AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. Boyd, Publisher Published Every Friday. Office, Corner Third and Jefferson Streets. Entered In the Fnstoffice at Athena, Oregon, as ecoudOlasa Mail Matter. , Subscription Rates. One copy, one year. $1.50 When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00) One copy, six months .75 One copy, three months .50 Advertising Rates. Display, transient, running less than one months first insertion, per inch 25c Suhsfnutnt insertions 12lA Display regular, per inch.. . 12 J ' Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c Subsequent insertions, per line 5c Lodere resolutions, per line 5c Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c , Salem baa started something new in tbe organization of 8 commercial olnb that will include in its memcership fatmeia and fruit growers of tbe sur rounding country as well as business men of tbe city. Piotably no' section of tbe state is ip closer touch with its outside territory and suob ' a move is of great importanoe to both city and country. cATHENA. ORE.. MAY 16 ..1913 A Grant oonnty paper sermonizes as follows: "Tbe amount of money that leaves Grant count? annually and finds its way to tbe mail order bouse wcold be a revelation to one not famiiar with tbe conditions. Fiom tbe small postoffioe at Monument tbe money or der business for one year was $22,000 or nearly $2000 montb. Long Creek run aont $25,000 per annum with otber offices sending out equal amounts Of course it would be well to keep tbe sum of $150,000, wbioh goes out of tbe oounty annually at borne, but it is fceginning to seem that no longer be longs to modem business. Tbe order bouses bnve been enoroaobing and tbeii business is based upon tbe piin oiple that trade is going to go where it oan buy the cheapest. Tbis is a bard principle to get away from and if it is sound tbe business of the mailorder house will inoiease as time goes on. There is no use to waste any time in talking sentimental stuff about who builds toe oburobes, pays tbe taxes and builds the roads, as tbat falls on deaf ears. Tbe only thing tbat con cerns tbe purchaser is tbe price of tbe arliole desired and tbe manner of call ing bis attention to it. Tbe manner of calling bis attention is tho printers' ink route and if tbe price is bettor than tbe one that is not adveitised by looal stores his order leaves the oonn ty and who helps to keep up tbe ohurob and build tbe roads and all tbat kind of staff doesn't tother bim. The fight against mail order houses baa not been elleotlvo teoause the real oonditions would not be reoognlzed. We would not be honest. We would deny to ourselves what we knew was different and tbe only way to get at tbe problem is to first realize and reo- ognize what tbe situation is." Plenty of entertainment for tbe next few weeks. With tbe coming of tbe Caledonian Pionio, the Pioneers' Re union, tbe Farmers Pionio and tbe glo nous Fourth, and a few circuses and fishing excursions thrown in between times, Umatilla oounty people certain ly will have "some plaoe to go." Wheat Prices Soar. Although tbere is but little wheat left in tbe bauds of the farmers, tbe present prloe is one of tbe highest of tbe year and a few email sales are re ported at Walla Walla and Pendleton before tbe expected final drop. As high as 90 oents f. o.b. could be ob tained for blnestem, while club was quoted at 80 cents everywhere.; Union makes tbe claim it will have tbe tiggest and test livestock show in Oregon this year. Its dates are Jnne 5, 6, 7. Tbe tig feature of tbe show will be tbe fine horses, while tbe splen did cattle for wbiob Eastern Oregon is famous will also be on exhibition in large numbers. Trains will be running to Coos Bay in 1914, are tbe promise of Sontbern Paolflo oftloials. Tbe new road will give improved transportation to a dis trict long without railroads aud is cer tain to add tremendously to tbe growth of that seotion of tbe state. How Old's Your Tag? Records in tbe automctile depart ment of tbe seorelary of state's of (Joe show tbat more than 2500 automobile owners in tbe Btate have not registered their cars tbis year, and if tbey are using tbeir muobines tbey are running tbem without a 1913 license tag. Tbe registrations for tbis year now exoeed 10,000, and tbe secretary of state estimates tbe number will reach 13,000 by the end of tbe year. In Portland and Salem, and nearly every other city and town in the state, auto mobiles are known to be still cariying tbe old 1912 tags. 8th Grade "Fuss." Being of tbe opinion tbat eighth grade graduation exeroises work a hardship on many parents, tbat pupils negleot tbeir work tbe latter part of tbeir last year in tbe grades preparing for the exercises and tbat suob exer cises tend to give many pupils tbe idoa that they have completed tbeir school woik, tbe piinoinals of the three Walla Walla sobools have un animously voted tbat no exercises of any kind be held on June R, the last day of school and tbe time when the eighth grade 'pupils are given tbeir diplomas, , . Tho announcement oomes from Port land that tbe highest prioe ever paid the producer for cattle was paid Won day, when five carloads of eteei brongbt $9 per hundred pounds. Lit tie doubt exists that reef will ever again bring prices below a good mar gin of profit. Year by year tbe range becomes less, end tbe future boef sup ply must necessarily te supplied by tho man who grows and feeds alfalfa or other llesh-piodnoing forage. With the thousunds of aorcs comlog under cultivation yearly, wbioh formerly provided range for stock free to the owner, tbe feoding ground for cattle bna to a great extent been transferred to tbe batu yard and feeding shed. Hence the cost of flenu produotion has aooordingly increased together with increase in domnnd. The man with a band of cattle and free rauge will hereafter have a mint. "Why doesn't some oougenial spitit Inform Willie Hearst that the Pendle ton Live Wire is usurping bis prerog atives In the yellow journalistic field. At a dispenser of sensational news, elongated, tho Live Wire (got tbe olootrio sparks shooting from its bead) bus tbe Hearst publications, iu pro portion, beaten a 'Mormon block." Weston Leader. "(Jet the olootrio aparks Btiootiug from Its head?" Brother Jobusou is i jv to sensational journalism io tbis fount. Those are not "eleotrio ty.ukB,M Johnsou. They aie grapu tinea. An Oregon lad teat tbe best record mado In England in raising tbe great est number ot potatoes from a single ttUr. Ad English boy raised 220 j muds from one potato, and tbe Eng lish papers saw aometbiug iu that to crow about. A boy down at Albany, winning the state contest among BoLool obildron last year, grew 6G0 pounds from one potato by transplant ing sprouts from tho origlaal, wbioh had 13 eyes. The Malheur Mining News, a new sheet published at Malheur, Mulbnnr oouuty, is doiug its part to boom that seotion as a mining distrlot Ahska in its palmiest days never nueoverrd a morn rapid succession of rich geld strikes than are reported from week to week iu tbe News. We bope ery blasted oua of tliem is true for Mal heur is in Oregon and aoytbicg tbat advauoes Malbeur advauces Oregon. Duriug tba pan! year tbere has been a large inoiease iu tbe number of miloh cows in tbe StauOeld district. Dr. Henry Waldo Uoe, who bur large interests there, is at the front with a proposition to establish a cheese fac tory for consumption ot tbe milk pro CaoL Doctor, don't cheese it; beep the tall tolling. Rain and Crops. While tbe farmers of tbis seotion are looking gloweringly askanoe at cloudy weather and rainfall, tbe farming fraternity of oounties west of beie is all smiles, aud well it may be, for the rains come at tbe right time to make good wheat crops. Io Gilliam and surrounding counties, commenc ing with showers tbe middle of last week it turned into a steady downpour Saturday and Sunday. Both full and spring wheat, wbioh was looking backward, will benefit largely and a good crop is expected now. Notice. Sealed bids for furnishing fifty (50) oords No. 14 ft. Fir Wood, to Hohool District No. 29, will be reoelved by tbe nndersigoed, at hia office in Ath ena, Oregon, up to 2 o'clock, p. m., on Monday, May 26tb, 1913. Said wood Io be delivered on or before Septem fcer 1st, 1913. Bids should state either f. o. b. railroad depot Athena," or delivered on sobool grounds." By order of the school I oaid. B. B. Kiohards, Cbaa Betts, Chairman. Clerk. Administrator's Notice. In the County Court for Umatilla County, State of Oregon. In tbe matter of the Estate of Amos Sbiok, deceased: Notioe is hereby given tbat tbe County Court of Umatilla Connty, Oregon has appointed Arthur E. Shiok administrator with tbe will annexed, of the estate of Amos Sbiok, deoeased, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent tbe same duly verified and with proper vouobers to the said adminis trator at tbe office of Homer I. Watts, attorney, Atbua, Oregon, within six months from tbe fiis'publication of tbis notice. Date of first publication May 9, 1913. Arthur E. Sbick, Administrator with tbe will annexed of tbe estate of Amos Sbiok, deceased, Homer I. Watts, Atty. for Administrator. Call for Warrants. Notioe is hereby given tbat the fol lowing City of Athena Warrauts will be rodeemod ty tbe city treasurer: City Warrants Noa. 570 to 625 and Water Warrants Nob. 615 to 681. Interest on these warrants will oease on date of publication of tbis notice, wbioh is Apiil 0, 1913, Victor C. Boike, City Treasurer. ELE STUD 0 Pendleton and Athena General Photography and Photographic Supplies. Enlarging, Reproducing and Kodak Finishing. ATHENA, One Block South of St. Nichols Hotel, 1st, 2nd, Uth and 16th of each month. I'KNDLBTON, Studio in the Eagle-Woodman Building. BARRED PLYMOTH ROCK S G BUFF LEGHORNS NDIAN RUNNER DUCKS ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. In tbe Connty Court for Umatilla County, State of Oregon. In tbe Matter of Jibe,. Estate of John H. Hitemun, Deceased. Notioe is hereby given that tbe County Court of Umatilla county, Oregon, bas appointed Henry Dell. of Atbena, Oregon, administrator of tbe state of John B. Hiteman, de censed, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present tbe same duly verified aud with proper vouchers to tbe said ad ministrator, at tbe office of Homer I. Watts, attorney, at bis offioe, Athens, Oregon, within six months from tbe first publication of tbis notioe. Date of first publication April 4, 1913. Henry Dell, Administrator. SUMMONS. Birds of Quality Write your wants and let me quote you prices. J. M. SWAGGAUT, "Meadow Brook Poultry Farm, Weston Oregon. Route 2. Foley's Kidney Cure mikes kldacys and bladder tight. PAINTING In All Branches PAPERING And Decorating Complete Stock of Wall Paper, Paint Oil, Glass etc G. B. KIDDER, Main Street, Athena, Ore. THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. IS. FROOME, trop. 11? Only First-class Hotel in the City. W THE ST. NICHOLS 1 the ODly one tbat can accommodate commercial travelers. Iff Can bdieonmended for Ha clean aud well ventilated rooms. Cor Maik and Third, ATHiNA.Or. vV4,f OVER 68 YEARS' V tArtnlENwl Track Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anvnnt Miullng a nkelch and (Imprint Ion mT nul.-klv ucertMin our oimiioit frea whether an Invention It probably ptentnMi Onitminlra. tloiitatrlctlyrontlileiittal. HAnUuDUK onl'atwiu out friM. Oldest naencv for aecuriuff DtM. 1'ntenU taken through Munu ft. Co. ftttttlT. tpteinl notfc, without chxrvo, lu the Scientific Jlmerlcait. A hundiomelf Hlnrted wanklr. I nrsest th culm ton of any lentlllo Journal, Terms, 13 a ronrt four month. L Sold bjall pewntrMsm. jlUNN&Co.36,Bwtm''New1fpr! Draw Office, e F 8U Waihimiton, IX C. In the Circnit Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County.. Alma Bowen, Plaintiff, James Bonen, Defendant. 1 To James Bowen, tbe above-named defendant; In I be name of the State of Oregon, yon ere hereby required io appear and answer tbe complaint Hied against you in tbe above entitled soit on or before six weeks from tbe date of tbe first publication of this snmmone; and you will take notioe, tbat if yon fail to appear and answer or plead within said lime, tbe above-named plaintiff will apply to the above entitled Court for tbe relief prayed for in ber com plaint filed herein, to-wit: For a de cree of divoroe forever dissolving tbe bonds of matrimony heretofore arrd now existing between tbe plaintiff and defendant, and for tbe restoration to plaintiff ber maiden name, Alma For tier, and for suob otber and far ther relief as to the court may seem equitable and meet in tbe premises. . Tbis sammoDS is putlisbed by order of tbe Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of tbe above entitled Court, duly aad regularly made and entered on tbe 24th day of Jtfarob, 1913, tbe date of tbe first publication being on tbe 28th day of Maroh, 1913. , S. A. Newberry, Attorney for Plaintiff. Professional ' - S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON - Special attention given to all calls both night and day. Call promptly answered. Office on Third Street, Athena Oregor G. S. NEWSOM.M. D. - PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Athena, Oregon. wuis answered promptly nigh to y PETERSON & BISHOP Attorneys-at-Law Athena, Oregon. - Pendleton, Oregon CHS. . OFFICERS S. F. WILSON, President, . H. KOEPKE Vice-President. . F. S. Le GROW, Casbier, E. K KOONTZ. Ass't Casbier. DIRECTORS S. F. WILfiON. H. KOEPKE, W. S. FERGUSON M. L. WAITS, F. S. Le GROW. Homer I. Watts Attorney-at-Law Athena, Oregon. B A W U E n 8 A LVE ttie moci heallna salve In the world. C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V. Official Stock Inspjctor. Graduate McKllllp Vetinary college, Chicago Phone Main 27, PENDLETON, ORKGON Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist DR. E. J. SLOCUM ., Suggestive Therapeutist : Office in Barrett Building Chronic Diseases a Specialty. Exami nation and Consultation Free. jit- ja "Nearly all those Wagons and Buggies are Stttdebakers" Every , year over one hundred thousand Studebaker vehicles are sold. Thi3 telk you what the farmers of the country think of the Studebaker wagons. This appreciation has been constantly grow ing for sixty years. This appreciation has been earned by the deter mination of Studebaker to produce an honestly built wagon that will do a full day's work and keep on doing it, and not to build a cheap one. The man who buys the Studebaker gets all the improvements gained by the experience of two gener ations of wagon builders. FarmWagont Tracks Delivery Wagona Dump Wagona Buugiea Surraya Bnaincu Wagon Pony Carta Harneat Sold undtr th Stadmbahir gaaranli. See our Dealer ot write ut, STUDEBAKER South Bend, Ind. NEW YORK CHICAGO DALLAS KANSAS CITY DENVER MINNEAPOLIS SALT LAKS CITY SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND, ORE. Spring Clothes! Where? The MaRXG.HaRRIS isoNTSnovwai .$UfttULU TilSlSNOT J f6 The largest and most com plete line of Domesctic and Imported Woolens I h ave ever shown is on display at my shop. All the fancy colors in Browns, Tans, Grays. Greens and Blue Serges. Everything that any city shop carries, I have it, with good, dependable workmanship inside and out, at prices from $15 to $2F. Ladies' Suits, Skirts, one-piece Dresses, Rain Goats. Also made from your own material, if you desire it. Careful attention given to all cleaning, pressing and alteration work. But tons covered. My motto is to please regardless of time or expense. Present location, Fobs house, one block north of school bouse. Athena, Ore. - JAMES CONLEY, The Tailor 51981 CELEBRATED PEHIE1I Will make the fceason at Al Johnson's, west of Athena YOUNG MILTON Foaled 1908, sired by Horoff 5G88SH dam. Olio 30372; 2nd dam. Daisy Marie by Cresion Kiexer 15S49; 3rd dam. Colie by Tolosa 9866: 4th dam Mollie by Negro 07T4; 5th dam, Jessie by,McMahan 26C 3 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA : CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $100,000.00 We extend to our Depositors every cAccommdation J consistent with sound Banking. " i!i,:iyLl:i:;:aisrMraffagaif:ia hena ote Mrs. EV Chittenden, Proprietor White Help Only, Employed Good Clean Rooms, Table served with the best the market affords A Home For the Traveling Public Reasonable Rates Courteous Treatment ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. Is trade in Athena, by Athena labor, in one of the very best equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour for S 1 .40 Per Sac k Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash. LATEST PAINLESS OPERATING METHODS MODERN DENTISTS W 1AILUK 11AKDVVAK1S BUILDING, PFNDLETON THE COMMERCIAL LIVERY. FEED & SALE STABLE F. L. ATKINSON, Proprietor ' The Best of Rigs Caref at drivers. Speoial attention given Commercial trade. Horses ijoorded by tbe day, week or month. Hardware & Implements 6. W. Proebstel, Weston Meritorous values in an uptodate stock of Hardware, Implements and Vehicles. Winona Wagons, Moline Hacks, Buggies, Harness, Incubators and Brooders, Lum ber, Shingles, Cement, Lime and general progressive line to meet all demands, y See usljefore buying. Fair treat nient in quality and price. All Sold at Reduced Prices for Cash McConnon Remedies Known on their merits, as pure and reliable. We can special attention to our tlaccolax Table s and cTMentholatum Salve. All wh) fcave used them find same indispensable for the home Our Stock Tonic is made from vegetable products and is gsarranteed from any poison matter. Same can be had from McConnon Wagou or . , Wright Livery Athena Oregon