The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 22, 1912, Image 2

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F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Published Every Friday. Office, Corner
Third and Jefferson Streets.
Entered In the I'ostofflce at Athena, Oregon,
as econduiass Mail Matter.
Subacrlption Rates.
. One copy, one year. . . $1.50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00)
One copy, six months i 75
One copy, three months 50
Advertising Rates.
Display, transient, running less than one
month, first insertion, per inch 25c
Subsequent insertions V-A
Display regular, per inch 122
Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c
Subseauent insertions, per line 5c
Lodge resolutions, per line 5c
Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c
tATHENA. ORE.. MAR. 22. 1912
There ia no question of substitution
of the Eecall for impeachment. Ira
peaohnient is designed for malfeasanoe
in office. The fieoall is designed for
misrepresentativeness in oflioe. The
judiciary must be independent. If is
ia indepedent of bosses, it will be in
dependent of popular majorities. If it
is not independent of bosses, then di
rect oontrol ia necessary to end the
tyranny of the bosses. But the con
stitutions nowhere say or intend that
judges shall be sovereign. That wonld
be "soleoiBm, at least in a republican
government," said Thomas Jefferson.
If the people can empower legislatures
to remove judges for malfeasanoe
without destroying judicial indepen
dence then- the people oan directly
pass, in Rooall elections, on I heir ju
dicial representatives without im
properly affeoting judioial independ
ent. Is there anyone who will al
lege that legislatures have never been
improperly influenced in the election
of United States Senators? Why,
then, may legislatures not be im
properly influenced in unseating a
President Taft roasted the people's
power movement in Massachusetts in
an address before the legislature Mon
day. He bitterly denounced what be
termed the soap box presidential pri
mary as an "open t venue for fiaud
and violence," and while diHOussing
the recall of judges he asserted that it
is impoesljlo for the people to directly
participate in all governmental func
tions. DUpatobns say that the Pros
idout partook of seven mouls during
the day. This would be stress euougb
to force any normal man to draw on
bia digestive organs instead of his
brain in defining the rights ot the pen
pie to govern themselves.
their energies to its correction and
Mr. Hinkle's hobby, if any, is irri
gation and conntry home building.
He may, therefore, be counted for
anv measures that will promote the
itrigation of arid lauds and enoonrage
their settlement by tbiifty farmers,
and so he may be counted for better
schools, better roads, cheaper railway
and water transportation and any
rneasnre calculated to make the coun
try borne more attractive and desira
ble. Mr. Hinkle's recent election as
permanent seoretary and treasurer of
the Oregon Irrigation congress ia not
only a reward of merit to himself, but
an honor to Umatilla county. This
position will give him prestige in the
legislature in all matters pertaining to
irrigation and kindred subjeota.
(Paid Advertisement.)
A "Cougar" Hunt.
It is reported that the oitizena of
Adams participated in a congar hunt
one day recently. A oouple of young
farmers hastened to town with the
report that they had treed a large cou
gar ju a grove above town. It is said
firearms were assembled and a big
crowd went out to diapatbh the cougar
on short order. One of Dean Dudley's
big brindle hounds waa found crouob
ing in the brush and the cougar(?)
bunt terminated in disgust right there
Democrats Visit Pendleton.
Jos. N. Soott, A. B. MoEwen and
M. L. Watta attended the democratic
banquet at Pendleton Wednesday
night. While the banquet waa
progress someone entered the cloak
room and m9de away with three over
coats. However, the Athena men
oame home wearing their own coats
and no suspicion oan be directed u
this way, J. W. Maloney, Walter M
Pierce and W. M. Peterson eaob lost
his overcoat.
FROST & PENNEY, Proprietors
A Branch of the "Golden Rule 'Syndicate'' Operating 33 Stores
Northwest, Will Open its Doors for Business in Athena,
in the
Watling'a Island.
San Salvador Is perhaps tlio most In
teresting historical point on the Amer
lean side of the world, as it Is tho is
land upon which Columbua first land.
od. Yet it has lost its name. In view
of the history not only of the B.-ihamas
group, but of tho American continents
ua well, it Is far from surprising that
the Identity of the famous island
ehould have been long lost or that tho
reldontlflcntlon should hhvo been de
layed until the middle of tho last cen
tury, when Captain Beelicr of the Brit
ish nnvy by application of the descrip
tion contnlnod in Columbus' Journal to
the course from Gomcra to the Baha
mas determined clearly that Wnt ling's
Island alone met nil requirements of
the case. Argonaut.
Kopubliouu candidate for the Legis
lature before the Primaries April lUtb
is a native of Keutnoky and oumo to
Umatilla county in 1881 with his
parent?, who settled on a homustead
in tho Juuipor country north of Pen
dleton. He received his eduoatiou iti
the pnhlio sobools of this county nud
in Willamette University at Saloin,
Oregon, and began his career in pub
lic life as publisher of the Farmer's
Allianoe Herald at Pendleton, 181)1-2.
Ho taught in the public sobools of the
county for three years, aud was ad
mitted to the bar in May 1897. He
immediately opened a law odioe at
Peudletou, where he praotiood for 11
yoais, niakiug a suooess of his profes
sion aud acquiring a moderate com
petency. In 190!) be began direotiug
bis energies and bis Havings f 10m the
law business to tbo building of the
HinLlo ditoh at Eoho, one of the big
gest irtigatiou enterprises undertaken
in this end ot tho county, and ono
which bus added $1,000,000 to tho
taxable wealth of the county uud pro
vided homes tor hundreds of people
where uu uuinbabitable duseit ex
isted before.
In 1003 Mr. lliuklo letiiod from
active law praotioo aud moved with
bia family to bis alfalfa farm at the
month of Butter cieek, whore he now
bag 200 acres of alfalfa iu u highly
Improved state of cultivation, from
whioh bo derives au independent in
come, ns be Buys, to "supply auy
reasonable man's wauts."
I'or tho past year Mr. Iliuklo has re
sided at Hermistuu ou uccouut of the
school facilities for bis childreu.
He is legal advisor foi the city of
Hernia ton, a numter of water users'
assooiatlons aud privates ditch com
panies, and enjoys tho coutldeuce aud
esteoni of the people generully, who
regard his remarkable sucoees iu his
own lines of endeavor as a fair criter
on by whioh to judge bia ability o
bandlo the affairs of others.
In private life he is oleau aud whole
some, having au elegant aud talented
family, aud is lespousive to every call
or move for the moral uplift aud so
cial purity ot the oomuiuuity iu which
be resides.
Politically, Mr. liiukle is a Iiopub
lioau, baviog affiliated with tho te
publioau paity for the pust IS or 11
years. Prior to that he was a popu
list, for whioh be olaiuis be baa no
apology to rnako. Like uiauy of the
populists after the dissolution ot that
party, be songbt the liopullioau party
as the best available meaua for the
aooomplishmeut of political refoims.
He is a piomiueut member of the
People's Power League ot the mate,
and one of the tiamers of the direot
primary law aud Statement No. 1.
However, be liaukly states that while
the progressive legislation tor the past
13 years under republican coutrol is
a wonderful improvement over the
old methods, it does not follow by any
means that the so-called Oregon Sys
tem ia perfect or that it may not yet
be iutluitely improved. Instead ot
blindly fighting the progressive Ideas
id the day, those who aro iuoliued to
criticise the system should devote
An Even Thing.
Tho late Sydney Mudd of Maryland
was on n train polnff from Washington
to his home when a man who had had
too much to drink sat down beside him.
The passenger blinked at Mudd for n
moment; then he lurched over and
tsked. "Shay, wash your nameV"
"My name Is Mudd," be replied.
Said the other: "You got nothln' on
me. My name's Dennis." Saturday
ICveuJng Post.
"How did you find the weather fox
London?" asked tho friend of the re
turned traveler. .
"You don't have tD find the' weather
In London," replied the trnveler. "It
bumps Into you nt every corner."
In the Cox Building, first door west of the Post Office. This Store needs no introduction, as
our Pendleton store has proven to the public that they can buy better values for less money
than has ever been their privilege in the history- ot Pendleton. We invite all to call, get
acquainted and inspect our goods as we know we can save you 15 to 30 per cent on your
purchases. We will not advertise a 20 or 30 per cent discount, trading stamps or premium
schemes. The buying public are awake to the fact that such can not be done legitimately,
unless it has been added oh .before. Your dollar will buy 100 cents worth here. We court
comparison. f & - ' & dfi & &
Stores in Oregon
Pendleton, Athena.
Preston, Kextcig, Malad City, Lewiston,
Moscow, Muckay, St. Anthony.
Wullu, Dayton, Wenatobeo.
Kemmerer, Cumberland.
Buying for Spot Cash, selling for Spot Cash, knowing how to Buy,
knowing where to Buy. That is why we-undersell all competition.
Golden Me Store
Cox Building, Athena, Oregon
Trinidad, Grand
Jonotion, Mon-
Ely. MoDili.
Great Falls.
Price, Eureka, Provo, Spanish Forks, Mt.
Pleasant, American Forks, Midvale, RiohBeld,
Bingham Canyon, Murray, Bountiful, Rich
John P. "Jerry" Rusk
J. P. Neal.
Candidate for Republioan Nomination
for District Attorney, Primaries
April 19
If nominated and elected I will, dm
iug my term of office, endeavor to en
force the law strictly and impartially,
to mako tho administration of the du
ties of such olfioe absolutely free from
all partisan intlueuoe or personal pre
judice and to use the manhinery of
snob oil'ice for the benefit of the peo
ple as a wbolo. I believe in the prin
ciples of the Popular Government aud
that the Llootorul rights are bc$t
safeguarded by tho methods in use un
der the Oregou System.
Paid Advertisement.
Claude C, Covey.
of VVarmspring, Crook County,
Candidate for Doiuociatio Nomiuatiou
for KeproHeuta'ive in Congress,
Secoud Otegou District
"If I am nominated aud elected 1
will, duiiug my tenn of olfioe, guard
the interests of Eastern Orgon, ad
vnuatiug libeial nud rpnsouablo home-stead,-
initiation nud furemy laws,
uduiiuisteied to eucourugn actual set
llorg; the just apportionment of Ore
gon's reelutnatiou fuud; the Uregou
.System iu State uud Nutioual Polities;
taiitf reduction ; iuoatua tux; parcel
post; impioveuieut of livers mid bar
tors; modern shipping laws without a
ship subsidy speedy prosecution of
high orimiuals without iuiuiediute
pardou; aud the ndiuiuitdratiou ot all
depaitmouts of the Goverumeut with a
view to honesty, eonuomy and elfioien
oy, unhampeied by politics, private
interests or boreauoiatio red tape.
Paid Advertisement.
Progressive Republican Candidate
for Congress.
"I'or Roosevelt and Progress; sgaiust
Taft and Standpatism."
It's time the people took oharge of
their government at Washington as
they have taken charge of the stale
government here iu Oregon.
"Let the People Role" has been bis
rule of action in the last two ses
sions of the Legislature.
(Paid advertisement.)
P. Sharp
Special attention- given to all.
calls both night and day.
Calls promptly answered. Office on Third
cHreet, Athena Oregor
Athena, Oregon.
Calls answered promptly night or day.
Office in Morris Building, Athena, Ore.
Hours, 9 to 12 and 1 to 5.
Athena, Oregon. - Pendleton, Oregon
Mew Stock
Homer I. Watts
Athena, Oregon.
Auto Livery
Service at all hours, day or
night. Ford cars for sale.
Gasoline, Oil and Extras.
For the Best Work
In the Circuit Cooit of the State of
Oregou for Umatilla County.
John Robert Hays, Plaintiff,
Mandu K. ilajs. Defendant.
To Maude K. Hays, tbe above
named defeudaut: In tbe name of
the State of Oirgoo, you are hereby
rcqnirnd to appear in the stove enti
tled Couit aud cause on or before the
L'ntb day ot April, A. D. 1912, and
answer the complaint of tbe plaintiff
filed aguiurt yon herein; and yon will
take notice that if you fail to appear
aud answer tbe said compluiut, or
otherwise plead thereto, on or before
said Uino, the plaiulHf will apply to
tbe Court far tbe rdiut piuyed lor and
de inn i did nuaiut yon in sail com
plaint, to wit: for a dissolution of
the bonds ot matrimony now uud
heretofore exit-tiug between pluiutiff
uud deteucluut uud for uu absolute
divorce from tho defendant.
This summous is published pur
suant to uu order of Hon. Uilcert VV.
Phelps, Judge of tho Sixth Judicial
District of tho State ot Oregou, duly
made nud outered on tbe 7th day of
Maioh, A. D. 1913, and tbe first
publication will bo made ou tbe 15th
day of March. A. D. 1 913, aud tbe
last publication ou Friday, tbe 26th
day of Anil, A. D. 1913.
Dated this tbe ?tb day of March,
A. D. 1913.
i'etersou & Wilson,
Attorneys for Pluiutitl.
Iu the Couuty Court of the State of
Oregou for Umatilla County.
In tbe Matter of the estate of Hugh
Mol.eau (MoLaue), Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern that
Charles McLean tins beu appointed
administrator of the estate of Hugh
McLean (MoLane), deceased, by the
above entitled Court. All persons
having claims against the said estate
are required to present them, with
vouchers as required Ly law, to tbe
said administrator at his home in
Atheua. Oregon, or to his attorneys,
Petertiou & Wilsou, in the Siuitb
Crawtord Building, at Peudletou,
Oregon, within sis mouths from date
of tbe first publication of this notioe.
Dated this tbe 8th day ot March,
A. 1)., 1913. Charles MoLeau,
Peterson & Wilsou, Administrator,
, His Attorneys.
C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V.
Otlcial Stock Inspector. Graduate McKUlrp
Vcttnary College, Chicago
Phono Main 27, riiNDLETON, OREGON
Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist
- -"i
t'ff .
- - I,, , mi
Eggs for setting, 15 for 13.00; CO foi
IS.00; 100 for f 15.00. Took 1st, 2nd
aud !frd pallet ; 1st aud 2nd boo, aud
1st peu at Milton Poultry show.
Miltou, Oregon.
Every thin
in louse Purnishinffs
iller's Furniture Gives Satisfaction
J. E. FROOME, prop.
Only First'Class Hotel in
f the City.
Is lti oa;y oue tbal can iccommoiliti
o)iniurotl travaler.
tj "
, CMcl Spfe mm-
v- - ife!a psj .
I 1 1 All farmers I
t'n bico(ueadi tor IU clran und
wall ventilated room.
most heelina salvs In the world.
Candidate for tbe Repotlioan
nomioaton for tbe office of
District Attorney
At the Primary Election
April 19. 1913.
"If nominated and elected 1 pledge
my best edorts to tbe duties of the
ollice. 1 will have no enemies to
pnnish aud will favor no friends; pro
seontions will be undertaken only
after careful investigation and I pledge
myself to the strictest economy con
sist int with tbe efficient enforcement
of the law. 1 desire to have printed
after my name on the nominating bal
lot the following s
"Pledged to a strict and impartial
enforcement of tbe laws of Oregon."
Frederick W. Steiwer.
(Paid advertisement.)
realize the importance of
sowing their grain at the
proper depth; but this can
not be accomplished with
the drills as they are found
on the market today. The
accompanying cut shows
an attachment for the hoe
drill which overcomes this
The Akers Hoe attachment regulates the depth of
sowing, packs the soil around the graia and insures the
grain to be perfectly covered. They are manufactured
and sold by the
PENDLETON IRON WORKS, Pendleton, Oregon.