Press Paragraphs Arobia Molntyre spent Sunday in Weston. . y ' . ; ' Mrs. Lizzie Jones visited in Pendle ton Monday. Fonr inches of snow on tbe ground this morning, Henry Stamper was in town from Weston Tuesday. : yy Ira Kemp was in town from Weston Monday evening. Mrs. Maggie Wilson was a Pendle ton visitor Monday. Mrs. J. V. Mitohell visitedj friends in Weston this week. Tim MoBride was in the city Wed nesday from Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Steen epent Wednesday in Milton. R. T, Brown spent Monday in Pen dleton on a business visit. . George Thompson transacted bus iness in Portland this week. N. A. Miilfar went over to Walla Walla yesterday on business. Dr. Hughes and family will move to Milton next Tuesday, to reside. Mrs. A. A. Fogs and Mis. Eenry Doll will visit in Pendleton tomorrow. N. A. Miller, tbe furniture dealer, transacted business in Wesion Mon day. Mrs. Merle Boby is nsitiDg rela tives and friends In Portland this week. Mrs. Lillie Miller desires all those indebted to ber to oall at onoe and settle. .... ' 1! ' - '"f F. S. LeGrow returned from Port land Tuesday where be bad been on business. Misses Sadie NorDean and Odessa Kirkpatrok, of Weston, spent Satur day in the city. Walter Ginn, the Walla Walla real eBtate rustler, was in the city Friday on a business visit. . Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Koontz returned Wednesday morning from a visit to relatives at Pasoo. 0. K. Bryson was down from his mountain borne Wednesday, trading with our merchants. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ayer, of Pendleton, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fix. Mrs. A. Sbick bag teen on tbe sick list this week. Mr. Sbiok's oondition remains about tbe same. Eber Luna is over from Milton, having taken a position 'with the Moogrove Mercantile company. Mr. and Mrs Will Campbell oame up from tbe ranoh and visited at tbe Cap linget home near town, this week. Found, A lady's lodge pin. Own er may have same by calling at tbe Press offioe and paying for this notioe. Charles May was down from bis mountain tanon yesterday. Be or dered tbe Press sent to bis rural route address. Mrs. Alfred Castello, nee Miss Ada Ely, formerly of this city, and now a resident of California, is visiting ber mother, Mrs. Benry Pinkerton, in Weston. ' 1 Farm for sale. Inquire of Henry Keen, Athena, Oregon. The Young Ladies' Missionary Cir cle will meet at the Christian ohurch parsonage tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'olook. J. E. Jones was down from bis mountain ranob yesterday. He brought down a load of potatoes for whiob be found a ready sale. Santord and John Stone transported Millard Kelly and Tom Gilkey with their equipage to their trapping grounds this week. Dr. Hughes will continne bis den tistry praotioe in Athena, coming here from Milton on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of eaob week. For Sale. Six-room bouse ; good barn, holds 8 horses; two lots. Sell for cash or trade for horses. Ed Fortier, Atbena. Tbe Walla Walla city commission baa refused to grant renewal of lioense to tbe Idle Hour saloon in that city, considered to be a notorious resort. For tbe most praotioal, useful and up to date Business Education, , attend tbe Pendleton Business College. M. L. Clanoy, B. A., Prin. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Boss bave moved to town from the ranob, for the winter. Tbey are residing in tbe Brookner cottage on th West Side. Postmaster Wortbington went down to Eobo Wednesday and brought baok a span of blaok ponies, Tbe team was formerly owned by Joe Bannis ter. Mrs. J. S. Henrv left tbe first Dart of tbe week to visit her eons, Frank at Othello, Wash., and William, at Portland. She will be away until spring. Earl Dudley and Marion Hansell are at Arlington this week, bnnting wild geese. Tbey will be gone for several days and anticipate a success ful bunt. WiokliiTe Kirk, who spent the sum mer in this vicinity, will leave soon for Saskatubewan. Canada, where be took up land last fall, and where bis parents reside. ' , -K Dr. Hugbes, dentist, will retain bis oSioe in this city at tbe posofTioe building, praotiuing bis profession here on Monday, Wednesday and Fri day of eaoh week. Ninty-nine of Portland's leading wholesalers and business men were at Walla Walla Tuesday. Tbey traveled on a special train, and were on their annual trip to the Inland Empire. L. II. Konntzof Pasoo, Wash., bro ther of E. E. and Fred Koontz of this city, was reelected oity clerk of tbe Washington town at the eleotion held Tuesday, by a handsome majority. Mrs. Myriak and family are deeply grateful for the assistance rendered by members of tbe Athena fire depart ment and citizens during the fire whiob destroyed their home Tuesday morning. Mrs. W. J. Gholsou went over to Walla Walla yesterday to visit her daughter, Miss Kittie, who la there in the conservatory of music Mrs. Gbol son will also visit , her mother and other relatives, y - ' Boy Baley, tbe popular youDg attor ney of Pendleton, Las been prevailed upon by Pendleton business men to be come a oandidate for Mayor at tbe ooming oity eleotion and has consent ed to enter tbe race. Fresh Sealshipt oysters bave been served the public at tbe Taylor & Le Grow market this week, Tbe oysters are shipped in a patent sealed case wbiob insures tbe bivalves with that piquant tang of the sea. Byron Hawks is beooming expert with tbe kodaok. On a recent bunting trip be took some fine piotures and his servioes for special piotures have been in demand lately, tee more special tbe more demand, as it were. Dr. Plamondon, Wm. Winship, Aus tin Fobs and Will Miller left Wednes day afternoon on a goose bunt of a oouple of days duration, in tbe Herm iston country. Harry Alexander took them down in bis automobile. Dean Willaby is now carrying tbe mail on Route No. t. William MoCol lougb, who bad tbe contract for car rying tbe mail when tbe route was first opened resigned bis position and Dean began bis dnties Monday. The Young People's society nf tbe M. E. oburoh will give a social in tbe oburob basement this evening. All tbe young people are invited to this free social. A program and refresh ments will be given and a good time is expected. H. H. Alexander has leased a large Franklin automobile from S. F. Wil son and will conduct a taxioab ser vioe. . He is prepared to convey pass engers to any part of the ooonty and to nearby towns, including Walla Walla, at reasonable rates. Servioes in tbe M. E. oburoh next Sunday are as follows: Sunday sobool at 10 a.m.; preaoblng at 11 a m., subjeot, "The Atouement of Christ." Young people's meeting at 6:80; evan gelistic servioe. at 7:30. Yon are kind ly invited to these servioes. Thomas Lawson. Charles Brotherton, through tbe real estate firm of Copeland & Ginn of Walla Walla, last week sold bis farm of 130 a ores north of tbe oity to Del bert Bnrger, for $15,000. Mr. Broth erton and family will leave soon for Waitsburg, Wash., near which plaoe be has purchased wheat land. A most pleasant party was enjoyed by the little folks last Friday evening, when sixteen of bis playmates made a raid on Master Paul Koontz, most unexpectedly. Tbe evening was spent in pleasant games and a dainty lnncb was served by Mrs. Koontz, and all went borne voting tbe party a deoided sncoess. G. W. Mitohell has finished digging a "pretty middling fair crop of spuds" at bis place on Reed and Hawley mountain says tbe Leader. He had 1200 sacks of Wilson's First Choice potatoes from 12 acres, or just an even 100 saoks to tbe aore. He has stored bis crop in field pits and will bold it for tbe spring market. Charles Giant will open the Ath ena Hotel the first of the ooming week. mmug Out of Brjsmess Stockholders nave Ordered Our Great 18,000.00 Stock Sold and Closed Out at Once to Raise Cash to Meet Obligations. Their Loss is Your Gain. Prices Slaughter ed and Goods Sold Below Cost. ' v ' V " 1 Nothing reserved. Everything goes. The purchasing power of your dollar will be increased 50 to 100 per cent, at this Sale. Bargains from one end of the Store to the other. Save, by anticipating future requirements. ale Beqins Eondav November 13, 9 a m Below-cost prices on complete line of Hardware, Tools, Cutlery, Silverware, Ranges, Stoves, Paints, Wagons, Buggies, Plows, Fencing, etc. In fact, the cleanest and most varied stock in the Walla Walla Valley. Come early. Get your choice. Store open 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. SMITH-ALLEN H AED W ARE COMFY MAIN STREET :MILT0N OREGON He will serve first class meals and con duct a lodging bouse also. He will have a good equipment, guaranteeing satisfaction to bis patrons. Both Mr. and Mrs. .Grant have bad con siderable expeiienoe in tbe hotel and restaurant business, and should do well in their new location. - Lost In Athena, last Saturday, a Sootob Collie dog, color brow a and yellow, with white brush and white fore legs. Ralph MoEwen, the owner, will pay liberal reward for Jti recov ery. -.. A fine opportunity is offered to se cure some valuable horses at bargain piioes at tbe Rogers Sale near Weston, November 15. Glendive, a very fine registered Feroberon, two other reg istered animals and 25 oboioe giade Clydes; farm implements, harness eto. See advertisement elsewhere in this issue. Wines are tbe staples in family liq ours. Beit Cartano carries a large and vaiied stock of seleot vintages. 11.50 per gallon, yon oan get choice Tokay, Muscat, Angelioa, Sweet Ca tawba or Port. These are California's best product and give satisfaction wherever need. Call at tbe Red Front for the best and purest liquors. .... Tbe speoial missionary lecture to be given by A. Maokenzle Meldrum in tbe interests of tbe C. W. B. M. will probably be given on Wednesday eve ning, November 22. This will be made especially interesting by tbe UB8 of stereoptioon views, and several selections of speoial music will be giv en by some of tbe beeVvooalists in the ity, including solos, duets and prob ably a ladies' quartet This to is be a deoided treat Further paitiolars will be given next week. Tbe eleventh annual session of the Oregon Teaobers' Association will be held at Baker City November 27, 28 and 29. Tbe session is tbe eastern Oregon division, embraoing the coun ties of Umatilla, Wallowa, Union, Malhour and Baker. Tbe meetings promise to attraot a great number of teaobers and the program will te of more than ordinary value for several prominent ednoators are to participate in the numbers on the piogram. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph N. Scott and little daughter, Margaret, left this morning for a winter's' sojourn in Sonthern California, their objective point being Huntington Baaob, where reside Mrs. Scott's parents. They will also visit relatives at various other points. Mr. aad Mrs. Scott will be missed here during the winter, and es pecially in the aotivities of tbe ohnrob circles will their absenoe be felt. However, with tbe opening of spring tbey will return to the farm. Weston Leader: Ben Walden, the Dry Creek pioneer, is still using a pair of soales that was part of tbe first oargo of merchandise to come around the Horn in 1852. Tbe soales were imported by Dave and Ab Mo Cully eaily metohants of Haitisburg, Oregon, Mt. Walden'sold hometown. Dnring a recent visit to Harrisbuig Mr. Walden saw ten bushels of wal nuts pioked from a tree which he planted wltb bis own bands on the day tbat tbe news was first received in Oregon of the firing upon Fort Somter. y .. Tbe Athena High sobool Athletic association baa made arrangements to use tbe Mosgrove implement building on Third street for their gymnasium this season, and bave been making neoessary improvements preparatory to oooupying it. Tbe ceiling bas been raised for convenience in playing bas ket ball and the shower bath equip ment will be installed this week. Tbe bnilding affords ample room for gym nastics snob as tbe association desires to undertake and there is plenty of seating oapaoity for all desiring to at tend tbe basket ball games to be played here during tbe winter. Millard Kelly and Tom Gilkey left Wednesday morning for the bead waters of the Looking-Glass where tbey wll put in tbe winter trapping. Tbey acquired fiom the Walla Walla kennells, before taking their depar ture, two more Aeirdales. bringing tbe fighting strength of their paok of bear dogs np to three. Athena hunt ers wish tbe boys all kinds of luok in their enterprise. The Press saw to it that tbey were well supplied with magazines and other reading matter with whiob to while away the long, lonesome winter nights in their moun tain cabin. The opening leotnre of the winter series, given by Col. John Sobteski at tbe Methodist ohnrob Tnesday even ing, was well attended, and enjoyed by a large audience. Tbe story of the rise and fall of tbe Polish repuMio was told in thrilling language bv the distinguished exile, wbo held bis aud ience in wrapt attention during the en tire discourse. Before and alter the lecture, the audienoe was favored witb a eoio by Miss Katharine Bomlg, accompanied by Mrs. Plamondon. The next attraction to appear on the course will be the Rioketts Concert oompany, whiob will be in Athena on Fiiday, December 15. Standing In Voting Contest at Fix & Radtke's. Hope MoPberrin Peatl Coomana Gertie Boo her -Bettba Feiguson Bessie Paiker -Mamie Sheaid Mildred Stanton Katheilne Fioome -Lula Barnes -May Douglas -Mary Bergevin Mis, Joseph demons Lela Lieuallen -Merua DePeatt Nell Buikbart Mrs. Marion Hansell Patrncia Eagleton Dorothy Bulflncb. Gladys Smith Dorothy Willaby Coialyn Meldrum Georgia Hansell Lights Grant Hazel Brotherton Basel Dowd Marie McBean Mrs. Clara Douglass Dorothy Proebatel Ethel Kidder - 835,200 783,600 493.650 444.700 345.600 339.100 200,700 108,400 99.300 85,600 77,800 62.100 . 43,600 46,200 88,700 - 37,300 87,100 86,600 24.100 23,800 21.400 19.900 19,600 15,600 15,500 14.000 is,;oo 11.600 11.800 His test f mm (Contest . WdQB .. ji ---"yzr'y"' " ifiHHIllK Jf""7: r""'yj Day, 1 ; i : Jl - J ) Five Krause Pianos will be given away, one of them absolutely free. We are well pleased to see the amount of energy that is being put forward in the contest for the Standard 1910 Krause Piano by the Candidates. Remember that there are five ' pianos to go, one entirely free to the most popular young lady, and four others at a small cost to the next four most popular young ladies. - Is your girl or your friend in the race? If so, you can help her by getting votes and placing them to her credit. ' These votes caa be secured by trading at our store. Every dollar spent with us counts 200 votes for your candidate. .". Make your winter purchases now and help the young ladies to win these Pianos. FIX & RADTO THE "MONEY-BACK" STORE, ATHENA, OREGON iosmwe Mercantile Go Corner Main and 3rd, Athena, Oregon Just Received--The latest novelties in Ladies' Cloaks and Dress Skirts. Come and buy before assortment is broken. Vy 4frs& . I.,. y ! I H Pi ry "If - ill r 1 15'. ft I 1! m A mkU HW-'. W New Dress Goods, Laces, New Silks New Bandings. 1 5 1!. 6EII TRADING STAMPS U CASH PURCHASE IS): IflHflTW !3 M NO POISONS. CONFORMS TO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AND DtUI LAW. Th Orf!nl txv Couftx Syrup containing Honsy and Tar. An Improvement ovt !! CeagU. LuiU na BrenhUI Refnadiea. PleMant to the tast nd good for ymmg and old. All ooutfht syrups centslalng opiate oonstipate the bow Is. Eeo's LTtlv Honey and Tar moves the bowels nd centers as opiates. Prepared Vy Pl.NE-VLE MED1CJNE COMPAfiY. CHICAGO. V. 6. A.