The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, July 05, 1912, Image 4

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    Farmers and Merchants
Write us for our cash offer on your
Farm and Dairy Produce. Ii we
don't handle it will refer you to re
liable buyer. peaRSON-PAGE CO.
Portland, Oncea.
SUrer. Lead. O. Gold, Ww. 16o: Goli Wo J
or Copper, it kallta. enrelopesa id .tail P'i
M 1 e Seeond-Hand Msel
Machinery a
. ,t i.. n,. 1 R Martin Co, 76
I Meehln.
i ana
h.n IT1 te. The J. E. Martin Co. 78 IK
$ L25 per word Inserts Classified ads in
2 leading papers in U. S. Send for list.
Dake Advertising Agency, 432 S. Main,
Lbs Angeles, or 12 Geary, San Francisco
Buy tout Mantles at wholesale. We offer hlgn
aat grade inverted gasoline rag Mantis to 700 AU
net. Greatest candlepower and durability, lateat
pattern, w ounce at puiwm. ,w v- vu, r--paid;
money order. L. C. PERRY CO. '
527 Pacific Blk Seattle, Wash.
The world'! greatest MURDERER. 218,400 caught
In Ave daya. Figure for yourself the aielcnesa and
disease prevented. Send 80c. for bottle of TIY
BAIT and full instructions How to Make Fir
Trap. Postal order or 2c stamps accepted.
iifimr tiiffinrrn ai it. vl . ! U i.
Vhere 8eason Is Late and Rainy Not
. Advisable to Get Seeds Into
Ground Too 8oon. '
It is not always advantageous to
plant the garden as early as
Under certain conditions nature has
ty ,rmrth of late planted seefia
10 that the difference In time of their
ripening will not accord with the dif
ference In plantings.'1. This, is partic
ularly the case when the season Is
late and rainy.
Plant for a succession of- the flir-
tarent vegetables. A garden, in which
most of the planting Is done at about
the same time will not give as good
results as where a period or ume
elapses between the second, third or
fourth plantings of the same vege
tables. Particularly is this true 01
peas, says the Farm and Home. Where
number of different varieties were
tried the best results were obtained
from one or two varieties planted in
succession, : ' - -
In sweet corn, however, this was
not so apparent It was found nest
to rely on several varieties as well, as
successive plantings. If the season
was backward or the plantings made
unusually early, sweet corn seemed to
be very slow in growth. On the other
hand, the corn planted later -would
grow very fast 'under favorable con
ditions and almost catch up with the
first plantings. To overcome this dif
ficulty It was found advisable to rely
on the plantings of different varieties.
Destroys Sage Kats, Squirrels, Gophers and
prairie Dogs. Requires no mixing or prepara
tionAlways ready for use. Deadliest of all.
Your money back if not as claimed.
CtAJLU, Woodwakb Daoo Co., Portland, Ore,
-The great skin rejuvenator. If you have sallow
akin, wrinkles, pimples or roughness of the face
or arms, the application of FUCHI will bring back
the glow and freshness of youth. Pr package, $1.
(Branch) Fuchl Laboratories. Suit 9, U2 1-2 Wash
ington St, Portland, Ore.
A Tonic. Alterative and Resolvent. The
best remedy for Kidneys, Liver and Bowels.
' Kradicates Pimples, Eruptions and Disorders
ef the Skill. Purifies the Blood and gives
Tone, Strength and Vigor to tlie entire system.
We Make Yon Competent to Earn
$25 to J50 per Week
Mol weeks. We give complete
iurne in driving, repairing.
tn. all kinds ot automobiles.
Kvery student seta personal
attnnttnn and notuel road
espertenoe. Write tor terms
Belmma Ants Scksel a (Unit,
mi fa, 1H Wrnnt Ants Sdieel a Unit,
)i iy K.iCidimd Morrison SUk.
'-.lf.t- 1'orUaud.Ore.
Arnold's Asthma and .
Catarrh Remedy.
flusrnnteed to cure Catarrh. Arthma,
Ironohltls, Vnr Fever and Hose Colds,
or money refunded. Jnuloae II. aft for
iathma Remedy, or AOe in stamps for
Catarrh of the Head and Htouiaoh. Ak
for address of people oured Uk Portland,
Saooma or Seattle.
Arnold's Asthma Curs Co., 333-4 Arasibldi, Jttk,Wa
Grade 8talllons Cheaper to Use, But
. Pure Bred Colts Sold for Twice
as Much Money.
Fifty-five dollars is good interest for
the use of $7 for a year: And when
the feed of a colt for another year is
saved the proposition is all the more
A stock farmer living In the south
east part of the state has been rearing
a number of colts every year, using
the services of a grade stallion.
This horseman wasn't very enthusi
asts about paying a larger fee for the
service of a pure-bred stallion. He
had been using grade and inferior
sires with a fair degree of success.
He saw no reason for changing.
In the season of 1910 he decided to
try a good pure-bred stallion Just once,
to see if it was worth the difference in
the service fees. .
The second week In this month this
stockman held a sale. The three-
year-old colts, sired by a grade stal
lion, sold at an average of $76.. The
two-year-old colts, the progeny of an
other grade sire, brought an average
of $46. The weaning colts, sired by a
pure-bred stallion, sold at an average
of $101.
The service fee of the pure-bred
italllon was $15, that of the grade $8,
a difference of $7. The feed eaten by
the older colts was saved, and $55
more was received for the weanlings
than the two-year-olds, and $25 more
than the three-year-olds.
California Weekly Papers
This la less than half the combined rates of
the individual papers.
The Dake Advertising Agency
432 South Main St. Los Angelas, Cal.
100 Young Men or Ladies to prepare
for positions as Commercial and Rail
road Telegraph operators; positions
guaranteed, $70 to $90 monthly. For
particulars and application address
Washington BIdg.. Seattle. WuKinjIss
Painless Dentistry
b oar pride-oar hobby-oar study for years and
o our suooena, and ours Is the b st painless work
to be found anjwhere, no mattes how naoh yoa
pay. Compare our I'rloaa.
Vainly a it r action.
frt rhn plat or
britlgo work U order
4 Consultation trtt.
Molar Qrowni
Qold milnn 1.0
Entmsl Fltllng 1.00
8llv.rFllllnrt .60
BsilRtd Rubber.
Plats f.OV
P.lnl.i.Mr'tlo .Of
sar MerrHOD
AU work fully guaranteed for fifteen Tears.
Wise Dental Co.,inc
Painless Dentists
f I flint Building. Third tnd Washington. PORTLAND. ORg
etOaeSawsi I A. M. t 1 1. U. gaaaaia, t Ua
n ,b3
M. W. . Will, PiunisT an Mtuns
si ium HiutHsu wtuas
We flnlsh plate and
bridge work lot out
o( towa natrons In
one df It deelrea.
Jl. I I M.,II,.,
'A :
Un imiii,a i
oan reoelTnromnt treaV
ntenta of Nea-rlsaoa,
Balta-kU4lBg rseiaatae
the Cbiaeeeootee,
Trr ones mora if too have heea 4ootnring wlt
tnla one ana tbat one and have not obtained Mf
niaueut relief. 11 Uila (real nature healer dlaa
Biae rour cane anil im-w-riU auuie ranieu whoee
a'tlo Is quirk, aura and safe, jits Breenrluttuns
are eomiwunded troin Koota. llertia, Muie and
Iiarks thai have bevn enthered from everr quae,
terot ttie slolns. Tbeneoretaof theee oi4lelna
fee ol known lo the outaMe world, but hare beea
haniled down f miu taliier to eon U Um BaysUiUaa'
tajtiillea la China,
If ytm lire out of ton and eanaot ealt, write fee
arm plow ulauk and eirsuUr, eaaMeiagteealeiai
1 62) rirat St, Cor. MorrlsM .
Portland, Ortta
9 IC-tl.
WHEN writing t adrertura,
" Uea Uta peper.
'Moonshlnlng" In 8cotIand.
The dlsoovery was made, recently
la the mountainous region near Xyb
of Lochalsh i (Scotland) by thi
Rosshire preventive staff of a com
plate Illicit whisky distilling plant
The still was covered with a cairn
and had a capacity of 20 gallons, tn
smoke being led along the mountaii
side. The smugglers had conducted I
regular traffc.
Loss of Appetite
Which is so common in the spring 01
upon the return of warm weather, li
loss of vitality, vigor or tone, and li
often a forerunner of prostrating dis
ease. It Is serious and especially so t
people chat must keep up and doing 01
get behindhand.
The best medicine to take for it li
the great constitutional remedy
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Which purifies and enriches the blooi
and builds up the whole system.
. Get It today In usual liquid form 01
chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs
Once Everybody Sang or Played
' ar Made Continued Use of Its
Catoh Phrases.
Raising the Colts Properly.
Most of the colts on the farm get a
good start the first six months of
their lives from the fact that they are
allowed to suckle the dams during
that time. Early fall provides them
with good pasture and possibly they
have been receiving some oats or
shared part of the feed of the mare.
Such treatment puts them in good
shape for the winter, but liberal feed
ing must be kept up If a strong, well-
developed and matured horse is ex
pected. The colt's system required a
considerable amount of bone and mus
cle building material, and this can be
had by feeding nitrogenous feeds,
such as oats, a little clover hay.
The feeding of corn, so often prac
ticed, is not desirable for the growing
colt, but bad better be confined to
the matured horses. Access to the
straw pile will not hurt a growing colt,
but it should not be compelled to rely
on the straw pile for a livelihood.
ON for Incubator Lamps.
Incubator manufacturers always rec
ommend purchasing the best kind of
oil o use in the Incubator lamps, and
this is good advice. But sometimes
the oil will smoke. A remedy for
this 1b to take a cupful of fine salt
and put into each quart of oil. Let It
settle for a few days, then pour into
the lamp and put in a small piece of
gum camphor, letting it remain there.
Of course the wick must be properly
trimmed, rounded at each side, other
wise the lamp will smoke, no matter
what kind of oil you have.
There was a-time when the vogue
of "Pinafore" was simply amazing.
It was not copyrighted and after its
success in London it was pirated in
the United States. This piracy was
the Initial cause of Gilbert's hatred
of America and Americans.
However, if America did not send
him its dollars, It was quite ready to
spread his fame, says the Bookman.
Church choirs added "Pinafore" to
their repertoires, and it is recorded
that 100,000 barrel organs were con
structed to play nothing else. Here
is an ironical note from a newspaper
of the time;
"At present there are 42 companies
playing 'Pinafore.' Companies formed
after 6 p. m. yesterday are not in
Its catch phrase, "What, never?
Well, hardly ever!" was deadly. It 1b
told, for Instance, that one editor
barred his staff from using It ;
"It occurred 20 times In as many
articles yesterday. Never let me see
It used again." "What, never r was
the unanimous question. "Well, hard
ly ever," replied the wretched man.
The readiness of W. S. Gilbert's
wit Is well illustrated by this story
told of him. He and F. C. Burnand,
the editor of Punch, were guests at
the same dinner table where a wise
host placed the rival humorists at op
posite ends of the room in the hope
of distributing equally the witty table
Continual shouts of laughter rose
from Gilbert's corner until Burnard,
after Ineffectual attempts to arouse
a similar jocularity In his immediate
circle and unable to conceal his cha
grin, leaned forward and said in his
most sarcastic manner:
"I suppose Mr. Gilbert ts telling
some of those funny stories which he
occasionally sends to Punch but
which Bon't appear."
To which Gilbert dryly replied:
don't know who sends the funny sto
ries to Punch, but It's very true they
don't appear."
Free to Oar Headers
Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for
48-page illustrated Bye Book Free. Write all
about Your Eye Trouble audi they will adrlee
a to the Proper Application of the Murine
Eye Bemedles in Your Special Case. Your
Druggist will tell you that Murine Relieves
Sore Eyes, Strengthens Weak Eyea. Doesn't
Smart, Soothes Eye Fain, and sells for 50c.
Try It in Your Eyes and In Baby's Eyes for
Scaly Eyellda and Granulation.
8ponge Cake.
Three eggs, a quarter of a pound
of flour, four tablespoonfuls of sugar,
grated rind of half a lemon. Sift th
flour on to a piece of paper, adding
one teaspoonful of baking powder and
sift again. Put the eggs Into a basis
and beat them for fully ten minutes.
add the sugar and beat for twenty
minutes. Stir in the flour, baking pow
der and lemon rind as lightly as
possible. Butter a cal. i tin, then dust
it over with flour. Pour the mixture
into the prepared tin, and bake in a
very moderate oven for about one
hour. This mixture may be baked
in small gem pans if preferred.
Mothers will find Mrs. WtnsloVs Soothing
Syrup the best remodr to use for their ohUdrea
luring toe wetmug perioa.
Notet 4t4 Instructions from Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations
of Oregon and Washington, Specially Suitable to Pacific Coast Conditions
Gentleness With Stock.
The sheep know their master's voice
-there is no doubt about that; but
It Is more important to know what
they do when they hear it whether
they flee In fear or come with expect
Sheep, like other animals, are crea
tures of habit and should always be
handled by the same attendant, who
should move among them gently and
give notice of his approach by speak
ing to the flock.
Pigs Fatten on Rape.
Pigs In clover are popularly sup
posed to be in the ideal animal en
vironment, but the cold facts, devel
oped by experiment, show that pigs in
rape do better, says the Farm Press.
In a Wisconsin experiment, 21 pigs
fed on rape for eight weeks gained 67
pounds more weight than the same
number fed on clover for the same
It is a mistake to assume, however,
that rape alone makes an Ideal food
for gain. They muBt have some grain,
Fed on rape or clover alone pigs will
do better on clover.
Rape Bhould be fed by means of
moving fences, In order that the pigs
may not trample the Acid too much.
Clover has to be pastured or It will
quickly become dry and woody, and,
therefore, without proper nutrition.
With ordinary rainfall rape provides
a constant pasturage.
. Continent That Was Lost
One of the wonders of the word that
men hear little about is the Lost Con
tinent. Sea-going men are familiar
Kith the chain of little islands that ex
tend from the continent of Asia down
to Australia. Should the ocean go
lown flv hundred feet this Lost Contl
aent would be restored. It is believed
that a few aeons ago the Lost Conti
nent really existed.
China Chllo.
Cold roast mutton should be dlcel
and placed in a saucepan with a good
pint of green peas, one bead ot let
tuce torn into shreds, sufficient gravy
to moisten and a good seasoning
Simmer for half an hour and asm
with an accompaniment of boiled rice
Werse Still.
"Did Ton hear about the awful af
fliction which has befallen Mrs. Talk
tlf T" "Don't tell me she has lost her
roles I" "No, her husband has lost his
hearlnn." Houston Post
Baby's Advantage,
A baby is tolerably helplsss, but h
has one advantage he doesn't havt
to listen to the foolishness grown mes
talk to him unless he wants t
An Exception.
A pretty girl Is a charming tight
anywhere, except on the back of a
oaotorcycle.Detrott Fee Press.
By T. D. Beckwlth, Oregon Agricul
tural College.
A disease which is becoming prev
alent In the poultry industrj of the
Northwest is called avian tuberculosis
or tuberculosis of poultry. It Is a dis
ease which, like most of the other dis
eases to which all higher animals are
susceptible, is due to a living cause, a
certain germ, which cannot affect a
healthy fowl unless it be carried to
that fowl by some method or other.
It never generates spontaneously. It
Is a disease which is fairly recent in
the United States, having been noted
in this country only In 1900, but it has
been prevalent in Europe for very
many years.
The disease is exceedingly difficult
to detect, for it is very slow in action
and its spread has probably taken
place Insidiously, so that it has be
come thoroughly established by the
time the farmer is aware of its pres
ence. At first merely one or two birds
grow weak and slowly die, but later
the fatality increases so that a very
large percentage of whole flocks may
be lost.
. It is a disease which tends to attack
tame or domestic birds, such as chick
ens, rather than birds in the wild state,
since domestic fowls are living under
less natural conditions, where in very
manv instances their freedom is 11m
Ited, and they do not have a suffi
cient quantity of fresh air in many
cases for the best condition of health.
It is a disease which tends to attack
the adult fowl rather than chicks
The disease is very similar to that
found in cattle, also to the disease
known as tuberculosis or consumption
found in human beings. The method
of action of its germ is much the same
and there is great reason to believe
among scientific workers that it is not
impossible that the disease may pass
from man to fowl or from cattle to
man. It therefore has a very great
importance in respect to human life.
In the symptoms or the disease,
which appear only after the disease is
well established, the birds very orten
show emaciation and become droopy,
the feathers very often are ruffled, the
droppings become greenish in color
and the bird may go lame, aue to
weakness of the legs from tubercu
losis. Sometimes the comb r wattles
become pallid; the eyes may be bright
and also sunken; the appetite is likely
to become ravenous. There Is no spe
clal symptom which may be cited, but
rather the diagnosis must tie maae
from a combination of all of them.
In human tnuberculosis, the lungs
are the most often attacked by the
disease and the other organs are there
fore very secondary in the total cases
of infection. In fowls, however, a af
ferent condition is found. The liver, in
almost all Instances, shows a tubercu
losis annearance and the spleen, which
is a small body about one-half Inch in
diameter, just back of the liver, shows
Infection in almost as many cases, in
less than one-fifth of the cases do the
limes annear to be affected in fowls
On cutting open a tuberculosis bird
it will be found that there are very
small vellowlsh snots, many times
slightly swollen, although not of ne
cessity the case, and which differ in
diameter from one-sixteenth to one
fourth Inch. In consistency they are
cheesy, or they may appear to be
little imbedded areas of heavy fat, al
though pressure of the knife will show
the difference. Sometimes in older
cases they are gritty when cut with
the ' knife. These are the tubercles
which have been produced by the bac
teria. They are the point where the
germs are growing and therefore are
the very centers from which the dis
ease germs work.
The disease is spread from Dira to
bird Uhrough the droppings as the
germ finds its way to the' exterior by
this method. If, then, the chickens
be fed in a dirty, filthy place and there
are already some tuberculosis birds
In the flock, it may easily be seen how
the disease may pass from one to the
other; also it may be passed by pick
ing the bills of each other. Flies are
also without doubt a factor in the
spread of the disease. The disease is
not transmitted from the egg in more
than a small percentage of cases.
There Is no cure for the disease.
The bird does not react readily to tu
berculin and therefore this method
cannot be used for detecting the dis
ease, although such a method is of
very great value for cattle. For small
flocks the best method Is to kill the
entire stock, give a very thorough dis
infection, allow the land to lie for a
year, and-then start, again. It must
be remembered, and the point must
be emphasized, that birds which are
infected with this disease and which
die from it, or are killed when It is
suspected to get rid of them, must be
burned. They must not be burled
where angle worms may carry the par
tially decomposed material to the sur
face to infect other birds, nor must
they be thrown into fence corners,
where birds as yet uninfected may
pick them and thus become infected.
Disinfection or the premises in case
the stock is too large to be done away
with, is the only possible procedure,
and often that is not at all certain.
All suspicious birds must first be weed
ed out. The houses must be cleaned,
all dirt and litter taken out, and then
scrubbed. Eating troughs and drink
ing basins must receive . the same
treatment Formaldehyde is good only
in a tight house. Lime spray may be
used; 100 pounds of fresh lime may be
slaked with 60 pounds of water, and
mixed thoroughly. For use one quart
of the above slaked lime should be
added to four quarts ot water. This
should be ' stirred thoroughly and
sieved. It should be used immediately
as a spray and every crack must be
covered. The runs must be plowed up
and turned under in order that the
germs may be placed below the ground
where they may be expected In time
to die out.
In case the Oregon farmer fears
the disease in the flock and does not
trust his own diagnosis after cutting
up the bird, be can take out the in
ternal organs, place them in denatured
alcohol, and forward to the department
of bacteriology, Agricultural College,
where the diagnosis will be made free.
LA, R. Lee of U. S, Bureau of Animal
Industry Sees Plant.
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor-
vallis. Alfred R. Lee of the U. S. Bu
reau of Animal Industry has just fin
ished an inspection of the poultry plant
at the Oregon Agricultural College,
looking over the hatching and brood
ing equipment, the yards and houses.
This is a part of an investigation he
is making of poultry conditions on the
Pacific Coast, in college and on pri
vate farms.
"It is my opinion," said Mr. Lee,
"that the Pacific Northwest should
soon be shipping out larger quantities
of poultry and eggs than are now being
brought in from the East. Few states
have the natural advantages for suc
cessful poultry raising of Western Ore
Air the Beta.
( Tak the cellar bees out the ' first
iwann day that is windless and sur
shiny, or keep plenty of water, slSghUi
iWevrmed, near the hives. ...
Joaa Wataoa. Fell Brook. Caii. writaai
"Am much cleaned with the food remhs
ohtaiaed from Mustang Liniment. It cer
tainly acted tike a charm oa my horse's
lame shoulder. It should be kept oa hand
by all stock owners. They will find it a
remedy not only tr their horsea a ad cattle
bat ake fee taetr ovra achee and pataV
25c 50c 1 1 a bet tie at Uiui & Cea'l Stores
Want ;
Long Hair?
And you would like long
hair? Rich, heavy hair?
Beautiful, luxuriant hair?
That is perfectly natural, and
we are here to help you.
Ayer's Hair Vigor is a great
aid to nature in producing
just the kind of hair you de
sire. Do not be afraid to
use it No danger of its col
oring your hair. The ingre
dients are all given on each
label, thus enabling your
doctor to wisely advise you
concerning its use. Consult
him freely. He knows.
Kate by the 7. 0. ATEB CO., Tewell, Mass.
i IlfSllillfl
by i m ub aw rs w&w mu i im
mm r.jr-i
not coffee
It's the most de
lightful Breakfast
Drink you ever tasted
and the most wholesome and
invigorating. You cannot but
like its rich "grainy" flavor and
spicy aroma. Ask your roar he
Three Cs
If lie hasn't got It h will get U for
you. Iff good for you 3 tlmts a toy.
And remember that there
is no substitute for 3 Cs.
W. L. Douglas nukes and sella more
$3.00, $3.50 and 4.00 shoes than
an otKetr manufacturer in tha world
(2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 85.00
W.L.Douglas $3.00 & $3.50 shoes are worn by millions
ot men.because they are the best in the world for the price
"W.L. Douglas $4.00, $4.50 & $5.00 shoes equal Custom
Bench Work costing $6.00 to $8.00
tin j ur i r i. I,- .-J ..11 1 nf) 1 KD
VT II JT ago, TT . Irf. lUUgl.. liloas .UM .. .wa
and $4.00 shoe than any other manufacturer in the world ?
BECAUSE: he stamps his name and price on the bottom and
guarantees the value, which protects the wearer against high
prices and inferior shoes of other makes. BECAUSE t they
are the most economical and satisfactory ; you can save money
a. -nr i r 1 I DrrAltCC. kl,..A
...i t e J nrwT takf a SURS.TIT11TE FOR W.L
If your dealer cannot supply W. L. Douglas shoes, write W.L. Douglas, Brockton, Mass., tor catalog.
Shoes sent everywhere delivery charges prepaid. CeJer Eyelet VnO,
Demure and Summery is thi&frock of
rose strewn silk mulL The drapery is of
pluin silk mull, and tiny ball fringe is
Used to finish it.
Wet or Dry Feeding.
; Many poultrymen now grind part ot
their chicken feed Into a meal so that
it can be fed either wet or dry In
the form of mush. It has been found
that in forcing chickens .for quick
growth or egg producing, feeding a
portion of ground feed is a great help.
Part of the work of digestion has
been accomplished by the artificial
grinding and the ben so fed can use
the energy thus saved for something
else. That is the real advantage of
feeding ground grain.
The general consensus of opinion
at the present time is that the dry
mash is more desirable than wet
Many practical poultrymen, however,
till prefer the wet mash.
Mortality Among Young Duck. '
The cause of mortality amojg
young ducks may be traced to over
heat, dampness, getting wet, lack of
grit, gray-head lice, sudden showers,
delayed hatches, exposure to sun, lack
of fresh water, drinking vessels, too
shallow, breeding stock out of condition.
Corn for Horses.
It la claimed on reliable authority
that corn-fed horses are more suscept
ible than those given other grains.
Cora may enter into the ration with
out any serious results, but It should
not be made tha entire ration.
Old at Three Years of Age.
If men lived on Saturn they would
be old at three years of age. Saturn's
year is nearly SO of ours in length.
This is because it is 870,000,000 miles
from the sun, consequently more time
is required for it to complete a circuit
of its orbit,
Quick, Watso, the Hook,
No man likes to be called a prune.
a lemon or an unripe persimmon, but
there are few who have any objection
to being named as a candied date.
Denver News. i
Vision of the Dreamer.
He saw the immeasurable misery of
the people, and yet he saw alt that
had been, as it were, rescued and re
deemed from it; the treasures, the
felicities, the splendors, the successes
of the world. Henry James.
Words ot Weight.
"The ancients used to write in clay
and then bake it" "Yea." replied
the man who was reading the latest
speech, "in those days when they
poke of hurling epithets at a man it
meant something."
Riches Easily Gathered.
I am startled that God can make me
so rich even with my own cheap stores,
It needs but a few wisps of straw in
the sun, some small word dropped, or
one that has long lam silent in a book
Eloquence Not Always Persuasion,
"Eloquence," said Uncle Eben, "is
.... r .
liable to deceive ae man aar. nas iu
He "casionally 'magines folks is agree
in" wif 'im when dey'a only keepin'
quiet for fear of spoilin a purty talk.'
f;-. Good Roads Hint.
"Of course we are opposed to ma
chine methods in elections.' "Well,"
replied Farmer Corntossel, "I must
admit that I'd like to see the steam
roller took out o' politics an' put back
where it belongs in the road mskin'
business. '
Where Collars and Clocks Are Made
New York state makes ninety-nine
ont of ever? hundred collars and cuffs
worn in this country. - Connecticut
makes about sixty-five out of every
hundred clocks used.
tome Suggestions for the Housekeep
er Who Wishes to Avoid
The housekeeper who does not be
leve In monotony does not serve
iheese In the same way two days .in
mccesslon. A little planning will en
tble her to run three or four different
tlnds of cheese at the same time,
keeping them all fresh by putting them
Id an airtight cold place.
As most cheeses spoil quickly It is
aell to buy in smaller portions, espe
cially In warm weather. Some cheeses
are so perishable that grocers will not
dandle them In summer, and they
ihould not be bought unless to be
saten at once.
The same kind of cheese may be
served in various forms. Take the
popular cream cheese, probably more
used than any other one make. If you
pass It out In squares one day, the
next mix It In balls sprinkled with
parsley; again mix with chopped
plmolas; or thin slightly with whipped
cream, mix with chopped red peppers,
and remold Into a flat thin cake, which
Is passed wnole.
Instead of serving bar-le-duo and
cream cheese separately, stir together
into a mixture about the consistency
of creamed butter and sugar.
Fried cheese balls . are delicious
served with plain lettuce and French
dressing. Mix into the cheese chopped
parsley, a dash of cayenne, a pinch ot
salt, and two drops of onion Juice.
Mold into balls, dip in egg and bread
crumbs, and fry In boiling lard before
Another fried cheese with lettuce is
made of the English or ordinary Amer
ican cheese cut In strips like French
tried potatoes. Dip these In seasoned
egg and bread crumbs and fry in deep
fat when ready for use. .. . ;
town property best 200-a. farm In Fremont Co..
Idaho; 186 a cult; house, barns, outbuildings, stocK,
mchny, etc; complete, well located. , ,
Wm. M. Meek. Squirrel, Idaho.
Sauce for Fricassee.
Btir together two tablespoonfulB ol
butter and one of. flour previously
mixed with a little milk. Add a pint
of milk and white stock mixed la
equal quantities; or a pint of milk
alone. Add a sliced carrot a chopped
a few snriKs of parsley and
.. ' . i.ii. Tnf lilt a tha
salt ana peiycr v -
sance whatever meat it 1b intended
to fricassee and stew gently until ten
der. Remove the pieces Into another
saucepan, thicken with the yolks of
two eggs, squeeze in-the Juice of half
a lemon, pour over the meat and serve
very hot
On of the Largest Elephants, j
A recent writer in the Field newe-j
paper fives the dimensions cf an old!
pdian elephant which would scaroelyj
sST oeea mucu uuernur in mam w m
toAstodan. According to his aceeant
fhe animal measured 114 feet la
height at the shoulders, 25 feet 6
tnohes from the tip of the trunk to1
the end of tha talL The distance
from tha tip of the trunk to one eye
res 7 feet; from one eye to tha tail
nearly 1SH feet, and tha tall was 4V4
feet In length. The tusks were S feet
I Inches long. Harper's Monthly
II aaraxlna.
Mistrusted 8ants Ciaus.
As Christmas time drew near Bob
by expressed a wlsb for some spe
cially desired article. His motner
suggested that he writ to Santa
Class about it "Mother," said tha
child, after some hesitation, "I I
think everything of Eanty, an' I know;
how good ha la an' everthlng, butj
mother, he's so awful busy that haj
forgets, sometimes! - Last year, you
member, I asked him for a toy goat.
in' ba sent me four dogs. I wish you f
took after this one thing yourself 1" .
Red Cross Ball Blue, all blue, best bluing valoa
n the whole world, makes the laundress smile.
pia 8ufficed for Lsrga Party.
Avar 00 neraona Dartook. the other
. mt Onrlfintnn Suffolk. Enxland. of
I gigantic sea-pie. Into the making of
which there entered two stone of flour,
ilx rabbits, six ox and sheep kidneys,
18 pounds of beersteax, two score oi
green vegetables, half a stone of on
ions, and two stone ot turnips ana car
rots. The total weight of the pie was
ver two hundred pounds, and It took
two days to cook.
All Are Ours.
We lament the hostility ot circura
stances and the elusive nature of op
portunity; but If we are In tha stream
of power all circumstances are ours.
Tha master of right living is keyed
to his surroundings and lives as th
rose opeg to tha sky and air. Study
yourself, lay firm hold on tha deep
germs of angelhood, tha folded blos
soms of beauty, and bid them oom
Ha Knew.
Flapper (reading' a novjel) This Is
tn Improbable book. I'm sure these
two would have kissed each other
CBi ago. Flitsende Elaetter.
When the appetite b poor
When the stomach Is weak
When the bowels are clogged
When You are run-down
Js a short course of
Try a bottle today and be con
vinced. AD Druggists.
Bnjoyaa tne judge's Lunoft.
Aman, who appeared to be one of
the unemployed, entered unobserved
the chamber of one of the Judges la
the Four Courts, Dublin, Ireland, tha
other day, and helped himself to tha
lunch which bad been prepared for
the Judge,. While he was pouring oat
a cup of tea he was discovered by tbs
attendant In charge, who had him ra
moved and went to look for a police
man. In tha meantime, tha man aa,
taned. .
Red Cross Ball Blue will wash double as many
clothes as any other blue. Don't put rour mooej
Into any other.
" Deadly Glasses.
A contrast to the Venetian glassei
which were popularly supposed to Wf
to pieces If poisoned liquor were poor-
W4 saiw uv" v w p aasa saw natives
poisoned all who drank from them.
Tha poison was crystallised at tha
bottom of the glass, from which 11
wis Indistinguishable, and as It dls
solved very slowly It could ba vss4
many times with deadly affect Soma
such glasses can ba seen at tha BrlS
lsh mnseu
Tobacco Raising In Ireland.
, Irish tobacco and Irish cigars and
cigarettes are bought in Dublin wlta
patriotlo pride and smoked with en
joyment, and it may ba only a matt
of time when Irish cigarettes wGl b
knows tha smoking world over. Tha
raising of tobacco In Ireland la oca
of tha new Industries which ara being
undertaken, and tha quality la p&
aounoad good.
Mrs. Knlcker "Can yoa gat you
boots buttoned without bending yo
knees f Mrs. Bocker 'Certainly; I
mak my husband do if Harper's
Basar. -
" Aa a Flower. "
Tha spirit of a person's Ufa la t
shedding soma power. Just as a novae
is steadily bestowing fragranoa spaa,
tha air. T. Btarr King!
Christianity and Citizenship.
Whatever makes men good Cart,
ttana makes them good citizens. DsiB
lal Webstar. ,