The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 29, 1912, Image 3

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    Press ParagrapHs
, Mrs. Lillie Miller waa in Pendleton
W. R.
Taylor waa in Pendleton
Mrs. H. I. Watts spent Saturday in
Joe Wnrzer of Weston, waa in the
nty Saturday.
. Fresh Wisconsin oheeae on sale at
Fix & Radtke'e.
Mr. and Mrs. P. S. LeQrow epent
yesterday in Walla Walla.
Dr. Fred Liooallen was in the city
from Fendleton Saturday.
Will Potts was in tbe oity Tuesday
from hia borne near Helix. '
- Attorney Watta waa at Pendleton
Wednesday on legal business.
D. A. Piokerlon and wife were in
the oity Tuesday, from Milton.
T. J. Watts has left for California,
where be will spend tbe winter.
Miss Ethel Donoan of Weston vis
ited frienda in Athena Tuesday.
Miss Ruth Unniway is spending the
.week end with Pendleton friends. v
Al. Johnson visited at tbe borne of
bis son in Walla Walla this week.
Amasa Phillips, well known Weston
resideut, waa in tbe oity Wednesday.
Mies Nellie Nelson of Weston, was
in tbe oity Satorday, visiting friends.
Mrs. D. 0. WorlbiuKton and son
Emery were Weston visitors Saturday.
Mis. W. W. MoPnerson spent sev
eral days with relatives at Eer mis
ton. : .; :
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stren
of Milton, November 24, ,1912, a
dangbtet, ,
Mr and Mrs Bert Wairen Bpent
Tbanbsgiving with Mr. and Mrs.
John Bell.
Miss Isabel Gray teaching in dfs
tiot No. 3, attended tbe rural institute
Satorday. .
Albeit E. White, one of tbe county
eobool sopervifiois, waa in tbe oity Sat
urday, and attended tbe teaobera' institute.
Rawla Miller returned Monday
from a business trip to Portland and
Tbe Dalles.
Miss Mamie Taylor came over from
Weston Saturday and spent tbe day
with frienda
Fred Koontz vai taken ill suddenly
Wednesday forenoon bnt is improving
at tnis writing, - ---w
Wanted Place for J2 year old boy
to woik for boar 3 and lodgiog wbile
attending eobool.
- District Sohool Clerk Betts has teeu
taking tbe annual school census dnring
the present week.
Miss Leota Cannon who is teaohiog
in distriot No. 62, took part in tbe
instituta Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson were
in from tbe raucb, and spent Tuesday
evening in the city. ; .
O. A. Gneine. HHsistant tnincinal of
the Atbena pnblio schools, epent Sat
urday at Pendleton, ;
Miss Ceoile Boyd, oame down from
Lewiaton to spend Thanksgiving at
her boie in this oity.
Miss Gertrude Boober oame op from
Pendleton and spent Thanksgiving at
her home in this oity. , . ;
Stanley Wright spent Sundfy : with
Atbena friends, returning to Walla
Walla in tbe evening.
Miss Floreooe Marob.-teaohnr in dis
trict No. II, was among the educators
in tbe oity Satoiduy.
John Keen jr. oame over from his
sohool in Walla Walla, and spent
Sunday with relatives. :
Tbe Mothers' Club will meet at the
home of Mrs. Mary Deeper, oil Friday,
Deoember 6, at 2:30 p. m.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ivey,
of this oity, November 24 1912, a
son, weight eleven pounds.
The Golden Role store has added n
splendid stock of toys and Christmas
goods for the holiday trade.
The J. F. F. olob held their regular
weekly meeting at tbe home of Miss
Anna Soil Monday evening.
Frank K. Welles,' county superin
tendent of sohools, was in tbe oity
Saturday, on offloial business.;
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Shelienberger,
of Weston, weie Sunday guests at the
borne of Mr, and Mrs. J. T. King.
rL n
To close up an estate the following
described- property" will be sold at
the McBride Barn, in cAthena, Ore.
at one o'clock sharp.
2 GRAY MULES. 2200 lbs. 6 AND 7 YEARS OLD
2 BROWN MULES, 2100 lbs., 4 AND 7 YEARS OLD
2 BAY MULLS, 2300 lbs , 6 AND 6 YEARS OLD
2 BROWN MULES, 2400 lbs., 4 AND 9 YEARS OLD
1 BROWN MULE, 1150 lbs . 4 YEARS OLD
2 DRAFT COLTS, 3000 lbs., 3 YEARS OLD
Geo. Rice,
C. H. Smith.
' Auctioneer.
The final aocount in the estate of
the late Mrs. Lnoretia Maloney will
be made December 29, at PendJeton.
The Tbaoksgiviog ball at the Ath
ena, opera boose was well attended
and an enjoyable time had by oil
present " - ; , .. - : " .
' Miss Louise Wilson, teaober in the
Atbena schools is spending Thanks
giving vnoatioa period with friends
in Spokane. . . ....
J. M. Walker, of Taooma and son
Emery, have been guests at tbe home
of Mr. and . Mrs. 0. A. Barrett for
several days.
Mis. Gen Harris oame up from Pen
dleton yesterday, and epent Thanks
giving at tbe home of ber 6ister, Mis.
Minnie DePeatt.
Mebleu Hawoith is nursing a brok
en hand, as tbe result of a fenoe can
cel falling against it. Dr. New so no
reduoed tbe fracture.. . -
Johnson's orobestra of this oity,
have engagements this week at Pen
dleton Pilot Bock, Eoho, Helix, Ath
ena and tbe German hall.
Mrs. Ulm and children are at the
St. Nichols, having ariived in tbe
oity on a visit to ber husband, who is
salesman for Fix & Badtke.
Misses Martha Lavadour and Graoe
Fainum," of districts 94 and 113 re
spectively, -were among the rural
teaohers in the oity Satorday.
Mis W. S. Ferguson accompanied her
mother, Mrs. Vaughn, to Walla Walla
Monday. Mrs. Vaughn will spend the
winter with a niece in Idaho.
-luauagci. TiuiDt -u& tun uioaujiauu
tbo Passion play, to be given at bis
i. I i. s a . m A ' . A. I
iaeatre in me near .xuiare in inree
reels. . '
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas DeFreeoe
have taken up permanent residence in
Atbena, moving to the Rosenzweig
property, wbiob they reoently pur
chased." '-r .r- .
"A. B. Steel, Harness and Saddles."
reads a new sign in front of Steele's
Harness shop. The front of the build
ing has also been brightened with a
fresh ooatof paint.
- Horebound, Irish Moss, Tolu, White
Pine, Seleoted Pineapple, Lemon and
Orange. Unuxoeiled for its curative
qualities for the Grippe, congou and
colds. Guaranteed striotly pure, by
Bert Cartano.
Miss Edna Taylor has taken the
place as oasbier for tbe Mosgrove Mer
cantile . company, vaoated by Miss
Lnla Tharp. wbo resigned to take a
position as nurse in St Vincent's hos
pital, in Portland.
At tbe eobo'l meeting Monday after
noon, a five-mill tax waa voted for
maintenance of the sohool next year.
Ibis amount is considered ample to
pay salaries of teachers and met all
incidental expenses.
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Vincent of this
oity, entertained last Sunday, Dr. and
Mrs. Vincent and daughter, Miss
Eleouor, . Mr. and Mrs. Lester Crooin
of Pendleton,: and Mr. Jack Eqnhait
and Mr. Logan Wien.
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Mitchell are
down from their station in tbe moun
tains, where Mr. Mitobell bag been
acting in bis old capacity of telegraph
operator. Mrs. Mitchell and tbe baby
will remain for some time.
Miss Anioe Barnes, one of the coun
ty's efficient school teachers, attended
tbe local teaobeis' institute, Satiird&y.
Miss Barnes is piiooipal of District
No. 49, and was aooompanied by ber
assistant, Miss Ethel Miller.
Miss Lula Tharp entertained yester
day at dinner, Misses Lillian Ander
son and Clara Taswell, of Walla
Walla. Miss Tharp leaves tomorrow
morning for Portland, where she will
te a guest over Sunday of Mrs. Arthur
Downs, before beginning ber duties
at St. Vincent's hospital.
Tbe Atbena Band held its first re
hearsal in its new quarters, Monday
night. Under the direction of Pro
fessor Gordon, the band will rehearse
twice a, week during the winter
mouths. John Wall has beoome a
member of tbe organization and bas
been assigned to tbe tromtoue eeo
W i MM k m
'" I ii VMlW - JJ' tMlTIEXT COXiVXPTtOK VV ' ' f l I
I teAu' " :i THPiOAT and LUNGS.
: lA jy)Vv p jllfmiiiyriiitmimmw VS. ' I
; 1 , 19 " 41 p Uilii f l-rft Jff V 4. ill I
! I I j i,. l Vil UU4t..4.iikiuayy i " A I I f t
' Ijjlij'r !UiM .' X U'lr OetMsiuM.fewa.USJL I AA KpU I I f
UNEQUALLED ;'s. -SuYO!T-riY CEinc uklMD f
WBre!ffl;i!i!llllli i.(linWiflliiillS lif
Friends in this city , have' reorived
news that Mrs. Hairia, wife of Ellis
B. Harris, former pastor of the Chris
tian cbuiob here, has been vety ill at
her borne in Waitsburg, Wash., the
past week with typhoid fever.
Frank, son of Bev. and Mrs. D. M.
Delmiok, arrived in tbe oity Tuesday
from Rosalia, Wash., to spend bis
Thanksgiving vacation ' with bin pa
rents. Mr. Helaiick . will graduate
from the Rosalia high sohool this year.
By a change in the time card : now
in effect on O.-W., the evening train
does not arrive from Pendletou until
7:50 and tbe mail is not distributed
until morning. The change caoforma
to tbe usual winter schedule of tbe
road's time oard. ; '.'"'v
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dudley and sons
Mux and Vera, loft Wednesday morn
ing for Portland, where they will
spend tbe winter. Tbe sons will enter
sohool there. Glen having matriculat
ed with Lincoln High school at the
beginning of the year..
Mr. and. Mrs. ,B. B. Kioharda and
Mrs. B. B'. Bill ate visiting at tbe
home of Mr. and Mr8. Otis White
man, . near Lacrosse," Wash. ' Mrs.
Kioharda and Mrs. Bill went up early
in the week and B. B. took Wednes
day morning's train. V ,.V '
B. , D. Ulemona will put in a full
stoox of poultry food at once. The
stock will inolude alfalfa meal, Lean
meal, grit, corn meal and beef sorap,
and ground shell. He is also prepared
to grind green bone for bis customers
at reasonable prices.
Mr. and" Mrs. O. P. B. Arm field of
Wisoonsin, parents of -Mrs. Fred
Badtke, have teen visiting at the
danghter'a home in this city for sev
eial days. Mr. and Mrs.- Armfleld
left for their borne Wednesday, re
turning by way of Portland. .
Miss Ethel Johnsoo played piano
for the Pendleton United orobestra at
the Eagles dance in Pendleton, Wed
nesday evening, and Lee Johnson, also
a member of Johnson's orobestra cf
this city, tilled an engagement at tbe
Oregon theatre in Pendleton, on tbe
same evening. .
' The Dreamland program , for Friday
and Saturday nights: ,1.- "A Bro
ther's Error,'.' , Essanay. 2. "The
Impostor," Labia. 8. "Transform
ation Mike," Biograpb. , For Sunday:
1. "Tbe Soaregoat." Seligs,. 2.
"Walk You. Walk,",Kalem. 3.
"Niagara Falls," "Lucky Dog," Ed
ison. . ;
The choir at tbo Christian
cburob ate practicing a cantata for
GbriatmaR, wbioh promises to In a
very interesting addition to tbe, holi
day program. A large number of
voices will be used and the parts are
being learned with readiness. Re
hearsals will be bad each, Tuesday
night. . ..,'.."y,'J".'.,L.
"No. sahl Yon needed' 'spect to
'scape serving in de debit's workshop
so long as yon keeps a feeding at de
detil's oorn crifc." (Coon ville Par
son. ) Services at tbe M. E. obnrob
Sunday 11a m and 7:3ftvp.. bj. ; Son
day sohool at 10 o'cldok1"; yonog pe6
pies' meeting at 6:30 Yon are in
vited to these services.' ' Viritors al
ways welcome. ; o tl,, !. ; .
Joe Forest who baa been, seriously
affiioted wir.b rheumatism, ,.waa in
town Tuesday and Wednesday tor the
first time in several weeks. Mr., For
rest was severely iojnied. .last fall,
when Le beoame entangled in a rope
with a frisky mule on tbe business
end, and the "rheumatics" bave been
hovering about in that particular part
of his anatomy,
Dan MoKenzie, wbo has teen visit
ing at tbe home of A. B. MoEwen and
with other friends in the oity, leftyes
today for Spokane where he expects to
remain permanently. Mr. MoKenzie
purposes going into tbe cattle business
in that vioinity, having purchased a
ranch near Springdale, Stevens coun
ty. He will be joined in Spokane by
bis brother, Alex wbo will spend tbe
holidays with him. . . ' '
Doss Green and a man named Mo
Oullen, beoame involved in a row at
Adams yesterday af ternooon, and Mc
Cullen slashed Green aoroes the ab
domen with a knife. It is said that
Gleen, wbo was taken to tbe hospital
at Pendleton, cannot reoover. Tbe
outs penetrated iuto tbe intesliues.
Tbe cutting a Bray took place at tbe
wheat warehouse where MoUullen was
engaged io loading oars. Word comes
fiom Adams that Green, wbo is al
leged to be of a quarrelsome dispos
ition, went to tbe warehouse for (be
purpose of engaging MoCulleu in a
fight. v ...
Manager linsie of the Athena opera
announces that a swell comic
opera oompany, carrying 18 people,
will appear at the house on- tbe even
ing of January 20th, when Woodward
and Moseley will present tbe "Beggar
Prinoe," with foil stage equipment
and electrical effeots. Miss Vera
Alwyo tbe gifted prima donna, is
supported by H. Guy Woodward and
Henry 0. Moseley, two of tbe best
known oomio opera oomedians, Obris
tige Didier soprano, Chas. Kemling
baritone William Datling, tenor, and
a convincing chorus wbiob sings
sweetly and danoes delightfully.
Walter Adama was in town yester
day making preparation! for Thanks
giving dinner. Walt was relieved of
a turkey by the bunob of practical
jokera wbo bave infested Athena for
many moons. He did not miss bis
turkey until be arrived at Adams,
where be bustled another. Io the
meantime tbe jokers donble-orossed
each other aod tbe bird was stolen
several times, finally landing in tbe
possession of parties of tbe first part.
It is said that bribery waa resorted
to and that a f 5 bill wat used in a
ceitain shady tiaosaotion, whereby
(be transactor was tadly stuog by tbe
aforesaid parties, when be, tbiosiog
be was receiving tbe Adams bird,
opened a surprise package containing
a loaf of brown biead stock full of
turkey feathers, with tbe head of
tba turkey of wbiob be was in
quest, decorating tbe dummy. It Is
aid tbe real turkey is to fee served at
a tag racquet, tbe $5 to be spent for
"con-dy-naeoa," (word coined by
Bill Ferguson,) whatever that meant.
mm o:
Reducing Corset
upon the reduction and modification of
abdomen, hip and back, rest the style
effect and comfort of the large women.
A reduction up to five inches can be
easily, made by use of reducing .straps.
These reducing straps are adjusted while the corset is on the figure, permitting of a
gradual, comfortable reduction of the abdomen and hips. This is the only hygenic
method of reducing the figure. As the reductions are gradually being made, the straps
lock automatically and release when given a reverse pull. We guarantee the HEND
ERSON REDUCING COkSET. You will find them to be the most satisfactory.
Jew wa
"The Furniture Man," has added this
I line tn his fllrpaHv lnro-p vnripH stnr.k
We have the finest line of Art Squares ever shown in Athena. All are of modern de
signs and up-to-the minute patterns. They are going at prices never before heard of,
class of goods considered. Our line of Furniture is complete. It includes late " styles
in Corsican Walnut, Birdseye and the popular Golden Oak. very latest novelties
in Iron and Brass Beds. Everything in Springs and Mattresses.
For Particular P
Preferred Stock Canned Goods
Are Packed Wherever the Best are Grown '
That is the secret of their exquisite Flavor. Preferred Stock Pine
apple, for instance, is grown, ripened and canned all under the sunny
skies of Hawaii. Pineapples brought to this country and then
canned must be picked before fully ripe or they won't keep and
the flavor is flat.
Hawaiian Pineapple is the best
grown. Every morning, the ones
ripened to their "spicy best?' are
gathered, taken into the cannery,
close at hand, peeled and cored by
special cutters operated by bright, tidy Hawaiian
girls. All the tough, fibrous center is removed, the
the "eyes" all cut out, and the rich, sun-gold slices
packed into Preferred Stock cans just the best
part of each pineapple.
Try PREFERRED STOCK Pineapple-a royal dessert-ready to serve
ALLEN & LEWIS, Wholesale Grocers, PORTLAND, OREGON, U. S. A.
Noni No Mlder b nted on cut conttlnlnf Preferred Stock Pineapple. Coven ire crimped on end tlie cam ire unitary tin enameled.
Preferred Stock fooda are PUKE and IAFE.
The new season's pack of this well known brand has
includes the following staple items, which we are es-
pecially recommending.
Pealed Tomatoes
Maine Corn
Clear Lake Beans
Tender Melting Peas
California Peaches
Calfornia Apricots
Hawaiian Pine Apple
Eastern Oysters
Chinook Salmon
Beraterin Shrimp
Queen Olives
Stuffed Olives
Ripe Olives
Raisins V
Special Prices on Assorted Cases
Main and 3rd. Phone, Main 65. Athena, Oregon.
' i i. i. i. ii ! i ii ...ii
B & H Green Trading Stamps with all Cash purchases J