POULTRY AND GAME Can get you fancy prices for Wild Ducks and other game in season. Write us for cash offer on all kinds of poultry, pork, etc. . Pearson-Page Co., Portland Ship us your VEAL, PORK, POULTRY, HIDES We guarantee tor. prlre and CHECK BY RETURN MAIL. Tag, price. ooi.free. We will -md for rear on rernimt to all who make shipments during Jsnnarrone venr'ssubw-riiitinn to either Northwest roultry Journal. J'at-ihe IJnmcHtencl. I'onltry Ajire, Northwest Pac-lfli'l-Brnicr. Hctite tell jour reign, bora abont oar literal offer. Hhip to. F. . SCHMALZ CO. r-&- Dvttal $10,000. 141-143 Front St. PORTLAND. ORE. For Sale W a. Lincoln Co. Ore.: IBs, cult, house, barn, outbuildings, stock, machinery, etc.; excel lent dairy and cattle farm. K. J. Thomas, Sum mit, Ore. For Sale-160 a. Crook Co., Ore.: 60 a. cult, 4-r house, barn, henhouse, etc. Am no farmer. Bar gam pr(ce; ternia. L. Regclsberger, Prineville, Or. For 8ele20 a., all cult, Umatilla Co., Or.: 4-r. houss, barn, outbldgs, 6 a. orchanl, etc. Ideal lo- setton, beautiful home. F. E. Wells, Hermiston. Or For ssle or exchange for Or"sron land, 809 a. Big Horn Co., Wyo.: 'M a. in alfalfa, s-r house, earn, eutbltirs, over tu iruic Trees, biuck, mavnmery, M V Howard, GreybullLWyo. HOWARD K. BTJBTOH - A.ayer ana Chemist, Xessville, Colorado. Specimen prioee: Ciold, ii v i i all..... ir.. ni.i Vi. r Copper, St Mallinn envelopes a 1 full price list Ent on application. Control and Umpire works it tee, JHefereaeei Curbonate National auk. Machinery Second-Hand Machin ery bought sold and exchanged: engines. boners, sawmills, etc. 'J lie J. E. Martin Co., 83 1st St. Portland, Send for Stock List and prices. HUNTERS! TRAPPERS! Teal direct , with manufac turer, We pay the highcBt prices for Kaw Furs. Write for free price list and shipping tags. - N. M. UNCAR CO., FURRIERS 191 Seventh Street PORTLAND, ORE. m I --l', irVt ' Wm RAW FURS WANTED HIGHEST PRICES. QUICK RUUKNS . P, Plagemann, Mqr. MANUFACTURING FURRIERS m Korriwn SL Corbell Bldic Ret Fi- Nil'l Bsnk. lortknd.Or. LIME FERTILIZER Also Land Plaster, Lime, Cement, Wall Plas ter and shingles. Write for prices. NOTTINGHAM & CO. 102 Front Street. PORTLAND, 1 Sleuthing Coffee Frajranee. Under Frederick the Great fellow with keen, long noses, throughout the country got jobs as Coffee-smellers to smell out the bean roasting and to detect the odor off the boiling coffee. The government tried building big coffee roasting plants and charging high prices, and In time the Germans all turned again to beer, and coffee was considered a luxury. , Yon Can Get Allen' root-Cast FRCE. Write Allen 8. Olmsted,! Roy, N. Y., for a free sample of Allen's Foot-Ease. It cures sweating, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes new or tignt shoes easy, A certain cure (of corns, ingrowing naiix ana bunions. All drug gists ieU it 26c. lon't accept any substitute. Worth While. ' W mar be sure, although we know not how, we give our lives like coral insects, to build up, invisibly, in the twilight of the seas of time, the reef of righteousness; and we may be sure, althought we see not why, It is a thing worth doing. Robert Louis Stevenson. Mothers will find Mm. Wlnilow'i Soothing Byruptfo best remedy to useof 1-aJto-Udraa p -rug- tie wet mug perioa. ( Not a Man's World. This is not rightly a man's world. Great men are but dreams of women become militant. Women are the real lnsplrers of men; they ignite his ev ery conception. Never yet has man sung, painted, prophesied nor in any way woven tighter the spirit of his time, but that his mother was first great enough to attract the gift; and more often than not, upon his ma turity, the potential gift was startled Into its supreme expression by an other mother's daughter. Will Lev- lngton Comfort GRANULATED ITCHING LIDS BANDMEN:K," IIOLTON and DUESCHER band instruments. The moBt complete stock of Musical Merchandise in the Northwest. Write for Catalogues. - SKIHKULING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 184 Second Street Portland, Oregon SHIP YOUR VEAL, HCGS, POULTRY and EGGS ,to the VOGEL PRODUCE CO. 203 J Wasbiuglon St., Portland, Cretan. ' And get lop market prices and money by return mail. Market reports, shipping tags, etc., sent on request, References: Lumbermen's Nat'l Hunk. Old-Tlme Letter Writing. Tor the purposes of letter-writing the leaves of some trees were early need, while the inner bark of the lin den tree was in such common demand for this purpose that it has given the word for a book to two languages. But one of the most convenient mate rials for letter-writing were tablets covered with a thin coating of wax, upon which it was easy to write with a pointed needle called a stylus. Red Cross Ball Blue gives double value for your money, goes twice as far as any other. Ask youl grocer. Beginning Afresh. "Each morning is a fresh beginning. We are, as it were, Just beginning life. In a sense there is no past, no future. Wise is he who takes today and lives It, and tomorrow when it comes but not before it comes. The past Is ol value only by way of the lessons it has brought us. There Bhould be no regrets or crippled energies that re sult from such. We have stumbled all have stumbled." Ralph Waldo Trine in Harper's Bazaar. TO CUHE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take LAXATIVE HROMO Qulnina Tablet I isruggiHis r. mu money nit fans to cure. liW. uuuvc ia signature is on eacn Dox. Zee, - v AMUSING TRICK WITH WHEEL 8eeme to Revolve Automatically With out Any External Power Appar atus Is Very Simple. The mystery of this wheel Is that it seems to revolve automatically without any visible external power. II is at the same' time an amusing tries and an instructive experiment The apparatus required is very simple and can be made at home, says the Pop lar Mechanics. A glass bottle is half filled with sand and water, so that it will stand securely, and a cork placed in the neck. Into this cork a needle should be inserted so that it projects perpen dicularly, which is most easily done by heating one end of the needle tc a red heat and then pushing it lntc the cork as deeply as possible. Into s disk of cork of suitable thickness jind at four points on its side, as equal die tanws apart, are inserted four pieces of copper wire of the same length, each bent at the outer end to form a hook these copper wires thus form lng the spokes of the wheel. The rim is made of a small iron wire bent in a Cars of Broken China. When mending broken china always place it to set in a large box filled with sawdust. 'By this means it is easy to Btand the article In any de sired position, so that its own weight holds the pieces in place, while the eement is hardening. Furniture New to Mary. A lady out shopping ordered an um brella stand sept home for her vestl- ' bule, and only reached home late In the evening, where she had left her new maid In charge. "Well, Mary," she said, "did any packages come?" "Yes, mum," was the reply. "The wagon cum wld th' cuapldore for th umbrellas. North Pacific College of Dentistry and Pharmacy 1 i ' , l I. I,-,.. .,!..,,.-. .1.1 The North Tucific College was estab lished in 1898. It has departments of Ihnt.ifltrv nnH Pliiirmacu Mn cVi1 tn ' t V. America has better fnoilitioR for rh train. Y J WtktT of yunK men ancl women for success- I i f professional careers. The annual ses- V J!j ,H U Bion bv&na October First. An illustrated tiMJfj catalog of information will bo forwarded "Wlj U10n nlP''cat'on to Qorncfrr Nnrfli Po!fi CXana East Sixth and Oregon Sts., Portland, Ore. Philosophy. A philosopher is a n.an who can look Hard Luck in the face and think of the value the experience he Is buy ing will be to him in later years. Eternal Feminine. A woman can't win a man merely by making him comfortable, but she often can do it by keeping him guess ing. Topeka Capital. There Are Compensations. "This Increased cost of living is something terrible!'' said the young man as he paid tho third Installment on the engagement ring. Absolute Motsback. The man who takes no Interest tn public schools, good roads, religion ot politics isn't even a satisfactory has been. Atlanta Journal. Stops Backache Sloan's Liniment is a splendid remedy for backache, stiff joints, rheumatism, neuralgia and sciatica. You don't need to rub it iu just laid on lightly it gives comfort and ease at once. Best for Pain and Stiffness Mr. Gko. Buchanan, of Welch, Okla., writes s "I have used your Lin iment fur the p'&st ten ycat a for pain In back and stiffness and find it the best Liniment 1 cvur tiled. I recommend It to anyone for pains of any kind." T? SAI'S 1 U 1 is good for sprains, strains, bruises, cramp or soreness of the muscles, and all affections of the throat and chest Cot Entire Relief R. l lU'RoovNK, of Mjtrsville, Ky RR. t. Box 5, writes i "1 had severe pains between my houl oors; I got a bottle of your 1 juimem and had entire relief at the fifth application." Relieved Sever Pain in ShoulJers Mr. J. UNMkRwoou, of ooo Warren Ava, Chicago, III,, writes: " I am piano polisher by occupation, and since last September have A I Suffered with, severe pain In both shoulders. : I could not rest night or day. One of my sx-1- ye li nit Cr-f. Js7 ?Vi t r . t. i.i (riondt told me alout your liniment. Three applications completely cured me ana 1 will never t without it-' Price 25c, 50c., ami $1.00 at &U Deaiur. SonJ for Slo-u'i fre yookon horns. AJilro Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass. Mysterious Revolving Wheel. circular shape and held in the hooks on the ends of the copper wires. Tht now completed wheel is balanced on the free point on the needle, so that il can turn easily. Place an alcohol lamp in such a po sltion that when it is lighted the tin of the flame will Just reach the rim ol the wheel. (Any other flame that will not soot the rim may be used.) In the box A, placed with its bottom level with the wheel, put a horseshoe mag net so that the flame is opposite one of its poles. After the lamp has been lighted for a few seconds, the wheel will begin to revolve, seemingly with out cause. Why does it do so? Be cause the magnet magnetizes or at tracts the part of the ring nearest II while cold, but not when it is glow ing. Instead, it will attract the cooler part of the ring nearest behind the flame and so on, the wheel thus spin ning round, faster in the same propor tlon as the magnet Is stronger and the Iron rtm smaller. If this experiment is shown before spectators as a trick, the performer may say to the audience that he alone can make the wheel spin around with out touching it. Should some one ac cept his challenge, he may, in a care less way, move the hox containing the magnet away or turn it around so that It will not influence the iron ring and then, of course, the wheel will remain Immovable. TO OPERATE A TOY DERRICK Object of Invention of New York Man Is to Provide Mechanism for Handling Small Loads. The Scientific American In describ ing an Invention of A. Pfolffer of New York city says: "In this case the aim of the inven tor Is to provide a new and improved mechanism for operating toy derricks arranged to raise, lower or swing small loads by the use of a motor driven mechanism easily controlled by children, affording considerable amusement and at the same time pro viding an instructive toy. A boy or other child can readily control the motor by manipulating the reversing lever thereof, and also readily control the two handles for operating the WW MIL V Operating a Toy Derrick. derrick with a view to raise or lower the load, to swing the boom up or down or sldewtse on turning the post. A side elevation of the invention is shown in the Illustration. Simple Card Trick. The most simple card trick and one for which neither sleight of hand nor practice is necessary is performed as follows: Place three picture cards either kings, queens, or knaves in a row and tell the company that during your ab sence from the room they can reverse any card they choose, and that on your return you will name the card which they have reversed. You have only to notice that the white margin of the cards is narrower on one side than on the other and to place all the narrow or all the broad ends cither toward or from you, and on re-entering the room you ran see in an instant which card has been turned. Ethel's Climax. Little Ethel bad been brought up with a firm band and was always taught to report misdeeds promptly. Que afternoon she came sobbing peni tently to her mother. "Mother. I I broke a brick in the fireplace.' "Well. It might be worse. But how on earth did you do it, Etheir "I pounded It with your watch." Harper's Basar. 'Isn't it funny" the difference it makes in your general health and happiness when the Stomach 13 right, Liver active and Bowels regu lar? ' If you have any trouble with these organs HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS will overcome it quickly. Try a bottle today. It is for Sour Stomach, Heart burn, Indigestion, Cos tiveness, Colds, Grippe, Malaria, Fever and Ague. Hundreds of Centuries Old. What is believed to be the earliest human skull yet found in England has been unearthed in a Sussex gravel pit It is judged to belong to the pleisto cene period, and to be quite as old as any human remains yet found in Europe. The skull is said to have evi dently belonged to an exceedingly primitive type of human being and to have enclosed a brain with marked Differences from that of any living race. ' ' ' Be thrifty on little thinprs like bluinr. Don't ae ept water for bluin?. Ask for Ked Cross Ball lluo, the extra good value blue. Simplify Life. "I do believe in simplicity. It is as onlshing as well as sad, how many rlvlal affairs even the wisest man hinks he must attend to in a day; low singular an affair he thinks he nust omit. When the mathematician rould solve a difficult problem he lrst frees the equation of all lncum-n-ances and reduces it to Its slm lest terms. So simplify the prob em of life, distinguish the necessary ind the real. From Thoreau "Let ers." PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS four dru (feist will refund money If PAZO OTNT 4ENT fails to cure any case of Itching-, Blind. Heeding- or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. fiOc. Believes Hens Once Had Teeth. That hens had teeth in the olden lays is the opinion of Professor Gil jert of Los Angeles (Cal. ) high school, in a recent address before a local or- j-nlzatlon of naturalists he also told .is auditors that the eggs of birds lave greatly decreased in size since ;helr teeth became extinct. Had they seen marketed then as they are now, le considered, they would, at the present Bcale of egg prices, bring from 1250 to $1,000 each. Small Boy Again. 'Bobby, do you see that bright star iverhead, at the top of the big cross?" Yes." 'Well, that's Deneb. It is learly three quadrillions of miles iway." "Huh! Then how do you know ts name is Deneb?" , To Help In Hanging Pictures. Cut a groove In the end of a cur tain pole, place the end of the pic ture wire In it, and hoist It up to the nail or hook from which It is to hang, rhls. saves climbing up and down, ind also allows one to see more olearly how the picture Is going to took. - . ft J if flit .f a rHinMnr,i,i Jf I . I AT' Have You Seen v Now in J HARM IN CROWDING THE HEN Results Given of Interesting Expert ments Made at Maine Station y Must Have Room. The Maine experiment station re cently finished a-test to ascertain the number of hens most profitable to keep in pens. All the pens were 10 by 16 feet, giving 160 square feet. The hens were Brahmas and Plymouth Rocks, and these tests continued six months. The hens were fifteen, twenty, twenty-five and thirty to a pen. The Barred Plymouth Rocks. conditions and hens were as 'much alike as possible to make the test a conclusive one. The pen with fifteen hens made a profit of 80 cents per hen, and the eggs laid numbered 976. The pen with twenty hens made a showing of 1,208 eggs for the pen and a profit of 71 cents per hen. The pen with twenty-five hens made a laying record of 1,328 eggs and a profit of 35 cents per hen. The pen with thirty hens had an egg production of 1,200 and a profit of 30 cents for ecah hen. The experiment shows distinctly that hens can be so crowded as to re duce the profit of an egg farm. The difference of twenty-five eggs . per hen for six monthB is great. On the basis of fifteen to the pen the profits of the total ninety hens were $72; on a basis of thirty to the pen the profits were $36. In each case the actual cost of feed was deducted. FOR FUMIGATION OF FOWLS "DEAD SHOT" DR. PEERY'S VERMIFUGE FOR WORMS ROMAN EYE BALSAM For Inflamed Eyelids Prep-red by Wright's Indian vegetable PILL, CO. NEW YORK Plain, Like tht Squire. T hear you have got a new baby, Wiggins." said the squire to his gar dener. "What are you going to call aimf Not some high-flown name that will make htm ridiculous in after Ufa, I hope?" "Oh, no. Bir." replied Wig gins. "If ifs not a liberty, sir, we thought of calling him plain James after you, Bir." i hr,m-iiir 1 1 li .'?7 -"" 1 W jmr ';ot r It I tfOjGio Jand $1.82 Sizes. New York Man Designs Coop Especial ly Adapted for Removing All Injurious Vermin on Bird. For the fumigating of fowls, to re move the vermin which are so injuri ous, a New York man has designed an effective apparatus. In a coop, speci ally made are guide rails and between these rails the chicken is placed, with its wings spread out over bars that Fowl Fumlgator. run alongside. Near the top of the coop is a hole for the fowl's head, so that she need not breathe the poison ous atmosphere. A key is turned and the fumes rush into the coop and penetrate the bird's feathers, killing off all lice and other insects. Little chicks can also be fumigated in this device by being placed in a basket that hangs above the place designed for the old fowl. Keeping Eggs Fresh. In Germany eggs are kept fresh for any length of time by simply im mersing them In a ten per cent, solu tion ot silicate of soda, commonly called "liquid glass." This produces the formation of a coating which ren ders the eggs perfectly air-tight The eggs so treated retain their fresh taste for many months. The best proof of the efficacy of this treatment has been furnished by the fact that such eggs, after having been kept for a whole year, were hatched and the chickens were strong and healthy. The preserving solution is best prepared by dissolving one pound of liquid glass in four quarts of cold water. The eggs are then Immersed In this solution, which should be kept in a glazed earthenware vessel, and the eggs are kept in the solution for a short time.' It one of these preserved eggs Is to be boiled, the shell must be first per forated to prevent cracking. Discarding the Mongrels. Mongrel fowls should not be kept for egg production because the eggs will be uniform In neither color nor site. This factor of Itself Is ot enough Importance to Induce one to select a pure breed, even though the mongrels might possibly lay as well as the pure bred fowls, but this is very doubtful. Improving the Flock. The welfare of the flock is In no nay Improved by Irregular and Indif ferent breeding. Regularity ts to the liking of the business hen as well as of the business man. the Coupon Am r:w m fi 1 Liggett $ Myers Duke's Mixture makes a great pipe smoke and rolled into a cigarette nothing can beat it. It is the favorite smoke of thousands of men who want selected, pure, Virginia and North Carolina bright-leaf tobacco. If you have not smoked Duke's Mixture, made by Liggett Myers at Durham, N." C. try it at once. Each sack contains one and a half ounces of tobacco thatis equal to any 5cgranulated tobacco made and with each sack you get a book of cigarette papers FREE and A Coupon That is a Dandy. These coupons are good for many valuable presents such as watches, cameras, jewelry, furniture, razors, china, etc. As a special offer, during Feb ruary and March only, we will send you our illus trated catalog of presents FREE, Just send us your name . and address on a postal. if 41 $-$ JSA 0 $5 1 i I i Coupons from Duke's Mixture may b assorted with iaes from HORSE SHOE, J. T., TINSLEY'S NATURAL LEAF. UKAnutK iwiai, coupons from FOUR ROSES UOc-ttn double coupon), PICK PLUG CUT, PIED MONT CIGARETTES, CLIX CIGARET 1ES. and other tags or coupons issued by us. Premium Dept. 4 bi ST. LOUIS, MO. JkH 5S8" Varieties of Sharks. The many varieties of the shark are divided into the littoral, the pelagic and the bathybial, according as they are found near the shore, or in mid ocean, or at great depths. Besides those mentioned there are the liver, the hound, the shovel-nose, the tiger, the hammer-heads, the porbeagles, the fox or thresher, and the basking shark, sometimes, though wrongly, called the iunflah. Abraham Lincoln's Plea. Both read the same Bible and nrav to the same God; and each invokes his aid against the other. Let us Judge not that we be not Judged. Abraham Lincoln. Judge's Rebuke. This Incident of a Judge's rebuke la related in the case of a lawyer of the iggressive and belligerent class. When the latter concluded a speech of .great length, delivered in a particularly loud roice, the Judge quietly remarked that be had a few observations to make to the Jury "now that the uproar in court sad subsided " ' FARMER'S WIFE ALMOST A WRECK Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Her Own Story. Westwood, Md. "I am a farmer's Wife and do most of my own work when I &m able. I had nervous spells, fe male weakness and terrible bearing down pains every month. I also suf fered much with my right side. Thepaia started in my back and extended around my right side, and the doctor told me it was organic inflam mation. I was sick every three weeks and had to stay in bed from two to four days. It is with great pleasure I tell you what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. I have fol lowed your directions as near as possi ble, and feel much better than I have felt for years. When I wrote you be fore I was almost a wreck. You can publish this letter if you like. It may help to strengthen the faith of some poor suffering woman.' Mrs. John F. Richards, Westwood, Maryland. Women who suffer from those dis tressing ills peculiar to their sex should not doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound to restore their health. If you have the sHe-litest doutt that Lydia 1 Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound will help you, write to Lydia RlMnkhamMedicineCo. (conutlentiai) l , nrt, m a s s 1 o r ad -rico. Your letter will be opened. read and answered by a woman, ana ccia in strict commence. That Terrible Habit of Work. Pat "Say, Dlnny, phwat wud ye Jo If yez had all the money yes want ed?" Dlnny "Oi'd be after goln' to me wur-rk in an auty mobile Instead of a trolley car." Boston Transcript "DIDN'T HURT A BIT" is what they all say M.W.A.WIII huw in Muuu of our Painless Methods of Extracting Teeth. Out-of-town peo ple can have theii plate and bridge work finished in oni day if necessary. An absolute guar antee, backed by 2t years in Portland. vi i list-rw. - 8 A. M. 14 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 1 nivmes; n v:r, main cvas, Failing Bide, Third and Washington, Portland An i.l a, i p. I Oc r trmf. Tut GowL Cm la (:. SoSj If D rn ay'.iugrj.T-Msif kJ taMi 1 1 nemy Of Sickness C. Gee Wo Is Daily Demon strating His Ability to Cure the Various Ailments That Come to Him for Treatment. c. Gee Wo s J - c. Gee Wo THE CHINESE DOCTOR Lota and lots of powerful and poisonous drags taken Internally may seemingly help the ailment for which they were intended, but may barer: r In jurious in some other way. nothing that I use can reset on the patient and cause any complications. The vegetable kingdora furnishes my remedies in the form of Roots, Herbs, Barks and Buds. Thes? are gathered froca every quarter of the world and administered ac cording to formulas that have ben kept a pro found secret within the families of the Chinese doctors. Unfailing cures are the result of these remedies. My consultations are free. Out-of-town patients may eend four cents in stamps and secure a consultation blank and circular. I caa diagnose your case that way. The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 162J First St, Cor. Morrison PORTLAND, OR. Kindly mentk- this paper. P. N. U. No. S-'IS. TOBEX writing to advertise-. sJaue mm tie this pa pee.