The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 08, 1912, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
was a Pendleton
Attorney - Watts
visitor Wednesday.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ooie Barton,
Marob 3, 1912, a son.
Joseph Forrest made a business trip
to the Agency Monday.
C. A. Barrett was in Pendleton
Wednesday on business.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Una Cnrnnv.
er Febroary 29, 1912, a son.
Green Estes was In town this week
from bis reservation rariob.
Attorney Bishop was' in Pendleton
Saturday, transacting business.
Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Sharp visited
friends in Pendleton last week.
Frank Jackson bas wbeat bay for
sale at bis farm west of Atbena.
If yon want tbe best shoes that
money can buy, go to Fix & Badtke's.
Have your teeth fixed now, while
Dr. Sponogle's Special Prices are on.
A. M. Meld rum left yesterday for a
short business visit to Everett, Wash.
. Mrs. Joseph Hodgson was in the
; . TnAj jn. l i
Pine creek.
Walter Ginn, tbe Walla Walla real
estate dealer was in the oity Monday
transacting business.
Tbe Atbena Band will give a oon
oert in tbe Lodge Hall on tbe evening
of Tuesday, March 19.
Tbe Girls' Missionary Girole met at
tbe borne of Mis. Meldrum in a bus
iness session last evening.
. Alexander & Wilson have added a
stock of extras for Ford automobiles
at their Main street garage.
A. B. MoEweu was in Pendleton
Monday. He went down to pa? his
taxes and to trausact other bnsiness.
Two children in the family of
Charles Crawiotd of Weston are ser
iously ill this week, one ohild having
Dr. Plamondon is tbe possessor of a
fine new Flanders oar. It is one of
tbe neatest automobile turnouts in
this seotion. . '
Peter Grookett, the popular debater
of U. of 0. was in tbe oity this week,
a guest of his sister, Mrs. A. M. Mel
drum and family. .
Mrs. Miunie DePeatt will do all
It in ds of Millinery work at her home
on Adams street, at reasonable prices.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
The new city hall at Helix is Hear
ing completion. The town has need
ed a pnblio ball for some time and
the citizens are pleased with tbe new
building. - " : '."
Charles Barrow went down " to
Portland Wednesday where be is
assisting la selecting different lines of
company. . "
Pvodletoii Saturday, and received- a
new Overland, oar here from George
Stagga of Wfston, tbe Overland repre
sentative. ' ' -
The O. W. B. M. enjoyed a very
pleasant session at tbe borne of Mrs
MansQeld Wednesday afternoon. Be-
fresh ments were served.
Mrs.Henry Pinkerton was a guest
of Mrs. Lizzie Mansfield Sunday. Mrs.
Pinkerton was taken quite ill and re
turned to her home in Weston.
Tbe Kidders have turned out some
exoellent work in automobile paint
ing. Several local oars look all tbe
tetter for their artistio painting.
G. W. Bush, who reoently sold bis
farm south of Pendleton, bas pur
chased a ranch of 287 acres from H.
H. Gilbert on Birob creek for 17100.
Ernest Zerba, assistant cashier of
tbe First National Bank, is again at
bis place in . the Dank, after an en
forced vacation due to an attaok of
smallpox in mild form.
Wm. Anderson, oity marshal of
Milton, was in tbe city Wednesday.
Mr. Anderson pronounces the fruit
prospects of tbe Walla Walla valley
to be splendid for this season of tbe
County Judge J. W. Maloney has
been confined to bis home in Pendle
ton this week, as the result of an
attaok of appendioitis. He is im
proving and his immediate recovery is
Mrs. Mat tie Mitchell bas been in
tbe city the past week from the farm
in Crook county, visiting friends.
She has been assisting ber father, U
J. Fobs, in packing household goods
for shipment "
Mrs. Lillie Miller was in Pendleton
Wednesday for tbe.purposeof seleoting
goods for her millinery store. The
seleotion was made from the sample
lines of a salesman from an Eastern
wholesale house.
Mrs. Lillie Miller announces her
grand opening of Spring Millinery for
tomorrow, March 9th. Ladies of
Athena and vioiuity are invited to oall
and see the latest styles in bats,
veils, flowers, etc .
Mr. L. J. Fo9s and daughter, Mrs.
Jas. Mitobell, will leave tomorrow for
their home in Crook county. Mr.
Foss has chartered a oar, wbioh will
be loaded with household effeots ve
hicles, farm implements, etc
J. F. Wallan has announoed bis
oandidaoy on tbe republioan ticket
for county clerk, and will ohase
Frank Salicg, present incumbent
and candidate for reelection through
tbe primaries for the nomination
Mrs." H. H. Hill. Mis. W. R. Tay
lor, Mrs. Watts and A. M. Meldrum
were nt Hermiston during the week
attending tbe Sunday sohool conven
tion. From over the oounty, sixty
delegates atejbded the Cuoventioo.
Dan Smytue, the well known sheep
raiser, wilj employ Russian wolf
bounds to rid bis ranges of coyotes.
He has reoeived two magnifioeut
hounds' and if they are suooessful
in oatohing coyotes he will purobase
Deputy Game Warden W. F. Av
erill of this county bas gone to St., An
,thouv,'Idabo. fortbe poipose of re
ceivioR a carload of elk which is being
shipped by tbe government from Jaok
eon's Hole, Wyoming, to Wallowa
Joseph Key, who resides on his fine
farm purchased some years ago from
Donald MoKinnon, has been hauling
Inmber this week from theTum-a-lnm
Lumber company's yard in this city
wbioh be will use in the construction
of a large barn.
Coleman ' Winn, a veteran of the
civil var, and tor years a well known
resident of Weston mountain, died
Monday at a Walla Walla fcoapital of
dropsy. Tbe remains were shipped
to Weston and tbe funeral tcok place
Tuesday in that oity. ,
J. T. Whistler, builder of the Uma
tilla irrigation dam at Hermiston,
has- been seoured by the Pendleton
oity council to investigate the feasi
bility of the eleotno power site which
is proposed to furnish tbe oity with
municipal power and light. ',
- A. J. Parker has received intelli
gence of tbe death of his sister, Mrs.
James Gore, at Port Towoseml, Wash,
last Monday. Mrs. Gore formerly re
sided at Weston where she bad a large
lumber of friends who will be
grieved to learn of ber death.
"A Scrap of Paper," a comedy
drama' of unusual merit, will be pre
sented by l"oal talent under the di
rection of Mrs. Walter Rose, at the
opera bouse Friday evening, Marob 16.
The play is given under the anspioes
of the Atheua Base Ball Club.
D, Allen, father of Mrs. Charles
Wilks, died at his borne in Newtown,
Sullivan county Missouri, Wednes
day of this week. Mr. Allen was
aged 75 years. Several years ago be
visited his daughter and family add
was well pleased with tbe West.
The estate of tbe late Hugh McLean
in Umatilla county has been appraised
at $3900. Tbe appraisement was made
Wednesday by Wm. Anderson of Mil
ton, John Walker and James Potts.
The Portland property of the estate is
not included In this appraisement.
Save pain and money. Gold crowns
$5 and $6. Bridge work, $5 and $6.
Amalgam and silver fillings, 60o. and
$1.00. Painless extraction, 50o. Full
set of teeth, $10. Only tbe best ma
terial, and work guaranteed. Dr.
Sponogle, Reliable Resident Dentist.
Mrs. Hugh Worthington gave a
treat to the members of the M. E.
Ladies' Aid sooiety at the ohnrob
Wednesday afternoon, the ocoaaion
being in celebration of ber own birth
day.. Delicious cake and bananas re
freshed the workers during tbe after
E. E. Koontz, H. A. Barrett and K.
T. Brown the committeemen appoint
ed at the base ball meeting Tuesday
evening, were soliciting funds yester
day, from tbe bnsiness men. They
met with enoonraging results which
insures a good ball team for Atbena
this season.
The ladies of the M. E. church will
give a pastry sale at Fix & Radtke's
store tomorrow, commencing at 10
o'clock. Tbe sales are popular with
tbe Atbena public and have always
been well patronized and this will be
no exception. Everything good for the
Sunday table. "- : :'.V
r ' John Bergevin died on the reserve
tiou Wednesday, of tuberoulosis, and
tbe funeral was held today, interment
taking place in the Athena cemetery.
The deceased was of French extrao
It is our aim to furnish Pendleton and Umatilla coun
ty people with the best merchandise and newest ideas
Our Prices Are Right
If youll compare them with the prices of mail order
houses or other local stores, youll see that, quality
considered, we will give you more han any of them.
by saving the only old and reliable P. W. trading stamps
which mean an additional saving to you of 5 per cent,
of every cash or thirty day purchase you make here.
These stamps represent local enterprise, being owned and controlled by
the Peoples Warehouse' tbey are absolutely reliable and will buy more
for you tnan any other stamps in existanoe.
Hart, Sohaffner & Marx olothes for men and yonng men. Hercules suits for boys, all wool jhower proof, taped
seams. Manhattan shirts, the best on earth. -
Deimal Linen Mesh and Lewis underwear for men. Springtield. springneedle nnderwtar for women and misses.
Everwear hose for men. women and children, 6 pair guaranteed to wear 6 months witndnt boles.
John B. Stetson bats in all grades and styles. Johnston-Murphy, T. P. W. Special and Napa Tan shoes. Tbe
Famous Hallaban Shoes for women.
H. & L. Block's famous work gloves for men. T. P. W. Speoial and Dent's gloves for women.
Earl & Wilson's Redman 2 for 25o collars. Rnfus Waterhoose neckwear for men. Pnre silk.
Gossard front lacing corsets,' the best in the world. $3. 50 op. Royal Worcester, Adjusto and Bon Ton cor
sets, $1.00 to $5.00.
Carhartt's Overalls and corduroy pants., Druoker Trunks, guaranteed for one year.
These are all lines that Have, by long years of
honest merchandising worked up a reputation, which
is worth more than dollars and cents to them, so that
when you buy any of these goods you may know that you are getting the best. You
.havcthe manufacturers reputation and our own reputation to rely upon and these
goods cost you no more here than inferior imitations cost you in many other places.
I lie rSOpies warenousi
Where it pays to trade. Save your trading stamps
tion and had long been ;a resident , of
the reservation. Some time ago he
disposed of bis ranob ontb of town
and moved to Klamath 'Falls. ' He re
turned here last fall in a poor 6tate of
health. He is survived by several
ohildren, all of whom are grown, .. x
The program at tbe Dreamland
Theatre Friday and Saturday .evenings
as follows: ."The Test of Love," Edi
son. "Tbe Snake in the Grass'' Star.
"Alkali Ike's Auto" Essanay. Sun
day: "Mandy's Social WhirP.' Lnbin;
"Cupid's Conquest" Gaumoot . "Tbe
Lonely Little Girl" Pathe..
Charles Brother (on of Waitsburg. bis
instituted suit in Judge; Richards'
court against C. A. Barrett for the
oolleotion of $56 alleged to be due him
for labor performed. Theeuit la the
ontoome cf a dispute relative " to pay
ment of taxes on land purchased by
Barrett from Brothettou last year.
Miss Belle Molntvfe is meeting with
considerable snooeea in ber . oboBen
work of instructor on the piano. She
has a class of 13 pupils all of whom
are advancing nicely. " Miss1-Main-
tyre is it pupil of tbe Whitman con
servatory of Walla Walla, and has
attained a high standard as a student
of musio. : ' ,r
In a letter from Sims Dickenson,
dated from Santa Rosa, California, be
states tbaf Mrs. Diokenson's.' health is
greatly, improved. Sims 'says, tbey
obarge "like thunder" for a little laud
and a whole lot of climate, in tbe
land of sunshine, but he. lias seen
nothing yet for whioh he would ex
change bis Oregon farm. ,'Zff-'t.i2---
Wines are tbe staples in family liq-
oors. Jtserc uartano carries , a . large
and varied stock of seleot , viutages.
$1.50 per gallon, you Can get choioe
Tokay, Mnsoat, Angeiioa, Sweet Ca
tawba or Port. These are California's
best product and give satisfaction
wherever nsed. Call at the Red Front
for tbe best and purest liqbors. ;
Bert Pixler and Ralph MoBaio, ar
rested last week at Walla - Walla by
Deputy Sheriff Jinks Taylor, on tbe
obarge of stealing 28 head of Indian
horses from tbe reservation, .had their
preliminary bearing before "Justice
Parks at Pendleton, ' 'Wednesday'.
Their bail was pl&oed at. $100 eaoh
and being unable to raise the sum,
they were remanded to jail.
A. B. MoEwen hands as for .'perusal
the Ayr Advertiser,' or West Country
and Galloway Journal of - Sootland.
Tbe feature artiole of tbe issue - is the
account of a banquet given iu honor
of one William Dunlop, purchaser, of
the greatest living Clydesdale stallion.
"Baron o' Buoblyvie, -for a consid
eration of 9500.- Scotland is the
borne of tbe Clydesdale and "Baron
o'Buohlyvie" is the king of Clyde
dales. . : -, ,
D. H. MansQeld bas pnrobased tbe
Atbena and Weston meat markets of
Taylor & LeGrow. There ia no town
of Athena's size iu the ptute that has
a meat market to compare with the
one here. Messrp. Taylor & La Grow
put in modern facilities for .handling
meats and always provided tor their
customers tbe best the market affords
It is Mr. MausHeld's lnfcMrtiou to keep
both markets up to -the higb standard
maintained by bis predecessors.
Tbe Sunshine olob met at tbe home
of Mrs. George Woodward Wednesday.
There was a good attendanoe of the
members and Mrs. Tom Ladd, of Wal
la Walla was a visitor.. The subject
for discussion was of a domestio na
tore, being on tbe art of pake making
Delioious refreshments were served ty
tbe hostess, assisted by Mrs. C. L
Woodward, nod at tbe usual boar tbe
olnb adjourned. Tbe next meeting
will be at tbe home of Mrs. John Wal
ter on Wednesday, March 13. All
members are urged to toe present.
The highest praise given tbe
Meneley Conoert company wbioh ap
pears in this city, Saturday evening,
April 6. Of this splendid company,
the- Macomb, 111., Daily Bystander
says: .Last evening the MeneKy
quartet of Cbioagrt appeared at tbe
Methodist oborob in one of their
pleasing performances. Tbe singers
came here under the auspices of tbe
Epwortb League and the proueeds re
oeived will be nsed by the leagne in
its work. The bouse was filled last
evening, tbe net proceeds being over
$110. The program given by be
quartet was varied and took well with
tbe audienoe."
Mrs. Bessie Laytbe Soovllle, the
National College Seoretary of tbe
Yonng Peoples' branch of the W. C.
T. U., will speak in Atbena Marob
15, 7:30. Plaoe of meeting will be an
nounced Sunday morning from tbe
oborohes. Mrs. Scoville is a women
of wide culture and has bad tbe ad
vantage of extensive travel both at
home and abroad. She la a speaker of
unusual powor, and apart from one's
interest in the snbjeot matter of ber
address, will both entertain and in
struct ber hearers. The local mem
bers of the W. O. T. U. will make a
speoial effort to meet Mrs. Sooville
with a large audienoe.
Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Hawks are in
Pendleton t"day, attending tbe funeral
of Charles Hawks, tbe balf-brtober cf
Mr. Hav ks, who died yesterday morn
ing at tbe borne of his father in that
oity. The lad was 15 years old, and
was ill with pneumonia I nt five days,
He was a student in tbe Pendleton
high sohool and was a leader in Son
day sobcol work in the Pendleton
Methodist ohnrob. He was an ex
ceptionally bright boy, popular and
loved by all who knew bim. He was
born in this oity in 1896, doling tbe
family's residence here, when the fa
ther was priooipal of the Atbena
The irrepressible "Jim" Soenoe
floated into town Tuesday and spent
tbe day here io soliciting subs for tbe
Portland Journal. Tbe day before be
bad visited Wood in his sanctum and
rot bed off a few obnnks of contam
inating arrogance when be visited tbe
Press office. He was politely informed
that any old body who associated with
tbe Weston colonel and boasted
of tbe fact was susceptinle to forcible
ejectment from these premises on tbe
business end of u brogan. To save
himself from a lasting imprint of our
iio. II, on tbe most prominent portion
of bis anatomy, be graciously ao
knowiedged our tobacco tc be of a
superior quality to that wbioh be bad
begged of Wood.
Laies i Spring Styles Ladie
Ladies' Coats are very popular for
this Spring and we are showing
some " very attractive coats made
by the high class Redtern Tailors
ranging .'in :'pricefrpm
We also have a nice line of Suits
at very reasonable prices Our
Spring Stock is nearly' all in -now.
Come in and see the beautiful silk'
press and Waist patterns, no two
alikeand also ouriarge line;of all .
kinds of Wash y and vWool' Dress
Goods. ; We do not believe in sell
ing cheap; ..shoddy goods and will
back-up every article that we sell
$1 46
.-'When the bonea achaVnil the Joints are Inflamed, with much tenderness .
i ; ' -at the aflocteJ parte.t,youtneeR a powerful pcnetratinir agent -to overcome
the attaok. r 1 it
i pi 17 ' n ws n f?"n "-ttsls
v-. .
Its wonderful penetrating swer artorda a most rjratlfyins: sense of relief to the afflicted. It eases
pain quickly, subdues all Inflammatory condli.lon3an(l .rapUly restores strength and -comfort In the
; achlnK Joints, It ia equally fcffcctUe in relieving neuralgia and sciatica.'- Rub It, In well, gently but
thorouKhly; Hr healing and ntrcnfjthfiiilnpE inflnenco la manifest as soon as it reaches the nerves at the
seat of t the . disturbance. - A-fev.' appllcationa contrb'.o the disorder and restores normal conditions. ,
. 'As a l:ousphr.ui remedy fcr curlnji cuts, wounda, burns, sores or the hundred and one accidents that
are' always iccurrlas tD tlio fleh, it ha3 no superior. ' ' . , , ; : -'-
Put Up In '.Three, Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1.00 per Bottle.
8T. LOCI3. MO.
For Bore Eyee, Granulated t.Ids, llcdnenn of t?.e I3;-t-l):i, Ti'tr.k Slffht, Smnrtlna; Benaetloas In tbe Eyes,
line Stephi-na Eye Salve. It la a remedy of proven merit.
fcWIiiiaiillli fulftihiKWi
losgrove Mercantile Go
! T8ic mm Latest
In Mi's & Boy's Spring Suits
Have Just Arrived
Mr. Worldly Wise Man knows that he cannot get something
for nothing. The most artful craftsman could not make a silk
purse out of a cotton rag. It takes Quality to make Quality
just as it takes Two and Two to make Four.
"Sincerity Clothes" embody the best style and the highest grade
tailoring it is possible to put into clothes. They have all wool
fabric as their basis, and this basic idea of worth is followed all
throughout. Garbed in '
Sincerity Clothes
$15 to $25
You are safe from criticism. Play Safe. Come and see
what we are doing. You will find there is a happy
medium in clothes just like there is in other things.
First Shipment
of Ladies Spring Footwear
First Shipment
of Men's Spring Footwear
Firrt Shipment
of Ribbons and Fringes
First Shipment
of Men's New Spring Hats
First Shipment
of Ladies' Neckwear
First Shipment
of Silks and Foullards
'Whmen TValinnr Rfamna ova rnfTon nrith flflah PlirflhnflAfl