The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 21, 1913, Image 1

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    Buy Your Groceries from Your Home Grocer
F: WILSON, President,
H. KOEPKE Vice-President,
P. S. Le GROW, Cashier,
E. A. ZERBA. Ass't Cashier.
,F. S. Le GROW.
We extend to. our Depositors every" cAccommdation
consistent with sound Banking.
Lumber, Mill Work and all Kinds of
Posts and Blacksmith coal
A. Mr. Johnson, Manager
- v Athena, Oregon
We carry the best
T F RBI ' .- .MBPSSj
. That Money Buys
Our Market is
Clean and Cool
Insuring Wholesome Meats.
Slain Street, Athena, Oregon
lk"'l tbuAuiir fifiocERiEsi """""
omc of
Good Groceries go to the Right
Spot Every Time
is is the flight Spot
To go to Every Time for Groceries
::0IIE-:BEST '"Vi
Monopole Vegetables
Monopole Fruits
Monopole Salmon
Monopole Oysters
DELL BROTHERS, Athena, Oregon
TO 7.000 ACRES
Puts Congressman Lafferty
in a Doubtful . Light Before
the People of Oregon.
After six years of effort and waiting,
tbe reward for one of the nan; rights
he and his predeoessor in offioe have
made Id behalf of tbe common sohool
fond of tbe state came to Governor
WestjjWednesday in tbe form of a pat
ent from.the United States giving tbe
J 5 1..A
Congressman Lafferty.
scaie a ciear uue to aoout 70U0 acres
of indemnity sohool lands in the Lake,
view district
Tbe reoeipt of this patent is of more
importance than attaches merely to
the recovery for the benefit, of the
sohool fund of this amount of land.
It pots tbe stamp of falsehood upon
tbe efforts made by tbe Portland Tele
gram to tesmiroh Senator George E.
Chamberlain when be was a candidate
for governor, and throws a, peculiar
light upon tbe aotivity of Congress
man Lafferty when he was a land
attorney prior to his election. Of tbe
7000 aores for which patent had been
received, 4000 aores were involved in
fraudulent selections. The title to
the lands were in dispnte. Under tbe
direotion of Governor Chamberlain,
Oswald West, then state land agent
about six years ago, began to dig into
tbe reoords of these selections. lie
found them tainted. His aetivitv made
many who were back of the dnmmy
selectors afraid to continue witu their
deal and keep up the payments. - -
Atout tbe same time A. Walter
Lafferty as a special agent of tbe gov
ernment made an investigation of the
laudn involved. He then resigned and
began practice as a land attorney.
He took tbe cases of some of tbe men
who were trying to secure these lands
from 'f be state. He attacked Cham-.
berlain and West through tbe columns
of tbe Telegram. . During tbe cam
paign, efforts were mado to make it
appear that (Jhamberlaiu was oonneut
ed in some way with land frauds.
Tbe paper abused Cbamnerlain over
tbe matter. .
Tne ao'ion of the government in
issuing patent to the s'ate demon
strates tbe fraudulent oharaoter of
the adverse claims and explains tbe
desperate effort to defeat Chamberlain
who stood in the way of tbe claim
Joaquin Miller Dead.
".Tnarmin" Millar fhn nnot nt (ha
Sierras, died Monday af temnnn in his 5
onff room cabin wbreh be built with
bis own handsin tbe Piedmont bills
many years ago. tlis daughter, Jna
nita Miller, and bis wife were with
bim. Death oamo slowly nnon thd
venerable tard. He became nnnnn.
soious Thursday of last week, after a
lingering illness which begaowben he
was stricken with paralysis two years
ago. Miller was well known to old
timers of Oregon. At one time be
lived at Eugene, where hia Brut nnnm
was written. In early mini tier davs
he was a resident of Canyon City. It
baa not been many years since he was
in this vioinitv. and ciHitnd rhA nor
mal sohool at Weston. "
Blake-Murray Nuptials.
Live Wire: The irrenresfliLla John
B. Blake, one of the cioneer residanta
of Adams, was united Tuesday moroiug
to Miss Orepbine Murray, also a res
ident of that city, at the court Louse
bv County Judge J. W. Malonev who
finished tbe work eo ausoioiooslT
done by Dan Cupid. Tbe judge is
getting quite a reputation at an assist
ant of "Sir Cupid," thougrj it is said
that be sometimes fails to collect all
of the requisites coming to one offici
ateing io affairs of thia kind, but be
says be docs this for reasons of bis
own, believiug that sometimes it in
test to "finesse" a little. '
Registered F&lselr.
Charges of false registration may
lead to Abe arrest of Cbarlea U. Shields
leading oppooeot of eicgla tax, and
president of the Waibington Equal
Taxation league, have stirred up ex
oitement among single taxers of this
state. Shields indentitled himself in
opposition to siDgle tax in this state
last oampaisn. He is charged with
false registration in Seattle on Jan
uary 7. The single taxers, aotiug
upon a hint from Dr. Eggleston of
Portland, discovered that Shields bad
registered in Portland last November
and could therefore claim no qualifi
cation as a voter In Washington.
Shields admits his registration and
voting in Portland, but declares be
had no knowledge be had forfeited
bis right to vote in Washington, where
he has lived for 15 years.
Walla Walla Lining; Up Players for
- Spring Training1.
With the exoeption of two infleld
ers, says a Walla Walla dispatob, tbe
Bears' team of tbe Tri-State league
for 1913 is complete with suoh chang
es, of course, as may come up later.
In tbe trials of training camp this
spring, there probably will be some
promising youngsters show up. and
it may hustle the old timers to hold
their jobs.
At present tbe outlook is as follows:
Outfield, Martini, Harmon and Jimmy
Mfiusor,' all of whom are signed;
pitchers Friok, Marsh, Leper, Sbader
and Snoddy. . Kelly has not been
signed yet but probably will be in a
day or two. Barger may report. Ed
die Jobuso'n , will be back at first and
Manager Bade has promised bim a
steady position there. His contract
has been sect him.
"Big Bruin" Brown, last year's
manager, wants more money this vear
and the directors tbink be' won't get
it and so tbe matter stands at tbe pres
ent time. "
For the shortstop position, A. G.
Starr, Indian, oonsiu of "Chief" Ca
dreau who pitobed for Spokane last
year, is a candidate. He is in fhe
east, but is willing to come bete and
pay his own expenses for a trial. '
Marsh, of Endioott, will try for the
pitching - staff and with Cbilders here
for tbe third sack things look exceed
ingly bright. Spring training will
begin io six weeks.
Sherry Wins at Rodeo. ...
Barney Sherry, well known Uma
tilla oounty farmer and raoehorse
owner, was successful in winning both
the men's and ladies' relay races at
the Los Angeles Bodeo wbiob closed
Monday after an eight day exhibition,
says tne ast uregocian. ibis was
the news received by the looal Bonn d
up directorate in a telegram reoeived
from Henry W. Collins, who was rep
resenting the local institution at tbe
southern California sbr w. Johnnie
and Tillie Baldwin, Roundup favor
ites who entered tbe Rodeo contests
from this city, were riding tbe Sherry
relay strings. Sherry bad beeu ruled
out of tbe raoes ou an alleged foul but
was reinstated and declared tbe win
ner. '
Curious Automaton That Was Made In
London a Century Ago.
One of tho most wonderful time
keepers knowu to borologlsts was
made in London, England, a hundred
years ago and wa sent by the presi
dent of the East India company as a
gift to the emperor of China. Tho
case was made in ' tbe form of a
chariot, In which wns seated the figure
of a woman.
This figure was of pure Ivory and
gold, oud the right band rested upon a
tluy clock, fastened to the side of the
chariot. Portions of tho wheels which
kept track of the flight of time were
hidden in the body of a tiny bird,
which bad seemingly Just alighted
upon tbo woman's finger. ,
There wns a canopy above, so ar
ranged as to conceal a silver bell. The
bell was fitted with a little hammer,
also of silver, which, although It did
not appear to have any connection
with the clock, struck the hours regu
larly and could be made to repeat by
touching a diamond on the woman's
In the chariot, at the woman's feet,
there was a golden figure of a dog,
and above were two birds, apparently
flying before the chariot This beauti
ful ornament was made almost entire
ly of gold and was elaborately adorned
with precious stones. St. Louis Globe
Democrat. Never Can Happen Again,
Tbe Montenegrin law which ordains
that any found valuable shall be placed
where tbe loser can find It reminds one
of an anecdote told of Grimaldi's grand
father in Dickens' life of the famous
clown. On one of his visits to Leaden
hall market with nearly 400 in gold
and silver upon bim "be found that his
shoe bad becomo unbuckled and, tak
ing from bis pocket the bog, be placed
it upon a neighboring post and then
proceeded to adjust his buckle." Har
lng afterward to pay for a purchase,
be missed bla bag of gold and hurried
back to the post where be had buckled
bis shoe. "Although more than three
quarters of on hour had elapsed,
there It remained, safe and untouched,
on the top of a post in the open strcot!'
That was in eighteenth century Lon
don. Could it happen now? Londoi
Paint n Verbalism.
Professor ita class In composition)
Borne one Io the class recently referred
to a woman as of "medium size."
Please avoid this expression in refer
ring to n woman. It smacks too much
of coimnercmllKm. Freshman But,
professor, be might be "oa the mar
ket "-Judge.
Road Bill up to Governor
West Fights to Save Lands
for Public Schools.
A Salem apeoial says: The Oregon
legislature will adjonrn Feb. 26, rive
days after tbe end of the regular ses
sion, and will again assemble in extra
session to act on special measures.
This agreement has neeu made by
22 senators and 44 representatives.
Tbe senate and bouse have both
fooled away so ruoh time that they
didn't get vitally important bills act
ed upon, and in tbe rush in tbe last
hours the solons see it will be impos
sible to clear up tbe work by tbe reg
ular adjourning time on Feb. 21,
without making an awful botob of the
session, so they have determined to
take more time, on extra pay in all
probability, and will do wbat they
should have done weeks ago, while the
people pay the freight.
Barrett's Bill Pahsesd.
The Barrett road bill, fathered by
the senators from Umatilla oounty,
wbiob bad already passed the sanate,
Tuesday passed the bouse, and good
roads folks are oelebrating. It is
amended so that tbose who want roads
must specify tbe roads to be tnilt for
whioh the bonds are to be issued and
for whioh the money is to be expend
ed. '' : '
Gold Btiok for Labor,
Labor was banded a gold briok by
tbe interest serving senate majority.
When the bill for an eight bonr fao
tory day was brought up for paesage,
it was decided that tbe men could
continue to work 10 hours and would
be allowed overtime if tbey insisted
ou working longer hours.
Dimiok flayed tbe enemies of short
hours and fair pay, but stated he
would take the crumb offered in extra
pay for overtime.
West for Schools.
Governor West Tuesday forenoon
sent a message to the house of repre
sentatives that caused tbe erstwhile
powerful steam roller to show signs of
By the irony of fate, the issue whioh
seems to have marked the beginning
of the end of the steam roller's opera
tions in the very oae wbiob first prov
ed its strength in the beginning tbe
Thompson swamp land drainage bill.
After the Thompson swamp land
bill was passed over the governor's
veto. Representative Gill introduoed
H. B. 578 for the purpose of repealing
tbe obnoxious bill. Tuesday Sohue
bel's bill came up tor consideration.
Tbe governor Bent a message to the
houtta, whioh arrived just at the right
time. It said:
"As you were previously advised,
tbe pipage of tbe Thompson till will
prevent the state from seonring title
to several hundred thousand aores of
land whioh would be sold for tbe
benefit of the common sohool fnnd.
"Inasmuch as your honorable body
has just passed bills appropriating
about $750,000 for tbe support of our
state institutions of higher education,
I feel that I may take tbe liberty of
speaking a word in behalf of the little
oountry school with the hope that
when you return to your constituents
it oannot be said that while yon gave
to the institutious of higher education
everything tbey asked in tbe way of ap
propriation, you refused even to extend
a protecting hand to the common
sohool fund and the little red sohool
bouse when about to be raided by a
grasping oorpoiatiou."
Mrs. Luke Read Entertains
Mr. and Mrs. Luke entertained their
friends Thursday evening, February
13, with a valentine party. Tbe
rooms were deoorated, tLe parlor in
pink ind green 9ud tbe diuing room
and ball in red aud yellow. Games
were played until a late hour, aud a
daintv two course luncheon was serv
ed by the host' ss, assisted by Mrs.
Arthur Douglas, Mrs. Fred tfross and
Mias Eva Wright. Iu a sewing contest
in wbiob the gentlemen each pieoed a
quilt block, prizes were wou by Mr.
Geo. Hausell, first; Victor Lawson,
eeoond and David Stone, third.
King Sends Thanks. -.
L. L. Jobosoo, resident of the Mil-tou-Freewater
seotion of tbe Walla
Walla valley sent a box of choloe
wlnesap apples to the King of Deo
mark a few weeks before Christmas
and last week Mr. Johuaou reoeived a
persoual letter from the king, who ex
pressed himself pleased with the apples
aud also that a former subjeot should
remembr the fatherland. Walla
Walla Union.
Propose to Carve "Lincoln"
Out of Washington, Oregon
and Idaho Panhandle.
The Washington legislature is to
vote upon a memorial urging oongres9
to oarve the state of Liuooln oat of
eastern Washington, northern Idaho
and northeastern Oregon. Senator
"Dick " Hutohinson is preparing tbe
memorial and will father it early next
week. '
Included in the new state would
be all of Wasbington east of the Cas
cades, tbe Panhandle of Idaho and
the oounties of Umatilla, Union and
Wallowa, Oregon, Tbe resolution
will likely receive its death blow
shortly after its introdnotion, but tbe
senator will not let tbe resolution be
killed without a bard fight. Senator
Hutchinson does not hope to pass tbe
memorial but expects to start again
the agitation for tbe state ot Lincoln,
whioh he hopes to eee established
within a few years. .
Senator Hutohinson has reoeived
numerous letters from prominent res
idents of eastern Wasbington and
northern Idaho, urging bim to take
this action. Congress will be asked
to allow the people in thi territory
mentioned, to vote npon the proposi
tion of forming the proposed state.
Hutofainson's main argument for
the formation of the new Btate la the
community of interests that exists be
tween these seotions. Washington,
be points out, is essentially two states,
though legally it la one. -' Laws that
fit eastern Washington do not suit
western Washington. One of the
reasons for changing tbe Agricultural
college at Pullman to a state college,
is said to have teen to foster tbe
movement fcr tbe state of Linooln,
At least statements to this etfeot, have
been made at Olympia for tbe past
several sessions of tbe legislature.
11 ' M
We take pleasure in stating that we will deliver FREE of all transportation
charges to any Fostoffice or R. F. D. Route within a radius of 50 miles any purchases
in our Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoe or Notion Departments.
This arrangement will be found especially convenient for those who have the
R. F. D. service as well as those living in the many nearby towns who wish to shop
by mail or phone. All such orders will have our careful and immediate attention.
We guarantee satisfaction in every particular and will gladly pay postage both, ways
on any article that does not meet with your approval.
Mail or phone us your orders or ask for Samples. '
Ginghams, Embroideries and Laces
For Suitings
Ratine, Hop-Sacking Linen, Two
Tone Russian Cords. Cotele, etc,
For Parties
Voile de Charmeuse, Marquisette, Jouy
Voile, all the new sheer materials
Trimmings. Trimmings. Trimmings.
losgiwe Mercantile Co
Main and 3rd. Phone, Main 65. Athena, Oregon.)')