The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 06, 1913, Image 4

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f ' Can Bet you fancy prices for Wild Duck
"and other game in season. Write us for
cub offer on all kinds of poultry, pork, ate
Pearson-Page Co., Portland
White Wyandotte S,r3E
bred and stury. Write 1107 E 18th N, Portland. Or
afAKR RH! MONEY1 Be our reDreaentatire.
Easy sales anywhere. Show samples and take
orders. No risk. Don't wait: write today.
Dept. 12, Koom 312, Wilcox Bids., Portland. Or
HOWARD E. BUBTON - lawyer an CnsmM,
IXesdrille, Colorado. Speclmea priceai bold,
Silver, Lead. O. Gold, Silver. Wo; Gold. 60c: Zlno
or Copper, it Mailing envelope, a id foil price lis!
sent on application. Control and , Empire work so
lotted. Betentoosi Carbonate National Sank.
information and booklets of value to you.
182 Madison St, Portland. Or. .
Second-Hand Machin
ery bought, sold and
exchanged: engines.
boiler, sawmills, etc. 1 he J. E. Martin Co., 83 1st
SC Portland. Bend for Stock List and prices.
I X L Poultry Place, ?KBf &
with the best White Plymouth Rock hatching egrfrs
and chicks: great layers and unsurpassed for the
table. Egga fa per hd. Single settinirs tl and $2.
Chicks 16c each. Order now. (A slauart Is writs I'm.)
We are Sole
Agents for
band instruments. The moat complete stock
of Musical Merchandise in the Northwest.
Write for Catalogues. .
134 Second Street . Portland, Oregon
Send for our Book The Protective Patent"
telling how to protect In
vention, about our fee,
etc. and book etten of
f titoiit BuuoetHi oi our on
nta who have real I ted
ever a million dollar from
their patent. Aim tend
Hkotch of your Invention
for free opinion aa to pat
entability. Umlor Holib.
2H.-2H5M)GII. lildfi.. Wah.
Intra, 1). 0. Trade-Mark
it what they all say
".'ft ,j
v) A
. . $ P.,
LawaiAw. 4Mb, Irismi I
M.W.L Will, tumm ut Muuu
Wise Dental Co.
6 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 1
Phones: A 2029) Main 2029.
railing Bide., Third and Washington. Portland
of our
Methods of
Out-of-town peo
ple can have their
plat and bridge
work finished In one
day If necessary.
An absolute guar
antee, backed by 26
years in Portland.
Excellent Method of Putting Dally
"Leftovers" to Good Use Is a
Typical Italian Dish.
In ever the poorest of Italian homes
the brown casseroles are in evidence.
Failing one, however, any deep earth
en or granite ware dish will answer.
Wash thoroughly in two or three wa
ters one cup rice. Drain, then throw
into a kettle of boiling water with a
teaspoonful salt Boll rapidly for 15
or 20 minutes, until the rice is tender,
drain and set back on the range or in
the oven for the rice to swell and dry.
Take one-third of the cooked rice and
set aside and with the remainder line
sides and bottom of the buttered
casserole. To one pint cold minced
meat any sort preferred add two
well beaten eggs, two tablespoonfuls
dried bread crumbs, a tablespoonful
chopped parsley, a teaspoonful onion
Juice, two tablespoonfuls of melted
butter, and salt, pepper and sweet
herbs to season. Mix thoroughly, add
gravy or stock to make rather moist,
pack into the center of the casserole,
cover the top with the reserved rice
and cook for an hour. Serve with to
mato sauce.
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting Feels
vine Acta vatck'7- -Try it lor lied, weak,
Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus
trated Book in eiu'b. Package. Murine is
compounded by our Ocollsta not a "Patent Med
icine" but used In successful Physicians' Prao
ico for many years. Now dedicated to the Pub
lic and sold by Uruvgists at iifro nnd Wo per Bottle.
Murine Mje Salre In Aseptio Tubes, Ko and Wc
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chloago
Books for the Children
Care must be taken in the stories
we give to growing children that evil
is always overcome. Book friends are
very real to boys and girls and in
fluence their character. There should
be effort and conflict in their stories
and daring endurance and steadfast
purpose. Stories in which the child
hero acts rightly are particularly
valuable, because what a boy or girl
has done appeals more directly to the
child's own power. He feels though
he may not express it even to himself
that what other children have done
he can do.
Nothing Will Dislodge Perfectly
Hard-Working Matron.
His Position.
"What urn vntir vIaws nn tha irrent
public problems?" "I haven't any
views on puduc prooiems," replied tne
man wnose interests are under invest!
gatlon."I'm one of them myself."
Painful Situation.
"My friends," declaimed an orator
during a convention "My friends, I
Bay to you that this great republic of
ours is standing on the brink of an
abscess!" Saturday Evening Post
Rural Borders on Rugs.
Rag rugs in two-toned or hit-or-mlss
design are mnde now with contrasting
borders showing country lanes, school
houses, churches, haystacks and other
rural attractions. These are especial
ly suitable to rooms furnished with
old-fashioned furniture.
After a Bad Dinner.
Tommy "Papa, what is it that the
Bible says is here today and gone to
morrow?" Papa "Probably the cook,
my son."
Daily Thought.
As the yellow gold is tried In the
fire, so the faith of friendship must
be seen in adversity, Ovid.
Daily Thought. ,
To cure Is the voice of the past; to
prevent, the divine whisper of today.
Kate Douglas AViggln.
Staple Industry of France.
Nearly half the population of France
Is engaged in agricultural pursuits.
Many a pensive maid becomes an
expensive wife. London Tattler.
Red Crcjs Ball Blue will wash double as many
clothes as any other blue. Don't put your money
Into any other.
Directing Children Aright.
The young need to be taught that
although there is sometimes a pleas
ure of the senses in committing sin,
It is inevitably followed by remorse
and punishment. Crime, remorse,
pun..W!nt form an inseparable trio.
On the other hand, while it is often
hard to do right, the sense of satis
faction, self-respect and self-control
that follows right action is worth all
the effort made.
Iiot rg will find Mr. Wliislow'i Soothing
Syrup tl e best remedy to use for their ohUdian
"urlng toetbiug period.
Butcher Shop for Cats.
There is a butcher shop in New
York city that is unique in one way at
least. It has been there more than 30
years. From the very beginning its
proprietor, in addition to his regular
business, has made a specialty of fur
nishing appetizing meals for cats. Ev
ery morning there is set forth on a
long counter about 100 trays of cats'
fur the slirnatunt of E. W. GKOVE. Cures a Cold
in On Day, Cures Grip In Two Days. 2&c.
, New Plates.
A wholly unexpected use has sprung
up for the new cut glass plates which
have been Introduced 'this season for
dessert services. These are now be
ing used in conjunction with glass
candlesticks as ornaments. Nothing
looks better on a rosewood piano than
a pair of glass candlesticks and a
couple of handsome cut glass plates,
which are thrown into high relief by
a dull toned wall paper.
Before Visiting Sick.
An Infectious disease Is more liable
to be taken when one has been long
fasting than soon after a meal. It is
well, therefore, when going to see a
friend suffering from a disease of this
kind to eat a substantial meal first.
Neither should one go into an affected
area when very warm or after a long,
quick walk, when the pores of the
body are all open.
First Public School.
Brooklyn had the first free public
school in the United States. With
the coming of Adam Roselandsen in
1633, the first school tax ever levied
in America was imposed on each
householders and inhabitant.
Mrs. E "There's no use. I can't
get my husband to listen to common
sense." Mrs. Wye "Who did you
get to talk to him?"
All ready for occupancy. All you have to do Is drive a few
nails and move In. Plans and instructions accompany ma
terial. House built so as to be just what our climatic condi
tions require. We have been In the Mill Material business
for twenty-seven years and our ability and integrity are un
questioned. We absolutely guarantee satisfaction.
Anything you want In mill material we can supply you at
factory cost No order too small or none too large to re
ceive our prompt and best attention.
Send for our Free Book of Floor Plans
and Catalogue of Mill Material.
Box or Barrel Laid on Side, Painted
Inside With Carbolineum or Some
Other Good Lice Paint, Is
Suitable Nest
A setting hen is a perfectly respect
able hard working matron, suffering
from an acute attack of spring fever.
She will not work, she refuses to lay
or even talk about it, and she devel
ops a very crabbed disposition in a
remarkably short length of time. Seek
ing out some chosen nest she takes
possession, by force, if necessary, and
proceeds to occupy it for about 23
hours and 25 minutes every day. She
leaves it secretly and In silence, only
when food Is necessary. Having sat
pfled her wants, she suddenly remem
ters that unguarded nest, and makes
or it with great speed and confusion.
It matters not whether the nest con
tains eggs or a doorknob, it is dear to
fAer, and nothing will '"dislodge her.
I'hcre she will hold the fort until
tier motherly longing is satisfied in
ft brood of little downy peepers. The
writer once hatched three, successive
broods of chicks under the same hen,
the hen setting for 75 consecutive
days, and coming off the nest reluc
tantly and in good health at the end
of that time. .. . . , - . -.
The best way to detect a broody
hen is to look through the nests after
dark and see whether there are any
hens on them. If so, they should eith
er be brought up or placed on some
worthless eggs in the hatching quar
ters, as they do harm in the regular
laying pens by partially incubating
eggs and fighting with all the other
hens. .
Almost any concave nest, well lined
with hay, will do for setting a. hen.
Take a box, or barrel laid on Its side,
paint It inside with carbolineum or
some other good lice paint, and form
the nest out of earth with two inches
of hay covering it.
Be sure to get the corners filled so
that the eggs cannot roll into them.
Have the edge of the box not over
three inches higher than the eggs, so
that the hen will not Jump on them.
Dust the hen with Insect powder, place
her on the nest on some dummy eggs,
and cover her with another, ventilated
box. , Let her off In 24 hours, and if
she goes back again, It will be safe to
put good eggs uhder her.
Use an odd number of eggs, depend
ing upon the size of the hen and the
season. Thirteen in cold weather and
15 In warm, is about right for a
Plymouth Rock hen.
Keep whole corn and pure water al
hand and let the hen take care of her
self. The chicks usually begin to
hatch on the twenty-first day. Let then;
alone until the night of the twenty
second day. Then move her and the
chicks to a warm, dry coop and dc
not feed the chicks until the twenty
fourth day. 1
It Is a good plan to set two hem
at the same time and give all of the
chicks to one hen after they ar
gjf mm 55iSBl
the .i i v;r:r'
Dough g
I Better! 'MSffi
Pound Can , . JJSe
. All Craccra K V' '
Yorkshire Duck. ,
Take the heart, liver, tongue and a
thick slice from one cheek of a pig
and wash thoroughly, then put on the
stove to cook with sufficient water to
cover and salt to suit taste; when
nearly done add one onion (chopped
fine) and add pepper to suit taste and
stove and drain, then run the meat
through the food grinder (or chop real
fine) and add pepper to slut taste and
a little sage. Place in a granite ket
tle or dish and let cool. It is then
ready for use. '
"In the Game"
O but remember you must be O
smj strong and robust to win. -j
A sickly person" is the loser
j in every jvay; but why re- g
main so?
will aid -digestion and help
J you back to health and Q
strength. , ' Try a bottle
O today. . Avoid substitutes.
Ml Great Industries : Depending on
Live Stock Are Advocating Use
of Huge Receptacle.
The leading agricultural subject of
the day is the silo, and its coming is
of national importance. No subject Is
receiving so much attention from the
experiment stations farm papers and
farmers' institutes. All the great in
dustries depending on live stock, such
as the stock yards, creameries, pack
ing houses and transportation com
panies are advocating its use. It is
a conservation subject of great Impor
tance, for with it can be saved a large
part of our principal crop. Nearly 40
per cent, of the food elements of the
corn crop of this country are now
being wasted. By the use of the silo
this could be saved and by so doing,
hundreds of millions of dollars could
be added to our national wealth. The
corn forage which annually goes to
waste in this country is often referred
to as the "billion dollar waste." Is It
any wonder we are complaining of the,
high cost of living?
In the past eleven years the great
stock industry of the United States in
comparison with our population, has
been showing a decline. This condi
tion has been largely brought about
by the rise of price in all kinds of
"Improved" Bull Fight
A bull fight inTokio is quite as
much excuse for a gala day as a bull
fight in Madrid. Business men leave
their offices, and women and children
their homes, to hurry to the arena,
Stripped of all the less exciting, or
less horrible, preliminaries which
characterize the Spanish bull fight, the
animals are brought in and sent at
each other at once. So the battle is
shorter, and two or three more fights
will follow In quick succession during
the course of an afternoon's "enter
Besides Being Money-Makers, They
Will Destroy Many Noxious
Weeds Range Bred Best.
(By W. A. LINKLATER, Oklahoma Ex
peilment Station.)
It would add to the revenue of
many farms If a flock of sheep were
kept. Besides being profitable they
are great weed eaters. They will eat
five out of six of our known weeds,
where a Cow or horse will eat only
one out of every six.
Range bred sheep are the right
kind for the average farmer to buy.
Such Bheep will be grade Merinos and
if they carry a cross of Shropshire,
Lincoln or ether mutton blood, so
much th-3 hotter. It would not be ad
visable to buy Mexican sheep or low
grade Bhccp of any other kind.
The owes purchased for the founda
tion flock should be good, large ani
mals from one to four years old, and
Excellent Type.
North Pacific College of Dentistry and Pharmacy
v . ill j
The North Pacific College was estab
lished in 1898. It has departments of
Dentistry and Pharmacy. No school in
America has better facilities for tha train
ing of young men and women for success
ful professional careers. The annual ses
sion begins October First An illustrated
catalog-of Information will be forwarded
upon application to
Aft A
Eut Silk ud Ortf m Sts, PertUai Ori
weighing more than one hundred
pounds. Where possible it would sel
dom be practical to start with less
than CO ewes, and a larger number
would be better still. A flock of a do
en would require admost as much
care as 60 or 100. These range bred
grade Merluos should be bred to a
Dorset ram If possible.
The reason we recommend buying
range bred grade Merino ewes Is that
thousands of . these , are available,
whllo Dorsets are not to be had in
large numbers.
To insure profit with sheep, fall or
winter lambs must be raised. The
ewes must be bred about June or
earlier. Dorset sheep breed at this
time more readily than any other
kind. Merino sheep come second.
Shropshire and most other breeds
cannot tn general be induced to mate
before September.
These fall or early winter lambs,
by good feeding and care can be made
to wa'.jfh 0 to 100 pounds by May 1,
when tfcy wil find a ready market
and will always be tn demand. Such
laruba should hrlog from five dollars
Avoid Poor Seed.
Use more care la planting good aeed.
this season. Poor seed not only make
short crops, but they lose money in
labor and equipment Do not plaat
poor aeed.
Canada's Oyster Industry.
There are no oysters on the coast
of New England, north of Cape Cod,
but they are numerous in certain
parts of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and
adjacent Canadian waters. Efforts
are being made by the Dominion gov
ernment to develop the oyster industry
to much arger proportions than its
present Pigaparatively small size.
Use Sea Water In Baking.
The lo(tl papers are complaining
about the size of the bread sold by
the Iroqi.'is bakers, who, besides
charging tvo and one-half cents for
a loaf of bread of 22 grams weight, it
is said are using sea water In their
bakeries. From the West Coast Lead
er, Lima, Peru.
Delicious Bread Pudding.
Here is a sort of glorified bread
pudding: A full pint of bread crumbs,
half a cupful of chopped suet, half a
cupful of ,molasses, a cupful of
chopped raisins, a cupful of milk, an
egg, half a teaspoonful of soda, half a
teaspoonful of cloves, a little mace
and salt. Steam for two hours.
Literary Note.
Some authors remind you of Uncle
Jim's poll parrot who got a reputation
for being smart by using bad lan
guage. -
America's Vast Corn Field.
The combined area of the cori
fields of the United States is nearly
equal to tha area of France or Germany.
Is the First Chapter in the History
of Chronic Disease,
A cold in the head is the first chapter
in the history of disease and death.
This has been so often repeated that
there are few people indeed who have
not witnessed many examples of it
A cold; in the head is rarelv severe
enough to confine a vigorous person to
uie nouse. as a rule, it ends in recovery
without any treatment This has led
many neoule to retrard a cold in th
head as of no importance. It is a terrible
mistake, however, to pass by a cold in
the head as a trivial matter. Each case
should be treated.
Those who have used Peruna for such
cases will testify unanimously that a
few dosep is sufheient to remove every
vestige of the cold. How much better
it is to treat a cold in this way than it
is to allow it to go on and on for weeks,
perhaps jmonths, leaving effects that
will never be eradicated.
Yet there are those who neglect to
take Peruna for a cold in the head.
This neglect is due to the false notion
that a cold in the head is hardly worth
noticinpi ,
A cold; in the head is in reality a case
of acute, catarrh. It ought to be called
so, in order to awaken people from
their lethargy on this subject In a
large per cent of cases cold m the head
will end in chronic catarrh. Unless
properly treated with some such rem
edy as Peruna, perhaps 60 per cent of
cases of cold in the head will lay the
foundation for chronic catarrh.
A tablespoonful of Peruna should be
taken at the very first symptom of cold
in the head. Usually where the cold is
not very severe a tablespoonful of Pe
runa before each meal and at bedtime
is sufficient It may be necessary,
however, where the attack is more ser
ious, to keep strictly in the house and
take a tablespoonful of Peruna every
hour. Younjrer people, feeble or deli
cate women, should take a teaspoonful
very nour.
A Panel Silo.
stock. This in turn has driven man)
men out of the stock business, and dis
couraged others from going in.- With
the silo the cost of producing stock
and stock products can be greatly
lowered. Experiments have shown
that by - the use of the silo in place
of the old feeding methods, butter can
be produced from nine to ten cents
per pound cheaper and a saving made
on the production of beef from $1.50
to $2 per hundred pounds. As the
largest part of our food comes from
live stock it Is plain to see the rela
tion of the silo to our national food
. Silage can be made from nearly all
kinds of farm forage and is a good
and cheap ration for horses, cattle,
sheep, Bwine and chickens. It re
quires little storage space, is a labor
saving device, doubles the value of
the corn crop, triples the stock carry
ing capacity of the land, restores the
fertility of the soil, and returns its
user annually one hundred per cent
on the Investment.
at Mi i mk m.1-.' J--a-i-
3.00 3J50 S4-.00
4.5o AND $5:joo
$2.00, 12.50 and t3.0O.
The largest makers of
Men's $3.50 and $400
hoe in the world.
Ask your dealer to show 70a
XV. lm Dontrlas 3.60. M.00 ai
14. mj snoes. .1 use as firoon in sine.
fit and wear aa other makes costing; S5.00 to ?
the only difference la tne price, shoes in all
leathers, styles ana snapes to sou everybody.
II yon conia Tisit . im xons;iaa large facto
ries at Brockton, Mass., and see for yonraelf
how caref nil W. L. Donerlas ahoea are made.
yon would then understand why they are warranted
to nt Detter, iook necier, notu tueir snaiie huu wear
longer than any other make lor the price.
If W. L. Donglss shoes sts not for sale in yonr Ttcinity. order
airecl itoiu toe laciorr Hia wta me uuuuiruinu b iirunu
Bnoesiorerery mem per 01 inemnmy, si an prices, aj
rarcel rO&C POBWKe iree. TrnieiuriiiuHraiea
Catalog. It will show yon bow to order by mail,
and why you can ssts money on your tootwear.
W. In DO CO LAS . Brockton, Mass.
f av'l'H-sTVfOME
4 f-jfmW
Kfw that
0 IB suimpea
on ine ixmom
Attention to These Small Details Will
Lighten Labor and Result in
Better Work.
When ironing small articles, such as
napkins and handkerchiefs, do not let
your iron' cool while you do the fold
ing. Iron a table napkin straight and
true and dry on the wrong side; lay
it aside and iron another and keep on
as long as your iron keeps hot enough.
Then place the iron on thestove and
pull the napkins with the hands and
you have the loose folds used by the
best housekeepers. Also the thread of
the linen stands out nicely on the
right, side, as does any hemstiching
or embroidery that may be there. Lin
en towels should be done this way,
and the most common ones will look
wondrously fine, not to mention the
appearance of the best ones, says the
Washington Herald..
Pillow slips being double, must be
Ironed on the wrong side and laid
aside. When ready to put away in
boxes, fold in required size with the
hands. Fold your table cloths once
wrong side out, and iron on both sides
of fold. Place irons on the fire, then
fold tablecloth loosely. Treat linen
sheets the same way, but cotton ones
may be folded twice before ironing.
Practice of Pasturing Crop During Fall
and Winter to Save Feed Bill
Is Serloua Mistake.
(By O. O. CHURCHILL, Department of
Agronomy, Oklahoma Agricultural
Many people, on account of short
age of pasture and to save feed, pas
ture their alfalfa during the fall and
winter. This practice is harmful to
all alfalfa, whether it is young or old.
No doubt it reduces the yields the
following season, although the reduc
tion may be very slight if conditions
are favorable.
With young alfalfa the practice is
very harmful. It reduces the vigor of
the plant, reduces the yield very ma
terially the following years, and fre
quently kills out some of the young
plants at a time when they are not
very well developed. Fall seeded al
falfa should never be pastured during
the same fall and winter in which it
Is seeded. The little feed which the
alfalfa will furnish during the winter
is far more than offset by the decrease
in yield.
When young alfalfa receives a back-
set it may require two or three years
for it to fully recover, and during all
of this time the yields are smaller
than they otherwise would be. It
pays to give young alfalfa careful
treatment and to give it every oppor
tunity to make a good development
Best Poultry Tonics.
Fresh air, sunshine and exercise are
the best poultry tonics. But fresh air
does not mean drafts in the houses,
nor does sunshine call for exposure to
hot suns during the summer. The
houses should be so constructed that
fresh air can constantly be present to
drive out bad odors and purify the at
mosphere. The sunshine should be
able to reach every corner to destroy
any -germs that might be lurking in
dampness. Tho fowls should exercise
by scratching that a good circulation
of the blood may be stimulated. The
above are the three best medicines in
the poultry doctor's art
Family incuoaior rauus.
When less than 60 per cent of the
fertile eggs in an incubator hatch
there's something wrong. Either the
breeders are "oK" or the feeding la at
fault, or the range exercise and fresh
air are not enough. These can easily
be remedied. But when they are all
right the trouble must be with the
machine. It an incubator doesn't give
more than a 60 per cent hatch of the
fertile eggs, better burn it A new
one will cost less than a constant loss
of 40 per cent, of high-priced eggs.
Where the Eye Falls.
A good pair of eyes and a sharp
knife may be able to distinguish with
considerable accuracy as between a
dead and a live germ In a kernel of
corn, but the combination falls down
when it comes to telling a kernel
with a vigorous germ from one which
the germ Is weak. Herein Ilea the
chief argument la fTor of the test
tax, which shows plainly what ker
nels are dead and what are atrong
and weak.
' Distemper
T T1 II. rn.a .niAn. .11 . 9 1
and dogs, cured and others in the same sta
ble prevented from having the disease with
Sponn's Distemper Cure. Every bottle
guaranteed. Over 500,000 bottles sold last
year. ana ti.uu. uooa druggists, or
lena to manuiacturers. Agents wanted.
Write for free book. Spohn Med. Co. , Spec.
Contagious Diseases, Goshen, Ind.
Test of Sobriety.
Many shibboleths have been devised
for testing sobriety. George Meredith,
who doubtless could have evolved
ome wonderful examples, had he
chosen, calls them "oinmeters, or
methods of determining the condition
of man, according to, the degrees of
wine or beer in him." One of the
most snareful of these is the sentence,
"Give James Grimes' gilt gig-whip,
and a cup of coffee from a copper cof
fee pot" London Chronicle. :
For the core and prevention of every disease
Are you sick? Have you a friend that's sick?
Write today for symptom blank and we will
diagnose your case free of .charge and tell
you what remedies are needed to cure your
self at home. Aid Dept American Herb Doc
tor, 4168 Arcade tildg., Seattle, Wash.
Memory Gems for Children.
Children learn readily of right think
ing and right doing through anecdote
and memory gems. We cannot give
them too many memory gems, pro
vided they are suited to their age and
intelligence. Every thought will not
affect every child, but every thought
will affect some child. Robert Louis
Stevenson said he was brought up on
poetry and stories, and these poems
and stories were the source of his
later inspiration.
Red Cross Ball Blue, all blue, best bluing: value
fat tha whole world, makes the laundress smile.
The Open Car Window..
The rule as to windows in passen
ger cars in Germany has been that
they must not be opened on both sides
of the car without the consent of all
occupying the compartment, but on
city and suburban trains in Berlin
neither window in the front compart
ment of each car mabe opened with
out such unanimous consent.
New Material.
A new development of the toweling
material is now being shown. On the
back this has the same appearance as
pique, while on the right side the lit
tle hoops of thread are arranged in
even rows. A heavy thread of black
or dark color appears at intervals of
an inch. ,
Trrar drntraist will refund money If PAZO OTNT.
MENT falls to cure any case of Itching. Blind.
Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. Cue,
, Tripe and Liver Fricasseed.
Take equal weights of tripe and
liver. Fry the liver in strips; cut
some cold-boiled tripe in the same
way, flour it and fry it also. Then
cover with a thick brown gravy or
stock. Serve hot garnish with fried
parsley and little heaps of fried onion.
Language Was Lacking.
Wife of his bosom (in bourse of do
mestic difference) Coward ! Brute !
Ruffian! Pig! Monster! Beast! Oh,
ow I wish you knew what I thought
if you! London Punch.
"A man might succeed in feathering
his own nest" remarked the Observer
of Events and Things, "if so much of
his money did not go towards putting
them on his wife's hats."
Monyon's Paw-Paw
' Pillsarennlikealloth
er laxatives or cathar-
ua. IttBJ IMU &ua
liver into activity by
gentle methods, they
do not scour; they do
not gripe; they do not
weaken; bat they do)
start all the secretions
of the liver and stom
ach in away that scon
pats these organs in a
healthy condition and
corrects constipation. Manyon's Paw-Paw
Pills are a tonic to the stomach, liver and
nerves. They invigorate instead of weaken;
they enrich the blood instead of impover
ishing it; they enable the stomach to get all
the Donrishment from food that a put into
it. Price 33 cents, AQ Druggists,
: Alloys of Gold and Iron.
Iron "and gold, when melted togeth
er, may be mixed in various propor
tions and hardenMwystallized. Al
loys containing ten per cent. of. gold
are harder than pure iron, but as the
proportion of gold increases above
that amount the alloy-becomes softer.
Silver and iron do not 'form alloys.
Harper's Weekly. -
vr 1
Like Magicafter taking Lydia
E. Pinkham Vegetable
North Bangor, N. Y. " As I have
I used Lydia E. Pink-
1 1 ir m. - l. l -
f - 1 Compound with
great. ueneni, l leei
itf my duty to write
and tell you about it
I; was ailing from fe
male weakness and
had headache and
backache nearly all
the time. I was later
every month than I
'should have been
and so sick that I had to go to bed.
"Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound has made me well and these trou
bles have disappeared like magic. I
have recommended the Compound to
many women who have used it success
fully." Mrs. James J. Stacy, R.F.D.
No. 3,. North Bangor, N..Y.
Another Hade "Well.
Ann Arbor, Mich." Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound has done
wonders for me. For years I suffered
terribly with hemorrhages and had
pains so intense that sometimes I would
faint away. I had female weakness
bo bad that I had to doctor all the time
and never found relief until I took
your remedies to please my husband.
I recommend your wonderful medicine
to all sufferers as I think it is a blessing
for all women." Mrs. L. E. Wyckoff,
112 S. Ashley St Ann Arbor, Mich.
There need be no doubt about the
ability of this grand old remedy, made
from the roots and herbs of our fields, to
remedy woman's diseases. We possess
volumes of proof of this fact, enough
to convince the most skeptical. Why
don't you try it? "
Quite So.
"Love is a joint stock concern,"
murmured the girl. "Sort of a hold
ing company," opined the young man,
as he gently shifted her to his other
knee. " ; . '
Painful Operation.
She "John," why on earth are you
wearing those goggles?" John "Only
a moment, dear, until I finish this
grapefruit."..,,.; . -
Pure lood
Is the result of Perfect Nutrition
which proceeds trora
Assure These Benefits
$100 TO $500 SAVED
On Each Automobile.
Our co-operative sales plan en
ables you to buy a brand new au
tomobile; only H"iS required, bal
ance easy terms. For full partic
ulars address
" 9 Wuhingioa Street.
f7 T
i ' H '"
fcaJMfliiati JiWun MiaN - m'
i receive eranp tne.
Rents of Xoa-rolHaoas.
Eulta-saUSiac nwolei
tha ChlBssa doctor.
Tnoneaamre lf ro Wteea dortorln wttfc
this one n1 that one aa4 hm not obtained see.
Busnt relwf . let this great nut are healer diss.
bow yonr case ud prwenbe some remedr whma
action I, ur sad wf e. li i prtweri ptiosa
re compnnudod from Root.. Hrrba, Bads and
Bmj thM he ln th,rd from every qnai
terof the krf.e. The of them nedirtnea
are not known to the ti.le world, but hs bsea
handed down from iMtut to aoa i the Baraioiaaa
tmmiliss la Cauu. .wiiimi
If yea lire oat nt town and cannot mil. write foe
syneptom blAS and eutwiar. ucloun i osats la
1 62 firs St, Cor. Morrison
PsftUad, Ortsaa.
a. N. V.
No. is-'xa.
WHEN rttiac to adrertMers. aiaase
tioa taia saner.