The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 13, 1913, Image 2

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F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Published Every Friday. Office, Corner
Third and Jefferson Streets.
Entered in the fORtoffice at Athena, Oregon,
as econdOlasg Mall Matter.
-. - Subscription Ratee.
One copy, one year $1.50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00)
One copy, six months .............. .75
One copy, three months -50
Advertising Rates.
Display, transient, running less than one
month, first insertion, per inch 25c
Subsequent insertions 124
Display regular, per inch 12
Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c
Subsequent insertions, per line 5c
Lodge resolutions, per line 5c
Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c
eTHENA. ORE.. JUNE 13 1913
One of (be charges against the Ger
man aimameut marinfaoturera is that
they spent large suits of money in
Fianoe stirring tip an anti-Tentonio
-propoganda. This ' keeps business
moving in the fatberland and was
looked on in tbe ligbt of legitimate
commercial promotion. Spotting gen
tlemen who indaoe roosters and dogs
to fight are attested, fined and some
times looked in jail. Ibat is as it
should be. But what will tbe civil
ized world soy of tbe tig business that
seoretly indaoea two great nations to
hate each other, perhaps engage in a
war that may well nigh wreck civil
ization? Hire greed seems to have
reaobed its limit. Bat tbe promoter
of dog fights goes to jail and tbe pro
moter cf man fights enjoys honors,
prestige and fame.
MoMauus says in tbe Flint Book
Eeoord: "An ex-minister of tbe gos
pel has made, according to bis own
statement, over $16,000 engineering a
newspaper in this county, bis success
being due to printing tbe 'news.'
When be first commenced bis wonder
ful career as tbe editor of a measly
weekly in a town with the suggestive
name of Free Water, be did not know
tbe difference between a "stiokfal" of
type and a "shooting slick." Bet be
succeeded, bis snbsoribeta remaining
in ignorance as to tbe little be knew
about tbe art of all arts. Now that
be has oleaned up fifteen thousand
planks be makes full confession as to
how lie buncoed big readers. We do
not doubt tbe veraoity of tbe editor ol
tbe aqua pura town, but we feel uou
ildent he keeps a gontleman's wine
cellar of high-proof stuff, that Col.
Boyd and the Pendlotcn editors should
lose no time in duplicating."
Franoe. Italy and Spain have with
in two months renewed (heir arbitra
tion treutios with tbe United States
for a period of five years; and on tbe
81st tbe Amerioan Secretary of State,
Mr. Bryan, and the British ambassa
dor, Sir Cecil Spring -Rico signed a re
newal for five years of tbe general ar
bitration treaty botweeu the United
States and Great Biitain. Other
speoial treaties whiob tbe President
baa expressed willingness to renew,
expire in tbe following order: Nor
way, Jane 3-1; Sweden, August 18;
Japan,pAuguBt 21; Pottugal, Novem
ber 14; and Switzerland, Decern ter
23. Tbe treaty with Mexioo will ex
pire Juue 37.
Tbe Cacyou City Eagle calls atten
tion to tbe ouly girl wbo attended
Hohool at Izoe, in Grant oonnty tbe
past year. Tbe Eagle says: In the
eobool at Izeo whiob closed last week
is a little girl who has a record whiob
would be Lard to beat. The gill's
came is Sarah Mosier. Sbeis8veia
cf age and her parents me Mr. aud
Mrs. Fred Mosier. She was tbe only
girl member of the eobool and every
day for nine montbc, with the excep
tion of four days, this little maiden
roda her pony ft distuuee of 10 miles
to aobool.
TliO most successful home show ever
1 Id in Umatilla oounty is reported
I j be taking place in Milton today,
-e stook exhibitiou is clasny, 30 il
idt cups being awurded aspires to
the competitors. Tbo strawberry fes
tival Is a pleasant feature, which the
crowds are enjoying. Miltou'a attaw
U:tr day end., horse Bbow affords
n.. annual day of pleasuia to many
1 andreds of Umatilla aud WalJa Wei
ll oounty people.
A little girl wrote the following
composition on men: MeuarewbBt
women marry. They driuk and smoke
and aware, tot don't goto churob.
I'erhapa if they wore bonuets tbey
would. They are more logioal than
women, and also mora zoological.
Both meu aud women sproug from
monkeys, Lot tbe women epicug fur
ther thau men."
The Oaledooiaus, the Farmers aud
tbe Pioneers have bad their reunions
and picnics, aud today witnesses Mil
ton's borne show aud Stiawbriry day.
ftext we wilt poll few eagle feutbeis
on Independent) Day, tbeu wait fci
the Boond-op.
Tba Mexican government has boo
ceeded Id obtaining a loan of TJ5,
000,000, and tbe National Railways,
a government owued institution, a
loan cf atoot f37.OO0.OOO, from New
York, Loudon, 1'arU aud Berlin tank
To proteot St Petersburg, Russia
has begun tbe construction of tbe
Peter tbe Great fortrees, to be the
largest in the world, and to consist of
a obain of island forts aoross tba gulf
of Finland, a distanoe of 38 miles.
We are pleased to note that China
is making marked progress in her
efforts to beoome an up-to-date re
public and is far ahead of some of tbe
so called civilized nations beyond tbe
big water.
Tbe first number of tbe Bulletin,
Iono's new paper, witb L. K. Harlar
at the helm, is before us. If lone is
as good a town as tbe Bulletin is a
newspaper, tbe two should pull well
Tbe English suffragettes have tbe
courage of their convictions, and sev
eral of them, it seems, have been con
victed of law-breaking. Their slogan
is now, "no taxation without representation."
Carnegie tbrealena to enlist in the
army if tbe Japs insist on having a
war witb tbis country. Tbe Mikado
will probably manage to avoid a war
in view of Carnegie's threat.
Such as Welsh Rabbit, Scotch Wood
cock and Mock Crab.
When one comes to think of It, It Is
surprising how many fabulous animals
cotno regularly to the dinner table or
supper table.
Among them, of course, tbe most
familiar is tho Welsh rabbit, which In
lis original form was merely tonsted
cheese. Some folks declare that the
name is a corruption of "rarebit." but
this has never been proved.
Then there Is the golden buck, which
Is a Welsh rabbit with a poached egg
on top. Chinese rabbit is n Welsh rab
bit with rieo In It, and a Mexican rub-
.' (otherwise known ns n Spanish
ibbit) contains tomatoes and onions.
So much for rabbits. But bow many
people are familiar with the Cape
Cod turkey? Plenty In New Ungland,
where codfish goes under that name.
Scotch woodcock Is two slices of hot
buttered toast, with an anchovy on
each slice and a sauce made of half a
pint of milk and the yolks of three eggs
poured over them
Less familiar perhaps Is Kngllsh
monkey, which is made by soaking a
cupful of breadcrumbs in n cupful of
milk nnd adding a tnblespoonful of
melted butter, n beaten egg nnd half a
cupful of grated cheese, the whole,
with salt nnd pepper added, being
poured over toasted crackers.
The mock turtle Is one of the most
famllinr of fabulous table animals, be
ing served In the form of soup In
"Alice's Adventures In Wonderland"
will be found n striking picture of this
retnnrknblo reptile, represented with
tho body of n turtlo and tho head of n
Mock duck Is a roll of chopped meat
and breadcrumbs baked. Mock crab
is made by mixing equal parts of grat
ed cheese and butter, seasoning with
salt, pepper and vinegar and adding a
few drops of anchovy sauce. The
paste thus prepared Is spread on slices
of dry toaxt or sometimes served In
crib shells.
Last, but not least remarkable, of
tbeso mythological animals, known
only to the kitchen naturalist, Is the
corn oyster, which Is n small fritter of
green corn fried like a real oyster.
New York American.
There It a Curious Resemblance Be
tween Them and Meteorites.
How do nuggets of gold originate
Sometimes a mass of the precious met
al worth a thousand dollars or more Is
found. By what process was so much
gold compacted Into a lump?
An attempt was made not long ago
to nnswer this question. An Investiga
tor in Australia cut aud sliced and
polished gold nuggets with the sola
purpose of finding out Just what la
their struct lire. Tbe first thing be dis
covered wns that there Is one curious
point of resemblance between gold
nuggets nnd meteorites. Both, when
polished and etched with chlorine wa
ter, exhibit a crystalline structure. In
tho case of meteorites tbe lines thus
exhibited on the etched surface are
called Wldmannstattian figures, nnd
their presence Is said to be one of the
most invariable characteristics of those
metallic bodies that fall from tbe sky
to the earth.
But it is not meant to be Implied that
gold nuggets hove fallen from the sky
because they exhibit a crystalline struc
ture recalling that of meteorites. The
resemblance Is appnreutly ouly super
flclal, and the crystals of the nuggets
differ In form from those of the nie
Another curious fact Is that when a
uugget Is heated In a Bunsen flame ex
plosions take place on Its surface Kits
tern are formed which continue to
swell nntil they burst with n sharp re
port and bits of gold are violently scat
tered about It Is evident that tbe nug
gets contain either gases or some liq
uids or solids which ore easily convert
ed Into the gaseous form, tbe ex pan
alon of which produces the explosions.
-Harper's Weekly.
Lion For Dinner.
On Christinas. 1874. a curious dinner
took place lo Paris. Somo score of con
tributors nnd draftsiui'U of the Chasse
lllustree dined nt Magny'n rpstaurant
uiK!ir the presidency of M. Firniln
Dldot, tba publisher, to taste the ham
and heart of the lust Hon killed In Al
geria by Constauee Clwut. Tbo flesh
was fonod to be particularly fl1)1
cloj grained, like that of a horse, but
nevertheltji quite palatable The ham
was preferred to tlw fepurU which, al
though skillfully prepared itk truf
fles, was pronounced somewhat tough
aud dliUcult of dlpMttua-
Mighty Texas,
"Texas Is a big stated remarked tha
native. "A man from the eastern part
of the state is a southerner; a niao
from tbo other aide of the state U a
westerner." 1
"How about a man from the north
ern part of the state?"
"He's a Yankee. "-Louisville Courier
Journal. Another Mystery Explained.
A woman frequently changes her
mind. That's why she Is able to give
ff person ii piece of It and still always
have enough left for the next one.
Milwaukee Sentinel
Wat D'd He Mean?
"And -i "n are married?"
"1 told you I was tfo'ng to be."
"But I thought It was a joke."
"It Isn't "- Houston Post.
Id tbe County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
In tbe Matter of tbe Estate of
Leo Tbomas MoBride, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
whom it may oonoern that William
A. MoBride has qualified as tbe ex
ecutor of the last will and testament
of Leo Tbomas MoBride, deceased.
All persona having claims against tbe
estate are required to present them,
witb proper vouchers as required by
law, to said exeoutor at his borne
near Adams, Oregon or to bis attor
neys. Peterson & Bishop, at their law
office in tbe Smith-Crawford Building
at Pendleion, Oregon, within . six
months from tbe first publication of
tbis notice.
Dated tbis tbo 6tb day of June,
A. D., 1913.
His Attorneys.
In tbe County Conrt of tbe State
of Oregon for Umatilla County.
In tbe Matter of tbe Estate of
Gustavus Cornoyer. Deoeased.
Notioe is hereby given Ibat Rose
Cornoyer has qualified as exeoutrix
of tbe last will and testament of Ons
tavos Cornoyer, deceased; all persons
having claims against tbe estate are
required to present them witb proper
vouchers as required by law to her at
tbe law offioes of her attorneys, Pet
erson & Bishop, at Athena, Oregon, or
at Pendleton, Oregon, within six
months from tho date of tbe first pub
lication of tbis notioe.
Dated tbis tbe 13th day of June,
By Peterson & Bishop, Exeoutrix.
Her Attorneys.
- No. 4516.
Athena, in the State of Oregon,
at the
Close of Business June 4, '13
l.oann and discounts (122 712 70
Overdrafts secured and unsecured 2 5l 07
U H bonds to secure circulation 12 500 00
H onds, secu ritlcs, etc. 1 Ml 07
Banking-house furniture fixtures 10 00000
Due from Nut. Bunks, not reserve
Agents 1 022 24
Due from State and Prlvato Banks
and Hankers, Tru Ht Companies
and Savings Banks 80 78
Duo from apr'v'd reserve accents, 130 WK( 7-t
('hecks and other Cosh items 1 247 81
Notes of otlur National Hunks 1 400 00
Fractional pnper currency, nickels
and cents, 11185
Specie 21 762 5
Ked'm'n fund with U 8 Treasurer
(5 per cent of circulation) 025 00
Total 5 600 015 77
Capital stock paid In foOOOOOO
Surplus fund 50 000 00
Uuatvtdcd profits, less expenses aud
taxes paid 8 3.1812
National bunk notes outstanding; 12 5(10 00
Pun to other Nutlonal Hanks 8 801 00
Individual deposits subject to check 8112 KJ8 XI
Demand corliflcutos of deposit 141 573 7
Certified checks 100 00
Cashier's cheeks outstanding 1 00
Letters of Credit -100 00
Total $ 006 m V
State of Oregon, I
County of llmatlllu J
I, K. S. l.o (irow, cashlerof theabove-named
bank, do solemnly swear that the above state
ment Is true to the best of my knowledge und
belief. V. H. Le Orow, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this III!)
day of Juue, 11)13, Homer I. Walts
Notary Public.
Conusor Attest: M. L. Walts,
V. H. Ferguson,
JI, Koepkts,
Pendleton and Athena
General Photography and Photographic
Supplies. Enlarging, Reproducing and
Kodak Finishing.
One Block South of St. Nichols Hotel,
1st, 2nd, 15th and 16th of each month.
Studio in the Eagle-Woodman Building.
In All Branches
And Decorating
Complete Stock of
Wall Paper, Paint
Oil, Glass etc
Mala Street, Athena, Ore.
S: E. FROOME, peop. ,
. ll? ; -
I Only First-class Hotel in
I . the City.
. U the only one that can accommodate
commercial travelers.
Can beiecomended for lis clean and
well ventilated rooms.
Cob. Maik akd Third, ATEUi,Or.
Birds of Quality
Write your wants and let me
quote 3'ou prices.
J. M. SWAGGART, Meadow
Brook Poultry Farm, Weston
Oregon. Route 2.
S. F. Sharp
Special attention given to all
calib both night and day.
Calls promptly answered. Office on Third
Street, Athena Oregor .
Athena, Oregon. - Pendleton, Oregon
Homer I. Watts
Athena, Oregon.
Official Stock Inspactor. Graduate McKllllp
Vetlnary college, Chicago
Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist
Suggestive Therapeutist
Office in Barrett Building
Chronic Diseases a Specialty. Exami
nation and Consultation Free. :
iaMMj. over es years
SsT rvomirMOC
A Tradc Marks
"ffttv Copyrights 4c.
Anyone lending a ketch nd description mT
Quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention Is probably patenmne. Communion,
tlonsstrlctlrconfldentlal. HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for eecuriufr patents.
Patents taken through Munn Co. recelre
tpteial notkt, without charge, la the
Sciitttific American.
A handsomely lllnrtrated weekly. larvest cir
culation of any sctentlQe Journal. Terms, 13 a
yenr: four months, IL Sold by all newsdealers.
Branch Ooe, 625 T BU Washington, D. C.
Walla Walla Invites Athena
To Attend the
Eighth Saenaerfest of North Pacific Saengerbund
WALLA WALLA, June 19th to 23rd, 1913
A Revelry of Music
Male Chorus of 600 voices in the songs of the. Fatherland. Famous artists in two
concerts. Greai Saengerfest Parade and free open air Concert, Saturday, June 21,
10 a. m. Big German Volksfest and Concert at Tum-a-Lum Park. Reduced rates
on all railways.
j in imir iimiiin linn - r -jin 11 in .JafaYkJ
"Studebaker wagons
certainly last a long time9'
"I have had this wagon twenty-two years, and
during that time it cost me only $6.00 for repairs, and
that was for setting two tires."
'And after twenty-two years of daily use in good
and bad weather and over all kinds of roads, I will
put this wagon against any ncv) wagon of another
make that you can buy today."
"Studebaker wagons are built of air-dried lumber
and tested iron and steel. Even the paint and varnish
are subjected to a laboratory test to insure wearing
"No wagon made is subjected to as many tests or is mora
carefully made than a Studebaker. You can buy them of Stude
baker dealers everywhere."
"Don't lieten to the dealer who wants to sell you a cheap
wagon, represented to be 'just as good' as a Studebaker"
Farm wagons, trucks, dump wagons and carta, delivery
wagons, buggies, surreys, depot wagons and harness of all kinds
of the samo high standard aa the Studebaker vehicles,
See out Dealer or wrlla to.
South Bend. Ind.
Spring Clothes! Where?
a Tins is not
H . J
The largest and most com
plete line of Domesctic
and Imported Woolens I
h ave ever shown is on
display at my shop. AU
the fancy colors iu
Browns, Tans, Grays,
Greens and Blue Serges.
Everything that any city
shop carries,' I have it,
with good, dependable
workmanship inside and
out, at prices from $15 to
$25. Ladies' Suits, Skirts,
one.piece Dresses, Rain
Coats. Also made from
your own material, if
you desire Jt.
Careful attention g ivn to all cleaning, pressing and alteration worJf. But.
tons covered. My motto is to please regardless of time or expense. Present
location, Foss house, one block north of school bouse.
Athena, Ore.
JAMES CON LEY, - The Tailor
S. F. WILSON, President,
H. KOEPKE Vice-President,
F. S. Le GROW, Cashier,
E. E. KOONTZ. Ass't Cashier.
F. a Le GROW.
We extend to our Depositors every cAccommdation i
consistent with sound Banking. ' "
' Mrs. L. Chittenden, Proprietor
White Help Only, Employed
Good Clean Rooms Table served
with the best the market affords
A Home For the Traveling Public
Reasonable Rates
Courteous Treatment
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Is made in Athena, by" Athena labor, in one of the very" best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour for
Per Sack
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon. Waltsbnrg, Wash.
f T 4 Trc T Ts i I Vf -won .sn-r, w-r a mt
F. L. ATKINSON, Proprietor
The Best of Rigs
Carefoi drivers. Special attention given Commercial trade. . Hoiees
boorded by the day, week or month.
Hardware & Implements
G. W. Proebstel, Weston
Meritorous values in an uptodate stock of Hardware,
Implements and Vehicles. Winona Wagons, Moline
Hacks, Buggies, Harness, Incubators and Brooders, Lum
ber, Shingles, Cement, Lime and general progressive line
to meet all demands. See us before buying. Fair treat
ment in quality and price,
All Sold at Reduced Prices for Cash
McConnon Remedies
D7n 0, 3 Pure and reliable, We call special attention to
ourl,ccolTable.Mdt7Wenthol.tum Salve. All wh, have used Aem
nnd same indispensable for the home
Our Stock Tonic
fright Livery Athena. Oregon