Fanners and Merchants Write us for our cash offer 5n your Farm and Ufeiry Produce. If we don't handle it will refer you to re liable buyer. pearsON-PAGE CO. ' ;, ', Portland, Oregon. m - ' R--nnl. TTflnd Maehln- M nrhlYtPYU ery.bouttht. sold and A. mm -j exchanged: marines, boilers, sawmills, etc. The J. E. Martin Co 76 1st 6U Portland. Bend for Stock List ana prices. Hat. Wares, OubloeW PANAMAS frMM WIAYM TO WiaKt "i(ln be worn onblonked nnaia. mhnim ar stria . -----r- - . A '5iCYxUBfnr men. iinmi annuo OfS--? inrhea. Llcht welnht. -Hi-nt postpaid on reoelpt Sf price. Monor refunded if not satisfactory, uet a arable, stylish ht for the h a f of what wonld cost ra elaewhere. AMre NKW MK HA r 00. t). H. Memwdorfler, I'rop. . B1t2 Wachlntrton 8t Twenty ears in l'ortlaad. Portland, Or. rrm KODAK rolls developed, 10c, any size. Largest and beat shop In Northwest. Com plete price list on request. Best results guaranteed. JACOBS 5S8J0 P.-L Build's, Seattle DAISY FLY KILLER KSSTtiffiaS diss. Neat, clean, ornamental, conven ient, cheap, lasts all ssasoa. Hade ot metal, cant spill or tip overt will not soil or Injure anything. Guaranteed effective Sold by asalsrs or 8 sent prepaid (or tl. FJUtOLD 10MEEB, liADeJUlb Ave., Brooklyn, . Y. SELF-SETTING PLANES "fVlneland, N.J. Sent on trial where not kept S61d In the large Coant Cities. 8 Portland dealers sell them. Try Element of Decay. , Indirect Influence had Its nearly per fect work in the Persian empire, where the Queen Mother was permit fed to exercise an injurious influence over the king, the court, and the em pire. It wag one of the tendencies which leads Sayce, the historian, to say, after touching . upon it: "la short, the empire contained within it from the first all the elements of de cay." . ,. Wisdom In Action. The times are waiting for men who shall serve and not merely Inquire; strive and not merely investigate; give to their age and their kind not so much learning in bulk as wisdom In action; great doing as the only true fruitage of great thinking; the conse cration to the uplifting of one's fellow men of one's best rather than the con serving by mere culture of one's self. Henry Potter. Blessed Sympathy. Sympathy with animals blesses ana numaniases men and women. To get Into real relations with an animal is a liberal education. It is something to be really interested even in a plant and to obBerve the working of life in any sphere not our own. How much more when that life is directing personality which consciously looks up to us and will love us if we will let III Christian Register. Longevity In French Villages. . A remarkable record of longevity Is 'to be found in some of the rural par ishes of France. ' In the village of St. Thomas de la Fllche there have been only fourteen parish priests in three hundred years, the fourteenth being still in possession. The parish, of St Germain du Val, in Paris, has had only three pastors in one hundred years, while that of Givry en Argonne has had but five in 130 years. - .. . No Wonder. Nerve Specialist My dear sir, i can't understand your case at all. Her you were practically cured a few dayi ago and now your nerves are Is frightful shape again. Have you had a sudden shock of some kind? Patient I received your bill yesterday. OMETIilN M sV ONES PTTIF EASY TO MAKE BARREL B0A1 skeleton of giant 'CONFORMATION IS ESSENTIAL IN BREEDING DRAFT HORSES EMAINS OF A BIG INDIAN FOUND IN CALIFORNIA. Timbers Attached Prevent Capslzlnj and May Be Constructed by - Any Handy Boy. " A boat that any handy boy cai easily make is constructed of a bar rel which is kept with the openlnf cut in one side up by two 4 by 6-in timbers and two tie pieces, 2 by 4 says the Popular Mechanics. Th lengths of these pieces will depend on the size ot the barrel. A good watertight barrel should bi selected and an opening cut In tht center between the hoops, of such t size as to allow the body of the oo cupant room for handling an oar. Thi timbers are attached to the barrel with Iron straps pieces of old hoopt A Barrel Boat will do. The two tie pieces are put across the timbers at the ends of th barrel and spiked in place. The boat Is to be propelled with i single, double-end paddle. There li no danger of the boat capsizing or tb water splashing into the barrel. CUTTING BOARD QUITE HANDl Convenient Article for Use In Am Play Room May Be Msde of Or dinary Piece of Pine. Use pine three-quarters of an Incl thick. You should have a piece 7U inches by 12 Inches for a cuttim board. Round the corners by making then one-quarter of a circle whose radlui is three-quarters of an inch. Round with the grain of the wood, as showi 7 , , . W, O t I u. The Most Original Authors. The most original modern author, are not so because they advance whai is new, but simply because they knovt how to put what they have to say ai If It had never been said before.- Goethe. Ussful Instrument In Farm House. Every farm house should have a harness needle in it. One of the many uses to which the needle can be put is to sew rips in shoes that may save an extra trip to the cobbler's. Home De partment, National Magazine. The Household Remedy. Mb Und, Yost, UtsR. writes i ' We have twn using your Mexican Mu tang Lmimrnt iu our ever since tZZ. .7 'na article to have m the house and are never without It. I have rtvommemlol it to many of nr friends who have also found the same very valuable. 25c.B0o.Jt , bottl. at Dm, 4 Cen'I Stores Painless Dentistry le ei pride our hnbfcy-our study for year ant aowovrsuixeas, and ours is the painless works te be found anywhera, n.t matter how Mofc 70 "1W,,dU 'aten lot town Mtronalia J one d.r ft desirsX !' aitraafclaa ! "hea plsus el , ,1 luiiigc work ts antes- i'-. J !, Caaseltstisa Iras, ' J-lrCreM5.C5 l22karidc.Teetk4.Ca V 1 lUit U.A SukLu . Mw.LWil,lulwiMuuu Pshlnt Citf'tlse St IMJl snaMJBM uilme kliT mnaaas U work fuUr cuanuitawd far r.fteev yum. Wise Bcntal Co..xe. Painless Dentists ftffnt BldS. TM IMI WetntnitM . PORTUUIO, OH eaueasanu Saaeafs. I le. 103 .60 6.00 r.53 .so A Cutting Boartl. In the "figure. Do not go quite to tht line with the chisel, and finish with the plane. Next drill the hole. Drill until thi point of the drill begins to come through the wood and then take it out and put the point in on the other aids of the board. When the hole is fln isbed, plane the sides of the board and finish it with sandpaper. LIFE OF CHINESE STUDENTS seven Feet Four Inches Wss th Height of Member of Extinct Race Whose Bones Were Dug Up. San Francisco, Cal. Up to about 100 years ago a giant race of Indians nhabited the coast region of Callfor lla. Remains of these have been dis sovered in the islands of the Santa 3arbara channel. To William Alt nann, assistant curator of the Golden Jate Park Memorial museum, belongs :he honr of discovering one of the allest and best preserved skeletons f this extinct tribe. Altmann utilized his vacation In ex savating an old Indian burial mound n the nursery of Thomas S. Duane, :wo miles from Concord, in Contra 3osta county. The giant skeleton was tound ten feet from the surface, and tround it were a large number of mor ars and pestles, charm stones and ibsidian arrow heads. The skeleton has not yet been counted, but the bones were assem Jled on a table in the curator's of Ice and placed on private exhibition. The bones are in good state of pres tation, being bard and firm, al :hough brown with age. Two or three f the vertebra are missing, and the ikull is broken into three parts. The ikeleton measures seven feet four inches. The tibia Is seventeen Inch s in length. The skull Is in great contrast with ;hat of the Digger Indian of the pres int day, being of a much more Intel ectual type. The under Jaw is square tnd massive, being remarkably thick tnd strong. Either the dead Indian ivas of great age or he subsisted on lard food, as shown by his molars, hlch are worn perfectly ; flat and :loee to the gums. The find is of the greatest Import ance to anthropologists the world ver, confirming as it does, the theory idvanced when the ' giant skeletons ere unearthed in the Santa Barbara elands, that a superior race of Indi ins, physically and mentally, preced d the Digger and other native races f the present day. This is evidenced tlso in the pestles and charm stones 'ound near the body. The former are ornamented " with phallic carvings, whereas the pestles nade by the former and present ' day Diggers, are not carved or ornament- sd in any way. The charm stones are if baked clay, a beginning in the art f pottery making, which are not found with Digger remains. This interesting find was made on :he Salvador Pacheco ranch, part of which is occupied by Duane's nursery. It is Altmann's intention to make a further exploration of the mound at in early date for other relics ot the bygone tribe. Of the IOO.OOO Animals Marketed at Chicago Not More Than 5,000 Would be Termed A-1 Economy of Heavy Mara on Farm for Work and Produ cing Colts is Summed Up by Expert. Ia 4 .tK . ; latouuu REDUCE YOUR LIVING EXPEI1SES Eat Golden Cereal Foods and recommend them to year aorotlnt. ' aneea. Yoo set better quality and more for your money. They aim made in your home state from the best Oregon Oatt and Wheat Large packages contain a Handsome Premium and all goads are guarmteed.- Ask your grocer. Golden Rod Oats. Golden Rod Pancake Flour. Coldcn Rod Wheat Flakes. Ralston Select Bran. Golden Rod Wheat Nuts. Golden Rod Chick Food. An Excellent Farm Team. TAKES PAL'S PLACE IN JAIL Exercise Is Not Given Attention I Should Receive In Far East Colleges Much 8uperstltlon. The life of the Chinese college stu lent is different in many ways from nat of students In our own unlversl ties. The Chinese student is not very strong physically. He has stooped shoulders and a pale complexion. Hii Ire is not wholeHome, for he sleeps in small room which is not ventilated, ana ce does not eat very wholesomt food. Exercise is not given the attention It should have in the Chinese college. The intercollegiate sports Include 1 luu-yara aasn, tne high Jump, pol rault, 200-yard run and a football tame. In the Imperial university at Pe- kin the teachers are gathered from all parts of the world. The Chinese be lieve that topics that are foreign to them should be taught by foreigners. The students accept practically all ol the foreign teachings except medi cine. The medicine which Is .taueht s largely Chinese and is made ul of many superstitions. The Chinese be lieve that a man has nine pulses and wo bearts. They do not believe in uttlng up dead human bodies for the purpose of studying their parts,, as we 10. Tbey would not do this because hey think the disembodied spirit nignt return 10 punish them through ;orture. Wanted His Cream Spanked. Mamma," said four-year-old Bobby what is that white stuff on my ber ries T" "That Is what we call whipped cream," answered his mother. A few days later Bobby dined at neighbors and, being offered some or dinary cream, he asked: "Haven't you folks got any spanked cream f P. N. V. No. S4-M1 VfBF TI',B rUme Bieesa , sass Just Turn Around. can stretch my arms anar bavin a k coin in each hand, and ye without bringing my hands together, I can cause both coins to come Into the same hand. How is this to baerinnat Answer: Place the coin OB aitahl then, turning; round, tita u ..,k Mie other hand. f t An Ox Problem. " If II oxen wlil eat 3 aorenan third ot grass in 4 weeks and 21 oxen 111 seat iu acres m 9 weeka how many oxen will eat 24 crea In II weeks, the grass being allowed to grow uniformly, Answer Seven hundred) and twen- Wllllng to Please k Again. Little James while at a neitbWs as given a piece of bread and but. ter. and politely said. "Thank tou - -That's right, James." saldVlikdV I to near IttUe boys say Thank you.'" VL'-11 l.,t 1 . .Tjuiutu 4 awes, - u want to hear me sar It Wain 1 auk ewiua jam on 11, -V - I Man Breaks Into Lockup and Frees Chum, but Lands In Lattsr'a Cell. Altoona, Pa. Breaking into the bor- )ueh lockup at J Tyrone, William Neugebauer liberated a comrade, Wil- lam Davidson, but subsequently land id in the "cell vacated by the lat ier. Davidson was arrested the other lay for disorderly conduct on a train jetween Altoona and Tyrone, and as confined in the lockup to await a learing. Neugebauer went to the ockup about midnight, picked the ock on the door and walked in, found ;he cell keys hanging on a peg, pened Davidson's cell,, and the two leparted a few hours later. Hey, Blllie! Let me out, too, sried another inmate, but the request ivas ignored, whereupon the unllber- tted one "peached" on Blllie to Chief f Police Wands a few hours later. Neugebauer was arrested, and when irralgned before a magistrate made 10 defense, so he was held for court Meantime his pat, Davidson, has gone tway on a vacation. Kept Vow 8lxty-Elght Years. St Louis, Mo. John M. Frey, elgh-y-nlne years, old kept a vow 68 years, n which time he never crossed the Mississippi river, though he had lived sontinuously in St. Louis. Born in 3wltzerrand and christened there Jiovenne Frel he came to St Louis it the age of twenty. The three months' trip in crossing he ocean so disgusted and terrified he young Swiss-Italian that he vow id on reaching St. Louis he never igain would trust his body over wa er. Ferries at St Louis were sue- eded by bridges, but the vow was ept, and he did not cross the river. Didn't Like New York Bean. New York.Jhilip Walsh, fourteen, if Boston, who came here to make his ortune, became homesick in two days. ie told City Hall Park Policeman ampbell that New York beans were lot fit to eat Twice Dislocates Neck. Camden, N. J. Turning his head to fodge a falling timber at the New fork shipyards tn Camden the other lay, Hugh Washburn, forty-nine years ild, dislocated bis neck tor the second lme within two years. He was taken to Cooper hospital mfferlng terrible agony, where It was dated that he would recover. Washburn was Injured in a like nanner whtle working In a Baltimore .hlpyard two years ago. Woman Miner Spurns the Ballot. Pittsburg. Pa. Far back in the coke egions of southwestern Pennsylvania tas been found a woman who for SO ears has worked side by side with wr husband in the coal mines. Ap proached by suffragettes and asked if he would like to vote, just as ber lusband, she declared she would rath- t let her husband do that Small Reward. Katamaioo, Mich. A Burdtck hotel tuamberraaid, who found (40,000 worth t jewelry belonging to a New York alesman which bad been lost tor 14 ours, received (1 reward. There are a number of considera tions for the farmers to keep in mind in breeding horses for the draft horse trade. Among these are that size, weight, condition and character each bear an important influence in de termining the prices paid on the mar kets and therefore that this influence Is reflected upon the prices which they receive from the country ship pers and buyers, says the Wisconsin Agriculturist. Nothing that influences the large central markets for the prod ucts of the farm fails to affect the sale of a single article directly on the farm. Probably the one thing which the general run of horses that reach the markets lack more often than any other is size and incidentally there tore weight. , It is stated from good authority that there are more good horses marketed In the Union Stock Yards at Chicago than any other place in he United States, and yet of the 100,000 horses marketed there not more than 25,000 would weigh over 1,560 pounds, and not more than 5,000 were what would be termed A-l horses. First class draft horses for the city trade should not weigh less than 1,600 pounds when in working condition, and if they weigh 1,760 pounds they will satisfy all the better. To carry such weights horses should stand about 16 hands high or over and should have conformations In proportion. The condition of a horse Is all Im portant, both as to soundness and thrift. Horses that have poor feet, bad hocks, weak wind, or poor shoul ders are sticklers on the market They sell very slowly and at very low prices. So also do horses that are in a poor condition of thrift. Fat always helps to sell horses quickly and at good prices, for It makes them look good and the horses, moreover, do not need to be conditioned before they can be put to work. A horse which looks thin when it leaves the farm is liable to look considerably thinner after it has been shipped and arrives at the sales stables. Fat horses ship far better than thin, thriftless, ones. Then, too, the suspicion of being a poor doer on the best of care is liable to attach itself to the thin horse in the mind of the buyer, whereas when he looks upon a well conditioned horse no such suspicion occurs to him. Character is a I valuable asset to any horse that is. placed on the mar ket, and like size and weight is gen erally lacking in the usual stock of horses to be selected from in the country. A horse that shows Intelli gence, good breeding and those qual ities that come through careful handling and good training will out sell the commo'i, plain looking horses by a considerable margin; size, weight and condition being otherwise alike. ; The man on the farm engaging in horse production from the viewpoint of dollars and cents and anxious to make his acres earn the highest net returns should breed his mares to the best sires that are available combin ing Bize, weight, soundness and char acter, and should breed to them con sistently. They should endeavor also as soon as possible, either by pur chase or by breeding up, to possess themselves of big drafty mares com bining those qualities. The only re grettable thing about the sale of the dapple gray mares on the January 11, 1912 Chicago horse market for 1,000, is that the mares were not purchased by some good farmer to be used for breeding and farra work pur poses Instead of by a Chicago teaming firm to draw a big wagon. It is re grettable that they, should ever have gotten away from the farm, for if they were worth J1.000 for drawing a big wagon and heavy loads, certainly they were worth that on the farm where they could do work to earn USING GROUND FEED FOR HOGS Fed tn Conjunction With Corn 'Will Drinsr Animals Up to Lars Weight in Short Time. their cost of maintenance and raise colts worth $1,000. The economy of the heavy mare on the farm, both from the standpoint ol doing farm work and producing colts compared with light and medium weight mares is nicely summed up as follows by Secretary Dinsmore of the Percheron Society of America: "The cost of maintenance under farm con ditions is about the same, the heavier mares are more efficient in the work of the farm, the colts are ready foi work a year younger, and if carried to the same age, will bring about twice as much as the colts from the light weight mares and about one third or one-quarter more than the colts from the medium weight mares." This summary was drawn up after some careful thinking, upon the ques tion being put to the secretary by an extensive land owner looking forward to the purchase and breeding oi horses, "What kind of mares should I use? I want to know all things con sidered, whether I should buy a 1,200 pound, a 1,400 pound or a 1,700 pound mare?" In other words, the land owner as a business man wanted to know whtat would be the relative cost of maintenance, what the relative -effi ciency on the farm and what the rela tive market value of the colts pro duced, of these three classes of mares. Here is how he thinks out the mat ler, and his thinking was based on ex tended observation and experience: All three classes can, of course, be managed, as far as maintenance cost is concerned, at about the same gen eral figures. But in respect to working efficiency, if we rate the 1,700 pound horse at 100 per cent, liberal allow ance is made if the 1,450 pound horse is credited at 90 per cent, and the 1,200 pound horse at 80 per cent The colts bred to a good draft sire will average . somewhere about 1,500 pounds; colts from 1,450 pound marei 1,600 to 1,700 pounds, and colts from 1,700 pound mares, 1,800 to 2,000 pounds. Then, too, the lighter weight colts necessarily make their full weight only at maturity and they will not be fit to sell until they are four and one-half or five years of age. The same is true of the medium weight colts, but buyers are scouring the country for heavy colts. Every good gelding is gathered up at three years of age. The heavier colts sell earlier, or if carried until they are older and then put on the market, the prices ad vance accordingly. Colts weighing around 1,500 pounds will not bring more than $140 to $175 on the average, because they come in competition with the great glut of common light drafters on the market. Those weighing around 1,650 pounds to 1,700 pounds will bring $200 to $240, and heavy weight geldings will bring $300 to $350. The heavy mares therefore produce colts that bring from one third to twice as much money as th lower weight mares. Mirage Easy to Be 8een. The celebrated Fata Morgana, a presentation of natural "moving pic tures" on an immense scale which is occassionally seen in the Straits of Messina, is explained by a scientific writer as being a mirage, such as fre quently occurs in various parts of the world; "in fact," he says, "one may see a mirage any day by looking through the stratum of air overlying a hot stove, or adjacent to the side of a wall heated in the sunshine." Young scientists will be Interested In verifying this statement Displeased the Widow. A Philadelphia traveling man, hav ing gone upon that journey for which there is no return ticket, his many friends of the road consulted together as to the remembrance to be sent by them, and finally decided upon a de sign which. was not only original, but which they considered peculiarly ap propriate. They never could under stand why the widow would not re ceive the beautiful suit case, made ot white flowers, with the words, "His last trip," In purple violets, on one fide. ' Liquid blue is a weak solution. Avoid it. Buy Red Cross Ball Blue, the blue that'a all blue. Ask your grocer. Sizes of Silos. A silo 12 feet In diameter and Si feet high will hold when full about 75 tons of silage. A silo 14 feet in diameter and 30 feet high will hold about 103 tons. Twelve cows requirt 36 tons of silage to supply them 20C days at the rate of 30 pounds a day. A silo 10 feet in diameter and 22 to 24 feet high would be a; very good size for this number of cattle. , If it ii desirable to make some preparation for summer, and as a rule it is, then the silo, should be built still higher. On reasonably good land a yield of ID tons per acre of green corn may be ex pected. On-very rich land as high s 20 tons of green corn are produced. Worth of Clothes. Tha Influence of clothes must con tinue to be, as it has been from the beginning of hlstroy, either "sacred or or profane," a foremost factor in those forces by which man's destiny is guided. His health and comfort, alms and purposes, social standing and business prosperity; everything indeed that makes bis life worth living ma be affected by it in directions never dreamed of by the tailor who, if he does not actually make the man; is largely instrumental in making him what he is. Their Proper Place. v The folks who are perpetually pro testing that their consciences ar clear and that they have nothing foi which to reproach themselves are gen erally in a bad way, for the probabll ity is that their much-vaunted con sciences have stopped working and are of no further use. Such peopk never allow that they are in th wrong; their favorite sentence is, " told you so!" and their proper place is on a desert island with thick skinned turtles for boon companions Hair Fabrics. In the manufacture of hair fabrics the hair is reduced to a paste by a sol rent and all kinds of hair and fibers ire used. The paste is run through tn artificial silk spinner and drawn from the spinner in threads. ' Some of these are a yard or more In length. They can be braided or woven like ar tificial horse-hair. Hair composition of superior quality is kept for the man ufacture of wigs and braids. Harper's Weekly. - No thoughtful net-son uses linuid bine. It's a pinch of blue in a large bottle of water. Ask for Eed Cross Ball Blue, the blue that's all blue. Ancient Italian City. Aaolo, which inspired two of Brown, tag's verses In "Asolando," and which is observing the centenary, is a forti fied town In Treviso, in northern Italy. It was the ancient Acelum, and pos sesses a cathedral and a ruined aque duct The former palace of Catha rine Cornaro, queen of Cyprus, la In the neighborhood. There are beauti ful seats in the vicinity, and the town has a population of under 6,000. Lon don Globe. s Pastor's Merited Rebuke. When Samuel S. Colber was preach ing In an old log schoolhouse in John son county, Missouri, In 1852, his congregation was quite small. One Sunday all were sitting at the desks forward near the puncheon floor. The sermon Was monotonous and the old log seats had no backs. Observ ing the sleepy, downcast look of the congregation, the minister woke them up by shouting: "Arouse, heaven if not under the floorl" Mothers will find Mrs. W!naiowa Soothing Byrupthe tx-gt remedy to u se for their chUdrej C uring t"ie teetbiug period. In finishing hogs I make a slop of ground oats and shelled corn (ground) and a small handful of ollmeal to each hog, says a writer iu Swine Breeders' Journal. This feed, in conjunction with ear corn, or shock corn if possi ble, will bring bogs up to largo weights in a surprisingly short time. I believe that most up-to-date stock raisers will agree that with such kinds of grain as wheat, rye and barley, grinding and mixing with other feed is absolutely essential. For example, no one would think of feeding wheat to hogs without first thoroughly soak ing It or running It through a feed mill. It may not be necessary to grind It very fine, but it should at least be crushed pretty completely, or ground anouah so that the hard, oompoct Don't Excite Cows. Do not allow the cows to become excited by hard driving, abuse, loud talking, or any unnecessary disturb ance. portions of the grain will not go through the animal, undigested. This la true for old as well as young ani mals. ' Another point upon which most peo ple will agree is that for the young growing stock, especially animals which do not have a full set of teeth, grinding is necessary. It not only en ables young animals to get more ot their feed, but they eat greater quan tities and grow much more rapidly. On unground feed of the type noted, a young animal would do very little good; but If wheat barley, rye, etc., b ground and mixed with a little corn, they will thrive. Leveling Board. A leveling board attached to tha cul tivator helps to reduce the loss of soil moisture by evaporation. When the ground Is kept fine and level, less sur face Is exposed to the air and tne capillarity at the surface is less active. Market for Skimmed Milk. Skimmed milk finds Its best market la the pig pea. Have You Noticed These? An Inventor in America has earned the thanks of all who have been seek ing after a really sanitary form of kissing. In certain parts of that great country, when young ladies go to par ties and places where they kiss, they are provided .with a sterilized ivory ring, mounted on a sliver handle. This is Interposed between ihe kisser and the kissee, and the resulting sensation is known as "pasteurized pleasure," or "germless Joy." London Answers. Stabbed by Umbrella. Perhaps the strangest weapon ever used for killing was an umbrella. In October, 1908, a man named Ernest Smith was found dead in Chiswlck High street, England. He had a punc tured wound in the eye which had reached his brain and which the doc tors agreed had undoubtedly been caused by the steel ferrule of an um brella, - - Uncle Pennywlse Syt Countless ages of time passed, as we compute time before the earth was prepared for the advent of man. The oldest civilization known la that of Egypt, sd the pyramids are things of yesterday compared with the for mation of the alluvial plains of the Euphrates, or the delta of the Missis sippi, not to mention the Laurentiag rocks. The Peanut Flux The last thing to recover from the effects of a big celebration is the five cent bag of peanuts. It dwindles pain fully during the influx of great crowds. Other foods remain comparatively table In quantity for a. fixed price, but the mob diminishes the allow aces of peanuts for a nickel by r-eif. THR PACIFIC LUTHERAN ACADEMY AMD BUSINESS COLLEGE. OPENS SEPTEMBER 24 LOCATED NEAR TACOMA Christian; co-edo. eational; large campus; modern equipment; ath letics; new $5000 gymnasium under construction. PREPARES throughly, and in the shortest possible time, for College, Business, Teaching; Civil Service, and Citizenship. ; Languages a Spe cialty. Eight Courses; no entrance examinations; spe cial classes for foreigners. EXPENSES LOW: Tuition, board, room and washing, nine months, $10; eighteen weeks, S9&I nine weeks, $60. Yon ask: How can you furnish all this for less than the usual price of board and lodging? We answer: By the aid of our church we are enabled to give our students more than they pay for. We can't tell all here. Our free 60-page cata logue will do it. Send for it. Address N.J. HONG, Principal Parkland, Wash. ' Lacking important Point Can a woman be a successful "ma gleian?" A contemporary wizard says that she can, and that in London there are many society women who have taken a course in wizardy as a means of becoming proficient in some kind of "parlor trick" by which. to enter tain company. It does seem, though, that a magician without coat sleeves to pull back, as a preliminary to do ing his marvels, would be fatally de ficient in paraphernalia. nTiirn nr fiu i ur LARGE FAMILY Tells How She Keeps Hei ' Health Happiness For Those Who Take Her Advice. nla M Scottville, Mich.'-' I want to tell you how much good Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etableCompound and Sanative Wash have, done me. I live on a farm andhave worked very hard. I am forty-five years old, and am the mother of thirteen children. Many people think it strange that I am not broken down with hard work and the care of my f am ily, but I tell them of my good friend, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, and that there will be no back ache and bearing down pains for them if they will take it as I have. I am scarcely ever without it in the house. ; "I will say also that I think there is no better medicine to be found for young girls. My eldest daughter has taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound for painful periods and irregular ity, and it has helped her. "I am always ready and willing to speak a good word for Lydia E. Pink, ham's Vegetable Compound. I tell every one I meet that I owe my health and happiness to your wonderful medicine." Mrs. J. G. Johnson, Scottville, Mich.,' R.F.D. 3. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harmful drugs, and today holds the record of being th most successful remedy for woman's ills known. His Grounds. 1 By a queer trick of politics an ig norant and pompous old darky was elected Judge of a minor court In a cer tain western state. In the first case over which he presided he made a ruling so absurd that the lawyer .whose case was affected by It said: "This is a very strange ruling, your honor. Upon what grounds do you make it?" "What grounds does you say? Why, dese yer co'thouse grounds, of co'sal" replied the Judge. Judge. . . j Its Only Purpose. "O Willie, Willie." cried a teachei to a hopelessly dull pupil, "whatever do your think your head is for?" ,Wlllie, who evidently thought this an- otner of tne troublesome questions that teachers were always asking, pondered It deeply. "Please, miss,"s he replied at length, "to keep my collar on P Youth's Companion. Stimulant or Tonic? Averts Sarsaparifla is not a stimulant It does not make you feel better one day, then as bad as ever the next There is not a drop of alco hol in it Averts Sarsapa rillaisatonic You have the steady, even gain that comes from such a medicine: Ask your, doctor all about this. Trust him fully, and always do as he says. He knows. Who makes the hct J pn- sue . C Ayer Company, of Lowell, Msss. They have been makiKg AVer's Pills foi over sixty years. If you have the sH(ht est doubt shout using these pills, ask your doctor. Ask him first, that's best - the JT vsa CO.. LenreUv Xa-.