The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 27, 1912, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
Floyd Payne was io Pendleton dur
ing the wees
Byron N. Hanks is spending tbe
week in Spokane.
George Carmiobael was in town from
. WrstoD Saturday. .
Wm. Winship was a Walla Walla
Ijitor lapt Friday.
Leslie Kelson spent Sunday with
friends in FendletOD.
Sim Kilgore was up from bis Gold
Spring ranch Saturday.
Miss Alta Sbarp is the guest of
friends at Colfax,. Wash. ,
Honey to loan. Inqoire of Hogh
Molotyre, Atbena, Oregon. . .
Misses Eatberiae and Carrie Sbarp,
are home for the holidays.
Fire marriage licenses were issued
by the county clerk Christmas eve.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Le Grow spent
Christmas with friends in Walla Wal
la. -.. " .;'". ;. ..';:.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Barger spent
Cbristmas with friends in Walla Wal
ls. ;
Miss Goldie MoElroy, of Pendleton,
is a guest' of tbe Misses Zerba, this
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kirk are spend-
ing the holidays ; with relatives at
Balsey. "-
All accounts doe me must positively
tie paid up by January J. Mis. Lillie
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Vincnt spent
Christmas night with relatives in
Joe Bannister, au old time Atbena
ite is circulating amoi g bis friends
in tbe city. -
Mr. and Mrs. William Brown were
in tbe oity yesterday from their borne
near Weston.
Jap Harden was over from Helix
Saturday, visiting at tbe home of his
parents here.
Prof. Utz, of Spokane, was a Christ
mas guest of Mr. and Mrs. A, Mack
enzie Meldrum.
Miss Edna Zerba is in from tbe farm
west of ; town, visiting her consio,
Miss Ciara Zerba.
A limited number of horses will be
taken by Casper Woodward, to win
ter on alfalfa hay. . "
Frank J. Beale has sold to L. S.
Madden of Weston, 193 orn in' seb -tion
ft, township 8.
Stanley Wright was over from
- Walla Walla taking Christmas oheer
with Athena friends. -
Floyd Pinkerton is over from Co
lombia College, Milton, spending
the vaoation at borne. -
The roads have smoothed down so
that autoing is Bgaio possible with
some i2iT69-QLxsol '
Glen Dudley, wbo is attending
sobool in Portland this winter, spent
tbe holidays in Atbena.
Miss Laura Molntyra assisted In tbe
sales department at Fix & Radtke's
during tbe holiday trade.
Doug Flyno, tbe well known John
Day stockman is in tbe city, the guest
of bis friend, W. B. Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs, Theodore Russell of
Portland, nie spending tbe holidays
with friends in this vicinity. -
'i A good miloh cow for sale. She is
registered full blood Durham. In
quire of Mrs. Clarence Wright, '
Mies Lizzie Zerba is home from
Kennewiok, spending tbe holidays
with her patents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W.
B. Zerta. V'. -; :'
Mrs. C. L. Crock a tt and daughter,
Miss Editb,- were guests at tbe borne
of Mr. and . Mrs. A. M. Meldrum
Christmas. " " '
Tbe Press is in receipt of a copy of
tbe Maple Creek, Saskatchewan. News.
Tbe News bespeaks prosperity ia tbe
Mrs.James tde, aooompanied
by her mother, Mrs. Kinnear. was in
tbe city yesterday from Western. '
Manager Miller of tbe Dreamland
theatre exhibited tbe Passion Play
pictures at Weston, last evening.
The Athena band gave a concert on
tbe street Christmas day, wbioh was
mooh appreciated ty all who beard it
Mr. and Mis. . A. Maokenzin Mel
drum are very giatefcl to their fiiends
for tbe many gifts and good wishes for
Wesley Tompkins is at Two Elvers,
Wasb., this week, spending tbe hol
days at tbe home of his sister, Mrs.
J. B. . Woodruff.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hard of the
Pilot Book country, are spending the
holidays with friends in Athena and
vicinity. -. . -
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams
left Saturday for Portland, where they
spent the holidays with Mrs. Williams
relatives.. .,
Mr. and Mrs E. A. Leonard were
entertained at tbe. home of Mrs.
George Bannister, Mrs. Leonard's sis
ter, Christmas.
w Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stone left the
first of the week for Thornton, Wash.,
to spend tbe Christmas , week at the
home of their daughter.
Coming, Sunday night, Wheeler
Players, JO people, presenting Dan
Solly's greatest success ."The Parish
Priest. 25, 85, E oents. "
Miss Minnie Fitzsimmons, of St.
Jobos, Ore., formerly living in this
vicinity, is a holiday guest of her
sister, Mrs. Wm. Shrimpf.
Ano'her danoe is announced to take
place at the Atbena opera house, on
New Years eve. Good musio and a
splendid floor will be ia order.
Harry Buddy, the trap drummer,
came up from Pendleton CbriBttnas
eve, and assisted Johnson's orchestra
at tbe danoe in tbe lodge hall.
Mrs. Stafford, mother of Mis. Geo.
Hansell, is up from ber borne in tbe
Willamette valley, visiting at ber
daughter's borne west of town.
: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. M. May were
down from their Weston mountain
ranch last week doing Christmas
shopping with Athena merobants.
B, B. Bicbards made a trip to Wes
ton Mountain Monday, on business
connected with tbe appraised valua
tion of tbe Cberlea Ferguson estate.
, J. V. Mitobell has accepted the
agenoy for the Singer sewing maobine,
and is representing tue manufactur
ing oompauy in this part of the ouun
Old Sol knocked Athena's white;
Christmas into a oooked hat in a jiify
Wednesday morning. Tuesday night
the ground was covered with a man
tle of white. ,.. "
Albert Fix, proprietor of the New
Leader store in Walla Walla, came
over and spent Christmas with his
family in tbia oity and is Assisting
in taking sook.
Tom Bergeviu is here from the
Flathead Indian Reservation in Mon
tana , to speed the holidays with rel
aWSi , friends." He is accompau
ieifty bis otmtlren. ...
Cbmles Grant has been operating a
shrar,iB&.j?all2Wand the oraok "of
the "23" haHXeen i1ttcsMiil,,pinging
away at tbe targets. Poultry Is' the
reward for suooessful shots. ,
W. E. Dobson has been seriously ill
the past week, having so tiered a
slight hemorrhage. Owing to ber bus
band's illness, Mrs. Dobson did not go
to Portland for the holidays.
Mr. Henry Eoepke returned in time
to .spend Christmas at home, after a
three weeks visit in thn East. Mr.
Kjoepke visited at Waterloo, Iowa,
Cbioago and Columbus, Ohio.
Peter Crockett, tha popular U. of
6. debater, spent tbe holidays at tbe
borne of Dr. Bomig, in Newberg. His
sister returned to Eugene yesterday
after spending Christmas bere.
' Mr. John E. Gieldersleeve of Mat
tituok, Long Island. N. Y. is in tbe
city, a guest of bis daughter. Mrs.
Chailes Betts. Mr. Gielderleeve will
remain here for a ooople of months.
A Pendleton paper estimates 20 per
cent of tbe 1913 crop is in tbe bands of
tbe growers. While there seema to
be a strong demand for wheat, locally
first class milling quality is desired.
Tbe fringes of winter are apparent
this morning. A cold wind from off
the snovr-clad mountains to the south
oomea in frigid blasts, necessitating
warm fires and heavy wearing apparel.
The first masquerade ball of tbe
season will take plaoa next Friday
evening, January 8, in tbe lodge hall.
Special preparations will be made to
make it one of tbe best danoes of tbe
season. , '..-'.v.;
Claude Sanders suffered a broken
shoulder Saturday, as the result of his
horse falling with him. Dr. Sharp
reduced tbe fracture, and the boy is
getting along as well as could he ex
pected., . - -.' ' - : .
A family reunion was held Christ
mas day at the home of Bobeit Cop
poob, when the families of Warren
Raymond of Walla Walla and Arthur
Uoppock and W. O. Read were en
tertained. Horebound, Irish Moss, Tolu, White
Pine, Seleoted Pineapple, Lemon and
Orange. Unexoelled for its ourative
qualities for the Grippe, coughs and
colds. Guaranteed striotly pure, by
Bert Cartano.
Alex. Neil and Malcolm MoFayden
plead guilty to disorderly and riotom
conduct in Judge Riohard'a ooort yes
terday, as the result of trouble the
young men brewed with a young fel
low named Reed. r ;
Ernest Wells, formerly assistant
principal of tbe Atbena sobools is in
the oity from Seattle. Mr. Wells is
director of athletics in tbe Lincoln
High sobool. He is the guest of
fiiends while in tbe city.
R. T. Brown is expecting a visit
from bis father next montb. He is
now in California, and will stop on
bis return to bis borne in Minnesota.
Mr. Brown is a retired newspaper man
and a veteran of the civil war.
Miss Clara Pattiidge, teaober of tbe
eighth grade in the Atbena sobools,
ii spending tbe weeks holidays with
ber sister and family in Seattle. A
memterof the family is ill, which
was the main reason for tbe visit.
Mis. R. A. Ttoaipson is happy this
week in a visit from ber parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Edwards, of Heppner.
A portion pf tbe time was spent by
tbe visitors in Weston, at tbe home of
Mrs. Edwards'motber, Mrs. Mosier.
J. L Snyder, Seth Hyatt raud Wes
ley Parris appraised thetlbarles Fer
guson estate at $17,063.- The estate
consists of iand on Weston mountain
and personal property. Oliver Diok
enson baa been appointed administra
tor. ' ;'
Report comes that H. W. Kemp is
critioally ill at bis home at Cortelius,
Ore., and little hope is had for his re
covery. Mr. Kemp has been in fail
ing health for a long time, and lately
he has taken a decided turn for the
worse. . . .
Joe Key has returned from a visit
of several weeks to bis old home
in South Carolina. Cold weather
prevented Joe flora visiting rel
atives in Iowa. A 20 mile auto ride
through tbe aUoging oold did not ap
peal to bim. . ,
If the Press is not up to tbe usual
standard tbis week, readers will over
look sbortoomings with leniency,
for this is holiday week, you
know and tbe office devil and tbe old
man holidayed a day oi two with tbe
rest of mankind.
G. 0. Osburn, who has a responsi
ble position with the PaciHo States
Telephone and Telegraph oompany,
has been irransfered back to Portland
from Los Angeles, where he has been
stationed for several months. Mrs.
Osburn will remain in Los Angeles
during the winter.
Two danoes were enjoyed by'Atbena
torpsioboreans tbis week. Tbe lodge
ball was beautifully decorated for tbe
Christmas eve tall, given there.
Cbiistmas night tbe ball at tbe opera
bouse was a pleasant occasion, tbe
flnnr whioh had been worked over
drawing favorable comment fiom all
who attended tbe danoe.
Ydw Last fthmm
I; in5 s
iwssgijite-i til
, , S f -:.
';; i jl : .... .. .s
' ' I
l ' !'!
'? ' 1 j
) Cheap. All must
go before January
regardless of cost Sewing machines, latest improved
central needle; Vacuum sweepers, hand and electric;
Sheet cTVIusic; the famous Victor Victrola, $15 to $75.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Elsie Emma King of Weston, and
John Erwin Elwood King of Helix,
are named two of the seven heirs of
of Mis. Ellen S. King, who died at
Kitzville, Wash., last Jnne, says tbe
East Oregonian. Eaoh of these heirs
reoeives $500 from the estate.
Mrs. Casper Woodward, Mrs. J. 0.
Toland and Mrs. J, W. Pinkerton or
dered butter wrappers printed at the
Press office this week. A neat design
was piinted on tbe wrapper, giving
the numbr.r of ounces full weight,
and tbe lady's name in script letteis.
The Dreamland program for Friday
and Saturday nights: 1. "A Stiing
of Pearls," Biograph. 2. "In Daisa's
Countree." Lubin. 3. "The King's
Command," For Sunday : J. "Ibe
Game Keeper," Pathe. 2. "A Cure
for Pokerites," Vitagrapb. 3. "Tbe
Ordeal." - ::;.''
Final aooounts are to be made in the
Luoretia Malouey and the Hugh Mo-
Lean rstntps bv tha administrators,
in aooordanoe with notices appearing
in the Press. Thn Maloney aocount
will be heard in oourt tomorrow af
ternoon, and tbe MoLean aooount will
be made Monday.
Mrs. Pearl Hales entertained the
Sunshine club December 19. Those
present were: Mrs. Hacsell. Mrs.
Stafford. Mrs. Stone, Mrs. Wallan,
Mrs. Mitchell Mrs. Jesse Hales acd
Mis Fred Gross. A vey pleasant af
ternoon wes spent. Refreshments
were served by the hostess, wbo was
assisted by Mrs. Fred Gross.
Members of tbe looal K. of P. lodge,
wbo attended tbe dictiiot convention
of tbe older at Milton last Friday eve
ning, report an interesting session.
Pendleton, Athena, .Weston and Mils
ton lodges put on the work in three
ranks. The Milton Pvtbians Droved
to be royal entertainers, and a feature
of tbe convention was tbe splendid
banquet spread. 7
Large crowds of pleased people at
tended tbe Christmas tree exerciBes at
the Athena oburobee, on Christmas
eve. Tbe three auditoriums were
beautifully deoorated for the occasion
tbac of tbe Methodist oburoh being es
pecially so. Pleasing programs were
rendered and the little ones beamed
with oheer and bappiuess, when tbe
presents were distributed.
Services Sunday at tbe Methodist
ohurob .at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.;
Sunday sohi ol at 10 o'clook. Young
pooples' meeting at 6:30. You are in
vited to attend. Revival services
will begin one week from Sunday eve
ning, January 6. Subject: "What
Is tbe Matter With Athena?" You
oan't afford to miss that address.
Mrs. S. 0. Stanton was made glad
this week by tbe arrival of ber sons
Will and Dell, who oarun to spend
Christmas with her. Will is engaged
io the stock business in Crook oonnty.
He started out in a modest way several
years ago, and by resistless energy and
thrift has crossed the border to
suooess, now being tbe owner of a
large number of cattle and horses.
Milton Eagle: Rev. J. B. Daisley,
wbo organized the looal Christian
oburoh more than 2H years ago, died
at his home near Pomerny, Friday,
November 29, after a lingering illness.
Tbe Rev. Mr. Daisley was well known
to tbe people of tbis county, and bis
death comes as a personal loss to his
many friends.
Services at tbe Cbiistian church
Deo. 29: Bible sobool 10 a. m., ser
mon and communion at 11; subject,
"The Christian's Attitude in Aotual
War," a special sermon for tbe sea
son. In tbe evening tbe choir will
repeat that powerful and eloquent ser
mon in mnBio on tbe coming of tbe
Messiah, entitled "Sbilob," an Ora
toria Cantata.
Among highly prized relics, Mrs.
David Taylor possesses a copy of a
speoial edition of tbe Pendleton East
Oregonian published July 3. 1883. In
it appears many articles of interest to
pioneer residents of Atbena and Uma
tilla oonnty. Tbis city at that time
went by tbe name of Centerville;
and a special writeop of tbe town ap
pears wbioh would make intmesting
reading to many ia this vloinity and
it will appear in next week's Press.
East Oregonian: Minus another
four inohes of bis crippled arm, Jobn
Spain, 1911 Roundup obampiou bron
obo bnster, arrived ia Pendleton yes
terday from bis Union county ranch
en route to Los Angeles where he will
paiticipate in tbe Rodeo wbioh will
be beld in tbe early pait of February.
After tbe amputation of a band last
Jaly, tbe injured arm did not heal
properly and he was forced to undergo
a second operation a short time ago,
in which another amputation was
A quiet Christmas wedding was con
summated in Pendleton Wednes
day at 11 o'olock, a. m., when Mr.
George H. Sbeaid and Miss Ellen E.
Anderson, both of tbis ticiuity,' be
came man and wife. , The ceremony
wes peiformed io tbe parlor of the
Cbiistian oburob, with Pastor Wearer
oOioiati'jg. Tbe rocng coople were
attended by Miss'Lizzie Sbra'd, hhU-.i
of lbs groom, and Mr. Ralph Cannon.
Tbe bride is a sister of Mis. Alex.
Johnson, reiiiirg north if the city,
and is one of tbe popular young ladies
nf tbU vicinity. Tbe groom is tbe
eldest sou of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Sbeaid- Tbe newly married pair will
make tbeir borne on a farm, tct their
plans have not been definitely settled.
Owing to tbe urgent reqaegt of
many, the Oratorio-cental ' Sbilob,"
will be repeated Sunday oigbt at the
ChilUian cbnich. The rendition
pioved a, great suojesi on Cbriotmaa
eve fften Jop. N. Scott as leader,
showed bis ability in handling a
great program. Tbe principal part?
of tbe cantata wete sustained by Miss
Zelma DePeatt and Mr. Scott, tbe
young lady especially pleasing at tbe
saug with great pathos and expres
sion, showing ber exceptionally floe
powers of interpretation Solos were
rendered wi'b credit ty Mis. David
Stoce. Mis. Mitobeuer, Mimes Anna
Soil, Merna DaPeitt and Lucile Tay
lor, and ir. Geo. B. Gerking. Tbe
children's cboroses were well worth
bearing, and added muob to tbe beau
ty of tbe crosram. Otber parts were
well tsken by tbe choir as a whole.
All were accompanied by Mr, Fine
Long on the violin, and the accotn
plisbed accoxpsDi', Miss Kittie
wmmm- ;7ttnffi-fo7ftii,
TOW 41 -
-wvm h in-
r.v LJhK '
I, r r i T KT-?tt 1 1
: 3B
the best
way to
reduce the
cost of
we are doing our
share to bring im
proved conditions
by offering goods
Talcing advantage of every trade condition and buying
in large quantities, enables us to give you the benefit of
lower prices. A few cents, nickles and dimes saved here
and there, make a saving difference. Just try it.
lew Wall Paner
"The Furniture Man," has added this
line to his already large, varied stock
Art, Square Bargains
We have the finest line of Art Squares ever shown in Athena. All are of modern de
signs and up-to-the minute patterns. They are going at prices never before heard of,
class of goods considered. Our line of Furniture is complete. It includes late styles
in Corsican Walnut, Birdseye and the popular Golden Oak. We very latest novelties
in Iron and Brass Beds. Everything in Springs and Mattresses.
If J)Mgm
M '-'! wSSSr
V I I mm
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- thousands of womenTthe average, the slender
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Moulding and shaping the form the' ADJUSTO
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Jim a c i jii a e am i&
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THE ADJUSTO has many times proven itself
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, . ' - i'