The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, July 11, 1913, Image 2

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F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Published Every Friday. Office, Corner
Third and Jefferson Streets.
Entered in th J-oHofflce at Athena, Oregon,
nit ffonrtPlHss Mail Mpt'cr.
Subscription Rates.
1 One copy, one year . . $ 1-50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00)
' One copy, six months 75
One copy? three months 50
; Advertising Rates.
Display, transient, running less than one
month, first insertion, per inch ...... 25c
Subsequent insertions Hi
Display regular, per inch 12
Local readers, first insertion, per line. 10c
Subsequent insertions, per line 5c
Lodge resolutions, per line 5c
Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c
cATHENA. ORE.. JULY 11 1913
The largest bank io the United
States did two tbiuRS tbe otber day
tbat attiacted inoob attention. For
months it bad held to a minimum rate
of tbiee per cent for call loans on
stock exohauge collateral ; bat it sns
pended tbat iale and, as a result, call
loans dropped below two per cent.
Also, fcr a good while, in order to
streogtbeu cash reserves, it bad been
cot of tbe market for commercial pa
per tbat is. bad ceased baying mer
chants' and manufaotuters' notes; bat,
at tbe same time tbe call rate was
lowered, the bank boogbt several
million dollars of commercial paper
on a fix per cent basis. At least
one otber very large bank is said to
have followed its example. So there
yon bave tbe typical situation nnder
conditions like tbe present money
plentiful snd oboap for Stook Ex
change speonlatiou; mouey snaroe and
dear for legitimate business. For this
the banks ore not in tho least to blame.
Tbe condition is farced upon them by
oar bad hanking system. In a time
of. some stress the big city banks
holding tbe reserves of tbe cunntry
banks mast ksnp etroug in oasb or in
paper immediately convertible into
cash. Call loans on tbe stook ex
ohauge oan be immediately converted
intooasb; bat tbe notes of merchants
and ruannfaotartira, running from three
to six mi ntbs, cannot be rualizad upon
until tbey mature. Ilenoe ioevit-abJy-.tbe
city banks are obary of ty
ing op their funds in commercial pa
por, bat are free to lend on tbe stock
exchange. There is no remedy for
tbis except in a central organization
that will always ledmconnt coramer
cial paper, as the central banks of
Europe do. Whether tbat organiza
tion is on lied a neutral Lmuk or a
regional reHervo association is immaterial.
Among t lio first things txkon np by
Superintendent J. A. Chnrohill was
tbo work done in the industrial depart
ment. In older to get a line on what
is being done in tbe different coun
ties, Mr. Uburobill oallid a meeting
of the connty superintendents who
were iu session last week at the State
House in tbe capacity of the State
Hoard of Examiners. Eaob superin
tendent reported an increasing inter
est in tbe ruoveuiaufc aud in most oas
es the local exritita bid fair to le
larger and tetter than last year.
Tbe State Fair board was anxious to
uHoertaiu os nearly as possible bow
u'auy nouutica would make collective
county exhibits aud how much space
would be required for tho javeuiln de
partment. According to reports frcru
tbe gupetintoudenU, a dozen county
exhibits and prbapg twioe as many
dlstriot exhibits which, in connection
with the individual exhibit, will make
the largest and best display of school
children's industrial work ever assem
Lied in any state.
I -J-. .... -.. !
Uoma and precious stories were pro
duced in tbe United States in 1013 to
tba value of 31l.,.23 nucoruiug to
Dnnglai D. Stetrett, of the United
f. u tea Geological Survey. The kinds
' preoioua stones found iu the United
t lutes ate runny, tanging from dia
monds of flno quality to low grade
stones Buoh an agatw, bat os is seen
from tbe total value of tbe output
there ore no really large operations,
U 1 t principal gem mineral miued in
United ' States dutiug 1013 was
, .ontaua sapphire, of which there was
a large output for use both as gems
aud in tueohnnioal applications. The
greater part of tbe geiu sapphires came
from tbe mines in Fergus county,
where they are found iu a rook mat
rix. Tbe major ily of these stoues bave
tba true sappbire bloe color. The
bulk of tbe sapphire for meohanioal
use cams lrorn tbe placer deposits in
Granite aud Deer Lodge counties
and consists of van colored stouos.
Aooordlng to Dr. W. U. Whitney,
in charge of tbs Geueral Elect tio Co.,
research laboratories, the advances in
. inoandvsoent lighting alone in this
coautry iu tbo last 100 years represent
a saving of f 120,000,000 a year or
nearly a milliou dollars a day. lie
also calls attention to tbe faot tbat
as a result of investigations with lbs
mercury aro, bis company baa already
bad a sale of over a milliou dollars
extra. There are a great many con
cerns Id tbis country spending over a
hundred thousand dollars aouually ou
mtarcb. f ...
And Also on Over-strong Tea and Even
on Cold Water.
According to n bouse surgeon iu a
London hospital, it is not necessary to
take strong drink at all in order to be
druuk. Cnscs hare been known in
which patients have got drunk on a
liccfsioiil; after having been for many
weeks on a very light diet. Tbe iu
toxlctitioit in these cases showed it
self in n slight dizziness nud diwni
ness mid indistinctness of speech.
Similar cases bave been known in
which the only Intoxicant has been
strong tea. In fact, there are instances
in medical books of exceptionnf people
in whom the constant use of over
strong, overdraw!' tea has brought
about distinct symptoms of delirium
tremens. ;
Perhaps the most curious sort of in
toxication on record is that in which
the only intoxicant is cold water drip
ping from a water tap into the ear.
In Germany a few years ogo quite a
number of morbid people bad n crav
ing for this curious way of inducing
drunkenness, but it seems to have been
stamped out.
The drip of the water is said to
cause n painful boiling sensation nt
first and then to cause a pleosaut drow
siness, ending In deep sleep. When
the victim is roused he is dull and stu
pid in manner, like a heavy drinker.
This craze makes its victim n nervous
wreck In a very Bhort time. Pearson's
Riotous Sport In the Breakers That
- Lash the Coast of Hawaii,
"One of tbo novel pleasures In which
most travelers Indulge while In Hono
lulu is surf riding nt Wulkikl. near
Diamond bead," writes John Bur
roughs In the Century. "The sea, with
n floor of lava aud coral, is hero shal
low for a long distance out. mid tho
surf comes in nt Intervals like a line
of steeds cantering over a plain. We
went out In our bathing suits in n
long, heavy dugout, with n native
oai'siiiau n each end.
"When several hundred yards from
shore we saw on looking sen ward tho
long, shining billows coming, where
upon our oarsmen beaded the ennoe
toward shore and plied their paddles
with, the utmost vigor, uttering simul
taneously a curious, excited cry. In a
moment the breaker caught us aud, lu
some way holding us on its crest, shot
us toward the shore like nu arrow.
"Tho sensation is novel and thrilling.
Tho foam Hies; the wuters leap nbout
you. You are coasting ou the sea, and
you Bhout with delight and pray for
tbe sensation to continue. Hut it is
quickly over. The hurrying breaker
slips from under you and leaves you
in the trough, while It goes foaming
on the shore. Then you turn about
and row out from shore again and
wait for another chance to be shot to
ward the land on the foaming crest of
a great Paclllc wave."
Agues - What fuoilsl) things a young
man will do when he's In love. Kthel
Oli. Allies, I'll bet Jack's proposed.
Boston Transcript.
In tho Circuit Court cf tbe State of
Oregon, tor the County of Umatilla.
P. I), tlawley, Plaintill, vs. George
K. Ueecher and all nuknowu own
ers and all other persons claiming
any Interest lu or to the land descri
bed herein, Defendants.
Summous for Publication iu fore
closure of Tax liien.
To George K. Duenhei the above named
defendant, and all anknown owners
and nil other persons claiming any in
terest iu or to tbe land described
brrtiu :
Iu tbe name of tbe State of Oregon,
you are hereby notified that P. D.
llawley, the holder of Oerttloate of De
liuqnenoy numbered 280, issued ou tbe
1st day of August, 1010. by too Tax Col
lector of tbe oounty of Umatilla State
of Orogou, for tho amount of Tbirtueu
and 15-100 Dollars., the same beiug
the amount then due aud delinquent
for taxes for tbe year 100$, together
with penalty, interest aud costs there
ou upon the real property assessed to
you, of whiub you are the owner ns
appears of reooid, situated iu said
Cuuuty and Slate, and particularly
touudud and described as follows, to
wit: The Kortbeast quarter (NE'4)of
Seotlou 19, Township G North, Hauge
!);S E. W. M. ooutaiulag 100 eores.
You are further notified that said P.
D. llawley has paid taxes on said prem
ises for prior and subsequent years
with tbe rate of intorest ou suid
amounts as follows:
YrVl'tu Date pit. Tax ltcc'iil Ami. Kate
No, of hit'
1WKI AUK. I, '10
1MU A UK. I, '10
1HI0 .lllly , U'J
llllt June 18, 'Hi
t '2 7,i 1. 1 ii.d.
ii :io is iu
8 7A lap.c.
10 37 Ijp.e.
a 17
Said George K. Doaober, its tbe
owner of tbe legal title of the above
described property as tbe same appears
of record, aud eacb ot the otber persons
above named are hereby further no
tified tbat P. B. llawley will apply to
the otrouit oomt of tbe oounty aud
slate aforesaid for a decree foreclos
ing tbe lieu against the property
above described and mentioned iu
said oertifloate. and yon are hereby
summoned to appear witbiu sixty
days alter tbe first publication ot tbe
summons exclusive ot (ha day of said
first publication, aud defend this
aotiou or pay the amount due as
above shown together with costs aud
scorned interest and in case ot your
failure to do so, a decree will ber en
dured foreolosiog the lien of said taxes
sod ousts against tbe land aud prem
ises above named.
Tbis summons is published by or
der of the Honorable G. W. Phelps,
Judge of tbo Circuit court ot the
State of Oregon, for the oounty ot
UiuatUls, and said ordot was made
and dated this 8th day of May, 1913,
aud tbe date ot tbs first publication
ot this summons is tbe 4th day of
Joly, 1913.
All process and papers iu tbis
proceeding may be served upon tbe
undersigned tesidiug within tba Mate
ot Oregon, at tbe address hereafter
Frederick Steiwer, District Attorney
aud Attorney for be Piaiutitf.
Address, rsudelstou, Oregon.
In the Cironit Court of tbe State of
Oregon, for tbe connty of Uma
tilla. P. B. Hawley, Plaintiff, vs. George
K. Beeober and all unknown own
ers and all otber persons claim
ing any interest in or to tbe land de
scribed herein, Defendants.
Summons for Publication in Fore
closure of Tax Lien.
To George K. Beeober, tbe above
named defendant, and all un
known owners and all other persons
claiming any interest in or to tbe
laud described herein.
In tbe name of .tbe State of Oregon:
You ere hereby notified tbat P. B.
Hawley, tbe bolder of Certificate of
Delinquency numbered 110, issued on
tbe let day of November, 1909, by
the Tax Collector of the connty of
Umatilla, State of Oregou for tbe
amount of Nine aud 25-100 Dollars,
the1 same beiug tbe amount then due
and delinquent for taxes for the year
1908, together with penalty, interest
aud costs thereon upon the real prop
erty assessed to yoa, of wbiob vou
are tbe owner as appears of reoord
situated in said County aud State
and particularly bounded and de
scribed as follows, towit:
Tbe North bait of tbe Southeast
quarter (N of - SE) and the
Southwest quarter of tbe Sonbeast
quarter (SWJ of 8E) in section,
nineteen (19) Township six (6) North
Range 83 E. W. M. containing 130
You are further uotiOed tbat said
P. B. Eawley has paid taxes on said
premises for prior or subsequent
years with the rate of iolerest on
said amounts as follows:
Yr's.Tnx Date Pd. Taxllec'pt Ami. Rate
No. of Int.
S. F. Sharp
Special attention given to all
calib both night and day.
Calif promptly answered. Office on Tbtrd
Street, Athena Oregor
Alhena, Oregon. - Pendleton, Oregon
Homer I. Watts
L Attorney-at-Law
Athena, Oregon.
Official Stock Inspector. Graduale ilcKllllp
Vetlnary college, Chicago
Phone Mnln 37, PENDLETON, OliKGOX
Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist
Suggestive Therapeutist
Office in Barrett Building
Chronic Diseases a Specialty. Exami
nation and Consultation Free.
I! Ml May 15. '10 4I(KI - 8 7IK)15p.C,
1H10 Mur.lft, 11 4M 6113 I'jp.c.
11)11 June is, 12 im 0 00 lope.
Said George K, Beeober, as the owner
of the legal title of tbe above describ
ed property as tbe same appears of
reoord, and each of tbe otber per
sons above named are hereby further
notified tbat P. B. Hawley will ap
ply, to tbe Circuit Court of the Coun
ty and State aforesaid for a deoree
foreclosing tbe lien against tbe prop
erly above described and Mention
ed iu said certificate. Aud you are
hereby summoned to appear with
in sixty days after tbe first pnblioa
tiou of the summons exclusive of tbe
day of said first paoliuatioo, and
defend tbis aotiou or pay the amount
due as above shown togotber with
ooBts and ocorued interest and in
case of your failure to do so. a de
cree will be rendered foreclosing
tbe lien of said taxes and costs
against tbe land and premises above
Tbis summous is published by or
der of the Honorable Q. W. Phelps,
Judge of tbe Circuit Court of tbe
State of Oregon, for tbe Connty of
Umatilla, and said order was made
and dated tbis 8th day of May, 1913,
aud tbe date of tbe Orst publication
of ibis summons is tbe 4th day of
July, 1913.
All process and papers io tbis pro
ceeding may to served upon tbe un
dersigned residing witbin the State ot
Oregon, at tbe address hereafter men
tioned. - ,
Frederick Stehvor, District Attor
ney and Attorney for tbe Pluiutiff.
. Address, Pendleton, Oregou.
In tbe County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
Iu the Matter of tho Estato of
Leo Thomas MoBride, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
whom it may concern that William
A. MoBride baa qualified os tbe ex
eoutor of tbe laBt will aud testameut
ot Leo Thomas MoBride, deoeasod.
All persons huving claims against the
estate are required to present them,
with proper vouchers as required by
law, to said exeoutor at bis home
near Adams, Oregon or to bis attor
neys, Peterson & Bishop, at their law
otiioe in tbe Smith-Crawford Building
at Pendle.on, Oregou, witbin six
months from tbo first publioatiou of
tbis notice.
Dtited tbis the 6tb day ot June,
A. D., 1913.
His Attorneys.
In the County Court of tbe State
of Oregou for Umatilla County.
Iu tbe Matter of the Estate ot
Unstavus Cornoyer. Deoeased.
Notice is hereby given that Rose
Cornoyer has qualiQed as executrix
ot tbe last will aud testament of Gus
tavus Coruoyer, deoeased; all persons
haviug claims against tbe estate are
required to present tbem with proper
vouobers as required by law to her at
the law oflioes of her attorneys, Pet
erson & Bishop, at Athena, Oregon, or
at Peudleton, Oregon, witbin six
months from tbo date of the first pub
lication of tbis notioe.
Dated tbis tbe 13th day of June,
By Peterson & Bishop, Exeoutrix.
Her Attorneys.
In AH Branches
And Decorating
Complete Stock of
Wall Paper, Paint
Oil, Glass. etc
G. 11. KIDDER,
Main Street, Athena, Ore.
; c
: the :
J. E. FBOOME, mop. !
x m
Only First-class Hotel in
, the City.
t ?? t
4 '
li the only one that can accommodate
J eommerolal travelers.
tff t
Can beiecomended lor lit clean and
well ventilated rooms.
Cob. Mais ahdThibd, Athena, Or.
Pendleton and Athena
General Photography and Photographic
Supplies. Enlarging, Reproducing and
Kodak Finishing.
BEGINS-its forty-fifth school year
September ie. iai3.
DEGREE COURSESin manyphasesof
agriculture, ' engineering, home
Economics. Mining, forestry. Com
merce, PHARMACY.
ARTS, forestry, commerce, PHARMACY
training, agriculture, domestic science
and art.
MUSIC, including piano, string, band
instruments and voice culture.
"Thk Enrichment ov Rurat, Like"
and a CATAI.OGUB will be mailed free
on application.
Address II. M. Tennant, Registrar.
(tw-7-15 to 9-9) Corvallis, Oregon.
One Block South of St. Nichols Hotel,
1st, 2nd, 15th and 16th of each month.
Studio in the Eagle-Woodman Building.
A Trade Marks
..... . I.'." , im
Anyone sending a iketch and description may
nulckly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention l probably pntentn'-'e. Communica
tions strictly conadentlnl. HANUilOOK on Patents
tent free. Oldest asency for securing patents.
l'ntents taken through Munn k Co. receive
ipeclal notice, without charge, lu tbe
Scientific American
A handsomely Illustrated, weekly. Largest clr.
dilation of any aclentlflo Journal. Terms, 13 a
veurs f our months, iL Bold by all newsdealers.
MUNN &Co.36,Broadwa"- New York
Branch Office, 626 F BU Washington, D. c.
"The LIFE of a wagon is what counts
'-that's why I buy a Studebaker"
"That's reasonable, isn't it?"
"A wagon that doesn't last is expensive no matter
what price you pay for it."
"Suppose you buy three wagon9, one after the
other, and the three of them don't last as long as one
Studebaker which is the best bargain?"
" I didn't find this out myself. I heard my grandfather say it
good many years ago. He said he had proved that it paid to buy
a Studebaker. 1 followed his advice to my own satisfaction."
"A wagon can't have life in it unless it has the material and
work and finish in it. The Studebaker people have been making
, vehicles for sixty years. They ought to know how to make wagons
, right and they do. They have the reputation because they've
produced the goods. They don't put the name Studebaker on
until the wagon's right, and when you see the name Studebaker
on a vehicle of any kind it is your insurance of quality."
"That's why I buy a Studebaker. I trust a Studebaker wagon
because I trust the people that make them. It's good business.
"A Studebaker promise is always made good.'
5m pur Dealtt of wrltt uu
STUDEBAKER South Bend, Ind.
Spring Clothes! Where?
Sunt Sub
This is not
I. :! " i'-
The largest and most com
plete line of Domesctic
and Imported Woolens I
have ever shown is on
display at my shop. All
the fancy colors iu
Browns, Tans, Grays.
Greens and Blue Serges.
Everything that any city
shop carries, I have it,
with good, dependable
workmanship inside and
out, at prices from $15 to
$25. Ladies' Suits, Skirts,
oncpiece Dresses, Rain
Coats. Also made from
your own material, if
you desire it.
Cartful attention given to all cleaning, pressing and alteration work. But
tons covered. My motto is to please regardless of time or expense. Present
location, Foss house, one block north ol school house.
Athena, Ore. JAMES CON LEY, The Tailor
Ear . v
S. F. WILSON, President,
H. KOEPKE Vice-President,
F. S. Le GROW, Cashier.
E. E. KOONTZ. Ass't Cashier.
F. S. Le GROW.
We extend to our Depositors every cccommdation
consistent with sound Banking.
3 af !tii nf
then a Mote
Mrs. L. Chittenden, Proprietor
White Help Only, Employed
Good Clean Rooms Table served
with the best the . market affords
A Home For the Traveling Public
Reasonable Rates
Courteous Treatment
Preston-ShaifFer Milling Co.
Is trade in Athena, by Athena labor, in one of the very best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour for
$1.40 Per Sack
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash.
13353 "332
r. L. ATKINSON, Proprietor
The Best of Rigs
Careful drivers. Special attention given Commeroial trade. Horses
Loorded by tbe day, week or month.
Hardware & Implements
G. W. Proebstel, Weston
Meritorous values in an uptodate stock of Hardware,
Implements and Vehicles. Winona Wagons, Moline
Hacks, Buggies, Harness, Incubators and Brooders, Lum
ber, Shingles, Cement, Lime and general progressive line
to meet all demands. See us before buying. Fair treat
ment in quality and price. "
All Sold at Reduced Prices for Cash
McConnon Remedies
Known oa their merits, as pure and rehabl We call special attention to .
our tTHaccolax Tables and entholatum Salve. All wh have used them
find same indispensable for the home "
Our Stock Tonic
ia made from ve2eub!e products and is rcarranteed from any poison matter
Same can be had from McConnon Wagon or
Wright Livery Athena, Oregon