The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 13, 1911, Image 2

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    ' hc Altera
! F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Published Every Friday. Office, Corner
Third and Jefferson Streets.
Entered In the Fostofflce at Athena, Oregon,
, as Second class Mall Matter.
; -Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year $1-50
One copy, six months 75
One copy, three months .50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00)
Advertising Rates.
Display, transient, running less than one
month, first insertion, per inch 25c
Subsequent insertions 12
Display regular, per inch 12
Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c
Subsequent insertions, per line 5c
Lodge resolutions, per line 5c
Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c
cATHENA. ORE.. OCT. 13 1911
la ell parts of the state, the school
law. a portion of whioh was published
In last week's Press, is being rigidly
enforced with the satisfactory result
that all obildreu of Eohool ago are
regular attendants at school. By mak
ing it oompnlsory on the part of par
ent or guardian to 6end children of
proper ago to souool, the slip-shod
praotioe of attendance or non-attendance
just as tho pupil willed, has been
abrogated, aud traanoy cases are rare
ly reported to tho county truant offic
ers of the state. A notable feature
operative nndor the new law and one
fvf bieh js working to great advantage
in the sobools is the onrtailmont of
the exouse habit. "Johnny was sick,"
does not exouse absenoe from nohool
lav after day, as under the old regu
'is. Under the prosout law it
e definitely known that the boy
i'y ill, before the exouse may
fed by the teaoher; and like
y's toothaobe must be severe
.., require the attention of a
.at, to rjo legitimate. The law is a
,d one, aud strictly ouforoed as it
will be the means of benefit both
ho child and to the nohool. Tho
passed when one or two dila
ds, in oollnsion with oaroloss
i, onu hold classes taok from
.dtuebter to another.
High Eohool teaobers Thirty-two of
last year's senior class at the Oregon
University are now oooupying respon
sible positions as principals and tea oil
ers in the High schools of the state at
salaries of from one hundred to one
hundred and fifty dolluis a month. So
numerous were the oalls upon the Uni
versity to famish their graduates for
High eohool work that lorty or fifty
more of last year's olass could have
been given positions, if they could
have been persuaded to forsake the
oaJLIings of engineering, business, and
the professions.
No valid reason can be put forward
why the oonsumer should not have
oleomargarine as a substitute for but
ter if ho wants it, but there is good
ground for a kick when he is made to
pnrobase it under the delusion that it
is creamery butter and pays a batter
prioe for it.
In the departure of Eugeuo Lor ton.
tho Washington State Editorial Asso
ciation loses one of its most aotive
meruhors. M r. Lorton nas sold his
interest in tho Vanoouvor, Wash,
Spokesman to 11. W. Koss and gone
to Tnlsn, Oklahoma, there to engage
in newspapor work. As editor of the
Wallu Walla Union for many years,
Mr. Loiton booamo well known. Then
he helped tho Into Governor Cosgiovo
to curry the state's first ptiuiary eiec
""A'ou. Subsequently he was identified
with tho ill -fated Inland Herald of
Spokane. His latest venture was the
establishment of tho Spokesman at.
Vancouver, lie leavos many fiionds
in thn In land Empire who wish hitu
well in his uew field.
A monster colonization project is
under way in Brit ish Columbia. As u
nucleus, the Duke of Sutherland has
acquired 12,000 uores of land on tho
rnisor river. Ho will out it up iu
small truols and Hell it on easy terms
to t Ihi83 of his Scottish tenants desir
ous of emigrating to Canada. Sut her
bind oxpuul.j to send over 5000 poople
next, year. Tho Duko of Portland,
another wealthy English peer, con
templates the iuaugutntioii of a similar
That tho High' schools of Oregon
bio glowing iu leaps anil bounds is
shown by tho tremendous deniand for
Twelve Hundred
New Patterns
for Winter Suits. Guarantee
all wool, with top workman
ship, at prices from $15.00 up
The best values for the money
ever ottered in Athena.
t'i)m,., ii ,: t I1. v.
KvRKG.ttRinS J v t
Problems Schoolboys Had to Solve
Thirty-six Centuries Ago.
There is a ray of vindictive comfort
for the modern schoolboy in the fact
that for over 3,000 years his schoolboy
progenitors have been worried by just
such problems in arithmetic as annoy
him most
Among the archaeological discoveries
made in Egypt Is a papyrus roll, In
excellent condition, dating from about
1700 15. C. This roll, which had a
long heading beginning, "Directions
how to attain the knowledge of all
dark things," proves beyond doubt that
the Egyptians of that time had a
thorough Knowledge of the elements
of arithmetic.
Numerous examples show that their
principal operations with units and
fractious were made by means of ad
dition and multiplication. Subtrac
tion and division wero not known in
their present form, but correct results
were obtained nevertheless.
Equations are also found In the papy
rus. Hero Is one that brings tho Egyp
tian schoolboy homo to us:
Ten measures of barley aro to be di
vided among ten persons in such man
ner that each subsequent person shall
recelvo one-eighth less thnn the one
before him.
Another example given is: There aro
seven men; each ono has seven cats;
each cat has eaten seven mice; each
mouse has eaten seven grains of bar
ley; each grain of barley would have
yielded seven measures of barley.
IIow much barley has been lost?
Tho papyrus also contains tho calcu
lation of tho area of a circle, attempts
to Rquaro tho circle and llnnlly calcula
tions of tho cubic measurements of
pyramids. New York Tribune.
But Hero's Improvisation Did Not Help
Leander Much.
Innumerable are the tales of actors
in difficulties. Hero is one related of
Christian ISrandes, the dramatist, who
in lils youth belonged to a strolling
company which played pieces of au
extremely primitive kind.
On ono occasion the play was enti
tled "Hero and Leander," the dialogue
being left pretty much to tho discre
tion of tho players. It bail been
agreed, however, that Hero was to be
coy and not confess her love for Lean
der till ho had again and again ex
pressed his readiness to bo hanged,
burned nnd drowned in her behalf.
Hut tho lady was soft hearted, besides
being exceedingly fond of Brandos,
nor could she listen unmoved to the
first passionate pleadings of tho youth,
who explained that ho had swum
across the Hellespont to see her. "My
dear Leander," sho exclaimed, "I can
not resist you. Accept my hand and
my heart."
Leander knew not what to say. All
his prepared phrases wero useless.
Tho manager ennio to his aid with a
loud whisper addressed to Hero, "In
tho fiend's name, improvise a few
words and ret I re 1"
Tho poor girl, turning to tho audi
ence, repeated her lesson. "In tho
fiend's name, I Improvise a few words
and retire," and then tripped off tho
stage, greatly relieved. London Graph
A Rossini Joke.
Rossini promised a place iu the
opera orchestra to a trombonist and
then forgot about it, says the Muslenl
Courier. At ono of Ills dinner parties
the butler announced the visit of this
same protege. Rossini hastened to wel
come him and, relieving hliu of Ills in
Btrument, disappeared n few moments,
to return with his friend. Handing tho
instrument to the trombonist with a re
quest to let tho company hear lilm,
Kosslnl prepared to listen. Trombone
to Hps, tho musician rose dismay, no
sound, cheeks bulging, eyes distended,
In vain tho unhappy man makes super
human efforts to produce harmonious
sounds. At last! Oh, effort supremel
With a sound like- a hoarse goose
oncklo there shoots from tho trombone
n mass of sticky macaroni. ' "No harm,
my friend," said Rossini; "you have
proved yourself n strong musician."
And the next day the coveted position
was offered to tho trombonist Hostou
f nim
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n two
o plate
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Whether In Working or Thinking It
Helps on to Success.
Working or thinking without system
enfeebles the mind nnd leaves the
mental faculties in a clogged condi
tion, so that they do not work sharply.
The mind must be kept clear and clean
for the present problem, so that it
may seize and grasp Willi all Its might
tho thing It is attempting to accom
plish. There la only one best way to learn
how to act That way is the way of
system. Systematize your thoughts,
your energies, your abilities. Learn
early in life to do this, and it will
prove tho master habit that wins suc
cess. Systcmless men are always surprised
that the heads of great enterprises
can find so much time for social life,
for hobbles, for travel. They cannot
understand it at all. They do not
realize that a man of great organizing
ability, with a splendid system, can
do more effective business in a single
hour at Ills office than a systemless
man can accomplish in twelve. It is
not the number of hours, but the ef
fectiveness of the system, that tells.'
One of the advantages of a college
course Is that it trains tho mind to
work by system. Whether he likes to
or not, tho student is forced to con
centrate his mind when the time
comes, no matter what his mood or
how ho feels. Four years of training
in this should put tho mind Into work
ing order. It should tune the intellect
so that all tho strings will bo In
harmony. A good college education
should train the mind to think con
cisely, deeply, effectively at will.
Orison Swett Mardcu in Success Magazine.
There's Danger Afoot When Captivo
Wild Beasts "Go Bad."
What those who have charge of wild
animals In captivity, and especially
trainers, dread most among the largo
bensts is that inexplicable change of
temperament on the part of the ani
mal known iu the parlance of tho me
nagerie as "going bad."
Lions are likely to go bad about the
tenth year of life; tigers, two or three
years earlier. Tho male tiger is the
dread of the profession when ho
reaches this condition, because he is
more likely to go into a frenzy without
warning, and once gone bad nothing
will satisfy him but murder.
Ho will loop -for any man within
reach, and when once his teeth are on
tho bone nothing but fire will make
him relinquish it, and not always that.
This "going bad" may come in the
nature of a sudden attack or It may
develop slowly and be counteracted if
taken in time. An old trainer can
usually detect the symptoms of this
curious ailment. It seems to bo In
tho nature of a disease, nnd other ani
mals recognize It nnd slum the affect
ed one.
When Its progress is apparent the
danger Is not great. All that is re
quired then is a level head and the
wisdom to refrain from further inter
ference with tho animal.
Sometimes this bad temper will last
but a slu?rt time, nnd again it will be
como tho permanent condition of tho
animal. In that case he is sent to the
lonely cage to spend the rest of his
life In comparative obscurity, dis
turbed merely by the passing crowd
and his daily meals. Pearson's Week
ly. Household Debate.
"I could have done better than to
ninrry you."
"Von lu-iiig Hint question up at Inopportune-
times, my dear. Suppose
wo place ;i regular weekly evening on
the calendar, to be devoted to its dis
cussion." Pittsburg Post.
Sufficient Proof.
Lady And you guarautec that the
parrot talks quite a lot? Dealer
Rather. His last mistress sold him be
cause she- couldn't get a word in edge
ways. El iegeiide Blatter
Notice to Creditors.
In the Matter of the Estato of A. J
Willaby. deceased:
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern that Clyde
Willaby has been appointed adminis
trator of tho estate of A. J. Willaby,
deceased. All persons having claims
against the said estate are required to
presout them, with proper vouchers as
required bylaw to the said adniinstra
tor at, the law oHioes of Petersou &
Wilson, his attorneys, at Athena, Ore
gou, or Peudloton, Oregon, within six
mouths from the date of the Hist pnb
lioatiou of this notice.
Dated at Atheua. Oiegon. on this
the 1st day of September, A. D., 1911.
Clyde Willaby,
Poteisou & Wilson.
Attorneys for the Adniinihtrator.
S. P. Sharp
Special attention given to all
calls, both night and day.
Calls promptly answered. Office onTulrd
Street, Athena Oreuor
Athena, Oregon.
Calls answered promptly night or day",
Office in Postofnce Building, Athena Ore.
Hours, 9 to 12 and 1 to 5.'
Athena, Oregon. - Pendleton, Oregon
Homer I. Watts
Athena, Oregon.
C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V.
OHieiul Stock Inspector. Graduate McKillip
Vctinary College, Chicago
Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist
the most heallna salvo in tho world.
$ J. E. FROOME, pkop.
Only First-class Hotel in
I the City.
. Is lue only one that can accommodate
commercial travelers.
Can beiecomended tor Its clean ana
- well ventilated rooms.
Dr. King's
New Discovery
enn ouchs w&v&n.
I Uli TOLDS Trial Bottle Free
More than nine out of every
ten cases of rheumatism are
simply rheumatism of the
muscles, due to cold or damp,
or chronic rheumatism. In
such cases no internal treat
ment is required. The free
application of
is all that is needed and it is cer.
tain to give quick relief. Give it
a trial and sec for yourselt how
quickly it relieves the pain and
toreivsf t rice 25c; larre size, 50c
C, 1 1 1 1 1 -" t ,
"N ' ; cA. J. Parker
Everything i'irtt
('Una - Mo d e ro
l'l-to -date
fl f
Ttis Is the title of ft boiutlful 4-paft book, which
IU thaw any boy or ilrl bow to ICCCEED. Drop
postal la the mall TODAY and U will be Mat FREE.
The aim of the College la to dignify and popularise
the lnduitrlea, and to serve ALL the people. It offers
courses in Agriculture. Civil EnclneerUf. Electrical
Enslaeertng, Uechaulca!Englnirtni;, Mining Englo
fonug, Forestry. Domestic Science tad Art, Com
merce, Pharmacy and Music The CoUef a opens
September Hi. Catalog free.
COLLEGE, CorvaUis, Orefoa.
When yon feel lazjj,
Stretchy, Half Sick,
Blue and Out of Sorts,
look to the Liver; it is
la the! Remedy Yon Need.
It is an invigorating tonio for
a torpid liver. Tho first dose
brlnss improvement, a few days
use puts the liver in fine vigor,
ous condition. Ilcrbine also ex
tends its restorative influence
to the Btomach and bowels. It
helps disestlon and food assimi
lation, purifies tho bowels and
brings back tho habit of regu
lar daily bowel movements.
When the stomach, liver and
bowels aro active, bilious Im
purities no longer obstruct
functional processes, the result
of which is renewed energy,
mental activity and cheerful
Price 50c per Dottle.
JamesF.Ballard.Prop. St.Louls.Mo.
Use Stephens Eye Salve for
ooro eyes, it vures.
Byron N. Hawks.
A Good Line of Hosiery
The Mother's Friend
Is a good hose, which go out with the boy, stay
with him through the day's play, and come back
home whole at night. Look for the trade mark
shown below.
1 ,B" xjRt MARK. i&
New Stock
Just in, a car load of goods direct from the fac
tory, and my stock is now complete. I have 25 pattern
of Dressers, 10 in Ghiffonieres, 6 or 7 in Buffets, 4 or 5
in China Closets, and a large assortment of Exten
sion Tables, Stand Tables and Library Tables in all
shapes and sizes. Rockers from $2.75 to $40.00. Iam
sure that I qan suit you in Rugs. I have the biggest lot I have ever had atone
time. Prices run from $14 to $35 for 9x12s; lots of small rugs, all prices. 12 pat
terns of Dining Chairs irom 90c each to $30 a. set. I have had over 25 years ex
perience in buying and long ago found that goods bought right can be sold right.
I own my store building, consequently don't have to ad rent to my selling prices.
Miller's furniture Gives Satisfaction
Cures 0-iUlllJ
All Kidney and
Bladder Diseases
Foley's Kidney Cure will positively cure any case of
Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the
reach of medicine. No medicine can do more.
If you notice any irregularities, commence taking
Foefs Kidney Cure at once and avoid a fatal malady.
A Merchant Cured After Having Given Up Hop.
Foley & Co., Chicago.
Gentlemen: I was afflicted with Kidney tad
Bladder trouble for six years and had tried numerous
preparations without getting any relief and had given
up hope of ever being cured when FOLEY'S KIDNEY
CURE was recommended to me. After using one
bottle I could feel the effect of it, and after taking
six fifty-cer.t bottles, I was cured of Kidey and
Bladder trouble and have not felt so well for the past
twenty years and I owe it to FOLEY'S KIDNEY
CURE. James Smith, Bentons Ferry, W. Va.
A Vtteran of tha Civil War Cured After Ten Years
of Suffering. .
R. A. Cray, J.P., of Oakville, Ind., writes:
"Most of the time for ten years I was confined to my
bed with some disease of the kidneys. It was so
severe I could not move part of the time. I consulted
the best medical skill available, but got no relief until
FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE was recommended to me.
I am grateful to be able to say that it entirely cured me."
Refuse Substitutes
Two Sized, 50 Gents and $1.00