Press Paragraphs See Fix & Radtke for 16-ioob stove wood. Jag. Fusod, of Weston, was in the city loesday. U. A. Barrett was a visitor in Pen dleton yesterday. Mrs. Wm. Winsbip was a visitor in Pendleton Saturday. Tonight Weston yonng people will enjoy a "Hard Times ball." Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles May, Ootober 7, 1911, a daughter. Miss Lacile Kemp spent Wednesday night with friends in Athena. Mrs. F. S. LeGrow is visiting at the home of ber mother in Walla Walla. Born, to Mr. ami Mrs. Roy DeVoign of Adams, Ootober 7, 1911, a daugh ter. Mrs. John Stanton was ill this week, requiring the attendance of a physi cian. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Mor iis, northwest ot town, Oototjer 15, 1911, a son. A marriage lioense was issued Mon day to Harold 0. Lamb and Lorena Rachel Stone. Miss Dora Bennett and Mrs. Jesse Saling were in the oity Sunday from feudleton. Herman Beverly oame up from Portland Saturday, remaining until Wednesday. Carl Sbeard has entered the Athena high sobool, and will take np the bus iness course. Madame Kennedy, the hair dresser, and daughter were in town Wednesday from Peodletoo. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Sbmte, of Ar lington, were visiting iu the vioinity of Athena this week. Mrs. M. L. Watts drove her oar to Walla Walla yesterday, accompanied by Mrs. F. S. LeUrow. A petition to vote for "Home Rule" at the election in December is being circulated in Weston. Mrs. R, T. Brown has been ill and confined to ber home this week, tinder the care of Dr. Newsom. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tompkins and daughter, Miss Lillian, wore visitors in Walla Walla Saturday. Sam BanniHter and daughter are over from their home iu Wallowa county visiting relatives. A number of young people of Wes ton attended the social dance given in this oity Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Bannister and Mr. and Mrs. Bern Bannister were visiting in Pendleton Saturday. Mis. W. A. Graham and Mrs. Her man Graham, of Westou, were shop ping in the oity Friday evening. Miss Velma Wilkinson will spend the week end in Walla Walla, a guest at the home of Mrs. Sarah Bowles. Mrs. Thomas Lawsou went to Echo yesterday morning, where she attended the convention of tbe W. C. T. U. Clarenoe Knight, of Helix, who is now iu San Antonio, Texas, is report nil in tin vorv ill with iviihnld favor. Misses Evelyn Welland and Katb- eriue Romig, teaobera iu tlio school, were visitors In Wallu Walla Satur day. For Sale. A four-ioom cottage in the north part of town is offered for sule cheap. Enquire at tbe Press office. For tho most practical, useful aud up to date Business Educatiou, attend tbe Pendleton Business College. M. L. Cluuoy, B. A., Prin. Mrs. D. B. Jarrnau and children were iu the oity from Weston Sunday, aud spent the day at tbe Wiuahip home, Mrs. L. B. Reeder. of Portland, was iu tbe oity Saturday, atteudiug tbe fuueral of her brother, W. L. Zoigor. Walter Uiun, of tho real estate firm of Copelaud ft Uiun. of Wallu Walla was in tho oity Wednesday on business. The girls of tbe Missionary Circle nre,planuiug to give a Hallowe'en so cial on Friday Oototer B7. limita tions will be issued aud those aucept lug will be required to oriug i!5 cents with them, wbiob tbey must have earned themselves. Amusing stories will be told of how eaob niokel and dime was earned, and a prize awarded for tbe best told tale. Mrs. Hoisington and daughter, Ma rion, of Pendleton, were in tbe oity Friday evening, visiting Mrs. Nelson A. Miller. Wednesday a party oomposed of Fay LeQrow, Attorney H. I. Watts and Will Ferguson left for tbe mountains on a hunting trip. Mrs. LouiBa Parrisb, of Walla Wal la will be a guest of her nipoe, Mrs. W. Q. Hughes, in this oity for the coming two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Molntyre and family are contemplating going to California, where they may decide to reside permanently. S. F. Wilson and T. H. Beverly went over to La Grande Sunday even ing, where tbey visited at the borne of Mr, Wilson's parents. Several Athena people went over to Walla Walla last week to attend the funeral tbe late of J. J. Roulstone, tbe Umatilla pioneer. Mrs. Lizzie Jones offers ber bats, of all varieties, for sale at aotnal oost. Now is tbe time to get up-to-date mil linery at a very low figure. The Masonio and Odd Fellows lodg es of Weston bave purobased two aores of tbe Saling estate, as an addi tion to tbe Weston cemetery. Sunday Dr. and Mrs. Newsom aud Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Riohards drove to Wenaha Springs, in tbe doctor's car. Tbey report a most pleasant trip. Tbe condition of Amos Shiot, who has been hovering between life and death for tbe rmst two weeks, is report ed as being considerably tetter. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shiok will move from the farm to their town residence, about November 1st, and will spend the winter in tbe oity. Henry Collins and Miss Bertha Al exader, two popular Pendleton young people, were married Tuesday evening at the home of tbe bride's parents. Virgil Willaby was a very siok boy yesterday, being taken suddenly ill with a high fever. It was thought his sioknoss was oooasioned by a seveie cold. Charles May has leased one of the Ferguson ranches on Weston Moun tain, and will move bis family up there iu tbe course of a couple ot weeks. Miss Lizzie Shoard is in Walla Walla this week, where she is uuder tbe care of an osteopatbio physician, for relief from an incipient case of appendioitis. Mrs. Crookett was up from Pendle ton Saturday, meeting ber class iu music, and remained over Sunday visiting with ber daughter, Mrs. A. M. Meldrum. While in tbe city Saturday, Mrs. W. L. Zoiger, of Taooma, and her daughter, Mrs. W. F. Stone, wero en tertained at tbe borne of Mr. aud Mrs. David Taylor. Mr. aud Mrs. A. B. Woods, Mrs. Victor McDonald and Mihs Mabel Mo Donald visited Weston and Athena friends lust week, from tbeir homes iu Walla Walla. Goorgo Carmiobael, the well known furmor north of town has been ser iously ill for some time and was I threatened with typhoid, but at pres ent is improving. Friends of ('barley Fischer here have reoeived the aunouuoemeent of the birth on September 1!5, of a son to Mr. Fischer and wife at their home iu Oakland, California. It is reported that M. S. Pate has matriculated with the University of Oregon at Eugeue, entering in tho Junior year. Mr. Pate taught in the Athena schools last year. Mrs. W. H. Cravens of Helix, with ber two children is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hopper. Mrs. Cravens has been ill during bur slay here. and telephoned to Weston for assist ance. Tbe maobine was damaged to snob an extent that it was left, tbe party walking baok to tbe Weston de pot and taking tbe train for Pendle ton. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Soott will go to Long Beaob, California, shortly to spend the winter. Mr. Soott is now finishing up bis fall seeding and will go as soon as the work is done. Judge an Mrs. J. W. Maloney were in tbe oity from Pendleton Saturday, and attended tbe funeral of tbe late Wm. Zeiger. Tbey were guests at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Foss. Mrs. Agnes Craft is over from Wal la Walla visiting Athena friends. Yesterday she was a guest of Mrs. B. B. Riohards, and from there went to tbe Wm. MoBride home southwest of town. Little Conrad Miller celebrated bis Ctb birthday last week, and sixteen of bis Binall boy friends assisted in tbe festivities. Needless to say that great fun was enjoyed with games and goodies. Mrs. (Ju&tave Vol liner nt Waitsburg Wash., has been visiting tbe past week at the home of ber son, W. E. Vollmer near Helix, and also at tbe borne of ber brother, Henry Sobmilt, west of town. Mrs. Alex Johnson, who has been ill with typhoid fever north of town for several weeks, is progressing very slowly toward health. Sne has bad several relapses, which bave retard ed tier recovery. A deed was filed with tbe county recorder Monday, whereby Homer I. Watta of this city becomes tbe owner of a twelve aore traot of land near Saling's Camp, for wbioa be paid $2000 to B. H. Milliken. Found. About 40 head of stray sheep, near the Bennett place on Wild Horse mountain. Band is being oared for nntil claimed by owner. Milton papers please copy. Address Frank Bennett, Route 2, Weston. Nib Ying, tbe veteran Chinese oook at tbe St. Nichols Hotel, left this week for China, where be will remain a year. He goes he says, to get himself another wife, bis former wife having died during bis absenoe in Amerioa. A hunting party oomposed of Cbas. Henry. John Rotbrook, F. B. Boyd and Fred Flint, left last Friday tor tbe bead of tbe Grand Ronde on tbeir annual hunt. Certainly, tbe "woods are full of 'em" this month. Mrs. Luorelia Rotbrook was taken seriously ill at her home in Weston last Friday evening. A telephone message was sent after ber son, Jobn Rotbrock of this city who had left tbe same morning for a hunt in the mountains. Horses taken to pasture. Good stub blefield and strawstaoks, 40 aores of bunobgrass and running water, 3 miles from Atbena; also 3 strawstaoks tor sale 4 miles from town. Inquire of Will Vau Cleve, at A. L. Swag gart's farm. W. K. Wall, who suffered a Blight stroke of paralysis last week, has so far recovered as to be able to be arouud tbe bouse again. For a time bis condition gave uneasiness to bis frionds.but it is hoped no serious re sults will follow. Dr. Sharp reports the condition of Mr. aud Mrs. Jobn Martin, who bave both been seriously ill at tbeir home north of town, as considerably im proved this week. Mr. Martin was ill with pneumonia, and his wife with an a tic ess in the ear. Mrs. Kate Biookuer was down from Spokane this week, and disposed of bur cottage iu tho north pint of town, to W. W. MoPhersou, an employe at the Prestou-Shairer Mills. A Mitchell automobile is reported to have caused some tiouble to n party of Peiidletou uieu Wednesday aftyr uoou near tbe Hodgson plaoe east of town, when running at a high rate ot speed it began to smoke at a furious rute. The meu hastily left tho our THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET We carry the host EATS That Money Buys Our Market is Clean and Cool Insuring Wholesome Meats. TAYLOR Main Street, & LE GROW Athena, Oregon There will be no more split sticks. There will he no riv it heads to wear oil' and allow the stick to drop off, when you use the "AKUKS PATENT CLAMP" DRAPER. These Eastners are made of steel expressly for the purpose and hold as if in a vice. They have stood the severest test and are pro nounced by all who have used them to be superior to other fastners. We make them in all widths and all lengths and use only the best matertals. Order from the PENDLETON IRON WORKS, Pendleton, Oregon. Miss Caroline Borgen, who visited her sister, Mrs. R. T. Brown, here last summer, passed through town Tuesday en ioute from Harrington, Wash., to Minnesota, where she will spend a year, after which she expects to come west again. Services for next Suuday iu the M. E. church are as follows: Sunday sobool at 10 a. m., pieaoliing at 11 a. m. ; subject, "Do Good to All Meu." Young people's meeting at G:!!0, all tbe young people heartily invited. Ev angelistic servioe at 7:30. One of Harry MoBride's best driv ing horses was found dead in bis stall, Tuesday morning, having undoubted ly died of bemorthage. It was thought tho horse might have burst a blood vessel iu a fit of itougbing. Mr. MoBride valued tbe team at $300. The first lecture in the Manela course to be given uuder the auspioes of tbe Alheuu Commeroiul club, will te on November 7, when John Sobies bi, tbe famous Polish exile, will ap pear iu Atheua. Further paitioulars will te giveu iu the Press next week. Miss Belle Melutyre oame over from Wallu Wallu Saturday where she is atteuding sobool, and spent the week eud at home. Suuday afteruoon she was taken baok to tbe garden oity in the Dudley auto, aooompauied by ber sister. Miss Laui a, and Messrs, Leslie Nelson aud Gleu Dudley. Hardy Mansfield has been in the oity from Wallu Walla tbe past week, on business connected with tbe set tling up ot his late father, F. M. Mausfleld's estate. So far, in response to bis published notice to creditors, he has fouud but one small debt of seventy -Ave oouts against tbe estate. Mr. aud Mrs. S, L. Speuoer returned last week from tbeir visit to the old home in Texas, and are very glad to be in Oregon onoe more, as tbeir friends are to have them. Tbe heat, aaoording to Mr. Spenoer, was some thing teriitlo, and tbe crops iu some parts of Texas are a total failure this year. An exoitiog runaway is reported from the G. W. Gross farm, where a six-horse team belonging to Luke Read, ran away with a barrow one day this week and mude a soatteriug of things generally. The chief dam age done was tbe demolition of about half a mile of fenoe, which the team straddled and mowed down on its course. Mrs. Seeley, wife of Captain Seeley of Seattle, was iu tbe oity last week visiting at the home of her sister Mrs. E. A, Dudley. Mrs Seeley is now in Walla Walla, wbtrs tomorrow tbe. members of tbe McDonald family will gather at a reunion, tbe oooasion be ing tbe 55th anniversary of tbe wed ding of tbe parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McDonald. The Dreamland program for tonight and tomorrow night is as follows 1. "Overland to Fremont." Selig; 2. "Grandmother's Plot," Gaumoot, 3 'A Fortunate Misfortune," Es- sanay. Sunday evening: 1. "The Vampire," Selig. 2. "Modern Court ship," Vitagrapb." 3. "Who Owns the Rug?" Patbe. Mrs. Silbaugb, a lady reform work er from Seattle, spoke in Atheua three times last Suuday fin the inter ests of the W. C. T. U. Mrs. Sil baugb is a very interesting and cul tured speaker, and at eaob of ber ad dresses, wbiob inolcded tbe Metho dist. Baptist and Christian oburobes, held her audience in rapt attention. In a telephone message from Ka mela Monday, it was learned that tbe hunting party comprising Postmas ter Wortbiogton, Jobn Stone, Osie Barton and Walter Boober, bad se cured two deer which they shipped borne, tbe meat arriving here Tuesday. Tbe party will arrive home today or tomorrow. Leader: J. W. Keen passed through town yesterday with two big wagons loaded with an outfit for his Weston mountain farm. Tbe ooyotes will greet him with a sinister smile, for he has a good sized lot of blaok Minorca obiokens. Charles Keen went with him and will bave charge of theranoh having oonoluded to go "back to tbe soil." Prof. Carl Gniott. tbe well knnwn Pendleton musioian, who has a class in this oity, and makes regular weekly visits here, bad tbe misfortune to fall and break his leg, at bis home in Pen dleton last week. He was feeding bis obiokens, and owing to his de fective eyesight, fell over a box, sus taining tbe painful injury. A sumptuous birthday dinner was served at tbe borne ot Mr. and Mrs. George Bannister last Sunday, in hon or of tbe 71st anniversary of tbe birth of Hugh MoArtbur, wbioh ooourred on Saturday, and tbe 371b birthday of Mrs. Charles Betts, wbiob was on Monday. Mrs. Mary Bannister of Weston was a guest at tbe dinner. Wines are tbe staples in family liq onrs. Bert Cartano oarries a large and varied stook of select vintages. 11.50 per gallon, you can get ohoioe Tokay, Mueoat, Angelioa, Sweet Ca tawba or Port. These are California's best produot and give satisfaction wherever used. Call at tbe Red Front for the best and purest liquors. The mountain distriot near Weston raises fine fruit and ought to raise more of it, says tbe Leader. J. V. Bell brought down some exoellent peaches this week from tbe L. R. Van Winkle plaoe, wbiob he is farming under lease. Mr. Van Winkle set out a few trees about five years ago by way of experiment, and they are now nioely bearing. Tbe variety was lo oally developed and is known as the "Wild Horse." The lecture given at tbe Christian ohuroh Wednesday evening by A. Maokenzie Meldrum. was the third in the series, and dealt with tbe coun try of Greeoe, both old and new. A large audience was out to greet tbe leotnrer, and enjoyed the magniOoent views presented on tbe soreen. On Snnday night Mr. Meldrum will preaoh bis seoond illustrated sermon, and next Wednesday evening will give his fourth free lecture. Miss Zena Craft, who has taken a two years oourse in tbe Cottage Hos pital at Hood River, as trained nurse, will on November 1, with a class of six others, receive ber diploma, grad uating in her chosen prolession with high honors. Miss Craft has made wonderful progress iu tbe work, and contemplates going to Denver, Colo., where she will take a post graduate oourse. Her mother, Mrs Charles Smith of this oity, will go to Hood River to witness her daughter's grad uation and will also visit her son. who resides there. At a meeting of tbe offioers of tbe Christian ohuroh Sunday, A. Maok enzie Meldrum tendered bis resigna tion as pastor of tbe ohuroh. It was not aooepted by the offioials. Mr. Meldrum has been called to oburobes both iu Portland and in Kentucky, and believing either to be a broader field for operations in bis line of work, he was quite willing to go, but not so with tbe congregation in Athena. Reoognizing tbe faot that tbey bave a man of superi or ability, and one whose pla"e would not be easily filled. tbey prevailed upon Mr. Meldrum to retain bis pastorate in Atbena. So tbe interesting oourse of lectures and illus trated sermons .will oontinue at tbe Christian ohurob. Standing in Voting Contest at Fix & Radtke's. Pearl Coomans - 599,400 Hope MoPherrin - - 465,000 Gertie Booher - 413,600 Bessie Parker - - 293,700 Bertha Feiguson 221,200 Mamie Sbeaid - 199,500 Mildred Stanton - 100,300 Lula Barnes - 96,800 Kathetine Froome - - 93,900 May Douglas - - 85,500 Mary Bergevin - . 57,800 Mrs. Joseph Clemons - 50,504 Lela Lieuallen 49,600 Meroa DePeatt . 46,200 Patructa Eagletoo - 37,100 Mrs. Marion Hansell - 37.300 Dorothy Willaby - 28,300 Coralyn Meldrum 31,400 Dorothy Bolflnoh - - 86.500 Hazel Brotherton 15,600 Hazel Dowd - 15,500 Lights Grant . 19,100 Mrs. Clara Douglass - 12,700 Ethel Kidder - - 11.300 Kitty Gholson - 9,600 Georgia Hansell r r 19.900 NellBurkhart . 38,706 Gladys Smith ' 12,800 Marie MoBean , 11,000 Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder rtzht Ewer CDotlhic Unquestionably the Suit for your Boys wror SEWED BUTTONS KIP POCKET tMTOI POCKET, IT STRAPS .inen UNEgr r V J' I l e7 l pea top J l Itop - MtTAL V X prneii Em;r-71 pY"m(f'J 1 Jj 1 'V BOUBIE STAVED I POCKET - I CANVAS - I MOERUHIN8. 9 j I I i w I 7i The fifteen features to set off the suit will appeal to his person. The fifteen features to offset the wear will appeal to your purse. 73fe more critical you may be in sel ecting a new suit for your boy the more partial you will be to "Best-Ever" clothes.' BOTTOM fACt MTBBFEVElfBWSSUlT "LOOK AT THE FEATURES We would also like to draw your attention to our line of Overcoats for Boys and Young Men. Come and take a look at them. Adjustable 2-Collar Coat QURj ''Miller-Made" Adjustable "Two-Collar" Coat is really two coats-a handsome dress coat and a snug protector coat-but both in one for the price f one. We have this coat in a number of different styles of "cTWiller-Made" Overcoats and Raincoats, such as Regular Fly-front coats, single and double breasted button-through coats, button-through and Fly-front 50 and 52-inch raincoats and the double breasted Auto coats. And in addition to being any one of these styles, a "Two-Collar" Coat can be had lined with regular serge lining, or you can select a plaid-lined one, with a fine silk yoke quarter lining over the shoulders, or you can have it unlined, made of fancy "plaid-back" fabrics with a silk yoke lining over the shoulders, and with bellows pockets. Just say "Two-Collar" and we'll show you a great coat. THE MILLER MADE STORE. FIX & RADTKE Prop's. losgrove Mercantile Co Corner Main and 3rd, Atbena, Oregon Just Received--The latset novelties in Ladies' Cloaks and Dress Skirts. Come and buy before assortment is broken. S i New Dregs Goods, Laces, New Silks, New Bandings. C & H. GREEN 1116 STAMPS 1 CASH PURCHASE P A dose at bed time usual ly relieves the most severe AlAV tiiLiLvWD case before mornintf. 30 days' treatment for $1.00. Satisfaction D A f!? A guaranteed or money refunded DJtMm f