The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 22, 1911, Image 4

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    :'' ",
' Jr.
I v Frees Paragrcr1i3 j
Shakesperean Recital
Christian churoh tonigbt.
AI Sigmon was op from Adams
A farm for sale. Inquire of Henry
Keen, Athena. . .
D. A. Pinkeiton was in town from
Milton yesterday.
Harry Alexander was a Walla Wal
la visitor Tuesday.
One of tbe best entertainment ever
given in tbe city.
R. T; Brown transacted business in
. Pendleton Saturday.
4- .'Mrs. Merle Roby visited friends in
Pendleton yesterday
. Splendid vooal and instrumental mu
sic 85 and 50 cents.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bergevia were
in Pendleton Monday.
Miss Lizzie Sheard visited friends
in Walla Walla yesterday.
Lou Harder was in tbe city Monday
trading with Athena merchants.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Sny
der, December 14, 1911. a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Maroel Gagnoa have
gone to Walla Walla to reside for tbe
Marion O'Harra, tbe Weston farm
er, was in town yesterday, doing some
Letoher Norvell, a prominent young
man of Helix visited friends in the city
Don't forget the masquerade ball to
be given for tbe benefit of the base
ball fund.
Mr. and Mrs. Kalph MoEwen will
spend tbe holidays with relatives la
Harry Alexander and Bert Wilson
have added another Ford maohine to
their auto livery.
Van Winkle, tbe photographer, nan
please yon with anything desired in
tbe photograph line.
1'be pupils in grade 5, Miss Breen's
room, are enjoying a Christmas pro
gram this afteinoou.
D. F. Lavender tbe well known
county road supeinteudent was in tbe
oity from Weston Monday.
Gbarlea Booher is again in Athena,
having oome np from Lexington, Mor
row oonnty, a few days. ago.
Mi. and Mrs. Bobert Walker will
spend tbe Christmas holidays with
relatives in Walla Walla. '
Willie Montgomery has oommenoed
an apprenticeship in the harness
trade at W. 0. Miller's shop. '
Miss Katberlne Bomig left tbla af
ternoon for New berg, where ebe will
spend the Christmas vacation at borne.
H, L. Vandewater, general agent
for tbe 0. W. R. & N., company, was
. in tbe oity Monday on a business visit.
Will Ball, representing the Inland
Paper company of Walla Walla, was
in the city Tuesday, transacting bus
iness. - - .. . .
Mr, and Mrs. Mack Smith of Jun
, iper were in tbe oity this week, guests
of Mr. Smith's sister, Mrs. A. B. Mo
Ewen. James Stewart was in tbe oity Mon
day for tbe first time in several weeks,
"""from the Bergevin plaoe, where he is
- Born, to Mr.' arjii Mrs. MoC. "cd1,
December 11. 1?U, a dangbtsr. Jlid.
MoConnell is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Bannister. " ; '
The seoond snow of the season fell
in tbiss6otion Tuesday. . The beauti
ful covered the ground- to a depth of
two inches. ;
Evangelists Ghilders and Fagan, of
Eugene, began a series of revival
meetings at tbe Christian oborcb in
Helix, Sunday. . '
Oweq Bosie has purobased the ehoe
shop on Main street and is prepared
to do all kinds of shoe repairing on
short notioe, at reasonable piioes.
Assistant District Attorney Piuitt
bas resigned and District Attorney
Van Vaotcr bas appointed Attorney
Newberry of Pendleton to tbe offioe.
Miss Evelyn Welland left today on
tbe afternoon train for Walla Walla,
from wbenoe ebe will go to Cle-elum,
Wash., to spend tbe holidays with a
Salesmen wanted to look after our
interests in Umatilla and adjacent
counties. Salary or Commission. Ad
dress, Tbe Viotor Oil Company, Cleve
land, O.
.Mrs. L. Deli is in receipt of a novel
Christmas present from a relative re
siding in Missouri. The present is a
huge eagle's wing, and is greatly priz
ed by Mrs, Dell.
Miss Belle Molntyre oame home
Saturday from Walla Walla, where
she is taking the musio course in
Whitman college, and will spend tbe
vacation at borne,
A. Mackenzie Meldrum will visit
the Christian oburob at Elgin, Wal
lowa oounty, tbe coming week, in
his oapaoity as a member of tbe state
board, of tbe oburob.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MoArtbur
have left Portland for California,
where tbey will spend tbe winter.
Tbe Press will be forwarded to their
address at San Diego.
Miss Kittie Gbolson arrived home
Wednesday from Walla Walla, where
she is attending the Fisoher Conserva
tory of Music, aDd will be homo dur
ing a two weeks vacation.
Tuesday evening at the Methodist
ohcrcu, a small audience listened to
a very able lecture, delivered by Mr.
Hazelton, of Portland. The sutjeot
wasi "Wanted, a Man." ,
Louis Eley, a prominent farmer of
the Cold Springs country, died Monday
night in a Pendleton hospital from a
complication of diseases of wbioh he
had been suffering for some time.
Clarenoe Gay
speoial edition
Wash., Tribune,
father, Charles
oently appointed to tbe offioe
sends the Press a
of the Toppenish.
We note that bis
Gay, bas been re-
of con-
Miss Ceoile Boyd arrived borne last
evening from Lewiston, Idaho, 'where
she is teaching in the physical cul
ture department of tbe State Normal
sobool and will spend tbe Christmas
vacation at home,
Tbe Gbolson family reunion will be
held Christmas day at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Foss,' when a
sumptuous dinner will be served by
the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Otba Boed
er will to in from tbe rauob.
Tbe foroe in tbe local postoffioe is
busy these days. Yuletide prod noes
nerve raoking aotivity in Unole Sam's
postal department, and tbe Athena
offioe is contributing its share to tbe
volume of Christmas paokages.
With your next purchase
amounting to $2.50 or
over, we will give you
one of these Dust Pans
Something entirely new.
It will save your temper
and last a lifetime.
N"" h tbe t'.:i,i t j gi. jyour photos
Lit holidays. Tbey are presents that
will be longest kept and appreciated.
Until after tbe Holidays Van Winkle
will give free a fine souvenir with
your pboto, mounted, with eaoh dozen
photos at regular prices obarged here
tofore. Enquire at tbe Studio. . .
" , .. jr.'"'..-.
An' elegant dinner will be served
at the Athena Hotel on Christmas and
New Year's days Tbe putlio is re
spectfully invited to patronize tbe din
ing room of - this hostelry. The best
the market affords is served on tbe
tatiles. . - ".
I Tbe Saltair Beaoh Orobestra of
Salt Lake City, appeared before a
small audienbe at tbe Athena opera
house Monday evening. Good mnsJp
was rendered by tbe musicians, and
after tbe conoert a dance was given.
W. E. Matlook and W. C. .Pruitt
of Pendleton were in tbe oity Satur
day -evening. Tbey came to Athena
in an automobile and tbe muddy roads
stalled the car here. Tbe gentlemen
prooeeded to Walla Walla ty train.
Charles Brotherton was in tbe oity
Saturday from Waitsburg Wash., on a
short business trip. He was aooom
panied home by his son Clarenoe, who
oame frcm Eugene where be is attend
ing tbe University, to spend tbe holi
days at home.
Final settlement was made n the
F. M. Mansfield estate at Pendleton
Monday, and tbe administrator, G, W.
Gross, disobarged from further duty.
Tbe same order went i ito effeot in the
Ole Thompson estate, B. B. Biohards
Mr, and Mrs. Bex Barnett of Port
land, will visit relatives and friends
at Weston and Athena during the
holidays. Tbey have recently re,
turned from Cleveland, : Ohio, where
Mr. Barnett manufactures a patent
bed for hospitals and sanitaiiams.
Last evening a most pleasant party
was given at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. A.; M. Meldrum, to wbioh a
large number of the young ladies and
young men of the oity were invited.
Tbe features of entertainment were
especially unique, and refreshments
were served.- '
Gabe Cox, a resident of Weston
sinoe pioneer days, was presented with
a suit of clothes by publio subscrip
tion and will go to tbe county hos
pital at Pendleton, says tbe Leader.
He has been an invalid sinoe an aooi
dent twenty years ago whioh left him
in a orippled oondition.
Maurice Hill returned from Eugene
Saturday evening to spend tbe holi
days at his home in this oity. Maur
ice is getting along splendidly at tbe
University and is giving bis spare
time to stenography. His services are
constantly in demand at 75 cents per
hour aud he finds it profitable employe
Wines are tbe staples in family liq
ours. Bert Cartano carries a large
and varied stook of select vintages,
f 1.50 per gallon, you can get oboioe
Tokay, Muscat, Angelica, Sweet Ca
tawba or Port., 'These are California's
best produot and give satisfaction
wherever used. Call at the Bed Front
for the best and purest liquors.
Dr. J. E. Sharp, the dentist, has
nloe quarters io the building formerly
oooupied by tbe postoffice. A nice,
comfortable reoeptiou room is located
at tbe entrance, adjoining whioh is
tbe operating room, and io tbe rear a
commodioos laboratory is fully equip
ped with modern applianoes used in
the dental profession.
Dentistry at reduoed rates for a lim
ited time. Gold and poruelain orowns,
$ 5 and $6. Bridge work, $5 and f8;
Gold fillings, $1 up; alloy and silver,
BOo. and $1; fpll set teeth, $10. Pain
less extraction, BOo. Work guaran
teed. Dr. J. B. Sponogle,
Bel ia tie Dentist, office over Barrett's
hardware store, Athena Oregon.
Weston Leader: F. G. Luoas, real
estate dealer and produoe buyer of
Weston bas brought action against
Cooper-Plass Company, Portland deal
ers in grain and hay, for tbe recovery
of $24', 5. Plaintiff alleges that he
consigned bay to the defendant to tbe
value above stated and has never re
ceived a dollar in payment for his
Walla Walla bas raised $10,000 for
a team to represent that city in the
Northwest League. Now that tbe
money bas been raised without muob
effort on the part of tbe business men,
p '
f. .
I. Y
Holiday (rifts
iOur Store better prepared than ever
before to meet the demands fiT the - holiday shopper.
We invite you to inspect the stock, which includes:
Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, Purses
Hand Bags, Music Kolls, Post Cards
Military Brushes, Fancy Stationery
Fancy Candies, Mirrors, Games
Rubber Novelties, Pyronraphy Sets
Xmas Boo s, Fiction, Boo lets
Teddy Bears, Cigars Cigar Cases
Ash Trays, Kazors Etc., Etc.
lom't Hesitate
to call, as it will be a pleasure for us to show you
our line, though you do not buy. Come early so you
can select from our choicest offerings, & :
Main St B. N. IL1WKS, DRUGGIST, Athena.
tbe next thi .4 of importance is to
find aDciher ' lovTn to pair with tbe
garden- city ?n tbe league, Belliog
bam and Kverett are trying for the
plaoe. . -,
The program at the Dreamland for
tonight and tomorrow night is as fol
lows: L "When Lovers Part," Ka
Jem. 2. "The Romance - of Betty
Burke."-Edison. 3. "In fler Fath
er's Absence," Pathe. Sunday: 1.
"A Tintype Romanoe," Vitagraph.
2. "The Argonauts," Seligs. 8.
"The Musioal Eanoh," Lubin.
Tbe Christmas tree exercises at La
Mar sobool house will be held Sun
day evening, Christmas eve. An elab
orate program is in course of prep
aration and an enjoyable time is
anticipated by those having tbe enter
tainment in obarge. Tbe tree and
exeroisea are given by La Mar Looal of
tbe Farmers' Union assisted by the
A family reunion will be held at the
Meldrum home in this oity Christmas
day, at wbiob Mrs. C. L. Crookett of
Pendleton, with ber daughter, Miss
Edith and two sons. Peter and ErneBt,
will be guests. Although far away,
Mr. Meldrum reports that be was cot
forgotten ty Jos. N. Soott, who sends
bim a magnifloent turkey for the
Christmas dinner.
Those wbo attended tbe basket so
oial at tbepera boose Tuesday even
ing, bad an enjoyable time. Johnson's
orobestra furnished musio for tbe oc
casion and dancing was indulged in
for awbile dating tbe evening. Sev
eral of the baskets were very band
some and everybody enjoyed the sup
per. Tbe prooeeds will go into tbe
base ball fund. r
James Conley writes from Culdeeao,
Idaho, and desires tbe Press sent to
bis address. Jimmy seems to, be
ideally situated, claimiug to have a
trout stream flowing through bis taok
yard, where he can stand in his kitoh-
en door and oatob a mess of fish for
breakfast. He is well pleased with
tbe Idaho town, wbioh is twenty
three miles from Lewiston.
I have done thousands of dollars
worth of dental operations for hun
dreds of the leading and best people
of Eastern Oregon; and I depend more
on tbe personal recommendations for
suooessful praotioe than other adver
tisement. You don't have to inquire
long to have my servioes reoommend
ed. My prioes are reasonable and
consistent with first-class dental work.
Dr. J. R. Sponogle,
Barrett Building, upstairs, Athena
Tbe members of the Girls' Mission
ary Cirole wish to thank the many
friends of Athena viho patronized their
sale of Christmas gifts on December
tbe 16tb. Their aim was to reaoh
tbe sum of f 30, to go to tbe support
of a child-widow in India, and tbey
more than realized it. Tbe total re
ceipts were $18, and after paying ex
penses they will ' have 38 in band.
Tbe next meeting of the Cirole will
take plaoe the first Saturday in Jan
uary. ' C. K. Ferris and wife, a newly
wedded couplet reoently of Oak Har
bor, Wash., spent Sunday and Monday
here, visiting tbe Zerba families, wbo
are relatives. Mr. Ferris is known
bere to some of the -old timers, hav
ing lived in this section in former
years. Tbe happy couple are now on
their way to Florida, being on their
honeymoon trip, and contemplate stay
ing in the sunny south for at least ten
TbeFreewater Timos gives tbe in
formation that Peter Geiss, well
known in this oity has bought tbe
quarter section adjoining bis wheat
ranob on Pine creek between Weston
and Freewater thus giving Mr. Geiss
640 sores of splendid wheat land in
one oompaot noay. in aaaiuon 10
bis wheat, rauch Mr. Geiss has ten
acres of orohard and alfalfa land on
bis borne ranoh atove Milton, while
bis son Louis bas bought 160 aores of
wheat land near Pendleton and rents
tbe adjoining half section.
Pythias Lodge No. 29, K. of P.,
bas issued invitations to members of
the order and their families to attend
a lodge social at I. O. O. F.-K. of P.
Hall on next Thursday evening, De
cember 28. Tbe sooial will be of an
informal nature and a most enjoyable
time is anticipated. One of tbe fea
tures of the evening will be a splendid
banquet spread. Members of the
lodge receiving invitations are expect
ed to contribute edibles for the ban
Prof. Edgar Smith, the well known
bandmaster wbo was successful in
bringing the Ladies' Band of Weston
to a high state of excellency, met
with tbe members of the Athena Band
Wednesday evening. At a business
meeting of the band after rehearsal,
Prof. Smith's services as leader and
instructor for the looal band were
secured for tbe wiuter. Prof. Smith
is a musioian of reoognized ability
and it is expected that he will soon
place tbe Athena Band in tbe front
rank of musioal organizations in the
Inland Empire. .
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Koontz are
pleasantly located at Haywood Hotel.
Los Angeles, where they will sojourn
for the winter. Ed's ohief diversion
is in readiog bis dailv mail, wbiob is
principally composed of post cards, 00
having been mailed him from friends
in this oity at one time. Io a letter
received by tbe editor tbia morning,
Mr. Koonta intimates that be has dis
covered in baa better half "a bale fel
low, well met," and undoubtedly tbe
estimable ooople are enjoying every
hour of their California trip.
Now and then we bear of somo one
patronizing tbe cbeap-jobn grocery
mail order bousrs. wbo when they get
stung make a "boiler" about it and
expose tbe sting. Two inBtanoee-bava
oooorred in tbia vicinity of late. One
party sent the whole consignment
back and swears by holy smoke that
be will hereafter give bis patronage
to home grocers. The other party
oooldn't stand tbe delioaoy of mouldy
tomatoes and Bred tbe caea back. Of
course tbe bouBe lost nothing for the
reason that the proOt on the balance
of tbe consignment offset tbe loss on
tbe tomatoes and probably tbey" were
sold egata to somebody else. Who
- - - . ..... , - i ' .
f - - - -mmmim,.,! .mmmmm.
Items' tkm
Do Your Christmas Shopping
Early, Do not Wait until the
last Minute to select Presents
you will find complete at this time, but
later on the very things you may de
sire, will probably be ' gone, dp 4? 4?
vuowuv mm
FUi -ffi RADTK!
Santa to
at1;he Big Mo
The place to buy. Where, you get what you are look- j
ing for. Where you get the best at the lowest'prices.
Complete stock of Staple as wellas Fancy Goods and
Toys, including a line of Pendleton Robes and Blankets.
Toys, books, game?, dolls, blocks, . latest in boys suits, the latest in boys
furs, jewelry and fancy purses. ' overcoats, latest in shoes C& sweatrs
latest novelties in laces, ribbon, ' silk neck-ties, new suspenders, new suits
hose, gloves, neckwear, sweaters, - new overcoats, new gloves new hats
cloaks, suits, etc. new sweaters, new shoes.
endless variety in handkerchiefs;" in - variety of hammered brass articles,
hand embroidered handkerchiefs, in ' center pieces', iunch cloths, dresser
point lace handkerchiefs and in fine scarfed stamped goods pillow tops,
silk handkerchiefs. . Roman silk, Peri Lustre Rope, etc.
lour Shopping low
Special Prices S,MS"iBoyi 9-ry? and
r Suits irdm now until Christmas.
We are closing out 100 childrens coats at half price.
Corner Main and 3rd, Athena Oregon
3 TAkN-
NO POISONS. CnHimBMIt tn aiTinan .....
Tk. 4. 04 . ...iv. rum rvuw hb Dua uw. .