The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 20, 1912, Image 1

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    Buy Your Groceries from Your Home Grocer
,8. F. WILSON, Presideut.
F II. KOEPKE Vice-President,
fV. F. S. Le GROW, Cashier,
LI E. A. ZERBA. Ass't Cashier.
CI .l .I Jl"' i"ii7' '-3 '"Ecl
r. S. Le GROW. '
We extend to our Depositors every cAccommdation
consistent with sound Banking. .
Cigar Store
: Lumfeer, Mill Work and all Kinds of
Posts and Blacksmith coal
A. M." Johnson, Manager
Athena, Oregon
School Districts , Greater By
Two, With Three More In
structors Employed.
. We carry the best
That Money Buys
Our Market is
Clean and Cool
Insuring Wholesome Meats.
Main Street, Athena, Oregon
Tenth Annual
Walla Walla County Fair
September 16-21 Inclusive
Six days of Irish class racing. Tigano's Band in two con
certs daily. Big free acts and other special attractions
between races. Address W. A. Ritz, Secretary.
The following report baa jaat been
made to County Supt. Welles by Mr.
Albert E. White supervisor in the
Northern eeotion of Umatilla oounty.
The supervisors began their work on
August 12th, and the following report
ehoss the progress that is being made
at the end of the Hint month :
"Now that I have completed the
preliminary trip over my district, I
thought it not unfitting to make a
more- extended report of conditions
than that submitted in the daily re
port previonsly made. ' The cumber
of school districts in my section is
greater by two , and the number of
teaohers greater by three than last
year. Supervisor believes that in the
field at large conditions are.muoh im
proved. Of coarse his acquaintance
with board members and patrons will
aooount for some of this feeling, but
he is certain that the attitiude of
school officials has undergone a de
cided change. A mnoh larger per
centage give an attentive hearing to
hie requests for improvement in equip
ment and facilities, and he notes a
marked advanoe in the care which
is being bestowed upon sobool grounds,
school buildings and 'sobool furnish
ings. Id three distriots new sobool bouses
are nearing oomplelioa; in six others
the buildings have been repainted; two
have sunk drilled wells; several have
bought new flags to replace old ones
that were frayed; and the two distriots
that are yet without flags (there were
more than a dozen - when we began)
have given assurance that the want
will te supplied. . -.
Our campaign for the entire ban
ishmont of the open water pail from
the sobool bouses of this jurisdiction
is in sight of realization, and while
we still . have, much inferior black
board it is slowly but steadily giving
way to hyloplate, and one sobool dis
trict has purchased a slate board.
Gradually distriots- are yielding to our
requests for suitable book-cases for
their libraries, yards are being im
proved, fuels-sheds erected, ventilation
systems bettered - and a general ad
vance mada.
"That campaign of Supervisor's
upon which he prides himself most is
the one he is making for the lengtn
ening of sobool terms. , When his
work began, seventeen of , the thirty
night sohools then included in bis ter
ritory were : making plans for six
months sessions, or less, during the
year. Of these seventeen, contracts
for this year have already been drawn:
By three, tor seven months; by four,
for eight months; by three for nine
months, and of the remaining seven,
some at least will provide for longer
terms. Supervisor nukes bold to say
that in his section the six mouths
term will soon exist as a memory only-
"The best thing about these ad
vanoe steps is the cheerfulness with
whioh they are being made. Many
boards that at first looked upon ' the
superviaor with distrnst if not enmity,
now seem to regard him as one cal
culated to be of service to them. For
this change of attitude the supervisor
is truly grateful and will use his best
efforts to justify the new feeling
where it exists and to create it in the
few oases wbeie it is still lacking."
Ohio, "Mehlin" of New York "Es
tey" and the "Emerson" of Boston
and other reliable standard pianos
whioh we sell .., direot. Permit us to
send our net prices three years terms
satisfaction assured.- All - freights
paid highest quality for the money
guaranteed. Write today. Address
Sherman, Clay & Co., Portland, Oreg,
'' Successful Weed-cutter
James MoEnight, Milton's village
blaoksmitb. has apparently solved the
problem of exterminating weeds on
summer fallow ground. lie has made
a maobine that is doing good work on
land farmed by Frank Beale in the
foothills, where wild oats is a both
eration without end. Mr. Beale has
successfully cultivated fields in which
the plow would have been resorted to,
bad it not been for the MoEnight ma
chine,' The maobine has a V-shaped
blade and outs ten feet. The blade is
mounted with a frame. The wheels
(tarry the maobine and levers regulate
the depth the blade outs underneath
the weeds. The frame is about 18
iqobes high and it is praotically im
possible to choke the maobine.
f Great Parade at Roundup.
The greatest street parade in the
history of Eastern Oregon will take
place at Pendleton, Saturday, Septem
ber 28, on the last day of the Round
up. Mr. Fred Earl, manager of the
parade is anxious to have as many
participants in the parade from this
cart of the county as possible. To
take part in the parade it is essential
that you go to Pendleton on horseback,
ns the mounts already there have been
spoken for long ago.
Boys to Write on Subject of
How Can-Boys Help' Make
Athena a Better Town.!
County Judge Malaner Is Presideut
Many' Republicans Join.
Woodrow Wilson's campaign was
officially Inaugurated Saturday even
ing in Umatilla county, when with
the court room filled with . representa
tive citizens, a Wilson olub was organ
ized with County Judge J. W. Malo
ney president, and James 'Johns Jr.,
eeoretary. The olub plans to oondnot
an aotive campaign throughout fie
oounty from now until election day. It
la a-, non-partisan -organization and
there were many Republicans among
the members. J
The principal speaker was Frauk
Garreoht a prominent attorney of
Walla Walla. . His address, outlining
briefly the publio records of the
three loading candidates for president
was received 'enthusiastically.-- He
branded both Taft and Roosevelt as
counterfeit progressives, but dismissed
the former with the remark that he
had too much respeot for the dead to
criticise, '; Roosevelt, he flayed unmer
cifully, declaring bis much tonted
oonrBge only a brute courage and
that be was Jacking : in that moral
courage wbiob makes a leader oham
pioa a cause before it becomes pop
ular. He recited the ex-president's
record was baud in-hand with the
bosses and from first to last be had
been a trust defender.
James Harvey Graham of Baker,
oandidate for congress, also delivered
an addreses on the issues at stake.
A Free Catalogue.
Write today for our free illustrated
oatalog showing all our latest etyle
pianos and player pianos from the
world's greatest piano factories. The
famous "Steinway & Sons," of New
York the wonderful ' "A polio" of
Chicago the "Ceciliau" of Detroit
-.the "A,, B. Chase'!.,!.;; Norwalk.
p?oIlWry where prices are right
fj The Freshest and most Choice the Market affords in
U wL
gfe" Best that Money can Buy Always Found Here
DELL BROTHERS, CATc2cSSx IN Athena, Oregon
Dobson Slips One Over:
"John" Dobson's cabbage patch
bids fair to descend in looal history
side ty side with that of Mrs. Wiggs.
In the light of a pale moon Wednesday
evening Mr. Dobson espied a deer
placidly nibbling at bis cabbage.
Taking bis trusty "30-30,' the same
that has furnished oboioe morsels of
venison to his Athena friends, "John"
prooeeded to put one over on his hunt
ing pals. He ripped three shoots at
the fleeing deer(?) missed the dod
ratted oreature and killed John
Burke's Jersey calf. The calf's car
oass was found next morning and ' the
deer's tracks were left in the cabbage
patch. - . - -
Pvthians Entertain. .;"
The members of Pythian Lodge
No. 29. K. of P., last evening enter
tained their families and members of
tbe grand lodge. Grand Cbanoellor
Wrigbtman, Grand Vioe Chancellor
Gwinn, Grand Keeper of Record and
Seal Stintson and Past Grand Chaooel
lor Maloney were the guests of honor.
Tbe grand officers oaob delivered an
address after wbiob tbe evening , was
spent socially. A short program was
enjoyed and refresbmentswere served.
Dramatic Co. Sued.
A Pendleton piano player LrouRbt
suit against tbe manager of the Via
Moore company, for wages slieged
tote due for services rendered at
Pendleton. Tho box receipts were
attached in this citv week before last.
Tbe case was tried before Judge
Riobardg Wednesday, who found for
the defendant. ;. ;
Relay Rider Killed. 4 '
Gnrtis. one of the relav riders in ths
races at Walla Walla, fell from bis
bom when tbe saddle turned during
Tuesdays race and was instantly killed
when the animal kicked him ia tbe
neck as be was falling. Cortis resid
ed in Colorado and was socoesfal at
rnlay racing. He bad two ttr logs of
horses at Walla Walla.
Uu Moved Dairy.
Charley MoFarlaod has moved hU
family and also bis dairy to bit prop
erty in tbe west part of town recent
ly purchased from tbe Wiiiaby estate.
Mr. McFarland is bow able to serve
Lis patrons with moob greater ease to
Mr." Chance , Turner and Mrs.
James were In tbe city from Weetoo
The following address wes delivered
by Mayor Koontz, to the boys at a
recent gathering at tbe sobool bouse
grounds: -; '-ir ')
"Boys, it seems bardly fair to have
me go out and play basket ball with
you and tire me all out, end then ask
me to get up and make a speech to
yon, tut we sometimes bave to com
bine work with play,' so I will play
fair with you and do the work, i Be
fore I taltc to you nn tbe subject as
signed to me, I have a little proposi
tion to make. : My subjnot us, "How
oan tbe boys help make Atbeua bet
ter?".' And to the boy who uesa me
the best solution to this problem I will
make a present of a two-dollar bill;
the boy sending the seoond best answer
will reoeive a one-dollar bill; the boy
sending the thud best will , receive
fifty oents. Now I want you all to an
swer, and as soon as your answers are
received they will be judged by Rev.
Meldrum and Rev. Belmick, and tbe
prizes forwarded to tbesuooessful con
testants. v.
fit there is anything on ea'th.that I
love, its a good boy. That's not say.
ing that I don t like tbe girls, for I
do and I've a girl now at home,
cooking my dinner, that: 1 think is
pretty bard to teat. " It won't be many
years nntil you boys will be looking
aronnd for a cook, and I hope that you
will all get one as good as mine.
"If' we didn't' have some' of our
mothers and fathers here today, there
would be .no speech making instead
we would all get ont on tbe lawn and
have a game of base ball or shinny,
or some other ga'me. '
"I oan meet a crowd of yon under
one of these trees and talk to you for
an hour without effort, but when it
comes to standing before you and
keying to, deliver a u address 1. think
It is pretty hard work. v. ;.;
: "I hBve been asked to talk - to you
on the subject: 'How oan tbe boys
help make Atbena hotter?' t I may be
looking this afternoon into the face of
a future Presideut of tbe United States
or a noted Senator, a . minister, a
great railroad king or perchanoe a fu
ture Mayor of Atbena.
"Boys, I want to tell you now, that
theie is but one road for you to travel
just one path to follow (bat will make
it possible for you to attain any one
of these great dMinotoimi.
"To follow that path, you most first
be honest, be honorable, truthful and
never do' an unkind act 'hat might
be hurtful in any wav to your com
panions or to any dumb animal.
"Be loyal to your town.- to your
friends, to yoni bums and lastly be
loyal to yourself. j
"I hope to see every boy before me
today grow up to be good, honest, loy
al Christian men. men who will be a
power for good in onr city.
"Now the question "How oan tne
boys make conditions in Athena bet
ter?' is easily answered.
"The answer is ibis: Be good boys
and true; obey your parents; atteud
your Sunday School and your publio
sobool and try eaoa day to make that
day better than the last.
"You are boys today but before you
realizo it you will be meu, men on tbe
stage of action and we will be gone.
Bat you will be here and it will de
volve upon you to take up the reins of
government and govern for the best
interests of tbe people you represent
and for the good of the community in
whioh you live.
"I hope to aeb the day when yon
have all attained your majority and to
see you going onward and upward on
tbe path of honor and oivlo righteous
ness and ultimately climb the ladder
of fame to the highest step attainable
on this earth and from this earthly
ladder step into the glory of Heaven
and its blessings which are prepared
for those who follow tbe path of right.
By following this pato you oan all
hlp to make Athena better."
Wild Texas Steers.
, The only genuine long horn Texas
steers in tbe northwest bave just been
reoeived, in Pendleton as a part of tbe
stock in trade of the Roundup. They
are peculiarly ' adapted for . the steer
roping and bulldogging contests, being
long of horn, lithe of body, lean of
flank,' fleet of foot and unoertain of
temper. Heretofore J Oregon steers
bave been used in these 'contests but
bave proven to be too heavy and slow
to permit of tbe maximum of exoite
ment, heooe the Roundup association
imported twenty-five bead of tbe kind
whioh put cowboy skill to the real
test. So long ate they of born that
they could scarcely pass through an
ordinary stock ohute and so wild that
it ia dangerous to get within reach of
them. Just before loading them for
their long journey over the rails, one
nf them gored a hotse to death and
when being trtnsf erred at Pasoo the
same animal chased tbe cowboys out
of tbe oorrala four time before the
job was aooomplisbed. .
United Effort of Inland Em
pire Commercial Interests
Has Desired Effect.
Countr Supt. Welles Adyises That it
Be Made Holiday. .
Poudloton, Oregon, Sept. 14, 1912.
To Principals and Teachers:
Our Distriot Fair will be held at
Pendleton on September S3 to 80.' I
wish to urge upon every teaobor tbe
importance of baviug as many of tbe
pupils as possible send exhibits. I do
not know of anything that will oreate
a greater interest among the children
and their parents, in the home life,
as well as in the fair, than this.
Tbe rules for exhibitors are given
on page two of the premium list,
copies of whioh have been sent to ev
ery eohool.i 1 be exhibits should be
sent to Major Lee Moor bouse, Seore
taiy, Pendleton, Oregon.. . -'
i The directors of JbC falr have anr
nounoed that they wilt give a prize of
ten dollars worth of library Hooks to
the one-room country school sending
tbe largest meritorious exhibit. , This
is in addition to the other prizes
offered tbe children,, amounting in all
to over f 000. 00. .
Friday. September SJ, will be Edu
cational Day, aod iu tbe afternoon
all teaohers BDd pupils will be ad
mitted free. I am euro that a day at
tbe fair will be of muob greater edu
cational value and enjoyment to tbe
children than the same time spent in
tbe soboul room; and for this reason I
reoommend that as far as possible all
of tbe schools of tbe county be closed,
and tbat Educational day be made a
holiday for the teachers and pupils.
Tbe tailroads will give reduced rates.
Please take this matter op in your
district and encourage as large an ex
bitit and as good an attendance as
possible. Very truly yours,
Frank K. Welles,
Supt. Umatilla County.
College of Music in Spokane.
Spokane Spokesman-Review: The
Royal College of Porpora, a musical
organization adhering to the methods
taught by Nicola Antonio Porpora,
combined with what is termed tbe
newv psychology of rousio, baa been
opened in tbo Auditorium blook.
Charles 0. Blakslee is tbe founder.
He will be assisted by John Rotblis
berger Braden, violinist.
mil i
All over the oountry there is a
jubilation because tbe Open River
Transportation company did not fail,
says tbe Portland Journal. Telegrams
of congratulation have been pouring
in from nearly every point where
there is oonoern for the answer to
tbe question: "Can an independent
boat line live in tbe faoe of opposition
from and competing with the railroad
corporations? " ,
As an independent line conduoted
largely as a publio institution by a
group of patriotio citizens who an
nually have paid tbe deficit out of
their own pocketa, the Open-River
Transportation oompany has attracted
nation-wide attention. From tbe fact
of its service, Portland and tbe upper
Columbia and Snake rivers have re
oeived valuable publicity.
Failure of tbe line, in the opinion
of many, would have struok a death
blow at the spirit wbiob. throughout
tbe oountry supports and promotes
competitive transportation as a means
of commercial development. .
Tbe meeting of Open River stock
holders Friday afternoon was largely
representative of the personality and
wealth tbat has built Portland. That
the men who were there by their votes
have pledged themselves to a less
apatbetio support of tbe line, a more
euergetio promotion of its purposes, is
taken as argument that failure will
not be permitted.
And already, says A. B. Waste!!,
manager of tbe company, the tonnage
of freight consigned via the Open
River line has inoreased, due to the
notice attraoted to tbe condition of tbo
line beoause of laok of support.
Tbat tbe right kind of support and
friendliness for. the service in Port
land and up liver points oan eliminate
tbe deQolt is an undisputed fact. 1 be
Hue this year has baudled something
more than 12,000 tons of freight.
With 1000 tons more it would bave
broken even, despite repair costs and
other extraordinary expenses that will
disappear upon the completion of tbe
Celilo canal and tbe improvement of
the obannel. From tbo manager's
office of tbe oompany went yesterday
tbe following oiroclar announcement
confirming the stockholders' deoiriou
to continue service: .
"In view of the strong assurances
of support made by committees, letters
and petitions from interior points rel
ative to operation of Open River
Transportation company, it ias been
decided to continue tbe boat service
of this line on existing sobedcle until
October 31, 1912, providing neoessary
tonnage offers and subject to favora
ble navigation conditions.
"All concerned are urged to route
their freight Open River Hoe to tbe
end that oontinued operation mar be
mutually advantageous. .
"Steamer 'Teal' leaves Oak street
dock, Portland, Snoday, Tuesday and
Thursday at 7 a, m. for Tbe Dalles aud
Intermediate landings; leaves The
Dalles Monday Wednesday aud Fri
day for Portland. The Ibursdav. trip
from Portland la through; trip to
Umatilla, Kennewiok, Pasoo "und in
termediate landings via steamer 'In
land Empire, giving opportunity for
distribution of fall staples direot to up
liver boat landings, and also for com
bined boat and rail distribution out of
junction points to tbe interior.
"Speoial attention will be given to
wheat and bay shipments from up
liver points."
From New York World.
Governor West Responds.
A. Maokeuzie Meldrum, pastor of
the Christian oburcl), has received
the following oommuoioaiion from
Governor West, to vliiob tbe Press is
glad to give space;
Sept. 12, 1012. Rev. A.'r Mackenzie
Meldrum, Athena, Oregon Dear Sir:
I am iu receipt of the resolutions ot
September 8tt, signed ty yourself,
Rev. T. Lawson, . R. Coppook. Henry
Sobmitt, J. Stone and Henry Keuu,
'.'ommecdl ;g tbe atlitode I have taken
in refereuue to tbo enforcement of tbe
laws of this state. I wish to express
my fiocere appreciation ot. this evi
dence of your sj mpatby acd suypoit.
I am glad to know tbat tbe efforts 1
am making are meeting witb tbe ap
proval of tbe right thinking people of
tbe State. I would be grateful to you
if you would oonvey to those inter
ested with you in your letter, my ap
preciation ot their courtesy. Witb
kind personal regards, I am very truly
yours, Oswald West.
Call for Warrants.
Notioe Is hereby given that the City
of Atbena will, redeem outstanding
olty warrants numbers 618 to 670 in
clusive, and water commission war
rants numbers 437 to 660 inclusive.
Warrants will be paid at the office of
B. B. Richards on August 18. 1913,
after which date interest on said war
rants will cease. Dated at Athena,
Oregon, this tbe 16th day of August,
lUia. Victor C. Burke, City Tieus.