The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 06, 1913, Image 2

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F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Published Every Friday. Office, Corner
Third and Jefferson Streets.
Entered in the Ffwtofflce at Athena, Oregon,
a ccoudulass Mail Matter.
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year. $1.50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00)
One copy, six months. 75
One copy, three months .50
Advertising Rates.
Display, transient, running less than one
month, first insertion, per inch 25c
Subsequent insertions, . ............ 12
Display regular, per inch 12
Local readers, first insertion, per line. 10c
Subsequent insertions, per line.,.. . . 5c
Lodge resolutions, per line .......... 5c
Church notices, admission, per line . . 5c
cATHENA. ORE.. JUNE 6 ......1913
We referred tbe other day to tbe
terriflo fight that is being waged by
the speoial interests against the pend
ing tariff bill. Tbe correspondents
have cot exaggerated anything, as is
demonstrated by the President's dram
atic warning and call to tbe people.
Tbe tnasees have no lobbyists, Con
gress and tbe Kxooutive are supposed
to lepresent them, Lot the pressure of
tbe paid lobbyists is an "intolerable
harden" not to say nnisanoe. Tbe
bombardment of senators, especially
tbe weaker ones, by mail and tele
graph is, of coarse, also directed by
tbe lobby. 'And, as tbe President
says, many of those who write letters
of protest and complaint know nothing
of the facts and conditions, and mere
ly do tbe liddng of friends, or of
friends of friends. The mauofaotore
of artificial opinion can only ba
obeoked by exposure and tbe open
appeal of honest men to a real publio
opinion. Let those who bave tbe facts
and arguments to present demand a
fair hearing. Threats, bluffs, baseless
fabrications arid vague orics of "ruin"
should utterly fail of effect. The
President and bis cabinet will do
their part in defeating tbe invaders
and sappers, and tbe Senate has ap
pointed a committee to investigate the
President's obargoa
Great Diitain, France and Italy
formally tiOtiSed tbo Department of
State at Washington, according to
dispatobes of the 21st ult., of their
acceptance of tbe principle under
lying tbe world peace plan as proposed
by President Wilson and Mr. Bryan
for tbe nations of tbe world. Now
that these three ualioos bave express
ed their approval, the Secretary of
State, Mr. Bryan, will proceed in ac
cordance with the plan to negotiate
with eaoli riatiou a sopatale treaty
ty tbe terms of wbiob such nation
and the United Slates shall not de
olare war against each other until
matters In controversy shall bave keeu
reviewed by a joint commission, uor
styill tbey iuoreuse armaments during
Ibia investigation.
One hundred oattle- and horsemen
of Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho
met last week at Buker and formed
tbe Oregon Cattle aud Horsemen's
Association, with the plau of proteo
tiou against oattle and horse thieves.
In this oouueotion au effort is beiug
made to have a braud inspector at the
Ncrtb Portland markets. Ibis action
is found neoessary on the part of stock
luou after years of loss through stock
rustling. The law is not enforced
severely enough against cattle aud
horse thioves. When oouvioted, as a
rule, tbey get oil with light seutenoes
and frequently are placed ou parole.
A -Rood, stiff sentenoe for stealing
etook would do more to put a quietus
cu the rustling habit than anythiog
Lord Francis Hope has put op tor
Bale for Luildiug purposes bis ueauti
ful country scat near Dorkiug in
southeastern England. Lord Fianoia
hays he is impelled to take lf)is step in
w of tbe claims being made upou
I i u "tot tindovoloped land duty,"
t-iding that the "laud tax bus been
i uposeuV for the cxprcps purpose of
compelling landowners to Ltak up
fcuoh estatos, aud landowners will
probably disoover that, if the present
tax does not bave the desired effect,
il a ill not be difficult for the govern
ment to Iuoreuse it until the object is
A tdg Toxub tanoh of 210,000 acres
has just beeu sold to a syndicate of
British capitalists. Big as it is, this
tract U really a modest one compared
to a number of tbe really large hold
ings that British citizens or companies
own in Texas. As tetween a Japauese
holding an acre aud a half aud rais
ing strawberries ou it, aud a British
Ryndioate buying laud by tbe ball-
county, we suppose that the Japsuese
and his strawberry patch are the real
menace, as to (oreigueri grubbing up
laud holdings iu this country.
Those six ceuti awatddd Teddy iu
kit 110,000 damage suit will briug
him a couple of chews of gum and a
stamp for a rioluie card; or be could
use five cents for a street cm tide aud
still hare one ceut left for the stamp.
With such a wad of loore aud the
Colonel vindicated by tha Marquette
jury, tbe characteristic smile will
agaiu flicker about Oyster Bay and lt
eut irons.
. As an inducement to foster Interest
in corn-raising as a supplementary
crop to wheat on the farms of East
ern Oregon, tbe O.-W. R. & N. com
pany will hold a corn show fit Pen
dleton on Deoember 5 and 6. A ootn
show will also be held at Colfax,
Wash., on Deoember 2 and 3. At
both shows prizes will be awarded ex
hibitors for the best oom prodnoed.
More than tine tons of selected seed
oorn have thus far been distributed
free by tbe company to farmers in
both states.
The city of Dayton, Ohio, recov
ering from tbe terrible results of its
great flood, at a special election on
May 20th, chose 15 men to aot as a
Commission to write a charter for tbe
city on tbe basis of a commission form
of government. The 15 men had teen
nominated by a non-partisan citizens'
Sometimes it is a faot that tbe very
worst of people oooupy tbe very best
of countries. Mexico is a case in
point. Her climate is all that is de
sirable and ber soil fertile but her
people are anything else than progres
sive. In war tbey are brutal and
barbarous, and in peace backward in
Why the Great Musician Said He
Would Quit Smoking.
Liszt was in the habit of smoking
one cigar n day. But that one cignr
was an exceedingly choice one. When
he was starting on a journey be told
his valet how many days he would be
away, and his valet put Into the valise
a corresponding number of, those ci
gars. Once when Liszt was going to, Italy
the chief customs officer at the frontier
post of Chlnsso asked him If he had
anything to declare. The musician,
with bis thoughts centered ou bis mu
sic rather than his cigars, made sljrns
to the effect that he had nothing. The
officer opened the valise without the
traveler ngltatlng himself over the
search. Presently n number of tignrs
were brought to light. The whole lot
was confiscated, nud lie was ordered to
pay a flue of $100.
When Liszt reached Milan he told his
ngent of his unpleasant adventure. Rl
cordl laughed at the whole affair, took
a stroll to the Italian treasury and re
covered the cigars and the fine. Ou
returning to the artist he offered him,
with a smile, one of his own precious
"No, my dear friend," said Liszt, "1
have taken n vow never to smoke again
so" as not to expose myself n second
time to such n humiliation."
IMcordl says he kept his vow. Other
authorities recall Iteger's visit to the
virtuoso in 1870.
"Liszt smoked and offered me n ci
gar," said IJeger, "and while I took my
ease ho walked up and down, sending
out clouds of suioko In tho direction of
certain terra eottn figures'-New York
Superstitions on Crickets.
The cricket on the hearth la still a
welcome guest In those English house
holds that he deigns to visit. Ills com
ing Is a harbinger of good fortune,
while if he leaves the house that Is nn
Infallible sign of Imminent disaster.
A correspondent In Notes and Queries
refers to a belief prevalent In Lanca
shire "that crickets re lucky about a
house and will do no harm to those
who use them well, but that they cat
holes In tho worsted stockings of such
members of the family as kill them. 1
was assured of this," adds the writer,
"mi the experience of n respectable
fanner's family." London Spectator.
Tha Richest Street.
The Chnndiii Chowk, or Silver
strew, Is the main bazaar of Delhi and
one of the richest streets In the world.
Many of Its shop are occupied by Jew
elers, whose hoards of precious stones
nre s;tli tu represent fabulous sums.
Native princes enrich their collections
of state Jewels through the dealers In
the Cl.-sndnl Chowk, and some of the
(litiiimnil experts who live In Its dingy
wooden buildings are known nil over
the world
The Reply.
, woman of mU-anced age required
Pendleton and Athena
General Photography and Photographic
Supplies. Enlarging, Reproducing and
Kodak Finishing.
One Block South of St. Nichols Hotel,
1st, 2nd, 15th and 16th of each month.
Studio in the Eagle-Woodman Building.
Birds of Quality
Write your wants and let me
quote you prices.
J. M. SWAGGAKT, Meadow
Brook Poultry Farm Weston
Oregon. Route '2.
me services or n page Doy ana adver
tised, "Youth wanted."
One of her dearest friends sent her
by the next post n bottle of Blank's
celebrated wrinkle filler and skin tight
ener, a pot of fairy bloom, a set of
false teeth and n flaxen wig. London
Opinion. -,.
Why It Was Flat
"This story of yours is flat,'' an
nounced the editor.
."Well." explained tbe aspiring au
thor, "I read n Imok called 'Advice, to
Young Writers.' and the very Bret
thing It tells you la not to roll your
Foreign Polish.
"She Kays she went abroad to finish
ber education I wonder If she learned
"She told me she had sis new ways
to fix her balr."-Judge.
An Escape.
Maid -No. mum; Mrs. Dodge Is out
,VIsitor-How fortunate! When I saw
her peeping through tbe curtain as 1
came up the path I was so afraid she
would he in London Opinion.
'.Joodroll,v-I'm sorry to say my wife
tmi an aggravating habit of Interrupt
ing me In the middle of a sentence.
Kinus Humph. You are fortunate to
tip ntile to L'et so far.
In the Gonnty Conrt for Umatilla
County, State of Oregon.
In tbe Matter of tbe Estate of
John B. Eiteman, Deceased.
Notioe is hereby given that the
Connty Conrt of Umatilla county,
Oregon, has appointed Henry Dell,
of Athena, Oregon, administrator of
tbe state of John H. Hiteman, de
ceased, and all persona having claims
against said estate are hereby notified
to present tbe same dnly verified aud
with proper vouobers to the said ad
ministrator, at tbe offioo of Homer I.
Watts, attorney, at bis office, Athena,
Oregon, within six months from the
first publication of this notice.
Date of first publication April i,
1913. Henry Dell,
In All Branches
And Decorating
Complete Stock of
Wall Paper, Paint
Oil, Glass etc
Main Street, Athena, Ore.
J. E. FROOME, mop.
Only First-class Hotel in
the City.
Iff I
1 1 1
U the ouly one that can aoooinmoflate
(lommarnlal traveler.
Can beteoomended (or IU clean aud
well ventilated rooms.
Cob. Maik andTiiird, athbna, Or.
. 1
j4 Trace Marks
t . a-l DESIGNS
TffffiH Copyrights Ac.
Anrnnenrtlni anketrh and dwrlntlon my
liif anllon l lnUlr ptentM. Coiiimmile.
tlou..irloilUiUlliitfHl. HANUUOOI put'.tMita
i.'in free. OltlMt money lur Bwurmi P4"""
I'ntenK Uken tlirouKh Munn A Ufc rDiMHVS
Ijwvlnl notk. without clmnje, tu tilt
Sfitntmc nwxm.
Sir i Tf ''at 'nu!Hl)il. 0Jll ilrj.
&UKN & Co.a6,BM,New YoKi
' Braurf Me T BU Warton, li. C
Administrator's Notice.
la tbe Connty uonrt for Umatilla
Connty, State of Oregon.
In tbe matter of the Estate of Amos
Shioky deceased: " ,
Notioe is hereby given that the
Connty Conrt of Umatilla Connty,
Oregon has appointed Aitbnr E. Sbiok
admit. latrator with the will annexed,
of tbe estate of Amos Sbiok, deoeased,
aud all persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent tbe same dnly verified and with
proper vouobers to the said adminis
trator at the office of Homer I. Watts,
attorney, Athens, Oregon, within eix
months from tbe first publication of
tbis notioe.
Date of first publication May 9, 1913.
Arthm E. Sbiok,
Administrator with the will annexed
of tbe estate of Amos Sbiok, deceased,
Homer I. Watts,
Atty. for Administrator.
Notice. '
Sealed bids for furnishing fifty (50)
cords No. 1 4 -ft. Fir Wood, to School
District No. 29, will be reoeived by
tbe undersigned, at bis office in ; Ath
ena, Oregon, tip to 2 o'clock, p. m., on
Monday, May 26th, 1913. Said wood
lo be delivered on or before Septem
ber 1st, 1913. Bids should state either
"t. o. b. railroad depot Athena," or
"delivered on school grounds." By
order of the school l oard. -
B. B. Biohards, Cbas Betts.
Chairman, Clerk.
S. F. Sharp
, Special attention given to all
callb both night and day.
Calla promptly answered. Office on Third
Street, Athena Oresor
.... Attorney s-at-Law
Athena, Oregon. - Pendleton, Oregon
Homer I. Watts
Attorney-at-Law -."
Athena,1 Oregon.
C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V.
Official Stock iDtipsctor. Graduate McKillip
Vetinary College, Chicago
Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist
Suggestive Therapeutist
, Office in Barrett Building :
Chronic Diseases a Specialty. Exami
nation and Consultation Free.
tha most heallna aalve In the world.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder rlxht
mm m
"That's the sixth Studebaker we've
passedthe only kind to invest in"
"The only kind-because, as I always say, when
a man puts money in a thing he wants to know that ,
he's going to get the worth of it out again."
"That's plain business as I look at it"
"That's why I say the price doesn't tell you any
thing at all. There's only one thing that talks except
the wagon itself. That's the name of the maker."
"When you buy a Studebaker you're buying a
vehicle that has behind it and in it sixty years of ex
perience sixty years of success and sixty years of
reputation for the square deal. That's why a Stude
baker always looks good to me.
"My father used to say that Studebaker Honor was as sure
at a United States bank note. He was talking after having used
Studebaker vehicles since he was a lad, and he told me his father,
before him said, 'Be sate-rget a Studebaker.' "
"Vehicle builders can't hold that sort of reputation now-a-days
without delivering the goods. A Studebaker wagon has the
best in it That's why a. man gets the mot out of It why it'
always an economy."
"Dealers may say to you something else is 'just as good.' But
when you buy a Studebaker, you're making a safe investment
every time."
See our Dealer or write ui.
South Bend, Ind.
Spring Clothes! Where?
This is not
The largest and most com
plete line of Domesctic
and Imported Woolens I
h ave ever shown is on
display at my shop. All
the f a n c y colors iu
Browns, Ta ns, Grays,
Greens and Blue Serges.
Everything that any city
shop carries, I have it,
with good, dependable
workmanship inside and
out, at prices from $15 to
$2f. Ladies Suits, Skirts,
one-piece Dresses, Rain
Goats. Also made from
your own material, if
you desire it.
. Careful attention given to all cleaning, pressing and alteration work. But
tons covered. My motto is to please regardless of time or expense. Present
location, Foss house, one block north of school house.
Athena, Ore.
The Tailor
Will make the Season at
Al Johnson's, west of Athena
Fcpled 1908, aired by Horoff 50889t dam,
Olie 50J7 ii 2nd dam. Daisy Mfcrie by
Crcsion Kieier 15849; 4J dn. Cohe by
Tolosa 9866; 4th dam Mollie by Negrw
OJ74; 5th dam, Jessie by.MeMahan 260 3
F. WILSON, President.
KOEPKB. Vice-President.
S. Le aEOW, Cashier,
E. KOONTZ. Ass't Cashier.
F. S. Le GROW.
We extend to our Depositors every cAccommdation
consistent with sound Banking. -
Athena Coie!
Mrs. L. Chittenden, Proprietor
White Help Only, Employed
Good Clean Rooms, Table served
with the best the' market affords
A Home For the Traveling Public
Reasonable Rates
Courteous Treatment
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
is trade in Athena, by Athena labor, in one of the very best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry". Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour for
Per Sack
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon.
Waitsburg, .Wash.
F. L. ATKINSON, Proprietor
The Best of Rigs
Careful drivers. Speoial attention given Commoroial trade. Horsea
boorded by the day, week or month.
Hardware & Implements
6. W. Proebstel, Weston
Merit orous values in an uptodate stock of Hardware,
Implements and Vehicles. Winona Wagons, Moline
Hacks, Buggies, Harness, Incubators and Brooders, Lum
ber, Shingles, Cement, Lime and general progressive line
to meet all demands. See us before buying. Fair treat
ment in quality and price, .-':-
All Sold at Reduced Prices for Cash
McConnon Remedies
Known oa thsir meriis, as pure and reliable. We call special attention to
our tTVIaccoIax Tables and 7Mentholaturo Salve. All whj have used tliem
find same indispensable for the home
Our Stock Tonic
is made from vegetable pr. ducts and is gcarranteed from any poison matur.
Same can be had from McConnon Waxoa or
Wright Livery Athena, Oregon
a'i(VH" f i atiWfaHfci. (. ..