The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 24, 1913, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
w Frank King was io town yesterday
from Weston.
m. u. waits returned nom fort
no", Sunday.
J. V. Mitchell made a business trip
to fcooo, yesterday. . ,
Born. Jannary 24, to Mr. and Mrs.
Jobn Toland, a toy.
- Mf. and Mrs. B. H. Alexander will
reside in Walla Walla.
Jim Spenoe was in town yesterday
on bis periodioal soliciting trip for the
Oregon Journal. ',
Joseph N. Scott is a victim of tbe
grip tbis week, being obntlned to bis
borne west of town,
"Peck" MoBnde came in from tbe
ranob yesterday and placed an order
for batter .wrappers. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tompkins re
turned borne from Portland last eve
ning, botb improved in bealtb. -
A number of Petidleton-bound pas
sengers were taken overland in sleighs
during the fore part of the week.
E. Forbes will open a plumbing shop
n tbe Swaggart building, on Tbiid
etrfet, between Main and Jefferson. I
Mis. Ed. Eilgore is seriously ill
with pneumonia at her borne in tbis
oity Dr. Sharp ii tbe attending phy
eioian. Tbe condition of A. Shiuk remains
about tbe same as reported laet week,
tie is said to Le growing weaker,.
, gradually, ,
Mr. and Mie. Riohard Wright came
up fioui Hood Biver several days ago,
and are visiting at the Jobn Wright
borne io this city. .
Jack Vinoent, Byron Hawks and
Leslie Nelson obtained some good
views of tbe trains and crews during
the snow blockade. '
Mrs. Merle Boby Visited friends in
. .Walla Walla this week. Her visit
'.vas neoessaiily prolonged on acoouot
of trains not running. $.r..v
Frank Jaokson who went to Port
land some time ago for- medioal treat
ment, is reported to be confined to bis
' bed with rheumatism. :
4: - r- - : -Marion
Jaok has returned to bis
borne in Pendleton from Hot Luke,
where he bad been to recuperate from
an attack of the gripp.
Carl Kopers has teen appointed ad
'ministrator of the estate of August
Arp, who recently died at Helix. Tbe
estate is appraised at 13500.
' An error in seotion 20, line two, of
Senator Barrett's road bill, reads
one-fifth per cent, when it should
properly read 50 per cent.
. Sleighing has been exceptionally
good during the week, and numerous
patties were organized to take advan
tage of an evening's enjoyment.
Mis. Louis LaBiasohe retnrned from
Walla Walla Wednesday evening,
where she spent a week at tbe borne
of her daughter, Mrs. Baddelev.
Sheriff Taylor arrested L. G. Stum
baugb, Monday at Pendleton. He is
wanted at Enterprise on tbe obarge of
obtaining money under false pretens
fcotel bag invested in an eleotrio vao
uum cleaner and is prepared to clean
your home, store or office at: reasona
: tie rates.
District Attorney and Mrs. Freder
ick Steiwer are the Happy parents, of
a new baby girl, which tbe stork
dropped into their Pendleton borne
Monday night.
The annual Pythian ball at Weston
- tonight promises to be well attends!
A large number of lodge members and
young people from tbis city will be
in attendance, all anticipating a good
time. "- -..'
Y Starr Charlton returned Tuesday
Arom a visit to relatives in La Grande.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlton are visiting at
tbe Sanders home west of town, and
will return 10 their borne in Alberta,
next'montb. L
William A. Whitlook, mention of
whose illness was made in the Press,
died at the Walla Walla hospital. Tbe
funeral was held at Wella Walla
Monday. of last week. : -
Bado'a Bears, Walla Walla's pet
casket ball aggregation was taken in
to camp at Weston tbe other nigbt by
a score of 18 to 15. Tbe game was
olean and exoiticg from start to finish.
Horebound, Irish Moss, Tolu. White
Pine, Selected Pineapple, Lemon and
Orange. Unexcelled for its curative
qualities for tbe Grippe, cough and
colds. Guaranteed striotly pare, by
Bert Cattano.
New orders for printed butter wrap
pers have been filled for tbe following
butter makeis at the Press offioe tbis
week: Mrs. Wm. Boober, Mrs. C. H.
Downing, Mrs. Delbert Barger and
Mrs. Harry MoBride.
Two teams from Walla Walla.
bound for Pendleton, oame through
tbe npper road from Weston yester
day. They-were the first teams to
oome through einoe tbe blookade, and
bad a hard time of it.
The south' side of Main street tears
striding reseniblaooe to the breast'
works of a snow fort. Excavation of
snow has been on that side of tbe
street in readiness for the onslaught of
the expected obinook.
Miss Cartie Sharp oame up from
Pendleton Friday evening to spend the
week end at her home in ..this city.
She retnrned .to ber school work Tues
day by private conveyance, after vain
ly waiting three days for a traicfr
' Messrs. Konasek, Payne, Drew,
Starr and DePeatt walked to Weston
Monday evening through the snow,
on a sort of orosa country jaunt. They
encountered huge snow drifts, bnt
took them in approved athletia style.
Miss Alta Sharp retnrned to bur
home Wednesday foreuoon from
Waila Walla, via Pendleton, having
been delayed in the garden oity where
sbe was visiting ftiends, since Satur
day, on acoount of tbe railway tieup.
and Mrs. J. A. Kirk returned
esday from Halsey, where they
visited with relatives for several weeks.
Tuey oame to Pendleton from Port
land, Tuesday night and ariived in
town Wednesday forenoon in a sleigh.
Mr. Sidney A. Barnes and Miss
Edith May. Garrett, popular young
people of Weston, were married in
that oity last Thursday, tbe wedding
being performed iu their own borne,
wbioh bad been prepared by . the
groom. .. . -, . . '
Weston Leader 5 Reports from Man
ton, Wash., say that Mrs; M. J. May
bee is glowing constantly weaker, and
that fatal culmination of ber illness is
expected at any time -All of her chil
dren with tbe exoeption of one son are
with bei.
aay. 01
- Servioes at the M. E. church Sun
day, January 26: Sunday school at
10 o'clock; young people's meeting at
6:30; preaobiog at U a. m. and 7:30
p. in. Subject for the evening:
"Short Weighted." Special servioes
next week. You are invited,
Weston Leader: Mrs. M. J. Rich
mond's illness - bus again taken a - ser
ious turn altboush sbe ie somewhat
better today. Mrs. Cora Simpson,
Frank Richmond ' and O. M, Eiob
moud were recent visitors from Wblla
Walla at their mother's bedside.
There ae but few quail in this vi
cinity, but the Press has readers in
districts where tbe little game birds
are quite plentiful, benoe this paper
hopes that Game Warden Aveiill's ap
peal to farmers to scatter grain for
the birds during the deep snow, will
be heeded.
s George Kidder, who seriously out
IlHa leg last week by coming into con
tact with a piece of glass U getting
along as well as oould be expected.
A fearful gash resulted from the out,
one of the large mnsoles being severed.
Dr. Newsom took several stitches when
be dressed tbe wound.
The Leader reports that the Weston
Mountain Telephone company has da
oided to string another wire from Wes
ton up the mountain, tbe present wire
being overloaded. Tbe directors re
cently met and authorized this im
provement, wbioh was plaoed in the
hands of a committee.
Strayed G. M. Morrison, of Adams
will pay $20 for information leading
to tbe return of a gray, team, which
strayed from his barnyard on Mew
Years day. One of the horses bad a
rorbed mans and wore a bridle bai
ter when it disappeared. The mane
of the other horse was partly roaohed.
Tbe roads between Athena and Wes
ton are reported to be in a deplorable
oondition. Travel tetween the two
places has been confined principally
to the lower toad, a cut-off through
tbe Willaby field being utilized until
Wednesday, when tbe tenant, Wm
King, dosed the fenee to further
. Helix Advocate: T. G. Montgom
ery, formerly a resident of Helix,
who was for a time cashier of the
American National Bank of Pendle
ton, but who .for tbe past year has
been in bnsiuess in Portland, is again
engaged in tanking, having been ap
pointed cashier of tbe First National
Back of Baker, Ore.
Tbe program at the Dreamland
Theater for Friday and Saturday eve
nings: I. "The Redemption of
Greek Joe," Selig. 2. "All in the
Family," Essanay. 3. "The Span
ish Cavelier," Edison. For Sunday:
J. "Wanted, a Fife." Melies. 2,
"His Father's Son," Vitagraph. 8.
Laughing Gas," Pathe.
prTwo Northern Paoiflo' engines have
oeen scaiiea in id snow id me uuver
Dickenson field north of town for sev
eral days. The big machines beoame
stuck while bucking a suow-filled out
and have been there sinoe. . A orew of
men are working to release them and
it was expeoted tbe engines would
make Athena last night.
By attending the Caledonian con-
t at the opera bouse tomorrow ev
ening, you will enjoy an evening of
splendid entertainment, beside aiding
the financial fund to be used in de
fraying the expense of holding this
year's annual Caledonian Picnic.
Tiokets are now on sale. Buy one
and assist tbe good oause.
Mrs. David Taylor was pleased with
a visit from an old friend, Wednesday
nigbt,. whom she bad not met in
twenty-five years. Tbe lady was Mrs.
Effie Cray, of Boise, formerly Miss
ESie Holland, who lived here some. 25
years ego. Mrs. Cray was on her way
to Spokane, to nurse her aunt, Mrs.
MoHone, who is ill at her borne there.
The affliotion wbioh has kept Judge
Phelps from bis bench during tb
present term of court, and whiob was
at first thought to be an attaok of la
grippe, has turned out to be a severe
oase of small pox, and tbe judge is
now under quarantine, reports tbe
East Oregonian. Due to the faot that
he had never been vaccinated, the
disease has taken firm hold of him.
County Judge Maloeny has banded
down an order by which James A.
Fee, administrator of the estate of
J. W. Young is instructed to release
and transfer tbe dw and tbe swj
of sec 20 twp 4, N. R 82, to Nora
Watts, named under the accredited
will of J. W. Young as heir to tbe
property for title to wbioh Mabel
Young Warner has fought in the
courts for years. y
For the very good" reason tbat,".tbe
troupe was unable to arrive in this
oity, after playing at tbe Keylor
Grand, Walla Walla, Sunday nigbt
Athena theatre-goers were disappoint
ed in not seeing tbe production of the
"Beggar Priooe." This was one of
the really good companies touring the
Noitb west circuit,, and Manager Rus
ie of the opera bouse went to consider
able expense to seoure tbe attraction.
VDoring tbe blookade tbe express of
fide at tbe O.-W. station took on tbe
appearance of a poultry show. Hawks
and Boyd bad a consignment of Virds
there for several days, awaiting trans
portation to the Pendleton show. Fin
ally tbe birds were dispatohed in a
oatooeeon tbe first train through from
the county seat. Tbe fowls were all
awarded prizes, besides having tbe
distinction of being the only ones at
the show transported by special train.
Tbe reeleotion of W, N. Sweet to
the presidency of the Tri-State League
at a meeting held in La Grande. Tues
day has sprinkled a let of burrs in tbe
hair of Pendleton fans, and tbe East
Oregonian is autberity for the state-
If- Jam m, 1
tf lf ii i croup, mm I
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ment that tbey will have none of bim.
Exceptions are taken to Sweet's act
ioos during the olose of last season's
schedule which are alleged by Pendle
ton to ha va teen responsible fcr tba
possibility of his home team winning
second place io tbe percentage col
umn. '
Servioes at the Christian ohuroh
January 26: Bible sobool 10 a.m.;
sermon and Communion 11 a. m. ;
subject for tbe evening sermon
"Christ, the Great Phygioian." This
sermon will be illustrated with 60 of
tbe most beautiful paintings in the
world. These piotures will greatly
aid the mind in grasping tbe oharao
ter of tbe Master's work as they viv
idly portray his ministry of meroy j
among the siok and sinful men and
women of Israel. Come; you are in
vited and made weloome.-
Repultive In Looks, It Is Really a
Harmless Creature. . V
Probably, there is no . other living
creature more feared by the ignorant
than the Gila monster, about which all
manner of weird tales have been told.
It has even been held that the mere
breath of this animal Is sufficient to
cause death to the one upon whom it
fell. Scientific inquiry, however, fails
to disclose a single instance wherein
the breath or even the bite of this
creature has resulted - fatally. ... The
fact that dissection and microscopic
examination do not reveal any trace of
glands for the secretion of venom is
sufficient evidence to indicate that this
curious member of the lizard family
lins been slandered. '
Some years ago a civil engineer In
the southwest undertook to settle once
for nil the question whether "the mon
ster" was deadly or not A fine speci
men wns captured and confined in a
wire inclosure. A chicken was obtain
ed, and its feathers were removed in
order that the lizard might have every
opportunity to strike at the breast
The chicken was then held quite close
to the Gila, monster, which soon snap
ped viciously and secured o firm hold
on the fowl's breast retaining this grip
for more t linn ten minutes. When the
victim was released it was fouud that
the chicken's breastbone had been bro
ken. Nevertheless the fowl quickly
recovered, the bone knitting and the
wound healing with no symptoms of
poisoning. .
It is very probable that the reputa
tion for evil borne by the Gila mon
ster Is due simply and solely to its
most repulsive appearance. Harper's
Strayed a Long Way From Home
Before He Was Killed.
The following story Is taken from
the American Magazine:
"Sunday la a dull day, and tbe city
editors bad a habit of detailing men to
go to the zoological gardens and get
animal stories for Monday morning.
The reporters got together one Sunday
morning and persuaded the head ani
mal keeper to let them publish a fake
story. It was rather commonplace,
concerning the alleged escape of a non
existent sea Hon from tbe pool to open
'Fake,' salcMfce managing editor iia
he read the story. 'Let's make It a
good one.'
"Thereupon he sent telegrams to ev
ery country correspondent on that wa
ter or Its tributaries, merely inquiring
if anything had been seen of the es
caped sea Hon. Tho response was ap
palling. Tbe correspondents needed
only tbe hint That day tbe sea lion
was seen by at least twenty corre
spondents, and Bergband printed all
tbe reports one after another. Thus
spurred, the correspondents went to It
In earnest Tbe following day the sea
Hon was reported at every point with
in 200 miles. Tbe story spread like
ripples on water. In five days the Hon
was sighted over half tbe world, a,nd
an enthusiast at Southampton cabled
that be was beading toward tbe north
sea. Then a cruel correspondent up on
Lake Superior killed him and wired
that be was sending tbe skin as proof.
I always suspected that the managing
editor did It himself." ,
A Fine Sense of Feeling.
One of two darkles who run ft boot
black "parlor" in partnership was brag
ging of his well developed sense of
touch, particularly in tbe matter of
money. He boasted that be could tell
the denomination of any Dnited States
coin merely by feeling it His partner
wearied of these boasts and came back
with this:
"Your sense o' fcelln ain't nothln to
my friend Marcus. ; Him and me used
to work on tbe Pullman down through
Kansas. Marcus bad been on this route
for about ten years. One nignt when
we was both a-slecpln', long around
midnight I wakes up and I shakes Mar
cus and I says, 'Marcus, where are we T
And Mnrcus Jest roll over and sticks
his hand out the window and be says',
We're goln through Oswego.'" Ev
ery body's.
Writing on Pillow.
Every one who has bad occasion to
write while riding in a railway train
will be interested In tbe fact that the
disagreeable effects of the Jarring of
the carriage are greatly mitigated by
writing on a pillow. The pillow may
be either held on the lap or placed on a
table. Tbe pad of paper and tbe arm
which guides tbe pen or pencil should
both rest on tbe pillow.
In this manner it will be found pos
sible to write legibly and with com
fort In a train flying at full speed
London Answers.
A Stetson Story.
The late John Stetson, famous in his
day as a theatrical manager, was bay
ing a yacht built and a friend, meeting
him ou tbe gtreet'asked Lira what be
was going to name the boat "I haven't
decided yet." replied John, "but It will
be some name commencing with 8,
probably either Psyche or Cinch."
-Didn't Need to Know,
. CUolly A fellow told me today that
I didn't know enough to go io wben It
Miss Slmrp-Aud what did you say?
Cboliy-l assured him it Wus quite
unncrearj. d tn lier know, beeaum I
nevah no out when It rains." 1mdon
Telegraph. . .
Experience, tine World's
viewed from all
angles. The child
taught to econo
mize by experi
ence and actual
contact will grow
up to be carelul
and frugal.
Nowhere, can you find a better opportunity for an ob
ject lesson in saving than at this store. The pennies
saved on every purchase make it so.
Ota- - - :"" - "-''W '.iM
lew Wa
"The Furniture Man' has added this
5 line to his already large, varied stock
Art Square Bargains
We have the finest line of Art Squares ever shown in Athena. All are of modern de
signs and up-to-the minute patterns. They are going at prices never before heard of,
class of goods considered. Our line of Furniture is complete. It includes late styles
in Corsican Walnut, Birdseye and the popular Golden Oak. W? very latest novelties
n Iron and Brass Beds." Everything in Springs and Mattresses. .
WE MW mm 1
V,C: v '
ibtters -and OversSioes
for the Whole family
Mens 4 buckle Beacon Gaiters
Mens 2 buckle Snow Excludeas
Mens 1 buckle Snow Excluders
Mens High Cut Kensington, plain and
rolled edge
Mens High Cut Kensington Alaska's
Mens Duck Pac's. " Rawhide Laced
Mens Rubber Boots -
Womens 3 buckle Beacon Gaiters
Wsmens 1 buckle Snow Excluders
Womens High Cut Kensingtons
Womens High Cut Kensingtons Al
aska's Womens Tan Storm Slippers
Womens Storm Vetos
Womens Open Vetos
Boys. Youths, Misses and Childrens Boots, Arctics, High
Cut Rubbers C& &
Canvass Leggings and German Sox for Men and Boys.
Knit Leggings for Women, Misses and Children.
All Standard Goods. No Seconds. Reasonable Prices.
B & H Green Trading Stamps with all Cash purchases
ask for them.
losaiwe Mercantile Co
Main and 3rd. Phone, Main 65. Athena, Oregon.