Faioir IV3 New samples of Fall and Winter Cloths; Imported and Domestic Weaves to Order from $13 up Special attention given to Gleaning and Pressing B. H. IV1ILLIKCIV, Athena, Ore Press Paragraphs Mr. and Mrs. Gas Sohubort were Id Peadletou Monday. David Taylor mada a business trip to Portland Tuesday. - Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor were in WaJla Walla Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. EiIgor9 visited friends io Weston Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sobmitt visited in Walla Walla last Sunday. Mrs. A. Kionear, cf Weston, bad business in tbis city Monday. Mr, and Mis. Hugh MoArtbnr came up from Portland last evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kit by were in tbe city Monday from Adams. . New large black frame bats bave just been reoeived at Mrs. Miller's. . Mrs.'Jas. Laland and Mrs. Raich Kionear of Weston, were in tbe city Tuesday. ..-.v..' - Mr. and Mrs. Hamp Booher were over from their borne near Weston, Monday, trading with Athena merchants. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Pairis returned last week from a trip to Caldwell, Idaho. Wm. MoKenzie. president of the Farmers Bank of Weston, was in the city Monday. Mr. and Mr. Alex. Johnson and family attended tbe fair in Walla Walla Saturday. Rev. D. M. Helmiok, pastor of the M. E. obnrob, bad business in Walla Walla Monday. Mrs. Jo Ha Geiss and daughter, Miss Winnie, of Adams, were visiting in the city Sunday. Mrs. Samuel Butt and little daugh ter are visiting relatives in tbe Willa mette valley this week, Mrs. Ohas. Kirk has returned from a visit of several weeks with relatives in the Willamette valley. Robert Coppoqk went this week to attend to the affairs of bis farm near Lexington, Morrow County, During the three days of the Round up, tbe East Oregonian is issuing a speoial edition of the paper. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Kirk bave moved into tbeir town residence, and are settled for I be winter. Glen Glass, of Dot, Wash., is a guest of his aunt, Mrs. Wilkinson, and is attending the Roundup. Alex. McKenzie, who spent tbe winter and summer in California, was greeting friends in tbe city Sunday." Mi. and Mrs. Joseph Key drove to Walla Walla Saturday in their auto mobile, and witnessed the closing of the fair. ..-y. Tbe Freewater exhibit at the Walla Walla fair won the $150 prize and also tbe $10 prize for tbebest exhibit of pinnes. Those knowing themselves to be in debted to Cbas. Norris will please call at the Fiist National Bank, of Atbena, and settle. Miss Koto MoKenzie, who baa been spending tbe summer in Seattle, waa in the city Monday, the guest of Mrs. Wm. Tompkins. . Misses Edna I aylor and Maud Mans field returned Sunday from Walla Walla, where tbey visited ftiends and attended tbe fair. Mr. Newsorn of Piineville, father of Dr. G. S. Newsom, arrived in the city Wednesday and will be a guest of bis son this week. John Davidson, formerly a well known farmer of tbis vioinity, is vis iting bis dangbters here. Be is now living at Monroe, Wash. G. Martin and family of Penewawa, Wash., were in the, city tbe first of tbe week, visiting at tba boma of his sister, Mis. Wm. Winship. Miss Alta Gbolson, of Iowa, who has been visiting relatives in Walla Walla for tbe past two months, is the guest of Miss Kitty Ghtrison. . Leader: J. A. Rosa has bought tbe Pinkerton plaoe , sonthwest of town from William MoKenzie. The traot contains 120 aores of fine land. Mr. and Mrs. Zeph Lookwood and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders attended tbe fair in Walla Walla Saturday, ret am fog borne Sunday afternoon. Mrs. B. D. Tharp, Spirella oorset isre for Athena, Adams and Helix distriots, will be at home to oustomera on Tuesday and Fiiday of each week. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Swaggart and Mrs. Fred Boyd drove to Milton Sat- utday. taking the inteiurban into tbe garden cityr where tbey attended tbe fair and raoes. Tbe banting party who spent last week in the breaks of tbe Umatilla returned Wednesday evening,. A mon ster brown bear was brought down by Johnny Stone. Tha Mothers' Club will meet at tbe borne of Mrs. J. 0. Burke of Friday, Oot. 4, at 2:30 p. m. All mothers interested are invited. Come and spend a pleasant hour with ns. v Mrs. C. Coomans. Gustavo Sobubeit and Edith Schu bert have sold to G. M. Thompson, a quarter section of wheat land three mile northwest of Atbena, for a con sideration of $15,000. Tbe deed for tbe transaction was filed Wednesday, Tbe Demooratio Text Books are announced to be now ready for distrib ution and may be seoured by writing tbe Sergeant at-aims, Demociatio Wes teru Headquarters, Karpnn Building, Chicago, 111., inclosing tbe price, 25 cents. " TOE CLOSIM OUT Entire Stock In The Public After thirty four years of happy business relations with the good people of Pendleton and vicinity, I am compelled on account of ui v advancing age, to close my complete stock of Standard pianos, player pianos, all musical merchandise, sewing machines, and store fixtures at your own price. The store for sale or rent, v Beginning Monday Morning, Sept. 16th At nine o'clock sharp we start the greatest money -saving sale of Standard pianos ever held in this part of the state and without any ifs or ands whatever. We are going to sell each and every one of those beautiful 20 odd pianos and players regardless of cost. The opportunity of your life to purchase the piano you have long promised your fam. ily and at the same time save from one to two hundred dollars on same. m. v )X- fe I ill f ' ' " ' - 4 " J M THE BEST Consisting of the famous Weber, Fischer, Kohler & Chase.' Vose, Lauter, Kohler & Campbell. S. W. Miller, Bjur Bros Andrew Kohler, Bailey and many others. E Eaob and every one of these beau tiful instruments are backed by un limited unconditional guaiaotee that is as good as a tank note. Call at our place of business and see with yoo eyes and bear with your ears joa bow beautifnl a piano yon can uow buy at so small a cost. Evety one is cordially invited and sale starts Monday at nine o'clock. Tonus can be arranged. Store open evenings. esse Mlin PENDLETON, OREGOK. Mrs. Sarah Harden left tbe first of tbe week for Tekoa, Wash., where she was called to attend her daughter, Mrs. Cbet McOollougb, who is ill at her home in that oity. Mrs. Talbot, of Denver, Colo., who has been visiting tbe past two mouths at the home of ber sister, Mrs. Dean Dudley, near town, left for her borne this week. Leader:' Miss Luoile Kemp bas gone to Portland, where she will at tend sohool and specialize in musio. Sbe will make ber boma with ber annt, Mrs. E. L, Barnett. Bert Wilson recently returned from a tiip into Harney county, where ba took Frank Beale and Dr. Burtows of Freewater, in bis Ford auto. The tiip was made over tbe Canyon City route. - - ' - - Tbe October meeting of tbe G. W. B. M. will be held next Wednesday at tbe borne of Mrs. B. D. Tharp. At this meeting the annual election of offioers will be held, and a full at tendance is desired. Tha sale which was advertised to come oU Tuesday, of tbe Bundy stock of paints and wall paper, did not Orion tbe desired figure, and was postponed nntil snob time a a suffi cient bid is reoeived. Mrs. Jackson Kelson arrived home Sunday from a two months visit at Seattle, Spokane and other Washing too oities. Mrs. Kelson1 was accom panied borne by ber daughter, Mia. J. D. Matheson, of Seattle. John Pierce Tuesday brought in some samples of tbe squashes and pumpkins, raised on bis farm soutL of town. He has two of these vegeta bles on display at tbe Pendleton fair, wbiob tip tbe beam at 110 pounds. Mrs. T. J. Smith, living near Col lege place, waa injured Friday Digbt when a motoroycle ridden by R. Shep herd crashed Into the rear end of a boggy in wbioh sbe was ridings. The lady's skull was fraotnred and ber recovery is donhtful. B. N. Hawks is having extensive improvements made in bis residenoe on Fifth street, recently purobased from P. A. Colbnrn. The kitoben bas been remodeled throngbout, and alterations made in tbe living rooms. Mr. MoFadyen is doing tbe carpenter woik. Mrs. John Bannister, who abont a month ago suffered tbe fraotore of ber right elbow by being thrown from a buggy, was in tbe oity Mondav. The iojuiy is slowly healing, though Mrs. Bannister still suffers severe pain, and fears the stiffness may cause some trouble. Miss Lois Smith, of Eoho, in the interests of tbe W. 0. T. U., last Fri day evening gave an "Eveniug of Story nnd Song" at tbe Baptist obnrob io tbis oity, entertaining a large and appreciative audienoe. Miss Smith was tbe guest of Mrs. Cbas. Betts while in Atbena. Mrs. M. L, Leeper arrived from Corvallis Monday, and is attending the Boundop with her daughter, Mrs. W. K. Taylor. Mrs. Leeper will visit here for awhile, then will go to Cal ifornia where she will ' meet another daughter, and irom there aooompany her to ber borne in Illinois, where sbe will spend the winter. Mrs. M. L. Watts writes from Port land that ber daughter, Vernita, is fast recovering fiom ber reoent alarm ing illness, Vernita, herself, writing to friends here promises that sbe will be borne some time next week. Tbis Mrs. Watts hopes to do should the patient continue to improve as rapidly as in tbe past week or two. . Wines are tbe staples in family liq- ouis. Jtierti vartano carries a large and varied stock of select vintager. $1.50 per gallon, yon can got cboioe ToKay, Musoat, Angelioa, Sweet Ca tawba or Port. These are California's best product and give satisfaction wherever used. Call at the "Goat" for the best and purest liquors. Edna, the little six-year-old daugh ter of J. A. Cooper, a popular travel ing man of Walla Walla who makes this oity regularly, died at ber borne io that oity last Saturday, of diph theria. The little girl visited friends in Athena only recently, and by her winsome ways won tbe bearts of all with whom sbe oamo in contaot, Snnday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gbolson, a birthday dinner was given in bonor of their daughter, Mis. Austin A. Fobs. Ouly tbe immediate family were present, inoluding Mr. and Mra. Gbolson and daughter, Miss Kitty, Mr. and Mrs. Otba Header and daughter, Eleanore, and Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Fobs. A linen shower was bestowed upon Mrs. Fobs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knowlton re tuined last week fiom a summer's so joorn at Kewpoit, Wash,, where Frank enjoyed tbe fishing season to bis heart's oonteut. Tbey made tbe trip by automobile, both going and coming, and Mrv Knowlton avers tbat nerer onoe did be. stop to "fix" or make repairs to bis Ford oar. A visit waa paid to relative's in Spo kane dating tbeir stay. Mr. aod Mrs. Clyde Beaob, of Lew iston, Idaho, were in tbe ci'y Tuesday for a short time. Mr. Beaob is one of tbe leading merchants of Lewiston, and was formerly well known in tbis ooo'itv. Mrs. Beacb, who was a guest of Mrs. Wilkinson wbile here, was formerly a resident of tbis oity and will be remembered as Miss Eva Briogbain. Mr. and Mrs. Beaob came down from tbe Idaho city by train and returning drove tbeir automobile wbiob on a former trip had been left in Pendleton for re pahs. Mra. H. H. Hill anived borne Toes day afternoon, after a five weeks visit Tbree weeks were spent with ber daughter. Mis. Otis Wbitemaa, near La Crosse, Wash., and tbe remainder of tbe time was spent at Lewiston. Idaho, with ber invalid mother at tbe borne of ber sister. Mrs. Frank Pai kyn. Mrs. Fleenor, who is well known to many friends in Atbena, will soon pass ber 81st birthday, and though tbe has keen an invalid for several years, is still in possession of all ber facul ties, finding ouch pleasure io reading tbe current event and literature of tbe day, and in making tbe most intricate and exquisite point lace, mm ano. vicinity Are Jou Awake, Are You Alive to Your Opportunity? Do you know that Fix C& Radtke are selling their $20,000 Stock at an absolute sacrifice of entire profit Is it of Importarice to you that you are able, here and now, to make your purchase oi the very best goods cheaper than would be competitors sell inferior merchandise. & & PEOPLE with good red blood in your veins, are you willing to step inside our store and see for yourselves, if we are telling truth or falsehood. Are you interested enough in money saving to patronize your Home Merchants rather than those of our sister towns when you can do so in your own interest If you have local pride, spend your money at home, rather than at outside towns. Fix CS, Radtke engage to give you the best goods made or sold by any . house anywhere, as low, in many cas es lower, than they can be bought in Walla Walla or Pendleton. Let us show you. We have put on our Sacrifice Sale, not to Make Money but to demonstrate that we -can and will sell goods cheaper than our competitors. We sell no shoddy, none but dependable goods, that give full value for your money spent. We invite you to give our stock a looking over, whether you buy or not. Compare prices. If you will do this we are satisfied your verdict will be in our favor. Will you investigate? Be your own judge. We ask only the privilege of presenting our side of the case -for your consideration. I ABTK m ftj' fcja -l(Jt YOU'LL NLVER SCRATCH IN MUNSINGWEAR Wear Them-You Will Like Them mm WING" UNION' SUflT Give Complete Satisfaction Somehow, a few persons are even today prejudiced against union suits. Either they haye worn suits of inferior grade and were disappointed or prefer two-piece garments, not knowing the supreme comfort of a properly made union suit In either case they have notwornMUN SING UNION SUITS. No one should allow himself to be influenced against union suits until he has worn Munring wear. After that, nothing could induce one to change back to any other make. A Molly Munsini Doll Cutout free with every purchase, while they last. . . . P - JS 't Hi . h - f -v -;" If fx a 1 13 r Munsing Union Suits are so thoroughly satisfactory because there's no slipping nor sliding to them-they always stay in place. . They can't ride up nor slip down. They are shaped so as not to bind anywhere, yet fit perfectly in every part. The web is very elastic and yields freely to any motion. As to washing, a Munsing Fit never washes out In fact, each tubbing, if properly done, only serves to improve the fit and appearance of the garment. Being carefully knit of soft fine grade yarns, they cannot irritate even a supersensitive skin. You'll never scratch in Munsingwear. MOSGROVE MERCANTILE COMFY. Main and 3rd. Phone, Main 65. Athena, Oregon.