The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 15, 1912, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
Wiil Harden was in Pendleton Tuea
M. L. Watts was in Weston Wednes
' ' day. V ,
Matt Mosgrove was in tba oity fiom
. Milton Wednesday.
W. B. Wood was a business - visitor
in Pendleton Tuesday. -
Chaooe Rogers was in town Wed
nesday from Weston.
Will-Jamison has teen in town
from Weston this week.
Mr. and Mrs. P. S. LeGrow spent
Sunday in Walla Walla.
J. T. Lienallen was ' in the oity
- Wednesday from Adams.
. Robert Ooppook tiaosaoted bnsi
nes3 in Pendleton Tuesday.
Ernest Koepke was in from the
ranoo weBt of town, yesterday.
Frank Jackson has wheat hay for
sale at his farm west of Athena.
If yon. want the best shoes that
money can buy, go to Fix & Eadtke's.
Have your teeth fixed now, while
Dr. bponogle's Speoial Prices are on.
Attorney Watts and Ed Koontz went
to Pendleton yesterday by automobile.
Proebstel, at Weston, has choice
alfalfa seed in quantity at low prioes.
Attorney & F. Wilson arrived in
the oity this morning from Portland.
H. A. Bundy painted the new front
of the Holden Rule store building
this week.
Mrs. M. L. Watts has been ill the
past week an) confined to her borne
with lag rip. .
Mrs. James Price and Mrs. Minoie
Walker , were in the city Wednesday
frctn Weston. .. .
A E. A. Zerba and J. W. Hopper are
new subscribers to the Press, commen
cing this issue.
Charles Barrow of the Mosgrovr
Mercantile . Company, returned Sat
urday from Portland.
Charley May was down from his
mountain ration Wednesday, trading
with Athena merobants.
Mrs. MoCaullum of Moro, in visit
ing hr niece, Mrs. Byron N. Hawks,
at her home on Fifth street
Miss Mattie Coppook has arrived
home after an extended visit with
relatives near Colfax, Wash.
Albert Fix, of the firm of Fix &
Badtke, has been on the siok list this
week, being confined to bis bed Tues
day. -.;. ' j.-
Bert Ramsey is now located at
Slater, Wash., wbere be is foreman
of a seotion force On the Northern
Miss Kilty Gbolson spent Sunday in
the oity visiting her father aud mo
ther. She returned to Walla Walla
Monday. - '
Mrs. Allison, professional nurse, can
be found at the borne of J. M. Smith,
iu Atbena, whenever services are rc-
Samuel Barlow and Miss Florence
Belts, both of this county were mar
ried in Walla Walla Tuesday.
Miss Eatherine Sharp came up from
Pendleton and spent Saturday and
Sunday at her home in this oity.
Mrs. Edith Lumsden is seriously ill
at the home of her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. MoBride, south of town.
Mrs. J. T. Miobael arrived in the
oity from Portland Wednesday even
ing, aud is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Fred Boyd.
We note a fine display of Colonial
pumps and French wool Challies on
display at the Mosgrove Mercantile
U.'s store.
Lawrence Lienallen was in town
Wednesday from bis Adams ranob.
He is getting along with his spring
work nioely.
A speoial Embroidery and Lace sale
is given by Fix & Badtke Saturday.
Maroh 16. Be sure and see the bar
gains they are offering. .1 '
B. B. Riohards petition for Justioe
oftbePeaoe of Athena district was
circulated yesterday and will be filed
with the county clerk today.
Mrs. Lillie Miller will leave Sunday
for Union with a stobs of bats and
millinery goods, which she will dis
pose of to the ladies of that city.
(?. W. Proebstel, the Weston Hard
ware dealer is offering a oarload of
Amerioan Field Fence, poultry and
rabbit wire at unheard-of bargains.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kershaw, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Ely, Mrs. Barbara Wil
laby, Mr. and Mrs. Cork ram, Mr. and
Mrs. Swaggart and Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Some among Dr. Sponagle's patients
tbe past week from other noiuts were
Mrs. Hammons, Helix, Mr. McDan-
iels. Adams, and Dr. Watts and son,
of Weston. - v ;
Ralph MoEwea was in from the
ranob Saturday. He is getting ready
fo spring work and considers pros
peots good for a bumper crop in bis
Charles Brotberton came down
from Waitsburg Tuesday and transact
ed toBiness in Atbena. He reports Mrs.
Brotberton to have reoovered from
her recent illness. . -
J. H. Ridenonr left Wednesday for
Walla Walla, wbere he joined his
wool harvest crew on their annual
sheep shearing tour through Wash
ington and Montana.
;' Kites, marbles and base ball are the
allurements of entertainment now at
tracting the attention of the Athena
boys. Between- the three pastimes,
the kids are kept busy.
Mrs. John Mulligan, of Pboanix,
B. C, nee Miss Carrie Weir, a former
popular teacher of Walla Walls, is a
gueRt at the borne of Mr. and Mrs.
F. S. LeGrow iu tbis sity.
Mrs. Staokland, mother of Mrs.
Edward Miller of Union, died at ber
borne at Cove, -Friday. Mrs. Miller
before her marriage conducted a
photograph gallery in tbis oity.
Ihe Oemooratio Club of Umatilla
county has extended iavitations to tbe
demoorats of the county to attend a
meeting of the Club to be held in Pen
dleton, Wednesday evening, Maroh 20.
Prominent speakers will deliver ad
dresses and a banquet will be given.
Every tegietered Democrat of Uma
tilla county is urgently requested to
be present
Mr. Walter Rose was in the oity
Wednesday, accompanied by bis young
son. Mr. Rose appeared in tbe oast
wbiob presented "A Scrap of Paper"
at the opera house Wednesday even
ing. . - ' . .
Mr. A. B. Steele of Peidleton, was
in trie city yesterday. Mr. Steele is au
express messenger running on trains
between Pendleton and Pasco. While
in the oity be was tbe guest of Charles
Lee Teutob baa loaated in Portland,
where be will engage in tbe real es
tate business. . He was formerly a
leading merchant of Pendleton, and
later encaged in tbe real estata busi
ness there.
Misses Edna and Thelma Saling,
who are attending school at College
Plaoe, Wash., are visiting at tbe borne
of their grandmother; Mrs. Lizzie
Jones. They are aooompanied by Mrs.
Dallas Kime.
A friend send the Press a copy of
the Maple Creek, Saskatchewan, News,
a newsy, readable paper. . D. C. Kirk
and family reside near the town of
Maple Creek, and control a large body
of farming land. , .
George Fergnsou, of Pendleton and
I. M. Kemp of Weston, are represent
ing a life insurance company in tbis
vioinity with flattering auocesa, hav
ing written several thousand dollars
insuranoe last week.
Clinton E. Usher of Tekoa, Wash
ington, will preach in the Baptist
oburon on Sunday, March 17th. Morn
ing service at 11 o'clock, .evening
service at 7:30 o'clock. -A cordial
welcome is extended to all.
Mrs. Lizzie Jones bas on display a
large linn of superb street and dress
hats. Her stock is now complete
and she invites tbe ladies of Atbena
and vioinity to call and inspeot the
stock before tbe lines are broken.
Work in all three ranks of Pvthian
ism took plaoe last evening at tbe reg
ular meeting of Pythian Lodge, No.
29, K. of P. Visiting Knights from
tbe lodges at Hermiston, Pendleton,
Weston, Milton and Adams, were
present . ' , "
Workmen are engaged iu replacing
tbe sill timbers in tbe foundation of
tbe St. Niohola hotel bnilding, oorner
of Main and Third streets. This build
ing baseen in use sinoe 1886 and
aside from the - foundation timbers,
is in a good state of preservation.
Clarenoe Trnitfc, a young man of
Freewater, was taken to the county
jail on tbe obarge of assaulting bis
sister. It Is said that young Truitt ex
plains bis unmanly notion byv saying
that bis sister dared bim to strike
ber, aud he thereupon "soaked ber
Mr. Fred Soli, manager of tbe new
Golden Rule store is in the oity aooom
panied bv bis family. Tbey will oc
cupy the John Bell residence on
Fourth street. Tbe store is being pat
in shape to receive tbe goods. wbioh
are expected to arrive shortly from
tbe East.
n 4
It is our aim to furnish Pendleton and Umatilla coun
ty people with the best merchandise and newest ideas
Our Prices Are Right
T I 111 J.1 : ! Jl H
ii luum wiiu uie prices 01 man oraer
houses or other local stores, youll see that, quality
considered, we will give you more than any of them.
by saving the only old and reliable P. W. trading stamps
which mean an additional saving to you of 5 per cent,
of every cash or thirty day purchase you make here.
These stamps represent local enterprise, being owned and controlled by
the Peoples Warehouse' they are absolutely reliable and will buy more
for you toan any other stamps in existence. ' '
Hart, Sohaffner & Marx clothes for men and young men. Hercules suits for boys, all wool jhower proof, taped
seams. Manhattan sbirts, tbe best on earth.
Deimal Linen Mesh and Lewis underwear for men. Springfield, springneedle underwear for women and misses.
Evervtear hose for men, women and children, 6 pair guaranteed to wear 6 months witnout holes.
John B. Stetson bats io all grades and styles. Jobnston-Mnrphy. T. P. W. Speoial and Napa Tan shoes. Tbe
Famous Hallahan Shoes for women.
B. & L. Block's famous work gloves for men. T. P. W. Speoial and Dent's gloves for women.
Earl & Wilson's Redman 2 for 25o collars. Bafos , neokwear for men. Pure silk.
Gossard front lacing corsets, the best in the world. ?3. 50 np. Royal Worcester, Adjusto and Bon Ton . cor
sets, $1.00 to $5.00.
Carhartt'a Overalls and ooidnroy pants. Drncker Trunks, guaranteed for one year.
These are all lines that have, by long years of
honest merchandising worked up a reputation, which
is worth more than dollars and cents to them, so that
when you buy any of these goods you may know that you are getting the best. You
have the manufacturers reputation and our own reputation to rely upon and these
goods cost you no more here than inferior imitations cost you in many other places.
avs to trade. Save your trading stamps
Where it pays to trade,
The Baptist Missionary society was
entertained yesterday afternoon at tbe
home of Mrs. George Bannister, on
Fifth street. A splendid program was
carried out and after tbe bosiueas ses
sion, refreshments were served. Sev
eral guests of tbe society were present. ,
Save pain and money. Gold crowns
$5 and $6. Biidge work, $5 and $6.
Amalgam and silver fillings. COo. and
$1.00. Painless extraction, 50a. Full
set of teeth, $10. Ouly tbe best ma
terial, and work guaranteed. Dr.
Sponogle, Reliable Resident Dentist
Some of tbe interested ones in the
suocess of flnanoing tbe Athena ball
team wbiob will represent tbis oity
in the Blue Mountain League this sea
son, have proposed a minstrel show to
be given by home talent, in the near
future, the prooeeds to go to the base
ball fund.
James and John Bryson, two well
known young men of Pendleton left
that oity Monday with twenty bead of
horses for Seattle wbere tbey will join
tbe Baldwin party which will locate
the Alaskan-Canadian boundary-line
through tbe Natazhat mountains be
tween Skolao pass and Mt. St. Elias.
' The cellar at tbe home of ' M. L.
Watts was visited by some one, pre
sumably a tramp, Wednesday evening
and canned fruit and meat in generous
quantities was stolen. The thief did
not overlook an overooat belonging to
Uncle Tommy, ; on tbe porob,
and glommed that artiole of wearing
Wines are the staples in family liq-
ours. Bert Cartano carries a large
and varied stook of seleot . vintager.
$1.50 per gallon, you can get ohoice
Tokay, Mueoat, Angelica, Sweet Ca
tawba or Port. These are California's
best produot and give satisfaction
wherever used. Call at the Red Front
for tbe best and purest liquors.
Mrs. Lillie Miller went over to Wal
la Walla Wednesday, and laid io a
stock of extra fine bats, ordered from
a traveling salesman there. They
will be on display today at ber stnie.
These, with the magnifloent display
already shown in her store, make up
one ol the most alluring stooas or
millinery ever shown tbe Athena pub
Charles Worth, an old time Athene
harness maker, died at Walla Walla
Monday of heart failure after sub
mitting to a surgical operation for re
lief for acpendioitis. Tbe deceased
worked at the harness trade in Ath
ena when tbe town Was known as Cen
terville. For several years past he
had been engaged in the real estate.
business at Walla Walla.
Mrs. Bessie Lathe Scoville, the
National College Secretary , of tbe
Young People's branch of tbe W. C.
T. U. will speak tonight in tbe M. E.
churoh. Ber subjeot will be: "Life
and Its Value." . Mrs. Scoville is said
to be one of tie best speakers on tbe
leoture platform today, and is well re
oeived everywhere. Come out and
hear bur handle tbis all absorbing
1 be Dreamland theater offers tbo
following splendid films for entertain
ment for tonight and Saturday night:
1. "A Fatal Resemblance.', rathe.
2. "The Missive Carrier" Kalem.
8. "Between Two Fires," Edison.
For Sunday - night r 1. "Max Is
Stuck Up," Pathe. ,2. "Betty Be
comes a Maid." Vitagrapb. '3 "1861.
A Memorable Period !of Ocr Early
History," Selig.
Mrs. J. D. Plamondon and Mrs. Wal
ter Rose entertained tbe oast ot "Tbe
Scrap of Paper" at tbe borne of Mr.
and Mrs. Plamondon after tbe play
Wednesday evening. Music was tbe
order of tbe evening, Miss Marguerite
Forrest and Mrs. Plamondon giving
selections on tbe piano, and Mrs. Rose
and Mrs. Plamondon favoring tbe
oompany with vooal selections. Sev
eral readings were given by Mrs. Rose.
A dainty lunobeon was served, Mrs.
C. A. Barrett pouring ooffeo.
In an automobile collision at Pen
dleton luesday afternoon, Mrs. Antone
Vey and daughter were seriously in
jured and Charles McMillan received
internal injuries. Mrs. Vey and
daughter were riding in a touring car
driven by tbe daughter, when at tbe
intersection of a s'reet crossing an
anto trnok, driven by MoMillan,
reaobed tbe intersection at tbe same
instant, with the result that tbe girl
beoume bewildered, tbe oar striking
tbe auto truok broadside and throwing
tbe ocoupants of. both oars to tbe
Harry Bnndy, ever aggressive to
start going what ever comes up, bas
started preliminary work ou tba base
ball gronnd. A fence bas teen torn
down and tba grounds are being work
ed. Tbe ball park wiil be looated
praotioally in tbe same locality that it
was last year, Harry Alexander do
nating tbe grounds free of obarge and
paying for tbe lumber that goes into
the new grandstand, tbe base ball
clab having to ereot tbe stand only.
Tbe diamond will be looalel east of
where it was last season, tbe outOeld
being about the same.
A. L. Swaggart came up from Port
lad Wednedsay evening to look after
bis farming interests here. Mr. Swag
gart is owcei of tbe Kentucky Apart
ment bouse iu Portland, and is doing a
good business in tbe metropolis. He
reports Atbena people now residing in
Portland to be prospering and content
ed with oity life. Recently a reunion
was held in tbe O. M. Caslleman
bnilding on the East side and among
those in atteudanoe mentioned by Mr.
Swaggart were Mr. and Mrs. Q. C.
Osburn, Mrs. Callendor and daughters
Ruby and Ivab, Dr. and Mrs. A. B.
Stone, Mr. and Mrs. O. 1. Castlemau,
$1800 6-ovlinder, 7-passenger Frank
lin 1810 model jaet overhauled and
repaired. $2000. Address
F. A. Dooly,
109 N. 2nd bt., Walla Walla, Wash.
A Notable Exception.
"All animal products, you know."
said the teacher, "are perishable and
soon deray If not artificially presorr
"Ten. air." cordially assented the
solemn young roan with the wicked
eye. "espcdsilly elephants' Ivory."
Chicago Tribune.
ial Embroidery and Lace Sale for
larch 16
Vou will be given an opportunity to buy your
Laces and Embroideries at from 15 to 50 per
cent below the regular prices. Our stock in these
lines is large and uptodate and these special prices
ought to be an inducement to everybody" to turn
out and purchase their Laces and Embroideries
for Spring. v
Several more shipments of Shoes for men and
women have arrived during the week. Come and
see the nice, new styles. Our prices are right and
the quality of our Shoes is superior to all.
4 .:&&.- JnflitJ H r
fa! A frs
j ,
When the bones ache and the Joints are Inflamed, with much tenderness
at the affected parts, you nee a powerful penetrating agent to overcome
tbe attack.
Its wonderful penetrating power' aftorda n. most Bratlfyinpr sense of relief to the afflicted. It eases
pain quickly, subdues all Inflammatory conditions and rapidly restores strength and comfort In the
aching Joints. It la equally effective in relieving nuuralgia and sciatica. Rub it In well, gently but
thoroughly; Its healing and strcnsthcnlnff inflrenco :s manifest as soon as it reaches the nerves at the
seat of tiie disturbance.- A few applications contrj'.s the JUorder and restores normal conditions.
As a household remedy for curing cuts, wounda, burns, sores or the hundred and- one accidents that
are always occurring io tlio flesh, It has no superior.
Put Up in Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1.00 per Bottle.
For Sore Eyes, Crouulated LI1, Ucducsn of ho Eyil.aU, Wenk Sight, Smarting Senanttoaa la the Eyes,
" cue Mcrthec! Eyo Salve. : It In a remedy of proven merit. 1
f ercantile Co
losgwe J
cTVIarch 16, we shall have our Grand Opening Display
ff of the very" latest productions of domestic and import
ed fabrics and Ready-to-wear Garments.
Mew Silks, Velvets
and plain and bordered Foulards in end
less varities. Make your selections now
,while the big lines are unbroken.
in Imported and Domestic Wool Suitings
French Wool Challies and Broadcloth?,
the kind that has become the rage.
and Coats, in White Serge and the fancy
Mixtures. This new line is positively
the niftiest we have ever carried.
Latest Production
of th Tailoring Art in men and boys new
Spring Suits and Walking Coats both
the conservative and the nobby kind.
for men and boys is made on the latest
lasts. Only the most reliable makes and
the best grades are carried.
of the celebrated Utz Dunn ladies'
Footwear in high, regular and low cuts.
In Nubuck, Suede, Velvet and Satin.
Just received, all the new shades in Suisse Lustre Silks
regular 45c quality, we open the season at 25c per yd
Where Trading Stamps are given with Cash Purchases
i ui' fcii hi "Hi ,ir m, mi" .i n l" 'i "Ii il In m.i 'Himiin imiiii Vni "1 ,t m iii'imii.'iij rSia l