The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 16, 1912, Image 4

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I saw-
Li I
Cures aUhumocatorh and
rheumatism, relieves that t red
feeling, restores the appetite,
cures paleness, nervousness,
builds up the who le system.
, Do It Now. .
I expect to paa-through this , world
fcut once. Any good thing therefore
that I can do, or any kindness that
can IS? to any fellow creature le
me do it now. Let me not defer or
Neglect it. for I haU aa
way again. Edward Courtney.
Alwaya Friendship,
to the hour of distress and misery
Demooracy and Wealth.
Anatole France ld that "in every
welordered state wealth is a sacred
thS? But he added, "in i de mo
cracy it is the only sacred thing.
Wanted Men and Women
T team barber trade. Tools free. Waues while
XK. jKltfoni guaranteed International
Barbe? School. 429 E. 6th St. Los Angeles. Cal.
nilDDrn CTsMDC Peals,
rvUDDLrt 01 mum
Stencils and Brass
Sitma. Co u old liuttons
and Ribbon Badges. Good Goods UJ"
Send for complete Catalogue No. 26. Acme fetamp
Works, 1015 A St., Tacoma. Wash.
Henri Millar Remedy Co., 721 Ss. E. St.Ticomi. Wast
m at f Second-Hand Machin-
NlnrhtYtPYU bouKht' Bold and
i'iUUWt''y exchanged: engines,
boilers, sawmills, etc. The J. K. Martin Co.. 70 lHt
St, Portland. Send for Stock List and prices.
Automobile Business Taught
In six weeks. $25 to $30 per week earned by com
269 Union Ave., Portland, Ore.
We positively pay the highest
market prices, as we are manu
facturers and therefore can pay
more than dealers. Send for
free price list and shipping; taits
and net full value for your skins.
N. M. linear Co., the Reliable
Furriers, 202Mi 7th Si, Portland, Ore.
Martin Waldseemuller Published First
Map With That Tide Given
the New World.
In the interesting town of St Die.
In French Lorraine, therewas recent
It held a celebration of special inter
est to the people of this side of the
world, and in a lesser degree to Spain
and Italy. It -was in honor of the four
hundredth anniversary, of the publica
tlon there of the geographical work of
Martin Waldseemuller, in which Amer
ica was suggested as the name of the
New World.
There have been many theories ana
much controversy as to the origin of
the name America, and not a few have
resented the slight which was put
upon Columbus in this onnection.
Some have denounced Amerigo Ves
pucciwho, like Columbus, was an
Italian sailing under the flag of Spain
-for "stealing" the glory due the real
But the chief wrong, if any was
done, was committed by the German
geographer in the took which was
published in 1507, and on the map
which he published a year or so later.
On that map the name America was
applied, however, only to the southern
part-of the New World. The northern
part was called Parias.
It is possible, perhaps probable, that
Vespucci, not Columbus, first reached
the mainland of America; and it was
Vespucci who grasped the important
fact that a new continent had been
found, and not simply a part of Asia.
Of that fact Columbus died in ignor
ance. But rightly or wrongly, the name
of Amerigo Vespucci, trader, traveler
and. writer, was given to the New
World, and given to remain forever.
And now a lofty tower rises among
the hills of Lorraine to commemorate
the suggestion which resulted in the
'i- ...... . -
Constant and Concerted Warfare Must be Made Against
Little Pests Arsenate of Lead May be Purchased
Ready Prepared and Is Quite Convenient
to Use Other Recipes. i
Skylights Tanks Gutters
Down Spouts Steel Ceiling
204 Market Portland, Oregon
Let Us Read the Papers for You
Clippings of every kind and
character from the press of the
Pacific Coast furnished at rea
sonable rates.
432 8. Main St., Los Angeles, Cal.
VVe.8 "I oo ounyir.g.
Fresh from the lecture on polite
ness the street car conductor went on
duty resolved to extend courtesy to
all. Ffom the car barns up to 99th
street he put his resolution Into ef
fect. He assisted the feeble and
heavy-laden, he smiled serenely under
unmerited abuse and he hurried no
one unduly. At 98th street he no
ticed that a woman in the middle seat
was preparing to leave the car at the
next corner. . The child beside her
was too big to cause her any parties
lar trouble In alighting, but the con
ductor had been pleased with the way
the woman smiled upon the child, so
he hurried forward to help.
The woman stepped down first and
the conductor, with one sweep of his
arm, set the child down beside her.
His signal to go on was followed by a
scream, then another and another,
"Boo boo," howled the boy, and "My
child! Bring my child back here,"
cried a woman in the car. Hall a
block further along the car stopped.
"He isn't mine," gasped the woman
when she and the boy had caught up
with the car. "I only Just smiled at
him." New York Sun.
(By GLENN W. HERRICK, Mississippi.)
There are many kinds of insects
that pester the farmer and fruit grow
er and all of them, taken together,
may be divided into two great groups
dependent upon the kind of mouth
parts they have and the manner in
which they attack plants. The In
sects of one group have jaws and bite
off bits of plants and swallow them.
They are known as the biting Insects.
The members of the second group
have a bill or sucking tube which
they insert Into the tissues of plants
and suck out the Juices. These are
the sucking insects.
The grasshopper Is a familiar ex
ample of the first class of Insects, for
it has biting mouth parts, composed
of two pairs of jaws, one of which
is hard and black and easily seen with
tho eye. With these Jaws the grass
hopper bites off pieces of leaves,
sterns, etc., and swallows them much
as a cow or horse would do. Very
many insect pests have biting mouth
parts like the grasshopper and eat
parts of plants. For example, the
caterpillars, or '.'worms," on cotton,
tomatoes, cabbage, etc., the June bugs,
fig-eaters, potato bugs, etc. All such
insects are known as the biting insects.
It is plain that an Insect that bites
off pieces of leaves and swallows
them stands a relatively high chance
of being killed by putting some pois
onous substance upon the leaves be
fore they are eaten. It is absolutelj
necessary to know what kind or an
insect is causing the Injury whether
it is a biting or sucking insect. Thil
ls the first point to determine.
Probably Paris green is one of the
best known poisons for biting insects
It is rather expensive, difficult to
buy unadulterated and is quite liable
to burn the foliage of plants if applied
too strong.
It can be applied dry as follows:
I pound of Paris green,
25 pounds of slaked lime or flour,
The two should be thoroughly
mixed and may be sifted on the
water for potatoes 200 gallons of wa
ter, and for peaches 300 gallons.
Arsenate of lead is a combination
of arsenic and acetate of lead and is
better than Paris green, because it
sticks to the foliage better, will not
burn the leaves, and remains in sus
pension longer. It can be made as
11 ounces acetate of lead
(white sugar of lead),
4 ounces arsenate of soda,
EO gallons water.
Dissolve the acetate of lead in 4
quarts of water and the. arsenate of
Quills and Their Uses.
Quills are things that are sometimes
taken from the pinions of one goose
to spread the opinions of another.
Gentleness Is Most Useful In Handling
Young Animals Little Fellows
8oon Become Friendly.
The old expression, "breaking &
colt." has gone out of fashion.
A good colt is worth careful train
ing, which should commence before it
is a month old, some say a year after
the colt is foaled. By handling young
colta In a kindly manner they soon
learn to become friendly and they
seem anxious to do what you want
them to do. :
The best breeders are very care
ful not to frighten a coR. The mem
ories of colts are good; they never
forget abuse. If a colt has a good
disposition it can be coaxed to do al
most anything wanted of it Even
fancy tricks may be taught to young
animals, and they seem to enjoy the
When they grow large enough to
wear-harness, they are all ready tor
business, and are all the better for
doing a little light work when they
are two years old. Right here, how
ever, is where a great many colts are
Injured. Two-year-old colts lack the
hardness of bone necessary to stand
much of a strain, but they can pull
the long end of a double-tree hitched
to a light harrow for an hour or so
with positive benefit and they seem
to like it, When taken in from the
field and given a little grain by way
of reward they eat It with great relish.
The most valuable horses are taken
in hand early in life, and carefully
trained in this way. Even horses in
tended for the road are better for
havine a little experience in farm
work when young.
Gentleness is the principal argu
ment to use in training a colt You
cannot gain their confidence with
rough treatment or boisterous lan
guage. Establish a bond of sympathy
between yourself and the colt and he
will try to do your bidding.
It is never best to put bits in the
mouth of aTcolt until he is ten months
or a year old, as his mouth is very
tender and is liable to be injured. In
training the colt to lead a halter
should be used, and care should be
taken to see that the halter does not
fit too tightly about the head.
CP I7TT f A Brand New, Handsomely
r JL. mU8trated, MaU Order
of Household Supplies, Groceries, Furniture, Clothing, Etc.
Reduce Your Cost of Living
By purchasing at Wholesale Prices. ". Largest House 1 in
Portland. Lowest Prices. We save you Money. :
The Biting Jaws of a Grasshopper.
soda in 2 quarts of water. Pour
them together, mix thoroughly and
then dilute with 50 gallons of water.
It is then ready to use at once.
Arsenate of lead can be bought
ready prepared and is very conveni
ent to use. It should be used at the
rate of 4 to 6 pounds of the arsenate
it lead to 100 gallons of water.
White arsenic is cheap, easy to get,
and is not often adulterated. There
fore, when it is combined with lime
or sal soda to prevent burning of the
.oliage, it is a most satisfactory in
secticide. It may be prepared as follows:
1 pound white arsenic,
4 pounds quick lime,
4 gallons water.
Boll the lime and arsenic together
In the water for half an hour and then
dilute with 200 gallons of water for Qn HENS' CHICKS ARE BEST
Arsenate of lime may also be pre
pared by boiling two pounds of white
arsenic and eight pounds of sal soda
in two gallons of water for 15 or 20
minutes, or until the arsenic and soda
are dissolved. This constitutes a
stock solution which may be kept in
a sealed jug for a long time. When
ready to spray, slake two pounds of
quick lime, take one pint of the stock
solution and mix them both with 40
gallons of water.
Eighth Grade Students
(Compiled by Jay V, Fike, Superintendent of Schools of Clarke County,
Washington, and consisting of 85 pages,) will assist Eighth Graders to
pass the State examination. It contains seventeen full sets of State
questions used during the past seven years. Teachers and pupils should
EACH have a copy for review work before taking examination. These
booklets'are for sale by County Superintendent Fike at his office, or will
be sent postpaid upon receipt of 35 cents per copy by addressing
605 1 -2 Main. Street, Vancouver, Washington
The Way the Female Grasshopper
Places Her Eggs.
plants from a thin muslin sack, prefer
ably In the morning while the dew is
yet on.
rails green may also be applied in
water, which we believe is a better
method than the dry one for most
plants. Quick lime is added to pre
vent burning of the foliage and the
poison is used in the following pro
portions: 1 pound of Paris green,
200 to 300 gallons of water,
3 pounds quick lime.
Slake this lime in a little water and
add the Paris green. Stir thoroughly
and then add the proper amount of
' Protect the Silo.
Wherever possible the' silo should
be located in a sheltered place, as it
has a great bearing on the extent to
which the Bilage will freeze. A silo
that is built on the west side of a
barn, where it is exposed to the cold
est winds, even if it is built with dead
air spaces, will freeze more than one
built of solid concrere if it Is sheltered.
Cut Out the Drones.
If the hen will not pay for he
board in eggs she should be made to
yield a profit by being slaughtered and
her carcass sold. No poultryman
should keep drones; he cannot af
ford it.
Several Tests Prove That Offspring
of Mature Stock More Thrifty
and Vigorous.
Don't sell all your old hens.. If you
Intend using eggs from your flock for
hatching, you should keep a few old
hens to furnish them. The resulting
chicks will be stronger and heartier
than if incubated from eggs laid by
your spring pullets. The offspring of
the more mature stock will also prove
more thrifty and vigorous.
These facts were determined by
several tests made at Morgantown,
W. Va. Eggs from hena, one, two and
three years old were used. In every
test the eggs from the older hens
hatched out more, heavier and strong
er chicks than did the eggs from the
pullets. And the chicks did not lose
this advantage in weight, for they
were materially heavier at the end of
forty days when the tests ended.
It was also determined that it is
a matter of prime importance to have
the hens not only mature but unex
hausted by previous heavy laying.
during the breeding season. Then the
very best results will be obtained In
respect to number, size and vigor of
the chickens.
For rvlCTCR AinEZr ?" Ev Epliootlc.
Shipping fever
and Catarrhal Fever
Sure sure and positive preventive, no matter how horaes at any air
are infected or "exposed." Liquid, given on the tongue; acta on tha
Hlood and (Hands, exiiels tha poimnoua Karma f rum tho body. Cures Dia
tom pur in Doura and Shoep and Cholera In Poultry. Largest selling live
SUwk remedy. Cures I .a Grippe among human brings nnd la a line Kid Kflanml 1 a brittle: tftnnd f luadosen. Cutthlaout. Keeo
"A. Show to your druggist, who will K"t It (or you. Free Booklet. Dla-
nl Curea. Special agents wanted.
temper, Chum ant
Chemists and
! dairy feed:
litis i
Ask your dealer for it. If ho doa
not handle it drop us a postal card
and wo will furnish you tho name of
a dealer who dot
i it
I t at it
; ii i
Dumas'a Melon Contract.
Alexandre Dumas, pere, wa ex
tremely fond of melons, and an auto-
; graph letter of his haa Just come into
the possession of the library of the
town of Carpentras by legacy which
proves the fact It is perhaps one of
the strangest contracts ever made by
man of letters. Tho letter is ad
dressed to M. Seguln, the deputy'
maire of Cavatllon in the Caucluse in
I August, 1864, by the author of "Les
Trols Mousquetalree," who waa then
living at St Qratlen, near Engheln,
lie says: "On receipt of your letter I
have immediately arranged with my
publisher, M. Michael Levy, for him to
send you the two or three hundred
volumes which have already appeared
of my works, and that In tho futuro
as they appear he will send you tha
others, and I am very pleased to ba
able to reply to the great honor which
you do me. But please have the good
ncss to tell your honorable maire, M,
Tourel, that I Impose one condition.
If the town and the authorities of Ca
vaillon like my books, I like their
nielonB, and I desire that in exchange
of my three or four hundred volumes
there shall be constituted for me, by
'municipal decree," a yearly income of
twelve melons per year. The cost of
carriage will naturally be at my ex
ponso." Need one add that tha con
tract was faithfully kept on both :-
Puttlng It Qently.
lie What do you consider la a nloa
name for a girl?
She Toura. dearl
will Immediately relievo
Short but Aotlve Uvai.
Tha working bee Uvea six months,
tha drone four months and tha queen.
be four yeara
Composition of An Egg.
More than 65 per cent, of every egg
is water. Water also makes up 55
per cent, of the hen's body. Unless
a hen has water she cannot make
eggs,' nor can she properly digest her
food. True, all foods contain some
water. Vegetables contain a great
deal, but all these sources will not be
sufficient to more than supply tne
bodily wants. Much water is used in
digesting the food and. much passes
off in breathing. Many a hen that Is
otherwise well fed fails to lay be
cause she is compelled to go without
water, or to accept the alternative
to suck it out of the snowbank. When
laying freely a flock of fifty hens will
drink from four to elgnt quarts or wa
ter each day.
Knew What She Wanted.
A kid with fiery red hair and scorn
ing any such protection aa may be
afforded by shoes and stockings, walk
ed Into a pharmacy and nervously
stood about until one of the clerks ac
costed her.
"I want some o' dat stuff to die
awitch wld," she said.
"What color -would-you like?" In
quired the facetious clerk. "Red,
green, purple or what?"
"Quit your klddln'," admonished the
young lady. "I dunno the stuff, but
It's suthin' like hopper-grass an' It
smells orful.'
Without a moment's hesitation the
man handed out a nickel's worth of
copperas which makes for black dye
while It disinfects the material aa
well. -
When Your Ejes Need Care Try Murine Eje Remedy
No Smarting Feels Fine Acta Quickly. Try
it nr RV1- Wenk. Waterv Evee and Granu
lated Eyelids. Illustrated Book In each Pack
age. Murine 1b compounded by our Oculists
not a "Patent Medicine" but used In suc
cessful Physicians' Practice lor many years.
Now dedicated to the public and sold by
Drutrirista at- Z5c ana ouc per uoiuo. nanus
Murine Eye Hemeay uo., umoago
Middle Course Difficult
To see the good nowhere that la
neBslmism. and thia is easy. To aee
the good everywhere that ia optim
ism x and this is not difficult. But to
find the good .somewhere tnai is
sobriety, and this la in no wise easy.
-Ivan Panin.
Waa In the Tolla. ,
"Gee! Now tell me aa man to man
what you would do If you were mar
ried to that woman." "You tell me
what you would do; I am married to
her." Houston Post
Since the placing of RED CROSS
BALL BLUE on the market there
has been a rapid falling off in tne
sales of all liquid bluing. Why buy
water containing a small percentage
of bluing when you can get a solid
package and dissolve it as needed.
Makes clothes whiter, lasts longer,
and is cheaper. Large package, 10
"I am inclined to think," said the
nan who speaks with firmness though
with caution, "that our friend Mr.
nmfton Grabb waa created on the
"For what reason T"
"We are told that an honest man is
the noblest work of the Creator, and
also that on the seventh day the Crea
tor rested."
Land Without Trees. .
. Thorshaven, the capital city of the
Faroe islands, Is said to be absolute
ly treeless. The claim is made that
for some reason, perhaps soil condi
tions, trees absolutely jefuBe to grow
Fixing prices of Diamonds.
The prices of polished diamonds are
controlled by prices of the . rough,
atonaa and are really made In London.
Truth Eternal. !
Truth, like genuine gold, will always
bear the touchstone, and appear th
brighter the more it is examined. ,;
about the unhealthy condi
tion of your stomach, liver
and bowels? If so, you only
make matters worse. Just
get a bottle of
Stomach Bitters
today and watch results.
. Your stomach will be toned
and strengthened, your liver
become active and bowels
regular. Then good health
is yours. A trial will con-vinceyou.
If you use Eye Salve use the best.
Pettit's Eye Salve is the standard,
is reliable and costs no more than infer
ior goods that are unknown. Used by
Physicians and Oculists, helps where all
others fail. It is not the Tube or Box "
that cures, it is the Salve that does the
work. Guaranteed by Howard Bros,
under the Government Food and Drugs
Act Don't be deceived or misled. The
only really antiseptic Eye Salve that haa
been in the market for years. Sold by
Druggists throughout the known world.
The Tamworth hog Is not as popu
lar in the United States as It de
serves. A few pigs of this breed
were brought over from England
about 30 years ago, but until the last
three or four years it was not regard
ed favorably.
The appearance of the Tamworth
Is somewhat against It. Its rather
long head does not impress farmers
favorably, and there Is a general be
lief that It costs more to bring a Tam
worth to maturity than almost any
other type. Experiments show, how
evor, thnt this claim is based mainly
on prejudice, for the Tamworth In
Canada has proven itself to be an
excellent and economical feeder.
This breed Is especially well adapt-
Method as Pursued in France De
scribed in British Technical
Paper Docs Work
ed to bacon, because of its light
shoulder, Its length of side and a ten
dency to produce a greater portion of
lean meat than many other breeds.
When the Tamworth is crossed on
breeds of more fattening tendencies,
and with finer bone, say the Berk
shire, it makes an excellent bacon
hog. It Is claimed by some breeders
that the Tamworth Is the best bacon
hog In existence, but this may be tak
en with a grain of salt.
Quality of Sows.
There is a great difference in the
motherly Qualities or sows, ana wnen
a breeder finds one wnicn produces
uniformly large litters and all fine,
strong, healthy pigs, wniie sne nas a
constant and large flow of milk for
her offspring, he should keep her for
breeding purposes, as long as she will
breed well, and she will be found to
be the most profitable animal on the
Do you ever have Headache, Toothache,
or Earache? Most people do. Hamlms
Wizard Oil is the best household remedy
and liniment for these everyday troubles.
Valuable By-Products.
Albumen is made from blood se
cured at the packing houses and used
for setting the colors of printed fab
rics. Ashes from the hickory and
coba used in smoking meats are used
for fertilizer. Certain hard bone is
ground up and used for case harden
ing steel. In this process the steel
implement is heated while immersed
in the' powdered bone. Glue Is made
from the hoofs and slnews.of animals.
Necessary Change.
Rev. Mr. Hollers "Mistah Johnsing,
what foh you call dat son of yoh'a
Izaak Walton, when he was baptized
George Washington?" Mr. Johnson
"Because, sah, dat rascal's reputashun
for verac'ty made dat change lmper
tive." Christian Register.
Mothers will find Mrs. WlnsloVt Sootfctn
Byrup the best remedy to use for their cliildre-1
auriug lie teeming periou.
The following item from a British
technical paper concerns a new pro
ems of soaaoulng wood by electricity
In France:
A largo tank U filled with a solution
containing 10 per cent, of borax and 5
per cent, of resin, with just a trace
of carbonate of soda. In the bottom
of tho tank ia a load plate which is
electrically connected to the positive
pole of the dynamo. Tho Umber to
be treated Is stacked on this plate,
ami when the tank has been filled
another plate Is superimposed and
connected to the negative pole of the
dynamo. When the current is switched
ou It passes through the stack of wood
between the two .plates, and In Its
passage it is sahl to deposit borax and
reniu in its place, completely filling up
Damage by Rats.
The rat family came over to this
country In the Mayflower, and it now
costs the people of the United States
$100,000,000 a year to feed the
all pores and Interstices. When the
process Is completed the timber Is re
moved and dried, after which it is
ready for use. It Is claimed that the
timber submitted to this treatment, no
matter how green It may be, becomes
completely seasoned.
Poultry Statistics In China.
Inquiries have come from the United
States asking for poultry statistics for
China. No such statistics exist, and
to estimate the number of geese,
ducks, turkeys and chickens with any
degree of correctness Is Impossible,
There is nothing to work from except
the crude base of population, which la
said to be 438.000,000, and of these a
large percentage of the male adults
are farmers. As to how many fowls
each farmer owns It la also Impossible
to give an leVa. Native farmyards
may be seen where 10 to 20 fowls
could be counted, and in the same dis
trict duckling, 300 or 400 tu a flock,
may be noticed along the waterways,
tended, for purpose of feeding, by one
Next Year'a Ducks.
Pick out the young ducks and
drakes that grow and develop fastest,
and that attain good size, for next
season's breeders. Some ducks will
be heavier at eight weeks than others
are at ten, and are therefore more
Feeding for Eggs.
Winter feeding for egg production
should above all things be varied.
The simplest way to get at the right
food to produce eggs In winter, under
your special conditions and with the
foods you have at command. Is to ex
perlment on your chickens when they
are laying naturally In the summer,
You will find that corn generally
makes a fine winter staple, but It Is
likely to make the hens too fat and
stop them from laying If it la fed in
too great quantities.
Whitewash Formula.
A gooa wimewiisa iormuia is as
follows: Quicklime, 30 pounds; tal
low, 4 pounds: salt, 5 pounds; water
enough to make mixture flow well
This makes a tenacious whitewash
not easily washed off by rains or re
moved by other methods.
Grinding the Grain.
A great many dairymen think It Is
all nonsense to grind grain, but their
opinion Is prr-.bably Influenced by the
fact that It take3 time and trouble
and ia therefore somewhat exclusive.
Mrs. N. Warren, Seattle, Wash., writeii
"My flock of chickens had Roup and upon
advice of a friend I tried Mustang Liniment.
I find it a wonderful remedy and my birds
are improving fat. Am sure that I shall
not lose any. I am very grateful and will
tell my friends it is not safe to be without
Mexican Mustang Liniment." .
25c 50c $1 a bottle at Drug &Gen'I Stores
A Lamp built on a
new principle. A mar
vel of simplicity, effi
ciency, economy. Bet
ter than anything you
ever saw.
$10 Complete, Express Paid.
Money refunded if not satisfied
Would you like to get one
Absolutely FREE?
18 Frost Street, Pertlaai Ore.
Selfish Interest.
"You seem to be developing a great
Interest In conservation." "I am," re
plied Mr. Cumrox. "If they keep cut;
ting down the trees, there won't be
any woods for me to take to when
mother and the girls get up these
rounds of social gayety."
A. Cough
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is a
regular cough medicine, a
strong medicine, a doctor's
medicine. Good for easy
coughs, hard coughs, desper
ate coughs. If your doctor
endorses it for your case, take
it. If not, don't take it. Never
go contrary to his advice.
We publish eur formulas
W banimh alcohol
from oar modietaeo
Wo orvo jroo to
oonsuit your
Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, Stomach
and Lung Troubles
Cured permRnontly ht small cost. NO FAKE.
tl.00 trial pix'kiiKeSl cents. Adrtroos Lang's Min
eral Wonder Co.. ill Main St.. Portland. Ore,
9T)7 Broadway, Onklnnd. Otd.
H. W. I.sno A Ron. ilajf 11.
Portlnnd, Ore..
Gentlwinen! I must express my surprise ana
plfuure st the work of your M inernl Wonder la
relation to myself, 'i'he pnckKKe I reoeived from
sour reprexen utlve here, Hltlioutth used bat tors
tew weeks, brr wrought snrprUingly pleasant re
sults in my condition. As kidney and bladder
cleaner it Is KinK.
very respectfully.
, W. ft. THOMAS.
Habits PositlTely Cored.
.aote ia Oregon. Writs)
fnr illustrated! circular.
tUT INSTITUTI, 71 L1 1 TU ft.
The dose of Ayer's Pills is small, only
one at bedtime. As a rule, laiative doses
are better than cathartic doses. For con
atiparion, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick
headaches, they cannot be excelled.
Ask your doctor about this.
SUdssy Um J. O. Aysr CtK, LowaU,
How to
Get Well and
Keep oo. f
DR. WO k
The eminent Chinese doctor, treats with
non-poisonous, non-injurious herbs and
cures such diseases of the Throat. Heart,
1 War. Lunvs, Stomach, Kidneys, Asthma,
Pneumonia, Consumption. Chronic Cough,
Piles, Constipation. Dysentery, Nenrous
rteae. Dicxineaa, Neuralfria, Headache.
Lumbaero. Appendicitis, Rheumatism, Ca
tarrh. Eczema, Etc
It Is better to call than write, but those
who are unable to come, send 4 cants in
stamps and secure symptom blank. Atta
carefully riving symptoms them wonderful
health -riving herbs can be secured, whica
will put you on the road to recovery.
Wo Chinese Medical Co.
2S0H Aider St Car. Third. Pertlami, Or
No. 82-m
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SDsmtlaa this paper.