The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 23, 1912, Image 2

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F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Published Every Friday. Office, Corner
Third nd Jefferson Streets.
Entered In the Foatofflce at Alliens, Oregon,
as BecoudClaHS Mail Mailer.
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year $1.50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00)
One copy, six months 75
One copy, three months 50
Advertising Rates.
Display, transient, running less than one
month, first insertion, per inch 25c
Subsequent insertions 12
Display regular, per inch 12
Local readers, first insertion, per line. 10c
Subsequent insertions, fier line 5c
Lodere resolutions, cer line . . i 5c
Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c
e-ATHENA. ORE.. FEB. 23 1912
to tbem the morning after election
in November. "Postal Card law mak
ing" la what Wiokle terms tbe Initia
tive and Referendum, and bis Dig boss
says tbat Oree.6u measures are called
"insensate." ' '
A little cool tbis week not enough
robins bere yet to thoroughly sound
tbe choral of spring.
In the press dispatches tbis week
we read of American troops employing
Bnseian taotics to Lreek op a strike
at Lawrence, Mass., in wbioh defense
less women were roogbly bandied and
Injcred. A detachment of infantry
and a squad of borly poli emen, kept
at Lawrence to aid tbe Textile Mill
owners in their war against the work
ers. obarged a body of 100 women
who bad been picketing tbe distriot
atont tbe mill, pleading witb tbe
strikebreakers. A large number of
tbe defenseless women were knocked
down by tbe armed force, who obarg
ed witb fixed bayonets; and only ban
ishment to some snob place as Siberia,
of those imprisoned is wanting to Rus
sianize tbe entire procedure. Por
several weeks a strike bas been in pro
gees in Lawrence, Mass. over tbe ques
tion of a living wage. Tbe state of
Massachusetts having io tbe interest
of tbe public health fixed 51 boors a
week as tbe maximum for mill opera
tives, tbe American Mill Company
reduced wages proportionally to tbe
reduction of Lours, 'arguing tbat as
tbe time of work was shorter tbiB re
duction iti wages was uol a redaction.
Bat tbe new wages peipetoated in
another way tbe very pnblio evils tbe
redaction of boors bad been intended
to remove. Tbey drove tbe incomes
of the poorer-paid operatives below tbe
subsistence line of a deoent American
life. Deuce the strike. Very soon
after it began tbe American Woolen
Company called for troops, and siuoe
tbcttimo Lawrence bas been nnder
military control, witb u large popula
tion in great sofTeiing without work
as tbe alternative of an inadequate
livelihood with work for a large class.
Tbe Bine Mountain Eagle, published
at Canyon City, explodes over tbe por
nioious freo ad gny, tbu-ly: News
paper men must bo regarded as tbe
easiest marks in tbe category. Tbey
must be regarded as tools. It niukes
little dillerence what schemers, job
bets, robbers and politioiuus get in
tbeir beads, tbey shoot it o tbe coun
try piess for gratuitous dissemination.
Every mail brings a waste basket of
copy all designed to boost some littlo
graft that a 2x1' pin head is Rotting
bis "bam and" out of. Wo do not
want their copy and wbon wu gut too
lazy to write it or too "ouery" to
clip it we will out the rug to one col
umn cut in wood typo. Ibis is not an
eleemosynary iustitutiou nor tbo head
quarters for philuutbropia publioaticn
of the other fellow's graft. The ob
joct of tbis papor is to get tbe money
to buy a slab of taoou aud thus keep
tbo kids from going to skin and Louoh,
and if tbe tost of the oouutry press
Would look at tbe matter iu the same
light, it would save tbo poutal depuit
tnent about 100,000 tons of worthless
stuff that is all tieadwl tor tbe prlut-fibep.
Spain's Free and Easy Railways.
An idea of the free and easy meth
ods of tb railways In Spain Is given
in this incident, related by Henry A.
Frit nek in "Four Mouths Afoot In
When I reached the station next
morning the platform gate was locked
and the train I had Loped to take was
legally leparted. A railway hanger
on in rags and hemp sandals, however,
climbed tbe iron picket fence and
6houted a word to the engineer. Then,
beckoning to mo to follow, he trotted
back into the building and rapped au
thoritatively on the closed window of
the ticket office.
"Scnor," Le said as the agent looked
out upon tis, "be kind enough to sell
this caballcro a ticket"
"The train Is gone," answered the
"Not so, senor," replied the bundle
of rags haughtily. "I am having It
Leld that this cavalier may take it"
"Ah, very well," responded the offi
cial, and, having sold me the ticket,
he handed to the hanger on the key
to the platform gate. As I passed
through it the latter held out bis band,
into which I dropped a copper.
"Mnchlsimas graclas, cnballero," bo
said, bowing profoundly, "and may
your grace forever travel with God."
Horses Pop Wadding.
An old fashioned man who wished
. to hire a team for tho afternoon saw
ft nice pair of bays which ho thought
he would like to drive.
"Can't let you have them," said tbe
liveryman, "They are wedding
. "What's thatr tho Innocent
pleasure seeker.
"Horses that won't shy at old shoes
and showers of rlco. Soma horsea
seem prejudiced against matrimony.
Anyhow, they loso their temper if thoy
happen to bo hit by any of tho- irood
luck emblems that are fired after a
bridal couple and run away if they
get half a chance. Every livery sta
ble, however, keeps two or more
Lorses who take a more cheerful view
of the wedded state. Those bays are
that kind. They are slated to head a
wedding procession for tonight and
are resting up for the job.." New York
Lest Worse Befall.
Mrs. Jones came downstairs one
evening after dinner and displayed
herself to her husband, embellished
with the result of her all day skirmish
ing in the milliners' shops.
"John," she asked, "bow do you like
this hat on me?"
"Oh, I don't know," he answered,
"nave you bought it?"
"Xo, not exactly. I brought It homo
on approval. I Intend to take either
this or another one, which is $3 more
than this, but I thought"
"Say, Florence," he interrupted,
"that's the most becoming hat I ever
saw you have on. Telephone to them
first thing in the morning that you'll
tike it, so as to make sure they'll not
sell it to anybody else." Youth's Com
Germs In the Teeth.
Everybody knows in a general way
how important it is to give the teeth
a good cleaning and to rinse the mouth
out first thing in tbe morning. The
object of course, is to remove the ac
cumulation of bacteria which gathers
on the teeth, gums, tongue and palate
during the hours of sleep. How many
germs do yoa suppose accumulate dur
ing the night's sleep? In answer to
this question E. C Bousfield, writing
in the London Lancet, gives some in
terestlng and rather startling figures,
which are worth quoting. He states
that he hns found the mouth on wak
ing .Jn"' the 'morning to obtain about
8,000,000,000 lacterla capable of being
removed by, a ffvefold rinsing with
twenty-five cubic centimeters of water
each time. After ordinary washing of
the teeth with a hard toothbrush
about one-fourth the number could
still be pinned away. After using
tooth pnstonly 120,000,000 were left
The Republicans of Umiitillu aud
Morrow counties have n good nitia in
Fred Stolwer, cacdidute for district
attornoy. In point of exneiieuco as an
attorney, hn looms bead and shoulders
above the Freowater enudidato, aud
for this reusou the Press will support
Uiin uuleHfl tho Democrats Irlun out a
man for tbe ollioo whom w ahull be
oonvinoed is bU superior iu quttlill
oatious this impoiluut office should
exact. Fred Is uu Oregon pioduutaud
was cdnoatod at O. A. O. aud the
State University. He Las made good
at law In Teudlelon aud for a time
served M deputy distriot uttoruey with
dignity to himself aud credit to his
Now aud then we hour of the gov
ernment seed distribution graft getting
a jolt it defervis. Hois is cno from
close at home; flirt l'lUiuotV lueti
tnte of Konuowick linn told Omit tea
man W. L. LuFollette. who repre
sent tbo Eastern Washington Hist nut.
that be bad bettor keep the seeds
wljiob tbe Agrcultunil Department oi
tbe Federal government furnishes for
distribution. In writing tbe congress
man, the Institute told him "not to
burden t'ae United Stutes mails witb
any snob Icily. Yon kuow tbis is
nothing but a graft which benefits no
one but tbeseedoinu who grows the
woifhlf fs seeds."
At present there 4s not a live gorilla
In America : There have never been
more than three, and only one of these
lived moro than a few weeks.
"I would give $10,000 for a gorilla
In good condition," said the superin
tendent of n noted zoological garden,
"and wo could get the money back In
a few months owing to tbe crowds of
people who would come to see It. A
gorilla would be a great drawing card,
but gorillas cannot bo got for money.
Tbey grow sometimes to 400 pounds
In weight. Their home is n small
strip of marshy land on the west
const of Africa. Tho strip is perhaps
250 miles long and 100 miles deep, and
tho gorillas stay back from tho coast
and nro hard to get. Once out of their
native element they die from climatic
changes and lack of proper food."
Detroit Free Press.
Caste In Music.
"Sometimes It 13 n disadvantage to
have a musician with a reputation at
the head of a hotel orchestra," said a
hotel manager. "We found this out
not long ngC'. when people from the
middle west, who are among our best
patrons, wanted our orchestra to play
at a wedding in which they were In
terested nnd which took place In a
private house. As the company got a
little warmed up they decided they
would have some dancing, so the host
ess asked the orchestra louder to piny.
Would he? Not on your life. He was
nn artist, he was, and it was not his
business to descend to playing for
dances. The result was that one of
the guests had to play the piano, and
we almost lout the trade of Hie family
we were trying to bo especially nice
to." New Yorlc Sun.
Heine Mado Goethe Smile.
When I visited Goethe, In Weimar,
nnd stood before htm, 1 Involuntarily
glanced at bis side to seo whether the
caglo was not there with the lightning
in his beak. I was nearly speaking
Creek to him; but. as I observed that
Le understood Gorman, 1 stated to him
in Gorman that the plums on the road
between Jena and Weimar wore very
good. I had for so many long winter
nights thought over what lofty nnd pro
found things I would any to Goethe if
ever I saw hlin. And when I saw him
at last I said to him that the Saxon
plums were very good! And Goethe
smiled. Helnrlch Heluo, "Relsebllder."
What President Tuft and bis heuoh
niaa. Attorney deuersl Wioketsharu,
don't know if tbe Ortcou System of
i'opoldr (icvuruuiL'Ut, will bit revealed
The Advantage of Waiting.
Her Futher Hut, my boy, Burely you
aro too young to marry Amelia. How
old are you? Her Suitor One and
twenty, sir. Her Father And sho Is
twenty-seven too great n disparity.
Why not wait half a dozen years?
Then you'll be twenty-seven aud Bho'll
probably be Just about the same oge
is you.
High Life.
"Ia It meet nnd proper that you eat
your heart out bc?"
She did not answer.
"Dear heart!" ho whispered Intensely.
Then she lifted her eye tearfully to
his. "Everything to eat U dear, these
days!" she faltered brokenly.-Puck.
He I nm willing to make conces
sions. Ills Wlfe-noally! He Yes.
but It seems Impossible to make the
supply meet the demand. Boston
The original noise Is what cowits.
Most folks are only evhoes.
S. F. Sharp
Special attention given to all
call, both night and day.
Oa.Hi promptly answered, Office on Third
Street, Athena Oregor
Athena, Oregon.
Calls answered promptly night or day.
: Dentist.
Office in Morris Building, Athena, Ore.
Hours, 9 to 12 and I to 5.
Office in Postoffice Buildin Athena Ore.
Hours, 9 to 12 and 1 to 5.
In tbe County Conrt of the State of
Oregon, for Umatilla Connty.
In tbe Matter of the Estate of James
S. Henry, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may conoern tbat Eliza
beth Henry, executiix of the last will
and testament of James S. Heary,
deceased, bas filed ber final aooonot
and re post in tbe administration of
said estate; tbat tbe Connty Jnrlps,
by order duly made and entered, bas
appointed Monday, tbe 18th day of
Maroh,' A. D. 1912, at ten o'olook
in tbe forenoon, as tbe time, and the
County Courthouse of Umatilla Coun
ty, Oregon, as tbe place, where all
objections and exceptions to tbe said
final acoount and report will be heard
and tbe settlement thereof made.
Dated this the 16th day of Fobrn
ary, A. D., 1912.
Elizabeth Henry,
Peterson & Wilson, Exsoutris
Attorneys for Executrix.
Athena, Oregon. - Pendleton, Oregon
Homer I. Watts
Athena, Oregon.
C. W. LASSEN. M. 1). V.
Official Stock Inspector. Graduate McKUllp
Vctlnary College, Chicago
Veterinary Surgeon k Dentist
J. E. FROOME, prop.
Only First-class Hotel in
the City. $
iff :
In the only one that can ar,wnimonai
enmmo'clnl travelers.
Can hi mrjiniciirtftfl for II clean an 6
wet! ventilated rmm.
F. E. Crittenden,
frccwattr. OrctDB
Breeder of
Eggs for Hatching, $2.50 per
setting of 15. A few choice
Leghorn Cockerels for f ale at
bottom prices, if taken now.
SuUeiile for the Puss.
Do You Want a Position
AH who'll are not alike, and wjwlally In
Ih-1iiK Muoenl io pOMMoii. uu not
overlook this point.
ennnot supply the call received for Htenoft-
riiplii rs ana bookkeepers ana Uu several
gIMiil-MIBi LIoiib in view.
HiuilentH from other IniftlneM colleges are
intending thin Hchool. What doc t nln prove?
That we (jive the hcxl. Nothing elite would
ml Inly lis. Nothing elne should mttiiify you.
ltookki'i'plng, Kh..illmml and Typewriting
nnd nil liiisiiiess subjectx practically and
thoroughly lauglit. Lectures on commercial
law by a practicing attorney. Day and eve
ning cIhhkch, Hchool opens September 6, mil.
Don't wall. Decide now. For particulars
write, or phone Hluck 7tW-
M. 1.. CLANCY. It. A., Trln,
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder rlzht
My" New Samples
have arrive from
Mark G. Harris
High class materials in Im
ported and Domestic Weaves.
Suits made. to order from $12
up. Satisfaction and fit guar
anteed. Cleaning and press
ing on short notice.
li.II. MILLIKEN, :: Athena.
For the Best Work
I ''lis . 1
ii a ii. iiiua
J. Parker
TwHlte BMW
Everything First
Class Ho d eru
aud TJp-to -date
All Farmers
realize the importance of
sowing their grain at the
proper depth; hut this can
not be accomplished with
the drills as they are found
on the market today. The
accompanying cut shows
an attachment for the hoe
drill which overcomes this
The Akers Hoc attachment regulates the depth of
sowing, packs the s:;il around the grain and insures the
grain to be perfectly covered. They are manufactured
and sold by the
PENDLETON IRON WORKS, Pendleton, Oregon.
- . " u
At Greatly Reduced Prices,
of accumulated assortments
from the seasons big selling
We've thrown the searchlight of investigation into the nooks and corners, be
hind counters and on top of shelves and discovered a surprisingly large lot of odds and
ends, broken lines, remnants and so oa These goods are far from worhless or useless
for they are chiefly left overs from this seasons stocks.
There are not enough of any kind however to make them really worth while
for us to keep in stock and bother with, from our standpoint; so we've picked them
out and assembled them on big bargain tables and placed little prices on them that
they ,11 be sure to find new owners quickly,
Now You Arelrivlte
to Come, look Around and Rummage
Among the hundreds of extraordinary bargains you'll probably find dozens of the very
things you need and want at this moment. Whatever you find and take you'U get at
a mere fraction of its real intrinsic worth.
Sale will commence Monday, February 5th, and run for one week, closing Sat
urday evening February 10. This is one occasion where it will pay to be an "Early
Bird." We will not attempt to enumerate prices here. There'll be new items each
day. Bargains tnat actually mean savings to you.
The Peoples Warehouse
Where it pays to trade. Save your trading stamps.
Tightness In tho Chest, Irritation in the Throat and a Dry Hacking
Cough means a miserable night for the whole family.
re-hound Svr
Is An Effective Remedy for the Throat and Lungs.
It relieves Uckllisr In the throat, tightness In the chest, Inflamed ImeB. diffloult breathing nd
wfaeezfeg la the bronchial tubes. Conveys a soothing, healing Influemce to Tthe sore lungt promote?
ey expectoration and contributes to the enjoyment of a quiet night and restful Bleep! prom0tes
Put "Up in Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1.00 per Bottle.
Buy the Dollar size. It contains five times as much as the 25o'siza. no. ,, . v ...
a Dr. Herrick's Red Pepper Porous Plaster for the chest W m srtth ach b?tU
For sor. Eye Cr.nBl.ted U. Itedac., i the Eyeball. Weak Sight. Smrtln Sensation- la the EyT, 1
nae StCDhens E Salve. I I. j - ln" t
- cuiuy ox proven merit.
'ft -
New Stocli
in louse Furnishin
Miller's furniture Gives Satisfaction