The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 24, 1912, Image 4

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    Farmers and Merchants
Write us for our cash offer on your
Farm and Dairy Produce. If we
don't handle it will refer you to re
liable buyer. pearsoN-PAGE CO.
Portland, Oregea.
HOWARD E. BURTON - Assayer an Chemlrt,
Loadville, Colorado. Specimen prices: Hold,
Silver. Lead, tl. Gold, Silver, Uoi Gold. Wo: Zine
or Copper, $1. Milling envelopes aid full price 111
Ent on application. Control and Umpire workao
sited. Betaranoei Carbonate National Bank.
Wl Wul AB 1m Hin. Wills fcr prkts at Ahm UH-
J818-816 Front 3t " Portland. Oref
nd Ribbon Badges. Good uooas. wuica uer.
Bend for complete Catalogue No. 24. Asms Stamp
Machinery ;
eAnii.TTfinit Mchln-
' ry bought. oid and
whanorMl: AllfflneflL
m a- m.. 1 1? Marf in Pn.. 7(1 lit
BU Portland. Sand tot Stock List and pricafc
Will furnish you any kind of help you want, male
or female, skilled or unskilled, fafm, sawmill, log
Kirs; or any miscellaneous labor. Call, write or
phone. No feea of any kind charred in this office.
Phones A 6624,- Main 3565. 215 SeceaJ St. Perllaad, Or.
Plumbinf Supplies. Hardware, Etc., Direct ( Consumer
Write for descriptive catalogue. '
CHAS. E WEST CO, Portland, Oregon
The great skin reju venator, If you have (allow
akin, wrinkles, pimplea or roughness of the face
or arms, the application of FUCHI will bring- back
the glow and freshness of youth. Pr package, f 1.
(Branch) i'uchi laboratories, Suit 9. 342 1-2 Wash
ington St., Portland, Ore,
Can Easily Be Made by Utlng Plec
of Cardboard With Two OJecta oh
Different Sides.
How many children know what a
ihanmatroDe Is? Very few, by thai
name. But most of them have Been
thaumatropea.. The dictionary says
that a "thaumatrope is an optical toy
depending for its action "upon the per
There Is no other season when medi
cine Is so much needed as In the
spring:. The blood is Impure and Im
poverished a condition Indicated by
pimples,, boils and other eruptions on
the face and body, by deficient vitality,
loss of appetite, Jack of strength.
The best spring medicine, according
to . the experience and testimony of
thousands annually, is
Hood's Sarsaparilla
It purities and enriches the blood.
cures eruptions, builds up the system.
Get It today in usual liquid orm or
Chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs.
I 1 1 11 I
Hot Water, Copper lank. Sell kav.Utwe-. thick
IrRCKWrllPAtOU Nurwry. Sefw larno. tatted thermometer. beat
ftttt IfTRlAi. cowirucliofi of three will all over with sibtaroi
OUARAJiTCtD oe'w cH w tmple I hit anybody cm
fjui Mg haichem tj our ttiaiof ut and low lir prit
Br 49 from tt.7 up
fit Helena Incubator Co, Toledo, Washington
Arnold's Asthma and
Catarrh Remedy.
Gurirnntoed to pure OatHrrb, A nth m ft,
lironcliitia, Hny Fuver and Ilott Cold,
or money refunded. Inclose SI. 26 for
AHthiiir. Honied y. or ft)o in itampa for
(intnrrh of the Hoid and Htomaeii, Auk
for Hldrcrw of people cured in Portland,
3 aroma or Beuttle.
Arnold! Aalhma Cure Co., 333-4 Arcade bidg., Seattle, Wn.
Ve Make You Competent to Earn
?Z5 to $50 per Week
ft to 8 wtwkii. Wo wive romnleto
cntirHH In nriviny, ropnlrliitf,
oto. all kliidnof iiutoMioltliufi,
Kvery aludnnt et paraonul
ittUmtUm and actual road
uilHtrient'e. Write for tecum
Betmonl Anfo School I Garage,
. aid and Mirrlnon bt,.
v fjr,v
The Juggler.
slstence of an Image on. the retina ot
the eye. On opposite sides of a disk
are depicted two objects or different
parts of "the same object, so that
when the disk is rapidly twirled
around a diameter the two sides ap
pear to be seen at once and their im
ages are combined."
Thaumatropea are not hard to
make. Just cut out those pictures,
Reverse Side of the Disk.
paste them on opposite sides of a
cardboard and twirl it by means of
the string as tshown also in the illus
tration, and you will have a thaumatrope.
Destroys Sage Rats, (Squirrels, Gophers and
Prairie Dogs, Requires no mixing or prepare,
tiou Always ready for use. Deadliest or all,
Your money back if not as claimed.
CXARKit, Woodwaru Dkuo Co., Portland, Ore.
On Way of Describing Americana.
, Nowhere is the architectural sense
'more rigorous and scholarly than in
writers from the land of Babel-like
eky-abraslon. London Saturday Ito.
Belittling God.
' It were better to have no opinion of
God at all than such an. opinion as is
unworthy of him. Bacon's Essaya.
I . I'll
I I ' I I
i iii:
i !!!
Ask your dealer for it. If he does
not handle it drop us a postal card
and we will furnish you the name of
a dealer who does
i-lMIUJNG Cpjjii
ii 1 I i
Painless Dentistry
la our Drlde-otir hobbr-onr atoJy for yeara and
Bow our sueoeu, and our Is the bvat palalaa work
to be found any hern, bo matter how moohyou
pay. Compure our l'ricea.
OT,(i(rit'i tiim piato ana
V J brlilii work for out.
" l- 'J3r-Uwn patrons lu
r-ainuwa eiiraetion
? i ..! .1... k. I l.
'i nun wiir
d. Comullillos Irat.
MolarCrowna $5.00
Qeld nillnr 1.00
Enamel Filling 1.00
Silver FIIIIkm .50
Good Rubber ' A.
Plate, 6.00
ruita 7.50
P.'bUii Eitr'IlM .50
All work, fully guaranteed for fifteen year.
Wise Dental Co.,ic.
Painless Dentists
fijtlni Bulldlm, Third and WithlntlM PORTLAND, OKI
OMtaHwti f A.M.Utr.I(. auaars.lUa
H. W. . Will, Praaui ist Muuit
il mm niutaui Niuate
out or TOWN
run rtwIrepRimfit InmU
int of KoM-roioMiomo,
RMlia-bvildlac ta.oUa
tho Chtawe dootor.
1 rr new wore if you have hea dootorin with
Uii one and tumt oni nd hv not ot.tlnd inr
mt.uent relief, thi irrti nature htuiUir tlimt
ttMeourtNMeind )nm'rtt ootre iviuviy whoa
aotion if quick, nure and Mfe. IHi (rHairlptitHiO
rre coniftonudiHl from Koota, KnrtMi. iliia ua
irk thai twn a.tttirW from rv qutr
trof the nM. The iHrti of thwm ntdivlnMi
re nH known to the ouuide world. I mt have tan
handed down f rtm (Uitx to aua Ui the ph.cUua
t la Chin.
If you lire out of town and oanmH cell, write for
ay tup torn blajik ud eirvnlajr, encioelui i oeuu in
1 62J first St, Cor. Morrison
Portland. Oragoo.
Healthy-Minded Girl Faces Factr
8quarely and Looks for Reasons
for Shattered Idol.
"Most of us start out ln girlhood
with rather definite oplnoins as to
friendship," says Anne Bryan McCall
In Woman's Home Companion. "A
friend should be this or that. We have
the matter all settled in our minds.
And then, along comes some experi
ence entirely outside our expectation.
The friend to whom we have vowed
undying devotion falls us In some es
sentlal and disappoints us deeply. The
structure we thought secure for all
time falls suddenly. Some of us may
perhaps sit among the ruins, bewail
Ing and embittered; but tbe healthy
minded girl faces the fact squarely
and looks about for reasons,
"One reason our friendships fall
Is that we think of them as complete
and established things. Friendship is
a thing never complete It Is always
In the making. A vow of friendship,
no matter how earnest, is at best,
only a promise to pay; whereas many
of us mistake It for a payment in It
self. Take any of theso big qualities
and requirements of every honor, un
selfishness, fidelity does it occur to
you that any one of these can be es
tablished once and for all? Indeed, it
cannot. Loyalty yesterday is not loy
alty today, nor will an unselfish act of
the day that Is past serve to meet the
obligation of usefulness of the day
that is here. It is not a luxury, this,
that can be bought and paid for and a
receipt given.
In the Declaration.
Too often in speech and print occur
Uncle Sam's common people," "My
servants, "Our middle classes." Re
publican France still adores her
princes and despises her poor. The
United States and the Kingdom of
Heaven were founded for the homes
;)f the poor and the weary and the
persecuted not for flunkey monkeys.
As a rule, a few doses of Munyon's Cold Remedy
will break up any cold and prevent pneumonia. It
relieves the head, throat and lungs almost in
stantly. Price 25 cents at any druggists or sent
postpaid. ' ,
If you need Medical advice write to Munyon's
Doctors. They will carefully diagnose your case
and give you advice by mail, absolutely free.
Addrens Professor Munyon, E3d and Jeffersoa
Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. -
A Toot.
King Olaf "What ho, varlet! Brtns
forth my drinking horn." The Varlet
"Here with the drinking horn, kid.
The old man's going to have another
toot" ,
Whenever you hnve a pain think of
I T a 1 1 1 i rn Wizard Oil. For hctidarhe,
Toothache, Earache, t-tomach ache and
many other. painful ailments there is noth
ing better.
Have You T
tVe have never heard of anybody
iv ho succeeded in making surliness or
Incivility pay.
Build Up
The System
Display of Friendly Feeling Origin
ated When Men Were In Habit of
Carrying Swords.
Did you ever ask yourself why you
shake hands with persons whom you
know? Here Is the reason:
In the old days, when every man
who had any pretensions to being a
gentleman carried a sword, It was the
custom for men when they met to
show that they had no Intention ot
treachery to offer each other their
weapon hands that is, the hand that
would be used to draw the sword, and
to withhold the hand was usually the
signal for a fight.
So fixed did this habit become that
long after men ceased to wear swords
they still offered the weapon hand to
a friend and declined to offer It to an
enemy. To this day when you refuse
to shake hands with a person It signi
fies that you are at war. Among
savages, who never carried awords,
tbe practice of shaking hands la un
known, and it affords them amusement
to aee the white men do it.
An Electric Scarf Pin,
Terhapa the smallest electric motor
In the world Is In the scarf pin of D.
Goodwin of McKlnney, Tex. He la a
skilled watchmaker and recently he
constructed the motor, which Is so
small that a 10-cent piece will cover
It It weighs only nine-one hundredths
of an ounce. The front of the motor
is of highly polished gold and the com
mutator and segments are of the same
metal. Mr. Goodwin wears the curi
osity In his necktie and it makes a
very attractive decoration, the nature
of which can only be discovered by
close Inspection.
Origin of Words.
"How did there come to be so many
words in the world?" asked little Lo
la, who was turning the leaves ot a
"Oh," replied her eight year-old
brother, "they came through folks
luarrellcg. One word brought on an--thtr,
you kuow "
Is the stomach
Are the bowels
Is the blood
will tone, strengthen and in
vigorate the entire system
and make you well again.
Food of Horse and Sheep.
A healthy horse eats nine times lta
weight in food in a year; a sound
sheen six times
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslowi Soothlns;
Syru p the bust remedy to use for their childrej
iuilug t:e toe thing period.
Poultryman Must Have Fixed In Hts Mind Line He Wishes
to Follow and Then Bend Every Effort to Carry
tt Out Several Little Things That Need
Rhode Island Reds Good Layers and Weigh Heavily.
Get Plenty of Sleep.
Plenty of sleep is conducive to
beauty. Even a garment looks worn
when It loses its nap.
for the signature of K. W. GROVE. Used tbe
World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 26c
Without Limitations.
Our country is the world; our coun
trymen are mankind. William Lloyd
Find Relief in Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
Their Own Statements
So Testifye
Tlatea, Pa. "When I wrote to you
first I was troubled with female weak
ness and backache,
and was so nervous
that I would cry at
the least noise, it
would Btartle me so.
I began to take Ly
dia E. Pinkham's
remedies, and I don't
have any more cry
ing spells. I sleep
sound and my ner
vousness is better.
I will recommend
your medicines to all suffering women."
Mrs. Mary IIalstead, Flatea, Pa.,
Box 93.
Here is the report of another genuine
case, which still further shows that Ly
dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
may bo relied upon.
Walcott N. Dakota, "I had inflam
mation which caused pain in my side,
and my back ached all the time. I waa
so blue that I felt like crying if any one
even spoke to me. I took Lydia E.J
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and 1 (
began to rain right away. I continued
its use and now I am a well woman."
Mrs. Amelia D.ux, Walcott, N.
If you want special ad rice write to
I.rJIa K. Viukhmtt Mcdiduo Vo. (confl.
di-ut lal) Lynn, Mush. Your letter will
be oncned. read nul answered by I
woiniiu cud !ic!i ia ctrkt confident!
(By A. Q. PHILLIPS, Kansas.)
To insure the best success in this
rvork, the poultryman must first have
fixed in his mind the line he wishes
to follow and then bend every effort
to carry it out. If he wishes to breed
hens for eggs, the first thing he must
do is to select his stock with that ob
ject in view.
A farmer who feeds steers for beef
production picks out individuals which
conform closest to the type of animal
which he considers would make the
best feeder. This type is entirely dif
ferent from the one a dairyman would
select for his dairy herd. The man
who selects a horse to use on a heavy
drag wagon hunts for one which he
thinks can best do that work, while
the man selecting a race horse would
pick one of an entirely different con
Thus, in intelligent selection of our
live stock the purpose for which it is
to be used is first determined. In ap
plying this principle in the poultry
business, there are several things
which should be considered in select
ing hens for layers.
The first thing to notice concerning
the shape is, as to whether or not the
hen is rangy or bocky. A bocky hen
indicates a meat producer, while the
more rangy one Indicates the produc
tion of eggs. Since the development
of the egg, to a large extent, takes
place In the region of the body below
the broad part of the back, that part
of the body should be broader than
the fore part. This gives to the body
a V-shaped appearance as viewed
from the top, the small part of the
V lying toward the front. When a
hen is in heavy laying condition, her
abdomen is lower than the breast line.
This gives the body the appearance
of being V-shaped as viewed from
the side along the top and bottom
lines, with the small part of the V
toward the front. This enlargement
of the body in the abdominal region
Plant Flourishes In Rich, Well
Drained Loam Avoid Hill
Bides, Heavy Clay and
The best soil for onions is a rich,
well-drained loam. Heavy clays, hill
sides and stony land should be avoid
ed. Onion soil cannot be too rich.
Excellent crops are grown on deep,
rich, muck lands that have been un
der cultivation for three or four years.
Such lands should contain a fair mix
ture of sand. New, raw muck lands
give poor returns.
The ground for onions should have
been planted to some heavily manured
hoed crop the preceding year and be
practically free from weed seed. It
js a great mistake to grow onions on
weedy or run-down land.
The following which relates to onion
growing on a large scale also applies
to garden growing.
A rather firm seedbed which results
from fall plowing Is desirable and
gives the best results. A second crop
of clover, heavily fertilized with barn
yard manure and turned under In the
fall followed by potatoes the next year
makes an excellent preparation for
onions the second year.
A heavy top dressing of well-rotted
barnyard manure or compost should
be applied In the spring, and well
makes the back appear somewhat
narrower, giving the body a V-shaped
appearance from the back downward
on the Bides as viewed from the rear.
Thus, a body V-shaped in three di
rections indicates large productive
A good layer is longer In body, neck
and legs than a- meat-producing hen.
She stands up well and has a well
spread tall. Observation has shown
that a pinch-tailed Leghorn Is not
generally as good a layer as is a fan
tailed one. .
The character of the head furnish
ings is an indication of the hen's lay
ing condition. When a hen is in full
laying her comb is full and bright
red. Some ' Plymouth Rocks when
laying heavily will have lopped combs,
and therefore become disqualified as
show birds. When hens are molting
they lose all their color in face and
comb and the size of their combs be
come very small, but as soon as laying
commences, the combs enlarge and
the color returns. Many Instances
have been noted with Leghorns and
Minorcas which indicate that the
birds with the largest and reddest
combs are in heavy-laying condition.
A laying hen works and hunts for
food all day, is the first off of the
roost and the last to go to roost.
Some claim the pelvic bone test to
be final and conclusive. Immediately
below the tall at the end of side
pieces of the back are two somewhat
bony protuberances. These are called
the pelvic or "lay" bones, and are
just above the vent through which
the eggs must pass. When an eg
Is Jaid, these bones must be forced
apart to allow its free passage. When
these bones are soft and pliable, and
spread sufficient to allow three fingers
to be placed between them, it Is an
Indication that the hen is laying. If
they are hard and bony, and close
together, the hen would not be con'
sidered as laying at that time.
worked into the soli. After this a com
plete commercial fertilizer analyzing
4 per cent, nitrogen, 8 per cent, avail
able phosphoric and 10 per cent pot
ash should be applied.
This fertilizer formula is very popu
lar with large onion growers, and it
should be put on broadcast and thick.
If the ground is in a high state of
cultivation the commercial fertilizer
may replace In part, the barnyard
manure. A top dressing of ashes and
hen manure might also replace In part
the commercial fertilizers.
Very successful growers use them
all and in addition nitrate of soda ap
plied broadcast in three or four ap
plications during the growing season.
Wood ashes constitute one of the
best forms of potash fertilizers and
should be carefully kept under shelter
away from rains.
It is well to bear in mind that It
costs just as much to seed and culti
vate a crop of onions that yields 300
bushels to the acre as it does to grow
a crop yielding 800 to 1,000 bushels.
Guarding Against Scratches.
One of the best preventives . of
scratches in horses is to keep the
feet clean. If mud is permitted to
dry on the fetlocks Irritation is likely
to ensue.
Waste From Apples May Also
be Vsed as Hoar Feed An
Excellent Way to
Dispose of It.
Apple pomace can be used as a fer
tilizer. It will add humus to the soil.
Never put the pomace In the orchard,
s it spreads fungous diseases and in
sects which otherwise would be de
stroyed. Hogs eat pomace readily. And that
says Albert Dickens, professor of hor
ticulture at the Kansas Agricultural
college. Is one of the best ways to dis
pose of tt Do not feed pomace to
rattening hogs, as the acid in It will
set their teeth on edge, and they may
sat less.
Pomace Is sometimes placed In bar
rels and covered with water, vinegar
Selng made in this way. This is an
unsatisfactory method if there la verr
little lulce left in the pomace. Files
Starting in Hogs.
The amount of capital required to
launch an energetic farmer in the hog
raising business Is not great, and If
care is exercised, fair profits will be
obtained the first year.
and other insects that are drawn by
decaying matter will give trouble 11
cider is made in this way.
Bacon Breeds.
The large black hog, a bacon breed
much in favor In England, Is but little
known in this country, there being but
four herds as far as Is known. They
are long, deep-bodied, with enormous
drooping ears. The shoulders are
light, the carcass is rather limp, but
the bacon Is as fine as any Tarn worth
Coal Ashes and Manure.
The sittings from coal ashes, when
placed on poultry droppings, absorb
liquids, fix volatile ammonia, prevent
offensive odors, and thus are of value
in preserving the qualities of the drop
pings for fertilizing purposes.
Money in Hogs.
A farmer near Husum, Wash., owns
500 acres ot undeveloped land cover
ed with oak trees which he has fenced
hog-tight Last year he fattened 500
hogs on acorns, feeding only $300
worth ot grain.
His Quotation.
A high school boy who had failed In
an English examination took the teach
er to task because she had asked no
questions on "The Merchant of Ven
ice." one of the books studied. At the
second examination, the first question
was "Give a quotation from The Mer
chant of Venice." When the boy hand
ed in his paper, Imagine the teacher's
feelings as she read, "O belli what
have we here?" Llpplncott's Maga
zine. Free to Oar Readers
Write Munrre Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for
iS-page Illustrated Eye Book Free. Write all
about Your Eye Trouble and they will advise
as to the Proper Application of the Murine
Eye Remedies la Your Special Case. Your
Druggist will tell you that Murine Relieves
Sore Eyes, Strengthens Weak Eyes. Doesn't
Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and sells for 60c
Try It in Your Eyes and in Baby's Eye for
Bcaly Eyelids and Granulation.
Church Haa Nursery.
In order that mothers with babies
might be able tp attend church, and
not be troubled with the infants, a
nursery has been established by the
First Methodist church at Vancouver,
Wash. A room In the basement is
used, and is equipped with toys for
the amusement of the children. . "
Ask your doctor how often
he prescribes an alcoholic
stimulant for children. He
will probably say, " Very,
very rarely." Ask him how
often he prescribes a tonic for
them. He will probably an
swer, "Very, very frequently."
Then ask him about Ayer's
Sarsaparilla as a strong and
safe tonic for the young. Not
a drop of alcohol in it.
Always keep a box of Ayer's Pills in the
house. Just one pill t bedtime, now and
then, will ward off many an attack of
biliousness, indigestion, sick-headache.
How many years baa your doctor known
tnese puis r ask mm an anout mem.
Kade by the 3. 0. ATIB CO., Lowell, Haas.
2.25 2.50 $3.00 3.50 MOO & $5.00
give W. L. Douglas shoes a trial. W. L
'Douglas name stamped on a shoe guar
antees superior quality and more value
for the money than other makes. His
name and price stamped on the bottom
protects the wearer against high prices
and inferior shoes. Insist upon having
the genuine W.L Douglas shoes. Take
no substitute. If your dealer eannot supply WJ-Donalai
hoes, write W.I,.Dou(rias,llroikton, Mass., fir catalog. Slioetsent
every where delivery charges prepaid. M Color Eyelet used.
Getting the Facts.
"Mrs. Ashcraft," the summer board
er Inquired, "why do you keep these
guinea hens?" ,
"My husband has me cook one of
em once in a while," answered the
farmer's wife. "He says he likes
their gamy flavor."
"Mr. Ashcraft," said the boarder,
later in the day, "why do you keep
these guinea hens?"
"O, my wife likes to hear 'em sing,"
responded the farmer.
A Tonic, Alterative and Resolvent. The
best remedy for Kidney9, Liver and Bowels.
Eradicates Pimples, Eruptions and Disorders
of the Skin. Purifies the Blood and gives
Tone, Strength and Vigor to the entire system.
Blue that's all blue. RED CROSS
BALL BLUE delights the laundress.
A wash day necessity. Once tried,
always used. A standard bluing for
20 years.
More eatisfactory than liquid blue,
and more economical because it is
not 4-5 water. Easily handled and
cannot spill. Price, 10 cents. ASK
Second Bunch for Him.
The other day I went to see a little
boy, who was sick, and took with me
a bunch of grapes for the little in
valid. Donald's father -hung the
grapes in front of the mirror, thinking
the reflection would amuse him. After
a while Donald's little brother came
Into tbe room and Donald said: "Rich
ard, there are two bunches of grapes
there. The one in the glass is for
you." Chicago Tribune.
"Pink Eye" is Epidemic In the Sprint-.
Try Murine Eye Remedy for Reliable Relief.
Good Profit in Begging.
The streets of London never fail to
attract the professional beggar and
never disappoint him. The Mendicity
society tells us that a beggar can
earn more than the wages of the aver
age working man, and that "it is prob
ably no exaggeration to say that well
over 100,000 ($500,000) is given away
haphazard to beggars in the Btreets of
London every year."
Your drug-gist will refund money if PAZO OINT
MENT faila to cure any caae of Itching-, Blind,
deeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 60c
Women as Preachers,
One reason why women are forbid
den to preach the gospel Is that they
woud persuade without argument and
reprove without giving offense. John
Want Something to Exercise On.
Somehow or other the women who
feel that they were born to command
always get married. Exchange.
H.LCorbin, So. Platte, Colo., writes t '
" I am a stockman here and if you lived
near I could give you a box of Mustang
Liniment bottles we have used up on our
horses and cattle. We ride pretty hard
here in the Rockies but Mustang Lmiment
fixes the horses good as ever."
25c. 50c $1 a bottle at Drug &Gen'l Stores
Superiority. .
In the opinion of the average wo
man pedigree 1.? as much superior to
brains as angel cake is superior to
flapjack. 9. E. Klser.
The man who complains that the
corld Isn't giving him his due wouldj
irobably be pained If it did.
Healthy cowl (ire more milk, make richer
batter, and require lets c.te. KOW KURE is a
cow medicine, not a food. It regulttes the
digestive and generatlveNoresni and tones up
the entire system. A poiitive cure snd preven.
other sJhnentsthstssp the strength of milking
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