" " m - .J- (i . , V. ."A ' - Press Paragraphs Basket Ball ' Tomorrow Night . -Athena vs. Pendleton. " . Admission, only 25 cents. A farm for sale. Inquire of Henry Keen, Athena. Attorney S. F. Wilson was in Pen dleton Tuesday. . - Clarde Steen transacted business io Pendleton Tuesday. ; - Mariou Jack came in fioai Pendle ton yesterday morning. . . V George Brace went down to Pendle ton Monday on business. Athena iuerohanta are taking annual inventory of their stooks. ; ft Charles Norris tiansaoted business in Walla Walla yesterday. John KearufeT bos teen appointed chief of poiioe at Pendleton. Bead about the Dental War on this page, and save pain and money. Haul Miller has purchased a piano for use et the Dreamland Theater. - Attorney Watts has been in Pen dleton this week on legal business. Frank Graham and Eddie Jarman were in the city from Weston . Mon day. r W. R. Taylor and H. A. Barrett transaoted bnfiness in Pendleton Wed nesday. - Miss Lnla Tharp went over to Walla Walla Saturday, and visited f riends over Sunday. ( , 820 acres of mountain land has been sold by T. O. Webster to Nettie Swan son, for $16,000.' Mrs. Lizzie MansQeld spent tbe hoi iday week with her sister, Mrs. J. S, Harris at Weston. j Mr, and Mrs. T. D. Taylor were up from Pendleton and spent Sunday at tbe parental bom'e. Alezauder & Wilson are prepared to give automobile servloe, day or night, at reasonable prices. Everything in Winter goods at 15 to 50 per cent discount. The Sale is on nnwFix&BRdtke.'-;.. Miss Geoile Boyd left Tuesday morn ing for Lewislipn, to resume her work in tbe Normal eonooL Real winter weather this week. Not only Oregon, but California as well, is in line with the oold wave. W. W. Wiley, Principal of the Ath- .ena sohool, attended the convention of teaohers in Portland last week. Ml Mr. and Mrs. Merle Boby spent New Year's day with Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson, in the oountry. Will ' Millet and Billy Winsbip trndged through tbe snow. Wednesday in searoh of tbe elusive jaokrabbti. Mrs. W, G. Hughes accompanied s her husband from Milton Wednesday, and spent the day oalling on friends. Miss Anna Soboetde of Genessee, Idaho, has been visiting at the home of her unole, Albert Fix, in this city. Marshal Gbolson was in Pendleton Wednedciffy,-wbeiebe was called be fore the grand jury to give testimony. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Koepke were entertained at tbe borne of Mr. and Mrs. Charles-Betts on New Years' day.. .'"";'. -',",; r ' :.. ! : -- Before buying elsewhere, come in and get onr prices. We have the new est stock and the lowest prioes. Fix & Badtke. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Eoontz returned borne from California, Monday. Ed says he is glad to again be a resident cf God's country.. Tbe Atbena teaohers who have teen spending the vaoation with friends have all returned, and sohool opened Toesday morning. Misses Carrie and Katherine Sharp returned Monday to Pendleton,- to re sume their sohool work, after spending tbe holidays at borne. , Misses ' Kittie Gbolson and Belle Molntyre have returned to Walla Walla, after tbe Christmas vaoation, to resume tbeir studies in music. , t For tb a most praotioal, useful and ' up to date Business Eduoation, attend tbe Pendleton Business College. M. L. Clancy, B. A., Prin. Attorney Herman Beverly was in - tbe city from Portland Monday even ing. He went down : to Pendleton Tuesday, returning to Portland Wed . nesday. 'y.' . , Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bushman have leceed tbeir farm south of town to one of their sons and will leave soon for Montana, where tbev will visit friends. ' '. V :;, .. Sheldon Taylor has gone to Port land, wbere be enters tbe Portland Business College. Tbe Press will keep Sheldon informed of tbej doings of Athena people, A card from Herbert Manasse, writ ten in San Francisco, announces that he was in attendance at tbe great New Year festival. He evidently was hav ing a gay time. The antomotile shop "of Coomans & 2-eiba is filled with machines await iug repairs. Dismantled oars and en gines fill the shop and tbe workmen are kept busy. Mrs. James Woodruff and ber three children have returned to tbeir borne at Two Eivers, Wash., after spending tbe Christmas holidays with ber pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tompkins. ; in this city. . ' Pastor Meldrum went to Portland Tuesday .morning on business. Mr, Meldrum purchased the first ticket for Portland io tbe New Year, and Agent Mathers doubtless felt like giv ing bim a rebate. 1 be -new school district south of Athens, No. 113, baa 21 pupils in reg ular attendance, with Miss Flora Morris of Milton, as teaoner. The board cf directors are: Chaa. Wil liams, Wm. MoBride and Fred Car den. . . -.. . Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Barnett were io the city Saturday afternoon, call ing on friends. They were ou their way to Portland, where they will make their home. Frank Beale was in from bis Pine oreek ranoh yesterday. He reports stook in his neighborhood to teio first class oooditioo, with plenty of feed for winter weather. The festive jaokrabbit is furnishing sport to tbe man with a gun and ambition to hike over ' the snow clad fields. Several bava been killed this week by Athena sportsmen. , A. J. Parker has installed a Na tional cash register in. bis barter shop. Ihe machine is made fBDecialiv for tbe barber business and is prao tioal as well as ornamental. Mr. A. B. MoEwen and daughter, Jessica, are expected borne from their European tour in February. They leave Sootland shortly -for a journey through France and Germany. Tbe Athena Meat Market -is being supplied with some of the finest beef that has ever been sold over tbe block. Tbd firm supplies its customers with the best meat tbat money can buy. Mr. and Mrs. Jere Busk of La Grande, were in tbe city Wednesday. Mr. Busk was sneaker of tbe bouse at tbe last session of tbe legislature, and now has a Congressional bee io bis natty black derby. Rev. L. Vulgio sod Prof.. Rose will arrive in tbe city today and tbe meet ingsattbe M. E. oburon will posi tively begin tuis evening. Printed matter and references arrived at this offioe too late for publication. a ' J n ..:'' jx oorsiug one team oi ' paoers was made up Wednesday when Ace Wag ner and Jesse Myriok honked up their roaqsters to a cotter. It is the swiftest team that has speeded tbe streets of Athena for many a day. Mrs. Bowles and daughter, Miss Laura Bowles of Walla Walla, who have been visiting at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. LeGrow. returned home Monday afternoon. Miss Bowles is a member of tho Walla Walla High sohool faculty. The Athena Band gave an- open air ooncert on Main street New Years' day. Tbe band shows good training, and the selections were given in a most creditable manner, the musio phasing all who were : fortunate enough to bear it. - Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Akins of Joseph, Wallowa oounty, Were in the oity Sat urday and Sunday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. MansQeld. Mrs. Akins had recently been in ' a Walla Walla bospitai for troatment for illness, from which she bas recovered. Mrs. B. D. Tharp entertained the members of tbe C. W. B. M. at ber borne Wednesday afternoon. After tbe business session refreshments ware served by tbe hostess, assisted by Mrs. McPherrin. Mrs. R. A. Thomp son was leader io the meeting.' - Cards are out announcing the wed ding of Mr.' Arthur M. Boss, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Boss of this city, to Miss Rose Waddingbam, of Wes ton. The ceremony is to take plaoe in the United Brethren church at Weston, Wednesday, January 10. . Mrs. Walter Bose of Pendleton, was in tbe oity yesterday, tbe guest of Mrs. J. D. Plamondon. Mrs. Bose was in tbe oity for tbe purpose of or ganizing a dramatic and elocutionary class, and will probably put on a play with looal talent in the cast for the beneBtof tbe base ball fond. S. C. Ives, the old soldier, who bas been showing signs of mental weak ness for some time was yesterday taken to Pendleton for examination. From the faot that his trouble is-in mild form, it is thought tbe oounty judge will reoommend that he be sent to the Soldiers' home, at Boseburg. Wines are the staples io family liq- ours. Bert Cartano oarries a large and varied stook of select vinfs. f 1.50 per gallon, you can get choice Tokay, Musoat, Angelioa, Sweet Ca tawba or Port. These are California's best produot and give satisfaction wherever used. Call at the Red Front for the best and purest liquors. .. . Painless Dentistry. Nerves removed without pain; teetb crowned, tilled and treated, and bridge workapplied without pain. My method for pain less exttaotiou is safe. Does not cause sore mouth or any bad -alter effeots. Original methods used for performing operations in a painless mauner. Dr. Sponogle, Experience Dentisr. The first meeting in tbe New Year of the Girls' Missionary Cirolewill be held at tbe Christian parsonrge on Saturday, tomorrow, at 2:30. New officers for tbe coming year will be ap pointed and tbe plan of work disouss ed. All members are requested io oome and bring tbeir own sewing or fanoy wort with tbem. v The La Mar Looal of tbe Farmers' Co-onerative Union, held a sooiai meeting last Monday, evening. There was a large attendanoe and supper was served. One of the features of the evening's entertainment was tbe reading of tbe "Searchlight." the official paper of the Looal. by tbe editor, Mrs; George Carmiohael. - Tomorrow night a battle royal will be oo at the gymnasium, between the Athena High- school and Pendleton High sohool basket ball squads. And the looal team is preparing a surprise for tbe county seat lads. Tbe admis sion a the door will be 25 cents and it is expected every seat will be taken. Tbe boys have been working bard to be io condition to give the Pendleton team a good, fast game. Rev. M. H. Marvin was io the oity Saturday, oo a abort visit. Mr. Mar via, who was formerly presiding elder for tbe Methodist cbnrob io this dis trict, is now financial agent for tbe Deaconess' and Old Peoples' Homes in Spokane. Ha is one of tbe leading ministers of the M. E. obnrob and bas many warm friends io Athena. While in -the city. Mr. MarTia was the guest of Ber. Thomas Lawson. The following aooiety item from the Moline, (I1L.) Dispatob. pertains to a young married con pie who visited at tbe Zerba homes in Atbena and vicinity several week ' ago: "Miss Anna Dolan entertained theL. A. L. olub last evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs.- C . Ferris, who are on tbeir wedding trip to Jaokonville, Fla.. coming from Oak Hartor, Wash. The members of tbe olub hemmed guest towels for the young bride. Ao elaborate lunoheon was served, cov ers being laid for eighteen at : a pret-. tily decorated table in green and .white. Mr. and Mrs. Ferris continue their journey the first of the week." ... Tbe masquerade ball at the lodge hall last Friday evening, given Jor the beneQt of tbe base ball food, ' was largely attended. Many of tbe cos tumes wre someone and cnarBntnra were well sustained. Lawrenoe Sharp, as a Chinaman, was awaided a prize, and Miss Bella Molntvre also received one for ber splendidly sustained ohar aoter of the Western girl. N. T. Manela of Milton has been eleoted director of the Umatilla-Morrow County Fair association. Mr. Manela suooeeds F. A. Sykes who was director last year. Editor G. L. Bnrd of Stan field, was eleoted presi dent to suooeed B. Alexander. Other officers eleoted were Frank Frazier, first vioe president; W..- B. Walpole, of Irrigou, second vice president and K. M. May berry, treasurer. A' watch night meeting was held in the Methodist ohuroh Subday eight, a goodly number participating. A sermon was preaobed by tbe taster, and tbe time spent in singing and pi ayer and sooiai converse. Refresh ments were served during tbe evening at tbe parsonage, to a Cumber of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Lawson. Tbe bell was rung at midnight, to usher in the New Year, ' v Dr. L. Vulgio, Pb. D. , D. , D., a noted Evangelist of Los Angeles, and Prof. L. Bose, a singer of note, are scheduled to begin a protraoted meet ing in tbe M. E. ohuroh this evening. It has been some years since the Meth odist ohuroh of Athena has been so ably represented in a revival meeting, as appears to be indioated in the com ing meeting. Over two hundred were converted at a reoent meeting held in Prineville, by these . two evangelists. Doubtless the citizens of Athena will not fail to avail themselves of tbe op portunity cf bearing one of the great preachers in the Methodist ohuroh, and his aooompanying singer. Professional S. F4-&'arp; .' PHYSICIAN AD , SURGEON Special atteEtiouStfven to all calih. hfith nioVit and dav.- Call promptly answerei, Otlc onfclrd Street. Athan nr.inx r-s G. S. NEWSOmJi. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ; Athena, Oregos, Calla answered promptly night or day. DR. J. E. SHARP, Dentist. Office in Morris Building, Athena. Ore. Hours, 9 to 12 and 1 to 5. DR. W. G. HUGHES, Dentist - Office in Postoffice Building, Athena Ore. ; Hours, 9 to 12 and 1 to 5. ' i MMMOMMKi 7 if 4.1 : WMNI PETERSON & WILSON Attorneys-at-Law Athena, Oregon. - Pendleton, Oregon Homer I. Watts Attorney-at-Law . Athena, Oregon. C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V. Official Stock Inspector. Graduate McKlllip v euuary uouege, umcago . Phone Main 7, PENDLETON, OREGON Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist . . SUMMONS. In the Justice Court for tbe District of Atbena, County : of Umatilla, State of Oregon; Joe Lieuallen, Plaintiff, vs. H. Howell, Defendant. . To H. Howell, the above named defendant: In the name of tbe State of Oregon, you are beruby required to appear and answer tbe complaint filed against you in tbe above eutitled action, within six weeks from tbe date of the servioe of this summons upon you, servioe being made by publica tion in tbe Athena Press, a newspaper published at Atbena, Umatilla County, Oregon, and if you fail so to answer or plead thereto, tor want tbereor, plaintiff will take judgment against you for tbe sum of $51.55 together with plaintiff's costs and disburse ments in this aotioo , as demanded by tbe plaintiff's complaint, filed in the above entitled matter. This summons is published pursuant to tbat certain order made and entered in tbe above entitled court in said matter on tbe 22nd day of November, 1911. bv B.-J B.. Richards. Justioe of tLe Peace for the distriot of Atbena, County oy Umatilla, State of Oregon. The first publication of this sum mons is made on Friday, the mtn day of November, 1911 and tbe last publication will be made on Friday, January 12th, 1912. Dated at Atbena, Oregon, this 21th day of November, 1911. - Homer I. Watts, Attorney for Plaintiff. Do Vbii Want a Position .... , -v . - f i All schools are not alike,' and especially In helping studentf o a posit ion- Do not v overlook this point. PENDLETON BUSINESS COLLEGE cannot supply the calls received for Btelifcg raphers and bookkeepers and has severu rood Dosltlons in view. Students from other business colleges arelx? attending this school. What, floes this prove? That we give the best. Nothing else-would satisty us. Nothing else should satisfy you. Bookkeeping. Shorthand and Typewriting and all husiness subjects practically and thoroughly -aught. Lectures c-n commercial law by a practicing attorney." Day and eve ning classes School opens September 6, 1911. Don't wait. Decide now. For particulars write, or phone rJlack 7B23. M. L. CLANCr. B. A., Prln. TROY LAUNDRY For the Best Work HENRY KEENE, Agent. The Dental War at Athena. Never in the .history of Umatilla I oounty has there teen so many Den tists congregated at Athena as at the present time. People this Means Something to You. . HO PLATES YOU SAVE $1. 1 MAKE $1 AND THE COMBINE LOSES $2 when you have your work done with me special prices for limited time This is all high grade workguaran teed. Only the best material is used, and I defy any dentist in Eastern Ore gon to do any better dental work. Take advantage of these prices and have your work done now. Special Prices. Iiegular Price ; Special Prioe 18.00 Gold or poroelain crowns 6.00 $7.00 J " " " 15.00 18.00 poroelain or gold bridges, . (per tooth) $6.00 $7.00 " " ' " " " $5.00 Gold or poroelain inlays $2.50 Gold fillings - $1.00 up. Alloy, amalgam and silver fill- ings, BOO to $1.00 Painless Extraction 50c Full set of Teeth 10.00 If you are in need of artioflial teetb consult me about the matter. I guar antee a perfeot fit. My prioes on all kinds of plate work ought to snit any one in need of this kind of dental work. If von have a diffionlt mouth - to fit oall and oousalfc me about tbe same. Mv Reliability Hundreds of pleased patients Ton take no chances on my work as I have been tried and tested in this uommunity for many years. , 4 DR. SPONOGLE, Reijblq,.'. and Experienced Dentist, Athena. Oregon. (Up Stairs,) Barrett Building. b Foley's Kidney Cure makes f-idaeys end bladder rlzhL All Farmers realize the importance of sowing their grain at the proper depth; but this can not be accomplished with the drills as they are found on tbe market today. The accompanying cut shows an attachment for the hoe drill which overcomes this difficulty. The Akers'IIoe attachment regulates the depth of sowing, packs the soil around the grain and insures the grain to be perfectly covered. They are manufactured and sold by the . PENDLETON IRON WORKS, Pendleton, Oregon. Tightness in th Chest, Irritation In thV Throat and & Dry HacJUmr CouKh means a miserable night for the wbola family. BALLARD'S (0 Is An Effective Remedy for the Throat and Luft&s. It relieves tJckllBar In thj thrcot, UerMnep in the chest. Inflamed lungs, difficult breathing and wheezing In the bronchial tubes. Conveys a soothing, healing Influence to the sore lungs, promotes easy expectoration and contributes to tho cnjoymeai of s. quiet night and restful sleep. .- - Put Up in Three 55ie?, Z5at .30c and $1.00 per Bottle. Buy the Dollar else. It contains five times as much as tho 25o else, and you set with each bottle a Dr. Herrick's Red Pepper Porous FJastcr for the chest.. . FT IT JAMES F. BALLARD rnoprtiETcn ST. LOUIS, MO. For Sore Eye, Granulated Lids, Redness of the Eyeball, Weak Sight, Smarting Sensation In the Eyes, ae Stennens Ere salve, it u a remedy of proven merit. JSot.o And RccohmenpcdBvT!' BYRON N. HAWKS trine "D MUM D)irn All Winter (5oi3 During the remainder of this month we shall make special cut prices on all of our winter goods, including COotBioi Dress Goods, Shoes and many other things you need. As we are busy taking inventory, we are unable to quote prices here, but expect. to have a list in our ad next week. If you are looking for real bargains in up-to-date merchandise this is the place to buy. Get our prices before buying elsewhere. FM THE "MONEY-BACK': STORE, ATHENA, OREGON l ji i ,; - - . ; " .U'J . ." 1 . ' Everything Flr.t 1 1 - t. - Clan - Modern 11 " I S00TH32SIDE ' MAIN j SFIfelS STREET ATHENA f( ill . . 4:.. . v "i. ''.i'1-", Miller's furniture Store I .... New Stock Just Received Every thing House llir Here nisflings Miller's furniture Gives Satisfaction r. 4 ....