The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 30, 1913, Image 2

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F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Published Every Friday. Office, Corner
Third and Jefferson Streets.
Entered In the fOBtofflce at Athena, Oregon,
as econdt;iaB Mall Matter.
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year. $1.50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00)
One copy, six months.... .75
One copy, three months. .50
Advertising Rates.
Display, transient, running less than one
month, first insertion, per inch. . . . . . 25c
Subsequent insertions 12
Display regular, per inch ........... 12 J
Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c
Subsequent insertions, per line ..... . 5c
Lodge resolutions, per line 5c
Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c
tATHENA. ORE.. MAY 30 ......1913
Already the etook market is affected
by the importation of beef by San
Fraaoisoo interests from Australia.
Tbe Portland cattle market baa
slumped 75 cent .per hundred pounds
and tbe end ia not yet. The consumer
may soon be able to oarry borne a air
loin or t-tone steak costing something
less than 22 to 25 cents ' per ponnd.
Wbeu beef can be imported from Aus
tralia and sold fot less money in tbe
meat markets than Ibe domestio pro
dnot, then the consumer is going to
buy tbe Australian meat, and be
won't give a whoop bow many nnoles
aud cousins he bas in the American
livestock business. He bas toted tbe
heavy end of high living prices to tbe
end, and financially, be is almost
ready to cave in. Tbe high oost of
living has boosted tbe oeoossaries of
life Into tbe lap of luxury; and if the
piodnots of Australia, Sontb America,
Canada, tbe liji islands or Mars can
rb converted into a lever to lighten
bis bnrden, he's going to tbrnst bis
weigbt on this selfsame lever. Min
ing day priues and war time inflation
for food and clothing In times of peaoa
and plenty must end. Tbe ooDsnmeis
puree cannot stand tbe drain.
Over by far its greater part, South
America bas virtually ceased to be
tbe laud "of revolutions. It presents
itself to ns rather aan oolossal conti
nent, mangifloently watered, inhab
itable by Caucasians, its soil of inex
haustible fertility, its mineral riuhes
taroly soratobed, much of it still un
explored, all of it almost Indiorously
underpopulated. Although the most
eedootive field for colonization that
exists, there is Lever likely to be the
same kind of scramble for it among
tbe powers of Enrope that Afrina bas
suffered from. Tbe Monroe Doctrine
bas rendered this inestimable seiviae
to tbe world's puaoe it bas interposed
the power of the United States between
South Ameiioa and an orgy of spolia
tion; it bus permitted each Inepondent
Republic to develop along its own
lines; it baa opoued Sooth America
to European immigration, aud closed
it to Enropeau flags. No nation wocld
now think It worth while to tight the
United States ia order to outaia a foot
bold on South American soil.
ern planters and $12,000 by tbe state
of Maryland were offered for her cap
ture in tbe '50s but she was never
caught. She served as scoot, nurse
and spy in the Union army dnring the
civil war.
Montana ranges are giving place to
the plow, and thousands of homestead
shacks dot the plains where formerly
oonntless herds grazed. Grain raising
is becoming a profitable industry in
the Kooky Mountain state.
President Wilson's invitation to
Senator LaFollette to visit tbe White
House, aud Mr. La Toilette's favorable
response after years of aloofness from
the Exeoutive borne may have uoepeo
iul significance; aud yet to all who
look forward to party alignmenta by
genuluely democratic tests it ia com
forting. The Wilsous aud La Follettea
and Bryaua belong together In politics,
regardless of party organization or
name, aa truly us the Tafts and the
RooBevelts, the Parkers, tbe Baileys
find tbe rest belong elsewhere, Tbe
politloal turmoil of our time oqmes
irom tho stirring of trie depths by" tho
fipirit ot detuooraoy. It is a time,
therefore, lawhioheveiy man seeks
liia own plaoo among dumoorats it bo
be one, among their adversaria if he
like that company butter. The hope
i: worth welcoming tout tbe Wilson
la Toilette opiaode is us elguitioaut
M some of the Wasbiugtou oorrespoud
kA have taken it to te,
Without iuteudiug any undue cril
ioism ot the supreme court of tbe state
of Washlagtou, we venture to suggint
list in a reoont deolsiou it gave for
ttct evidenoo to the lay wind of a dis
pjsition on the part of jadgea tu ex
uberate putlio oplulou by It'otnioal
points in tbe interest ot the luteins.
Under the laws of Wusbiugton, mun
icipalities have tbe right to amend
their charter by initiative. Seattle
baa done this with reiereuoe to public
utility corporations. The people ot
that citr itmeudod their chatter by
providing that cuder fiauohiHea grant
ed to piivate corpoitiona for publio
aervice, tbe people of the city should
have tbe right at aoy time to take
over the corporate property upon pay
ing its value exclusive ot fraucbisa
value. This reservation is now laid
ty the supreme court of Wanbiogtou
to be invalid.
lluniet Tobuino Dutl. a negro
woman boru in slavary, baa died at a
great age at Auburn, N. V., In a home
' abe berselt fooudfd for aged and in
digout uegroe. Before tbe civil war
Harriet Tobniau escorted 800 other
jilavet tc fieedum bv her owii "un
derground railioud." It was her
toast that abe "never tan tbe tram
off tbe track or lont a sisgla passen
ger," ewardsof fiQ.OOO by eouta
Pilot Rook will entertain tbe farm
ers of tbe county and their friends to
morrow tbe occasion being tbe acnnal
picnic of tbe Farmers' Co-operative
union. Tbe Rock will do it up right
trust her for that.
The Caledonians did themselves
prond at their fonrteentb annnal pio
nio in Atbenu Friday and Saturday,
andt June 6th and 7th will bide a wee
wi' the Pioneers at Weston.
The Pioneers' Reunion.
The Umatilla County Pioneers Re
union will occur on June 6th and 7th,
at Weston. An interesting program
each day consisting of musio, speech
es and special features will be given.
Tbe Memorial address will be given
June 1 by P. H. D'Aroy, ex-preBident
of the Oregon Poneers. Other address
es will be given by men of state-wide
reputation. Sports each afternoon,
baseball, foot races etc Tbe old
fiddlers' oontest, a favorite feature of
tbe Reunion will be held Saturday
afternoon. Musio by tbe Weston Band.
Odd Incident That Proved the Popu
larity of Dumat.
In "My Autobiography" More. Ju
dith, tho great French uctress. writes
of Alexander Duiiins the elder:
"This giant of n mulatto, with his
big, blink, mocking eyes, his wide nos
trils, thick lips, heavy chin, his crisply
curling linlr nnd his forehead with its
strange liuinpn, like that of somu'un
ruly child who Is nhva.vs fighting with
his coinnidi'H, was truly u representa
tive personage, n type reflecting all the
passion of the romanticists. There
would have been something wanting to
his time If this grandson of n negress
had not been seen striding along the
Parisian boulevards, if his laugh had
not been heard on the terraces of the
cafes or If he had not appeared playing
his part with naive self satisfaction in
official ceremonies nnd at the Tuileries
ball, or walking about behind the
scenes at the theater with his arm
around the waist of some actress, or
eating and drinking enough for four in
the merry suppers nt which authors
nnd artists used to meet.
"Ills popularity was simply unequal
ed There was a story current in my
time of a singular wager made by
Mery of Marseilles. Wulklng ono day
In some public garden with u friend,
he suddenly said to him: 'Do you seo
that big. ridiculous looking fellow? I
bet you 100 sous that If I kick htm, no
matter where. Instead of flying into a
rage he will make me a polite bow.
"The bet was taken, and Mery, creep
ing stealthily up behind M. Prud
hoinme. gave him a tremendous kick In
the small of his back The man turned
red with Indignation, but Mery cried:
'Oh, I beg your pardon, sir; I took you
for Alexander Dumas, with whom I
have an account to settle.'
"Ills victim, only too proud to be
taken for such n great man, nt once re
lented and. taking off his hat In the
most amiable manner, he said, with a
bow, 'There Is no harm done, mon
sieur.' The hundred sous were won."
The Old Chicago Captain Made Two
Plays to Dahlen's One.
Tim Hurst, the veteran umpire, told
this one on Bill Dahlen when Bill was
a youth toiling under Cap Anson In
Cblcugo. Suld he:
"Anson called Dahlen good and hard
In n gamo I was umpiring In Chicago.
Dahlen took it without saying n word,
but n few minutes Inter Bill remnrked
to me, 'Watch me burk that old fel
low's shins.' 'Ans wa9 not ns agile
then as he was in his younger dnys,
and he stooped with much effort. All
through that game Bill ruado great
stops, only to throw' the ball n few
I.. .. f 41. a Um and ttVOTOM l'
Pendleton and Athena
General Photography and Photographic
Supplies, Enlarging, Reproducing and
Kodak Finishing.
One Block South of St. Nichols Hotel,
1st, 2nd, 15th and 16th of each month.
Studio in the Eagle-Woodman Building.
Birds of Quality
Write your wants and let me
quote you prices.
J. M. SWAGGAttT, Meadow
Brook Poultry Farm. Weston
Oregon Route
to Anson to stop if with bis shins.
"However, that was not the end of It
A few days later the White Stockings
had to make a trip to St Louis, and
Anson told Dahlen he would not be
taken on the trip. Bill had been told
that several times and be thought 'Ans'
was fooling. " Tbe train left Chicago
ow "Wnisit nnd Dahlen was with
the reif of the team.
"When tbe train wns about twenty,
five miles out of Chicago the conductor
told Anson there were sixteen men In
the party nnd he had received only
fifteen tickets. Anson said there were
only fifteen men and named the berths
they occupied.
" 'The man in berth No. 17 says be is
a member of the Chicago team,' said
the conductor, who was referring to
Dahlen. 'He's stringing you,' replied
Anson. Boor Bill wns asked to cough
up nnd couldn't. The train was stop
ped, and Dahlen was put off the train
nbout thirty miles from Chicago. How
he got back to Chicago only Bill him
self knows, but he would not talk to
anybody for a week."
Hitting Him With the Truth.
Mr. Boastful-I wonder how It would
teem if I could have all the money 1
have given to charity piled on n plate
before me. .Mrs. Boastful I think you
rould still distinguish the plate.
In the County Conrt for Umatilla
County, State of Oregon.
In tbe Matter of the Estate of
John H. Biteman, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given tbat the
Connty Court of Umatilla eonnty,
Oregon, baa appointed Henry Dell,
of Athena, Oregon, administrator of
tbe state of Jonn H. Biteman, de
ceased, and all persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified
to present tbe same dnly verifled and
with proper vouchers to the said ad
ministrator, at tbe offioe of Homer I.
Watts, attorney, at bis offioe, Athena,
Oregon, witbin six months from the
first publication of this notioe.
Date of first publication April 4,
1913. Henry Dell,
In All Branches
And Decorating
Complete Stock of
Wall Paper, Paint
Oil, Glass etc
Main Street, Athena, Ore.
J. E. FROOME, prop.
i W
Only First-class Hotel in
the City.
Iff I
U Ibe only one lUal can accommodate
oommarolal traveler.
Can beieoomeuded for Its clean and
well ventilated roomt.
vfcMMj . OVER 65 YEARS'
Track Marks
Copyrights Ac.
AnTOHn wini m i.i.'.' . ,
nnlvlilT MWlalii our opinion " whether
IiitpiiOi'II ti probably patenta-' Conimunlea.
!lon..triollrwilleiill- HANUBOOK onl'ateuu
out lr. OMt eaencr tor ecunnt patmiia.
rntm taken through Muuii A Co. rewire
Scientific American.
lailon vt any arutnUBa Journal. 1enn, M
:,r: four nionlba. U SoUbyall newidoalerj.
Administrator's Notice.
Ia tbe Connty Conrt for Umatilla
Coanty, State ot Oregon.
lathe matter of (tie Estate of Amos
Snick, deceased: - '
No! ice ij hereby given that tbe
Connfy Conrt of Umatilla Connty,
Oregon bad appointed Aitbnr E. Sbiok
administrator with the will annexed,
of tbe estate of Amos Shiok, deoeased,
and all persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent tbe same dnly verified and with
proper voaobers to the said adminis
trator at tbe offioe of Homer I. Watts,
attorney, Athena, Oregon, within Biz
months from tbe first pnblioation of
this notioe.
Date of first pnblioation May 9, 1913.
Aitbm E. Sbiok,
Administrator with the will annexed
of the estate of Amos Sbiok, deoeased,
Homer I. Watts,
Atty. for Administrator.
Sealed bids for furnishing fifty (50)
cords No. 1 4 -ft. Fir Wood, to Sobool
District" No. 29, will be reoeived by
the nndersigned, at bis offioe in Atb
ena, Oregon,- up to 2 o'clock, p. m., on
Monday, May 26tb, 1913. Said wood
lo be delivered on or before Septem
ber 1st, 1913. Bids should state either
"f. o. b. railroad depot Athena," or
"delivered on sobool grounds." By
order of the school loard.
B. B. Kiohaids, Oh as Betts,
Chairman. Clerk,
, S. F. Sharp
Special attention given to all
calib both night and day.
CalU promptly answered. Office on Third
8treet, Athena. Oregor
Athena, Oregon. - Pendleton, Oregon
. Homer I. Watts
Athena, Oregon. ,
S. F. WILSON, President,
H. EOEPEE Vice-President,
F. S. Le GROW, Cashier,
E. E. EOONTZ. Ass't Cashier.
F. S. Le GROW.
Official Stock iDspsctor. Graduate McKUlip
, : Vetinary College, Chicago
PhoBe Main 87-, FEND1ETON. OBEGOJf
Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist
Suggestive Therapeutist
Office in Barrett Building
Chronic Diseases a Specialty. Exami
nation and Consultation Free.
tHa most haallna salve In the world.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder risht
"The wagon that stands up like
the reputation of its makers"
When you buy a Shdehaker wagon you buy
a wagon tnat will last until you turn the farm
over to your son and he turns it over to his son. .
One of the first StuJebaer wagons ever made saw
constant service for thirty years, and we will gladly
send you the name3 of farmers who have in their
possession wagons that have been in constant use any
where from 1 7 to 48 years and there are thousands of
them. We are building the same kind of wagons today.
A Sludebaker wagon is an investment that will give
you full return for your outlay. It is Built on honor.
Iron, steel, wood, paint and varnish used in its construc
tion are tested and retested to make sure each isthe best.
For work,business or pleasure for town or country
use thereis aSu Jeiafcrvehicleto fityour requirements.
Farm wagons, dump carts, trucks, buggies, surreys, run
abouts, pony carriages, business vehiclee of every description
with harness of the same high standard.
See our Dealer or write ut.
South Bend, Ind.
Spring Clothes! Where?
This is not
The largest and most com
plete line of Domesctic
and Imported Woolens I
have ever shown is on
displav at my shop. All
the fancy colors in
Browns, Tans, Grays,
Greens and Blue Serges.
Everything that any city
shop carries, I have it,
with gocd, dependable
workmanship inside and
out, at prices from $15 to
$2F. Ladies Suits, Skirts,
one-piece Dresses, Rain
Coats. Also made from
your own material, if
you deeire it.
Careful attention given to all cleaning, pressing and alteration work. But
tons covered. My motto is to please regardless of time or expense. Present
location, Foss house, one block north of school house. ,
Athena, Ore.
JAB1ES CON LEY, The Tailor
ci-xrBitATr.n "
Will make th? Season at
Al Johnson's, west of Athena
Foaled 1908, sired by HororT SWedt dam.
Olie 50372; 2nd dam, Daisy Marie by
Creion Kiem 15849; 3rd dam. Colre by
Tolosa 98M; 4th dam Mollie by Krgro
0774; 5th d&m, Jcssifl ty.McMaJian 260 i
We extend to our Depositors every, cAccommdation , 4
consistent with sound Banking.
Aihena IHIoteS
Mrs. L. Chittenden, Proprietor
White Help Only, Employed .
Good Glean Rooms Table ; served
I with the best the market affords
A Home For the Traveling Public
Reasonable Rates
Courteous Treatment
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Is trade in Athena, by Athena labor, in one of the very" best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry". Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour for
$1.40 Per
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash.
,F. L. ATKINSON, Proprietor
The Best of Eigs
Careful drivers. Speoial attention given Commeroial trade. Hoiaes
Loorded by the day, week or month. ' '
Hardware & Implements
6. W. Proebstel, Weston
Meritorous values in an uptodate stock of Hardware,
Implements and Vehicles. Winona Wagons, Moline
Hacks, Buggies, Harness, Incubators and Brooders, Lum
ber, Shingles. Cement, Lime and general progressive line
to meet all demands. See us before buying. Fair treat
ment in quality and price.
All Sold at Reduced Prices for Cash.
McConnon Remedies
Known oa thsir merits, as pure and reliable. We call special attention to
ou tTMaccolax Table 8 and tTVIentholatura Salve. All wh3 bavp used them
find same indispensable for the home .
Our Stock Tonic
is made from vegetable pr ducts and ia goarranteed from any poison matter.
Same can be had from McConnon Wajjoa or
Wright Livery Athena, Oregon
rm- m