The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 25, 1913, Image 4

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Can ret yoa fancy price (or Wild Ducks
and other pal In season. Write ua (or
. ansa offer en all kinds of poultry, pork, eta.
Pearson-Page Co., Portland
for Sale, ar Trade For Ore. or Wart. Land, 40 a.
ail suit, near Ccdaredire, Delta Co., Colo.; bouse.
Kin, eatdldsa 7-a. orchard, etc.
E. W. Stolte.Cedaredge, Colo.
For Sakr-ezO a. near Colville, Stevens Co., Wash.;
10 a. colt, bal. timber; 4-r. house, barn, outbids..
S-e. orchard, stock, machinery, etc.
L. E. Hedrick. ColTille, Wash,
For Sale or Trade (or Western Property 820 a. in
Lee Cow HI. ; 125 a. cult.; 12-r. dwelling, modern
bam, ontblcg-, sheds, etc
L r. Uiaree, r ranKun urore. lu.
Second-Hand Machln.
ery bought, sold and
exehp.nffed: marines.
boflers, sawmills, etc The 1. E. Martin Co.. 83 1st
bt Portland. Bend (or Stock List and prices.
O A ATTYHr T7TVT. We are Sole
IXfAll UXIULS Agents for
band Instruments. The most complete stock
of Musical Merchandise in the Northwest.
Write (or Catal- ues.
IS4 Second Street, Portland, Oregon
Deal direct with manufac
turer, We pay the highest
prices for Raw Furs. Write
fur free price list and shipping
191 Strath Ska. PORTLAND, ORE.
I Price 10c
A Toy for Cats
For fun and health. At
drug, toy and department
stores. Write UK. A. U DM.
ICLS, Ik., 182 Milk SI, Sottas. Hut,
fur book on Lata. ,
ST. H I.IFRFS A fft ".
P. Plaqemann. Mar. M
IfflANUrAUUKlnli rUKKItna
298 Morrixn Si CsrbeU Bide
Ret ft Nil! Bui Ptrllud.Ora
! His Intentions.
! "Young man," said Major Black
,brow, with a lowering glance at Chol
ine. "I happened to see you last night
.with your arm about my daughter's
waist. May I inquire your intentions,
sir?" "Why, sure, major," replied the
blooming Chollie. "I intend to put
.It there every chance I get." Har
saw's Weekly.
Putting It Delicately.
! He was a stage aspirant, and had
contrived somehow to gain an intro
duction to a well known manager,
who agreed to fix a date for a trial.
This duly came off, and expectantly
the aspirant awaited the verdict.
"What do you think of It?" he asked,
after a deep silence. "Well," the man
ager replied slowly, "all I can say is
that If ever you are put In prison for
acting It will be a grave miscarriage
of justice."
i Hard to Please.
I Humanity's appetite for applause is
, so strong that no man can really
1 please himself without pleasing a
inumber of pooplo.
"The hired man foil off the fenci
idown in the meadow lot Just nowl"
rilad he hit the ground when yov
JeftT" Louisville Courier-Journal. .
1 Good Word for Cheese.
I The popular idea that choose is cot
ieaslly digestible is a delusion. We
jmay, therefore, pass the checBe with
out passing it up.
; Boy's Idea of the Veil.
Little Burney attended a wedding
where the bride wore a veil. While
going home ho said: "Mamma, when
you married did you wear curtains?'
The Wrong Burns.
At the town of Ayr, two miles out
of Glasgow, stands the cottage built
by William Burns, in which his son
Robert was born, A Californlan, who
was in Scotland recently, was asked
If he would like to see the cottage ol
William Burns. "Sure, I'll go," re
ponded the American, "but I'm
hlHHir1 If T Ron how ha finds time to
live there very much."
Annual Rose Show in Portland to
Be Great Event.
Portland, Or. The National Nur
serymen's association of America
will hold its annual convention in
Portland next June and a large major
ity of the 3000 delegates will come to
Portland in time to take in the Rose
show and Rose festival. The Rose
festival week comes June 9 to 14,
and the floral exhibit will be one of
the greatest drawing cards for the first
three days of the celebration. The
National Nurserymen's association is
the most important floral organization
in the United States and in the mem
bership and among the delegates who
will be here will be the foremost pro
fessional rosarians in the country.
Special attention will be given to
their entertainment while here and
the judging in the Rose show compe
titions will probably be done by some
of these experts.
mil xarfi Zl
V-' i
Space Between Beams Provides Dry
Spot the Most Fitted for Its
Proper Preservation.
Where persons have a house with
eight or ten-inch beams on which the
floor is laid in the first story, the
spaces between the beams make an ex
cellent place to keep canned fruit in
the cellar.
Boards can be nailed firmly to the
underside of the beams, forming
shelves on which the frulfcan be set
Wide boards are best.
The air is dryer in this point in
the cellar than at any other place, and
there is a freer circulation, too, keep
ing the fruit in a more even tempera
ture and better atmosphere than is
possible in a fruit cupboard or on
shelves built along the side walls.
In erecting such shelves care should
be taken to secure the boards well
with nails, A good plan is to saw the
boards to fit a certain place, allow
ing the ends to be just even with the
sides of the beams. Then a small
board can be nailed firmly on the end
of the shelf and, when In place, nail
ed to the outside of the beams.
Mothers will find Mrs. Window's SofJtnlng
Byruptf e best remedy to use for their uhlldiaa
Juriug ie teethiug period.
Meddling Stage Directors.
In a recent lawsuit regarding the
ownership of a play a stage director
testified that in thirty-two years'
theatrical experience he had never
heard of a play being produced as
originally written. "The chief duty
of a stage director," he said, "is med
dling with manuscripts. I have even
heard of stage directors who tried to
Improve on Shakespeare by revamp
ing his works."
Were not mads to do Machine Work, but
there is a machine made to do Women's
Work, and it does it quicker and bcter
than it's ever been done before.
Free illustrated catalog sent upon receipt
of the coupon below or postal mentioning
this paper.
Send me your
free Meadows
Washing Ma
chine catalog.
No thoughtful person uses liquid blue. It's a
flinch of blue in a large bottle of water. Ask for
led Cross Ball lilua, the blue that's all blue.
and all forme of
My 8ymphony.
To live content with small means,
o seek elegance rather than luxury,
ind refinement rather than fashion;
a be worthy, not respectable, and
vealthy, not rich; to study hard, think
lulckly, talk gently, act frankly; to
lsten to stars and birds, to babes and
tongs, with open heart; to bear all
iheerfully, do all bravely, await oc
:aslons, hurry never in a word, to
et the spiritual, unbidden and uncon
iclous grow up through the common
:hls la to be my symphony. Chan
for the signature of K. W. GKOVE. Cures Cold
in One Day, Cures Crip in Two Days. g&c.
Direct Hint.
Thoy had been talking as they walk
ed. She had remarked pathetically:
"Oh, it must be terrible to a man to
be rejected by a woman!" "Indeed it
must," was his response. Then, after
a while, with sympathetic ingenuous
ness, she exclaimed: "It doesn't seem
that I could ever have the heart to do
it." And there came a silence be
tween them as he thought It over.
Oldest Known Prescription.
The oldest prescription in the world
1b in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
It is on a piece of stone 3x4 inches in
size and was probably written 3,500
years ago in Egypt. The prescription
takes up both faces of the stone and
is written in the old cursive charac
ters, the compound being a remody
that was used for a fumigation.
Yonrdruifuiat will refund money if PAZO OTNT
MKNT fails to cure any caao of Iti-hinir. lllimL
blooding- or l'rotsjuiinif Tiles in 8 to 14 days. 60a
Was Even More Upset.
"I can't understand how you have
the presumption to think I would
permit my daughter to become your
wife." "It does seem rather surpris
ing. I suppose; but cheer up,
You're not half so badly upset as I
was when she suggested it to me."
Erratic Traveler.
Opportunity is the slowest thing in
the world when it is approaching you;
but when it Is going in the other di
rection it travels faster than light
Mincemeat Should Be Made In Largi
Quantities, If One Would Have
It at Its Best
Mincemeat is best when made li
large quantities and left to stand fot
some time to ripen. To make, select
about five pounds of lean beef from
neck, rump or round. Cover wits
boiling water, add one teaspoonful ol
salt, and simmer gently until verj
tender. Free from fat and bone, put
through the food chopper; then weigh
For three full pounds add two pound!
of salt suet, six pounds of tart apples,
pared and chopped fine, one quart ol
cold beef liquor, six pounds of granu
lated sugar, three pints of boiled cl
der, four pounds of seeded raisin
three pounds of cleaned currants, and
half pound of chopped citron, tw
ounces of chopped candied lemon peel,
two ounces of candled orange peel
two teaspoonfuls of salt, one cupful
cinnamon, two-thirds cup ground
cloves, one teaspoonful black pep
per, and three plots of - currant
Heat over the fire. If yon cannot
procure cider, or do not care to ust
It in making your mincemeat, then
is an excellent substitute. To eaci
gallon of mincemeat allow one pint
of clear, strong coffee.
In Ancient Times People Were Tcld
Not to Pick Their Teeth With
Knife or Fork.
"Until the middle of the seventeenth
century," writes Rose M. Bradley in
the English Housewife, "forks were a
luxury, treated rather as toys, elegant
with Jeweled handles, wherewith the
ladies might pick daintily at their
sweetmeats." Before the carving fork
was introduced paper covers, were
placed over those portions of the meat
which had to be grasped with the left
band. The paper frills sometimes
seen nowadays on cutlet bones are
said by the author to be a survival of
the old custom. After smarting under
foreign criticism on their table man
ners, Englishmen turned to French
"Rules of Civility," and. others were
compiled in English.
Readers were warned "not to wipe
knife or fork on bread or the cloth,
but on napkins." They were also re
quested "not to pick their teeth at
table with knife or fork." "Lady
"Lady Rich's Closet of Rareties," pub
lished in 1653, begs each gentlewoman
to "observe to keep her body straight,
and lean not by any means with her
elbow, nor by ravenous gesture dis
cover a voracious appetite."
Nor must she talk with her mouth
full of meat nor "smack like a pig."
not eat spoon meat so hot that the
tearB stand In her eyes. "It is very
uncomely," the author adds, "to drink
so large a draft that your breath Is
almost gone and you are forced to re
cover yourself. Throwing down your
liquor as Into a funnel is an action
fitter for a Juggler than a gentlewoman."
Ltouid blue is a weak solution. A old It. Bur
Red Cross Ball Blue, the blue that's all blue. Ask
your grocer.
That man talks a great deal, but
you must admit that he's wide awake.1
"Well," replied Farmer Corntossel, re
flectively, "you couldn't expect a man
to fall asleep during one of his own
speeches." "
Not Many.
"Women are living longer than they
did a generation ago," sas a statis
tical authority. Yes, but will they
own up to being any older? E
It's really only
another word for per
fect digestion aclive fiver
bowel regularity. Sick
ness always brings
discontent and "the
blues," but why re
main so? Get a bot
tle of
Stomach Bitters
today. It will make
the "inner man"
strong and healthy
and preventStomach
Ills, Colds, Grippe
and Malarial Disor
Wooden Horse Can Jump as High as
Eiffel Tower, He Says In Spin
ning Latest Yarn.
Being a funny man, he was at it
again. Seated on the grass in the
midst of the picnic party, he was
spinning the latest yarns.
"I say," he remarked to those as
sembled, "I bet you can't answer this
'Well, what is it?" aBked a chorus
of voices.
"Can you name an animal that has
eyes and canont see, legs and cannot
walk, but can Jump as high as the
Eiffel tower?"
All racked their brains and there
was a deep silence for a moment.
"I don't know," remarked some one.
"I give it up."
The rest 'of the party also signified
Inability to solve the riddle.
"The answer," said the funny man,
"is a wooden horse. It has eyes and
cannot see and legs and cannot walk."
"Yes, but how does It Jump as high
as the Eiffel tower?" came the tri
umphant shout.
"The Eiffel tower," said the funny
man as he made preparations for hur
ried departure, "can't Jump at all I"
Object Is to Find Smallest Number of
Straight Lines in Which Each
Wheel May Be Enclosed.
What is the smallest number of
straight lines which can be drawn
One Must First Figure on Expense and
Then on Equipment Pays
to Build Well. '
(By Q. A. GILBERT, Colorado Agrioul-
. .. tural College.) .
Creamery builders must figure the
cost, first, of the building, second, of
the equipment. A suitable and con
venient building will. contain a main
work room, store room, refrigerator,
engine and boiler room, coal room and
an office. Such a medium sized cream
ery would measure 28x48 feet In
some sections labor and material are
much cheaper than In others and the
cost varies accordingly. However, we
can place the limit of cost of suoh a
construction between one thousand
and fifteen hundred dollars.
Where only gathered cream is re
ceived the equipment required is less
than where whole milk Is received. In
the first Instance, of the gathered
cream plant, the following would be
necessary: 15 H. P. boiler; 10 H. P.
engine; a well and pump; weigh can
and scales; Babcock testing equip
ment complete; combiner churn, capa
city 600 lbs. butter; buttermilk vat;
cream rlpener; starter can; wash sink.
Besides this there will be shafting,
pulleys, piping, belting, etc. By mak
ing two churnings a day in the rush
season, 1,200 pounds of butter could be
manufactured per day In a plant of
this size. The cost of 'equipment would
approximately be 91,200.
The total cost of a creamery with
out artificial refrigeration will vary
from 2,200 to $3,000. In the long run
it pays to build well and to use first
olass equipment in a creamery, and
this is the basis of the foregoing fig
ares. In many cases on record cream
eries started by promoters of repre
sentatives of construction companies
have cost exborbltant prices and out
of all proportion to the business they
are able to do.
One Essential Is Water and In Re
ceptacle Large Enough for All
Needs Tub Is Best.
Wherever the farmer has his own
blacksmith shop, it is almost neces
sary to have water handy, and have it
In a vessel large enough for the needs
of the shop. The half barrel makes
a very good vessel for this purpose.
The half of a common coal oil barrel
will make a very good tub. The
notches, shown in the illustration,
form good supports for the wagon
Spinning Wheel Puzzle.
within this square so as to inclose
each of the wheels within separate
This diagram shows that the seven
wheels, which spin so merrily when
the paper is rotated in the band, can
(3f? kfl iidj
OR niuif piffi DISTEMPER
Cures the sick and acta m a pieventlve for others. Liquid
g'von on the tonpue. (Safe for brooil mares and all others. Best
kidney remedy; 50 cent and U a bottle; $5 and $10 the doen.
Bold by nil dnij'tsts and horse goods houses, or sent, express
puiil, by the manufacturers.
SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists, Goshen. Ind.
North Pacific College of Dentistry and Pharmacy
The North Pacific College was estab
lished in 1SS8. It has departments of
Dentistry and Tharmaoy. school in
America has better facilities for the train
ing of young men and women for success
ful professional careers. The annual ses
sion begins October First An illustrated
catalog of information will be forwarded
upon application to
p was Registrar, North Pacific College
-1 Em! Sixth and Oregon Sis, Portland, Ore.
Poetry and Music.
If I had to live my life again I would
have made a rule to read some poetry
ind listen to some muslo at least once
very week; for perhaps the parts of
my brain now atrophied would thus
have been kept active through use.
Tho loss of these tastes is a loss of
happiness, and may possibly be inju
rious to the Intellect, and more prob
ably to the moral character, by en
feebling the emotional part of our ma
ture. Charles Darwin.
Sand Cure for Fatigue,
One of the most efficacious cures
for fatigue from overwork consists ia
walking barefoot In sand. The nerves
of the sole and heel are slightly Irri
tated by coming In contact with the
grains and accelerate the circulation
of the blood In all parts of the body.
The effect produced ia htghly Invig
orating. Besides this, the monotony
of an ample extent of yellow sand ex
ercises a soporiflo effect on the brain
which Induces sleep. Harper'a Week
Love as Form of Religion.
Love at Its highest point love sub
lime, untque. Invincible leads ui
straight to the brink of the greal
abyss, for U speaks to us directly ol
the infinite and of eternity. It la cm
eently religious; it may even becoms
religion. Amiel.
Color more goods brlrhter and taster colors than any other dye. One 10c package colors silk, wool and cotton euuMly
yrMnd ts cuaranUad to Siva perfect results, Ask dealer, or We will send postpaid at 10c a paeltaae. Wilte for txee
feeikbjet bow to dye, bleach and mix colon. adONKOE DKUa COMFVNr, Quuxcy, Ulmota.
Solution of Puzzle.
be divided off into separate lnclosures
by dnly three straight lines.
While solving this, rotate the paper
in your hand and see the wheels spin.
Bobble Knew.
Bobbie and Little Willie had been
given orders oy motner not to go
swimming alone. Once in a while,
however, they indulged in their se
cret pleasure without telling their
fond mother.
One day they were returning from
a swim and both had entirely forgot
ten about the necessary excuse. Lit
tle Willie bravely entered the. house,
but Bobble prudently turned the cor
ner and waited outside on the cellar
The first question mother put to
little Willie took tho little one un
aware. "Where have you been, Wil
lie!" asked mother sternly. Willie
hesitated, looked at the door longingly
and finally replied. "Walt till I go and
ask Bob. National Monthly.
Little Brother Speaks.
Florence, who was an ardent admir
er of her own vocal qualities, had
been selected to Blng a solo at a
church entertainment.
The following morning at the break
fast table she remarked to her young
er brother:
"Well. I never thought my voice
would fill that large hall."
"Neither did I answered the broth
er unfeelingly. "I thought it would
empty It" Lipplncotfa.
Water Tub for Shop.
rheels when cooling the set tires,
rhe notches will also be found handy
or other purposes about the tub, such
is keeping tongs, lays, etc., from slip
ling to the bottom of the tub when
Set upright to cool.
Ordinary Table Fork Will Perform
Operation With Neatness and Die
patch Knife Also Used.
Everybody is familiar with the lit
tle metal tops used on bottles. But
the general opinion is that a top can
not be removed without the aid of a
specially designed opener. A Phila
delphia man was recently confronted
with the problem of removing one of
these tops without the official Instru
ment. This is the way he did It: He
took an ordinary table fork and
placed one of the outside tines be
neath the edge of the cap. He then
Metal Top Remover.
took a knife and inserted the end of
the blade between the other outside
tine and the center one. By pressing
down on the knife handle he secured
just the upward pull on the edge of
the crown top that is needed to dis
lodge it. An ingenious and simple
Advisable to Start Upon Small Scale
and Run Two Geese With Each -Gander
Get Early Eggs.
One of the best seasons for pur
chasing geese is during the latter part
of the year, for then the birds have
a chance to settle down properly be
fore the laying season, which In the
case of geese begins at the end of
January. It Is advisable to start
upon a small scale and to run two
geese to each gander. They should
be housed in roomy, dry floored quar
ters that are well ventilated without
being draughty. Use dry straw as lit
ter and renew frequently.
When the birds are of the right
type the young usually take after
them In this respect, but to assure
size it is necessary that early eggs
be produced, for unless the young are
hatched early they have no time to
develop before the cold days are en
countered. The way to produce early
eggs is to see that the birds are well
fed difrlng the autumn, a time when
much of the natural food picked up
is apt to be short of nutriment.
' When Soils Cease to Produce.
The trouble with soils when they
cease to produce as they did when
new is not that the elements of plant
food are actually exhausted from the
soli, but the necessaary forces for the
liberation are exhausted. One of
these forces 1b bacteria. It is esti
mated that in the common soil there
are 150,000,000 bacteria to the ounce.
These bacteria must have for their
food, humus, then they will liberate
food for the growth of plants. To be
a good farmer one needs to grow le
gumes and other cover crop, plants
to turn under for humus, and to en
courage these beneficial bacteria to
perform their functions in the soil.
Fertilizing Apple Arees.
A Maine farmer orchardlst had sev
eral apple trees along the stone wall.
The trees were not considered bf
much value until the owner plowed
the field for a crop, fertilising It
heavily and giving it liberal cultiva
tion. The trees got their share of the
benefit and produced apples least year
worth $285. Another old neglected
Baldwin tree was plowed and ferti
lized, and It resopnded with a crop of
apples that Bold for more than all the
corn raised on the acre of ground
where the trees stood.
Bran As a Food.
Bran Is one of the best foods the
laying stock can have. Being rich In
protein It helps the hens to digest the
other foods. It Is also one of the
best preventatives against diarrhea.
Always keep a hopper full hanging in
the house or run, so that the birds
can help themselves as required. Bran
is equally good for the young stock,
as it is one of the best bone-forming
materials obtainable. It is wonder
ful how quick the chicks take to it
Fattening Market Fowls.
To fatten poultry for market, re
move them from the yards and place,
without overcrowding, In a coop which
should be provided with a canvas cov
er to draw down and keep the In
mates In darkness. Do not feed for
about six hours after placing In the
coop, and then feed all they will eat
reed three times a day, and keep
fresh water and a basin of grain al
ways before them.
' For Skin Disorder.
The following powder given each
day is said to be good foreskin dis
order in horses: Finely powdered
Iodine of potash. 4 ounces; granu
lated sugar and common salt, of each
pound. Mix well together and di
vide into thirty-two powders. Feed
no corn, but let the grain feed be
oats and wheat bran. Use tincture of
Iodine on the lumps every second
day until- the skin become little
By Burning Corn Stalks Farmer Is De
stroying His Land Muoh Benefit
In Plowing Under.
(By B. B. Lara.)
It always makes me feel sad to see
the smoke rising from the burning
corn stalks in the field, because the
farmer Is burning up his land and
doesn't know it How can we expect
to burn up stock which the soli pro
duces and put nothing back In the
way of humus and then hope to keep
our soil in good condition? Maybe
I'm wrong when I say that farmers do
not know what they're doing, for
doubtless some of them do know that
it Is a bad practice, but burning stalks
is easier than discing or cutting them
up and they are a nuisance to plow
under. Some farmers say there is no
benefit in plowing under stalks, but I
cannot figure it out that way because
I do not see how we can go on rob
bing our soli and keep up the fertility.
It costs very little to keep a sheep
and a flock of 50 sheep Is worth
Doush .
Pound Can
AH Grocers
Beads Like Amber.
Beads which look rather like clonoV
ed amber, but which have the quality
of wood, are picked from the Chinese
Jlnko fern; they are pierced and
strung for necklaces or long chains;
they are said to obtain a natural pol
ish like Ivory with a little wear, says
a New York Times writer. They arc
fairly light in weight and cost aa
much per bead, so that the string; la
orlced acordlng to length.
Saving of Men.
Men are led away from threatenlna
destruction; a hand is put into theirs,
which leads them forth gently toward!
a calm and bright land, so that thej
look no more backward, and the hand
may be a little child's. George Eliot
Let him go abroad to a distant cour
try; let him go to some place where
he Is not known. Don't let him go
to the devil, where he Is known.
Dr. Samuel Johnson.
Procured Lydia E, Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound,
: which made His Wife
a Well Woman.
Mlddletown, Pa. "I had headache,
backache and such awful bearing down
pains that I could not be on my feet at
times and I had organic inflammation so
badly that I was not able to do my work.
I could not get a good meal for my hus
band and one child. My neighbors said
they thought my suffering was terrible.
"My husband got tired of seeing ma
suffer and one night went to the drug
store and got me a bottle of Lydia EL
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and
told me I must take it I can't tell you
all I suffered and I can't tell you all that
your medicine has done lor me. I was
greatly benefited from the first and it
has made me a well woman. I can do
all my housework and even helped soma
of my friends as well. I think it is a
wonderful help to all suffering women.
I have got several to take it after see
Ing what it has done for me." Mrs.
Emma Espenshade, 219 East Main St,
Middletown, Pa.
The Finkham record is a proud and hon
orable one. It is a record of constant
victory over the obstinate ills of woman
Ills that deal out despair. It is an es
tablished fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound has restored
health to thousands of such suffering
women. Why don t you .try It li you
need such a medicine?
If ron want special advice write to
lydia E. Plnkham Medicine Co. (confi
dential) Lynn, aiass. xour letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
woman and held in strict confidence.
is what they all say
Sickness Among Fowls.
The causes for sickness among
fowls can be treaced to lice, filth, no
grit, over-fat, sour food, leaky roofs,
lack of exercise, crowded quarters,
cracks in the wall, exposure to hot
suns, cold houses in winter, hot hous
es in summer, irregularity In feeding;
damp houses and runs, nor enough
bulky food, Impure drinking water,
poorly ventilated houses, exposure to
bad weather, and too much heating
food In summer.
Demand for Good Butter.
Good butter nearly always com
mands a fair price. The market is al
ways crowded with poor butter, but
butter with flavor, color and texture
generally finds a buyer at a fair price.
This shows the importance of making
butter that there is a demand for.
Good butter cost little, if any, more
than the poor stuff on the market;
the principal difference is that those
who Bell good butter know how to
make it
Making Stables Comfortable.
Stop the cracks and chinks in the
stables. The horses and cows will not
get cold outside if it Isn't raining,
but in the stable, with the wind blow
ing in through some little bole, they
will actually suffer. Get in a warm
room and let the cold air from out
side reach you through Just one little
opening, If you don't believe it
Shoeing the Colt
The first shoeing of a colt is th
most important not only in the fit of
the shoes, but also In seeing that the
colt is not badly scared by the forge,
the unusual handling and new sounds.
Horses mean to shoe are generally
the result of Improper handling at
early shoeings.
Feeding Brood Sows.
A high protein ration Increases the
birth rate of the young and faster
gains are made after birth than where
sows remain oa a ration low la pro
V "'.-.'it ' 1
kt.W. a. Witt PancoTMi Miauia
of our
Methods of
i. Witt, rancor a I
pla can hiva thalr
Plata and bridca
work finlahed In om
day if naeaaaary.
An abaoluta guar
antaa, backed by 2t
year. In Portland.
Wise Dental Co.
I A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays tt1
Phones: A 2029s Main 2029.
railing Bldf., Third and Washington. Portland
' 1 IS 'T $ raoalTaproroai tiaaS.
V menu of Soa-ratuaMa,
o w " v Haltk-baUatac imiiIIm
' v K tiom
; - C GEE WO
M tho China, dootoc
Try onoa more If yon hare boea 4octorin wttk
this one and that one and hire not obtained per.
auunt relief. Let th in meat nature heeler di.a
BOM ;oor mm and preacrilie some remedy wboee
action Is quick, sure and safe. His prescriptions
are oompoanded from Boots. Herbs, Bnds and
Barks that hare beeci tethered from every quar
ter of the globe. The secrets of these medicines
are not known to the ontside world, bat here bee
handed down from father to sob 1b the nhyeioiaao
families in China.
If roe lire oot of town and cannot oall. write for
symptom blank and circular, enrloaina 4 oeass ia
1 62 J Trst St., Cor. Morris
Portland, tare sue
V 4
P. N. U.
Na lo-'lS.
WHEN writing to adrcrtieaa,
' tion thia paper.
Man's Debt to the Beasts.
Men have received valuable hints
and learned many things of impor
tance from beasts; such as gratitude
from dogs, vigilance from the crane,
foresight and frugality from the a&L
honesty from the elephant and loyalty
from the horse. Don Quixote.
BtatCrsfklyntp. TtMm Coot L'ss
ia time. tM by Oneirics.