before
the stunted period of . his life began,
and he will never be such a hog as he
or she otherwise, would have been.
the ' . 'rflffgr
II Better!
.25c JP
Pound Can
V. All Grocers
One Kind of Declaration.
"'I love you, Estelle,' he continued,
'star of my soul. I loved you through
opera-glasses at the opera . . . and . I
shall love no one else.'" "Women I
Have Loved," by Henry Drane.
Your Frlende.
Treat . your friends -for . what you
know Cthem to be. Regard no sur
faces. Consider not what they did,
but what they intended. Thoreau.
Degree of Lumpy Jaw.
There Is aa unnecessary prejudice
against lumpy-Jaw cattle, according to
Dr. M. H. Reynolds of the Minnesota
station. Considerable percentage ol
these cases are passed by government
inspectors aa fit tor food purposes.
Only the very bad cases, especially
those where the disease affects set
eral organs or parts of the body, art
"I am an old man end many of my troubles
never happened." -ELBERT HUBBARD
is what they all say
of our
ML W. a. WW rsasHST ua
' Methods of
Out-of-town pao
pVs can have thai
work finished in on
day U necessary. .
An absolute guar
antee, backed bf 28
years in Portland.
ww re ' r s st '
" Wise LJentai co.
orrict hourss . r
A. M. to 8 P. M ' Sundays 9 t 1
t. A nn. sj-i iai
r ituucas r v mam avat.
ratline Bide. Third and Washington, Portland
rE white hair and wrinkled faces of our busy men and women tell
of doubt, fear and anxiety more than disease or age. Worry plays
havoc with the nervous Bvstern so that digestion is ruined and sleep
banished. What oil is to the friction of the delicate parts of an engine-;
rfiolden TMFeifcal fl!scery
is to the delicate organs of the body. It's a tonic and body builder because it
stimulates the liver to rigorous action, assists tha stomach to assimilate food thus
enriching tha blood, and tha serves and heart in tarn ara fed on pure rich blood.
Neuralgia -ia tha cry of starred nerrea ior food." For forty years MGoJdea
Medio! DlaooTory" ia liquid form has given great satis faction as a to&ie and
biood maker.
How it earn be obtained tn tablet form from dealer in medicine
or tend SO ane-ceof itampe for trial box, WrttR.YJHercetlhtffaU.
KeltT cextaUiMMfcM, raat taw Ur,
auset wc!sw Kssay te take aa cauMty.
- V
crb loolvo prompt tPMlfe
menta of Hom-Tvi9mama
F.flaUU-ltllaj r
the CbJaaat doctor.
- Tr? once more If me have, beea doetoriag wtta
this one and that one and hare aot obtained pea.
manent reJier.. Let ihm great nature heeJerdisa
nose roar ease an A rr-ecrtne some remedy whose
action Is qau k. sure arid- safe. Hts preepriptloaa
are compounded from Eoote. Herbs. Beds sad
Barks that have been ii-r."i from ever? qaar
terot the globa. TaeetK-rtsie of these tnedioinea
are not known to the otttit&ie world, but have beam
handed down from ftttir W soa ia tha E&Tslolaae
fs mi lies ia China. .
If row life oat of town end aenaot eaH. write So
srssmosi blaak and eiieuUur. enolosina t seats ia
i - - - x
" - 1 .
' X rfcy-i linn i
Farttaaxl Orcrask
a i
P. R U. . . ; . No. iHU
WHEN srritiac to artSsere, please assat
' tioa Uie aasCT. '
air? other dye. On loe package colors s'v w ot and cotton etra&Ry
Asm deader, or v wi'l send postpaid t tMCicag. Wme ior tiaa
' luOKKOS WKUG COMPANY, Quincy. lajuuia,
Color more rooda brighter and faster colors than
well and is fuarantd to give perfect result,
booklet bow to dye bleach and mU color.