The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 06, 1912, Image 2

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F. i. BOyUt """""
Published Every Friday. Office, Corner
Third and Jefferson Streets.
Entered In Ui rostofflce at Athena, Oregon,
as econdOlass Mail Matter.
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year.. .. ........ ....$1.50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00)
One copy, six months .i .75
One copy, three months.... 50
, Advertising Rates.
Display, transient, running less than one
- month, first insertion, per inch. , .... 25c
Subsequent insertions .............. 12
Display regular, per inch.
Local readers, first insertion, per line. 10c
Subsequent insertions, per line 5c
Lodge resolutions, per line. . ........ Jc
Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c
The chow windows of Athena stores
are splendidly arranged tbis week
witb artistio displays of holiday goods.
These displays fiirn some idea of what
the stooks contain, and a visitor to the
different stores will find oonolosiva
evidenoa that it is needless to go from
home to do Christmas shopping. '
tATHENA. ORE- DEC. 6... 1912
The Blue Mountain Eagle, publish
ed at Canyon City, pays this splendid
tribute to Joe Teal: "Mr. Teal is an
ideal selection. He is a demoorat ; not
a destiuotion demoorat nor a hered
itary demoorat, but a democrat for
cause, for reason and from under
standing that comes from a thorough
knowledge of the fundamental princi
ples of free government. And be
knows Oregon. He learned eastern
Oregon (railing a band of sheep over
grease wood deserts and sage brush
flats. Be knows the pnblio domain
that should be conserved and the
lands that, when settled, will be an
asset of the west. In Oregon he has
seen cultivation and civilization eo
oroaob on stony ground and waste
plaoes. Joe Teal knows Oregon. lie
knew Oregon when bear trod the tim
bered bills within a day's walk cf the
Portland postoffioe. And he knows
Oregon still. No man knows her
transportation problems better and
no one has followed the development of
her waterways witb closer sorutiny.
Cognizant of the resources,' informed
on all the oommeroial problems and
business relations he is advised in the
premises. - This is, however, second
ary and incidental, for Portland and
Oregon, its oommeroial life, its social
fabric friends and acquaintances be
lieve in Joe Teal. They believe in
his integrity, his slnoerity, bis ability,
his restless and well directed energy,
and they beliore that his knowledge
of the west will be an inexhaustible
fund from which Mr. Wllsou's ooteiie
of advisors may freely draw. Mr.
Teal is a lawyer of attainment. lie
is and has been a student of sociolog
ical conditions. He knows the legal
status of life, liberty and the pursuit
of happiness, lie is a counselor, ad
visor; conservative, bat not in a re
striated Bense.Rud witb bis knowledge,
attaiumouts and expeiienoe combines
qualifications that will make hint one
of the foundation corners in the con
struotiou of Presidont Wilson's cab
The Portland Oregoniao, comment
ing on ::he defeated "Blue Sky" law,
ays: "A blue-sky law, designed to
oontrol the operations of epeoulatora
whose ruinbow visions are bounded
only by the firmament above, ought to
be enacted ia every state. The next
Oregon legislature should address it
self seriously to a problem that means
the weeding out' of the wildoatter and
a reasonable guarantee of legitimacy
to all oonoerns organized under auth
ority of the state. Tbe, late 'blue
sky' law wbs defeated iu Oregou part
ly beoause it was thought to be a care
fully nursed suneme to give somebody
a job and partly beoause tbo promot
ers of the law were themselves 'blue
fikylng' the iuitiative. But there la a
real demand for a sound law. and the
legislature Las a plain duty to put it
on the Btatuto tooks."
Thnt the experiment farms inaiu-
talned in Eastern Oregon under ' the
eupervision of tha Oregon Agriooltur
nl College have aooouiplhhed os much
na favorable weather conditions tbe
past season In bringing record crops
!otbattartotthflitHt is the bulief
cf those in close tonob with tbe work
teing done. The statemoot is based
onthefaot that orops raised at the
experiment farms ami by farmers un
der the direotion of the college experts
Jipldod fioia20to30 yer cent larger
i .tores than was secured oUdor old
All douiooratiu Democrats, all deu
ooratlo Republicans, all democratic
Progressives aud all demooiatlo So
eiulists wbo leoall Mr. Cleveland's
tragio eiror, wilLrejoioe at Mr. Wil
son's aouoouoomeut of bis pur pose to
convoke a speoial session of tbe new
Congress iu April. Upon tbe cleavage
whioh tbuu appears, and the policy
regarding it whioh the new Presideut
takes, will probably depend tbe course
of national politics thenceforward.
Nearly 20,000 newspapers have com
piled witb the provisions ot tbe post
office appropriation bill tequiriug
newspapers, magazines and pericdioals
to publish the name ot tbe owuers
and tbe sis of their olroolaUju. Dot
one publication, has shown oppwi
tioti, the New York Journal ot Com
merce, which aeked for eu tnjuuetlou
agaiust the proceedings. -
The trouble iu tbe Balkaus lea Is to
the trtillt suspicion that Andrew
Carnegie and The Hagoa Tribunal
have been tultep at the switch.
It turns out now that the Wall
street partner of the City -Gf, Chicago
in the Chioago traotion business keeps
two sets of bonks a publio set for
tbe partnership and a private set for
the Wall-street partner.
If tbe size of a charter has anything
to do with putting a town on the map,
Stanfleld will surely be found there in
big letters. Her new oharter as. pro
posed for adoption, covers six pages of
tbe Stanfleld Standard,
Women in Weston, Helix, Pilot
Bock and Echo oast their first votes in
munioipal eleotion, ; Monday. The
fair sex oast 84 votes in the Weston
eleotion. '
The highest price ever paid for
steers in the open Chioago market was
reported this week when $12 was paid.
Turkey was tbe "standpattest"
none try in Europe too.
Will Protect Game.
M nob complaint has been made of
tbe ruthless slaughter of game on
Murderers oreek and tbe South Fork
of the John Day. Tbe oaroases of ma
ny deer, says tbe Eagle, hare been
found where they were slain, evident
ly being killed alone for the bide.
Supervisor Bingham has taken 'he
matter op and tbrongh bis efforts so
cured tbe appointment of a deputy
state game warden and tbis week re
ceived the notice of the appointment
of J. H: Woodward. Mr. Woodward
will patrol that seotion of the conn-
try tbis winter. For two years he
has been a forest guard under Mr,
Weston's Election.
Eighty-four women voted in the
Weston oity eleotion Monday. A to
tal of 108 votes was oast, resulting in
riotory for tbe administration foroes.
P. T. Hat boar, successful aspirant for
mayor, polled 180 votes to 66 oast for
Dr. F. D. Watts. Tbo remainder of
tbe administration tioket carried by
approximately tbe same vote. Those
elected aside from the mayor are H
A. Brandt. Joseph Wurzer, O. 0
Turner and F. H. Beatbe oounoilmen;
S. A. Barnes treasurer and J. R. Van
Winkle recorder. Tbe eleotion passed
oil very peacefully and is declared by
all to te a oredit to equal suffrage.
Mrs. Pennoyer Dead.
Mrs. Mary A. Pennoyer, widow of
tbe late Sylvester Pennoyer, governor
Of Oregou from 1886 to 1891 and
mayor of Portland from 1806 to 1808,
died tbis week in Paris. Word of her
death was received by relatives in
Portland. Death followed a long
siege of illness and it was in search of
health that Mrs. Pennoyer, witb her
daughter aud sou-in-iaw,Mr. and Mrs.
George F. Uussell, went to Europe.
Mrs. Pennoyer was 75 years of age.
She was a pioneer of Oregon, having
orosBed tbe plains from St. Joseph,
Mo., in tbe fall of 1854 witb her pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Peters.
School Report.
The following is tbe monthly report
forLaMar Distriot No. 80, for tbe
month beginning Nov. 4 aod ending
Nov. 39: Number of days taught.
17; number of pupils enrolled, 12. Pu-
pils who have been neither absent or
tardy and, are especially noted for
good scholarship: Carl Johnson,
Floyd Corporan, Freddie Johnson,
Helen Johnson, Lei a Sobubert, Vel
ma Schubert and Vergie Key. . Vis
itors for the month: Mrs. J. H. Key,
Grant Key, Ralph Johnson and Super
visor Albert E. While.
Lillian Downs-Dobson, Teaotier.
At n bargain: 560 acres of ohoioe
farm land near Athena. Well im
proved, with pleuty of good water.
Une of the best wheat farms in tbe
country. A rare obauoe at only $05.00
per aoro. Ten or eleven thousand
dollars down baudles ttU place, bal
ance on terms to suit the puiobaser.
For further particulars, see
B. B. Richards.
Thermometer and "Gulf Stream.
Iuvestlgntors have observed that the
thermometer is not necessarily a sure
Indication of the gulf Btream; that the
strongest current does not necessarily
coincide w ith tbo highest temperature.
Tho warmth of the water only indi
cates its tropical origin, aiul It may
or may not bo accompanied by a cur
rent. Tims tho warmest water oft
Cope Hntterus to tho result of a very
gentle flow coming from the trade
wind region outside tho West Indies.
The gulf Ktroam itself Is between this
warmer water and the 100 fathom
cirve. Shipping Illustrated.
Against Spsoulation.
The bend of n big trust snid nt a din
ner in Boston:
"I have always been against specula
tlon. Tu try to get rich by stock fluc
tuations iiiHteod of by holiest worfc for
tho common good is to bo uu undesir
able citizen.
"Besides, these fluctuating invest
ments are very risky aud uncertain.
It's n wise stock, you see, that kuowa
Its own pnr."-Exchange,
Wise Prevision.
"Klisglna says he has the smartest
roumrator In the world,"
"Of course." answered Mr. Groweher.
"Every parent feels that way, 'and it's
a wise provision of nature. In every
human Mug's life there ought to be
a time when somebody thinks he is
smart." Washington Star.
His Tints.
"When t last aaw him J a bin was
green with envy, yullow with Jealousy,
wliito with fear and red wlin rnee.
"What a highly colored life ttla must
Baltimore American. .
' No. 451G. '
at . .
Athena, m the State of Oregon,
Clcse of Business Nov. 26, '12
Loans and discount 1351 171 35
Overdraft secured and unsecured 6l 82
V 8 bonds to secure circulation 12 500 00
B onds, securities, etc 1 7-17 18
Banking-house furniture fixtures 1000000
Lme from Nat. Banks, not reserve
agents x 5 200 W
Due from State and Private Banks
and Bankers, Trust Companies
and Havings Banks 68 52
Due from apr'v'd reserve agents, 42 122 11
Notes of olhtr National Bunks 300 00
Fractional miner currency, nirkela -
and cents, , ! 73 83 '
Specie t ' 26 8411)5,
Ked'm'n fund with U 8 Treasurer . i
(6 per cent of circulation) 02500 ;
Total ?151 m 14
M., all in Umatilla County, Oregon,
be sold to satisfy said - judgment and
all costs. I will on tbe
at tbe hour of 2 o'clook in the after
noon of said day in front of the Court
House door, sell tbe right, title and
interest tbe said Maggie Wilson, indi
vidually, and' as 'Administratrix of
the estate of Chas. Wilson, Deoeased.
and Blanobe Wilson, Lowell Wilson,
L. L. Rogers and Homer I. Watts, had
in and to the above described property
on tbe 7tb day of March 1911, or since
then have acquired, at pnblio auotion
to the highest bidder for cash in hand,
the prooeeds to be applied in satisfac
tion of said Execution and all oosts.
Dated tbis 4th day of December,"
A. D. 1912. T.D.Taylor,
by George Strand, Sheriff,
Capital stock paid In
nurpius iunu .
Undivided profits, less expenses aud
taxes paid
National bank note outstanding
Individual deposits subject to check
Demand certificates of deposit
Certified checks
1,'anhier's checks outstanding
letters of Credit
$50 00000
ou uwuu
19127 27
12 500 00
197 157 08
124 95H79
State of Oregon, 1
Total $4o4'.tM
County of ifma
I, K. H. Le Grow, cashier of the above-named
bank, do solemnly swear that the above state
ment Is true to the best of my knowledge and
belief. F. 8. Le Grow, Cashier.
' Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4lh
day of December 11)12, Homer I. Watts,
v Notary Public.
TV.' 8. Ferguson,
Correct Attest: M. L. Watts,
Special attention given to all
calib both night and day.
Calls promptly answered, Offloe on Third
Street, Athena Oregor
- Athena, Oregon..
Calls answered promptly night or day.
Athena, Oregon. Pendleton, Oregon
Homer-1. Watts
Athena, Oregon.
C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V.
Official Stock Inspector. Graduate McKUllp
... Vetinary college, Chicago
V Notice.
The regular annnal meeting of the
stockholders of tbe First National
Bank of Athena, Oregon, for tbe eleo
tion ot direotors for the ensning year
and for tbe transaction of snob other
business bi may lawfully come before
it will be held in its offioe in Athena,
Oregon, on Tuesday the 14th day of
January, 1918, at tbe boor of 2
o'clook p. m. F, S. LeGrow,
December 2, 1912. . Cashier.
For Sale..
-South half of Lot 7 and 8, blook 1,
Kirk 1st addition. 6-room boose. Ex
amiuesdme and make os a bid; any
reasonable cash offer will be carefully
considered. Mollin Bros. Land Co.
1205, 3rd Ave. Seattle, Wash. .
Georira W. rVlii!,s r 8 "tuy
TION. Notioe is berebv given that snder
and by virtue of an exeontion issued
out of tbe Circuit Conrt of tbe State
of Oregon in and for Umatilla Connty,
and to me direoted and delivered upon
a judgment aud deorea rendered and
entered in said Conrt on tbe 27th day
of November 1012, in favor of F. S.
LeUrow, as Plaintiff, and agaiust
Maggie Wilson, individually and as
administratrix of tba estate of Cbas.
Wilson, Deoeased, , as Dofeudant, for
the sum of $14:33.53 witb interest
tboreoo at tbe rate of 10 per cent per
annum from Maroh 7th 1911; tbe fur
ther sum of 1200.00 attoroery's fees,
aud oosts and disbursements of tbis
aotion taxed at $27.00 in tbat certain
suit in said Court then and thereto
fore pending, wherein tbe above-named
F. S. LeUrow, as Plaintiff; aud Mag
gie Wilson, individually and as Ad
ministratrix, of tbe estate of Cbas.
Wilson, Deoeased, and Blanobe Wil
son, Lowell Wilson, L. L. Rogers and
Homer I. Watts as Defendants, and
whereas by said judgment and deoreed
tbat the hereinafter desoiibed real
property to-wit:
The Northwest Quarter of the
Northwest Quarter of Section 86, in
Townsihp 4. North Range 34 K. W.
Taslorsbnrg, Ohio. Abe Skinnei,
tbe village pessimist, langbed himself
to death from reading BIFF I the
Great American Magazine of Fan
whioh is making greater strides ttan
any other magazine before tbe Amer
ican pnblio today. It is a magazine
tbat will keep the whole family in a
good humor Ibe staff of Biff oonlains
tbe greatest artists, oarioatnrists,
oritios and editors on tbe ooutinent.
It is bigbly illustrated and piloted in
many colors. It will keep tbe whole
family cheerf nl tbe year 'round. Yon
oan afford to spend SOo a year to do
tbis. Send tbis clipping and BOo to
day to Tbe Biff Publishing Co. Day
ton, Ohio, for one year's subscription.
Earl Urquhart, Proprietor
Appropriate for Christmas Gifts, I have a classy
assortment of Pipes and Christmas boxes of Bon
Bons and a fine line of Candies. -
I'm 4
K:,,-,,,,.,,.- ,i i L r ,-,- , .-, i i nill, ,n ,iu
Veterinary Surgeon k Dentist
Tbe Live Stock
Phone Main 376 MILTON, OREGON
IS I filii-l $
Back at the Old Stand :
and ready to give you the same satisfactory service you
V always received from me here.
J. W. WRIGHT'S BARN, at 2nd and Current Streets
- THE "-.'-'-v...'" X
Only First-class Hotel in,
the City.
la the only one that can accommodate
commercial travelers.
Can be i
eoomended for Its clean and
well ventilated rooms. . .
Cob. Maik and Thibd, Athena, Or.
For the Best Work
tha most healina salve in the world.
livery; feed & sale stable
F. L. ATKINSON, Proprietor
The Best of Rigs
Carefnl drivers. Speoial Attention given Commercial trade. Hiises
" ' ' s boorded by tbe day, week or month. - ,
E 11
1 " " m eisjv
cA. J. Parker
KverythlnK Plt
Class - Hod en
and rp-to-dt
Eardware & Implements
G.:W. Proebstel, Weston
We are showing a fine line of Heaters, Cook Stoves and
Ranges. Our stock of Hardware, Implements and Ve
hicles is complete. We have the new Empire drills, har
ness and horse Clothing, Wood, Coal, Lumber, Building
MaterialrWire Fencing, Plumber's outfits, etc. . r
All Sold at Reduced- Prices for Cash
.. ..Ik
Savtd Htr Llfi from Pneumonia
"My wife had a severe attack of Pneu
monia which followed a case of La Grippe
. and I believe that FOLEY'S HONEY
AND TAR saved her life," writes James
Coffee, of Raymond, Missouri.
Good Rtsults In Every Cast
Dr. C. J. Bishop, Agnew, Mich., writes:
"I have used FOLEY'S HONEY AND
TAR in three very severe cases of pneu
monia with good results in every case."
J 1
Cured of Terrltli Cssgl ea Iks
N. Jackson, of Danville, 111., writes:
''Mf daughter had a severe attack of
La Grippe and a terrible cough on her
jungs. We tried a great' many" remedies
without relief- She tried FOLEY'S.
HONEY AND TAR which cured her,
She has never been troubled with a csugfc
Cared Kbea Very Lev tilth
J. W. Bryan, of Lowder, III., writes:
??My little boy was very low with pneu
monis. Unknown to the doctor we' gave
The result was magical and puzzled the
doctor, as It immediately stopped the
racking cough and he quickly recovered."