The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 16, 1912, Image 3

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Mies Lola Thaip was in Walla Wal
la yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bell ware in
the city Monday. - ' ;
M. lb Watts transacted knsiness in
Pendleton yesterday.
Miss Lnoila Kemp came over from
Weston last evening.'
Clifford Colley of Walla Walla, was
in tbe ony Tuesday. -
Clareooe Wbiteman was in town
Wednesday from Milton. ':
Bain Wednesday night and yester
day ; result: harvest atTn standstill.
Mr. and Mrs. P. 0. Miller oame
down from Bingham springs Inesday.
. Chas. Barrow and Boone Watson
are grouse banting in tbe mountains.
Walter MoGnrmaob, the Pendleton
automobile dealer,; was in tbe city
Mis. S. P. Sharp and daughter Car
rie spent several days tbis week at
Bingham Springs. '
Dr. Newsom reports the arrival of a
daughter at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Wallan on July 13. -V
Mr. and Mrs. Arobie Molntyre are
down from Alberta, visiting relatives
and friends in this vicinity. v
Dean Willaby and wife oame down
from Bingham Springs Tuesday, after
supplies for the camp larder.
Wt B. Shaffer of the Preston
Shaffer Milling company,-was in tbe
city Sunday from Waitsburg. '
Nothing. to it but buokleberries
Marshal .Ghohon and Q. W. Gross
have returned from tbe mountains.
Mies Sylvia Beatb has returned
from her mountain vacation trip and
is at her; plaoe in the Mosgrove store
Bgain. ' : .
Tbe Misses Jennie and Jessie MoRae
' of Walla Walla, were guests this week
of - Mrs. Earl Dudley at her home
nortLeast of town. . - :
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Tompkins and
daughter Lillian are at Calgary, Al
berta, where Mr. Tompkins health is
undeigoing slight improvement.
Mrs. Allison, who has been nursing
tbe sick in this vioinity for severnl
mouths, left this week for Snohomish,
Wash., to praotioe her profession.
For a week only, we will do de
veloping and printing; we will also
take postal portraits, at the old etndio.
Stacker ani Sormioksen, Athena.'
Mr. and Mrs,. George Bannster left
Wednesday morning for a oamping
trip at MoDougal camp. Miss Velva
Mansfield went as a guest'of their
daughter, Helen.
A numter of campers who went
early to pick huokletierries havb re
turned home. However, many have
gone up this week and as harvest
oeases ptill others will go.
Aeroplane flights are scheduled to
take place tomorrow and Sunday in
connection with tbe ball games at
Roundup park in Pendleton. Aviator
Edwards armed in that city yester
day with bis machine. -
O. A. Canton, principal of tbe pub
lic schools at Eodo, was in tbe oity
yesterday. Mr. Cannon was formerly
assistant principal of the sohools in
this city. -; ;;
Pinkeye'las attaoked tha horses In
several harvesting outfits in this vi
oinity, with the result that the own
era have been somewhat delayed in
harvest work. . -
The price of gasoline has gone tip in
the past few days from 25 cents to SO
cent per gallon. When bought in
large quantities, the buzz wagon liq
uid may be had for 28 oenta a gallon.
During the rain storm Wednesday
night eleotrio lights were put out of
commission for a time. A large crowd
was caught in darkness at tbe Dream
land pioture show, in tbe middle of an
interesting program. . .
Young MoGinnis, employed on the
MoEwen ranob gave a good exhibi
tion of broncho busting at tbe Kirk
plaoe Sunday. He rode one of Charlie
Kirk's horses to a finish, and the horse
was soma jumper too. , ;
Mrs. B. D. Tharp will leave soon
on a business trip to Spokane, for, a
few days. She will be accompanied
by her daughter. Miss Lola, who is
taking her vacation from the Mos
giove Mercantile store. , ' v
Mrs. jaokion Nelson, who has been
visitins her daughter. Mrs. Matbeson,
and sranddauebter. Mrs. W. R. Scott,
in Seattle, for several weeks, is report
ed slightly ill in that oity and will
not return home immediately.
With the closing of the week's
work, a number of maobines have fin
ished for tbe season and have found
lodgement in tbe maobine shed. How
ever, there is yet a considerable
amount of grain to harvest.
Pilferers entered the of floe of Dr.
Sharp during bis absenoe and took a
magnifying glass and a fountain pen.
Tbe glass was a valuable one and tbe
doctor would like to have tbe oppor
tunity to prosecute the thief.
Will Miller, Harry Alexander, Fred
Badtke, Wm. Winsbip and George
Mahar went to the mountains Wed
nesday on a grouse bunt. Tbe party
went up in amomobiles and wete pre-1
pared tc remain eeveral days. !
A pwty of joy riders from Walla
Walla oamped in Athena Saturday
evening and night with a broken-down
maobine. Tber were five in the
party. - Sunday morning the maobine
was repaired sufficiently to allow the
boys to return home.
Pay Up. Those knowing tbemselves
indebted to me are expeoted to oall at
bnoe and settle their aooounts and
save costs. I have sold my livery
business and all aooounts due me must
be settled without delay.
Harry MoBiide.
Mr. and Mrs. Crnsey and obildren
left by auto Wednesday morning for
Liberty Lake, Wash.-Ira McDonald
went up by train. Tbe party will re
main at tbe lake recreating for several
dcys, and from tbere Mr. and Mrs.
Crusey will go to Ohio on an extended
Get Together
and come in a bunch
to the
Umatilla-Morrow Fair
Remember the Dates,
23-28 Inclusive
The Biggest Fair
In Eastern Oregon
Bumper Displays of Bumper Products. Livestock, Agri
cultural and Industrial Exhibits; Miniature Hatchery
and Game Preserve; Vaudeville and Band Concert
every eveniug.
Roundup on Last Three Days
. , Card of Thanks.
I desire to express niy thauks
through tbe columns of the Press to
all who so kindly assisted me in tbe
sioanesB and death of my wife.
N. P. Hall.
Workmen are still encased in sink
ing a shaft to bedrook on the gravity
water system. There is some indica
tion of an lnorease in tbe water sup
civ. but so far no increase of praotioal
quantity has been enoountered. Tbe
work yet remains in a prospective
While the rain stopped threshing,
many farmers employed tbe time in
hanliog wheat to the" warehouse. A
number of teams transported a large
portion of the Kirk wheat to the ware
house and long streams'of teams from
otheuanohes hereabouts are trailing
in today. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hiteman and lit
tle daughter oame ii from Silt Lake
Friday evening and visited at tbe pa
rental borne in this oity for several
days. Lee is still manager for the
Diamond Rubber -company at Salt
Lake. His territory extends as far as
Boise, Idaho.
Mrs. Byron N. Hawks and Mrs.
Homer I. Watts went to Cold Spring
Sunday for a week's outing. The
ladies with their camp equipage were
taken to the mountains in Mr. Watts'
little Ford runabout. The plunder
was neatly paoked over the" maobine,
even tbe hood being utilized to bold
four oases of fruit jars.
U) -R
Hundreds of Remarkable Bargains will reward your
prompt attendance at this big Sale. This ''clean-up"
time for. us, is "money-saving" time for you.
" Every department of this great store beckons to you with dozens of the most re
markable values.
Goods of every description, seasonable goods, dependable, fashionable goods all
offered at for less than regular prices. .
Do you want to save one-fourth, one-third, or even one-half of regular prices?
; Here's your chance We've got to get ready for fall at a time when summer has
really just begun. Many new bargains have been added to the already large display;
articles that originally were not scheduled to be associated with Red Mark tags.
t This sale is holding up better than any we have ever attempted. Each day the
crowds are larger and the sales more satisfactory. Don't wait till someone has taken
what would have been your choice Come now.
;The Peoples Warehouse
Where it pays to trade. Save your trading stamps.
Dr. Newsom returned from Walla
Walla Wednesday where with tbe as
sistance of Dr, Keeler he removed
a oanoerous growth from the side of
L. T. MoBride, tbe well known Wes
ton pioneer. The growth was under
the left arm and the operation was
suooeBsful in every particular.
Wines are the staples in family liq
ours. Bert Cartano carries a large
and varied stook of select vlntageF.
$1.50 per gallon, you can get ohoioe
Tokay, Musoat, Angelioa, Sweet Ca
tawba or Port. These are California's
best produot and give satisfaction
wherever used. Call at the "Goat"
for tbe best and purest liquors.
Robert Forster, for years a resident
of Pendleton, and one of tbe widest
known Masons in the state, died in a
Portland hospital early Tuesday morn
ing. Mr. Forster conducted a planing
mill and lumber yard at Pendleton
for many years, and had an extensive
acquaintance with people of the
county. He leaves a wife and one
John Spain, winner of the cbam
pionship at the Roundup last year,
who lost bis right band' at Halfway,
Ore., July 4, when it became ectan
gled in a rope, will entir the bucking
contest at tbe Roundup again this
year. Evidently, Spain does not be
lieve a little thing like the loss of a
hand will deter him from making t
good ride.
Henry Barrett will store his com
bine down at the implement shed for
the purpose of installing a gasoline
engine on it for the next season's
work. The suooess of tbe Dudley ma
chine and others equipped with gas
oline engines has made owners of ma
obines oome to the deoision that it is
tbe best method of handling grain yet
Henry Allen, tbe well known Adams
farmer, fell from a load of bay
Wednesday- and fraotured bis left
hip. Dr. Sharp was oalled and re
duoed the fraoture, Some months
ago Mr, Allen had the misfortune to
bare bis left limb badly injured, sinoe
wbioh time he has had to resort to the
use of orutob and cane. Consequent
ly tbe recent injury further incapaci
tates his reoovery. .
Ibe fifth annual celebration of
Peaob day at Free water, will be held
next Thursday, August 22. A oordial
invitation is extended tbe people of
Athena and vioinity by the commer
cial club of the fruit town under the
auspioes of wbioh the peaob day event
is held. An interesting program will
be given for tbe entertainment of vis
itors. .
Program at the Dreamland for Fri
day and Saturday evenings: 1.
IThe Cowboy's Bride," Kalem. 2.
"Driven From the Tribes," Patbe.
3. "The Ninety and Nine." Vita
graph. For Sunday evening: h.
"Her Seoret Fountain of Youtb,"
Lubin. 2. ."How Algy Captured the
Wild Man," Selig. 3. "Every
body's Troubles All on Accoonot of
tbe Porter," Essaoay.
Four boys wbo have been pernic
iously handy with "nigger-shooters"
were np before Judge Richards Satur
day, after complaints had been made
against them for malicious window
breaking. The boys were let go with
out a fine, after tbe judge had repri
mended them and decreed confiscation
of all sling shots in town. Patience
bad ceased to be virtae beoause wind
ows were being punotnred all over tbe
town. Tbe next misdemeanor of tbis
nature will result in speedy sentenoe
to jail.
One redeeming feature of tbe oarni-
' val wbiob appeared itf this oity last
week, was tbe little band. The mem
bership appeared to be composed of
well behaved musioians wbo rendered
very creditable music It was a small
band tut every member was a profes
sional musician, played bis part and
made a good impression. Tbe instru
mentation embraced two tromtooes,
tuba, baritone and cornet and drum.
It is doubtful if ever a seven-piece
band discoursed better moiio here.
Tbe players were: Paul Rebwinkle,
A. R. ids pes. W. McMsin. A. Eldred,
S. Thorlickon. L. Wasotn, and D.
The new Fall and Winter Book of samples from the
Ed. V. Price CBb Co., of Chicago, the largest Tailors in
the world of good made-to-order clothes, is now on ex
hibition at our store, and must say that it-is a beauty.
Over 500 samples of the best Woolen fabrics are shown
in this book. Come in and take a look at it and let
us take your measure for a suit or an overcoat We
guarantee a good fit.
Fill & .:'RAO.inK
wwoSd' Admiral PJIowero
give a service that cannot be equalled by any other machines, be
cause no others possess such valuable features as
Ginulno Underdrft, Floating Frmmo mnd Uniform Tlli
Genuine underdraft puts all the pull of the
team on the cutter-bar, giving greatest pos
sible cutting power. All neck weight is
eliminated by the floating frame, and the
I- uniform tilt makes possible cleaner work
and more nay.
Don't fail to look Into
all ths features that
make tha Admiral
Mower "Kine of tha
Hay Field." Examine
the machines in our
store or ask thermaa
that owns an Admiral.
li 3 Styles gs?ffiJ
6 Sue. -W
0 Y Procbstcl
to my already splendid line
cutting Machines-Walter A.
Wood-the excellent Milwau
kee line in No. 12 Binder and
Mowers, and Peering Head
ers, I feel that we can please
the most fastidious. We are
to the front with large and various stocks of all that is needed in the Hardware and
Implement lines. Oils, twines and all extras for Woods, Milwaukee, Peering, Mc
Cormick and other machines. Investigate our stock of Lumber and building supplies.
losgwe Mercantile
Corner, Main
and 3rd Sts
Specials for the Coming Week
Ladies Shirt Waists in Mull, Swiss, Voile or Silk, all
marked down to cost
Ladies White Serge Suits and one-piece Dresses, going
at greatly reduced prices.
Ladies Dress Skirts in Voile, Serge, Pan
ama and Tweed, regular $5.50 and $6.50
qualities, your choice for
Ladies' Neck Wear, large assortment of
J 1 Collars, Jabots and Ties, regular price
tt OE anil QSr irniif flirtS fVt
Ladies' Gingham Petticoats in Tans,
Blues or Striped,
89c each
Our entire line of Ladies' Oxfords and
Pumps in white, tan or black; Patent
leather, vici, satin or velvet at
20 per cent off
Big line of Men's Half Shoes in patent
icatncr, tan or viciat
Actual Cost
100 odd pairs of Children's Oxfords and
Pumps, sizes from 5 1.2 to 13 1-2, regular
prices 91.5 ana $1.50, your choice tor
'B & H Green Trading Stamps with all Cash purchases
Main and 3rd. Phone, Main 65. Athena, Oregon.