The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 26, 1912, Image 3

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Basket Ball ;
- - Tomorrow night
High sohool vs. town team.
attorney Watts was' in Weston on
business Tuesday.
Baru MoBride transacted business
io Weston Tuesday.
George Sbeard was in Pendleton
Monday on business.
Emery Wortbington spent Sunday
with friends Id Weston. , .
Mrs. J. D. Plamondon visited with
friends in Pendleton Tuesday.
Deputy Sheriff Bla-kely was in the
city Tuesday on official business.
Misses Ruby and Bessie Bannister
visited friends in Weston reoently.
. Sam Phillips, the well known Wea
ton farmer, was in the oity yesterday.
Jerry Stone has returned from a
visit to bis brother at Thornton,
Wash. ; ;
Mrs. D. B. Banders is visiting rel
atives and friends in Portland this
week. - ."
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lewis were in
town from the tanoh near Helix yes
terday. Mrs. Jesse Smith and Mrs. Alei Mo
Fadyan were visitors in Pendleton yes
terday. Mrs. Barry Alexander and Mrs,
Louis LaBraobe were in Walla Walla
Mrs. Etta Matt and son, of Free
water, visited friends io the oity
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pinker too of
this oity spent Sunday with relatives
in Weston. '
Frank Martin, the well known res
ervation farmer, was up from Adams
Miss Dora Bennett has been in the
oity this week from Pendleton, visit
ing friends.
Mis. Louis LaBraobe was the guest
of ber daughter, Mary, in Walla Wal
la this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kirk arrived
home this week from a winter's 'our
of the Eastern states.
Everything in Winter goods at 15 to
CO per cent discount. Tbe Sale is on
nnw. Fix & Badtke. -
t i
Alexander & Wilson are prepared to
give automobile servioe, day or night,
at reasonable prioes.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams were
in from the ranoh yesterday, trading
with Athena merohants.
B. N. Hawks. Chas. Noiria and
Fred Boyd attended tbe poultry show
at Pendleton Wednesday.
Louis Keen transacted business in
Pendleton Wednesday, and incident
ally attended tbe poultry show.
Ira Luna came up from Portland
tbe latter part of last week, and re
mained here for a couple of days.
H. A. Bundy has purchased Carl
Christian's interest in tbe paint store
and will conduct tbe business here
after. ' "' -
Mrs. Joseph Forrest, accompanied
by her mother, went over to Walla
Walla Sunday for a week's visit with
Sam Shaffer, the cunning first base
man writes from Butte that he would
be pleased to play oa the Pendleton
team this year.
H. B. Curtis, who was formerly
engaged in the lumber business in
this oity, is operating bottling works
at Colfax, Wash.
Any one desiring a copy of tbe
memorandum of election laws of Ore
gon may secure one free of oharge by
applying to the Seoretary of State' at
Mr. Ivan O'Harra and Mrs. Ella
Duncan, well known residents of Wes
ton, were united in marriage Sunday.
Ernest Zerba, assistant oashier of
the First National Bank, is confined
to bis home with a mild oase of small
pox. Will Ballrepresenting tbe Inland
Paper oompany of Walla Walla, was
in tbe oity yesterday transacting bus
iness. Saturday afternoon the county clerk
issued a marriage lioense to Cecil
Claud Hill and Miss Ruby Breenan,
both of Pendleton.
Josenh Forrest, whn hna noun Ann.
fined to his home for several wnnira
with rheumatism. U ahln tn ha i,f
the yard this week.
S. D. Petersnn. tha Miltnn Dfnn.
has ftnnnnnnari Ma nnnAiAanr,
election as representative to the leg-
tnt.l.. m ll i
uuahure lrum mis county.
Sohool onened MnnAnv of to Voir.
closed for a week on aooount of small
pox, jno new oases have developed
among the obildren here.
Fred Hendlev. former conntv r
oorder, was in the oity Wednesday.
Mr. Hendlv is now onnnnntflrt with tho
reclamation service at Hermiston.
Have you reeistered to vote fnr nan.
didates in the nrimarv election, tn
be held on April 19? Remember that
registration books close oorApirl 9.
For tbe most nraotioal. useful and
up to date Business Education, attend
tbe Pendleton Business College.
M. L. Clancy, B. A., Prin.
1 be old Wooden annins in frnnt nf
the Estes building on Main street has
teen removed and the appearanoe of
that side of tbe street is creatlv im
proved thereby.
C. M. Brotberton was in tbe oitv
Monday from Waitsbnre. bavins
oome down Saturday to attend the
funeral of bis wife's mother, Mrs.
Wells, at Weston.
John Foss sends us a oonv of the
Moro Observer, containing an account
of a booster entertainment and ban
quet held in his hnatlins town last
Saturday evening.
Twin daughters, still-born to Mr.
and Mrs. John Wiseman, January 25,
were turied yesterday afternoon. Tbe
parents have the sympathy of tbe com
munity in their Iocs.
C. E. Roosevelt, Pendleton mer
chant, is the latest republioan aspir
ant for congressional honors, and will
ask tbe voters of that paty to support
him in tbe primary eleotion.
Miss Zelma DePeatt, who reoently
graduated from tbe Taooma High
sohool at tbe midwinter examinations,
is visiting friends in Portland and is
expeoted home early next week.
The Athena Truok company un
loaded three oarloads of North Powder
ioe this week at their ioe bouse on the
O.-W. R. & N. tracks. The shipment
comprised 130 tons of high quality
J. L. Harper of the Preston-Shaffei
Milling oompany, has been down
from Waitsburg this week assisting
in thewoik of rebuilding tbe com
pany' s electric power system at Wes
ton. Tbe postponed basket ball game be
tween the High school boys and a
team pioked from town players, will
take plaoe tomorrow night at the gym
nasium. Turn out and see a fast
Tbe Pendleton oboral society of the
Royal College of Porpora wbioh re
oently presented theoratoris "Elijah"
will in tbe near future present a
musioal adaptation ot Omar Khay
yam's "Rutaiyat" entitled "Persian
Tbe demolition of tbe old Pendle
ton high sohool building on tbe site of
wbioh a modern school building is
to be ereoted, was commenoed this
week. High. sohool work is at pres
ent being oairled on in the old acad
emy building.
Alexander $ Wilson's
is cheaper than livery hire, when
time is considered
Gets you there
than the horse
Easy riding comfortable cars
at your service at all hours
day or night Try the new
way and be convinced.
Alexander C& Wilson
Phone 375 and 156 Athena, Oregon.
While splitting wood yesterday,
Sam Boober , carelessly allowed bis
thumb to get in tbe way of tbe ax and
a deep flesh wound was the result.
Dr. Sharp took several stitches in tbe
Tbe Mabel Warner oase will oome
up for trial in tbe oirouit oooit at
Pendleton next Monday. The wo
man is to te tried for the third time
for alleged forgery of a will in the
Young estate.
J. 0. Martin took bis little daughter
to Walla Walla, Monday, for treat
ment for an aboess on the face. The
eye and ear were affected from tha
aboess but no permanent injury is an
tioipated as a result
The usual services will take plaoe
at the Christian church Sunday. On
Wednesday evening of next week Mr.
Meldrum will resume his oourse of
leotures. The leoture of that evening
will be on Franoe.
' George Kidder has opened a paint
shop in the Estes. building on Main
street and is engaged in painting and
varnishing automobiles. Three ma
chines are in the shop at present and
he has others in view.
Taylor & Le Grow shipped four oar
loads of cattle to Portland last week.
Tbe stook was shipped from Loudan,
Wash., where it had been alfalfa fed.
Tbe steers were prime, two carloads
bringing 6.15 top prioe on tbe day of
sale and two oarloads brought 15.90.
Direotors of the oounty fair associa
tion have appropriated $500 in cash
to be given as prizes to. tbe sohool
ohildien of this and Morrow counties
for the test display of fruit, vegeta
bles, liveBtook, poultry and articles
to be produced and exhibited at the
fair this fall.
The funeral ot John Narkaus,' tbe
young man who was killed last week
in a snowslide in Bobsled canyon on
the Umatilla river, was held at
Weston Thursday forenoon of last
week. Tbe young man was a moun
tain stockman and held tbe esteem of
all who knew him.
It would seem that tbe Pendleton
distriot would prove an alluring field
for the sale of White Orpington fowls
and eggs. Only one speoimen of this
popular breed was exhibited at the
Morrow-Umatilla oounty poultry show
this week. There were more entries
of Rhode Island Reds than any other
The Dreamland theater will open
Sunday evening after a week's close
down, during wbioh time Manager
Rawl Miller has ohanged tbe entire
front of the building to conform in
appearanoe and convenience with
those of the larger cities. Mr. Miller
is progressive and is doing everything
possible for tbe comfort and entertain
ment of his patrons.
Wines are the staples in family liq
ours. Bert Cartano carries a large
and vaiied stook of seleot vintages,
f 1.50 per gallon, you oan get oboice
Tokay, Musoat, Angelica, Sweet Ca
tawba or Port. These are California's
best produot and give satisfaction
wherever used. Call at tbe Red Front
for tbe best and purest liquors.
" Painless Dentistiy. Nerves removed
witbout vain: teetb orowned, filled
and treated, and bridge work applied
without pain. My method for pain
less extraction is safe. Does not oause
sore mouth or any bad after effects.
Original methods used for performing
operations in a painless manner.
Dr. Sponogle, Experienced Dentist.
A team belonging to J. V. Mitobell
put up a speotaoular runaway yester
day afternoon. Starting on tbe hill
east of town, the horses tore down
Main street, to the intersection of
Fourth where they oollided with a
tree. Ihe hack was left there some
what damaged, and the horses oame
baok to it, where they were caught.
Mr. Mitohell was out of tbe baok
when the horses started.
The Salt Lake Tribune says that
Billy Fortier has signed with Salt
Lake to play in the outfield this sea
son. Billy did not go through the
season last year, being suspended for
taking a swipe at an umpire, bub the
matter has been smoothed over and
Billy has his berth again, tie nit
over .400 for Salt Lake last year.
Book Weaver will manage the Mor
mons and do most of the catobing.
A. M. Gillis oame down from his
home at Washtuona, Wash., and
transacted business in Athena tbe first
of tbe week. Mr. Gillis reports crop
piospeots in Adams oounty to be ex
aellenfat this season of tbe year.
There has been considerable winter
moisture and tbe sou was in proper
condition to reoeive great benefit.
Mrs. Gillis' health is fairly good, a
fact, her manv friends here win be
glad to learn. .
Mrs. A. H. Luna, wbo underwent a
sureical operation at the hospital in
Pendleton last week, is getting along
... -I. m Lit.
aa wen as could be exufciea.
ber oase is a preoarious one, it having
developed that there is a cancerous
growth on the liver, she baa tallied
nioely from tbe operation and is
paininff stren&th daily. Her eon
Clavton has been with her continuous
lv and other members of tbe family
have also been at ber bedside at in
P-AMnra of tnsiness at bis Portland
nffiaa makes it neoessaiy lor B. x
Wilson to leave for tbe metropolis and
tn make hia fieadanarters there, tem-
rmrarilv at least. Mr. Wilson will
still remain identified with tbe firm of
Peterann & Wilson and will maintain
tha office in this oity. Mr. Wilson
will leave for Portland about tbe
first of tbe month. He informs tne
Press that he will be in Athena from
lime tn time as his business and law
praotioe demands his attenttioo.
Lee Hiteman writes tbe Preas that
be baa found another oommeroial Use
for Gilsonite, with wbiob he bas been
oarrvins on ' extensive experiments.
He bas manufactured a olay pigeon,
auoh as used in traps at shooting tour
naments. and b is product bas proven
he a success. From reliable eouro
M Mr. Hiteman learns that $10,000
wnrth of these trn pigeons are sold
aarl went of Denver, at from $5
to 17.60 per thounaud and that freight
from the east is around 16. ow i. o.
H fleeres that the saving of freight
alone would be a a ioe margin of profit
Weston Leader : Arrangements are
being made this week to plaoe Miss
Lillie Walden. tbe daughter of Ben
Walden, the Dry creek pionoer, in tbe
home for defective youth at Salem.
The motherless girl is suffering from
a nervous affliction and her father is
unable to provide tbe proper treat
ment, whioh may be had at the Salem
institution. Mr. Walden himself is
just recovering from a three weeks
illness with pneumonia and is muoh
oast down over bis daughter's con
dition. ,
During the windstorm Wednesday
night, a number of poles oarrying
high voltage wires of the Weston cir
cuit went down and as a result the
current is off until tbe poles can be
reset. . When the new road was con
struoted last fall exoavation on tha
hill east of the oity was made close
to where the poles set whioh weakened
their position materially, so when tbe
bigh wind came- the embankment at
tbe base of the poles gave way, with
the result that poles and wire fell to
tbe ground. Traffio between Athena
and Weston went over the lower road
yesterday on acoount of tbe long poles
obstructing tbe macadamized high
way. Belle Kearney, tbe woman leoturtr
wbo comes to Athena on tbe evening
of February 14, to fill an engagement
on the Lyoenm oouise, is spoken of in
high praise by tbe press of tbe conn,
try. The Muscatine, Iowa, Journal
says: "Miss Belle Kearney's leoture
wbiob was delivered before tbe Chau
tauqua Assembly yesterday afternoon
on i saw u was a grand
suooess. When she talked here Sun
day afternoon she won ber way into
tbe nearts of her hearers who were all
anxious to hear her again. Miss Kear
ney proved herself the possessoi of
that true ability wbiob charms as it
instructs. Suon riohness of voioe,
gentleness of manner and remarkable
flow of language cannot be described."
Don't Neglect Your Eyes.
Dr. F. A. Clise the well known Eye
specialist who has fitted so many peo
ple with glasses in and around Ath
ena, is stopping at tbe St. Niohola
Hotel. He possesses a knowledge of
the eye that comes only to those who
have given years of thought and
study to a single specialty. He will
tell you tbe true oondition of your eyes.
Those who are troubled with their
eyes or glasses will have an opportun
ity to consult with a well known eye
specialist who has had over thirty
years praotioe fitting glasses. He is
associated with his ion wbo is an ex
pert lens grinder. They have ma
chinery for grinding their own lenses.
Eyes examined free.
Calderhead Improving.
S. B. Calderhead, general passenger
and freight agent of tbe Northern
Paoiflo railroad, wbo was operated
upon In St Mary's hospital Saturday,
is reported to be rallying from tbe
effeota of tbe operation in good shape.
He was obeerful yesterday and bis
attendaut are optimistio over prospeots
of speedy recovery. Walla Walla
Union. ;;' '
'. More Smallpox in County,
. Smallpox in mild form seems to
prevail throughout the oounty, new
oases being reported from Milton,
and Kamela and Pilot Book eaoh re
port a oase of the . disease. At Pilot
Rook the sohool and public gatherings
bave been closed for ten days to avoid
further spread of tbe disease.
Pallet Rooms In Homes Entirely
Devoid of Furniture,
"Furniture is quite unknown in a
. . . . t L . I.
nmmnn Keirtmo nome. wnies iu
wife of tbe Danish governor of Green
land. Anna Bistrnp, in an article on
"Eskimo Women In ureeiana in uib
"The bouses of tbe Esttimos are an
bnllt of s;-ne and turf, with the win
dows opening toward tbe sun, the one
entrance always being on the side that
least exposed to the wind. Aionp
tbe back wall runs a platform, a pallet
of boards, raised eighteen Inches above
the floor. It is from six to eight ieet
deep, and through its whole length it
unified into rooms or spaces or
eleht or ten feet Each room is sepa
rated from the neighboring room Dy o
n&rtltlon of board or skin. An open
passage runs the whole length of the
house along the rooms uuu
serves for the traffic of all the inmates,
hnt oopIi nnllet room claims for its
own the bit of passageway adjoining.
"Each pallet room is occupied by one
family, and there they stay night nnd
dnv. The best pallet, room is me in
nermost and is always occupied by the
owner of the bouse or the oldest if the
house bas more than one owner.
Worthy of the Highest
The talk had turned to the orphan
children of Henry Doano or encrry-
-Mile. The former resident esked tbe
stace driver how they had prospered.
"They've done first rate," was me
heartr response. "Both of tnero nave
done first rate.
"Joe Eddie, he learned the carpenter's
trade and bas worked right along, and
is for Emma Susan well, I'll tell you
what somebody from over the Center
said to me only last week about her in
conversation regarding ber husband.
"Emma Susan married Frank Bax
ter, one of the James uaxters. wen.
thnt man from the Center, be said to
me: 'I bear Frank Baxter's been cho
sen selectman. Well, I don't know but
what he'll do all right for you,' he
said; "but, whether he's the man for the
place or not, there's one thing certain
If ever a woman looked suitable to tbe
position of selectman's wife nd,would
do It credit Emma Busan Baxter s inui
womanf "-Youth's Companion. ,
E take pleasure in making known to the
men and young men of this community,
that we have secured the agency for the
Ed. V. Price Co line of Made to Order
Clothing. line of samples for Spring
and Summer is one of the very best You
are welcome to take a look at them.
You will be convinced that this is one of
the greatest lines of Clothing you ever saw
The prices range from $14 per Suit up. Ed
V. Price C& Co. are the largest Tailors in
the world of GOOD Made to Order Cloth
ing, their prices are right and their work
manship is acknowledged the best. Let us
take your measure, we guarantee a good fit.
Ten days more of the great
Annual Clearance Sale
We must have the room for the new
goods already on the way. Cost cuts no fig
ure; the broken lines must go. - &
Silks and cotton goods less than cost Ladies, misses, mens and boys sweaters.
"" 25 per cent off regular prices.
That cost from $7.50 to $10your choice LADIES DRESS SKIRTS
for $3.95. All marked down to less than cost.
Regular $3.50 C& 6.50 values now 1.75 Children and ladies cloaks at half price,
and 2.40. WOOL SUITS
BOYS KNEE PANTS Ladies fine wool suits at half price.
All sizes 25 cents per pair. " SIIOES
MENS PANTS AH odd sizes and broken lines of mens
Regular $2.50 & 3.50 now 1.25 per pair. and womens shoes below cost
n..ku Work In the Choir.
Tillage Tenor (hearing complaints of
the singing in tbe choir on Sunday)
WpU I do all I can. mn'am. but it's
thom hora. von know: 1 always 'is to
urry with my tenor and go back and
'in Vm with their trenie. - i-onuuu
Her Ambition.
Mn. Rich-Tell me. please, Mme.
Beautydoctor, how soon will you make
enoueh to wear colors
All Furs at Half-Price
Where Trading Stamps are given with Cash Purchases
ioM'S UfflflTlWDEV-TflB
i r
aren't becoming t me?-Smart
T-irr-Trir- -rn y,nn..i bum mnrsn ,yn n .!! law.
TM Original LaxatW Couth 8yru contalnli Honey and Tar. Art tmprov ament ova tl CmmH.
Lung ftn4 BronchUl Ramadleo. Flaaaant to tha tM and food lik for vow t nd old. Ail 0Outfl
ayrupa containing opiate oonatlpate tha bowala. Boa'a Lacatlvo Honey and Tw,uJ Vl'
and m Tteloo opUtet. Praparad FINC-VLE MEDICINE COMPANY. CHICAGO. V. f. A.