The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, July 11, 1913, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
Will Moore of Pendleton, was in
the oity yesterday. ;
Mia. Kionear was i'i the city yes
terday from Weston.
K. K. Bowsher of Pendleton, was
in tlie city yesterday.
Will Miller had business in Pen
dlftoa Tuesday afternoon.' .
Mr. and and Mrs. Oliver Diokenson
were in Pendleton Toeeday.
Mrs. Homer I. Watts was a guest of
friends at Bermiston Thnraday.
Mrs. B. D. Tbf rp visited her daugh
ter in Walla Walla Wednesday.
Miss Lnoile McQoaiy, of Milton,
is visitibg relatives here this week..
Mrs. Fred Boyd retnrned Tuesday
evening from a ten days' visit in Port
land. f
. Mrs. Lazier of Weston. Was in the
city yesterday trading with lqoal mer
chants. : ; "' '
Alex MoKenzie oame up from Hood
River Tuesday, where be spent the
Fourth. : - ' ! "';'
Mrs. Mary Deardortl left this week
for Tacoma, Wash., to visit her
obildren. . .
Earle Erquhart is conducting a
stand at Gnyuse during the Indian
The J. F. F. club was entertained
at the home of Miss Merna DePeatt
last evening. -
Thomas Mosgrove, accompanied by
his aunt, was in the city Tuesday
from Milton.
Mrs. 0.0. Turner of Weston, is
the guest this week of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Douglas. .
Mrs. W. A. Giabam and son Neil,
oamo over from Weston last evening
between trains.
Mrs. Frank Tharp and daughter
Nina have been visiting relatives in
Helix this week.
Mrs. J. S. Harris of Weston spent
the 4th with her sister, Mrs. Mans
field in this oitv.
Mrs. Jaokson Nelson is visiting this
week at the home of her daughter in
Waitsburg, Wash.
Ed. Biogel, a prominent Helix
farmer, was attending to business in
Athena Wednesday.
Emery Worthington, Arnold and
Henry Koepke are spending the week
at Bingham Springs.
B. E. IJtz, of Spokane, will preuoh
in the Christian cburoh next Snnday
morning and evening. . .
Mrs. Alma Wilkinson left Saturday
for Farmingtoo, Wash., where she is
a guest of her cousin.
KAttorneyVaUB. F. S. LeGrow and
f Sam Pambrun fished in the Umatlla
Wednesday and Thursday.
George Carmiobeal. retired farmer
and real estate man at Weston, was
an Athena visitor Monday.
A. L. Swaggart has a bunoh of
work stock at Walla Walla this week,
which he is offeiing for sale.
Mrs. Jerry Swart and two obildren
are visiting relatives in mis city,
from her home at North Yakima.
Mrs. E. W. Achilles of Spokanu is
visiting ber eon Emery, and daughter,
Mrs. Oliver DiukenBon, this week.
Miss Zena Crafts is expeoted home
soon for a visit. She is at present at
the Marion Jack home in Pendleton.
J. B. Saylor, the Butter River oattle
king, was in Athena Tuesday. .He
was enroute home from Milton by
Mies Graoe MoBride oame over from
ber home in Walla Walla, and has
been visiting friends in Athena this
R.nn Hall Krnfhoi. nf Tr I. Doll nf ,
Ikia iif AiaA Tnno OQ of his hflma
IU1Q UiUJ, U1DU vuuv, wu, aw m.o mwww
in Sullivan county, Missouri, aged 78
years. .
David Ferris was in the city Tues
day from his ranch in the Walla
.Wail a valley. He reports orop pros
pers good in his part of the wheat
Mrs. F. W. Vincent of Pendleton,
and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vinoent of
Portland, visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. L. S. Vinoent in this city
Receiving Station is at
Ask For Prices. Gash Paid for Cream.
3J- V kjf " " i n CU.. - Modern
S-S7r4, SOUTH side': main
SUMMER SCHOOL June 23 to Aug. 1
Distinguished Eastern eduoatois added to the regular Faculty. Univer
sity Dormitories ooen. Board and room at $3.50 per week. Keduoed railroad
rates. For complete illustrated catalog, addiess
Mrs. Charles Barrows bsa taken res
idence at 621 College street. Pendle
ton, and has ordered the Press sont to
her address.
Mrs. P. E. Colbern is reported to
Le slowly recovering from a very se
vere illness at ber borne at Long
Beaob, Calif.
Judge Lowell was in town Wednes
day evening from Pendleton, on legal
business oocneoted with the Henry
Adams estate. ;
Mrs. Burden arrivr.d this week from
Halsey, and will visit her son, Win
Burden and daughter Mrs. Jas. Hug
gens in this city. '
, Sunday Sohool at 10 o'clock, preach
ing at 11 a. m; public service also at
8 p. m, at the M. E. ohuroh Sunday.
All are welcome.
Mrs. Mary E. Gross and daughter,
Vera, have oome up from Portland
and are receiving their copy of the
Press at Helix again.
Mrs. MoCannon, formerly Anna
Kirk, is visiting relatives in this vi
cinity. She arrived Saturday from
White Salmon, Wash.
W. F. Bookemuebl. of Cedar Bluffs,
Nebraska, . brother-in-la of A. ' B.
Steele, after visiting here for several
days has left for his home.
Arobie, eon of the late V. M. Sbibk,
is down from his home at Addy,
Wash., visiting at the home of his
grandmother. Mrs. A. Shiok.
A character sketch at the Methodist
Episoopal ohuroh Sunday eveniug:
"David, a Man After God's Own
Heart." You are invited to attend.
The Fosa-Winsbip Hardware com
pany have just received a special line
of bath tuba and toilet equipments.
Already several sales have been made.
Wheat haying is now in progress on
many of the ranobes in tbis vicinity.
Weather conditions have been favor
able for saving tbe bay in prime qoal
VMr. and Mrs. Charles Belts and two
little sons left Monday for New York,
where tbey will remain for tbe sum
mer, returning to Athena about Sep
tember Mist.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. MoPberson,
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Smith, and Mr.
and Mrs. I. L. Miobener will leave
Monday for a two weeks' outing i on
tbe Walla Walla river. j
Athena was praotioally deserted on
July Itb. Pleasure resorts," fishing
excursions to the river and nearby
towns where celebrations were held
attracted our townspeople from home.
An ioe cream sooial will be held in
tbe dining rooms of the Methodist
ohuroh this evening to wbioh your pa
tronage is cordially invited. Cakes
and iocs will be served at a small
Among the phonograph records re
oeived at Hawk's drug store tbis week
are a few costing f 3 eaob. They re
proiluoB thn vooal solos of Mary Gar
den, Christine . Neilsen and David
Jim Jones, famous as a bear bnnter
nxne Blue mountain range naa put
aside tbe rifle for tbe ax. One would
infer this to be tbe fact for tbe rea
son that he brought down a load cf
excellent wood, Monday.
Mountain berries, of wbioh there is
a large orop, find ready sale in tbe
Atbena market. Both strawberries
and raspberries, grown on mountain
and foothill rauobes have superb flav
or and nnalitv for cannina cnrDoaes.
MThe pennant la tbe half season race
Kin Tri-State league was won by tbe
Walla Walla team. Tbe seaond part
of tbe season started this week, with
Walla Walla, North Yukima, Pendle
ton and Boise supporting competing
team. '
Special insurance agents have been
given a big business by the wheat
raiser of this vicinity during the past
week. Tbe farmer thus proteots him
self from Iosb on business principles,
at a nominal rate, with privilege of
cancellation at any time.
Vbr. J. D. Plamondon bas been for-
id a ate in raising four Chinese pheas
ants out of a hatching of eight birds.
Tbey have grown hardy and give every
promise of teacbiug a robust maturity.
Tbe dqotor has given tbem more room
by boilding larger quarters.
I W & 0R0UP.
I 1 YV JW , VbJ whoopinc couch. (A tOvJuW) I
II U fA Aa) lifi' l HOJunnm,- . ..... W)V (()( I
11 WW
i ft W: - b tsiiwm. I!,,.. . If V
I CH i :i-. txciritxt consuuenox 'f, II VS
I IhM ;ijp
1 11 fc U WM CfcamleiWd Eleffidna Co. :i " ill
I I 1 11 IffX !H;"1 KAWVfJCTVW rMABMMUJt, W A Hill
1i! fflrSj Pllf'X ' DiMoinei.lowa,aS.A. I A IMIlHiH
nliiiiFniui i fd X XVrmtisiiHiYBCEm
liluuiui fwuiwur n!!!i!iiimimimiiiiiiinii!nmm miiy,
E. A. Dudley baa reoeived his bis
caterpillar engine, recently purchased
from E. L. Smith & Co., general
agents for tbe Holt Manufacturing
company. Tbe maobine is being run
in tbe cultivation of summer fallow,
by Mr. Bellinger, an engine expert.
Mrs. Martha Mays, who left her
daughter, Mrs. C. A. Barrett's home
int his city xeoently to visit her son
in Elgin, has been very ill the past
week with heart trouble. Late teln
phone messages announce that her
condition is improved at preseut. '
The ohoir of the Christian ohuroh
met Tuesday evening at the home of
Mr. aud Mrs. David Stone west of
town, for rehearsal. A pleasant eve
ning was spent, refreshments being,
served by Mrs. Stone. Last week the
choir met at the home of Mrs. De
Peatt. Mrs. Minnie Cblore and ber son,
Delbert, will 9iiive soon from tbeir
borne at Long Beaob, . Calif., for a'
visit with her Bister, Mrs. W. B. Tay
lor. Mrs. Leeper and Mrs. Effie Smith
are expected in the near future from
Corvallie and will also, visit at the
Taylor home. .
W. J. Clark & Company's hardware
store at Pendleton, was robbed of a
large quantity of cutlery and revol
vers Wednesday night Sheriff Tay
lor was in town yesterday exploring
the "jungle" for suspicions obarao
ters, but found no evidence to war
rant an arrest.
Mrs. E. A. Dndley fans made several
trips to Walla Walla tbis week to
see her father, Donald MoDonald, who
has been critically ill with heait
t rootle. Her trothar, Viator Mo
Donald and wife, who were 'touring
the northwest in an automobile, were
called home from Taooma to attend
his father.
Harry MoBride,. at bis ranoh on
Wild Horse creek, bi a large orop of
raspberries. Where yon furnish orates
and piok the berries, he oharges $' per
orate; he sells terries at 13 per orate
ready picked or delivers at $2.25 per
orate. Now is the time to get your
berries while tbey are in first-class
Program at the Dreamland theater
for Friday and Saturday; 1. ."The
Banob Girl's Trial," Essanay. 2.
"Sncsbine," Essaoay. 8. "The Old
Chess Players," Lubin. Sunday eve
ning: 1. "At tbe Masquerade Ball,"
EdisoD. 2. "In tbe Serviue of tbe
State," Lutin. 3. "Soenes of Irish
Lie in Dublin," Vitagrapb.
VAthena was not without herpatriot
4V demonstration on the glorions
Fonrtb, for the stay-nt-bomes were
entertained at tbe headquarters of the
Neversweat Glob by Dr. Dell, who de
livered a splendid oration in honor of
tbe day.' Violin musio in patriotio
strain was also enjoyed and a generous
collection was taken to defray ex
penses of the treats.
A. M. Meldru'm returned from Tur
ner and Portland and preaobed in bis
home pulpit Sunday morning and eve
ning. He left on the early train Mon
day for Elgin, where with his family
he will spend a three weeks vaoation,
returning . here for the 27th iust.
While in Portland attending tbe
World's Christian Citizenship confer
ence, Mr. Meldrom preaobed in a sub
urban ubnrob, when he reoeived seven
Eons into tbe oborob,
onday evening Sam Halt's auto
k was used to unload tbe big corn
tine harvester of Walter & Soottfrom
tbe oar. The truck handled tbe ma
obine, wbioh weighs 20,000 pounds,
with ease. Tbis combine, made by
the Holt Manufacturing company, is
one of tbe roost oomplete harvesters
ever brought to this section . It is
known as tbe Oregon Special and
made specially to care for heavy crops
and lodged grain. It is equipped
with a i5 horse power gasoline engine.
It has a 20 foct cut, ii inob header
draper, 42 inch shoe and 26 lnoh cyl
inder. -
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. N. Scott enter
tained a nnmber of friends Wednes
day evening in bonor of Miss Marsatet
Clark, Mr. J. P. 'Doyle and Mr. P. J.
Callahan of Portland. Music and
games provided entertainment and
refreshments were served. Those in
attendance besides thti bonor guests
were Mr.'nud Mrs. Jobn C. Walter,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Uerkiug, Dr.
and Mrs. J. D. Plamondoo. Mr. aud
Mrs. David T. Stone. Mr. and Mrs. H.
A. Barrett, Misses Nettie Boyoe,
Jessioa MoEwen, Zelma and Merna
DePeatt, Kitty Gholson and Mr. Shel
don Taylor. .
Thackeray at the Minttrel.
When the Christy minstrels cm me to
London In 1857 Thackeray was eu
chantod with tbem. "I heard not long
since," be says in one of his letters, "a
minstrel who performed a negro ballad
that, I confess, moistened these specta
cles in a most unexpected manner. I
have gazed on thousands of tragedy
queens dying on tbe stage and expiring
in appropriate blank verse, and I never
wanted to wipe them. They have look
ed up, be it said, at many scores of
clergymen without being dimmed, and,
behold, a vagabond, with a corked
face and n banjo, sings a little song
and strikes a wild note which sets tbe
heart thrilling with happy pity." Clad
stone, too, was nn admirer of tbe
Christy minstrels and was often to be
seen listening to tbetr songs with rapt
attention. London Chronicle,
Almanacs were not allowed In tbe
bauds of tbe common people of Rome
until about 800 B. C Until that time
all knowledge of the calendar was en
tlrely In the cunjody of the priests Did
one wUb to know the date of a feast
day, the hours of the sun's rising or
setting or wlirn there would be a new
moon he mtiKi eonxult (he prlent. nn
tbee omrtt Jn were only to be re
veuled l Mm Hitr one dny a pre
gumptuim layman uaiued Flavlus. see
retnry or Appitis Claud Hi, obtained the
"ecret either by stealthily obtaining nc
eew to tlie doeiimeutx or by reentedlj
conxiilrinj: the t!i'u He engraved his
record nn white tablet aud exhibited
them often! in the forum and so be
came the futllKher of the first almanac.
CtvliiK alum iiefer lessens tbe pur,
-Spanlxb Proverb
We have built up a rep
utation for quality" in our
Hosiery department throu
our invariable insistence
upon" having only the best
grades. First of all, we
demand new goods and
never permit them to be
carried over from one sea
son to another. Hosiery
three or four seasons old
has had the life of the yarn
"burnt" out by the dyes
used; that's why freshness
of stock is necessary.
Our stocks include the best makes in black, white and
'and colored stockings, in all sizes, and fashioned in the
making to insure a perfect fit .
Prices Correspond.
Childrens Hose, 10 cents and up. . Child's half Hose 25 cents and 35 cents.
Ladies' Hose, 10 cents and up.
fir pnii i1
lew Wall Paper
"The Furniture Man' has added this
line to his already large, varied stock
Art Square Bargains
' We have the finest line of Art Squares ever shown in Atbena. All are of modern designs and op-t
tbe minute patterns. They are going at prioes never before beard of, olass of goods considered. Our line of
Furniture to oomplete. It includes late styles in CorsJoan Walnot, Birdseye and the popular Golden Oak. Tbe
very latest novelties in Iron and Brass Beds. Everything in Springs and Mattresses.
As a Rule, They Ars Wage Earners
Even Though Married.
There Is an outstanding point of dif
ference between the activities of wo
men In Denmark and In other coun
tries. In Denmark the sole aim is
economic independence for women
throughout their lives.
Thus in Copenhagen more than 1,000
married women work ns clerks In of
fices. By far the majority of actresses
are married. In order to enter the
school of the corps de ballet It is nee
ess.yy to be of good family. Tbe
greater part of the husbands of ballet
dancers are In hlh positions'.
Three hundred and fifty to four hun
died of the teachers in the free schools
In Copenhagen are married. They re
eclve exactly the same xnlnry ns the
men 'tenehers-thut Is. I4 yearly. A
heart teacher, man or woman, com
mences with fliiO and rlaes to 1208.
In the gyiniiaKliiiim and secondary
schools many of the professors are
married women, w ho also form a con
slderable proportion of the privnt-do-ccntcn
In the universities. The munic
ipal council of Copenhagen bas several
women members.
In brief, In Denmark It Is the rule
rather than the exception for the mar
ried woman to be economically Inde
pendent through her own labors. Lon
don Spectator.
An Easy Way to Make the Growth of
Ice Crystals Visible,
it is not commonly known that fresh
water may sometimes be "colder than
Ice" and that the growth of ice crystals
may be made plainly visible. An in
teresting experiment to show this may
easily be made.
Fill a clean pint bottlo wltb distilled
water. Make a bole In the stopper
large enough to let the thermometer
pass through It The kind of ther
mometer used in physical laboratories
is most convenient Insert tbe stop
per in the bottlo and let tbe thermome
ter reach nearly to tbe bottom.
rack snow or ice and salt round tbe
bottle as yon would pack an ice cream
freezer. If the, bottlo Is not Jarred
tbe temperature may be seen to drop
several degrees below tbe freezing
point without freezing the water.
If the stopper and thermometer are
now removed and a small piece of ice
free from nny trace of salt is inserted
in the bottle and pushed down into tbe
water crystals of Ice may be seen to
shoot out in all directions from It
After this experiment bas been tried
yon will have some understanding of
the network of Ice girders which is be
neath the ice coating of small ponds.
London Telegraph.
There Is : better ballast for keeping
t& mind steady on Its keel than busi
lies -Lowell
Atvailntr Kllkl unit. VU iu a : 'I .ff
balanced gun, without njr objectionabla humps or bump; no holi on top for fM to b1owbuf
through or water to get in; cant frccxe up with rain, miow, or lect; it'a aofid steel breech!
v . 1 , , V e"" uwrougniy symmetrical gun witUout aacrUicuig atrcngth or:
aafetyi It lath lafwt brecch-loading ihotgunavcr built. ,
" la Hammerlus with Solid Stel Breach (inside as well as out) Solid Top-Sid
Ejection-MUd Barrel (which costa $4.00 extra on other guns) Preea Button Cartridge
Releaa (to remove loaded Cartridge quickly from magazine without working through action).
Doubl Extractor. Tele e-Down Feature Trigger and Hammer Safety. Ilandlca rapidly ;l
guaranteed in (hooting ability; price atandard Grade "A" sun, S22.60.
Fend 8 atamp postage for f,;g catalog describing No. jr, 7TT-:M X)Mmm, fn i
A, B, C, If, T and Tran Special and all other Iff Jtaitlti firearms Uk
2flar&n repeating rifle and shotguns. Do it now I 42 Willow Street, New Haven, Conn?
If you shoot
ft rifle, pistol or shotgun, you should have a Copy of the Meal Hand
RaL t ksitmi nf nai fiil Information for shooters. It tells all about
powders, bullets, primers and reloading tools for all standard rifle, pistol and shotgun'
ammunition; now to measure powder accurately; snowa you now to cut your ammunuion
expense In half and do more and better shooting. This book is free to any shooter who will
aend three stamps postage to Tbe Marlin Firearm Co., 42 Willow St., New Haven, Conn,
Beach Thoughts
Are In Season
And with them come the
Suggestion of a trip to
Reached Via
O-W. R. & N. Columbia River
Steamers Beyond
You will always be glad you spent vour summer at this
splendid resort, where w. yes and trees combine
to add pleasure to your outing.
J. R. MATHERS, Athena, Agent O.-W. R. & N.