The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 29, 1912, Image 3

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    Attorney Watta was in Pendleton
A. J. Molntyra of Weston was in
the city Saturday.
Miss Sadie NorDean of Weston was
in the oitT Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Koontz were
in Pendleton Tuesday. :
Mrs. S. F. Sharp visited relatives
in Pendleton Tuesday. ;
Dean ' Willaby transaoted bosiness
in Pendleton Saturday. :
See Borke & Son for good fir wood
and Koofc Springs ooal.
Bnrke & Son will savn yon money
on wood in oar lots or less.
W. B. Shaffer was in the oity yes
terday from Waitsoorg, Wash.
Miss Gladys Bannister of Weston,
visited fnends In the oity Sanday.
T. L. MoBride and Clande Prioe of
Weston,' were in the oity Saturday.
Miss Norma Smith of Weston, was
the gues. of Athena friends Tuesday.
Miss Odessa Eirkpatriok of Weston,
visited friends in Athena Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. a. Lnoas of Wes
ton were in Athena Tuesday, trading.
Clayton Luna and John Stanton ar
rived borne from Arlicgtoo this week.
Mis. J. G. Bryan of Helix visited
lelatives. in this vicinity this week.
If you want the best shoes that
money can buy, go to Fix & Badtke's.
Have your teeth fixed now, while
Dr. Sponogle's Special Prioes are on.
Proebstel, at Weston, has choice
Alfalfa seed in quantity at low prices.
Dean Willaby has a runabout buggy
which is in first class condition, for
sale at $25. -
Yatd cleaning and garden making
has been under way in Athena this
week. . : , .;'
Mrs. Dickson, of Union, is visiting
at tho home of her nephew W, 0.
Miller. . -
Dr. and Mrs. J. E. . Sharp will
move into the Groves residence on
Fourth street.
Tbos. Gurdane, ex-chief of police
in Pendleton, was in town Wednesday
from that oity.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Byson of Weston
were in the oity this week, trading at
the looal stores.
Eev. Staley, of New Mexico, has
teen engaged as' pastor of the Helix
Christian ohuroh.
Dr. J. E. Sharp transaoted business j
at Jfencueton Wednesday, returning on
the afternoon train.
Mrs. Bodies and Mrs. Senter, of
Walla Walla, were guests last week
of Mrs. F. S. LeGrow.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Barrett were
iu Pendleton Tuesday, attending the
corner stone laying exercises.
The Girls' Missionaiy Circle will
meet at the home ot Mrs. A. M. Mel
drum next Thursday evening, at 7:30.
Mrs. Allison, professional nmsn. nun
be fonnd at the home of J. M. Smith,
in Ainena, whenever services are re
Andy Weaver this week moved bis
ramuy to Milton, where they , will
rent a email fruit ranoh and reside in
the future.
, New spring and Easter bats are ar
riving at Mrs Jones millineiy store.
Some stunning models are displayed
in her windows.
Weuaha Sorices h BR nnmnit In tka
ownership of a Portland syndicate.
P. H. MoPbee Will beietainwl namnn.
ager of that resort.
Mrs. A. C. , Myers, who hfl hAAn
vieitiug at the S. S. Parris homn for
some ttme, has returned to her Lome
at Caldwell, Idaho.
Joseph Garrett, the Weston
was seriously injured in a fight on the
sohool grounds at Weston last week.
has fully teoovered.
Miss Maiy LaBraobe returned to
Walla Walla Tuesday, after visiting
at the home of ber parents sooth of
town for several days.
The Mothers' Club will meet at the
home of Mrs. Thomas Lawson on Fii
dy. April 5. at 2.30 p. m. A cordial
invitation is extended to alL -
Bert Cartano, M. L. Watts and W.
P. Littlejohn motored to Pendleton
Tuesday and witnessed the laying of
the new asylum oorner stone.
Mrs. Fred Lieuallen of Pilot Rock
and Mrs. Robert Cronin of Portland.
sisteis of B. N, Hawks, will te guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Hawks Sunday.
$3.50 Red Cross shoes and Oxfords
for women, at $2.00. $1.25 men's
shirts at 79 oenta: 75 cent man 'a
shirts at 89 oents, at Fix & Radtke's.
Mrs. 0. M. Brotbertoo is down this
week from ber botne in Wa'itsturg,
visiting Athena friends. She has to a
great degree recovered from Jber re
cent illness.
Proseoutins Attornev Samnel Van
Yactor was in the city Wednesday.
He was accompanied by Gua Mosier,
well known lodee mnn and nrominent
lawyer of Portland.
A most pleasant party was enjoyed
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Meldrum last Friday evenins. when
they entertained a number of their
young married friends. a,
Mr. W. E. Hydb of Connell. Wash.,
arrived in the oity yesterday to aooept
a position as salesman with the new
Golden Rule Store which opened for
business Tuesday morning.
H. A. Bandy went to Walla Walla
Wednesday evening for the purpose of
undergoing treatment for appendicitis.
It is learned that be submitted to an
operation at 10 yesterday morning.
H. A. Barrett and R. T. Brown
went to Weston Wednesday evening
by auto. Near the Bannister plaoe a
"blowout" ooourred and the gentle
men hiked it into Weston. A. A.
Foss oame to the resoue with repaiis.
'"Ramrod Bob," a Pendleton char
acter with pedestrian pioolivities, has
been in town during the week. He
issues a den through a Pendleton news
paper to beat any horse in Umatilla
oounty on a 500 mile walk. . He offers
o wager $500.
JS. K. Koontz, R. T. Brown and
A. A. Foss autoed to Walla Walla
Sunday to see the Spokane league
tram in piaotioe with tha Walla Walla
team of the Blue Mountain league.
Deputy Sheriff Joseph Blakley was
in town yesterday on official business
in oonneotion with the sale of the
Kidder bankrupt paint etook. The
sale for some teohnioal reason, was
Georse Brace has been annnrHnnurt
Grouse Mountain in the Weuaha for
est reserve for horse ransn and will
pasture 150 bead of horses there this
season, making bis headquarters at
Weuaha Springs.
M. A. Ferguson was in tbe citv va-
terday fiom Pendleton, aooompa'jied
cy JU. b. Miller. These trentlemen
were selling stock for a company that
will manufacture tbe Universal Me
tallic railroad tie.
A. A. Foss this week reoeived in
telligence of the oritical illness of his
uncle, Dr. J. B. Foss. of Crete, Neb
raska. Tbe dootor will be remem
bered by many Athena people having
visited his brother, L. J. Foss, bore
about two years ago.
Tbe chicken dinner given by the
ladies of the M. E. ohuroh Saturday
was well patronized. The dinner was
splendid in detail and tbe servioe ex
cellent. Tbe neat sum of $35. SO was
netted from tbe dinner the oharge be
ing only 25 oents tbe plate.
Save pain and money. Gold crowns
$5 and $6. Biidge work, $5 and $6.
Amalgam and silver fillings, 60o. and
$1.00. Painless extraotioo, 50o. Full
set of teeth, $10. Ouly tbe best ma
terial, and work guaranteed. Dr.
Sponogle, Reliable Resident Dentist.
Mrs. Lillie Miller aunounoes an
other new shipment nf hats thia week.
Next Tuesday Mrs. Miller will meet
a representative of -ber Eastern whole
sale house at Walla Walla and in a
day or two thereafter will have some
magtiiQoent Easter hats in ber show
Mrs. W. E. Dobson returned Sat
urday evening from Portland, where
she was called by rhe oritical illness
other sister. Mrs. Dobson was ob
liged to return to resume ber school
work, but expects another summons at
any time, as no hopes are held ont for
her sister's reaovery.
Wines are the staples in family liq-
ours. Bert Cartano carries a large
and varied stook of seleot vintage?.
$1.50 per gallon, yon can get oboioe
Tokay, Mueoat, Angelioa, Sweet Ca
tawba or Port. These are California's
best . produat and give satisfaction
wherever used. Call at tbe Red Front
for the best and purest liquors.
Mrs. Lillie Miller made a business
trip recently to Union, and made a
very oreditatle sale of hats in that
oity. While there Mrs. Miller visited
with Mrs. Max Lewin, formerly of
this oity. From ber she learned that
Jake Bloob, well known to Athena
people, is very ill at bis home in Port
land with oanoer of tbe stomach.
The "Cobs," will be the name of
Athena's second team, organization of
which will take plaoe at once. - There
are several olassy young players in
town, who with proper training now
will a little later on form a nucleus
for first team work. The team will
practice daily and will be open for
games with teams of other towns.
Another good word for the Meneley
Conoert company, whioh appears in
this city Saturday evenjng, April 6,
cornea irom " uneyenne, Wyoming
"Nothing cf a higher order in enter
taioment has been beard here. The
voices have the barmoov of real
chimes. The musical instruments
lent tbe charm and so did tbe imper
The Dreamland Theater has been
offer tug some gcod entertainment in
piotuiea this week. Tbe till for to
night and tomorrow, Saturday nigtt
promises some interesting films: 1.
"The Hoyden," Lubin. 2. "A Wid
ow Visits Springtown," Vitagrapb.
3. ."Turned to tbe Wall." Edison.
For Sunday evening: 1. "Tie Atone
ment of Thais," Gaumont. 2. "The
Fortune Hunters," Seligs. 3 "Whif
fia'a Home Troubles," Patbe.
I. E. Young, principal of tbe Mil
ton schools, bis consented to eek tbe
nomination for County Superintend
ent of Schools on tbe republican tick
et. Mr. Young has made an enviable
reoord as an eduoator while holding
bis position at Milton, having been
there for fonr years, and was recently
eleoted ty tbe board to tbe fifth year.
He baa friends throughout tbe county
who are doing him good servioe in as
sisting bim toseouie tbe nomination.
B. H. Milliken is displaying some
fine samples of spring and snmmer
olotbs for clothing made to order by
tbe Mark G. Harris oompaoy. Mr.
Milliken states that for be benefit of
tbe old customers of tbe shop, he has
all measures taken by his predecessor,
Mr. Conley, on file and can refer to
them whenever occasion demands. His
faoilities for cleaning and pressing
on short notioe are perfect and ap
preciated by the pnblio. . Remember,
bis prices are reasonable and that be
guarantees satisfaction.
Negotiations for tbe sale of Charles
Norris' harness shop have been under
way for several days, tbe prospective
purchaser being A. B. Steele of Psgoo.
It is understood the sale of tbe shop
baa been made and that Mr." Steele
will take possession in a couple cf
weeks. Tbe new purohaser has for
several years been an express messen
ger on the Northern Parifio running
out of Pasco, and was formerly en
gaged in the harness business. Mr.
and Mrs. Noras will probably go to
Portland to reside. They retain tbe
residenoe and tusiness property ttey
own in this oity.
The Athena auxiliary to the Chris
tian Woman's Board of Missions an
nounces a most interesting meeting at
tbe Christian ohuroh for tomorrow,
Saturday afternoon, at 2:30. Tbe
meeting is entirely of a devotional
oharaoter, and will be followed on tbe
following Saturday, April 6, with an
other afternoon meeting, olosing tha
week of prayer before Easter. A cor
dial invitation is extended to all to
attend, and invitations have teen ex
tended to the Missionary sooieties of
neighboring towns, especially are
tbe members of the C. W. B. M. urged
to be present tomorrow afternoon.
It is our aim to furnish Pendleton and Umatilla coun
ty people with the best merchandise and newest ideas
Our Prices Are Right
If you'll compare them with the prices of mail order
houses or other local stores, youll see that, quality
considered, we will give you more than any of them.
by saving the only old and reliable P, W. trading stamps
which mean an additional saving to you of 5 per cent,
of every cash or thirty day purchase you make here.
These stamps represent looal enterprise, being owned and controlled by
the Peoples Warehouse' they are absolutely reliable and will buy more
for you tnan any other stamps in existence.
Hart. Sebaffner & Marx clothes for men and young men. Hercules suits for boys, allwool ibower proof, taped
seams. Manhattan shirts, the beet on earth.
Deimal Linen Mesh and Lewis underwear for men. Springfield, springneedle underwear for women and mieses.
Everwear hose for men, women and children, 6 pair guaranteed to wear 6 months witnont holes.
John B. Stetson bats Jo aU grades and styles. Jobnston-Mnrpby; T. P.-'W. Special and Napa Tan shoes. The
Famous Hallahan Shoes for women.
H. & L. Block's famous work gloves for men. T. P. W. Special and Dent's gloves for women.
Earl & Wilson's Redman 2 for 25o collars. Rufus Waterhouse neokwear for men. Pure silk.
Gossard front laoing corsets, the best in the world. $3.50 up. Royal Worcester, Adjusto and Bon Ton cor
sets, $1.00 to $5.00. ' -
Carhartt'a Overalls and corduroy pants. Druoker Trunks, guaranteed for one year. -
, The Horrors of Thirst.
There is no horror like the horror of
thirst no physical suffering compnrn
ble to it. A traveler over the desert
in Egypt describes a man who had lost
his way. wandered about for days
without water and finally came stag
gering into his cnmif. The man's eyes
were bloodshot, his lins swollen to
twice their natural size; his tongue,
blue, narcbed Hrftl swollen, hung out
of his mouth.';,To i Wow such a mnn to
drink water nt , TxJirVould be like
pumping cold water into a redhot
steam boiler. It would kill him. This
man required to be held forcibly by
four men in his eagerness to get at
drinking water, while a fifth man al
lowed a few drops to trickle down tho
throat of the sufferer at long inter
vals. He bad to be cooled off little by
little, like an overheated boiler.
These are
all lines that have, by long years of
honest merchandising worked up a reputation, which
is worth more than dollars and cents to them, so that
wheq you buy any of these goods you may know that you are getting the best You
have the manufacturers reputation and our own reputation to rely upon and these
goods cost you no more here than inferior imitations cost you in many other places.
The Peoples
Where it pays to trade.
Save your trading , stamps
The Color Curt.
To cure smallpox was apparently a
very simple matter in the good old
times. ' John of Gaddeston, court doc
tor to Edward II., has recorded that
be got rid of the disease by tbe simple
expedient of wrapping his patients In
red cloth. "Let scarlet red be taken,"
be says, "and let bim who is suffering
smallpox be entirely wrapped iu It or
in some other red cloth. I dldHuus
when tbe sou of the illustrious king
of England suffered from smallpox. I
took care that nil about bis bed should
bo red, and that cure succeeded very
wall" London, Tatler .
School Report.
Tbe monthly report for La Mar Dis
triot No. SO, beginning February 26
aud ending March 22, is as follows:
Number of days taught, 15; number
of pupils enrolled 18. Pupils on tbe
roll of honor for tbe month are as
follows: Charley Henley, Ellis Hop
per, Bazel VanCleve, Carl Johnson,
Albert Veeder, Helen Johnson, Shirley
Barnes, Vergie Key, Lola Key, Mamie
Sbeard, Lela Sobubert, Lola Veeder
and Velma Sabubcrt. Visitors for
the month: Supervisor Albeit E
White, Alex. Johnson, Mrs. Sarah
Swaggart, Mrs. J. H. Key, Grant Key,
Robt. Matt and Miss Lizzie Sheard.
Lillian Downs-Dobson, Teaober.
For Sale.
A. L. Swaggart, phone Farmer's
line 289, has a freeb Jersey milob cow
and bay for sale. Tbe oow is fresh,
and tbe bay is grain aud alfalfa.
Grain bay in quantity, either loose or
in bundle.
$1800 6-cylinder, 7-patsenger Frank
lin 1910 model just overhauled and
repaired. $3000. Address
F. A. Dooly.
109 N. 2nd 1st, Walla Walla, Wash.
Ridiculous. "'
Newljvred-Wbnt. $20 for s hat?
Why. that's simply ridiculous, my
dear! Mrs. Xewlywed That's what I
thought. Ilarold. Hut you said It was
all we could afford. Atlanta Georgian.
Only Technically.
"Is your child In bed by 6 every even
lnrr Technically, yes. We t2ln argu
ing about that tlme."-Was(ltlrit;fort
t Always the same in quality yet always different
in style. We carry this line which has no superior
in fit and quality in all the latest styles.
The Selby Line
of high grade Shoes is
carried only by largest
and best shoe stores, so
we were very fortuna
te in getting this splen
did, high class line.
We will stand back of every pair of these shoes. Our
prices are hot anjr higher than other makes and-not
as high as some other reliable shoes. Shoes oxfords
from $2.50 to $4 in black, tan, white and brown. "
When tho bones ache and the Joints aro Inflamed, with much tenderness
at the affected parts, you naert a powerful penetrating agent to overcome
the attack,
I! R'B IT mas nn
LIfflJIll& H
Its wonderful Dcnetratinpr power aftord3 a moet cratlfyin!? senso ot relief to the afflicted. It eases
pain quickly, subdues til Inflammatory condtU-ma and rapidly restores strength and comfort In the
aching joint!). It is equally effective In rcllovins neuralgia and sciatica. Rub it In well, gently but
thoroughly; Its healing and stronEther.inK.lnfii'onca M manifest as soon as it reaches tho nerves at tho
seat of the disturbance. A few applications controls tha disorder and restores normal conditions.
As a household remedy for curing cuts, wounda, burns, sores or the hundred and one accidents that
are always occurring to the flesh, it has no superior. m
Put Up in Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1.00 per Dottle.
For Sore Eyes. Granulated Lids, Rcdnen ot the Eyehnll. Weak Sight, Smarting Sensations la tbe Eye,
use eicpnena isyo oaive. it Is a remedy or proven merit.
i ' 'is-
jlosgwe lercantile Co j
cTWarch 16, we shall have our Grand Opening Display
(I of the very" latest productions of domestic and import
ed fabrics and Readjr-to-wear Garments.
New Silks, Velvets Latest Production
and plain and bordered Foulards in end- of th Tailoring Art in men and boys new
less varities. Make your selections now Spring Suits and Walking Coats-both
while the big lines are unbroken. the conservative and the nobby kind.
in Imported and Domestic Wool Suitings for men and boys is made on the latest
French Wool Challies and Broadcloth?, lasts. Only the most reliable makes and
the kind that has become the rage. the best grades are carried.
and Coats, in White Serge and the fancy of the celebrated Utz C& Dunn ladies'
Mixtures. This new line is positively Footwear in high, regular and low cuts,
the niftiest we have ever carried. In Nubuck, Suede, Velvet and Satin.
!Just received, all the new shades in Suisse Lustre Silks
regular 45c quality, we open the season at 25c per yd
Where Trading Stamps are given with Cash Purchases t