The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 29, 1911, Image 4

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    - Thanksgiving Turkeys V-
Send every Tbanksfriving; turkey to ua, Ev
ery day we use tons of live and dressed chick
ens, d reused pork and dreased veal Send ui
everything-.. We never charge commiasion.
Address all "shipments , , i
I i'Fiehtinit the Beef Trust" ' '..
Portland, i.r.-,-..;v;.v' Oregon
i WANTED At : once, 2; men to'iearn
to drive and Repair automobiles. .. f.
Hawthorne Ave, Portland, Ore.
Write for catalog and literature, Developing)
and printing:. Mail ordars given prompt attention
Portland hoto Supply Co.
149 Third Street - - FOKTLAND, OREL
SeconS-Hand Machln-
boiVrv, sawmills, etc1, i The J. E. Martin Co., 76 1st
SU. Portland. Send for. Stock List and prices. -
a f ' 1 SeconS-Hand Macl
Machinery r
-charge unless we get your money.
' ' Colton Adjustment Co., 410 Abington
Bldg.Vi06i Third St., Portland.
I !x Beit (urtus aatnefioss ertaas
vnCkal werk &al as k Brain, tb
JtaDM mrk, ana ana sal mm.
Ftwlr ararpftid sndiw aSoe ins sc&ool
(rem. Tuilm fct !3S cuk; 4S
1 Matin HI an wtts.
" on haitt nrrn uviwil a
- V Htif.Vj-. - CAKACL . .. .
Steel Bridge Built Entirely- Without
the Aid of False ,Work or side " v
I:,-.- . v Support. '' '' '....,. . ,
. . . . . ..
Seattle, Wash. One hundred and
fifty feet above-; a rushing - stream
whose- depth rendered the usual sup
ports Impossible, a steel bridge,- dif
fering fnebnstruction from any. built
In the past. Is nearing completion for
the use of the Idaho and "Washington
Northern railroad. ; It is located near
Eox canyon, this state, and will ex
tend from cliff to cliff across the Pend
Oreille river. . At this point" the water
Is known to be more than two hun-
$1iM Saved la one made, and you can
.save more than one dollar by buying
. your Hata direct from factory, we
make them and sell them direct to you.
)iiuts made to order, any shape, style
1 and color. Hats cleaned and blocked.
All work guaranteed. Prices very reasonable.
Iry us on your next hat. -. , -.
Mail warn promptly ittmW It. Mia 8442. 223 First Sl,Misi
Most economical and effective for house
- and school heating. ," ,
front and Market Sts. ". Portland, Or.
till! i
1 1 1 1 I I
K i'ii:
Ask your dealer for It. If he does
not handle it drop us a postal card
and we will furnish you the name of
a dealer who does.
' 1
i I
- Hardly Complimentary.
In a Western town one of its great
men was returning from a long trip
abroad, and the' citizens erected a tri
umphal arch, from, which they sus
pended a wreath by a rope. The arch
bore the Inscription, "He has well de
served It." A gust of wind carried off
the wreath, so that when the honored
man marched under the arch the rope
dangled over bis head and the legend
.... V. 1. HTT- l.MM A ..
uiv MCU icuu, . no ilM WVU MW
r served It" - ''--'-" 1 "' '
S- ;' ., '"-' ;v
PETTIT'S EYE SALVE is what you need
One Cause for Rejoicing. "
Irish Doctor Well, I've knocked the
fayver out o' him, anyhow,' Wlfe-r
Oh, doctor, do you think there is any
hope? Doctor Small chance, I'm
af card,; madam; but you'll have the
satisfaction of knowing that ho died
cured. Dotrolt Saturday Night.
To Brent: In New Shoes.
Always ahnkc tr Allen's Foot'Easo, 'apowdei.
It cures lml, sweating, aehtnfl, swollen feet.
Hurt's c-oiim, iiiirrowlug nails and bunions. At
: U (InigistK ni:l rthmi Hterei, '2'ie. Dnnt anoflpi
any HiitiMiUtito. HHuiplu nmlledFKtK Address
Alien S.Olinistoil, La Uoy.N. Y. . , ,
New Ground for Enterprise.
The vast interior, of the South AmC
ienn continent, amounting to some
B.OOO.OOQ; square miles, is commercial
ly undeveloped and In many parts un
. explored. :; . ' . ,
you will find It innkes beautiful,
clear, , white clothes wth less effort
and less cont than any other blue.
It lg far superior to 4iny liquid blue
on tuo. market for tho best, of liquid
.bluing 'is principally' water. Use the
bluo that la all blue. AT ALL GRO
C1CKS. Price, 10 cents.
, Bracelets for the Insane,
Bracelets have been worn from time
Immemorial, but few wearers of the
golden bands of the present day know
that they were once used to dlstln
tjutah fhej Insane. Before lunatlos were
routined to asylums they wore an arm-
'' let for distinction. ' ' , ,.' ' . .
' Dr, Pierco's Pleasant Pellets regulaU
end invigorate, stomach, liver and bow
els. Sufrar-coated, tiny granules, easy
to take aa candy. ;
'!:, r.:, '' Thty Will.' . .," .
:" "Don't eat when you are tired," 1
' the latest health ultimatum, notwlUk
k , nandlng which most folks will con-
- tluue to eat when their day's work is
. through. . , , :
run mn4t? ftrnmni 4rMak.
tha Oblnew dootor,
Try (mm iiore if vou have txwn doctorlna wltk
thlNontnl ihHtonenR4 huo aot vt!lne1 iter
Bmnrtf relief. It Hii. urmii nuiurs amWr ilia
newe jotirrftpeetnl prem-riisi wnte ratetiy whtwe
aeMtm I. quick, wire and wtm. Ills MreMorlptinns
are Mi!iuuii(lv4 fnwa Unia,-)lvriai, limit sui
iark ht hive len gnthnrtHt irtu everv enar
torof the aha. The imnu l the BMf leiaea
are sot kiHOB lo the ottuMe wi Id, tit hare Iwt
ttHiKit ttowe f iia luvlivr w auw lu the piuelulaus'
fuiuUivs ia Cliuia.
If jf live out f lova aed cnf imll. write for
MTmpUMa llauk aad oireaiir, eutxkwuta 4 oeula ta
staatia. .- .... i. ,
. ,1621 Hrst St., Cor. Morrison .
Portland, Oregon.
Without False Work.
dred and thirty feet : deep, and V In
places bottom has never been reached.
As. the illustration shows, the bridge
Is being built entirely w.ithout the aid
of false work or side supports. So
far It has been- balanced by weighting
the shore span with 600 tons of steel
rails. . When finally , completed, the
bridge will weigh more than one thou:
sand tons, and it will be the longest
span of its kind.
The way In which American en
glneers have met and solved the duf
flcult 'problems that confronted them
In carrying the trans-continental rail-
roads across the Rocky mountains has
challenged the admiration of the
world. In many cases they have been
forced to methods . of construction
heretofore deemed impossible, and
their success hss set a new engineer
ing pace for the entire world.
That have great medicinal power, are
raised to their highest efficiency, lor
purifying and enriching the blood, aa
they are combined In Hood's Sarsa
parllla. -- ! -,
40,366 testimonials received by actual
count in two years. Be sure to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Get it today In usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs.
- ,l ;.'- - ink Spots.'.' M".-,'-
These troublesome stains may be re
moved by an - application of equal
parts of citric acid and cream of tar
tar melted on a plate. Mix and rub
over the stains and - then wash out
carefully. ' In almost all cases the Ink
will disappear at once without in
Jury to the color. Stains that have
been laundered may require several
treatments before -they yieldj Wom
an's Home Companion. .
The World's Islands.
The Islands oL the world have a
total length of more than 17 times the
circiraference of : the earth at the
equator. .,.'-:'? ' ''
As a rule, a few doses of Munyon's Cold Remedy
Will break up any eold and prevent pneumonia. It
relieves the head, throat and lung almost In
stantly. ' Price 26 cents at any drug-gist's or sent
postpaid. . .''''' '
If you need Medical advice write to Munyon's
Doctors. They will carefully diagnose your case
and give you advice by mail, absolutely free.
Address Professor Munyon, 63d and Jefferson
streets, Philadelphia, Pa.
Little Old Woman Who Is 8kllled
Lacemaker in the North of
Ennland. - ' '
London. In a little cottage in the
pastoral village of Shelton, near Rush
den, in Northamptonshire Mrs. Jane
Morris,' a little old woman, put forth
every energy to complete an assign
ment given her by Queen Mary. Mrs.
Mortis was to have a certain number
of yards of wonderful lace ready for
her majesty's use on the occasion of
the' coronation, and it was done on
time.- '
The lace is known as Bedfordshire
pillow lace, and with it Queen Mary
had some of her coronation garments
embroidered. The lace is of exquisite
beauty and it takes the little old worn-
'V; Ira thy "
)imu mm
Flute Playing for Consumptives.
It Is cheering to know that one In
strument at least can be counted on
to bring health and longevity to those
who practice it. This is the . flute.
Doctors recommend it for incipient
consumptives as the operation ' of
playing the instrument involves the
precise motion of . the " lungs of most
benefit to the consumptives; that is,
full inspiration, not too full or strain
ed; followed by slow and gentle de
livery of the breath. Sunday Maga
zlne. ' "- - ' ' '" - ' '
: Mrs. Jane Morris.
an a full day to make three-quarters
of an Inch of It It is five inches wide
and it requires 184 bobbins to work
out the design. ! "
JuBt what Mrs. Morris was paid Is
not known, but, it stands to reason
that after having such an assignment
from the queen she will have no cause
to fear the workhouse or to ask the
government for an old-ago pension. ,
When , Thsy Were Stolen He Went
to Bed and Brought 42 Chicks
Out of 65 Eggs. '
Lockwood, Ohio. Jacob B. Selti, a
resident of this place, has hatched out
4a chicks. - He did It all ; by ' him
self, spent all his time on the nest
and says that being a human lncu
bntor isn't so hard a job as many per
sons might think. He admits that
only for the care and attention of bis
wife who brought him his food dally,
and kept htm supplied with tobacco
he would have been unable to keep hhr
nest so well and the hatch might have
been IobL
For eighteen days Mr. Seftx had
watched over his three hem with all
the care of a mother and kept telling
his neighbors that he wae going to
hnvo at least 65 chicks ' when the
hens came off their nests. But a
Tew days ago he went to his hen
house and found his poultry gone.
He grabbed up a basket, trapped the
warm eggs into it and ran home. Then
he and his wife discussed what they
should do to save them.
The result was that Mr. Selti made
a bed in the callar' Into which his
wife tucked him wKh aJblankcL All
the eggs were carefully, placed about
him. In this bed nest he remained
for three days ;nd brought, out 4J
chlcV f - .
:'v v .;;:v: -
Feel poorly most of the
time stomach bad appe
tite poor all run down?
You should try
at oncertJTnasiTdpetJ
thousands who suffered
from ' , ' - .
and will aid yon, too.
However, ' One Must Understand
Every Requirement to Get Most
: Out of Flock Start With Few. i
Success or failure with' chickens
rests with the operator alone, writes
C. N. Whittaker of Lawrence, Mich,,
In the Chicago Dally News. "To get
the most out of his hens one must
understand and be ready to meet
their every requirement" He must be
able to keep them In first-class physi
cal condition, he must know Just how
much to feed and the kind of food
that constitutes the best ration. Noth
ing can be left to chance or guess
work. Ignorance or Indolence means
failure.' - ; ;:" '; '
There Is good money IB-poultry and
Chicago is a good market- ' Last year
our Rhode Island Red hens cost us
about 11.20 each for feed, and the re
turn from them was a little less than
$3 each.- This Is not a small farm
flock, as we keep several, hundred,
and even now when they are aU yard
ed to keep them out of a crop- of
buckwheat growing. on their range,
and are in the middle of the molting
season, they are paying a profit of 8
to 10 cents each a month. , '
. A man came to Michigan about a
year ago. . His Ignorance was colossal,
his conceit stupendous. He had read
"systems" until he exuded portions of
them at every pore, and his , plans
were all; made before Be put a foot
on his farm. . He said he was going to
make us sit up and take notice.- He
did. - Owing to the Improper ventila
tion of his poultry house he lost half
his bens during' the winter and he
did not get to exceed two dozen eggs
through November, December and
January. About the middle of August
his son said: "We got an egg yester
day, the first one we have had in
over , two months.". Success with
chickens under such, conditions Is impossible..:.'.;-;,
.". .'"' ",
There Is certainly money in poul
try, but to get it out a man must be
willing to learn the things he does not
know. Thebest way to do this is
to start with a few fowls and let the
number Increase with his experience.
Plucky Robin.
In Ladybank Auction Mart an en
ergetic auctioneer had knocked a hold
In the rostrum with his hammer. In
side this hole and behind the boarding
a robin has built its nest, where It 11
now sitting on four eggs. The Soots
man. ".-
Bv Lvdia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound '
Tcoria. 111. "I wish to let every one
know what Lydia E. Pinkham's reme-
uies nave none lor
mo. or two years
I suffered. The doc
tors said I had tu
mors, and the only
rerncay was ine sur
geon's knife. My
mother bought ma
Lydia E.Hniham's
veiretaDit) com
pound, and today I
am a neaicny wo
man. Tor months
I suffered from ia-
liovea mo. lour uver iim nave no
equal as a cathartic Any one wishing
proof of what your medicines have
done for me can get it irora any arup.
gist or by writing to me. You can use
my testimonial In any way yoa wish,
and I will bo plod to answer letters."
Mri Christina, 1eei, 105 Mound St,
roovia, xu. i
'Another Operation Aroidcd.
' Xcw Orltans, La. "For years I suf.
iroa irom severe lemaie irouotes.
rinally I waa confined to my bed and
the doctor siid an operation was neces.
lary. I gavo Lydia E. Pi nkh m's Vesr-
etanio uompouna a trial erst,' ana
was saved from an operation." Mrs.
Lily Petrous, 1111 Xerlereo St; Xew
Orleans,. La. ' ;: i .
' The grent Tolume of unsolicited tea.
timony constantly pouring inf proves
ronchisivolv that Lydia . Pinkham's
v estitable Compound is a remarkable
remedy for those distressing feminine
ilufroia which so many women gullet
Trees . Respond to Application ' of
Manure as Quickly as Any Other
Crop Better Plowed Under.
When the mercury hovers around
the small figures and the snow Is on
the ground, there is a Job waiting for
you. ' -' ' - ;' - '
Haul a little manure Into The or
chard. ' And little, as used In' this
connection, means a good deal For
an orchard twelve or fifteen ' years
planted,' a two-horse wagon load will
not be too much for two trees. Trees
'respond to the application of manure
as quickly as any other crop. And
anything which increases ' the vigor
and health of the trees adds to their
ability to produce fruit -:
For young orchards upon ' rich
prairie soil, manure is, 'not advised,
but after ten years of growth, the
soil needs reinforcement It was
formerly taught as a cardinal prin
ciple that a new. tree should never be
planted where an old one has been
removed. But practical men no long
er regard this view They make the
old spot rich with fertilizers - and
plant the trees there JuBt the same.
And the "tree "" Blooms just as weU as
any well-planted tree sbqi4. ,.
Successful fruit men do-Sot pasture
their orchards, , neither do they cut
and remove crops of hay. Everything
which grows upon the surface Is re
turned to the soil. - , ,
In the application of manure never
pile it about the body of the tree, but
spread it out over a surface as large
as the spread of the tops. In -many
cases this ? will mean covering the
whole surface. If you can plow it under-
when spring comes, that is bet
ter.' But if you cannot do this, much
of the nutriment will get down to the
roots, through the medium of the
spring rains. .'-- .;';.. ;.f
If your fruit la poor and small it
Is not fair to lay It to the depravity
of the tree, or the insects every time,
for often it is the lack of . fertility
which causes failure. Help, the tree
to do its work by feeding it liberally.
.v ; '..; Phosphate Rock.
. Phosphate rock is the great Amer
ican fertilizer. It is about the only
natural raw material that has yet
been found In great quantities in this
country, and its abundance has led to
rapid development of the mines, lead
ing to a production of 2,655,000 long
tons fn the past year. The average
price during the year declined from
$4-62 to $4.11 per ton. Most of the
deposits are in the south, but there is
a great deal of phosphate land In the
west An effort Is being made to en
courage)' the use of raw phosphate
rock, finely ground.. It is claimed that
this material, low price considered, Is
superior to the acid phosphate, be
cause, although it acts more slowly,
the effect Is more lasting. Experi
ments indicate that the raw rock will
be found adapted to such uses as top
dressing and mowing lands and for
use In orchards and vineyards, also
for general improvement of poor soils.
!. , - as M Isu nderstoDd. ".. . -1 , .
A Russian, who, although he has J
keen some time in Paris, knows little
or nothing of the French language.
has Just been sentenced to a month's
Imprisonment for having assaulted
a policeman. He bad also" been ac
cused of having insulted the agent of
the -law, but he was acquitted on that
count after an explanation from his
counsel that the word which the po?
Ilceman regarded as objectionable was
also 'a Russian word, and perfectly
Innocent : - -'.- ; -
-"!." ' ;';' BudDoble ..-.j' -' ..
The greatest of all horsemen, says; "In
my 40 years' experience with horses I have
bund Spohn's Distemper cure the most
mocessful of all remedies for the horses. It
!s the greatest blood purifier.".' Bottle.SOc.
ind$1.00. Druggists can supply you, or
manufacturers. Agents wanted. Bend for
Free book.- Spohn Medical Co,, Spec. Con
Wtgious Diseases, Goshen. Ind.
: Fashions Change' Little.
From the fresco paintings of women
fn the Cretan palaces of the period
about 2,000 B. & it is learned that the
women of that time pinched In their
waists, had flounced ' or accordion
plaited skirts, wore an elaborate coif
fure on their heads, shoes with high
heels and hats which might have come
from a Parisian hat shop, while one
woman might be described as wearing
a Jupe culotte. -J - -
Free to Our Headers
' Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for
18-page Illustrated Eye Book Free, Write all
boat Your Eye Trouble and they will advise
aa to the Proper Application of the Murine
Eye Remedies In Your Special Case. Your
Druggist will tell yon that Murine Believes
Sore EyeS, Strengthens Weak Eyes.- Doesn't
Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and sells for 60c
Try It in Your Eyes and In Baby's Eyes for
Scaly Eyelids and Granulation.
Standing to Reduce Flesh.: '
A little trick is standing for twenty
minutes after each meaL This does
not mean simply being on your feet,
ilearlng off the table, etc. It means
that , you must stand perfectly still,
balanced evenly on both feet Have
i book in the dining room,, stand near
I window and read for twenty minutes
if ter each meal. This is also said
to be a great cure for indigestion. Try
it anyway, for certainly it cannot hurt
rou. , ' ' . ''
j . ' :" H
For your own sake don't wait until it
lappehs. It may be a headache, tooth
iche, earache, or some painful acci
lent. Hamlins Wizard Oil will cure it
jet a bottle now. ; ,
V All the Facts In Epltapn.
iirti tha mismn and -serene ceme
ffrT of the Moravians at Bethlehem
supplies an Interesting addition to the
curious epitaph collection In the fol
lowing,, which Is cut on a stone over,
the grave of an Indian: "In memory
of my dearest son, James McDonald
Robs, eldest son of John Ross, prin
cipal chief of the Cherokee nation,
died In St Louis, November 9, 1864.
His corpse was transported by Adams
Express to Bethlehem and Interred
at this sacred spot November 22,
1864, age fifty years, twenty-nine
days."j . ' ' ;-
".. . ' .. . 8upply. - i
' - New Minister "Now Just one thing
more before I accept this charge.
Have you got a 'supplyf " Deacon
"Well, yes, though we never said any
thing to the last preacher about it
111 show you where it is, and get you
a key, but I tell you you'll have to be
Just as careful about using It as the
rest of us!" Puck. ;
:-l y " The Jews In France. ' ; r
France was the first country to ex
tend equal rights to Jews. Aa early
as 1791 distinguished men of the faith
were honored with titles and among
them were many men Identified with
the history of the country. Later they
were deprived of the right to bold
titles. . r:..:-V- .'.
sjuwi i iiwiiniii 'aiirriaMassOamMfi
Cure Your
Why? Because his annoying,
untidy. And mostly, because
it almost invariably ;leads to
baldness. Cure it, and save
your hair. Get more, too, at
the same time. All easily done
with Ayer's Hair Vigor, new
improved formula. Stop this
formation of dandruff I
' Does not chant the color of iht hatr.
formula with eaos bottle
Show it to your
Ask him about It,
then do as he says
The new Ayer's Hair Vigor will certainly .
do this work, because, first of all, it de
stroys the germs which are the original
cause of dandruff. Having given this aid,
nature completes the cure. The scalp is
restored to a perfectly healthy condition.
ii Mads b j the 3. 0. Ay er Co., Lowell, Mass.
Why Is This? "
Every city man considers It his duty
to josh a friend who moves to the
country. Washington Herald.
Strong Healthy
If a woman is strong and healthy in a womanly way, moth
erhood means to her but little suffering. The trouble lies
in the faot that the many women suffer from weakness and
disease of the distinctly feminine organism and are unfitted
for motherhood. This can be remedied.
; . Dr. Pierce!s FaYorife Pr escriptloii "
. Cores the weaknesses and disorders of women.
. It acts directly on the delicate and important
, organs concerned in motherhood, making them ; ,
1 beaithy, strong, vigorous, virile and elastic. ,
"Favorite Prescription" banishes the indispositions of the
period of expectancy and makes baby's advent easy and
almost oainless. : It Quickens and vitalizes the feminine
organs, and insures a healthy and robust baby. Thousands of women have
testified to its marvelous merits ..
; It Mokes Weak Women Strong. It Makes Sick Womea WelL
' Honest druggists do not offer substitutes ,'and urge them upon you as ' just
as good.' ' Accept no secret nostrum in place of this non-secret remedy. It
contains not a drop of alcohol and not a grain of habit-forming Or injurious
drugs. Is a pure glyceric extract of healing, native American roots. -
ff-sA Sw
Yellow Journalism. .
Grandpa often read aloud from the,
newspaper for mamma as she went
about her work. One morning five
year-old Maxine brought a paper and
lat down at his feet Grandpa noticed
that she, too, was pretending to read
aloud. "A little girl, ate, a chicken
alive and feathers growed out all ovei
her - back," was the startling bit ol
news he heard. From the House
keeper. . . ' I.:
Chief Sufferer In the Duel. '..
The cost of duels is dwelt upon by
Aureiien Scholl in. his "Reminis
cences." He tells, of . the elaborate
preparations made for a hostile en
counter between two journalists whom
he knew. One of them borrowed 20
from Scholl to meet his share of the
expenses; This sum .was never re
turned. "After ten minutes perfunc
torv fencing:." he adds, "the principals
embraced each other, and both left the
ground without a scratch. I was the
Only man hit"
Soft Water for Good Tea.
"New York water ia too hard to
make good tea," said the English
matron.- "The use of soft water Is one
secret of tea making that New York
people seem never to nave learned.
Before we found that we could buy
soft, water bottled we softened the
water for making tea with a pinch of
soda." , ; ','-.;
Hits Himself in Head With Hammer.
It is just as reasonable to hit your-
lelf in the head with a hammer to
sire a headache as it is to try to cure
rheumatism with alcohol, balgrene
wntains absolutely no alcohol, Pro
urable at all druggists. ."'--
- , ;
,'' Favorite Cholera Cure.
(A favorite cholera cure in the west
la made as follows: Red pepper, two
ounces; powdered asafoetida, two
ounces; carbonate of iron, four
ounces; powdered rhubarb, one
ounce; Spanish brown, six ounces;
sulphur, two ounces. The mixture is
made into pellets with flour and water
and given three times a day. The
mixed powder is added to the soft
food as a preventive, giving a table
spoonful twice a week to every two
dosen fowls. "
' Calves and Cows. -It
yoa want to make a veritable
mtlk-produclng machine of a cow and
have her worry as little as possible
never permit her td "mother" her calf.
Take it away from her as soon as pos
sible, for if ah has time to become
strongly attached to It she Is sure to
worry when It is finally taken away
from her. If the first two or three
calves are thus removed the maternal
instinct is likely to become largely
dormant, and she will come to con
sider a pall rather than a calf as the
natural channel for her milk.
Sloan's Liniment is a relia
ble remedy for any kind of
horse lameness. Will kill the
growth of spavin, curb or splint,
absorb enlargements, and is
excellent for sweeny, fistula
and thrush.
i Here's Proof.
:" I tued Sloan's Liniment on a mule for
hijth lameness,' and cured her. I am
never without a bottle of your liniment
have bought more of It than any other
remedy lor rains." Bauy Kirby, .
' . Casssdy, Ky.
" "Sloan's Liniment Is the best made. I
hare removed very large shoe boils off a
hone with it, I have killed a quarter
crack on a mare tliat was awfully bad. I
have also healed raw, sore necks on three
hones. I have healed grease heel on a '
mart dial could hardly walk."
Anthony G. Hi ybr, Oakland, Pa,
. ; Route No. u
is good for all farm stock.
"My hogs had hog ch&ltra three days
before we got jour liniment, which I was
advised to try. I have used It now for
three days and my hogs are almost well.
One hog died before I got the liniment,
but I have not lost any since."'
A. J. McCastmy, IdavQIs, Ind.
Bold by aU
ft h
w 1
r j 3' 4svw.
1 '
Bloaa'l Book on Horses."
Cattla, Bogs sad Poultry . '
sentote, Aaana
Dr. Ear! S- Sloan
Bosteai. Mass.
j We want all kinds of First Class Fruit and Produce, Vegetables, Butter,
! Eggs and Live Poultry. Can use Potatoes and Apple3 in large quanti
ties, some Hay and Oats. Drop us a postal stating what you have for .
sale. ' We will reply at once, and can pay you CASH on receipt of goods.,
Wholesale Commission Merchants
Rcfernte: Uii It Tillos auk. Pisses: Mais 2795;. A 3344. 103 Front St., Portland, Or.
t ' Effective Wall Paper Border.
- Recently there haB come Into wall
paper fashion a type of border that
is cut along the bottom to follow the
lines of the design, usually vines, leaves
or the like. Against a plain wall pa
per such a, border is particularly ef
fective, as all who have seen it can
testify. . At first this border had to
be cut out after the design was print,
ed on the paper, but -a New York man
has invented a machine which does
the printing and the cutting at the
same operation.
Do Yon Vm Eye) 81tT
Apply only from Aseptic Tubes to
Prevent Infeetion. Murine Eye Salve In
Tubes New Size 25c. Murine. Eye Liq
uid 26o-60c Eye Books in each PkaT.
- . : Natural Inclination. :
; "Do you think your nephew shows
any predilection -for ar useful pur
suit?" asked the . serious relative.
"Well," replied Mr. Groucher, "Judg
ing by the way be tries to keep bis
face and hands and clothes, I think
he would enjoy being acbimney
sweep,,' . .''"- '-- . ' j
- Hothfrs will ind Mrs, WlnsloWS Soothing
Syrup the best remedy to use fot heir children
luring the teething period.
Flowers of the Sea. , - "Zs..
The sea has flowers as the land
has, but the most brilliant of the sea
flowers bloom not upon plants, but
upon animals. The living corals of
tropical seas present a display of
floral beauty which in richness and
vividness of color and variety and
grace of form rivals the splendor of
a garden of flowers.
, Delicacy of the Ancients.
In Italy today pigs' livers are served
in a way that Is acurately described
by Apicius before the Christian era.
Mlxerd with herbs, salt and wine they
are stuffed Into small sausage skins,
sith one bay leaf to each and baked. '
Mrs. Olive Huntington, Nortons, Ore, says t
" " I consider your Mexican Mustang Lin
iment the best of liniments. I have used
it for different ailments and it always
gave satisfactory results. It is especially
good in cases of Inflammatory Rheuma
tism and aU foras of lameness."-. .
25c BOc $ 1 a bottle at Drug & Cent Stores
f f "'KKITME .-1. ':
I lnmaur franlcDrc Q. 1
L PcaxukNR causal J
W '
l Habit Positively Cored.
Uiuy aothoriseu Keel 7 In
stitute in Oregon. Write
for llluntrated circnlas.
KffUT lNST1TUrs,71 LtlTHM.
Na 4S-,ll
TtTHEW writing- to advertisers please
TV - mention this paper.
Be Cured In Your Own Home
Rheumatism, Stomach and Cud Permanethr m short time and at small covrt by dm
LUIS Troubles. Skin Dispnsea concentrated mineral water. No Faka Bud for
uuuk AiOUUies, CiniH diseases testimonials and literature. 11.00 trial package 3 esnta,
- r . ' J ' 1 Mala BtMst. PORTLAND. OREGON.
'2 JO, 3.00, 3.50 & M.CO SHOES fe '
lusjaMnasJas srlssttV BtW tits Wa,- atlaASl VUAnl ten .-'"."..".
this country few the price. Insist opoa hav
ing them. Take no other make.
' The assurance tKat Inim witri an Mfak.
EsKed reputahesa is your aisuTsnce in buying j
W. L. Douglas shoes. - f
. . If I could take you into my large fadories Vv
at Brocklon. Mast, and show yoa how
f..nwt r-v i . i i
auauuy vy aLnjugias snocs are maa; you
Wnukl thmt tlnmhtrirl vkw truw sir Km - ( V
.v. J w.. ULM
raitted to hokl their shape, fit belter and
. wear longer than any ouWmake for the price!
. same asa price stampexi oa bottoas ,
pougtas shMS la ONF. PIK of mv I.OTV
Shoes sent dlrwiS Ulkuui,i,v..u ?. , T, ' MVV
It yoa eannr obtain W. L.
year tows, write fnr eaUloa-. i
, bOtJ6LA4, 4tt Spark Ss, Bnteksoa. Mass. fast Cm lyettU Us xiJ
P U T N A PS-, F A D E t R S S DYE!
S"lrt1ya MAM aVAAla kUokau J f a. - a. . -
Color more roods brighter
sow to Aye, bieui '4 rr-