The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 14, 1912, Image 4

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    Farmers and Merchants
Write us for our cash offer on your
Farm and Dairy Produce. If we
don'J handle it will refer you to re
liable buyer. pEARSON-PAGE CO.
Portland, Oregon.
f rr bought; sold and
,nhnno-or1 atnortnea.
tollers, sewmiue, etc. The J. E Martin Co.. 76 lat
BU. PoVSwi Bend for Stock List and prion.
Will furnish you any kind of help you want, male
or female, ekllled or "n1:"'!;
Bins or any miscellaneous labor. Call, write or
EhonaV N. fees of any kind chafed in thin office.
PhoneV-AS24 Main 8556. 215 Stoaal St. farthaa. Or.
1118-316 Front St. Portland. Ore.
Spring Humors
Come to most people and cause many
troubles, pimples, bol's and' other
eruptions, besides loss of appetite, that
tired feeling, biliousness, Indigestion
and headache. ' . .
The sooner you get rid of them the
better, and the way to get rid of them
and to build up the system is to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla
The Spring Medicine par excellence
as shown by unequaled, radical and
permanent cures.
Get it today in usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs.
mine voga.
Sage Rats, Squirrel!, Gophers and
oa. Require! no mixing: or prepare
ays ready for use. Deadliest of all.
Your money back If not as ciaimea.
CLAai. Woodward Oauo Co., Portland, Ore,
Tailor's Cutting Retort
A newly elected Australian labor M.
P. returns bis occupation as "tailor's
cutter" an avocation rarely repre
sented in parliament. Some time ago,
says tbe London Chronicle, Australia
had a remarkably eloquent and witty
tailor, who became not only an M. P.,
but a minister of the crown. To him
a new governar made this maladroit
remark: "I hear, Mr. Jones, you were
once a tailor?" "Yes, my lord, I
was." "And how are you engaged
now?" "Taking your excellency's
measure." '
The great skin rejuvenator, if you have sallow
akin, wrinkles, pimples or roufrhnens of the face
or arms, the application of FUCHI will bring back
the glow and frcehness of youth. Pr package, $1.
(Branch) Fuchl Laboratories, Suit 9, 342 1-2 Wash
, lngton SL, Portland, Ore.
The troublesome problem of wash
day solved by RED CROS8 BALL
BLUE. The blue that is all blue.
Solid package; no liquid to leak or
spill. No adulteration. Made for 20
years and used everywhere.
A large ' package only 10 cents.
Makes the clothes enow white. Less
bother, less waste. More satisfactory
results and practical economy. ASK
A Tonic. Alterative and Resolvent- The
best remedy for Kidneys, I,lver and Bowels.
Eradicates Pimples, Eruptions and Disorders
of the Skin. Purifies the Blood and gives
, Tone, Strength aud Vigor to the entire system.
We Make You Competent to Earn
$25 to $50 per Week
In to 8 woeks. We give romploto
tounw in driving, repiiiruig,
.to. all kind of nutomohllHs,
Kwtry studniit gets pontonai
iittuntion and notuul roud
experience. Write for terms
Belmont Auto School a Gangs,
. iki und Morrlnon BU..
, . Portluud, Ore.
I Sprung an Old One on Him.
! By the way, I saw a string of excep
tionally large monkeys. I mentioned
that they looked like small men, and
a darky broke in and said: "Boss,
them monkeys can speak if they want
ed to, but they are. afraid that If they
did they would be put to work,"
Northwestern. . .
' i The Life of a Farmer. '
i The life of the husbandman a life
fed by the bounty of earth and sweet
ened by the airs of heaven. Douglai
Jerrold. .
III:'! ALDLnJ DltUJ. . I"
iliil ' I'M
ili till!
H iMii
Seek the Best.
Nobleness springs to our eyes wher
ever we look, rich stores of poetic In
spiration, If one has receptivity large
enough to take It In and reveal It
touched with emotion, the magic light
of the Imagination. Bravery, good
ness and truth lie on every side. We
need not seek the exceptional for
themes, the usual affords more than
enough. Look closely with under
standing Into the common; you will
find everwhere the uncommon, the
wonderful. The Christian Register.
Free to Oar Headers
Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for
48-page Illustrated Eye liouk Free. Write all
about Your Eye Trouble and they will ad vine
aa to the Proper Application of the Murine
Eye Remedies la Your Special Case. Your
Druggist will tell you that Murine Relieves
Sore Eyes, Strengthens Weak Eyes. Doesn't
Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and sells fur 60c.
Try It In Your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes for
Scaly Eyelids and Granulation.
Newspaper Has Record for 8lze.
The largest newspaper In the world
was the Illuminated Quadruple Con
stellatlon, which appeared In New
York on Independence day, 1858. Its
dimensions equaled that of a billiard
table eight feet long by six feet
wide; and, strange to say tor an Amer
ican publication, It had no advertise
ments. A copy of this mammoth new
world production can be seen at the
Newspaper MuBeum of Alx-hvChapelle,
France. Its price was fifty cento.
To Breal; in New Shoes.
Alwavs shako in Allnn'r. Print .K nan at niu-4 a
It euros hot, sweating, arlilng, swollon feet
cures Borim, Ingrowing nails and bunions. At
1 1 drugglnts and shoo stercs, 2fio. Dout accept
m v biiubuiulu. nuinmuniHiieur Ai&jJi. AaurOsf
nuuu a. uimstoa, lb Koy.N. x.
When Colt Reaches Market Age High
Price Paid at Service Fee la
More Than 8aved to Owner.
As a business proposition It pays to
breed mares to pure-bred stallions, al
though the service fees of such horses
are higher than those of the grade or
mongrel and scrub. The fees of the
latter are $5 and $10 less at the time
of service, but when the colt reaches
market age the saving is lost There
is at that time a difference of at least
$100 In value In favor of the colt from
the pure-bred sire, so that the higher
service fee has proved a profitable
Investment Then, too, there la a
ready, appreciative outside market for
the good grade colt, while the scrub
goes to the local buyer at low figures
and there la little If any demand for
such horses.
We are fast Improving our cattle,
Bheep and hogs. Our grains and fod
der crops are up to date In purity of
seed, quality and average returns. Our
horses, however, are away behind the
procession. The use of grade, scrub
and mongrel etalllons keeps them
there and their production la profit
less. It Is high time to put our horses on
a plane with our other animals In
p".nt of breeding and qtallty, and It
can only be done by owners of mares
absolutely refusing to patronize stal
lions other than those of pure breed
ing, soundness, prepotency and high
Individual character and quality.
When such sires can be found the
service fee is of little moment The
colt will pay for the fees and return
fine profits when sold. The continu
ous use of pure-bred sires, Intelligent
ly employed, will also quickly fill the
itate with high grade mares In place
of the sorry aggregation of mongrels
and misfits now disgracing many
For Fourteen Years. Restored
to Health by Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
lgin, 111. "After fourteen years of
suffering everything from female com
plaints, 1 am at last
Ask your dealer for it. If he doea
not handle it drop us a postal card
and we will furnish you the name of
a dealer who does
liiil III!
i Portland. Oregon!
i;jL 1 r
By Use of Explosive Farmer -Is Enabled to Blow Oat
Boulders and Stomps ; Drain Marsh Land and
Improve Soil toy Making it Porous
Trees Make Rapid Growth.
iS v: ' - Iv "' ' ' ' -
4,v; iX''; - 'J A ."
r . . IT
An Explosion of Dynamite.
Painless Dentistry
Is ear pride-onr hobby-oar study (or ymrs nl
Bow oar iuuoou, sud ours Is the Inst psInliM work
so b found nrwhors, no msttor bow maob joa
p Cora pur our rrloM.
' 1
fnw wkn plstt or
brldsA work t. ordsr
d. Consultation in.
MolirOrowm $5.00
Gold niltnaa 1.00
En.m.l Fllllnn 1.00
Silver Fillings .50
Plat.. 5.00
Bui Rid Rubbtr.
Plata 7.50
PtlnUu Eitr'tlis .50
AU work fully cuarantaed for fifteen jraara.
Wise Dental Co.,inc
Painless Dentists
Fi Aim Building, Third and Wuhlnrtsn, PORTLAND, 0R
OuTHut I A. H.tstr.M. liiaafi.lUa
W. Balih
nlst ana
'k r oul
ttiwn patrons la
II dMirsn.
hrtdKS wort
fslnliiM eitraiainn
da? ft drntrsd
OIL W. t. will, Pnimn ua Misuis
n tun u?uiau nmuis
No lT-'ll.
WHEN wrltlna to adTertlsers, plaaaa
" tlon this papsr.
Obliging Eaglo.
A golden eagle which has been In
captivity. In Maldon, Essex, for 46
years, has Just died. It was a female,
purchased In Leadenhall market, and
for several years made a nest and laid
eggs. On one occasion, eays the Dun
dee Courier, hen's eggs being given to
It to sit on, It hatched and reared a
brood of chickens, but In other years
the chicks were always eaten as soon
as hatched.
Motheri will find Mrs. WlnsloVi Soothing
Ryrup the boat rmnedv to use Jor their ohlidreu
lurlug ti tuethiug period.
Elephant Lived for Centuries
When Alexander tho Great con
quered Porus, king of India, he took
a great elephant that had fought gal
lantly for the defeated king, named
him AJax, dedicated him to the sun,
placed upon him a metal band with
the Inscription, "Alexander, the son
of Jupiter, dedicated Ajax to the sun."
Tbe elephant was found alive 850
rears later.
Illood poisoning is oiten caused by plight
outs or wiuimls. Dentil mny result. Ham
lin's Wlsiurd Oil will draw out the poison,
heal the wound and prevent serious trou
ble. Fault.
Nothing can work me damage ex
cept myself; the harm that I sustain
I carry about with me, and never am
a real sufferer by my own fault
Ct Bernard ,
His Little Peculiarity.
One o' de mos' curlosest things
about a fool," said Undo Ebon, "Is de
way he'll holler and git mad If you
don't let him show off his misfortune."
restored to health.
"I employed the
best doctors and
even went to the
hospital for treat
ment, and was told
there was no help for
me. But while tak
ing Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Compound I began
to improve and I
continued its use until I was made well. "
Mrs. Henry Leiseberg, 743 Adams St
Kearneysville, W. Va. "I feel it my
duty to writo and say what Lydia E,
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has
done for me. I suffered from female
weakness and at times felt so miserable
I could hardly endure being on my feet
"After taking Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and following your
special directions, my trouble is gone.
Words fail to express my thankfulness.
I recommend your medicine to all my
friends." Mrs. G. B. Whittington.
The above are only two of the thou
sands of grateful letters which are con
stantly being received by the Pinkham
Medicine Company of Lynn, Mass., which
show clearly what great things Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound does
Vor those who suffer from woman's ills.
If yon want special advice write to
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi
dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
be opened read and answered by a
woman And bold la strict confidence
At last the American farmer has
found a new way of raising better
crops. He has put "dynamite to an
agricultural use. With dynamite he
can blast Btumps and boulders from
his land, be can drain marsh land and
make it usable, and he can Improve
the earth so by shaking it up and mak
ing it porous that trees, grain and
vegetables grow with phenomenal ra
pidity. This new agricultural science has
been used extensively for only two or
three years. At first the farmer was
dubious and afraid of dynamite. He
considered it a dangerous explosive,
used only by anarchists and safe
breakers. But the more progressive
members of the agricultural frater
nity tried the "new-fangled scheme"
and found It good. Crops were doubled
to the acre, trees planted in dyna
mited ground spread their roots
through the loosened earth, drank in
the moisture and nourishment and
thrived wonderfully.
Experiments were made with corn
and other vegetables planted at the
same time In fields side by side, one
of which had been dynamited, the
other only plowed. The product in the
dynamited ground soon outstripped
the other.
Last year 250,000 American farm'
ers used dynamite. This year the ex
perts tell us 500,000 farmers will use
it. Knowledge Is growing. Conse
quently a new profession has sprung
up that of the professional blaster.
Many farmers want their fields dyna
mited, but don't care to handle the ex
plosive themselves. They would rath
er employ an experienced man, skilled
in the use of dynamite, to do the work
for them, even if it does cost a little
The professional blaster is a man
Cab b hnndlod vrry eaully. The ilok are curort, snd all others In
twm mull, uo piimir now wipomMi, tit from luwing thct dta
One ImhUo uunranti
lttttkltt utVfM AVttTVt
buna rvmetlr in elame twalve yuitra.
ITKK. Give on
hm. ! n.lns HlMllN'tt L1UI
the tiitiitiu' or la fowd. Arts on the blnoil and osmU irrai. Q( all
trmior (Uaiomir. litMt romtay over known Tor mnros In raul
mhi to
tiO doson,
u re one run. AOc nnd It a lntt In; Ifi f. nd
itruiw'fttit and hnrnemidoa er. ormmt oitnM paid ly
llltMIKtWIllll. tl) llOtlltltHl IlinUkTM. (III. PTfll
hlnii. 1 neat am'iita wuntvd, Largwt wlltn.
Italian Winters.
The people of Florence, Italy, have
a dislike for beating devices In their
houses, although the weather In win
ter, especially when the tramontane
is blowing, is uncomfortably cold.
None of the houses have fireplaces,
and the man who warms himself by
means of the "scaldlno," a pan of
glowing ashes, is considered effeminate.
OVER 100
SPOHN MEDICAL Cf Che.tnl.ta ftnd BacUrioIoa-Ute. GOSHEN. IND U. S. A.
2.25 1 2.50 3.00 3.50 MOO & 5.00
You can aave money because they are
more economical and satisfactory in
style, fit and wear than any other makes.
W.L Douglas name and price stamped
on the bottom guarantees full value and
protects the wearer against high prices
and inferior shoes. Insist upon having the
genuine W. L Douglas shoes. I&T.iVe.
If yordaal.r nanno W. L. TWlaa shoes, vrit W. 1.
Penalaa, Hrvrktom Maas, (v aalalo. ffhuei an evmrwhwe
4aUrersotuuttSujwt4. Ceier Jfyeleto
, -111
&tfeV ivy
Nothing to Worry About
JAre you not afraid that Borne of
your children will fall Into that open
cistern?" asked the nervous boarder,
looking over the picket fence In the
back yard. "Oh, no, mum," came the
complacent reply. "Anyhow, It ain't
where we gets our drinkln water."
Hampton's Magazine.
"Interests" In 1836.
A power has risen up in the govern
ment greater than the people them
selves, consisting of many and vari
ous and powerful interests, combined
Into one mass, and held together by
the cohesive power of the vast sur
plus In the banks. -John O. Calhoun.
One Little Sin.
It Is astonishing how soon the wholi
conscience begins to unravel If t
single stitch drops; one little sin In
dulgod makes a hole you could pul
your head through. Charles Buxton.
Making Recovery an Object.
The Eskimo gives bis doctor a te
ts 'soon as he comes. It the patient
recovers, It Is kept; If not, it Is re
Place of the 8ubllme In Art.
The beautiful is the most useful ta
art; but the sublime in art is the most
helpful to mortals, for It elevates the
mind. Joubert
One of Life's Best Pleasures Missed
Of all the things that make lift
worth living friendship comes seat
the torx But friends are rare, be
cause we are too busy.
Color more soo brthter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c package colors silk, wool and cotton equally
well and ta rurmud to stv perfect results. Akuc dealer, oi we will send postpaid at 10c a package. Wiite fox tree
txout now to cyo, bleach and mix cokua. uonkoc Dxua cowrAnr, Quincy. luinoia.
used to handling dynamite, who knows
how to explode it in the way that
it will do the most good and no harm.
He frequently goes about the country,
advertising his coming beforehand In
rural newspapers. Often the branches
out, becomes a contractor . and has
several crews of experienced blasters
under him. There are a great many
more young men learning agricultural
blasting in this country today than
there are learning to build aeroplanes.
Dynamite, while a dangerous explo
sive, Is not half as dangerous as most
persons think it. Handled by a skilled
person, who, is used to it and knows
how to take the proper precautions,
there is little or no danger. Anar
chists, as a matter, of fact, do not use
dynamite in bomb-throwing, and nei
ther do burglars use It in "cracking"
safes. What they use is nitroglyver
lne. There is an erroneous and
widespread Impression that a dyna
mite cartridge will explode If dropped
on the ground or thrown against th
body of a person. The efforts- of the
government and the leading railroads
to perfect plans and methods foi
draining the vast area of swamp now
covering millions of acres of rich,
verdant soil have directed the atten
tion of the general public toward the
Importance of increasing the cult!
vated area of the country.
In ditching with dynamite the first
thing done is the locating of the pro
posed ditch. Then the width and
depth are decided on. Holes are
punched at Intervals of about twe
feet along the course of the center ol
the ditch. In each of these holes a
cartridge la dropped and "tamped'
In with some mud. A. row of ten cart
ridges is made 150 or 200 feet long
and only the center cartridge ii
primed with a fuse and blasting cap.
Little Pussy Flumpkln,
Slttlna; In the sun;
Little Pussy Plumpkln's
Too tired to frisk and run.
Pussy's had her dinner
An AWFUL lot for her! ,
And so she sits a-sunnlng
, Don't you hear her gently purrf
Prof. Beebe Describes lnect Through
Whose Outstretched Wings Ob
jects Are Clearly Seen.
In "Our Search for a Wilderness,'
William Beebe of the New York Zoo
logical park, describes his first sight
of the transparent butterfly Hoetera
piera of British Guiana, an insect
through whose out-stretched wings
any substance on which it rests can
be clearly seen.
"As we-crossed a swirling creek on
the trunk of a mighty fallen tree,
something fluttered ahead," he writes.
"We could not Bee what it was. Closer
we came, and still the object re
mained indistinct; we seemed to see
a butterfly, and yet that appeared im
possible. At last we marked It down
on a fern frond, and crept up until our
eyes were within two feet of it Noth
ing was visible but the graceful lace
work of the frond, until a slanting
beam of sunlight struck it, and there,
close before us, was a butterfly that
spread fully three inches, but was
wholly transparent, save for three
tiny spots of azure near the margin
of each hind wing.
"As we looked, it drifted to
double-headed flower of scarlet, and
when It alighted, the scarlet of the
flower and the green of the leaf were
as distinct as if seen through thin
mica, and tbe faint gray haze of the
Insect's wings was marked only by
the indistinct venation."
Can Be Played With Partners or All
Can Play Alone Board Contain
100 8quarea.
To make " possible a four-handed
game of checkers, two playing part
ners, or all playing their own game,
r K w .
' ! N
1 n i
Pv- 5s? u
? 'ImC ' M 1
! i i Tt I I
IM --- 1
Four-Handed Checkerboard.
;he board shown in the Illustration
aas been constructed in France. The
Same Is played with either 20, 36, 66
Dr 80 men, and the squares are in
tour different colors which divide
the board diagonally Into four tri
angles. It is well to note that the
ardlnary French checkerboard con
tains one hundred squares instead of
the 64 of the American board.
The Maine experiment station has published the above plan of brooder.
which can be arranged in the corner of hen house. Two sides and the
cover are of canvas tacked on light wooden frames. When not in. use the
different parts may be stored in the lower space. Lamp fumes are con
ducted outside by an exhaust pipe. The illustration shows a section tnrougn
the middle of the brooder. . ..
Contrivance Effectively Burns
Them Ott and Extinalelia
Flames Immediately
Afterward '
A machine which It is asserted wilt
destroy weeds by fire and extinguish
the flames and sparks immediately
afterward to prevent tire from
spreading is one of the recent inven
tions described In Good Roads. It
uses crude oil which is driven by
boiler pressure Into a mixer, where
It combines with steam at a heat suf
ficient to vaporise the oil.
From tho mixer the oil and steam
are conveyed through a tube to burn
ers, combustion takes place, and the
flames are driven dowu to the roots
of the weeds with a steam pressure
of 120 pounds. Practically any num
ber of burners may be used.
By using a flee spray of oil It Is
possible to burn out stubborn growths
like salt grass and other stubborn
weeds while they are green. By this
method the gutters of residential
streets, where the traffic Is not
heavy enough to keep down the
weeds, may be kept clear.
The burner is covered with an
apron of sheet steel, lined with fire
proof material an inch thick, to lo
calize the fire and prevent damage to
fences, shrubbery, etc After the
flame has done its work it la extin
guished by a fine spray of water
forced over the ground.
A hand burner Is recommended for
clearing gutters. This Is a small
type, mounted on a cart with the
tongue fastened to tbe rear of the
machine in such a way that it can be
guided along the line. It is claimed
that 20 miles can be cleared In a day,
and all seeds and roots destroyed.
Care of Horses.
A man with an ungovernable tempo.
should not be trusted with a horse
any more than a drunken chauffeur
Bhould be allowed to drive an automo
Industrious Little Animal In Regent's
Park Gardens, London, Fells
Tree Two Feet Thick.
A young beaver in Regent's Park
Gardens, London, was once placed at
work upon a tree twelve feet long and
two feet six inches thick. Just as the
town clock sounded the hour of noon.
The beaver began by barking the tree
a foot above the ground.
That done he attacked the wood.
He worked hard, alternating his labor
with dips in his bathing pond. He
bathed and labored alternately until
tour o'clock In the afternoon, when he
ate his supper of bread and carrots
and paddled about in his pond until
5:30 o'clock.
Ten minutes later, when only one
inch of the tree's diameter remained
intact, he bore upon his work and the
tree felL Before it fell the beaver
ran as men run when they have fired
a blast. Then as the tree lay on the
ground, he portioned it out mentally,
and again began to gnaw.
He worked at Intervals all night,
cut the log into three parts, rolled two
of the portions Into the water and re
served the other third for bis perma
nent shelter.
Why 8hoes Have Tongues.
Every one that wears lace shoes
knows that there is a tongue of leather
under the place where the two sides of
the shoe meet, but there Is none In
button shoes. Probably very few per
sons know that this is a comparative
ly modern Idea and is not for the pur
pose of keeping the laces from hurting
the Instep, but Is to keep out rain and
There would be no discomfort If the
laces touched the sock, but no matter
how closely a shoe may be laced up
there Is always a slight space which
would allow rain to reach the stock-
Not a Frog In His Throat
Ever talk so much that flies get
down your throat T . A horse down in
Connecticut last summer was not talk
ing, but he was holding up his mouth,
wide open, to engulf an apple from the
limb of a tree. There was a swallow
that had been frightened and it flew
blindly Into the hone's mouth. The
horse choked to death and so did the
swallow. Even If the horse had been
able to swallow the swallow be would
have remained hoarse.
not coffee
If s the most de
lightful Breakfast
Drink you ever tasted
and the most wholesome and
invigorating. You cannot but
like Us rich "grainy" flavor and
spicy aroma. Ask your grocer for
Three G's
-If he hasn't got U he will get It tor'
you. It's good for you 3 times a day.
And remember that then
is no substitute for 3 G's.
-, vnne Boiled water."
TMvh water that has been boiled
la usually so flat and tasteless thai
,n ant tn dislike it exceeding
ly, and even though the health au.
thoritles order its use, many iwV..
will run the risk of contracting ty
phoid fever rather tnan lane uu v
caution. If boiled water is thorougniy -cooled
and shaken up well in a bottle
half filled, it will become aerated and
have the sparkle and taste oi irenm,
drawn well water. Housekeeper.
Life In Town.
One nice thing about loafing In a
big town is that if a man has money
enough he can get shaved twice a
day without -exciting comment Gal
veston News.
Soda Water From Tablets.
Bohemia has what is called "soda
bonbons." The "bonbons' are tablets
of two kinds, acid and alkali, and one
pair is sufficient to produce about ball
a Quart of soda water.
Harm Done by the Apathetic
It la the apathetic people who win.
not take up the burden of the da)
who are doing real harm In the coun
try. '
Idleness the Root of All Sin.
Idleness is the unforglveable sin, be
cause It la the mother of au other
Then don't wonder at
your rundown condition.
Your food is not being
properly digested, thus
causing Heartburn. Gas.
on Stomach, Belching,
Indigestion and Costive
ness. You should try a
bottle of
It makes weak stomachs
strong and maintains
health. At all Druggists
Three Burled by Snowslldo.
ta the course of a violent storm si
Grenoble, near Paris, recently, an lso
lated mountain chalet situated at a
height of over 5,000 feet above the
sea, was burled in an avalanche ol
snow and completely disappeared. Its
three occupants have undoubtedly perished.
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B. S treat, Cedarrille, CalL, writes t
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Woman as Worshiper.
Women are born, worshipers; la
their good little hearts lies the most
craving relish for greatness; It Is
even said each chooses her husband
on the hypothesis of hla being a great
man In his way.- The good crea
tures, yet the foolish I Thomas Car
lyle. .
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Are you easily tired, lack your
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Then your digestion must be
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