The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 23, 1912, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
Al Sigmon was op from Adams
Attorney Fred Steiwer was in tbe
oity Tuesday.
Henry Stamper was in tbe oity from
Weston Tneaday. ' r ,
Jesse Saling was in tbe oity yester
day fiom Adams.
Horace Walker was in tbe oity yes
terday from Pendleton.
Joseph Lieaallen was in tte oity
Saturday, from Weston."
Tom Gilkey bas aooepted a position
in MoBride's livery stable.
Six Reels at tbe Opera Eoose Sbow
tonight. Admission 10 cents.
Frank Jackson bas wbeat bay for
sale at bis farm west of Atbena. . .
Mrs. Wilkinson and dangbter, Miss
Velma, were in .Pendleton Saturday.
Man and wife want job on ranob.
Address Oeoigo F. Rowe. Atbena, Ore.
Will Campbell was in tbe oity Sat
urday from bis borne near Pendleton.
Mi. and Mrs. F. S. LeQiow are in
Walla Walla today, visiting relatives.
Have your teeth fixed now, wbile
Dr. Sponogle's Special Prioes are on.
Fred Pelland bas returned to Atbena
fiom bis borne in tbe Willamette val
ley. Mrs. LaBraobe and Mrs. Barry Al
exander were in Walla Walla yester
day. .'
M. L. Watts drove to Weston
Wednesday, wbere be transacted bus
iness. :'
Mrs. S. F. Sharp and daughter,
Carrie, were visitors in Walla Walla
Saturday. .
Misses Weilaod and Romig, toaob
ers in tbe school, were in Pendleton
Mrs. Mettle Saling is in tbe oity
irom Pendleton, visiting her mother,
Mrs. Lizzie Jones.
Mrs. 0. A. Fischer, mother of Mrs.
Lillie Miller, is visiting relatives at
present in Seattle.
Mrs. J. S. Hunter returned yester
day fiom a visit with friends at Mil
ton and Freewater.
Mrs. Henry Dell visited friends in
Walla Walla this week, returning
me last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Rogers were
in tbe oity Wednesday . from their
borne near Adams.
N. A. Miller went down to Portland
Wednesday on business, and will re
turn in a day or two.
A Tale of Two Citi s, tonight and
tomorrow nigbt at the Dreamland,
three reels, ten cents.
Mrs. J. S. Henry offers her Atbena
property for sale. A good, comforta
ble house and two lots. ,
A team of good work horses for
sale at a reasonable prioe. Inquire
of J. S. Ross, Athena.
""""Frank Berlin, one of Athena's pros
perous farmers, transacted business
in Pendleton Wednesday.
Dr.' Sponagle bas been ' doing ex
tensive dental operations for Mr.
Simonson of Eugene, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Sanders moved
t bis week to tbeir farm west of town
recently purchased of Jerry Stone.
County Judge J. W. Maloney came
up from Pendleton yesteiday and at
tended the funeral of Hugh MoLean.
Yesteiday was a holiday for the pub
lic schools, tbe oooasion being tbe
anniversary of Washington's birthday.
v w
s- Jones is reoeiving ber new
spring hats and millinery goods. -.A
, r large consignment was received yes
) terday. 'X,
Ed Walker will raise chickens on
quite an extensive scale, and bas pur
chased an inoubator for batohing
- Mrs. George Loriimer, who has been
ooeopying the Eiik borne on Fifth
street, left last week for Boise, to join
her daughter.
Albert Fix. of tbe fhm of Fix &
Radtke, pioprietors of the "Money
Back Store," was at Spokane this
week on business.
A Willamette potato buyer informs
Weston spud raisers that be can han
dle 20 carloads of tbeir product at $1
jiei uuuuitiu paunas.
, Mrs. Lillie Miller will leave Sunday
for Portland, where-she will study
the modes in millinery and trim bats
for her spring opening.
Louis LaBraobe brought some of his
One sogar cured bams and baoon to
town Wednesday and had no trouble in
finding ready buyers.
B. B. Riobards has purobased tbe
cottage on Jefferson street, at present
oonupied by him. from Mrs. Barbara
Willaby, of Portland. -
A draining platform on wbioh to
wash automobiles has been erected in
fiont of the Ford garage on Fourth
street, south of Main.
At tbe Baptist ohorob Sunday eve
ning. Rev. Lawson of tbe M. E.
cburob. administered tbe rite of bap
tism to a number of people,
Carpenters are putting in the wood
work for the new front in tbe Cox
building which is to be the hnme of
the new Golden Rule Store.
Marriage licenses have been issued
to Merril Doble of Irrigon and Jennie
E. Stookdale of Eoho, and to Noah
Taylor and Jane Morrison of Milton.
Tbe teachers in tbe Atbena sohool
were entertainod at dinner Wednesday
evening at the home of Rev. and Mrs.
Thomas Lawson, of tbe M. E. cburob.
Jerry Rnsk, republican candidate
for congress will sneak on political
issues in this city Monday evening.
Monday afternoon Mr. Rusk will speak
at Weston.
Pendleton is considering tbe proposi
tion of putting in a municipal light
and power plant. An option has been
taken on a power site on the Walla
Walla river.
Miss Hales, wlo has been visiting
ber niece, Mrs. Robert Walker in this
oity, returned yesterday morning tn
ber home in Walla Walla, accompan
ied by Mrs. Walker.
Mrs. J. S. Henry returned last Fri
day from a winter's visit with ber son
Frank, at Othello, W asb. Mrs. Hen
ry expeots to go to Portland soon, to
visit her son William.
Tonight and tomorrow night tbe
Dreamland in three full reels shows in
moving piotures tbe thrilling story ty
Diokens, A Tale of Two Cities, for
the usual prioe, ten cents.
At a special meeting this afternoon
at tbe sohool house, tbe election of a
member of the sobool board will be
made to Oil tbe vaoanoy oaused by tbe
resignation of S. F. Wilson
Wm. Tompkins left the first of tbe
week for Hot Lake Saoitarum. wbere
be will take treatment for rheumatism
and stomaoh trouble. He was aooom
panied by Robert Coppook.
W. G. Hughes, the dentist, was in
the city Wednesday from Milton,
making arrangements to vaoate bis
Athena office. . He will not praotioe
his profession in this city hereafter.
Mrs. Jerry Stone and son, Clifford,
have returned from tbeir trip to Cal
ifornia. They enjoyed several weeks
of sightseeing in tbe sunny state and
Mexioo, but are pleased to return
Considerable interest is manifest in
tbe coming K. of P. Anniversary ball,
wbioh takes plaoe on February 29
in this oity at tbeir ball. A large
orowd is expeoted at this event of tbe
Alexander & Wilson's
is cheaper than livery hire, when
time is considered
Gets you there
than the horse
Easy riding comfortable cars
at your service at all hours
day or night Try the new
way and be convinced. &
Alexander C& Wilson
Phone 375 and 156 Athena, Oregon.
Bern Bannister's orew of hardwork
ing boys have plowed 500 aores of land
in Cold Spring district and with fav
orable weatbsr conditions, will finish
plowing 250 aores more next week.
A. M. Meldrum is this week preaoh
ing a series of sermons to the people
of Holdman. He will not be with bis
borne congregation Sunday, but the
usual communion service will be held.
Hon. Eugene W. Cfaafin, candidate
in 1908 for president of the United
States on the Probitition ticket, ad
dressed an audienoe In tbe Christian
oburch of thiscity, Wednesday at 11
J. W. Maloney will in all probabil
ity be a candidate for one of Oregon's
delegates to tbe National Demooratio
convention wbioh meets at Baltimore
this summer. Here's hoping that
"Jim" goes.
Miss Velma Wilkinson went to Lew
iston, Idaho, yesterday morning, and
will return borne Snnday evening.
Wbile in Lewiston she will be a
guest of Miss Ceoile Boyd and Mrs.
Clyde Beaob.
Pendleton papers report that the
taxpayers of the oounty are manifest
ing no great eagerness to seoure the
rebate allowed by law for prompt pay
ment and as a consequence taxes are
oomicg in slowly
Charles ' Barrow sent bis friend,
Armstrong, of tbe Mosgrove company
at Milton, an unique chicken adver
tisement, wbioh will assist bim ma
teriallv in disposing of bis poultry, if
he follows directions.
Frauk Jaoksnn was in from the
ranob Wednesday, tbe first time in
several weeks. There has been con
siderable illness in Mr.. Jackson's
family this winter, and be is far fiom
being a well man himself.
Tbe Mothers' Club will meet at tbe
borne of Mrs. Albert Fix on Friday,
March 1-, at 2:30 o'olock. Six ladies
added tbeir names to tbe membership
roll at tbe last meeting. A cordial in
vitation is extended to all,
Angus Gillis was in the oity Mon
day from Wasbtucna, Wash., between
trains. He left in tbe evening for
Walla Walla, where be met Dave
Williams, a former Atbena resident,
who now lives in Albert.
In a basket ball gam Friday night
Milton High sohool won from Atbena
by a score of 11 to 5. The boys here
played with a patobed up team, not
knowing that the Milton aggregation
was coming over for the game.
rs. Walter Brown oame down from
ber borne at Waitsbure, last Thurs
day, tovisit ber grandparents, Mr,
and MrB. Jaokson Nelson in this oity.
Mr. Brown oame Sunday, aud after
a day's visit returned with his wife.
The Misses Katberine and Carrie
Sharp are home for a two days' vaca
ton from tbeir sobool work in Pen
dleton. Miss Carrie substituted in
the fourth and fifth grades in the
Athena sobool today, in Mies Wilkin
son's absence.
Save pain and money. Gold crowns.
$5 and $8. Bridge work, f 5 and 86.
Amalgam and silver fillings, EOo. and
$1.00. Painless extraction, BOo. Fnll
set of teeth, $10. Ouly the best ma
terial, and work guaranteed. Dr.
Sponogle, Reliable Resident Dentist.
Dr. Sponagle, Athena's Popular
Dentist, has something more than a
looal reputation for being a skilled
Dentist. Besides tbe numerous pa
tients from in and around this vioinity
many people from points at a consid
erable distanoe oall ou bim for Dental
Tbe report of tbe board of reclam
ation engineers bas been made favor
ing the west extension with protec
tion for tbe upper river interests.
Tbe report seems to be pleasing to all
interests concerned and the war
olond that has teen banging over tbe
western end of tbe county will now
blow over. ' "
Charles Henry has purobased tbe
Willaby property comprising over
four aores, lying west of the Northern
Paoiflo traoks and on tbe east side of
Bnnt Avenue. The consideration was
$1000. Tbe plaoe' bas been ooonpied
heretofore by Mr. and Mrs. John Stan
too. It is Mr. Henry's intention to
improve the property.
Wiues are tbe staples in family liq-
ours. Here uartano carries a large
and varied stook of select vintage;.
$1.50 per gallon, you can get choice
Tokay, Musoat, Angelica, Sweet Ca
tawba or Port. These are California's
best produot and give satisfaction
wherever used. Call at the Red Front
for tbe best and purest liquors.
Tbe truss rod broke on one of tbe
Alexander & Wilson Ford automobiles
tbe other day and a serious aooident
was narrowly averted. When tbe
rod broke tbe front wheels oupped in
and tbe machine turned turtle. Mr.
Alexander was driving and bad one
passenger in tbe maobine, but both
rtea miraoulouely escaped injury.
Tbe ladies of tbe W. 0. T. U. en
tertained very interestingly at tbe
Methodist ohuroh last Saturday in a
Franois Willard memorial afternoon.
A abort program was given, relative
to tbe life and work of tbe coted tem
perance leader. A delicious lunobeon
was served tbe guests in the dining
room of tbe cburob, and an offering
taken for tbe Willard Memorial fund.
Dr. Sharp was called to tbe Parris
place on tbe mountain Monday nigbt
and tbe trip was made In a storm.
Snow was enoounfered in a gale in tbe
foothills east of Weston. The moun
tain roads were almost impassable and
only tbe light from a lantern, care
folly shielded from tbe wind in tbe
interior of tbe buggy,, prevented an
upset on the worst portions of tbe
Weston Leader: Coleman D. Winn,
a veteran of tbe civil war and for
many years a resident of Weston
mountain, bas been reduced to want
through illness Mr. Winn has no re
source aside from his pension of $13
a month, and wbile this sufficed
wbile be was well, it now affords but
slender comfort Relief from the in
digent soldiers' f nod is now besought
for Mr. Winn, who is at present stop
ping in town.
Mr. A. B. MoEwen and daughter
Jessioa returned borne from their
European trip Tuesday afternoon.
They report a pleasant visit with rela
tives in bonny Sootland. They trav
eled extensively while away, going
to England, Germany Ireland and
France. Daniel MoKeozie, who ac
companied them to Sootland, will re
turn later,
Tbe program' at the Dreamland
theatre for Friday and Saturday
nighta promises something nnusual in
three full reels, depioting . Charles
Dickens' famous story, "A Tale of
Two Cities," Vitagraph. For Sun
day night. 1. "The Rival Soulp
tors," Edison. 2. "The Survival of
tbe Fittest," Selig's. 3. "Max Has
tbe Boxiug Fever,' Pathe.
Invitations are out for tbe Leap
Year party on Friday, the 1st of
Marob. at the Christian ohuroh. A
very fine program bas teen prepared
and some enjoyable games have teen
planned. Tbe oafetaria lunoh prom
ises to be a great euooess and those
wbo are prepared to pay tbe small
sum for the dainty dishes they desire
will oertainly not be disappointed.
Rawl Miller bas developed into a
meobanio of considerable ability. He
has reoeiitly made a couple of cast
ings from aluminum metal for appli
ances on bis pioture maobiae. Rawl
"wised up" a couple of doubting
thomasesto tbe faot that aluminum
oan te successfully melted in a com
mon babbit ladle over tbe fire of a
blacksmith forge, witb praotioal ease.
A most delightful reoital and in
formal reception was given in tbe
musio parlors of Professor C. 0. Blake
slee, last Friday evening when the
popular teaober of musio formally
opened, his studio. A large number of
invited guests were present, who
thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated tbe
excellent program rendered by tbe stu
dents of the Royal College of Porpora.
Marked improvement is notioed in all
the students, wbioh largely include
tbe boys and girls of tbe oity wbo are
musioally inclined, as well as some of
tbe best vooalists in the city. Punoh
was served, Mrs. M. L. Watts presid
ing at the table.
New Embroideries & Muslin Underwear for
Umatilla County Prohibition Conven
tion for Tuesdar. Feb, 27.
Our first shipment of Muslin Underwear has arrived,
and is on display. We have a nice, large selection of
Objective: Tbe eleotion of our
candidate to office this vear and our
party to power in Oregon in 1911.
A mass Convention of tbe Prohibi
tionists of Umatilla County is hereby
called for Tuesday, Feb. 27, at teu
o'clock a. m., to be held in tbe Court
House, Pendleton, Orugon.
Tbe object of this Convention is to
eleot a County Central Committee and
exeoutive Committee for two years,
delegates to the Slate Convention to
be held in Portland Feb. 29, 1912 and
to transact euob other tusinesss as
may oome before the Convention.
Eugene W. Cbafin, Prohibition can
didate for President of tbe United
Status in 1908, and State Seoretary
Taylor will both be present and ad
dress the Convention.
Tbe program for tbe day is as fol
lows: 10 a. m. -Convention called to order.
Opening address.
10:15. The "Out to Win" Campaign,
Ernest E. Taylor.
Open disoussion.
11 :30. Tbe appointing of nominating
Committee on permanent Or-,
11:45. Eleotion of delegates to
the Slat Convention.
12 m. Adjournment.
1 :30. Report of Nominating Commit
tee on Permanent Organization.
2:80. Address by Eugene W. Cbafin.
8 p. m. Mass Meeting at Metbodist
Every Prohibitionist Bbould boost
for this Convention. It will be worth
a forty-mile ride to bear Cbafin alone.
This Convention may need you, but
never mind that; Yon need to te at
this Convention. I. L. Cbilders,
Aoting County OhairmaD,
Freewater, Ore., Feb. 15, 1912. Adv.
Notice to the Public.
Tbe two leading magazines of tbe
Paoiflo Coast, tbe Pa-MUo Monthly and
tbe Sunset, have been consolidated
under the title of "Sunset Tbe Pa
oiflo Monthly." It is tbe intention of
the publishers to spare no money nor
effort to make Sunset The Paoiflo
Monthly a credit to tbe West and a
magazine of national value and im
To introduce it to new readers, e
will make tbe following special offer:
Send 50o in stamps and we will put
your name on our subscription list" for
tbe cext four months and will send
you free a copy of tbe superbly illus
trated Mid-Winter number, and also
the famous Sunset Indian poster, se
ourely packed in a mailing tube. It
will make a beautiful ornament for
your front room or den.
Send your order to I red Loofcley,
Northwestern Manager, Sunset the
Paoiflo Monthly, Portland, Oregon.
Nature's Monument to Washington.
Amnni? the many monuments to
Wachlnftnn is thp ODe Which eVCTS
visitor to the Cape Verde islands will
rompmhrr ns OHO of the D10St C010SSQJ
and marvelous freaks of natural sculp
ture In existence. Along tbe farther
sldo of the harbor of San Vicente, tne
r.i-inrinni town, rises a bold riage or
dark gray volcanic rocks, tbe crest of
which forms an exact likeness or our
Immortal George, seemingly lying face
upward, as If in a peaceful sleep. Tbe
hero's large, bold features, tho back
ward wave of the bair, bis massive
shoulders and even tbe frill of tbe shirt
front are all reproduced on a gigantic
scale with wonderful exactness. Tbe
strange monument, sharply outlined
against tbe deep blue of tue tropical
sky, is one of tbe first objects that
meet one's eye In approaching the Is
land. It gigantic proportion, with
tbe boundless ocean for a background,
form a portrait wonderfully true to na
ture and overpowering la Its magnifi
cence. lie bas nol learned tbe lessou of life
wbo docs not every dsy surmount a
fear.-Emereon. ,
Ladies' Muslin Gowns from 75c to $3 00
Ladies' Princess Slips from $1 50 to 2 50
Ladies' Muslin Drawers from . . .'. 25c ud
Ladies Muslin Skirts from 65c to $3 00
Ladies' Muslin Corset Covers 25c to 1 50
Childrens Muslin Dresses for 50c to 2 50
Latest 27 in Flouncing, 75c per yard, up
o in Flouncing, $1 25 and $1 50 per yd
Be sure and see the fancy Draperies, Curtain Scrims
and Swisses and the new Embroideries for Spring, al
so some nice all-over Embroideries and other fancy"
Trimmings and Fringes. Do your buying now while
our stock is large and the patterns here to select irom.
Your Coldly Try It
The uniform success that has attended the use of this remedy in the cure of bad
colds has made it one of the most popular medicines in use. It can always be
depended upon to effect a quick cure and is pleasant to take. ,s "
It contains no opium or other narcotic, and may be given as confidently to a
child as to an adult. Price 25 cents. Large size 50 cents.
We don't claim that our label "Lamm
& Co," has anything more attractive
than any other label. On the surface
it is but a silent mark of identifica
tion; yet since the early '70's it has
spoken volumes in the hall of tailor
ing fame. But, we do claim that it
stands first in the ranks as regards style, workmanship and
fit. It pledges the fulfilment of our trade motto, the best on
earth. It is the symbol of everything which enters into hon
estly built clothes. The kind where absolute satisfaction is
absolutely guaranteed. We believe in having the best that
money can buy. We stand behind every order we take, if
the suit is not a perlect fit and the linings and finishings of
good quality you don't have to take the suit We want your
trade. Our prices are the lowest. You have over 500 sam
ples to select from, all the latest up-to-date styles. Come
early and give us your order. The spring will soon be here.
Where Trading Stamps are given with Cash Purchases