The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 10, 1911, Image 3

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    A Good
Ayer's Hair Vigor, new Im
proved formula, is a genuine
hair-food. It feeds, nourishes,
builds up, strengthens, invigor
ates. The hair grows more
rapidly, keeps soft and smooth,
and all dandruff disappears.
Aid nature a little. Give your
hair a good hair-food.
Doa not change the color of the half.
formal with eeoh bottle
Show it to yen
Ask him .bout it,
then do m he uri
You need not hesitate about using this
new Hair Vigorfrom any rear of its chang
ing the color of your hair. The new
Ayer's Hair Vigor prevents premature
eravness. but does not change the color
. . . " -
of the hair even to tne slightest degree.
Mtrt by the S, 0. ijrtr Co., Lowell, Mass.
$50 for the best Trademark
$25 for the best Motto
We want these to help impress on the public
tbe strength and rigor ot thin WESTERN
company, and its unusually liberal- policy
contracts. Contest, which la open to every
body, closes September 80.
For particulars address
S. BleiweUl, General Agent, 834 E. Yamhill
Street, Portland, or
Continental Life Insurance & In
vestment Company w-&tfE!
McCenick Blwk, Suit Lake Cay
In his suddenly returned
strength, Samson was about to push
the pillars from under the temple.
"Ha," he chuckled, as the roof top
pled In, "couldn't have done It ff the
contractor had built this temple ac
cording tb specifications.1 ,
The Canine Howlolojjy.
There Is nothing so very remark
jable In the Atlantic City dog that can
tell time. Every dog on earth can
tell time. That is, they can tell break
fast time, dinner time and - supper
time, and know to a minute when. It is
time to start their nightly howL
First Aid.
JShe's such a hlp to her clever hus
band. Everybody knows that he is a
genius, but few are next to the fact
that little wife aids him in his every
activity. We got a look-in at this
state of affairs at the surprise party
we gave him the other night
When the food had been discussed
he was called on for a speech, of
course. He arose from his seat beside
his wife he hemmed and hawed, and
then he said:
"Ladies and gentlemen I am total
ly unprepared, of cousre, and er
being as I said totally unprepared,
you must er excures me for being
er unprepared. I er ah-1 was
hardly prepared ' for this er" And
then his wife interrupted:
"Why, darling," she said, "you
knew it perfectly this morning. The
next sentence begins, 'Knowing as I
do.' Now can you go from there?"
What helps they are, these anxious
wives. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Bowled Over, i ,
There is in a Western town a judge
who occasionally hits the flowing bowl
until it puts him down and out One
morning, following an unusunally
swift encounter with the alcoholic foe,
he appeared . in his office looking sad
and shaken up. .
"How are you this morning, Sam?"
inquired a friend. y
"Worse than I've ever been," re
plied the judge, with a groan. Im
in bad at home. When I left the
house a little while ago the children
were calling me Sam and' my wife
was addressing me as Mister." .r1
. " An Autocrat's Relaxation.
Tou seem to get. a great deal of
pleasure out of business." "Yes," re
plied Mr. Dustln Stax, "after I have
fretted over a golf match there's noth
ing rests me up like getting back to
my desk, where I can have everything
my own way."
an M Wk.-ji s r s-rrM 5 n "fr-. . 1
1 : : : ' :
Habits Potttlvel Cured.
Only authorised Koelnr In
tltate In Oregon.. Write
for lllmtrated circular.
KlELH iNNIWrC, 71 1.1 1 TM M.
C. Gee Wo
The Chinese Doctor
Thin wondef ul man has
made a life study of the
properties of Roots,
Herbs and Barks, and
is giving the world the
benefit of his services.
fNo Mercury, Poisons
or Drugs Used. No -
jlfgjfc Operations or Cutting
Guarantees to cure Catarrh, Asthma, Lung,
Stomach and Kidney troubles, and all Private
Diseases of M n and Women.
Just received from Pek'in, China safe, sure
and reliable. Uf ailing in its works.
If yon cannot call, write for symptom blank
and circular. Inclose 4 cents in stamps.
The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co.
162H first St, cor. Morrison, Portland, Or.
You need a short course
of The Bittcrsr It is fine
for a weak or overloaded
stomach, clogged bow
els and sluggish liver.
Be persuaded to get a
bottle of
today. It will set things
right in quick time..
Notes and Instructions from Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations
of Oregon and Washington, Specially Suitable to Pacific Coast Conditions
Interesting Experiment In Fattening
Fowl on Stubble Field.
Oregon AgrScutural College, Cor-
vallia Believing that Oregon farm
ers can add materially to their poultry
profits by keeping the birds pastured
awhile on the.waste grain of the stub
ble fields. Prof. James Dryden, of the
Oregon Agricultural College, has in
augurated an interesting experiment
near Moro.
In a colony of ten white canvas
tents he ' has housed 500 white Ply
mouth Rocks, and . will -. keep them
there six weeks, keeping accurate
record of the weights and gains made.
Movable fences are used, and the tents
are on frame at the bottom, on run
ners, so that they can be moved read
ily ' as fast as the chickens clean up
the waste grain on one part of the
field and need new foraging ground.
The point is , to determine how
much poultry flesh we can make from
the waste grain on a given area with
a given number of birds in any cer
tain space of time, at the . least ex
pense," said Prof. Dryden, discussing
the experiment. "In going through
the Portland markets I was struck
with the poor quality of the chickens
sent in there by the farmers of the
state. They were so largely bone,
with very little meat on them. I be
lieve that they could be kept a little
longer, to good advantage financially,
if the farmers would put . them out on
the stubble fields, where there are al
ways quantities of waste grain ' to be
picked up. I am sure there could be
added a pound or two apiece to the
weight of each bird, in good, solid
flesh, bringing a much better price,
and that with almost no financial out
lay. We are feeding nothing, but a
little animal food beef scrap from
the slaughter houses and this would
not be neceassary if there were grass
hoppers and other bugs in the fields.
The Dawn of Scientific Knowledge
Learn a Profession where the de
mand is greater than the supply.
Honorable. Dignified, Lucrative
' Write for Literature and information. 7 It will
be to YOUR advantage.
Invalids and others needing skilled treatment
write for particulars. . . ,( ,.
409 Commonwealth Bldg Portland, Or.
2.50, 3 00, 3.50 & '4.00 SHOES
WOMEN wear WJLDouglaa stylish; perfect
fitting, easy walking boots, because they give
long wear, tamo a W.LDouglaa Man's shoes.
, i '
. The workmanship which has ma deW.L
Douglas shoes famous the world over is
maintained in every pan-.
1arc factories
ftl J VWMU vrv jvm uv "J - O- . V iS 'r
at Brockton, Mass., and show you how
carefully W.LDoug!as shoes are made, you
would then understand why they are war
ranted to hold theif shape, fit belter and
wear longer than any other make for the price
PIIHTIfiM The jrenulne have W. T Doniflas
UMU I lUil name and price stamped on bottom
" Jf joa-cannot obtain W. I Douglas Shofii in uoYS' 3 i.ROoT
jVnr ton, write for atati. -Hhoes ent direot fi!
from factory to wearer, all ,har prepaid. YT.U Sl I RS ordinary boys' sheS
POUCHES, 145 Spark SU, Brockton, Slim. TWO ot ordinary ooye ww
.:' VfcHSk
' I W!
it i. y
D!eoiyrteai5, ,
A" v-s fve
W (r?
Few and strong
and simple parts
1 - i 11 . 1
shots in lightning succession or deliberately
Three to et the cripples.
M;r.inii::n recoil. Not a single ounce ot muzzle energy lost
Pa -t c f the stcoil. ordinarily absorbed by shooter's shoulder
is ,'S'icd to operate the mecitanism. .
I tt.Zc Keavie; t. a mrauaitioa easily and accurately.
HrcecK, Hammciless, Sate I
'--.n-f r'fC the perfect shooting combmahon.
W for DacHfith FoUtr
c vj
2:9 Broadway. New Yarfc Ckr
Agricultural Colloge Feeds Dye
Poultry at State Fair.
Salem, Or. An exhibit at the Fair
that is attracting great attention is
that of "sky-blue-pink" chickens, and
eggs with red yolks and pink whites
both perfectly sound and wholesome
shown by the poultry department of
the - Oregon Agricultural College,
Dyes of coal-tar product, are fed the
birds one day, and the next day the
eggs and birds show a gay difference,
illustrating vividly the immediate
effect the quality of food has on the
ecres. the flesh, and even the feathers
and toe-nails of the fowls.
feeding stuffs can be secured cheaply
We use rolled barley alone and would
feed about seven or eight pounds per
day per head. It must be , remember
ed, however, that we cannot give spe
cific rules jfor the feeding of dairy
cows, for a ration that is satisfactory
for one might not be satisfactory for
another. The best thing to do would
be to make a trial of the ration sug
gested, and watch the effects on each
cow, varying it where necessary.
Young trees should not be permitted
to go into-winter in a soft and suc
culent condition. Cracking of the
bark at the ground, in the spring, fre
quently happens where trees are not
properly hardened in the fall, or
where the ground is wet on the sur
face during the first freeze of the jeal
cold weather. About the only thing
that can be done is to bank them up
with earth, providing the bark has not
loosened . entirely around the stem of
the tree,' and permit them to heal in.
It is only, occasionally that a tree dies
from these results, and usually it does
not happen after the second or third
winter of the orchard. Very fre
quently fruit trees are frozen so
solidly during the winter that they
split their bark, serious injury result
ing. In such cases, trim off the rag
ged edges of the bark, and paint the
wound over, permitting it to heal over
naturally during the summer. If this
splitting continues it will kill the tree.
The record cow for butter fat is the
Holstein, and although the Holsteins
as a rule give a large flow of milk, we
find that the percentage of fat is gen
erally low. This does not mean, how'
ever, that the Holstein cow is the
most economical producer of milk and
fat. While in some cases we know
that they will produce more econom
ically than will the -Jersey, we also
find many Jerseys that will produce
higher butter fat much more econom
ically than the Holsteins. The type
of cow that one should keep on the
farm will .depend on various condit
ions, and while the Holstein cow may
be the best in one case, the Jersey
wilj prove better in another.
In mild climates, where the winters
are not severe, the Jersey will do very
well. The Holstein is of course a
much larger cow and is able to with
stand severe winters.
Misapplied. -It
is related that a clergyman living
In the suburbs set a tired-looking man
who had applied to him for work dig
ging potatoes. In an hour or so he
went out and found that the man bad
uncovered about two quarts of the
tubers. . -
"Well," said the parson, ','yon don't
believe in overworking yourself, do
you?" - .
"Oh," replied the laborer, "i trork
according to Scripture."
"Where in the Bible can you find
anything that justifies your taking
two hours to dig two quarts of potatoes?".--'
Why, this: 'Let your moderation
be known to all men.' " 1
The minister thought this rather
witty and he took the man to dinner.
The moderate worker did not prove to
be a moderate eater; in fact, he
cleared the table. ,
"You don't seem to eat according
to your text," remarked his , host,
watching the victuals disappear.
'No," replied the tired man, plying
his knife and fork faster than ever.
'I have, another text for this: 'What
ever thy nana nnaetn to ao, it witn
all thy might 1"' '
'Humph I" said the clergyman.
'My good man, you've got you two
texts misplaced." y ,
Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small. ; sus-ar-.
coated, easy to take as candy, regulate
and invigorate stomach, liver and Dow
els and cure constipation.
Deuced Bad Form.' .
The first night Walter Kelly, known
to vaudeville as the "Virginia Judge,
walked up the Strand he complained
to his English companion that the
most famous street in London was
dark at 9 o'clock. .
'Why," he said, "at this hour
Broadway is as bright as day. There
is one sign alone, "The Chariot
Race," in which there are 50,000 elec
tric lights."
'But I say, old top, said his Eng
lish friend, "wouldn't that be rather
conspicuous? Cincinnati Times
Star. , - :" .':
By R. W. Thatcher, Director Washington Ex?
periment Station, Pullman. , ;
; Pork may be pickled by using for
each eighty pounds of meat, one pound
of salt, four pounds of sugar, one
quart of molasses, and three ounces of
saltpetre. The meat is well rubbed
with salt and left in a pickle barrel
for fifteen days, draining off the flaid
from time to time.
A second method is to use one bush
el of fine salt, two pounds of brown
sugar, and one pound of saltpetre,
which would be enough for eight hun
dred pounds of meat. The sugar im
proves the flavor of the meat, and the
saltpetre makes the pork firmer. Af
ter a few days a little more 01 the salt
mixture may be applied, rubbing it
in if absorption is going slowly. All
cut ends of bone must be thoroughly
salted in, as decomposition is most
likely to occur in such places. This
method may be used where hams,
shoulders, and bacon sides are packed
together in the same barrel, the hams
being packed at the top of the barrel
to prevent them from becoming too
salty. Re-salting should .take place
within ten days or two weeks (accord
ing to the weather. After four to
six weeks the meat may be unpacked,
washed, and smoked, or the salt may
be left on the meat during the process
of smoking. Before hanging in the
smoke house the meat may be sprink
led with black pepper or a mixture of
black and red pepper, A molasses
barrel is better than a whiskey barrel,
but if a whiskey barrel is used, the
interior should be charred first. This
will remove the flavor of the whiskey.
Alfalfa makes an excellent pasture
for hogs, and we have never found any
injurious effects in pasturing our
brood sows on it Alfalfa will stand
pasturing after it has beome well es
tablished, but should not be pastured
until it is at least a year old. Some
grain should be fed to hogs that are on
alfalfa, barley or wheat usually, in
this Western country.
When it comes to feeding cows, on
account of the high protein content of
alfalfa hay, it would not be well to
use oil meal and bran, unless these
Wild 'Ms You
Do you feel weak, tired, despondent, have frequent head
aches, coated tongue.- bitter or bad taste fa morninf ,
"heart-bora," belching of gas, aoid risings la throat after
eating, atqmaoh gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy apella,
poor or variable appetite, nausea- at timet and kindred
symptoms P . .. -,-
If yon hare mny considerable munfcer of &
above symptoms 70a are suffering from bilious
ness, torpid liver with indigestion, or dyspepsia).
Dr. Picroe'a Goldea Medical Discovery is made,
up of ths moat valuable- medicinal prlnoiples"
known to medical soiencs for tho permanent
ours of suck abnormal conditions. It Is a most
cf&olont liror inyigorator. stomach tonlo. bowel
regulator and ncrvs strengthonor.
The "Goldea Medical Discovery" is not a potent medicine or secret notrnm?
a full .list of its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper and attestet) .
under oath, A glance at these will hsw that it contains no aloohol, or harm
ful habit-forming drugs. It is a Suid ertract made with pure, triple-refined . .
glycerins, of proper strength, from the roots of nativs American medical, '
forest plants. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Be Cured In Your Own Home
Curat TmrmntW In ftfcfirf tlm nd at fmnafl eest by TIMS
of a concentrated mineral water. No Fake. 8 od for.
Rheumatism, Stomach and
Lung Troubles, bkm Diseases testimonials and literature. $1.00 trial package IS centa
231 Mala Street, PORTLAND. OREGON. A v
;; : Guard Your Ideals. .
How true it is that without a vision
the people perish, says Orison Swett
Marden, in Success Magazine. Where
the pursuits are sordid, where the
highest aim Is the all-absorbing am
bition to make money, everything that
Is finest, cleanest and most beautiful
in life evaporates; the nature coars
ens. This is the threatening picture
of American character today.
The vast resources and great com
mercial nrizes of this country are so
tempting, so fascinating, that ny tne
time they are ready for active life
our youth are so saturated with com
mercialism, so ambitious to coin every
bit of their ability, their education,
their influence, their friendships, al
most everything, into dollars, that all
else is neglected. They lose their
ideals, which are the true test of
character. (
' No Enforced Inebriety.
A professor in the Cornell law school
was lecturing on the question of in
toxication as a defence to crirnjnal
"Professior, . asked a iresnrnan,
suppose a man should be forced to be
come intoxicated, and then should go
out and commit a crime. Would in
toxication be a defence?"
"We won't go into that," replied
the professor. "I don't believe a man
can get very drunk without a certain
amount of contnbutary negligence."
Success Magazine.
The Lait Luxury.-
Ten-year-old Arthur bad been tell
ing impressively of the number of
servants employed in his home. He
continued: "And our house is fixed
so that if you want a drink, or a win
dow raised, or to go upstairs, or any
thing, all you have to do is to pull a
chain!" "But what do you want with
so many servants in that sort of a
house?" asked one of his hearers,
"O," replied Arthur, "we have the
servants to pull the chains."
By orchardists it is generally con
sidered to be a poor plan to run hogs
in an orchard, ' as they are likely to
injure the trees. However, if it is
decided to handle them in this way,
they should also be fed ground barley,
or wheat, or middlings, depending on
the market price. For producing
gains, barley is almost equal to wheat,
pound for pound, and produces a. most
excellent quality of pork. For young
pigs, middlings will give somewhat
better results than the others. Where
grain is being used without pasture,
it will require about five hundred
pounds to produce one hundred pounds
of gain. Knowing the values, one can
estimate whether or not it will be
safe to raise hogs under given market
conditions. Pork can be produced
much more cheaply where pasture can
be used in conjunction with the grain.
The best method of preserving but
ter, and the method that is used al
most exclusively is by chilling it to a
freezing point or below and keeping
it until ready to use in that condition.
This is the way they store all storage
butter, but on the farm very good re
sults have been obtained by keeping
it in strong salt brine solution. The
butter is packed in stone jars and the
brine is poured over the top and left
in as cool a place as possible until you
are ready to use it. You will find
that great care must be taken in the se
lection of the cream and the care of
the butter in this kind of storage, but
if proper methods are used in hand
ling, the butter can be kept from four
to six months in good condition.
The amount of salt necessary in
butter depends largely upon the mar
ket requirements and varies from
three-fourths of an ounce to an ounce
and a half per pound of butter, one
ounce per pound being the average.
The temperature at which cream
should be churned will vary accord
ing to the conditions from as low as
fifty degrees in the summer time to 65
degrees in the winter. We cannot set
a temperature at which you should
churn. The temperature will have
to be determined by experimenting
and should be such as will bring the
butter in small granules after about
thirty to forty minutes after starting
to chum.
We generally find that cows that
have had their calves running with
them as long as three weeks are very
hard to manage so as to get a maxi
mum amount of milk. If it is possi
ble it would be better to wean the calf
while it is only a few days old, and
then by careful manipulation of the
udder, there should be no trouble in
having the cow let down her milk.
Hamilton Webster (called "Ham"
for short), had just been elected sher
iff of a county in one of the Western
states. He had received strict orders
to keep no prisoner in solitary confine
ment One evening he found himself
in Dossession of but two prisoners, one
of whom escaped during the night.
The next morning he opened the cell
of the one remaining and preceded to
kick him out, remarking: "Git out of
here, you pie-face! You stayed in to
get me in trouble over that derned
solitary confinement regulation, didn't
ye?" Success Magazine.
m 1 Villi I
MP. -MVHHnirf i"
Aid to Husbands' Memories.
The United States government is
undertaking a cure for men who forget
to mail their wives letters by install
in? mail boxes in street cars in
Washington. If it works well in the
capital, this aid to bad memories will
be extended to other cities. The idea
is that with a mail box staring him in
the face while on bis way to his office,
there is no excuse for his carrying a
letter in his pocket more than three or
four days. Success Magazine. '
Youth Never to Be Recalled.
. A man has a shrewd suspicion thai
age has overtaken him when he keeps
assuring ou that he feels as young
as ever and he doesn't know but
younger. Poor fellow, he whistles to
keep hie courage up; but,' alas t ha
cannot recall youth as he calls bis
pointer with a whistle.
Write for eatalotmes and literature. Dereloptns
and printing. Mall ordan given prompt attention
Portland l-hoto Supply Co.
149 Third Street
Minniw PtRSOSAl SlRVlCt
0. 0. MARTIN, "V1
0,m.00 Write for Information
Hig-hest prices paid for Silver, Old Jewelry, Gold
Teeth, Etc UNCLE MYEHB. Forty rears in
Portland, nlxth, between Oak and Fine.
Tumors, Goiters, Rheumatism
Chronic, Nervous and female Diseases
Are cured without the knife. Thoroughly
equipped Sanatorium, Beautiful location. - itatea
the lowest. Write for literature.
Meadow Glade Osteopathic Sanitarium
Dr. t-i C Cms, rfoiciu. Battle Ground, Wash.
( Was Cured by Lydia E Pink
ham's Vegetab)e Compound
Waurlka. Okla. "I had female trou.
ana so nervous 1
could not do any.
thing. The doctors
treated me for dif
ferent things but
did me no good. I
got bo bad that I
could not sleep day
or night, wmie
this condition I read
of Lydia E. Pink,
ham's Vegetable
uomvouna. ana
began Its use and
wrote to Mrs. Pinkham for advice. In
a short time I bad gained my average
weight and am now strong and well."
Mrs. Salme Stevens. E. T. D.. Ho.
8, Box 81, Waurika, Okla.
Another Grateful Woman.
Huntington, Mass. "I was in a ner.
Tous, run down condition and for three
years could find no help.
"I owe my present good health to
Lydia E. PLikham's Vegetable Com
pound and Blood Purifier which 1 be
Iieve saved my life.
"My doctor knows what neinea me
and does not say one word against it."
Mrs. Mabi Janette Bates, Box
134, Huntington, Mass.
.because your case is a dimcult one.
doctors having done vou no good, do
not continue to suffer without giving
Lydia js. rinK&anvs vegetaDie com
pound a trial. It surely has cured
many cases of female ills, such as in
flammation, ulceration, displacements,
nbroia tumors, irregularities, penodio
pains, backache, that bearing-down
feeling, andnexvous prostration.
l.liTillil Ll. 1
A Good Position
Can be had by ambitious young men
and ladies in the field . of "Wireless"
or railway teiegrapny. ssince ine o-
hour law became effective, and since
the Wireless companies are establish
ing stations throughout the country,
there is a great shortage of telegraph
ers. Positions pay beginners from
$70 to $90 per month, with good
chance of advancement The National
Telegraph Institute, Commonwealth
Building, Portland, Oregon, operates
under supervision of R. R. and Wire
less officials, and places all graduates
into positions. It will " pay you to
write to me for full details. , 1
OAise Fsurr KmEsSfe
m Ylll IWN CUBE Yp
To win I
j Redoes rear eovt of IMar, hare trmkf, V
I bolter erodoatas add to Ufo enjoy bmoK I
I enhuce roar oiwortr "s value; feel eoSter, I
1 look tMrtter. (Imp hotter. bettor We WH j
1 tome, hrabs. bubea, ine, pUe oe tlte f
theory tbat "jood plaai rll rented I
auke good fru-n-U veil (tilled. I
Dm fer; tauiyw mmUt.fim m Urn f
ffr(i. TepssMliau Weseilastesi jfyi'
Should have a copy of my new booklot.
"Neurology-the Way to Health."
It tells of the wonderful cures that have been
made and how to ttat well. Write for it today, to
DK. HARVEY W. FKkKZK, Merchants' 'iruat
Uldg., Portland, Oregon. .-'
Skylights Tanks Gutters
Down Spouts Steel Ceiling
204 Market Portland, Oregon
The laundress' delight la RED
moaa HALL BLUE. A neat, hanay
package, nothing to break or spill,
arid a. Hills' that is all tlue.
It Is so far superior to any nquio
bluing that there Is no comparison.
Always nroducea snow white clothes,
Larsre package 10 cents. ASK YOUR
" His Lullaby.
"Good morning, Mr. Schneiderpop-
ski I" exclaimed the good lady of the
house as the new second-floor back
took-his place at the breakfast table.
'Goot mor-r-rningl" replied tne
musician, bowing gallantly
'I am so afraid you didn't pass a
comfortable night" pursued the host
ess, sympathetically. "Can we do
anything for yoqT"
"Not koomlortanieT Mei", ex
claimed the long-haired one. "Ach,
j a, I sleep like ae hummingbird J I
was oil rite. Joost before I go to
bed I br-ractlse mit meln feedle -
"Oh was that it?" interposed the
hostess, with a look of, glad relief.
"I'm so pleased. . , We thought you
were shifting the bed." Answers.
Children suffer every day in the year
with Sprains, Bruises, Burns. Cuts and
Bumps. - Hamlins Wizard Oil has been
curing these aches and pains for nearly
sixty years. ,
History Didn't Repeat.
; Senator Swansori, of Virginia, tells
a good story on himself about the first
political speech he ever made. He
says: "I jumped up and began:
'Gentlemen, Herodotus tells us '
'Which ticket's he on?' yelled the
man with a red shirt. 'Herodotus
tells us,' I resumed with a gulp, 'of
a whole army that was put to flight
by the braying of an ss.' The crowd
applauded and I felt fine. Then the
man's voice rose above the din.
'Young feller,' he called, 'you needn't
be afraid for ' this crowd. It's been
tested.' "Buffalo Commercial.
Ancient Needle f sotoryT
The discovery of a prehistoric
needle faotory at a prehistoric lako vil
lage near Glastonbury, England,
roused much interest recently. The
dwellings were placed on mounds of
clay raised above the level of the wa
ter. The framework of a primitive
loom was found under one mound, and
the number of broken bone needles
and bone splinters discovered In an
other mound led the explorers to think
that it may have been the site of an
ancient needle factory.
Mothers writ lud Mrs. WlnsioWs Soothing
lyrup tue best remedy to nee lol ttsirolilwrea
luring tbs testblug period.
Guilty of Something.
Another lawyer's story arrives.
We are told that a man was charged
With picking a poCKet. me J rmsst In Qual ty. L
and that when arraigned he pleaded i T MEffl
guilty. ine cane went, w uio juj, r
however, and the verdict was "not
guilty." And the court spake as fol
lows: , ' ' '
"You don't leave this court without
a stain on your character. By your
own confession you are a thief. By
the verdict of the Jury you are a liar."
Cleveland Plaindealer.
Tim nt He ami Sera ink kttncKon k entail
pnfiau rark out eta H snaraa, m
an win, sni mi us mm.
Fkeb motwJ audi dm us mimI
in liS cute
HwiK vo m
Eut m iai Morrises. FiUl (k.
t'i ,-Aibs! L?
a,1 tesiai rei ;.i..wtUfcfts1tUiry
(fwlimlti mn it frimi (-wywiin Bilm!ii4 to (Mi I
irhnol u itw rwiKip ftir tm-ir ithxi jncrrtn
FREE , .
iwu'lTfiW sinimsws stiiouitsvV.U'h'
Shoo Polishes
Largest n Variety.
jlrenu lit for cluunUiij uwl l
kinds and colors.
r.fer,i.irt i-1 i i.miiiiiii
SBUISES OR m fill. ' -
Muslo Ever Helpful.
Mualo is the nearest at hand, the
most orderly, the most delicate and
the most perfect ot all bodily pleas
ures: it is also the only one which
is equally helpful to all the ages of
man; helpful from the nurse's song to
her Infant to the music, unheard of
others, which often, if not most fre
quently, haunts the deathbed of pure
and Innocent spirits. Ruskia.
. . ' . i,
- r Mrs, Prime Fuzxlsd.
Cy Prime says he often tells his
wife that whatever be amounts to he
owes to her and the poor woman
cant make up his mind whether he
is handing her an insult or compli
ment .
"'V i
OI1.T F.DUE the only
m... ftontnlns Oil-
farTles''aDd children's boou aiiil ls.
! hoMi robbl ns, 2!. "r renoh OU " 1
l! A N 1) V cmlUmU..u f.r cleanly and t
liirllos shoe drr-mtnif
M.-tcks amt fuliKbis
aim imm, niiiuea
all kiartsi of or Un ilio.. 2M. "itttrv ilu, Vkj.
KI.ITE combinatioi, for sentlempn who take
pride In havins the ir shoes look A t. Kestoree
colur and lustre to all black' shoes. Polish wilh a
brush or cloth, 2e. - . (
BABY K1.1TE slxa Inc. -If
vour dealer flops not k"p Ihe ktnfl yo wan
SmkI u his a liiress and the price lu stumps fus
a full si jMfkair.
50.36 Albany St.. Cambrlcta;. Mass.
Shoe PvUihM i toe World. .
'No, SS-'tl
UK writing- to advertisers pleas
mention taia ppr.