The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 06, 1912, Image 4

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,d other game to "' , Wnt0 s
cub offer on oil kinds of poultry, pork, etc
Pearson-Page Co., Portland
Host Centrally Located
OWARD E. BTTRTglf - twsyer ana Chemist,
iieadville, Colorado, npcoiman prices uoia.
fillver. Lead, tl. OoM, HUmr, 75o; Gold GOo: Zino
or Copper, U. Mulling envelope! a id (ull price lirt
Sent Oa ar-PHi-acion. wnrroi nu uuilino wuiiw
United. Bifersnoss Carbonate National mux.
Opportunity for industrious youwr man with
some capital to buy half interest in splendid coun
try business. Well established; did $29,000 last
year. Owner needs partner to help cover field.
No use fur .noney unless hustler with it Can
make back invested money in six months. Write
Box 181. Portland, Or., for full particulars.
Economical Lighting Co.
Gasoline Hollow Wire Lighting Systems
Mantles and Glassware
Mantles for Canchester, Aladdin, all the differ
ent makes of Kerosene Mantle Lamps. Junior
Ray Mantles 60c pur dozen. Write us.
Agents Wanted. . 597 Williams Ave., Portland
The School that Placet You in a Hood Petition
Second-Hand Mnchln.
ery bought, sold and
exchanged: engines.
boilers, sawmills, etc. The J. E. Martin Co.. 83 1st
tit, Portland. Bend for Stock List and prices.
Veal, Hogs, Poultry
It pays to Ret our prices before selling elsewhere.
Mention this paper and send the names of five
progressive farmers; we will send you booklet.
Marketing Instructions to Get Highest Prices."
Paid-up Capital $10,000.
141-143 Front Street Tolland, Oregon
Check sent by return mall.
of $100 or more by buying your
Piano or Flayer Piano direct
from factory store,
355 Washington St., Portland, Or.
till fill BARRELS H
Few Men Can Tell the Truth While
Thtlr Hands Remain Open
' Some 8lgnt and 8ymbols.
When a man ia not telling the truth
he la apt to clench his hands, as tew
jaen can He with their hands open.
A man who holds his thumb tightly
within his hand has weak will power.
Strong willed persons hold their
thumbs outside when shutting their
Shaking hands In greeting was orig
inally an evidence that each person
was unarmed.
Among savage tribes when a man
holds up hands It is a sign of peace,
an evidence that he Is unarmed or
does not intend to use weapons. An
outlaw says, "Hold up your hands!"
meaning thereby to make bis victim
powerless to resist attack.
When a man kisses the hands of a
woman he expresses his submission.
This Is also the Idea when kissing the
hands of kings. By this act their su
periority Is acknowledged.
When an oath Is taken it Is done by
raising the right band, or laying it
upon a bible.
In the consecration of bishops,
priests and deacons, and also In con
firmation, the laying on of hands is the
essence of the sacramental rite. '
A bishop gives his blessing with
the thumb and first and second fingers.
In this the thumb represents God the
Father, the first finger stands for God
the Holy Ghost, the three together
symbolizing the Holy Trinity.
The wedding ring is placed upon the
third finger of the woman's hand to
show that, after the Trinity, man's
love, honor and duty Is given to bis
Besides the deaf and dumb there
are many people, notably of Latin and
Semitlo races, who talk with their
Those Made of Soap Water to Which
Glycerlno Has Been Added
Are Quite Attractive. .
Have you ever stopped to thlni
what a really interesting thing a soar
bubble i f , Soap bubbles are not onlj
Interesting to boys and girls, but thej
have long been a source of wondei
and Interest to men of science. In
fact, scientists have employed soar
bubbles in trying to perform certalr
A soap bubble Is nothing more than
a film of water molecules (tiny par
ticles that cannot be seen with the
naked eye), - held together by the
sticking power of dissolved soap. Ai
mosi an or us know, in making bub
bles the bowl of a common clay dId
is aipped Into soapy water. The bub
ble maker blows air Into the plp
ana the bubble at once expands
Tiru n - i ... . ... '
vvuiiu uuuoiea maae or. plain soaj
water are interesting, those made of
Write about your wants in this line to
183 Madison St. Portland, Oregon
A Definition.
The dream Is conversation arranged.
-Lady Gregory.
Mother! will find Mrs. Winslowi BontMng
Syrup the best remedy to iiiio fur their abjjiiraiit
t urlng fie toothing period.
London's Coal Consumption.
About three hundred and twenty
seven thousand tons of coal ar burn
But a Symptom, a Danger Sig
nal Which Every Woman
Should Heed.
Backache is a symptom of organic
weakness or derangement If you have
backache don't neglect it To get per
manent relief you must reach the root
of the trouble. Read about Mrs. Wood
all's experience.
Morton's Gap, Kentucky. "I suffered
two years with female diHorders, my
health was very bad
and I had a continual
buckacbe which was
simply awful. I could
not stand on my feet
long enough to cook
a meal's victuals
without my back
nearly killing mo,
and I would have
such dragging sensa
tions I could hardly
' bear it I had sore
ness in each Bido, could not stand tight
clothing, and was irregular. I was com-
Eletely run down. On advice I took
ydia E. Pinklmm's Vegetable Com
pound and am enjoying good health. It
is now more thnn two years and I have
not bad an ache or puin since. I do all
my own work, washing and everything,
and never have bnckaeho any more. I
thiuk your medicine is grand and I praise
It to all my neighbors. If you think my
testimony will help others you may pub
lish it"-Mrs. Olub Woodaix, Mor
ton's Gap, Kentucky.
If you ..nvolho slightest doubt
that Lydla K, lMnklntm's Vegetif
Lie (JouipouiMl will h(ln you, write
to Lydla K.lMnkham Medicine Co.
( eon tldent lull l.ynn, Mass., for ad
vioei. Your letter will bo opened,
read nntl answered ly a woman,
nd held in strict confidence
Proper Method of Fastening Line to a
Hook Is Shown Some Quite Use
ful Suggestions.
The drawing shows the proper way
to line a hook. This method holds
the hook at right angles with the line,
and thus keeps It from getting
tangled. The best place for eunflsh
is In a Bhallow, quiet place by the
side of a large stream. After you
catch the first one, be very quiet and
try to keep your line constantly in
the water, for they travel in schools
and are easily Beared. They will not
linger about the same place long un
less something to eat Is In sight If
v m.
Making Soap Bubbles.
soap water to which some glycerins
has been added are even more at
tractive, because they have such pret
ty colors.
There are many ways of making
bubbles. For Instance, smoke may be
blown through the pipe Into the bub
bles or one bubble may be blown
inside of another. Very large bub
bles can be made by using the hands
instead of a pipe. Coyer the Hands
well with suds and then hold them
so as to form a cup, as if drinking
with the hands from a spring, but
leaving a small hole in the bottom.
With the mouth about a foot from the
hands, blow a current of air into
them. Some of the bubbles will be
more than a foot In diameter. Try
this experiment the next time you
wash your hands.
Line Tied to Hook.
you are pulling them up rapidly Just
bait the top barb of your hook.
Bullheads abound in weedy places
and bite best after a rain, when a west
wind is blowing. '
How can I get the wine out of a bot
tle if I have no corkscrew and must
not break the glass, or make any hole
In It or in the cork? v.
Answer Push the cork Into the bofc
A person tells another that he can
put something into his right band,
which, the other cannot put into his
Answer The last person's left el
How must I draw a circle round
person placed in the center of a room
so that he will not be able to Jump
out of It though his legs should be
Answer draw It round his body.
Scientists Believe There Is a Reason for Bugs
rsV WK S eV3P
WASHINGTON. Secretary Wilson
is looking for bedbugs in his offi
cial and -not his private capacity. Mr.
Wilson wants all the bedbugs he can
get, and furthermore ha is willing to
pay a fair price for them. ;
This is not a hobby with Tama
Jim. in fact, he has no intention of
ever coming in personal contact with
the unpopular bipeds or quadrupeds
or centipedes, whichever class they
uappen to belong to. Mr. Wilson
wants as many o this species of the
bug family as he can buv at ninkni
apiecefor purely experimental pur
poses. . .
On the old Lewis farm, near Vien
na, a few miles from Washington,
the department of asrlcultura main.
tains an experimental farm.: Every
class of bugs that have any part what
soever in farm life are being studied
by the department's scientists.
la the railroad station at Vienna
this sign was posted:
WANTED Bedbugs, rive cents
will be paid for each bedbug deliv
ered at the office of the experimental
farm of the department of agricul
The farmers of Vienna -intend to
cat! at the farm and make sure that
accommodations have been made for
the safekeeping of the bugs before
the expected shipments arrive. The
people of Vienna do not like the Idea
of giving any inducements to outsid
ers to bring bedbugs near their vil
lage. . .
Some of Uncle Sam's scientists be
lieve there is a reason for bedbugs
and If. they manage to substantiate
this theory they intend to put them
to work at a more gratuitous task
than, that upon which they are gener
ally engaged.
.There is a theory that most self
respecting species of bugs will have
no dealings with bedbugs In fact
they will not live in the same neigh
borhood. .'
This theory is based upon two as
sumptions. The first is that bedbugs
are scrappers and beat up and kill
anything else that happens to cross
their way in bugdom. This theory Is
disputed by another school of bug
ology, which hoMs that bedbugs do
not prey upon other species, but that
their general characteristics are so
displeasing that other bugs eschew
them altogether, ; r . '
It is generally admitted that they
are not accepted in any circle of bug
society. :- - ' '"
Now the department of agriculture's
scientists have about decided which
bugs do the most damage ' to fruit
trees. These experiments have been
carried, on at the 1ewls farms foi
manymonths. The most deadly bugs,
as far as fruit is concerned, have beer
segregated In boxes and bottles.
The bedbugs are to be introduced
to these select fruit killers and then
the scientists are going to see what
happens. ,
If the bedbugs carry off the hon
ors Uncle Sam may try to induce
them to leave their present abodes for
fruit orchards. - - :
Quite a Difference.
Llttlo Bess What does your father
Little Nell He's a horse doctor.
Llttlo Bess Oh, dear. I guess I'd
bettor not play with you then. I'm
afraid you don't belong to our set.
Little Nell Why, what does your
father do?
Little Bess He's a vet'nary
Conslderate of Elmer.
Llttlo Elmer Papa, you are going
to take me to the circus, aren't you?
I'npa es, If you are a good boy.
Little Elmer Well, I'll try awfully
hard to bo good, papa; 'causo if you
an t take me you won't have any ex
cuse for going yourself, and I don't
want to disappoint you.
Sky on the Ground.
One foggy morning little Clarence
looked out of tho window aud ex
claimed: "Oh. look at the skv. mam-
nm! It's lying on the Eround."
What Made Baby Cry.
"Why, Nettle," said a mother to
her small daughter, who had been
left in charge of the little brother.
"what is baby crying for?"
"I don't know," answered Nettie,
"unless It's cause he can't think of
anything else to do."
Awful Solemn Smell.
It was a church wedding and the
church was handsomely decorated
with flowers, the air being laden with
their fragrance. Little Lola exclaimed
In an audible whisper: "Oh, mamma,
doesn't it smell awfully solemn In
Pugger and Pugger.
"Mamma," said little four-year-old
Frances, "I wish I didn't have a turn
up nose." "I think your nose is
pretty, dearf" said her mother. "Oh,
no, It isn't," rejoined the little miss,
"It gets pugger and pugger every
day." . .
Money for Boys.
Boys who like to raise rabbits
should write to theU. S. department of
agriculture at Washington for Farm
ers' Bulletin 496, on "Raising Belgian
Hares and Other Rabbits."
Ah, It Was a Sad Day for "Count" Perreard
BAN PERREARD, true son of
Paris, he of the Cafe de Perreard,
was disconsolate the other day.
It was the Sabbath and also the an-
anniversary of the fall of the Bastlle.
And for the first time in years the
count," as he is familiarly known.
failed to observe the day. The count's
celebrations have been notable events
in Washington for years, but the
count let the day pass quietly because
It fell on a Sunday. -
Everything about the Chateau de
Perreard was normal, except that
from a window breezed the tricolor
of La Belle France.
Silled were the clinking glasses,
because it was the Sabbath day. The
hearty chanting of "The Marseilles,"
as only the count could chant it, was
not wafted out Into Thirteenth street
from the chateau windows as in the
In fanciful retrospection the count
recalled the celebrations of yester
year and his friends missed them.
The bon vlvants of the town, who call
Perreard the count recalled the trips
down tiie river as his guests and
how he used to chant athe cabaret
songs of dear old Paris. And all re
membered how the count used to say,
when asked how he would celebrate
the independence day of France:
"Oh, eet will be ze grande time."
The continental Sunday has about
as much chance in Washington as
the count would have had In the
Marathon, and so the only way the
head of the house of Perreard could
observe the day was to sip a little
green Btuft, as it filtered through a
loaf of sugar. But all the time the
tricolor floated In the breeze from the
casement of the cafe.
The count could not have a publlo
party, and so he had none. It was a
bad day for France.
And then to add to his discomfiture
the rain drenched the flag of dear old
France. And the count, looking from
his window, as the rain fell, let his
thoughts revert to the vine-clad hills
of old France.
And the rain, falling harder and
harder, even did not spare in its tor
rential wrath the statues of the Mar
quis de Lafayette and Rochambeau.
And the count was very, very sad.
Agricultural Department an Aid to Housewives
k4 Ccra Sjrup. Trt tiood. I'm
a lima, said (.? Prut".
i'l. m. t lui ; mp J n tw s:
.A 31, ;M
is r 4 iv '
s'-r J. Mr '
' ' - r i 1 j
W ; J
'. ii v i f
I ! V
1 H J - i -
5 VK-
, .u . . i' x-Vi
On the Estate of Mrs. Thompson Seton, Greenwich, Conn.
A primitive way of making one's toilet A mirror hung on a cross
piece and there you have milady's dressing room, with the dome of the
blue sky ovsr head.
NO branch of the United States gov
ernment comes so near to the life
of the people as the department of
agriculture, which deals with the cot
ton and other fibers of which our
clothes are made, the flocks and
herds we raise, the crops we produce,
the food we eat and -the timber of
which our houses are built.
The closeness of the relation be
tween the department and the people
ia in great measure due to the fact
that the use which Is made o( agri
cultural products receives as much
attention as their production, and the
great bulk of these products is used
in the home.
Commenting on this phase of the
department's work Secretary Wilson
"Commercial industries were long
ago studied by scientific methods,
Blnce it was found that gaining knowl
edge by experience was much more
costly than gaining it by systematic
study. It is only lately that we have
come to realize that it is equally
profitable to study the housekeepers'
"Fifty years ago few such ques
tions had been taken to the labora
tory and few schools gave instruction
in such subjects. Today very many
men and women of scientific training
have taken the home problem to the
laboratory and are finding ways of
helping the housekeeper to solve her
problems satisfactorily.
"The department of agriculture has
studied many questions which relate
to the use of agricultural products on
the farm and in the home, but per
haps none of them has a closer re
lation to the household than the nu
trition investigations of the office of
experiment stations, which have to do
with the use of agricultural products
as human foods and whose object is
to help the housewife in her efforts
to provide good living at reasonable
cost without undue labor."
Turkey Trot New? Danced 500 Years in Borneo
T WILL be news to many doubtless
that the much-criticised "'turkey
trot" has been danced to the rain god
of a savage tribe in the north of Bor
neo for more than five hundred years.
Several young women of one of Wash
ington's exclusive circles were as
tounded when Prof. Edward David
son, a Washington dancing master,
made this statement to them during
lecture on the history of dancing.
Professor Davidson said that the
"trot" is one of the holy of holies
In the religion of the savage Muruts.
When there comes a prolonged dry
spell these head-hunting natives per
form the trot day in and day out until
the great rain god has heard their
prayers. The professor visited the
north of the island several years ago.
He says he saw them dance around
the image of the god an entire night
"During the latter part of the
eighteenth century the turkey trot
was Introduced Into the dancing
schools of Italy and Portugal, and
soon everybody was doing it In the
first part of the nineteenth century
tt gradually died out
Peitlmlstlo Antt
"A stenographer." said SneerwelL
"seems to be the only woman to whom
'a man dictates nowadays. Judge.
The clergy of Italy, Spain and Por
tugal made a loud outcry against the
heathen dance,' but the physical cul
turlsts and dancing masters favored
it on the ground that it was good ex
ercise. In the fashionable dancing
schools of Rome It was all the rage
for a short time. Traces of the tur
key trot can be seen in the folk
dances of Switzerland, Portugal, Spain.
Italy and France.
"In 1SSS an Italian named Giovanni
Caslni introduced the dance to San
Francisco. For a time It waa not ap
preciated much outside of Barbary
Coast circles. Then It came to New
York and certain prominent dancing
masters Introduced It into the Four
Jut That Difference.
Some girls are ambitious to marry
well; others are content to marry
3.C0 3.5Q 4.G0 4.E0 AflD 5.00
,.1 .TWi
Bay wjm W. L. Douglaa $2.00, $2.80 $3.00 School k.
. ffroeus, bmcaumm ott pair will positively outwmar two ;
ttmirm of ordinary mhoom, mama mm thm man' a mhoem. fi
W.LDouglas make and sells more $3.00,$3.50 & $4.00 shoe f
. t"" any other manufacturer in toe world. H
The workmanship which has made W. L. Douglaa shoe famous the world
orer is maintained in every pair.
Ask your dealer to show j ou W. L. Douglas latest fashion for fall and winter
wear, notice the thort vamps which make the foot look smaller, points in a
shoe particularly desired by young men. Also the conserva Hoe styles which
have niade W. L. Douglas shoes a household word everywhere.
' If you could visit W. L. Douglas large factories at Brockton, Mais., and see
for yourself how carefully W. L. Douglaa shoes are made, you would then on-
derstand why they are warranted to fit better, look better, hold their shape and
wear longer than any other make for the price. v v Fast Color Eyelet:'
CAUTION. Te protect yea against inferior shoes, W.L. Douglas stamps his name en the hot- '
torn. Look for the stamp. Beware of substitutes. W. L. Doug-las shoes are sold in 78 owl
" stores and shoe dealers everywhere. No matter where you live, they are within your reach.
If your dealer cannot tupplv you. write direct to factory for catnioc showing how to ordir
by snail. Shoes sent everywhere, delivery charges prepaid. WXJ)ouglas. BrorLton. Msss.
Likely to Keep Him Busy.
Mrs. Bacon I never saw a puzzle
my brother couldn't do. He's really
a wonder. Mr. Bacon I wish you'd
take this timetable down to him and
see if he can make anything out of it
Yonkers Statesman.
. .- His Reply.
She (for the 'steen-hundredth, more
or less, time) "Oh, darling, do jou
really and truly love me?" He (a
trifle grimly) "Now, look-a-here,
Gladys! . Po you 'want me to put op
a cash bond ?" Judge. " t
No matter what yon need in building- House,
Barn or a Shed, we wilt supply all the ne
eeesary Building Material, all ready to pot
in place, hardware all fitted, requiring only
the use of the hammer to complete building;.
Each piece is marked and accompanied by
blueprints. Architect's drawings fur
nished FREE OF COST for dwellings vary- .
in from $400 to $1500.
You will find our big FREE catalogue very valuable
It wiTl be mailed IMMEDIATELY, upon request. It contains a COMPLETE LIST of MILL
; MATERIAL, such as doors, sashes, frames, windows, colonades, buffets, cedar chests, flour
bins, stairways, balusters and flooring. Prices all quoed in PLAIN FIGURES. Buying
with us. Send for CATALOGUE TODAY. , "
------------- - ' - ----- - i
New Idea for Display of Goods.
Called a "roundabout" a motor
driven display rack for stores invent
ed in England carries goods to be
shown on the ends of arms that re
volve vertically and at the same time
swing around a vertical shaft
- Varying Life of Plants.
The Ivy outlives 200 years; the elm,
800 to 850 years; the linden, 600 to
1,000 years; the locust tree and the
oak, 400. years; the fir, 700 to 1,200
years, and palm trees, 3,000 to 6,000
years. : v-V v":!"'- .
- Eat Golden Cereal Foods and recommend them to your acquaint- .
ances. You get better quality and more for your money. They are '
made in your home state from the best Oregon Oats and Wheat,
T.biv. n1toi,M Kiml. in on airta PMminm and .11 rmrA a . r-m .
guaranteed. Ask your grocer, . .
Golden Rod Oats.- Golden Rod Pancake Flour.
Golden Rod Wheat Flakes. Ralston Select Bran,
s Golden Rod Wheat Nuts. Golden Rod Chick Food.
Answered.. .
Teacher (in lesson. on Holland)
"Why, Willie, don't you know what
country the geography - lesson ' is
about? Think hard. Who were the
people who made war on skates?"
Willie "De . Anti-Saloon ; league."
Judge. . " . .
No thoughtful person uses liquid blue. If s a
pinch of blue in a large bottle of water. Ask for
Bed Cross Ball Blue, the blue that's all blue.
Has Pig for Her Pet
Miss Ethel Albright of Palmyra,' N.
T., has an unusual pet, a tame pig,
which she raised by artificial means.
It was taken from the litter when a
few days old. The little animal shows
great affection for its young mlutress,
following her about, as would a dog,
and showing its Jealousy of her other
'pets. ; " . x.: v ' - ;
The People's
for relieving and overcoming such
ills as
, Indigestion
Poor Appetite
and Malaria
is the famous ..:
Stomach Bitters
- It invigorates tones
strengthens rebuilds
Theory. "
"Why Is there no great American
dramatist?" asked the art pessimist.
"Because," replied the sardonic man
ager, "when an American is capable of
thinking up a first-class practical plot
and dressing it up in good speeches,
he doesn't bother about the theater,
He goes into politics."
In the NameCf Justice.
.lI4r "V-wan in ju u ru&ts uuu wants
to nun anomer in consequence he can
always regard himself as the civil arm
of a spiritual power. George Eliot
Liquid blue is a weak solution. Avoid It Buy
Red Cross Bail Blue, the blue that's all blue. Ask
your grocer.
Uncle Pennywlse Says: j
"A girl with several applicants for1
her hand is apt to worry because thai
demand for ber is so much greater
than the supply."
Wishes Ever Unsatisfied.
We can never give up longing and
wishing while we .: are thoroughly
alive. . There are certain things we
feel to be beautiful and good, and
we must hunger after them. George
Eliot ; .-.
We have had seventy years
of experience with AVer's
Cherry Pectoral. This
makes us have great confi
dence in it for coughs, colds,
bronchitis, weak throats, and
weak lungs. We want you
to have confidence in it, as
well. Ask your own doctor
what experience he has had
with it He knows. Keep
in dose touch with him.
Painless Dentistry
b our pride our hobby-our study for years and
Bowonrsnooess, and cram is the beet palnleas work
to be found anywhere, so matter howBuuhfoa
pay. Compare our Prices.
: .-jne nnun piste ana
'j. briawe work for cut.
S of town patrons la
J one day ft desired.
, v atniei. ertraauoa
lew wnen ptwvm .1
bridge work is order
4. CMiwIUtios irs.
KolsrOrsMis $5.C0
6oH .Tliings , tC3
Enaswl FiBings tGO
Silver Fillinrs .&0
Good RobW AA
Plats. , 5.09
putss 7.50
Saw. a. Mil, rnwur m Misius PInlt ErtrMms . 0 (J
ss ma wrmne m rsuusi bkst mktmods
AU work folly guaranteed for fifteen years.
Wise BentalCo a a Inc.
Painless Dentists
ffjllne Building, Thlrssna WsshtogtM . PORTUUm, OEf
etttosHwvs: a. at. to f. M. luiwi. IU1
One of Ayer's Pills st bedtime will cause
a increased flow of bile and produce s
centle laxative effect the dr following.
Formula en each box. Show it to your
doctor. He will understand at a lance.
Dose, one pill at bedtime, Just one.
k JKaas ay the e. O. ATSa OO. UnU, Vasa, j
' "
t; ' i: & . .;
I ! -..i.ii . , ,
meats of Vtm-toimotknm,
tte ChlaeM dootor.
Try once more If jot have been doetarlae wtth
thi. one and that one aud have not obtained ne.
maaentnliat. Let thuirreat nature healer 4ta
aoaw your oue and praacrihe mm remedy wtme
notion i quick, sure and nf e. H i. pmnriptlon.
sre compounded from Roots. Herbs, Bods and
Bark, that h' been ewaerad from m mtr
terot the globe. Thewcretaof theee uedieina
Ere not known to the onuide world, bat he been
andeddowa fromlaUtoeQalntJaenhjsiolans?
taaulise la China,
If roe Be oet of town and cannot ealL write for
symptom blank and etrenlar. v-wIkt.1 as i oenUi la
1621 Rrst St, Cor. Morrbea
P. N. U.
tian taia paper.