The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 16, 1912, Image 1

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    This Edition con
tains Four Pages
Buy Your Groceries from Your Home Grocer
Athena Merchants
Carry Bio Stocks
S. F. WILSON, President,
H. KOEPKE Vice-President.
F. S. Le GROW, Cashier,
E. A. ZERBA. Ass't Cashier.
F. S. Le GROW.
We extend to our Depositors every cAccommdation
consistent with sound Banking.
With your next purchase
amounting to $2.50 or
over, we will give you
one of these Dust Pans
Something entirely new.
It will save your temper
and last a lifetime.
II. A. BUNDY. Athena
Lumber. Mill Work. and all Kinds of
Posts and Blacksmith coal '
A. M. Johnson, Manager
Athenu, Oregon .
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Our Market is
Clean and Cool
Insuring Wholesome Meats.
Main Street, Athena, Oregon
This la the title of a beautiful 64-page book, which
will show any boy or girl how to SUCCEED. Drop a
postal la the mall TODAY and it will be sent FREE.
The aim of the College la to dignify and popularize
the Industries, and to serve ALL the people. It offers
courses In Agriculture, Civil Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering. Mining Engin
eering, Forestry, Domestic Science and Art, Com
merce, Pharmacy and Music. - The College opens
September itd. Catalog free.
COLLEGE, CorralUs, Oregon.
County School Superintend
ent Meets With the School
Board and Local Men.
County Sohool Superintendent F. K.
Welles was in the oity Tuesday even
ing and met with the sohool board and
members of the Commercial Associa
tion for the pnrpose of diaoussing the
country life education sow being in
troduced In the schools of the state
and the oonnty high sohool law.
Mr. Welles and Principal Wiley of
the Athena sobools, disoussed these
two important sohool movements. The
county high sohool question will prob
ably be referred to the voters ot the
county at the ooming geneial election
as provided by tbe new law. Should it
oarrv the high schools of tbe county
will be greatly benefltted bv tbe fact
that land lying outside of sohool dis
tricts would pay special tax into tbe
es and disonssion by members of the
board of trade and visiting farmers
of the county. Governor West and
President Kerr, ot the Oregon Agri
cultural College were tbe principal
At Dayton the Commercial club ap
pointed Miss Harriet Starr, secretary
of the club, to organize the work with
the priuoipals and teachers of the
schools and to interest the parents in
the work.
At Klamath Falls the county and
city superintendents of sohools and
members of tbe Commercial olub
joined in a publio meeting to plan
for the garden competition and for
giving the idea speoial prominence at
tbe fail next Fall.
At Adams tbe commercial olnb and
school direotors have oombined to in
troduce agricultural and industrial
contests in tbe sobools. A premium
list was arranged and supervisors for
tbe different branobes of the competi
tion named. A publio meeting was
held on Thursday afternoon.
The Baker commercial club made
tbe subject a speoial order of business
at its meeting Wednesday evening.
On Friday evening of Country Life
Education Week tbe farmers of Sher
man oounty gave a banquet to tbe
merchants of Moro to which tbe busi
ness men of The Dalles and Portland
were invited. Only Sherman connty
produots were served at the dinner.
At Portland tbe committee on gar
den contests in the publio sobools ar
ranged for two oontests, one for early
vegetables and one for the latrr varie
ties. A speoial exhibition will be
held in the Armory on June 15-16,
tbo last days of tbe Rose Festival.
Band Showed Improvement
Under Direction of Profess
or Edgar L. Smith.
To say that the creditable concert
put up by the Athena Band at the
opera bouse Saturday evening was a
surprise to the Athena publio, is put
ting it mildly. Every number was
rendered with a proflcieooy that stamps
Professor Edgar L. Smith as being an
able leader aud oonduotor, aud tbe
improvement be has made in tbe band
as a muBioal organizatiou was notio
able to all preseut.
Every obair in the opera bouse was
oooupied and the large audience was
liberal with encore and applause. The
band was assisted in tbe oonoert by
Miss Vefma Wilkinson and Miss Zel
ma DePeatt in vooal solos, Mr, John
Braden with violin, and Miss Belle
Molntyre in a piano solo. Miss Wil-
r I!
, - -s
C tip- "v'
jam JUS&L-'Zk : .
fund. There are large holdings
tbrongbont the oounty that at present
esoape payment of sohool tax, and
under tbe new law tbise holdings pay
a legitimate share of the school tax.
Figures produced by Mr. Welles
showed that on the present assessed
valuation of property in" this district
tbe sum of $360 would be paid
through speoial tax into tbe fund and
tbe bigh school, figuring tbe present
attendanoe as a basis would draw out
$1100. Tbe proposed levy for tbe
fund would amouut to 30 cents on
every $1000 of taxable property in
tbe oounty.
Both Mr. Wiley and Mr. Welles
gave valuable information regarding
the country life education movement.
Mr. Wiley especially, for tbe reason
that be is familiar with tbo movement
from a practical standpoint, having
taugbt in Yamhill countv, where the
plan was originated by State Superin
tendent Alderman.. Last week was set
aside as speoial country life education
week, and that it was successful, is in
dicated by tbe interest shown tbrongb
out the slate.
Tbe Salem Commercial Club cele
brated with a farmers dinner at tbe
Hotel Marion on Thursday. The en
tire afternoon was given up to addrees-
One hundred prizes will be offered. A
silver cup will be awarded to tbe
school winning tbe first prize, and if
won for three years in enooession it
will beoome tbe permanent property of
the sobool. Tbe contestants are to be
divided into two classes; those over
and those under 13 years of age.
At, Hosier a joint meeting of tbe
local Horticultural sooiety, the sohool
ottiaials and the commeroial club was
beld on Friday evening, at wbiob time
plans for developing the Country Life
idea were perfected.
At Prairie City a plan is under way
to interest tbe county sobools with tbe
sobools of tbe city in tbe movement.
Rumers That He Will Run for
Kress Are Revived.
The Freshest and most Choice the Market affords in
Best that Money can Buy Always Found Here
Athena, Oregon f
Stories tbat William'!?. Ellis, stand
pat veteran cf Eastern Oregon repub
licanism may enter tbe race for tbe
congressional nomination at tbe April
primaries are being revived in polit
ical oiroles, following their death
several weeks ago, says the Live Wire.
Old lioe leaders, it is said, have held
several conferences and Ellis has been
considered. Tbe name of Senator
J. N. Bnrgess of Pilot Rook bag been
frequently mentioned as well, but it is
doubtful whether be could be induced
to accept.
George T. Cocbran aud Jerry Rusk
of La Grande, N. J. Sinnott of Tbe
Dalles and Clinton E. Roosevelt of
Pendleton are tbe only aspirants in
tbe race at present. It is figured tbat
these would so divide tbe vole tbat
Ellis could obtain tbe Domination.
Those close to Mr. Ellis, however, still
deny tbat be intends entering tbe
kinson sang ''Tbe Sunrise" witb
splendid voice and effect, nod re
sponded to an encore witb "I Love
You." Miss DePeatt, el wavs pop
ular witb an Atbena andiejoe, sang
"My Rosary," and for an encore, gave
"Deep in My Heart." She was ac
companied at tbe piano by Mrs.
R. T. Brown, and Miss Wilkiusou and
Mr. Braden by Professor Blakeslee.
A feature of tbe program was tbe
reoitation by little Miss Evangeline
Fix, tbe outeness of her elocutionary
presentation pleasing tbe audieuoe
immensely. Mr. Braden's violin solos
were the best heard in Atbena for a
long time, bis technique and inter
pretation proving him to be a master
of that instrument. Every number
tbe baud rendered was welt reoelved,
but it was at its best In tbat always
popular overture, "Bohemian GUI."
Ibe prooeeda wbiob went into tbe
band treasury with the exoeption of
a minor sum for incidental expenses,
amounted to $58.00. It is tbe purpose
of the organization to give another
concert in tbe near future, when a
more elaborate program will be given.
Atbena is pleased with its band, and
citizens are looking forward in pleas
ant anticipation of tbe free summer
conoerts at tbe City Park. Tbe band,
with a little assistance from tbe com
munity, can retain tbe servioes of
Prof. Smith and it iu time may be
come one of tbe tent musioal organ
izations in the state.
'1 V
- zt- 'Jt tuo most Tamiliar quota
tions from the Bible which aro not
to be found there upon research la
"the liou lying down witb the Iamb."
The spirit of the reference is corrc-t
enough, but turn up (be passage in
Isaiah and you will find: "The wolf
also shall dwell with the lamb, and
the leopard shall lie down with the
kid, and the calf and tbe young liou
and tbe fatling together." The popn
lar mind has condensed tbe aoolojfical
miscellany, and to the Incorrect ver
sion alliteration has no doubt con
tributtd lscbaii.
Boys' Club Launched.
The Boys' Clob was suooessfully
lannohed on Saturday, February 11.
There were twelve boys present, all
enthusiastic, and with fine spirit tbey
entered into tbe preliminary work as
outlined ty Mr. Meldrum. Mr.
George Bannis'er will assist Mr. Mel
drum in directing tbe boys. Tbe
following are tbe names of tbe boys
who enrolled last Saturday: Lawrence
Tbarp, Arnold Koepke, Henry Keopke,
George Lieuallen, Lawson Boober,
Carl Allison, Edward Montgomery,
Bertie McCobLius, Carl Fix, Claude
Coomans, Lloyd MoPbenin and James
Kiddtr. Several otber Loys have
8ifzniHd their intention of joining.
Tbe initiation of all mem t era into tbe
mysteries of tbis kofffbtly oidor will
take place on Saturday at 3 o'clock.
All those desiring to beoome members
should meet Mr. Meldrum promptly at
2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
Plucking Sheep.
The pure bred sheep in Shetland sr
sot shorn, but plucked. The process
takes place generally in June, when
the fleece Is "ripe" and the silky wool
can be pulled off without pain. This Is
called "roolng" and is much less dam
aging to the young .fiber than clipping
with shears. The wool when thus han
dled retains Its peculiar softness, bo
that any one of experience can tell
whether the material of a knitted ar
ticle has been plucked or shorn. It
ripens first upon tbe neck and shoul
ders, so that sheep half pulled resem
ble in some sort a poodle that Is
clipped. We must suppose that harsher
handling prevailed at one time, for we
read that in 1010 the Scottish privy
council spoke of the custom as still
kept up "In some remote and uncivil
places," and James I. wrote to tell
them that It had been put down In Ire
land under penalty of a fine. Upon
this they passed an act on March 17,
1010, deploring the destruction of sheep
thus caused nnd imposing similar fines
on those who should persist in tbe
practice. -
Cleanliness and Arsenic
In Styria and Carinthia there is
much arsenic eating among the peas
ants. The women take it to give
themselves a good complexion and to
make their hnlr fine and glossy. The
men take it because they believe that
it gives them wind In climbing In the
chnse after chamois. In Styria and
Carinthia it is known tbat nn arsenic
eater can never be broken of tho habit
find that if arsenic be compulsorlly
kept from the eater death rapidly en
sues. It Is believed in the Tamnr
and this is perhaps true that an ar
senic worker is fit for no other work.
He must remain ot this occupation.
Ilealth nnd breath fail him at other
employments. Eventually it may bo
that chronic arsenical poisoning en
sues. But this may be staved off. If
hot wholly prevented, by scrupulous
cleanliness, by care taken not only to
wash tn the "changing house," but to
bathe freely at home. As one of the
foremen said to the writer. "Against
orsenlc the best antidote Is soap taken
externally." Chambers Journal.
A Piscatorial Gunner.
' Tbo Jaculntor fish, the piscatorial gun
ner of tbe Jnvan lakes, uses bis mouth
as a squirt gun and is a marksman of
no mean ability. Go to n small lake or
pond filled with specimens of Jncula
tors. place a stake or pole In the water
with tbe end projecting from one to
three feet above tbe surface, place a
beetle or fly on top of the pole and
await developments. Soon the wnter
will be swarming with tinny gunners,
each anxious for n shot ut tbe tender
morsel which the experimenter han
plnced In full view. Presently one
comes to tbe surface, steadily observes
his prey nnd measures tbe distance.
Instantly ho screws his mouth Into the
funniest shapes Imaginable, discharges
a stream of water with precision equal
to any sharpshooter nnd knocks the fly
or beetle into tho wnter. where he Is In
stnntly devoured by tho successful
Nimrod or some of his hungry horde.
This sport mny be kept up as long ns
the supply of beetles and flics holds
Ths Air Mils.
'! Tho nlr mile Is a unit of measure
ment that came Into use with the ad
vancement of aviation. We have the
land mile and tbe sea mile, which Is
approximately one-seventh longer tbnn
tbe land mile of America. Tbe nautical
mile Is often incorrectly called a knot,
but a knot Is a measure of botb dis
tance and time. It is correct to say
tbnt a vessel makes ten knots, but to
say that she makes ten knots nn hour
Is tautology. The nir milo is measured
differently from tbe land milo nnd tbo
sea mile. It is a land milo minus the
retardation of an adverse wind or plus
tbo nccleratlon of a favoring wind.
Thus nn aviator could cover many air
miles while hovering over a given point
on the earth's surface. Browning's
Watching Sponges Grow.
' Outside tbe harbor of Sfax, Tunisia,
in the shallow water of the clear Medi
terranean, is Bltuatcd a biological lab
oratory for the study of sponges. It
is one of tbe most unique In tbe world
and affords opportunity for observing
the development of the spongo from
tiny larva, so small tbnt It can only be
studied under a microscope until five
years later It bas developed into a per
fect sponge.
"Loafley tells mo be hasn't been so
busy for years."
"Nonsense! That Job he bas is n
clncb. Ho never has to work hard
"That's Just it He's been fired, and
he's chasing around after another Job
now." Exchange.
Intsrruptsd Rtpoi.
"So you don't care for chess?'
"Not much. It's annoying to bo
wakened every time you drop Into a
nice nap merely to be told tbat it Is
onr move." Washington Star.
For ths Piano,
Quiet Bpoken Customer-You keep
everything for the piano, don't you?
Salesman Yes sir. We do, sir. Quiet
Spoken Customer Give me an nx.
Hssd and Foot.
A chiropodist merely wants to get a
foothold In business, while the wig
maker only wants to make a bald ex
Istence.-Kansas City Star.
Tbo best manners should be used all
day and every day. They aro none
too good for constant use.
Investigation Puts Ed. Jones
to Bed When Stolen Grain
Is Found at His Place.
Another grain stealing oase bas been
dog up in the seotion north of town
and tbe thief is behind the bars in the
oounty jail. Tbe sheriff's office was
notified that barley bad been stolen
from the warehouse at Grandview
station Sunday nigbt, and Sheriff
Taylor oame to Athena Monday morn
ing and obartered a Ford automobile
with Harry Alexander as driver, and
aooompanled by Deputy Jinks Taylor,
left for an investigation.
The wagon traoks weie followed and '
tbe peouliar hoof prints left by one of .
tbe horses took the offioers down Geer
Springs bill into the Walla Walla
valley. The team took every turn to
tbe west and north and finally tbe
traoks were lost in tbe main road tbat
leads from Touobet to Walla Walla.
The offioers kept on to Touobet
station where tbey began investigation
witb tbe result tbat they located tbe
wagon in wbiob the grain bad been
bauled, aud finally the team.
Tbe sea rob led to tbe homestead of
Ed Jones below Touobet, but he
strenuously denied that be bad token
tbe grain. It developed tbat be bod '
borrowed tbe wagon, bnt claimed to
have returned it to tbe owuer Sondar
eveuiuR, wben iu reality bn brought it
back on Monday morning. J lies
also claimed that be and bis wife
speut Sunday evening at tbe home of
a neighbor playing cards; but after
a little sweating, tbe oelgbtor with
whom Jones bad framed up the story,
came tbrongb witb tbe information
that the Joneses bad not been at bis
borne Sunday eveuing.
Finally six sacks of tbo barley were
found under a baysiaok aud tbe otber
sacks of the stolen (train were discov
ered buried iu sand and covered witb
sagebrush. Wednesday morning Jones
was iu ted when the officers came
back to bis borne and it was not long
before Sheriff Taylor had tbe confes
sion from him that be was tbe mBn
and tbat be bad taken. 19 sacks ot
barley from tbe Grandview ware
bouse. Jouea bas a wife and one obild and
baa been living on a dry homestead in
bard circumstances. He formerly con
ducted a botober shop at Helix and
bad also been employed in wheat ware
houses iu tbat vicinity.
Miss Kearney Delights Audience.
A most delightful intellectual feast
was afforded tbe people of Atbena
Wednesday evening, when Miss Belle
Kearney, tbe noted lecturer and trav
eler appeared before a fairly repre
sentative audieuoe at Lodge Hall, ber
subject being "fiussia." Not a few
perhaps were at first disappointed in
regard to tbe snbjeot, having expeotod
to bear ber leoture on "Dixie Land,"
and knowing tbat tbe spanker could
not fail to be at ber best in speaking
of ber own native land; but wben she
launched oat on the thrilling story of
tbe depths of degradation, tbe heights
of intellectuality and all the piteous,
heoio bistoiy ot the iutermediattt
strata of tbat wouderf ul people, there
were cone who regretted that sbe bad
chosen the snbjeot of "Russia." Es
pecially was the story of hor visit to
Count Tolstoi interesting in tbe ex
treme. Witb ber pleasing personality,
and ber delightful Southern accent,
Miss Kearney made a deep improssiou
on her audienoe.
Disease of Honer Bees.
Tbe United States Department of
Agrioulture oalls attention to the fact
tbat American foul trood has, been
found to exist in Umatilla county.
Tbe department has no means of
knowing bow long tbe disease has
existed in tbe region, but desires to
notify bee keepers of tbe trouble and
to suggest tbat, if not already in
formed concerning tbe disease, tbey
inform themselves at once. Very fre
quently colonies of bees are destroyed
by disease and the loss is attributed by
the tee keeper to some otber cause.
Farmers' Bulletin No. 412, TI.e
Treatment of Dte Diseases gives a de
scription of tbe brood diseases and
methods of ''treatment. It will be
sent free on request to tbe Secretary
of Agriculture, Washington, D. 0.
Attention is also called to tbe faot
tbat tbe brood diseases do not at all
injure booey for human consumption,
so that there need be no fear on th
part of purchasers of honey.
Willard Memorial at M. E Church.
Mrs. 11. B. Hill, president of the
local W. 0. T . U., bas arranged for.
memorial servioes in commemoration
of Miss Fraueis Willard, for 20 years
president of tbe W. C. T. U. Satur
day, February 17, (tomorrow,) is the
date of meeting, wbiob will beheld in
tbe parlors of tbe M. E. ohorob be
ginning at 2:30 o'olook. An exoellent
program bas been arranged and re
freshments will to served and a ool
lectiou taken for tbe benefit of tbe
Willard Memorial Food. A cordial
invitutiou m exteoded to all.