The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 25, 1913, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
See the newest in
veilings at
Harry Tamer was over from Wejton
H. D. Bill was a Walla Walla vis
itor Tuesday.
Peter Murray was in the city yes-
reraay rrom Aoauis.
tieury Sdbmitt transacted business
ai tne county seat Monday.
Mrs. Ernest Bostwiok of Spokane is
visiting relatives ia the city.
"Pete'V O'Bana tbe Weston mer
chant, was in the city yesterday.
'New stock of children's hats have
arrived this week at Airs. Millers.
Mis. Carl Christian who has been
ill tor several days, is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Taylor of Fen
dleton, were in tbe city Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers were in
the city from Pendleton Wednesday.
Miss Bntb Erebs and -friend, Miss
Liudeey,' visited in Pendleton 'i'nes
day.--- . .
Ben Swaggait was in tbe city yes
tflrrinv f rnm hin hnmn in Mnrrnw
Miss Katbeunn Finnell of Pendle
ton, visited friends in this city, dor
W. E. Dobson is ont on the streets
again, after a very severe illness of
several weeks. ,
Frank Martin, tbe well known res
ervation farmer, has purchased a new
Cadillac automobile.
Miss Delia Daoner came over from
Milton Snnday and visited relatives
and friends in Athena. " .
Matt Mo?grove, who tecently re
turned from Alberta, was in tbe city,
Wednesday, from Milton.
Q. C. Rings Are
Quality All Through
Set them. Prove that similar
values elsewhere would cost
you much more. The makers'
printed guarantee protects you
always, against lost stones
(except diamonds).
Guaranteed RlntJS '
Look for Q. C. stamp Inside
each ring. Over 2000 designs.
Call and get free birthstone card.
Athena, Oregon
Jack Vincent and Byron Hawks
aotoed to Walla Walla Tuesday,
and witnessed toe ball game.
J. S. Perrioger will conduct eerv.
ices at tbe Baptist obnrob at 11 a. m.
Snnday. All are cordially invited.
When "Brown's in Town." there is
something doing. See tbe play at tbe
opera boose, next Tuesday evening.
Jaok Parker and M. L. Watts ao
compauied Fay Le Grow to Walla
Walla Tuesday, and saw the ball
Mr. and Mrs. Clande Beeder and
Mies Josie Owen oarue up from the
ranob near Belix, and spent Sunday
in the city.
A. Mackenzie Meldrum, pastor of
the Christian obnrob, is in Baker this
week, attending the Snnday sobool
Mr. and Mrs. Will Steen.wbo reside
on a farm near Milton were guests
Sunday at tbe bonie of Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Dobson.
D. H. MansQeld shipped out a oar
load of bogs t"i Pendleton, Wednes
day. He shipped a carload to Walla
Walla last week.
Lee Atkinson of tbe Commercial
livery stable, is prepared to give his
patrons automobile set vice, having
purchased a Ford machine. -
Hamp Booher will soon begin the
construction of a $3000 residence on
his farm near Weston. The new
dwelling will modern in detail.
Mr. and Mrs. Deeper are planning to
leave about tbe first of May, for Cal
ifonia. They will protatly decide to
make their future home in that state,
A. Maokenzie Meldrum, accompa
nied by Miss Zelma DePeatt, will go
to Hold man Sunday morning, wbere
they will hold church servioes in tbe
afternoon. -
Morn room has been added to tbe
Foss-Winsbin hardware store by tbe
removal of tbe otfioe enclosure. New
flooring also adds to tbe effioienoy of
the store loom.
For Sale Five-passenger Ford auto
mobile. Has been rnn about 4500
miles, in good order and oondition; at
a bargain. Address, P. O. Box 591,
Pendleton, Oregon.
Sheep shearing in tbe south part of
the connty is well under way. Most
of tbe wool is dipped with machine
outfits, though several camps are us
ing tbe band method.
Mrs. M. L. Watts and daughter,
ernita, are expeoted to arrive home
Sunday, from Long Beach, Calif.,
where they have spent tbe latter paxt
of tbe winter and spring.
A cold wind of two days duration
sapped considerable moisture from tbe
soil, this week. However, there is
plenty of moisturu in this seotion, and
orops are doing splendidly.
rt Tanlm rana nn frnm Penrllfl-
ton Snnday, visiting at the borne of
his parents. He was aooompanied
home by Mrs. Taylor.-who had been
visiting here f( r several days,
Robert Coppook is still making per
manent improvements at his borne on
8rd street. Cement walks are being
put in, and lawn and parking add
muob to tbe appearanoe of tbe prop
Daniel Gbolson of Albia. Iowa, baa
been visiting bis brother, W. J. Gbol
son in this city. Mr. Gbolson has
i made several trips to tbe coast, and
I at present is visiting relatives in Wal
I la Walla.
Mrs. R. T. Brown writes that tbe
family are comfortably tituated at
their new home in Walla Walla, at
No. 513, N. 8th street, where tbeir
Athena friends will find tbem.
Mrs, Sun a Hartzell Wallace, speak
ing in tbe interests of the W. C. T. U.
and tbe temperance cause in general,
delivered a most interesting address at
the Cbristian church lest evening.
Dr. Croup and family of Walla
Walla, and Will Cavel and family
were in the city Sunday, being culled
here for the funeral of A. Sbick.
Mrs. Croup and Mrs. Cavel are nieoes
of Mrs. Sbick.
Mrs. Robert Oliver, wife of a well
known traveling mau who makes
regular visits to Atbeua, died in a
Walla Walla hospital Iuesday nigbt.
Tbe remains were takeu to Portland,
tbe former borne.
Walter Adams was down from tbe
ranob Wednesday, and took ont a load
of material for county road building.
Extensive work Is being done on tbe
roads in the vicinity of tbe Adams
farm, southeast of Athena.
Cards have been reoeived in" this
city announcing tbe birth of a daugh
ter to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rosen -zweii?.
of Eltopia. Wash. Tbe little
one was born on April 17, 1913 and
has been named Harriet Louise.
M- ' cA. J. Parker I
'1V I I
!5;iU " -E i in I
ij lJx ' ' Everything FJr.t I
., ', Z J I and Up-to-date I
sen - n , , -M'V V I'-- .
The sum of 121 was netted from tbe
sale of baskets at the sooial given
Tuesday evening, in the Dreamland
theatre bv" the pupils of the publio
school. There was a large attendance
and everybody had a good time.
Card of Thanks Mrs. M. J. Shiok,
Mrs. Dora Look wood and Arthur Shiok
desire to express their thanks through
the columns of tbe Press for tbe many
aots of kindness extended tbeni during
the illness and death of A. Sbiok.
Vsear have emerged from tbeir win
ner quarters, and are said to be num
erous in tbe mountains east of town.
We've not heard from Jim Jones,
but it's a sure bet he has been among
tbe tribe of bruiu witb bis '80-30'.
Henry Barrett has purohased 125
bead of sheep wbiob be will use as
weed maobines on bis summer fallow.
He purchased tbe sheep in tbo sontb
end of tbe oonnty, making tbe selec
tion from tbe Books of State Senator
Dr. Sbarp was at Walla Walla yes
terday, where Wesley Zerba was op
erated on for the removal of tbe ap
pendix. The young man withstood
tbe operation as well as oonld be ex
pected, but his oondition is considered
Mrs. Lizzie Mansfield has had a new
sidewalk constructed at her residence
on Fourth street this week. It is
noticable that property owners are
giving attentiou to repairing their
; a muob needed improvement in
many instacoes.
A letter was reoeived by W. E.
Dobson this morning ipprising him of
the death of bis aunt, Mrs. Emma
Hunt, which ooourred April 21, at her
borne in Dennison, Iowa, of appendic
itis. Mrs. Hunt visited at tbe Dobson
home here last summer.
Sunday morning at the Christian
obnrob, Peter Crookatt will speak,
giving a report of the Sunday sobool
convention, wbiob be attended in
Baker tnis week. In tbe evening the
pulpit will be occupied by Rev. Wea
ver, paBtor of the ohurob at Pendleton.
Tbos. P. Page writes an Athena
friend that the health of Mrs. Page
has materially improved since being
treated witb tbe Friedmann cure. Mr.
Pdge has great faith in tbe cure and
bis many friend here joi.n in tbe hope
that bis wife will speedily recover her
Friday and Saturday evening pro
gram at tbe Dreamland: "The Man
From Di agon Laud," "Marjorie's
Diamond Riug," "The Sand Storm."
For Sunday: "The Arrow Maker's
Daughter," "The Tale of a Cat,"
"From tbe Great Lakes of Central
Several Athenaites braved the cold
wind,. and atten led tbe ball game at
Walla Walla, Tuesday, when the
Bears and tbe Pendleton Buckarooes
opened tbe Tri State league season.
The game waa well played, resulting
in victory for Walla Walla by a soore
of 2 to 0.
1 i'" V i "v
The well known theatrical roan who
is directing tbe play to be given by
tbe Athena High school at tbe opera
bouse next Tuesday nigbt. April 29tb,
entitled "Brown's in Town." Tbe
plot io brief is: Two yonng ladies and
gentlemen, attempt to toodwiok
an old gentleman by keeping a s eoret
as it were, from bim of a clandestine
marriage. It is explained as tbe play
advances that tbe father of one of tbe
fictitious Mr. Browns has forbidden
bis marriage under penalty of disin
heritance. Tbe young man falls in
love and violates tbe father's wish.
This witb tbe appearanoe of tbe stern
old father at the boy'a country home
lays the foundation for the many fun
ny complications that follow. The
tickets are now on sale and it is safe
to prediot that the house will be Oiled
to overflowing.
I JrW 6 croup, mm
I Vy (Jyy i M? wmoopihc couch, (0vr vvCi I! r
im (Mr Jr jsszr" n J
1 i AV m- 5 Mil? ! THROAT and LUNGS, r Svfv fi V
"I t Ar tf"3it'- w 1 V ;
5 ilrrXt . ' Wii CiaiisnaliHlidlcfeaCo. fc J
1 I 1111 iKv UAvtAcmu9 tMAMMdctn ii yvnl II l '
5WlEP 'TrOv i'051; DeMoin..lowa,aS.A. I SA I I'jljllH :
fT- iiW" Tf 1 1 'J! It tl y- i v n i u ii n r ji f . " " ;T I
Mrs. Sanders of Leavenworth, Kan
sas, and Mrs. Sutton or iiawrenoe,
Kansas, arrived in the oity this week
and are visiting at tbe Wm. Sorimpf
home, north of town. The .ladies are
sisters of Mr. Sohrimpf, and Mrs.
Sutton had not seen Iter brother for
35 years.
Mrs. Hnyok and daughter Bntb, of
Wayne oounty, Pennsylvania, arrived
in the oity Saturday evening, and are
visiting the home of Mrs. B. C. Kid
der, who is a sister of Mrs. Huyok.
After spending several days here tbe
ladies will proceed to Taooma, whore
other relatives reside.
Ellis B. Harris, pastor of tbe Chris
tian ohurob at Waitsburg, and former
ly a popular minister of this city,
stopped over Wednesday nigbt and
visited friends m Athena. Mr. Harris
bad been to Pendleton, where he went
with Mrs. Harris, who is on her way
east to visit relatives.
The stores and sohools will olose for
the opening game in Tri-State league
at Pendleton next Tuesday. For the
jSQnauy guuie uu una nana, iuo
O.-W. R. & N. Will sell excursion
tickets. Excursionists will take the
regular morning passenger train, and
roturn on a epeoial in tbe evening.
Peter Crookatt brother, ot Mrs. A.
M. Meldrum, and nntil recently a
student in the University of Oregon,
preached in the Christian ohurot
Sunday evening to an appreciative
audience. It is understood that Mr.
Crookatt has given up tbe study of
law to beoome a minister of the Gos
pel. ,
yjinimie Lieuallen met with an auto
mobile accident Sunday evening near
Havana, while driving, aooompanied
by a lady fiiend. In some manner
the steering gear refused to respond
to the wheel, and tbe maobine lurched
over an embankment. Fortunately,
the ooonpants of tbe car esoaped in
jury. "Brown's in Town." He will ap
pear at tbe opera house next Tuesday
evening, supported by a oast of local
players under the auspioes of the Ath
ena High school. The prooeeds from
play will go to tbe sobool atbletio
fond, to defray expenses incurred in
giving tbe track meet here tomorrow,
at tbe City Park.
Sam Booher, tbe oonnty road boss,
has been doing splendid road work on
Gerking Flat, according to reports
from there. Hext week, bis crew will
work tbe roads sooth of Albena, the
road from tbe Koepke farm to tbe
Williams place on Spring follow.
He will pnt in a new bridge at tbe
Spring Hollow orossing.
Tomorrow is tbe 91tn anniversary
of Odd Fellowship, and in this city
tbe local lodge will commemorate tbe
event witb servioes at tbe M. E.
obnrob Snnday evening, wben Rev.
Helmiok will deliver an address.
Special saored musio will be rendered
by Prof. Gordon's orchestra Tbe ser
vioes will begin at S o'clock.
H. A. Barrett bas resurrected a col
leoiion of old-time photographs, pro
grams, badges and papers, wbiob are
on display at tbe Barrett store. In
cluded in tbe collection is tbe first
obeck issued by C. A. Barrett & Co.,
a piotore of the second "Yellow Kid"
ball terra and tbe program of the
second annual Caledonian pionio.
Miller & Payne are having trouble
with boulders caving on to tbe drill at
a depth of nearly 200 fest in tbe city
well. Tbe drill is now in a precarious
position at the bottom of tbe hole, and
tie men era uwsilioa tbe arrival of
new rope to recover it. There is a
pleoiifnl supply ot water at pregaot,
tbe reservoir having a steady overflow.
Very Near.
Natlotin. Guard Kecrult (at tbe rifle
ranger-Well. I could have aworn posi
tively that I hi! the "buir that Otn.
Officer In Clmrge (looking throogb
fieldzlnsseffi - No. but you came rery
penr. Vou've killed the cow In tbe
field to the toft-Brooklyn Lite ,
jThen you buy
shoes here, you
have the satisfac
tion of knowing
you are getting the very
best quality you can pos
sibly procure anywhere for
the money.
Many a cheap, shoddy
shp3 hides behind a
nice appearing, pleas-ing-to-the-eye
but a few days' wear
will prove the inferior"
ity of the puality of the
materials used and the
carelessness exercised
in their making.
We look to quality first of all see to it that the
leather is right, the lining substantial and the general
construction the best procnrable anywhere. We depend
upon you for our business, and you depend upon us
for your square dealing, we are in duty bound to give
it to you and will.
New Wall Paner
"The Furniture Man," has added this
line to his already large, varied stock
We have the finest line of Art Squares ever shown in Athena. All are of modern designs and np-to
tbe minute patterns. They are going at prloea never before heard of, class of goods oonsideied. Our line of
Furniture is complete. It inolodes late styles in Coisioan Walnut, Birdseye and the popular Golden Oak. The
very latest novelties in Iron and Brass Beds. Everything in Springs and Mattresses.
Savid Hir Lift from Pneumonia
"My wife had a severe attack of Pneu
monia which followed a case of La Grippo
and I believe that FOLEY'S HONEY
AND TAR saved her life," writes Jamea
Coffee, of Raymond, Missouri.
Good Results 'in Every Cast
Dr. C.J. Bishop, Agnew, Mich., write:
"I have used FOLEY'S HONEY AND
TAR In three, very severe cases of pneu
monia with good, results in every case."
It w
i X
'. V'.f
H 4
. I.I'
1 ,
Cured of Terrible Ceugh on Limp
N. Jackson, of Danville, III., writes:
"My daughter bad a severe attack of
La Grippe and a terrible cough on her
lungs. Vt tried a great many remedies
without relief. She tried FOLEY'S
HONEY AND TAR which cured her.
She bas never been troubled with a cough
Cured When Very Lew Mb
J. V. Bryan, of Lowder, 111., writes:
"My little boy was very low with pneu
monia. Unknown to the doctor we gave
The result was magical and puzzled the
doctor, as It immediately stopped the
racking cough and he quicklyrecovered."