Purify Your Blood 7 The cause of pfmples, boils and oth er eruptions, as well as of that tired feeling and poor spetlte, which ttre so common in the Bprlng, Is Impure and Impoverished blood. The best way to purify and enrich the blood, as thousands of people know by experience, Is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla Accept no substitute, but insist op having Hood's. Get it today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs, " REAL ESTATE BO A. IN LINN CO. OREGON; 200 A. CULT.; l-r. house, 2 barns, outbuildings, 8 orchards, etc Will sacrifice. Addr. E. U., box 464, Albany, Ore. FOR SALE GENL. MERCHANDISE STORE In this thrivinR town. Everything complete, es tablished trade, lamre store, livine rooms etc. Sac rifice. Addr. Mrs. M. Swan son. McMurray, Wash. FOR SALE GENL. MERCHANDISE STORE Doinsr $46,000 year: thriving town: complete stock lirocenes. miners supplies, tui uik mimr,,,...... Will sacrifice. Wilson Mercantile Co., teland. Or. FOR fSALE WELL-PAYING SODA WATER ractory an vi(?ar joDoinK uumihhb mi mm Complete in every detail; brick bids;; (treat bar gain. Geo. McCutcheon, 601 E. Front, Butte, Mont. It OWARD E. BURTON - Assurer ana Chemist Tu,1w11!a rVilnrmlrv HnM:imeH DriCCS: Gold. lver, Lead. O. Hold, Stiver, l&o; Gold. Wo: Zipe or Copper, $1. Mnllinn envelopes a id lull price lis! Knt on application. Control and Umpire work so jitod. RiJoiunoei Qubonate National Bank. THE SALVE OF LIFE. Absolutely Gnnrnntecd to cure bolls, carbuncles, felons, sIjsckms, blood polxon, burns, bruises, sprains, mts, bnrber Itch, beo mfnmmd poinon ouk. aothinsj else like It, lty mall, postpnld, CUo per boi. mil Ave Una. CiVM TOd Ht., Portland. Or. Also at Lipniun, Wolfe 4 Company and Olds, Wortmsn King. Machinery Second-Hand Machin ery bought, sold and exchanged: engines, boilers, sawmills, etc. The J. E. Martin Co., 76 1st BU, Portland. Send for Stock List and prices. &.dens wall Portland. Oresron ' ' f Resident and Day school for Girls Irrrsa Collegiate, Academic and ElomtnUrr Departments, Isasle, Art, Elocution, nymnasmni. For catalog addross THE SISTKR HL'PEIUOR Office 30. St. Helena I loll STANDARD BREED OF POULTRY MOST PROFITABLE TO FARMER Erroneous Idea to Think That Mongrel Chickens Offer Any Advantage over iare-xjrea biock mnny iihuhp ments in Laying and Meat -Producing Qualities of Birds. Prize Winning 8lngle-Comb White Leghorns. J. tea -not coffee If s the most de lightful Breakfast Drink you ever tasted and (he most wholesome and invigorating. You cannot but like its rich "grainy" flavor and Spicy aroma. Ask your grocer (or Three G's GOLDEN GRAIN GRANULES) if he hasn't got It he will get It for you. It's good for you 3 times a day. And remember that there is no substitute for 3 G's. THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE 20th CENTURY Consumption, Catarrh, Asthma and Bronchitis Cored by Inhalation rVople tronted nt their homes success fully. Bund for a full desurlption ot the remedy. For the neit month it will be sent at cost toanyonosuflerin from n cousin of sny description. I'oi fnrt Iter information address DR. GLASS, 316 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal Arnold's Asthma and Catarrh Remedy. flnnrnntPd to euro Catarrh, Anthrrm, ItronchltiH, Hay I'Cver niid Horn CoMh, or mono? refit mlud, Inelotie 11.26 for A ftli in a Remedy, or Wki In fttaii)i for ('.ltarrh of th ilond and Ktomiteh, Auk foruddrofwof people cured iu Portluud, 1 acoinu or Bouttlo. Arnold's Asthma Cure Co.. 333-4 AradebWg., Seattle, Wi 11111 A Tonic. Alterative and Kesolvent. The best remedy for Kidneys, I,lver and Bowels. Kradicates Pimples, Eruptions and Disorders of the Skin, purifies the Blood and gives Tone, Strength and Vigor to the entire system. Riddle of the Sphinx. The Sphinx some sort ot fabled monster proposed a riddle to thi people o Thebes, it Is said, and mur dered all who could not answer it Oedipus finally solved It and In cba grin the Sphinx put herself to death, The riddle was as follows: "What goes en four feet In the morning, two feet In the afternoon and three al night?" The answer given by Oedlpua was this: "Man; because he crawls aa a child, walks upright In his full strength and walks with staff when an old man." . Automobile Eye Insurance needed after Exposure to Sua. Winds and Dust. Murine Eye Kumedy freely applied Affords Reliable Hellof. No Smarting-Just Eye Comfort Try Murine, Quarrel Discreet. "Why do you employ such elabor ate circumlocution when you tell a man that you doubt his veracity?" "I find it better to use the longest words possible. If I can compel a man to consult the dictionary to as certain Just what t mean both our tempers get a chance to cool." Washington Star. Pessimism Not of This Age. There is no room for the pessimist In the present order of things. Op timism la Uo dominant factor of thf age. (By OSCAR ERF.) Pure-bred animals are those that produce their form, habits or other distinctive qualities with uniformity. In order that we may get offsprings like the parent and like each other we must have animals whose ancestors for many generations back have been of ono type. The more generations of such uniformity, the more certain it will be that the young will possess similar quality. The wild animals of any one kind or pecies In one locality have been of similar type for many generations and may be considered as pure-bred. By the law of natural selection, indi viduals not suited to live in that par ticular locality have been weeded out When animals are domesticated, and moved to other climates, and are fed different' foods, only such indi viduals will live and produce young as are suited to the new conditions. But another - factor changes domestic animals more rapidly. Men breed only such specimens as please their fancy; and this artificial selection replaces natural selection. During the many centuries of domestication the chick ens of different parts of the world have developed into different types. When these radically different types are brought together and crossed we bave produced young that are very different from the parents and from each other. Nor can these young be depended upon to reproduce offspring like themselves. They are said to be cross-bred, or, if the mixing be for several generations, they are known as mongrels. By selecting from cross. bred or mongrel stock such chickens as are desired, and breeding these to gether for many generations, new breeds may be established. One strain of chickens may be se lected for uniform color of feathers, another for a certain size and shape, another for laying large eggs of a cer tain color, and yet another strain for being producers of many eggs. Each of these strains might be well-bred in these peculiar traits, but would be mongrels when the other considera tions were taken Into account. Breed ers of pure-bred stock, in making their selection of breeding animals, try to consider the desirable qualities In due order of their relative im portance. Thus, with trotting horses speed is given prominence above everything else, while In the case of swine or beef cattle attention has been given to the qualities of growth and fattening that make for the profitable MANY MISTAKES MADE AT START Those About to Begin With Poultry Should be Advised to Beartn With Good Stock or Eggs. Painless Dentistry Is oar pride our hobbr our stndy for yean and now our suuooea, and ours Is the bvit painless worai to be found anywhere, no matter bow maob 700 pay. Couiyuro our rrutee production of meat. Only such uni formity of color and minor points are demanded as will serve to distinguish the breed and give uniformity of ap pearance. The standards adopted by breeders of this class of animals give relatively small consideration to fancy poiiits, whereas poultry breeders con sider about one-half of the value of their birds to depend on color of feathers alone, while the Judgment of shape is based upon the outline produced by the feathers and not on the true body shape. The standard bred poultry fanciers have not been mainly concerned in producing breeds pf chickens for the use of the farmer or practical grower, as have been the breeders of cattle and swine. Men who pursue animal breeding for pleas ure alone do not choose large, slow breeding animals, such as cattle; neither do animals wholly worthless from other standpoints receive much attention from breeders. But the hen, variable in form and color, inexpen sive to secure, readily reared and capable of producing in brief time large numbers of offspring, and yet withal capable of paying her way in food products, has rendered possible the development of the fancy or standard-bred chicken business Into the most universal and Important fancy or artistic-breeding business in the world. From the attention that has been given to ,the breeding of poultry for the show room, many people wrongly Infer that standard-bred poultry Is no better than mongrel stock for com mercial purposes. The mongrel chicken is a production of chance. Its ancestry represents everything available in the barnyards of the neighborhood, and its offspring will be equally varied. In the pure breeds there has been a rigid selection practiced that gives uniform appear ance. The size and shape requirements of the standard, although not based on the market demands, comes much nearer producing an ideal carcass than does chance breeding. Ability to ma ture for the fall and winter shows is a decidedly practical quality that the fancier breeds into his chickens. Moreover, poultry breeders, while still keeping standard points In mind, have also made improvements in the laying and meat-producing qualities of their chickens. Considering these facts, It is an enormous idea to think that mongrel chickens offer any advantage over puro-bred stock for meat or for eggs. flock that no one could have made to pay for Its feed? When we look back upon the many mistakes we made in getting a start we wonder how we managed to Btay with It. It is then we realize why It Is so many go in for chickens and fall, and begin to wonder how it hap pens that more did not give up at the outset. Preached While He Slept Very curious was the case of Sim eon Watson, a hard-working, Indus trious Englishman, aged about 39, of athletic habits and active tempera ment, who, about 1826, began preach ing in his sleep. His trance or sleep ing fit invariably lasted as long as the ordinary nonconformist service, which he was in the habit of attending. The attacks became more frequent as time went on, and he would go through tho whole of the ordinary chapel service, praying, reading the bible and preach ing. : fTm IffnvlnA t?irA r?nmiii1v fat TV Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated EyeUda, Mo Smarting Just Eye Comfort. ConduMs Sunday School in Jail. Isaac Jones, retired whaler, steam boat man and soldier of Somerset, Pa., teaches what Is probably the most unique Sunday school class in the country. For 20 years he has taught a class in the Somerset county Jail. During that time six of his pupils, he Is quoted as saying, have been hanged and one other has been convicted of uurder. The Average. "Which of these clocks is right?" "I don't know. We've five clocks. When we want to know the time we add 'em together and divide by five, and even thea we're not certain." Punch. Not of Value. When people ask for bread and are given a stone It la never a precious etone. Desert News. i 'I ,. MotirQrowni 22kBrldgtTMl Gold nillnji CmimI Filllnn Silver Filllnn Good Rubber Pistes tL J PUtM 1.6 DR. m. a. Will, furamiM Minus Painless Exlr'llen We finish plate and nriUHS wore rot out ot Iowa patrons In one day If daalred, I'ulnlttws eitraotiua frns when plattia or brlilgs work Is order, eo, Consullttlon re &8 1.00 1.00 .50 5.00 .60 .50 ss issss aisMnn s Ninsss SJieT MsTTHOOa AU work fully sruaranteod for f ifteen years. Wise Dental Co., Inc. Painless Dentists Ming Building. Third and WstHnrton PORTLAND. Oft UUloeHaarst wA.al.telf.aC lusters. Ilea Yi A OUT Or TOWN PEOPLE e reoelre prompt treat. mtat of KoB'foUoaons, BMlta-kiuldliis rsauoiM trow C GEE WO Try once more it oa hv ho-nn doctortn with thin oitfi and thiit on nnd Hmv not oMnlnml ihis tit tt no nt relUtf, thia-KiTMU nut tiro hmtlormttn bowt your 0 antl (mMon' mma nMmsiy whtwe wtiun 1 quick, Bureand inf, llfa pnorlptttm Jn fxtmituiid4 from Kti(, for!, limU ittrki thai hv Iwn ipithtfwa from evory qimr trol the n)oI. The of thte uiodtotu Sra not known to tH ouUmtt world, but nam Aa.ii 'd down from Xit to mJA iu Utv pUtlc-aW CONSULTATION FRER. If yon It int of town and cm n not olt, writ for tymptoiA tiuu utd eiivtUai-i ioioluj 4 oauU la THE C. SEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. - 162 first St. Cor. Motriseii Portlands Oregon. No z-nx I " tlua this paper. How often have you stopped to think how much better off you would have been and how much time you would have saved had you started In with a pair or a trio ot good breeders Instead of the flock of cull chickens which you purchased and which even the most experienced poul tryman would hove found difficult In handling! How often have you thought about advising those about to start In with chlckena to put their money In good stock or eggs at the outset Instead of fretting with worthless stock for two or three seasons before realizing their mistake? How often have you given this ad vice to a doaf ear, become provlked and then got In a good humor again when you thought of the fool you had been and of the tlrao you had In making up your mind to the neces sity of starting In all over again, aft er devoting a couple ot years to a RAISING CROPS FOR THE SILO Ground Should bo Selected ,on Which to Grow the Largest Possible Yield of Corn. Paralyzed Hens. Hens that cannot stand and have no use of limbs, buteem to be other wise healthy, are probably paralyzed. Little can be done for such birds and It Is best to dispatch them quickly. , WQB SHOULD Bt PROTECTED Against So Many Surgical Op orations. HowMrs.Bethuna and Mrs. Moore Escaped. Eggs for Hatching. Eggs must be from good, strong stock, fertile and fresh to hatch well They must not be subjected to chills, Jarring, Impure air or too great heat Advantage With Ducks. One advantage in duck raising Is that there Is very little loss from dis ease and they are not bothered by vermin. Now la the time to make arrange ments for the ello. Ground, should be selected on which to grow the largest possible yield ot corn, and ins conveni ently located as possible, tor it costs money to haul green corn long dis tances. It the old alfalfa sod was plowed' last fall, for planting to corn this spring, bo much the better; It not, plow na early as possible this spring, and plow deeply, using a dressing ofi well rotted manure to plow under It It can be had. Corn Is a crude feeder and will give good accoant ot anx fertilizer you may have. It la not too much to expect twelve to fifteen tona of green corn per acre at harvesting time, so the silo can Laying Out Gardens. In laying out the garden plan te bavethe rows as long as possible. This will save time in cultivating. bo built to accommodate the area of corn grown! but be sure and build large enough; for when once used It will grow in favor, and the chances are the area of corn planted and the number of animals ted will be In ct eased when the practise is once established. Keeping Farm Accounts. Farm accounts, to be practical, must be of the very simplest possible na ture, and require a minimum amount ot time for their upkeep. Accounts are valuablo only as they are careful ly kept The occupation of the farm er is naturally not conducive to book keeping habits. When ono works hard tn the field all day, he does not, aa a rule, fool like working a great deal over books. With some simple and practical, system of keeping track ot various items each day, la some sort ot day-book, one can later take time tn the winter when other things are less rushing, and work up his bal ances. Young people, especially, should be encouraged If they show any desire to try to keep farm ac counts. Sflceston, Mo. "For seven years Isuf f erod everything. I was in bed for four or five days at a time every month, and so weak I could hardly walk. I cramped and had backacho and headache, and was so nervous and weak that I dreaded to see anyone or have any one move in the room. The doctors gave me medicine to ease me at those times, and said that I ought to have an operation. I would not listen to that, and when a mend of my husband told him about Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound and what it had dona for his wife, I was willing to take it Now I look the picture of health and feel like it, too. I can do my own housework, hoe my garden, and milk a cow. I can entertain company and enjoy them. I can visit when I choose, and walk as far as any ordinary woman, Any day in the month. 1 wish I could talk to every suffering woman and girl." Mrs. Dema Bethune, Sikeston, Mo. Murrayville, 111. "I have taken Ly dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for a very bad case of female trouble and it made me a well woman. My health was all broken down, the doctors said I must have an operation, and I was ready to gol the hospital, but dreaded it so that I began taking your Compound. I got along so well that I gave up the doctors and was saved from the opera tion." Mrs. Charles Moore, E. E. No. 3, Murrayville, III Departure Approved. "I understand your boy Josh Is ex perlmenting on the lines of perpetual motion." "Yes," replied Farmer Cora tossel. "And I feel some encourage ment about It. I thought for awhlU that the only thing Josh was goin" t take la was perpetual rest" jo Years withCoughs We have had seventy years of experience with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. This makes us have great confi dence in it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, weak throats, and weak lungs. We want you to have confidence in it, as well. Ask your own doctor what experience he has had with it He knows. Keep in close touch with him. PICTURES ARE QUITE FUNNY Drawings Finally Show Boy Jumping Off Springboard With Piece of , Pie in His Hand. "Well." aid the professor, after his little guests "had ' ceased squirming around In their seats and all conversa tion had been silenced. "If I could but have your attention for a few moments I would like to see which of van la the brightest" The professor selected a piece of charcoal and rapidly sketched an out line on a big sheet of white . paper which he held In his hand. "After I have finished this drawing, of course, most of you could name It But how many of you can tell me while I draw it Just what it Is f 1 know I I know! It's a beehive I" came two or three shouts from the First Outline. 1 eager audience. "No, It Isn't! It's an Eskimo house," said a little boy who had been reading ot Greenland. Still others there were who thought it might be a piece ot watermelon 'with two bites out of It. "Well," said the professor, "all your guesses are very good, but none ol those Is what I Intended this to be, One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime will causa n increased Row of bile and produce a fentle laxative effect the day following, ormula on each bcx. Show it to yout doctor. He will understand at a lance. jjose, one put at cedttme, lust one. v just & tb t, c Aram co iru. mmx Old Woman Scrubbing. Now let me add a few lines. WTial have we now?" . "Ah, we know I" shouted the entire audience. "It's an old woman leaning over, scrubbing the floor I" "Good!" exclaimed the professor "That is right. But seeing that you all guessed at once I still do not know who is the brightest. I will draw some more on the paper while you will have to draw a little on your Im agination for this next one." He deftly erased a line here and there, drew in others and then stepped aside, while the boys and girls racked their brains and imagination to tell what the professor was trying to de pict Finally after no one had made Boy on Springboard. even a guess the professor told them he meant it for a boy diving off a springboard. "Oh, we see now!'" said every one, but what's that in his handf" "That is supposed to be a piece of mince pie," smilingly said the pro fessor. "But nobody ever dives off a spring board with a piece of pie in his band." came from one sturdy little youth. "Well, I Just put that in for you to bite on," said the professor. Neckties of Wood. A syndicate comprising English cap itallsts has been formed to promote the sale of "tie silk," composed of BO per cent wood pulp and B0 per cent artificial Bilk. Samples are being sub mitted to the New York wholesale neckwear manufacturers, and consid erable experimenting Is taking place. In point of price this material shows advantage over conventional fabrics. Its luster, feel and general appear ance closely resemble genuine silk. Promotion for Tommy. "Well. Tommy." said the father ol a six-year-old youngster, . "how are rou getUng along at school?" "Bully! rejoined Tommy. "Guess the teacher ingoing to promote me," "What makes you think so?" "She said today that if I kept on at the rate I was going I'd soon be in the criminal class, explained Tommy. Knew It Was Wrong. The Parson How did you get thai black eye. Tommy? Tommy Fighting. The Parson Fm sorry to hear that Don't you know that it is wrong to fight? Tommy Yes, sir. That's what 1 told your kid when he licked me yes terday. Lamb Was Getting Old. Little Robert bad been taught to re cite "Mary's Little Lamb" for thi benefit of visitors. One day when called upon to show off he rebelled. Tn going to cut it out. mamma, h said. "That lamb ot Mary's must be sxo, U4 shasn br this time." RIDDLES VARE OLD AS TIME Two of Most Famous Conundrums Are at Least 3,000 Years Old Enter talnment for Evenlrgv It is a curious fact that boys are more fond of conundrums than girls are. While all conundrums are riddles, all riddles are not conundrums, the term conundrum being used more for riddles which are based on some fan cied resemblance, such as, "Why is a pig looking out of a second-story win dow like the moon?" and the answer is because it looks round. If anyone objects that the moon does not always look round, you can reply: "Neither does the pig." Two of the most famous riddles are at least 3,000 years old. The first of Which there is any record is found in' tig fourteenth chapter of judges, and was made up by Samson after bis fight with a. lion. He offered a prize to any one iirho could solve it within seven days,' but no one got it It Is recorded that his wife pestered him to tell her the answer, but he absolutely refused until the time was up, and many think that he never Intended to tell It at alt Bishop Whately never told the an swer to any of his puzzles. If they were correctly guessed he would ac knowledge that the solution was right;; but if no one got the answer he kept it to himself, and some of his enigmas are still unsolved. ' One of the chief entertainments in ancient times at any domestic gather ing, such as a marriage feast, was ask ing riddles, and many persons spent their lives in devising them and selling them to the rich and great, just as some public men now get others to write their speeches for them. MOTORCYCLE IS FOR WOMEN English Method of Enclosing All Parts So That Skirts Are Not Caught or Spattered. Although motorcycling is almost ex clusively a sport or means of trans portatlon for men in America, and young men at that, the makers of motorcycles for women, are finding a ready sale in England. The method of inclosing all movable parts on a woman's motorcycle, so that there is no danger of the skirts being caught jor spattered with oil, is shown in the accompanying illustration of a popular model, says the Popular Mechanics. This machine is of the light-weight English Woman's Motorcycle. type, and is driven by a 1-H. P. mo tor, which is sufficient for ordinary re quirements. The heavier machines are, of course, difficult for a woman to handle. BOY WAS NECESSARILY SLOW Small Boy, Late in Reaching Home, Told Mother He Led Turtle In stead of Carrying It An eight-year-old San Rafael boy was being lectured on obedience the other evening. "I told you thai you could play with the Wilson boys till five o'clock," said his mother. "Why didn't you come when I told you?" "I did, mamma." . "Don't tell me a falsehood. Why didn't you come home at five o'clock?' "I started home at five." "Then you stopped to play on the way." "No, mamma, sure I didn't" "Do you expect me to believe that It took you two hours to walk half a mile? I think I shall have to punish you for telling me falsehoods." "Honestly I started home at five o'clock, and came straight home." The mother led the boy Into the kitchen and took down the whip. He turned pale and tears welled, up Into his eyes. "Now. sir, will you tell me the truth?" . "Ye-es, mamma; Charlie Wilson save me a mud turtle and I was afraid to carry It so I led It home. Dolls In Slam. Have you ever seen a Siamese gin kiss her doll? Well, you wouldn't know she was kissing it If you were not told, for she kisses it in the same fashion that grown up Siamese kiss and that is by touching their noses and drawing in a long breath. It is really funny, particularly as the dolls, except the father and mother dolls, wear no more clothes than the chll- Sren themselves. The fathers and mothers wear strips of cloth wouno round the middle of 'their bodies as the real people da The dolls of the poor people are made of baked mud; but children of rich people nave wooc in dolls, which look much more lik; eal dolls than the little mud figures Oil on Troubled Waters. "Pourlne oil on the troubled waters" as a quotation is hundreds of years old but It is only recently that It has been actually adopted as a means for calming real storms on the ocean. Within the last few months many of the seamen, who navigate our own Trent lakes have begun to carry oil In bags on their vessels. These bags win ba hunr over the sides of the shin and the oil will be allowed to dribble out slowly and form a coaUng over the surface of the water. Its effect Is to nreTent the breaking of the waves converting the sea into long, smooth mil. Do You Need Help For your poor, fired stomacl? For jour lazy ind sluggish Ever? For your weak and constipated bowels? For year general rnn-dowi condition? . Then by all means TRY HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS IT DOES THE WORK. AT ALL DRUGGISTS vipers still Plague France. One of the divisions of France, the department of Seine-et-Marne, has is sued Its snake killing budget. It shows that vipers are almost as numerous as ever before in the He de France. They are commonest in the forest of Fontainebleau, where one gamekeep er alone killed 1,818 in the course of last year. For this he was paid $125, and in all the department paid $550 in the year, being a reward of seven cents for each viper's head presented. Nearly 8,000 were killed during the year. When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Re iy. No Smarting Feels Fine Acts Quick" Try It tor Ecd, Weak, Watery yes ana uranuiareu yeuu. auu trated Book In each Package. Murine is mm nnnnrinri hY our OcnUHtB not a "Patent Med icine" but used in successful Physicians' Prac tice for many rears. Nuw di-dioated to the Pub lic and sold byltrutigists at 26o and 60o per Bottle. Murine Eye Balro in Aseptic Tubes, 25c and 60c Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Damages for Spoiled Beauty. A curious Judgment was given in a German court the other day. A lit tle girl of three who was placed in a nursing Institution had been bitten by the yard dog, the bite leaving a scar on the cheek. The little one's guar dian put in a claim, not in respect of the pain caused, but because the scar had lessened her chances of securing a husband when she became old enough to marry. ' The court upheld the guardian's claim, and placed the damages at. tKWV Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow'g Soothfast, Byrup the best remedy to use for IheiX cliildreu during t"ie teething period. Where Sailors Disagree. On two topics the great trans-At lantio steamship companies are no agreed. Some creep through a fog at a mall's pace. Others dash througt It at topmost speed the quicker oul of It the better. Some Insure heavllj against loss by fire. Others carry all their fire risks themselves. Liquid blue Is a weak solution. Avoid it Buy Red Cross Ball Blue, the blue that's all blue. Ask your grocer. Unheeded. "And those long, silent pauses In your speech I didn't quite understand them?" "Perhaps not. Those wers the points where I had written 'laugh? ter and 'applause Into my manu script" ' No thoughtful person uses liquid blue. It's a pinch of blue in a large bottle of water. Ask for Bed Cross Ball Blue, the blue that's all blue. Existence an Aim. Life Is a mission. Every other defi nition of life is false, and leads all who accept it astray. Religion, sci ence, philosophy, though still at vari ance on many points, all agree In this, that every existence Is an aim. Maz unL - Frequent Falling. Borne men talk so loud they attract attention and call It personal mag netism. -Atchison Globe. DAISY FLY KILLER placed anywliart), at tracts and kill! all flies. Neat, clean, ornamental, conven ient, oheap. Last all ssjuon. Made of metal, can't spill or tip over; wUl not soil or Injure anything. Guaranteed effective Sold by dealers or 6 sent prepaid for U. HABOLD 80MJSB8. ISODeKalb Ave., Brooklyn, K. T. litiwl'M"wl - i - -ry INVESTIGATE The DIRECT plan of buying or selling Real Estate. No commissions to pay. List your property or wants with us. We put you in touch with interested parties. If you wish to buy, you deal direct with owner. Address DIRECT REALTY CO. 401 Yeon Building. Portland, Ore. WANTED AT ONCE 100 Young Men or Ladies to prepare for positions as Commercial and . Rail road Telegraph operators; positions guaranteed, $70 to $90 monthly. For particulars and application address PACIFIC TELEGRAPH I RAILWAY INSTITUTE WuLiaftM BUf., Seattle, WasliiaclM First Book on Education. The first book on education evei written and printed in English was SIi Thomas Elyot's "Governour, publish, ed In 1631. Much that is done eves at this day for the education of boys and girls In the schools was suggested In this book. ml CURED A CUT HORSE FraJ DNfta, MarahaD. WaaT writ. "I hare used Mexican Mnstang Liniment for some time and sua well pleased. One of our horse had a deep cut in her breast and we osed al) kinds of medicines without effect until we tried Mcstaritr Liniment and it koalod it stp ia lea tfeaa 10 days." 2Sc SOo. $1 bottle at Drag A GasV! Stan