The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 01, 1912, Image 3

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    CP. Bul&nob was in the city yes
terday from Weaton.
Mir. J. S. Harris of WeatoD visited
io Athena Saturday. "
W. W. Ravmnnd waa over from
Walla Walla Sunday. .
Miea Lizzie Sbeard visited in Wea
ton daring the week. ; f ;
Mrs. E. M. Smith was in the city
yesterday from WeBton.
Get the Golden Bole habit. It
meana a tig saving to yon.
Don't forget the chicken dioner at
the M. E. ohnroh Tuesday.
Mrs. D. B. Bannister visited relatives
in Weston the flrafc nf woeb
Mrs. 0. L. Eeithley of Beppner is
a gnestof Mrs. B. A. Thompson.
DinnpF A I. M V. nhnrnh hinlno
at 11:30 on election day, Tuesday.
Do your Fall trading at the Golden
Bule Store, where' von can do better.
Misses Nettie Boyse and Hope Mo
Fherrin visited in Walla Walla Tnee
day. . .-' .V; .y , J
Mitt Minnie Walker and Mrs. Cbas.
Finkerton of Weston were in the city
Tuesday. ; - . ,
Miss Norma Smith of Weston, was
a guest of Mrs. W. 0. Miller, Tuesday
evening. ' ; - -.; -;. .
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bannister aud
Mrs. Chap. Betts visited friends in
Weston Monday, v .
A onmber of voung people of this
city attended tbe danoe given in Wes
ton Friday night. ""
Robert Oopoook returned home from
Hot Lake yesterday, .very muob im
proved in health. .7
0. A. Lobaugh baa moved bia family
to.Bnrbank, Wash., where they will
make their home, i : : ; : ;
Bobbers and 'overshoes for the
whole family at faotory prices, at the
uolden Juule store.
Mrs. JaB Laland and her mother.
Mrs. A. Kinnear,. were in tbe oity
Monday from Weston,,, . y t
Frank C. Miller baa moved bis
family to Walla Walla, where they
will reside Jo tbe future!
Miss Zelma DePeatt will sins "Tbe
Holy City' illustrated, at . the Chris
tian oburoh Sunday evening. '
Mrs. Wilbur E. Wiods and her
mothor, Mrs. Samuel Bradsbaw, were
shopping in thtt oity Saturday.
George Propeok, candidate for sher
iff of Umatilla county, was in the
oity Friday night and Saturday.
Paul Finnell. of Pendleton, visited
bis sister, Miss Katberine Finnell, of
the Vogue millinery store, Sunday.
Mrs. Lillie Miller announoea tbat
she will dispose of her present sicok
of bats and millinery at actual cost.
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Boylen, of Pen
dleton, visited their daughter, Mrs.
L. S. Vincent in this oity yesterday.
A sumptuous ohicken dinner will be
served in tbe dining room of tbe M. E.
ohnroh, on Election Day. Ouly 80
Mrs. David Stone entertained the
Sunshine qlub October 24 tod a most
delightful afternoon waa spent by all
Bev. E. W. Aobilles of Spokane,
distriot superintendent of the Free
Methodist' cburob,- visited his son,
Emery, in this oity this week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dudley are con
templating a winter's sojourn in
Portland. They will probably leave
in a sbott time for tbe metropolis.
How we Reduced the
Cost of
tor Hundreds of Persons and How
we can Reduce yours by 5 per cent
During the past seven years this big store has given
the only bid and reliable T. W. P. trading stamps, with
every cash or thirty dav) sale.
; In that time there has been distributed from our pre
mium department something like $35,000 worth of
choice Merchandise, which cost the recipients absolutely
nothing.'-'-" .'''" ".''.." y' ' ': " '' '-''' v' :
I If the purchaser had to pay a higher price to get
these stamps, there would be nothing in them. The point
of Importance is, the purchaser doss not pay higher, in
fact our prices are materially less than those charged in
other stores. So the purchaser gets a double advantage.
First: The advantage of lowest prices with a larger
and better assortment of goods. from which. , to, choose,
Second: ' The advantage of T;. WP. trading stampsr '
There is really nothing miraculous about the fact
that we can give both lower prices and trading stamps
the explanation is perfectly reasonable and simple giv
ing T., W. P. trading stamps attracts very large numbers
of purchasers and materially increases our volume of
sales. Larger vol time of sales gives us a larger purchas
ing power.- Large purchasing power, as everybody un
derstands, enables us to buy cheaper. By buying cheap
er we can sell cheaper. Thus the stamp in a sense pays
for itself by the volume of trade it brings.
No matter what you kuy from us, whether it's groceries, dry goods, shoes
olotbiog, or anything in tbe store you get T W P Stamps, just tbe same
The Peoples Warehouse
Where it pays to trade.
Saye your Coupons.
. Dr. U. J. Bittner, tbe dentist, waa
si guest of Dr. and Mrs. Bugbes at
their home in Milton, Saturday night
TMiss Olive Bryson, daughter of
Ohaa. firyeon, was married last week
to Alvin G. Ram bo. Both young
people are residents of Weston moun
tain. . .
v James H. E. Soott is in tbe oity.
Mr. Soott left Athena in 1908, going
to the Philippines, where be spent
two years, and sinoa has circled tbe
globe. ' "
. Lost On the road between Athena
and Dry Creek, a pair of obaps and
a rain coat. Reward will be paid by
Viotor Crawford for return to this
York Dell went down to Pendleton
Monday evening to attend the K. of
P. teoeption to grand officers. v Mr.
Dell was among the speakers of the
evening. .
Miss MoDonald and Mrs. Campbell
t)f Pilot Rook, were in tbe oity Friday
and Saturday, visiting tt tbe homes
of Mrs. Anna Molntyre and Mrs, Mo-
Mrs. Julia Brooks will close her
house in the north part of town, and
will go Id the borne of her danghte.
Mis, Rugg, near town and reside for
tbe winter.
Glen Dudley is reported to have
"made" tbe football team in the
Jefferson High sobool of Portland.
of whioh he is a student, and will be
appointed a plaoe in tbe team.
commenced suit against Henry Lloyd
for a divorce, the complaint having
been filed Tuesday,. Attorney Will M.
Peterson aoting for the plaintiff.
Ernest Crookatt, a student, of tbe
high 'school in Pendleton, is visiting
his sister, Mrs. Meldrum. Ernest was
hurt in a football game recently, and
18 detained from attending sobool. -
Rev. D. M. Helmiok. requests the
presence' of tbe foil offioial board of
the M. E. oburoh, at next Sunday
morning's service to remain for a bus
iness conference after the servioe. r
George Bannister has reoeived bia
fine Carter automobile. Tbe oar is
another new one in thia vicinity, and
is a handsome brown body, 40 horse
power, 1913 model, tbe price being
11750. -:
Mrs. M. L.-Leeper has been con flu ed
to her home tbe past week, from a
hurt reoeived while alighting from
buggy in Weston recently. She
slipped and fell, severely injuring
her knee,
Mrs. 3arfleld of Walla Walla and
ber sou, Cbase Garfield, oame up
from Prineville, Crook county, Satur
day, and spent a oonple of days vis
iting at tbe Jackson Nelson home in
this oity. .:
Horehound, Irish Moss, Tola, White
Pine, Selected Pineapple. Lemon' and
Oraige. Unexcelled tor its curative
qualities for the Grippe, oonghn and
colds. Gnaranteed striotly pure, by
Bert Cariano. -
K John F. Wright has sold 80 aores
of land, jast. north west of Athena, to
Ernest Sob rim p, for a consideration
of 15,000. , Mrfc Wright ,will -return to
.town in aboot a month, and oocupy
Hisntowj property. , ,: : t
.. Mr. and Mrs. tiugh MoArthur left
yesterday morning for their home in
Portland, after several weeks spent at
(be borne of Mr. and Mrs. George
Bauriister,inr",this oify.'itid with other,
relatives in the i'vidinity.
Clande Reeder ia recovering after a
peige of several weeks, with typhoid
fever, at his borne near Helix. Hi a.
parents, Mr. and. Mrs. W, H; Reeder,,
of Taooma, have keen in attendanoe
upon him for the past two weeks.
Mrs. George Maharaocompanied her
friend, Mrs. C. B. Eriokson of Hast
ings. Nebraska, as far as Walla
Walla, on ber way borne last Satur
day. Mis. Mahar visited, friends in
tbe garden oity, returning tome Sunday.-
. j ; -U:V , : .,
Ira! McDonald baa returned from
Walla Walla, where he has ; jeoeived
treatment for a crippled - shoulder
for tbe past three months. Mr. Mc
Donald has been disabled einoe July
4tb, when his oar overturned, crush
ing his shoulder.
11 if i Bifciiipii.T i nll
iVm 1j" "sff,: IxctritST Cossoxeno :.';Sf, VSf ff I
r "tll ' ATOAUMMUMOfTM ' sj I Al II II III
aW c gjsfl THROAT and LUNGS. C36v
lo tzuRB croui ii!Hjjii!ifrifr,mnMirrmmiiri!!liiili II 'jaS-. chrprenII
It A5 A .
IP Mill
A meeting will be held thia evening
at 8 o'olook at tbe home of Mrs, S. F.
Sharp, by the local members f the
Artisan lodge, for the purpose of or
ganization, when a charter will be
granted throngb tbe visiting deputy,
Mrs. Mae Ireland. . . '
Mrs. E. R. Cox arrived in tbe oity
last week, from Portland, and ia stop
ping at the St. Niobola hotel with her
husband. Mrs. Cox has been confined
to her room tbe most of the time einoe
her arrival, having contracted a severe
oase of rheumatism. ;
Most of the sheep are out of tbe
mountains and established in winter
quarters. They have coma off tbe
summer range, says a dispatob, in
tetter shape than for . manyyears.
Owing to tbe wet spring and summer
range in the bills was abundant.
Mrs. H. H. Hill baa reoeived news
that the condition of her invalid mo
ther, who resides in Lewiston, Idaho,
is very muoh worse and expects to be
called to her bedside at any time.
Mrs. Hill spent several weeks of the
summer and fall with her mother.
Tbe Ladies' Aid ' aooiety of tbe
Methodist oburoh will serve an Elec
tion dinner in the dining room of the
M. E. ohnroh on November 5. A
sumptuous obioken dinner will be
served, with all the aooessories, for
tbe small sum of 30 cents tbe plate.
Dinner from 12 till 2 p. m."
A number of Weston ladies com
posed a pedestrian party, which
tramped from tbat. oity to Athena
Monday. After doing their shopping,
the ladies, who were Mesdames L, S.
Madden, Ollie James, L. I. O'Harra,
Chance Tnrnir, Morrison and Smith,
returned home on tbe 2:40 train.
include photographs of many .lands
and plaoes visited by the lecturer.
Tbe illustrations alone are a treat,
net counting the splendidly instruct
ive lectures themselves. That the
pastor's efforts are appreciated, is
evidenoed by tbe goodly audienoes at
tending both Sunday and Wednesday
leotnres. - .
! Rev Helmiok announces bia next
Snnday evening sermon at tbe Meth
odist ohnroh as follows:. "TLe Greep
Eyed Monster; or, I be Corse of Jeal
ousy, and Its Consequences..'. These
sermons of heart io teres t are, proving
to be very popular and good" congrega
tions gulber at the M. , E. oburoh on
Sunday evenings. i : i !
-...', .,'.-.: V '
A sale of live stock and farm imple
ments was held last week at tbe Hod
gens ranoh at Vinoent. A filly not
three years old brought $227 and two
colts sold at ,$100 each. A sow and
fl ve ;pigs 1 'brought. $80, while 'sboats
sold for $7.50 up?- At -theJCIallaber
sale 500 sheep were sold, the ewes av
eraging $3.15.. 7 ; ; ;
George Rosenzweig ia in town thia
week. ; He ia traveling salesman for
the Emerson-Brantlogbam Co.; farm
machinery, with'' headquarter in
Walla; Walla The, Pig Fpur'. "(3Q"
traotioh engine is his epeoialty, and
George olaima for ifi aUbe good
points of all other engines; with many
others, to make it a perfect engine.
"The meeting forNovAmber, it tbe
auxiliary of tbe C. W. BjM. rwill be
held on Wedoesday altdrnobn, Nov.
6. at the borne of Mrs. H. H. Hill,
on College street. Mrs. W. K. Wall
if i ppointed as tbe meeting,
and tbe topio will be ' "The, Annual
Offering for tbe, WprkT'CondpOted by
the Chiistian Woman's Board' Of Mis
SioUS." , I? j .
l Weston Leader. tf'-7?. Bell
was bronbgt to iown Mohdy from
the monntains, and is : now under
Dr. Madden's oare at the borne of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs'.' John Van
Slyke, Mrs. Bell is improving after a
rather heroio course of "starvation
treatment" for appendioits,' during
whioh she was allowed do food for
more than a week.
- Mrs. Mae Ireland, of Walla " Walla,
traveling in tbe interests of- tbe Unit
ed Artisans, is in tbe oity and will
endeavor to gather together tbe mem
bers of that order wbn are residing
in Athena, for the purpose of estab
lishing a lodge here. Mrs. Ireland
waa aooompanied by her husband,
Rev. J. E. Ireland, who returned to
their home in Walla Walla.
The olu'b organized by tbe young
ladies last week, . has reoeived the
name of the "J. F. F. Club." Press
readers are at liberty to make a goess
as to tbe meaning of tbe oabalistio
obaraoters. The club met Monday
evening at the borne of Miss Kitty
Gholsoa, and the next meeting will
be held with Miss Rutb Krebs, at tbe
borne of Mrs. A. A. Foss. , ;
A. Mackenzie Meldrum gave a most
interesting illustrated sermon last
Sunday evening, on "The Life of
Moses" and on Wednesday evening tbe
first of a series of illustrated lectures
was given. These sermons and lec
tures will continue throughout tbe
winter. Mr. Meldrum baa some of
tbe finest stereoptioon viewa to te ob
tained. They are made from paint
ings by tbe old masters, suob as Ti
tian, Hoffman, and others, and also
One of I be most clever companies
to visit Athena for a long time, was
Betty Barrows and ber players, who
made their appearance at tbe Athena
opera bonse Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday evenings of tbia week.
Tbe announonmeent waa made from
tbe stage tbat the company will re
turn to-Athena in Deoember, with a
repertoire of new plays. The man
agement oan expect satisfactory pat
ronage. Mis. C. L. Crockalt, of Pendleton,
wbo recently arrived boms from a
visit to ber mother io Scotland, was
in tbe city SqDday visiting ber daugh
ter, Mrs. A. M. Meldrum. Mrr.
Crockatt, wbo is an entbnsiastio work
er in the temperance enow, spoke of
the recent iu Peodleton from tve
national and world woikera of tba W.
0. T. U. wbo were en route east after
tbe national convention held last week
io Poitlaod. Tbe ladies, wbo were
traveling in a special train, comprised
some of tb most noted workers of the
world io tbe temperanoe canse. 'i'be
train stopped for 15 miootet, and tbe
ladies were met by prominent Pendle
ton W. 0, T. U. members and escotted
to the assembly room of the city hall.
oownwara Tanff Revision
J' 102
Ladies Regular $25 Coats, now $20.95
' 18 14.98
' 15 4 12.98
Ladies' Gaberdean Rain Coats, made in
latest styles, extra good values, $18.00
Ladies' and Child'n's $12.50 Coats, $10.98
' ' ' 10 ' 8.68
for Election week. zAsk to see them.
Fill & .RAPTKE
the "Money-back store," athena, Oregon
glew all Paper
"The Furniture Man," has added this
V line' to his alreadv lare. varied stock
Art Sauare Bargains
a. m
We have the finest line of Art Squares ever shown in Athena. All are of modern de
signs and up-to-the minute patterns. They are going at prices never before heard of,
class of goods considered. Ourjine of Furniture is , complete, ; ; It includes late styles
in Corsican Walnut; Birdseye and the popular Golden Oak. . very latest novelties
in Iron and Brass Beds. Everything in Springs and Mattresses.
Msiiiii m THuds
Who is not Interested in Fall Clothes
We believe interest in correct dress is just as
much a phase of character as any other good trait.
It is a matter of business and social necessity for
the young man who wants to get along; and what is
true of the younger is true of the elder.
For the man who wants to make his clothes
money count for the limit, we suggest seeing our
incerotv Clothes
Main and 3rd. Phone, Main 65. Athena, Oregon.
B & H Green Trading Stamps with all Cash purchases