The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 29, 1912, Image 4

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Can set you fancy price for WilcJ Duclu '
and other grame in season. Write ua for
cash offer on all kind of poultry, pork, etc -
Pearson-Page Co., Portland
- Two Wak Spots.
"Well," said the old man, after the
college commencement, "I've made -a
lawyer out of John, a electric science
feller out of BUI, a professor out of
Thomas, while James is a preacher
an' Dick's a politlclaner; but I'm
thlnkln' It'll take about all that John,
Dill, ; Dick an' myself kin make to
keep the professor an' the preacher
above high water." Atlanta Constitu
Looking After the Nickel. '
Alfred, aged five, had intently
watched his mother place a coin In a
telephone box and speak to his father.
When the latter returned home in the
venlng Alfred eagerly inquired: "Did
you catch the nickel mamma put in
the little black box, papa?"
Gift That Blaine Ha.
James 0. Blaine had the rare gift 01
dismissing from his presence any pn
who bad come to him for a favoi
which he could not grant, with a feel
ing that he was his big brother, and
grieved to death at the compulsion of
refusal. Although Blaine was uni
versally beloved, yet he was defeated
lor the highest office in the gift of the
people. From the Magazlo t of Amer
ican History.
i gchoai tlutt riaou You in a Uood Portion
Once Exclusive Pet of Royalty.
The Pekingese spaniel, or "lion
dog," now so popular among dog lov-
era, was formerly an exclusive posses
sion of China's rulers, and it was
capital offense to remove one of the
diminutive creatures from the imperi
al palace. A pair of them were
brought to Europe after the capture
of Pekln in 1860, and from these and
a few others the American specimens
of the breed are descended.
Where the Difficulty Lay.
BoUttown Better not go to the St
Fashion hotel. Their bill of fare is in
JYench. Cultured Friend (indignant
ly) I can understand French. Bout
town Yes, but the waiters can't, and
neither can the : cook. New York
The Gold Age.
It baa been well said that nowa
days people know the price of every
thing and the value of nothing.
Build a 5-Room House for $400
We will furnish the PLANS, ship all the
BUILDING MATERIAL necessary to erect
and MODERN HOUSE for $4(10. Our method
U so COMPLETE and o SIMPLE that there
will be NOTHING for you to do, EXCEPT
PUT IT TOGETHER. So eaay a child could
do it. Every piece made EXACTLY to
' measure, ready to put in place. ALL HARD
and other fixtures fitted before shipment is
made. Each piece PLAINLY MARKED,
showinK where it booh. Everything1 finished
done in one of OLDEST MILLS on the Pa
cific Coast. This is the most SATISFAC
. A Hammer is the Only Tool You Seed.
. .TW" not on,y the MOST ECONOMICAL way to build a house, but the QUICKEST
WAY. House can be ready to OCCUPY within TEN DAYS from receipt of MATERIAL,
M??th.em5tfS?,1,8j,l'AKGE QUANTITIES, we SAVE IMMENSELY on the cost of
We mnnufncture EVERYTHING IN THE BUILDING LINE. Our large plant was
PANELS, BUILT-IN BUFFETS, MEDICINE CABINETS and everything else you could
me" n'. Send for our FREE CATALOGUE of building- material.
The irreat advantage of buyintr from the mill, direct, is the MONEY and TIME you
SAVE, as well as the ACCURACX with which your orders are filled. .
X offur m K;nulnt guaruMteetl romtwi y for tubawfco or mud batdi, iu li bouri, it it mild, pleasant,
itrwigi liuti.r.. OviTooiuiii tlmi jMJimilfcf nrvuHHiK i4 vrtviiig fur eljrurciUe. cigars, pipe, chewing
tobm'oo or unit ft, One mutt Id 10 okq u ijIwoo without rjrut iutury, ut tlt ottaer it it poUonoaa ii kn
louslv Injure the u VH1 tit tu several wati, oauiini inuo uiauriiere m uervou nwpmrn, Mieepaeaaneaa, Sii
MctiLug tfimwlng, "' utiouoifiirultl witssuioa In ituuiiwb, conttlrmtloiit hMdawlie,
I itauk vvvm. luaa ofvliror, rod aputa on akin, throat Irritation, aatiiinu, broach Ilia. STOP
! hturt fllur, lunc Iruubltf, ctUurrb, mvlniiclioly. Deuraotbuuia. tmiL-ucy, luatuf mew DIM NINO
ory uud will power, impure ipolMUd hUnni, ria'u madam, lumtwffu, iclatica, nrutriUi, heartburn, torpid llrer IvJJ , - IT
Im f appetite ttavl teeth, foul breath, fn nervation, lai-itude, Iwk of ambition, weakening mud falling out TOUR
f balr inl uiaoy other diflonterx. It a unaufo and torturing to attempt to eure yourarlf of tobaooo or "nutT habit II p
lurtilcn atopplnn Wt dolt. The oorrwtt him hod li to eliminate the nicotine polaoa from the evetem, I r B
CCPOCT itrenitiben the weaken!, Irrltateit meruhranai and nirret and (ti-nuluely overcome the Graving. Yon ean quit to
dCwHaCI hHauo and enjov ronroflf a Otouianit timei belter while feeling alwavi In rttuat health. My FRKE book telle all
LCD 17 H? i,'"ut th wonderful (Mttya Method InmixnilTe, rMUbla, Aluo Nee ret Method for oonquerltiR habit In
Eh aa another without hta knowledge. Full pari I ml era lnlu'lln my book on Tobucco and Hmitf llnblt
eiallM lb )aio wrapiwr free. Itnn t tev. Kwn thli; ahnw to othern. Thin ndv, mar r annear aln. Mrntlon tf yon moke
EDWARD J. WOODS, B34 Sixth Av 159 A, New York, N.Y.
Friendship Stiffen Much. .
Whoever looks for a friend without
Iraporfecttona will never find what ha
Books. We love ourselves with all our
faults, and wo ought to love our
friends in like manner. .
I: . New Patent of Merit.
f A nail puller constating of a curved
shoulder and a toothed wheel eccen
trically mounted is carried on one
side of a ham-mer patented by a
Washington map. ... ; . ; . . . ...
Painless Dentistry
! onr prlde-our fcobb-oor rtodr tot yer and
now our luitouu, and oar U the Krt tislnlawi work
to be found anywhnr". no matter bow much 70a
pay. Comimre our I'rluoAa
Street Rulei In Paris.
It is a misdemeanor to throw
piece of waste paper upon a Paris
street. "If a policeman sees you drop
a Dlece of paper he walks up to you
pats you on the shoulder, begs your
rjardon for addressing: you. tells you
you have violated the law and asks
you to pick up what you have thrown
down, - .
Wlfey Gets It.
"What is a beneficiary, pa?" "The
woman who gets the ready money
when her husband proves that his
life Insurance policy is good for some
thing." '
Attitude of "Let George Do It" Very
Much in Evidence In Road
Dragging Proposition.
The attitude of "Let George do it"
is very much in evidence in the road
draKKlne proposition, and the city
man is always willing to let the farm
er do it. Road dragging is an abso
lutely Droved method and it should be
done, but by whom? It is true that
taxation is never very even, but that
is no reason for trying to get some
thing for nothing, says a writer in an
exchange. It Is said the farmer is
benefited by eood roads, which- is per
fectly true, but so are many other
DeoDle. and the farmer has already
paid his road tax, whilst many other
users : have escaDed in part because
their property is not so evident to the
The good roads enthusiast says the
farmer can drag roads in his spare
time. So he can, and there Is no rea
son why the city man Bhould not hook
a drag behind his auto evenings and
do some good whilst he gives his fam
ily an airing. None whatever! Lots
of autos have plenty of power to pull
a road drag. I haven't seen the city
man doing this yet, and I don't expect
to any more than I expect to see a
voluntary system of road dragging
successful In the long run because it is
entirely Inequitable. The common
sense solution is to drag the roads
and pay the man who does it a fair
remuneration, either in cash or coun
ty warrants. If a farmer lives on a
road where the wear and tear is con
tinuous the road will need more drag
ging, though he himself makes no
more use of it than his neighbor on a
back road, and each should be paid
for the work he does and those who
do no work should bear their full
share of the expense not expect
George to do It all.
Why New York Woman Is Done with,
the Famous Society with the
, , -, Long Name.
"I'm never going to have anything
toore to do with the Society for tha
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals," d
clared a Brooklyn woman, Indignant
ly, "I've had one affair with them. It
happened when a cat In our neighbor
hood gave birth to five kittens and
then deserted them. None of us want
ed the kittens so, as I have a phone
in my house, It was suggested that I
get the S.. P. C. A. to come and take
them away. A telephoned and such a
lot of questions as they asked 1
"They wanted to know my name and
the number of my house; the number
of kittens In the litter, and their gen
der and color and breed; the day of
their birth and the number of days
since their mother went away from
them. Of course, these questions were
tantalizing, because I couldn't see
what difference it made. I thought,
all they had to do was to send a man,
up and take the kittens away. Then
they asked me if I was married, and
how many children I had; bow many
neighbors were complaining of the kit
tens and if these neighbors were old
maids. I thought they were very per
sonal in their questions. But I an
swered them all. Finally came a ques
tion that made me mad. 'What Is the
name of the cat that deserted these
kittens?' was asked..
'"I'm sure I don't know,' I replied;
'she Is no relation of mine,' and With'
that I banged the receiver on the hook.
And after all we had to pay a small
boy to take those kittens away and
drown them." .
When microbes are busiest
aw ,v' ira
"TV '
iWeflnUh plat and
oriUM Ivors rot out
of town, patron, iu
nn ifay if flwilniil,
l'HialftM xtratliM
frA wbn plat or
britlim work la nH,
Conullli IrM.
MolirOrownt $5.00
Quid .-Ming, 1.00
EiuimI Filllnn 1.00
ISilvarFllllnt-i .60
Pl.l., 5.00
PlilM 7.50
M. W. a, WW, Pnimn u, Muuii Ptlfllaii Extr'tion . 6 0
11 im im'iiwii a nmin aT msthods
AU work full auarantMxl for f.ftmit year.
Wise Dental o.,mc
Painless Dentists
Mint Bullillns, llilrd nd Wuhlniton. PORTLAND. 09
OfflMBovtl I A. M. to I, IL laud, t Wl
You will get a
C. jf
Wo I
- V
, v
Be Trogressive"
Don't let a lazy liver put
you "in a rut." Make it
active, keep the bowels
open, the appetite keen and
the digestion normal by the
daily use of
In Many Instances Bonds Issuad by
Counties 8old at a Premium
Farmers Gain.
There Is financial wisdom In float
ing county bonds for road Improve-;
ment. In many cases those bonds
sold at a premium and everybody in
terested gains a benefit. 1
In some southern states good roads
bonds have brought a price so hlghj
that the premium has wiped out two
or three years' interest on the prin
In Bradley county, Tennessee, but
a few years ago, the supervisors vot
ed a bond issue of 19,0,000. Those
bonds bore interest at the rate of 5
per cent.
So enthusiastic were the citizens
for road improvement and so much
confidence did they have in the local
ity in which they lived, that the
premium was (20,000, the cash sales
placing In the county treasury (110,-000.
It has been ascertained by the of
fice of public roads, the bureau of the
federal census, and the land and In
dustrlal divisions of twelve great
railroads, that the building of modern
highways immedlataely enhances the
value of the property through which
they run to a marked extent
This Increase is estimated by the
most conservative at $2 an acre, and
by the more enthusiastic at 9. All
concede, however, that the Increase is
immediate and inevitable.
Place the acreage of the rural por
tion of a county, therefore, at 200,000
acres and the Increased valuation due
to the construction of better high
ways at but 4.50 an acre, and it will
be seen that the property holders
whose land is to be thus benefited
would gain not less than $900,000.
Go After Rare 8peclman.
A museum might seem the last
place in the world to foster a spirit
of adventure. Yet we read that mem
bers of the staff of the American Mu
seum of 'Natural History have sailed
tor Japan to hunt the gray California
whale, a specimen of which is needed
tor the collection.
. Tha Chtnew aytem of mrdivln differ from all
other. It employ 1 only puroly herbal rwnadlea
and adhere to principles that bav ben thor
oughly toatwl for thousand of years. When
patient com to C Qa Wo for treatment h U
arlven a cajwful examination and ha la told what
ail him. Then he la given aufficlent herb rem,
die for aeoume of time and told to report airnln
to have hU condition noUxl. In moat oaaes pa
tlenU notice decided Improvement In their
health In a week's time. This la particularly so
In nervous diaeaws and where the ayatem la run
down. The system iUelt when toned up to nor
mal la often able to throw otT sickness. If you
are ailins dun't continue to suffer when the help
of hannlee remedb la so near at hand.
Out-of-town people can begin treatments by
tending 4o In a'amp for symptom blank, which
is to be flUod out and returned.
C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
162J First SL cor. Morrison, Portland, Or-
P. N. U.
No. 41-Ma
WHYS writta u adnartW. please
" tin tale pat.
Ayer's Hair Vigor keeps the
scalp clean and healthy,
destroys all dandruff, and
greatly promotes the growth
of the hair. You will cer
tainty be pleased with it as
a dressing for your hair. It
keeps the hair soft and
smooth and promptly checks
any falling of the hair. It
does hot color the hair, and
cannot Injure the hair or
scalp. Consult your doctor
about these hair problems.
Ask him what he thinks of
Ayer's Hair Vigor.
SUA. ay the t. O. ATt CO.. Lewwtt, Maes.
Gasoline Engines of Binders.
Where grain is badly laid or the
ground wet, there are many advan
tages to the binder equipped with an
engine to drive the machinery, whilst
the horses furnish the traction. A
binder so equipped has the machinery
in full operation when it strikes tha
grain and the elevators continue in
motion when the horseB are stopped If
too wide a swath has been taken and
the aprons choked. Where irrigation
ditches have been plowed in or on
side hills, the bull wheel will slip
aldewlBe on wet ground, motion is lost
and we choke up, have to clear things
and begin all over again. Where the
bull wheel furnishes the power It
is nearly always necessary to drive
horses a little faster than desirable to
keep up the motion. The supplement
ary engine docs away with all these
troubles and Is a distinct advantage
on the old way.
Time and Labor Lost.
When farm buildings are so in
conveniently arranged that It re
quires several unnecessary miles
every day to do chores, many dollars
la time are lost.
Protect the Cherries.
It the cherry growers will plant mul
berries near their orchards their fruit
will bo protected.
Poor Cows Expensive.
It looks like lots of work and ex
pense to hunt out and sell the poor
cows and replace them with those that
are better bred and more profitable,
but it is not half so expensive as keep
ing the poor ones. ,
Planting Orchards. ,
One ought to take two or three
years to get ready to plant an orch
ard. He must study soils, varieties,
methods and markets, and Inform
himself as to the best place to buy
Although Never Dormant, It Has
Been Proved They Have Special
Hours of Activity.
A celebrated scientist has made the
Interesting announcement that there
are more microbes In the air at nine
o'clock in the morning and at nine
o'clock at night than daring any oth
er periods of the day. He has also
discovered that the percentage of mi
crobes In the atmosphere Is less at
three o'clock In the morning and three
o'clock In the afternoon than at any
other Umes. The explanation ad
vanced for the partiality of the mi
crobe for nine o'clock a. m. and p. m.
is that the "microbe hour" is con
trolled by the movements of people.
From five to nine in the morning they
are going from their homes to their
working places, and from five to nine
in the evening they are again jour
neying through the streets, either
homeward bound or in search of
pleasure. ,
He noted that at or about six
o'clock every morning and evening
there were indications of the ap
proach of the microbe "rush" hour.
From that time on until nine o'clock
the atmosphere became more and
more crowded with germs of all
kinds, some bad, some good; and
then, immediately after nine o'clock,
the tide began to ebb, until It was
always lowest round about three
o'clock. According to his researches,
after lunch is the safest time for a
Cloths Should Be Soaked In Kerosene
- Oil and Put Away for Twenty
Four Hours.
Dustless dusters are prepared by
soaking cloths, preferably cheesecloths
or something similar, in kerosene oil,
and then putting them away for not
less than twenty-four hours In a tin
box. They are then ready for use. : 5
The reason of them lying immersed
for this length of time is to allow the
kerosene to practically dry into the
If freshly dampened before using the
result would be streaks and smears on
floors and furniture generally.
When the kerosene is completely ab
sorbed by the material the cloth will,
of course, take up the dust without
scattering It as the ordinary duster is
apt to do.
One housekeeper uses the legs of
stockings cut flat for dustless dust
ers, after treating with kerosene, of
She also keeps an old stocking
(treated) for slipping over her hand
for dusting small or delicate orna
ments. The woolly substance absorbs
the dust.
"sTs.1 I 'U lak
1 V&J
$3.G0 $3.50 4.G0 M.50 AND 5.QQ
Boys wmmr W. L. Dounlam $2. DO, $2. SO $3.00 School b
- Shoom, bomuoo onm ptlr will pomlttvely outwmxr two
pair ot ordinary chocs, mam mm tbo mon'm sioe.
W.LDouglas makes and sells more $3.00,$3.50 & $4.00 shoes I
than any other manufacturer in the world. -
The workmanship which has made W. L. Douglas shoes famous the world
over is maintained in every pair.
Ask your dealer to show you W. L. Douglas latest fashions for fall and winter
wear, notice the thort vamps which make the foot look smaller, points in a
hoe particularly desired by young men. Also the conservative styles which
have made W. L. Douglas shoes a household word everywhere.
If yon could visit W. L Douglas large factories at Brockton, Mat., and see
for yourself how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then un
derstand why they are warranted to fit better, look better, hold their shape and
wear longer than any other make for the price. Fast Color Eyittti.
CAUTION. To protect you acaiiut inferior thoe, W. L. Done la tamp hi name on the bot
. torn. Look for the atamp. Beware of aubatitute. W. L. Dougla hoe are oM in 78 own -.
tore and ahoe dealer everywhere. No matter where you live, they are within your reach.
If your dealer cannot tupply yon, write direct to factory for catalog ahowmt how to order
by mail. Shoe sent every where, delivery charge prepaid. WJLDougiaa, Brockton, Mas.
Gospel of Forgetfulness.
The gospel of forgetfulness Is now
being strongly advocated by persons
Interested in various new-thought
movements. The theory is to get rid
of your troubles by forgetting all
about them by substituting happy,
hopeful thoughts for the sad, despair
ing ones. The adherents of this gos
pel go so far as to claim for it a phys
ical potency. They declare that ill
ness can be cured by forgetting all
about It
This doctrine, like all the other doc
trines that assume the control of mind
over matter, Is a splendid one when
not pushed to the excess to which
fanatical adherents are liable. Like
the other doctrines, too, is as old as
the human race, and has been put in
to excellent practice In all periods of
history. Proverbs and epigrams have
been written about it. "Worry killed
a cat," "Let the dead past bury its
dead," "Things past redress are now
with me past care," "We are never so
unhappy as we imagine," and the like,
and In his "Cure for Heartache"
Thomas Morton, the dramatist, ad
vised, "Push on keep moving." In
dlanapollB Star.
HOME B 6168 .
Most Centrally Located.
Smallest Book In the World.
The smallest book in the world is in
the library of congress, always under'
lock and key. It is a copy of the Ru
baiyat of Omar Khayyam. The tiny
volume was made by Nathan Dale of
Cleveland, O. It was photographed,
each page separately. Four books of
the same size would Just cover a post
age stamp. Three hundred of them
would welh a pound.
Eat Go'den Cereal Food and recommend them to your acquaint
ances. You get better quality and mora for your money. They are
made in ycur home state from the best Oregon Oats and Wheat
Large packages contain a Handsome Premium ar.d all goods are
guaranteed. Ask your grocer. . ,
Golden Rod Oats. . . Golden Rod Pancake Flour. '
Golden Rod Wheat Flakes. Ralston Select Bran.
Golden Rod Wheat Nuts. . Golden Rod Chick Food.
; His Best Frleno. ,
Many great writers besides Cicero
and Emerson have written on friend
ship, but it may be doubted whether
any essayist had a more definite idea
than a small boy who was recently
asked what he meant by "best friend."
"My best friend,"-1 he replied, "is a
person :who knows me and yet likes
ne." Collier's , .;- .
. The Spinster.
. Marriage is a delightful thing; but
It is not. and never can me, a duty;
nor is it as a duty that men and
women have hitherto zealously prac
ticed It. Agnes Reppller, Litt. D.
To Breal- In New Shoes.
Always shake In Allen'e Foot -Ease, a powder,
ft euros hot, sweating, aching, swollen Stxt
Lures corns, Ingrowing naiU and bunions. At Red Cross Ball Blue iriveu'double value foryouri"
iiumgKiBi ami snoe sieres, zic. jjoni accept ' money, goes twice as far aa. any other. AbK your
iity substitute. Sample mailed i'KEli Address erocer.
'Uncle Pennywlse Says:
"On the level, I never heard any
body em't an epigram In my life."
Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy. N. Y.
Think Human Tears of Value.
In Persia the past and present are
linked by the belief that human tears
are a remedy for certain diseases. At
every funeral, each mourner Is given
a sponge with which to mop off the
eyes and cheeks After the burial the
wet sponges are given to a priest, who
squeezes the tears into bottles, which
he keeps for curative purposes. This
Is one of the most ancient of eastern
customs. See Fifty-sixth Psalm, verse
eight, where David says: "Put thou
my tears into thy bottle." ThU cus
tom is still followed in Persia. From
Uombaugh's "Facts and Fancies."
Answered to the Name.
The two friends had been dining on
dicers and sundry strange dishes at
the "Cedars of Lebanon" cafe, in the
Syrian quarter of New York. They
were drinking their coffee, thick with
coal-black grounds, and wondering
whether they really enjoyed It, when
Smlthere suddenly cried out:
"Pataug! Pataug!"
The waiter hurried away, and came
back presently bringing an ordinary
"I was just testing," said Smithers
to his companion, "the truth of the
story that the first corkscrew seen in
Beirut was taken there by a Yankee.
It was a patented American contrap
tion, and the Syrians were amazed at
Its convenience. They spelled out on
It the mystic words, 'Pat Aug. IS,
'78,' and took that to be the name ot
the implement Now I believe the
story that 'pataug Is Its name all over
tha Levant-
Be thrifty on little things liko bluing. Don't ac
cept water for bluing. Ask for Ked Cross Bull
Blue, the extra good value blue. '
Domestic Animals Protected.
The mayor of a little commune in
the Pyrenees has Just issued the fol
lowing decree: "Whereas the young
people of the commune are wont to
meet and dance every Sunday after
mass and the noise they make fright
ens the cocks, hens and other ani
mals of the village and whereas the
result Is prejudicial to agriculture, we
hereby prohibit dancing within the
bounds of the commune during the
hours in which the domestic animals
take their repose "
Intolerance Not a" Virtue. - -'
Persons sometimes associate intoler
ance with strength and .. (irmness , ol
conviction; ''.but intolerance -is, far
more a feature of SignorSrice, defective
sympathy, imperfect grasp of truth.1
We want the charity "that makes al
lowance for other people's points ol
view without wavering from its own,-
' Safer Way.
"Why ' do you let that policeman
gobble your peanuts?" "I don't want
to be murdered," answered the New
York vender, with a grin. : ," .
aV ' " It : - I-UL. ,M t f F, ri , tf. '1 I 71 - I r.LdNTt
regulate stimulate purify
rhe bowels the liver 'the blood
-Atau. druggists
Matter of Credentials.
"I am honest, Intelligent, discreet
Industrious, and capable of making
friends," said the young man who was
looking for employment. "Well," re
plied Senator Sorghum, "you ought to
get along; although I have seen a lot
of men go before conventions with
those same recommendations and fall
to get more than a complimentary
vote." -
Mothers will find Mrs. WIuslow's Soothing
Pyrup the best remedy to use 'or their clilldiaa
4 uriug t-. teethiuj period.
. Sad Sequel to Wedding. .
A landau in which a newly-married
couple, the chief bridesmaid, and the
"best man" were driving from church
was knocked over by an electric tram-
oar in Lille, near Paris, .the other
morning. The coachman had his legs
Iroken, the bride, a girl of twenty-one,
broke her right arm and was badly
hurt in the head, her husband escaped
without a scratch, and the bridesmaid
and "best man" received Internal in-
urles. ' : , .
ickly tnd
iak. Sore Eye
Tried Trick Once Too Often.
A man of seventy-five, who ot re
cent years had extorted money from
charitable persons, in Paris, by pre
tending to commit suicide, has fallen
a victim to his Ingenuity. He used to
fasten a rope, attached to the celling.
about his neck with an easy running
noose. Then, having knocked over
the furniture, he would overturn the
chair on which he was standing and
remain hanging by the rope. Alarm
ed by the noise, the neighbors would
rush In and cut him down. After be
ing revived he would depict his state
ot distress in such moving language
that money would be forthcoming for
his relief. Later he would repeat the
trick In another house. Invariably
with success. But a few days ago,
when he was carrying out the trick,
there was a hitch. No one went te
his help and he remained hanging
being eventually cvt down dead. -
Justifiable. - "
"Why, It Is a nasty old photo. It's
not like me. I am better looking than
that." said a woman at Lambeth wno,
when charged with disorderly conduct,
handed the magistrate her r-hotograph
to look at "Look at that," she said,
indignantly, "and see If you wouldn't
swear If you were took like that"
' Not a Time to Be Hasty,
"Father, our daughter Is being
courted by a poet" "Is that so, moth
er; I'll kick him out" "Not so fast
Investigate first and find out whether
i o works for a magazine or for a
Itvakfast food factory." Louisville
CoUrier-Jouri V
By the Way They Are Met.
Difficulties are things that ahow
ahat mea are. Eplctetua.
MCml SjroB. Tu Go4. I'M
t tim. o:d by Drarri-t.
I li iifmiinIi!! p?'
PI ill Ir S
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n Qiii - a, w.
"I Got Tim Fine Pipe With Liggett
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: All kinds of men 6moke Duke's Mixture in all kinds
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Choice bright leaf aRtd to mellow mildness, carefully stemmed :
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that's iw hat you get in the Liggett & Myers Duke's Mixture sack.- '
You get one and a half ounces of this pun;, mild, delightful ;
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ber and November only we will
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Ooloi more aoods toHRhier and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c package colors silk, wool and cotton eouaUv
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