The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 05, 1912, Image 2

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..... '
- - F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Published Every Friday. Office, Corner
Third and Jefferson Streets.
Entered In the Fostofflce at Athena, 0:6 jon,
9 BecondClass Mall Matter. ,
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year. ... .. .. .. .. ....$1.50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00)
One copy, she months. .75
One copy, three months. . : ;' X - .50
Advertising: Rates.;
Display, trans'ent; running less than one
month, i rst inscrdun, per inch 25c
Subsequent inser.ions , 12
Display regular, per inch 12
Local readers. Tirstinsertion, per line. 10
: Subsequent insertions, per line. . . . . . 5c
Lodge resolutions, per line 5c
Chuch notices, admission, per line. . 5c
its live weight. So far as known,
this is tbe beat percentage ever shown
anywhere. Ibe steer was raised at
Wapato, Wash, 'i be champion steer
at tbe recent National Live Stock
Show at Chicago dressed ont 66.2
per oent.
With tbe first of tbe.. new year, tbe
British, government takes control of
tbe entire telephone system in the
British Isles. As it already owns tbe
telegraph ' system ' besides, of coarse
having tbe postoffioe, it is giving tha
world a striking example of govern
ment ownership.
piled Texas pr
tnan any otner state ,iu the union
Tbe high prices that have prevailed
daring tbe past two or three years
bave served to greatly inorease the
raising of these big liirda. From
7 W
tome points in southwest and west
Texas from 8000 to 4000 .birds are
hsBippel to uoitbern and eastern points
daily darioK November and December.
A good housewife that tbe dis
patobes told of tbe other day thought
her flook of obiokena were afflicted
with blindi " staggers, but a little In
restigation made clear the fact tbat
they were drunk from eating some
fermented orab apple eaooe wbiob she
bad thrown into the yard a short
time before.
Dynamite is a mighty good agenoy
when used with caution in tbe clear
ing of stumps from land but has
lately bean' demonstrated quite con
clusively tbat it ia a woefully inade
quate means of settling disputes be
tween oapital and labor.
Basketball tomorrow night
ttTHENA. ORE.. JAN. 5, ..
, the JP116S is twenlj-foni years old
today, and it wishes ita readers a
happy and prosperous year for 1912
Reference to Ihe Ola' of the paper
ievenl that darliR tha jweuty-four
years of its cxiatcco the p.iper has
gone into tu homes of its sapsoiitere
.62 weeks of each ye ar, with the ex
oention of one ieaue. Tbe first week
in July, 1889, tbe Press failed to ap
pear, owiug to a broken baud press.
Irving MoQaary was tbe editor at tbe
time, and in explanation for its non
appearance, facetiously remarked
iu the, following issue: "The ed
itor was neither drnnk nor bad be ab-
soonded, bnt tbe dod tatted, measly,
consumptive old Washington band
press bad a stroke of paralysis in its
doHioker connecting rod, with tbe re
sult tbat tbe forecastle intermediate
safety devioe became prostrated and
collapsed, and we were unable to is
sue tbe sheet last week. Tbe type
foundry at Portland Wbs appealed to
and new parts for tbe pi ess arrived
yesterday, aqd we are on time today."
Tbe preannt editor has published tbe
Press siooe June 2, 1892 nineteen
years and seven months. During that
time, without a skip, the press has
. gone into tbe. homes of its readers
every Friday for 1018 weeks. This
is a long traok to look tack over,'
and when we see young people, now
married ,and . fathers and mothers
themselves, whose births we chron
icled, it is tbea we realize tbat we
bave been in tbe harness qnite a spell
a longer time than any other edi-
or in Eastern Oregon we can recall to
mlud having continuous oonneotion
with one paper.
ill i Kin in ir
11 -HHhrma
until mniiiiwwin
Mauy a resident of tbe Paoiflo
nortbwost states never expeoted to
live long enongh to see the day w hen
the chief 'oities' of Oregau and Wash
ington would work together for the
development of the whole region. But
tbat time baa come, as is evidenced
by a booklet lately iasued by Tacona
ooinuioroial organizations, wbiob gives
liberal space for advertising Portland
Rose Carnival, the Seattle Potlatoh
and tbe Royal Festival at Taooma.
The cooperation pf the Northwest
stales along, publicity lines Las become
an uimnred fuot. Tbo various oities are 1
woikiog together as ndver before and 1
ly tbe tamo token, they are acoom
plisbirig . more thau ever before in
their biutory iu oonstrucUvo nnited
effort. ' 1
Tbe indicted Cbioago packers are in
au awkward dilemma. Tbey have
been fighting persistently for delay
and would naturally like tbeir trial
delayed until doomsday. But tbe Brit
isb government, which annually buys
f 30,000,000 or more pounds of oanned
moat from Cbioago packers has jost
notified those same packers that no
bids will be received uulH tbe trial la
ended." Ibis means tbat the longer
extended tbe delay tbe greater loss of
trade,' . On tbe otter band the puckers
naturally dread a trial and vetdlot. It
Booms to be a otis'o of ''between the
devil and the deep sea."
Farther Investigation of tbe dyna
mite outrngos in Los Angeles reveal
t'io faot that James B. MoNamara
was in Seattle in August 1910. about
ne time tbat tbe Lyons Luilding
jh.erewaa shattered by an explosion.
AabtfiUWuan baa come forward with
tbe Information tbat- be repaired
aouia clock work - mechanism for' a
niun that looked like MoNamara.
This has shifted tbe scene of iovestl
fiation to tbe Puoiflo Northwest and a
bomber of labor leaders will be exam'
Ined as a result ,t,-
A great many New Year resola
. tioas are like pie crust easily broken.
Bnt tbat usually is tecause the prom
ise is made impulsively or tbat it is
well nigb impossible of fulQllmeut
New Year resolutions it light iu
themselves uoil honest efforts are made
to keep them are of great benefit.
Congress ia in sewiou and all who
bave aooesa to tbe Congressional Rao
ord may rad speeches tbat were never
delivered but whioh, curiously enough
are punctuated with "applause and
load applause."
The Paoilio Northwest is an ideal
place for fatteulng livestock is shown
by the recent klllrug of a 8100 pound
steer at tbe Portlnud plant of Swift &
Co,, tbat dressed out 73.11 pec oeut of
Z wAl I II "11 I
ommeinicecl Iiwesctay, January
After the Year's Business, we find many Lines of Goods which is more
Judicious to Sell at a Sacrifice than to carry over into the new year trade
weeping Red uct ions ii Followiiio Lios
A ifw1 11
less than
former prices
' -. :
$10 & $12 Coats r 1C
Now selling at J) 3. 3
$13.50 Coats are a nr
Now selling at JpD-ZO
$15.00 Coats are fte ic
Now selling at tPU. 4
$18.50 Coats
Low price
$20.00 Coats at (J in rn
Low price of $ I .3 U
r $10.00
An Odd Lot of
Half Price
Children's, Coats in Plush, Bear-skin and fine
Cloth, 4 to 7 years old. Misses Cloaks, in all
grades, 6 to 1G years. Some less than cost.
$3.60 quality now selling at - . . . fi.75
1 4. CO quality now selling at - - - . ?,ns
15.00 quality uow selling at . . . 13.50
60 quality now selling at - - , ' . . 13.25
7.60 quality now seliiug at . - . 13.75
18.60 quality now selling at - - . . $4,25
Ladies' Skirts
Latest Styles"
15.00 skirts now selling at ,
$3.60, ft), aud 10.60 skirts now selling at
13 to 0.60 skirts now soiling at
10 skirts now selling at . -
13.60 skirts now selling at
Selz Royal Blue Shoes
llest quality, The $5.00 kind, now at $3.75.
www- ? mm
mmm . V
r j
Different colors and
58.50 and $10 quality now at yr
'"N -$12.50 and $16.50 quality, at
Vici and Valour Calf, Sslz Perfecto, a brand
well known for quality and wear, $3.75 and
$1.00 grades, now $2.75
Mens Patent Leather Shoes
Selz Royal Blue
$4 and 14.60 quality now selling at " - - - (2.95
$4.60 quality now selling at - . - ' $2.95
Mens Suits.
$9 and $10 quality now selling at -$13-60
and $13.60 quality now selling at
$15 and $16.60 quality now selling at '
Ladies'fTaiiored Cotton Waists
White, Blapk and Colored, all ; reduced.
Ladies' Silk Waists
In Black and Fancy Colors, all reduced
Ladies' Misses and Children, Sweaters
All Reduced r -Furs
At Half Price
Every Fur in the house is marked in
plain figures. We will sell every "piece,
Ladies, Misses and childrens, all shapes
sizes and colors at half price.
Mens" Suits and Overcoats.
$12.60 quality now selling at
$15 quality now selling at
$17.50 quality now selli'igjjt
$20 quality now selling at
$35 quality now selling at
Boys Overcoats.
$3.50 quality now selling at . V. -$5
quality now selling at .
$6.60 quality now selling at ' - "
$3.25 . y
Youths Overcoats
$8.60 quality now selling at - . "
$12.60 and $13.50 quality now selling at
Boys Knee Pants.
60o quality now selling at
65o quality now selling at
85o quality now selling at
' Youths Long Pants.
$2.25 quality now selling at - - . . ' $1.25
$3.50 and $3.75 quality nowjselling at - . $1.75
Mens Pants.
$1.75 and $3 quality now selling at
$2.50 and $2.75 quality now selling at
$3 quality now selling at - -$3.50
quality now selling at .
V,. -
Corner Main and Third Street Athena, Oregon
. FIC.