Press Paragraphs Sim J. Colly waa ia from the ranoh Wednesday. Rflrt Kirbv waa ia the oity from Adama Tuesday. . ' Carl Engdahl waa in tne oity Friday : evening from Heluc.' Mrs. E. M. Smith waa in tbe oity Sunday from Weston. "' ' Hnrd ManaQeid came over from Walla Walla yesterday. Mrs. A. Kiunear waa in tne oity . Wednesday from Weston. Wm. Piper waa in tbe city yesterday from iiis borne near Helix. Mrs. George Bannister spent yester day with friends in Adama. J. C. Bnrke ia building a new barn, this week, dimenaiona 20x30. Tbe roada are now in fine condition for driving and automobiling. Manny Bryan was in town Wednes day from his borne mar Helix. , Miss Marguerite Forrest visited friends in Pendleton Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lieuallen were in the city yesterday from Adams. Miss Delia Banner is over from Milton today, tbe guest of friends. Jos. Soott ia in Pendleton this week serving as juror in tbe oiiouit oourt. Attorney Neal of Freewater, waa in the oity Weduesday on legal business. Earl Dudley was in the oity from his ranoh north of Weston, yesterday. Sheiilf Till Taylor and wife spent Sunday at tbe parental home in this city. Mrs. Byron N. Hawka was tbe guest of Pendleton friends tbe first of tbe week. Ed. Koontz, Sam Pambrnn and By ron Hawka were in Walla Walla Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sohmitt visited with friends at Waitsburg, Wash , this week. D. A. Pinkerton and family have taken up their residence in Milton for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Cbarlea Botta visited friends in Helix yesterday, driving over by team. Tbe Methodists of Milton have set " apart Ootober 3 to Ootober 8 for tbeit week of prayer. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson were in tbe oity Monday from tbe ranob on tbe Umatilla river. Walter MoOormaob, the Pendleton Walla Walla automobile dealer, waa in tbe oity Monday. Col. Luoaa of Weston, spent most of the week in'Athena. He is interested in a real estate deal. Mr. and Mrs. i,oweU Hogera were in tbe city Wednesday from their borne near Adama. There waa a good attendanon at the .Hansell sale Wednesday and tbe prop erty brought fair prioes. Miss Ruth MoKenzie will leave for Spokane this week, where she expeota to spend the winter with friends. Edgar Forrest and wife are over from Walla Walla visiting at tbe Jos eph Forrest borne on the reservation. Mr. and Mr. T. (J. Moulgomory have left Pendleton for Portland, to take up their permauent resideuoe in that oity. ! W. E. Ball, of tbe Inland Paper oompany, Walla Walla, was in tbe oity Tuesday on business. Bandy & Ctristian, tbe painters, are painting tbe Molntyre reaidenoe, on Hunt Avenue this week, Dr. Plamondon and Will Pinkerton spent a couple cf days on tbe Uma tilla river tbia woek fishing. The MoKenzie brothers have leased their farm near Adama for a number of years, and will engage In other pur suits. J. W. Wilooxaon, representative of tbe Best Harvester oompany, has been in the oity tbia week from Walla Walla. : Walter Boober baa aooepted a pos ition with R. T. Brown at the 'Tan nery. " He began his duties Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Chaooe Rogers were in tbe oity yesterday from tbeir home near Weston, trading with Athena merchants. Chas. Ferguson and family, of Wes ton Mountain, were in the oity yes terday trading, and visiting at the Clemons home. Bundy & Christian have put in a large assortment of window glass and are now prepared to fill orders in this line of work. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Rugg, of Pen dleton, were guests Wednesday night at tbe home of Mrs. Julia Brooks in tbe north part of town. Mrs. F. O. Rogers -and obildren came up from Pendleton and spent Sunday at tbe home of Mra. Rogers' mother, Mra. W. T. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Willaby re turned to tbeir borne ia Portland Tues day evening, after spending several days in Athena and vicinity. Mr. and Mra. Sims Dickenson and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Diokenson were in Pendleton Monday, where tbey at tended tbe Hyatt-Small wedding. Tbe voting contest for tbe piano at Fix & Radtke'a store ia becoming in teresting. Many votea are being oast eaoh dav for tbe diflerent contestants. Tbe Mothers' Club will meet Fri day, Ootober Otb, at tbe home of Mrs. Cbarlea Norris. A cordial invitatiou ia extended to all who wish to come. Clayton Luna ia riding tbe range for Jobn Thompson and tbia week is gatbeiiog beef cattle on tbe head waters of tbe south fork of tbe Uma tilla. Clifford Williams, aged 80, died Tuesday at the county poor farm, where be bad been confined to his bed since September 16, afflicted with dropsy. Dr.'E. A. Mann, for fifteen years a praotioing dentist of Pendleton, has disposed of his business interests there and will make Portland bis home in tbe future. Jaok Keller will leave for Portland tomorrow, and from there will go to British Columbia, with the intention of locating. Mrs. Keller and tbe chil dren are now in Portland visiting rel atives. -. F. K. Welles, oounty Superintend ent of sobools, has made arrangements with the publishers of "Current Events" to have them send copies of that publication to each of tbe oounty teaohera. William Helmiok is spending the week in town, at tbe home of bis daughter, Mrs. JVIoPberrin. Tho old gentloinan is somewhat improved in health and is glad to meet bis Atbena friends. A. M. Meldrum and George Gerking are in Walla Walla, attending a meet ing of tbe Benevolent Assooiatioo. Tbey went over on yesterday after noon 'a train. Jamea Ritchie, formerly a prosper ous farmer of tbe Weston neighbor hood, but who now resides at Cor nelius, near Portland, was an Athena visitor Wednesday. Amiel Sobubert Lad tbe misfortune to have a harrow drop on his foot one day this week. One of tbe teeth pen etrated tbe shoe into tbe flesh, making a very sore wound. William MoCollougb baa taken tbe contract to deliver tbe mail on the new rural mail route out of Athena. He began hia dutiea Monday, and re ceives $1,000 per year. Miss Eglantine Moussu and . Sheriff and Mra. T. D. Taylor of Pendleton, and Misses Ada Decker and Merle King of Weston, were Sunday guests at tbe W. R. Taylor home near town. Mrs. F. S. LeGrow has returned to her home in tbia oity after a two weeks abaenoe, the first visiting at tbe Sturgis home in Pendleton, and last week at the home of her mother in Walla Walla. A sooial danoe is announoed to take plaoe at Adama Friday night, Ootober 6. Tbe United orobestra baa been en gaged to furnish tbe musio, and band bills annonnoe that tbe danoe will continue until 3 o'clock a. m. The Stutts Company will open at tbe Atbena opera house Monday night in a three nights' engagement. The oompany carries sixteen people, in cluding a first class orobestra. liok eta are now selling at Dell Brothers'. J. E. Jones waa down from the mountain ranch Saturday. Mr. Jonea would have moved bia family to Atbena in order to take advantage of the school faoilitiea offered here, but was unable to find a house for rent. The Fireman's Fund Insurance oom pany will not reoover tbe amount it paid to the Grant Steen company of Weston for (he Are wbieb destroyed grain belonging to tbe company in 1908, as a result of a verdict returned in the cirouit court. Pendleton Business College opens September 5. A large enrollment is anticipated. Ten per cent discount will be given to pupils enrolling be fore September 20. Graduates assist ed to good positions. M. L. Clanoy, B. A, Prin. Clarenoe Brotberton has matrioulat ed with the Oregon University at Eu gene, and left last week to take up hia bis studies there. Clarenoe graduat ed last year from tbe Atbena High aohool and will lose no time in com pleting his ednoation. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christian bave moved into tbe Mansfield cottage on Jefferson street. Mr. and Mra. Sam uel Boober will take up their residenoe in Atbena for the winter, moving from tbe farm into tbeir borne, vacated by Mr. and Mra. Christian. THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET We carry the best SWEATS That Money Buys Our Market is Clean and Cool Insuring Wholesome Meats. TAYLOR Main Street, & LIUiHOW Athena, Oregon m THE rUM-A-LUM LUMBER GO, Lumber, Mill Work and all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL PAINTS, OILS AND VARN1SHLS Posts and Blacksmith coal A. M. Johnson, Manager Athena, Oregon There will be no more split sticks. There will be no riv it heads to wear off and allow the stick to drop off, when you use the "AKLRS PATENT CLAMP" DRAPER. These Fastners are made of steel expressly for the purpose and hold as if in a vice. They have stood the severest test and are pro nounced by all who have used them to be superior to other fastners. We make them in all widths and all lengths and use only the best matertals. Order from the PENDLETON IRON WORKS, Pendleton, Oregon. Presiding Elder Warner preached an interesting sermon at the M. E. ohuroh Sunday evening, and Monday he con ducted bia first quarterly meeting. Elder Warner is tbe suooessor of the Rev. Gabriel Sykes, tbe retiring pre siding elder of this d is trio t. The danoe in the I. O. O. F.-K. of P. hall last Friday evening waa well attended. This was the first danoe of the Beason under the auspices of the Fraternal Dancing Club, and tbe ser ies to be given during tbe fall and winter promisea to be popular. Mr. and Mis. Charles Downing bave returned to Atbena to reside and are ooonpymg their cottage on inird street. It is said that Mr. Downing contemplates moving the present house to another lot, will rent it and will build a new home in tbe near future. Mr. Ira Hyatt and Miss Jeanette Small were united in marriage at Pen dleton Monday. Tbe bride, who is a relative of Mrs. Oliver Diokenson, is a reoent arrival from Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt will reside on tbe Wm. Piukerton farm northwest of town. Carpenters are at work constructing two modern farm houses in tbia vicin ity. One is for Jerry Stone west of tbe oitv, and the other for Sam Pambruu south of town. Eaoh when completed will be au ornament to the country aud will make a tine and commodious home for its owuer. Mrs. Robert Walker returned Fri day eveuiug from Portland, aooorn pauied by bur mother, with whom she bus been stuyiug while the latter was in a hospital there. Mra. Armstrong proceeded on to her home iu Walla Walla Mouday evening, very muob impioved in health. All members and their frienda of the Girls' Missionary Circle are in vited to tbe home of Mrs. A. M. Mel drum on Thursday evening, tbe 6th of October, at 7 o'clock. The eveuiug will be spent iu a sooial manner, Mra. Hunter, the C. VV. B. M. field worker, being tbe honored guest. Wiues ar9 the staples in family liq ours. Bert Cartauo carries a large and varied stock of seleot vintages. fl.BO per gallon, you oau get choice Tokay, Musoat, Angelica, Sweet Ca tawba or Port. These are California's best produot aud give satisfaction wherever used. Call at the Red Fiout for tbe best and purest liquors. Work has boou resumed on tbe Wes ton part of tbe mnoademized road. Road Superintendent Lavender waa iu the city Weduesday in search of men to employ on tbe work, but could not find any. It will take several weeks to complete tbe road by oonnec tiou with tbe Atbena portion, which was finished before harvest. There is said to be little change iu the health of James Heuderson, who has spent several weeka at the Mos- grove farm on the Walla Walla river above Milton. Reoently be met with a serious aooident. Iu working with a drawiug knife, tbe tool sunned from a piece of wood which he waa shaving and out a aevore gash iu hia leg. Sev eral stltobes were taken, to close tbe wouud. Laurenoe Lieuallen has purobased of Joe Rainvilla, 240 aores of .land. Two hundred aores lies southwest of Athena on tbe reservation and is splen did wheat land. Forty aorei ia on tbe reservation mountain. Mr. Raiu ville will leave soon with his family to looate on the Nez Perce reservation. Tbeo Danner, the well known pho tographer, was in tbe city Wednesday from Milton on business. He, bis wife and daughter have all been siok tbe past month, but at present are improving. Mrs. Danner. spent a couple of months this summer with her daughter in Judith Basin, Mon tana. For tbe benefit of tbe Athena Base Ball Club, a movement is under way to give a number of plays this winter, with looal talent in the oast. It is proposed to oall a meeting of tbe officers of the club and others inter ested, in tbe near future, to consider tbe matter and make necessary ar rangements. Maurioe Hill came down from La Crosa, Wash., Saturday where he has been engaged in the warehouse busi ness, and left Sunday for Eugene, where be will enter tbe State Univer sity. Maurioe is a graduate of tbe Atbena High sobool, and also has tak en a post graduate course in the Lew- iston high sobool. Some of tbe finest grapes and cab bage that bas come to tbe looal mar ket waa brought to town this week oy Louis LaBraobe, from his ranoh south of the oity. Mr. LaBraone yearly demonstrates the prolific production wbiob Wild Horse creek bottom lands are capable of returning as the result of intelligent labor. A man whose name ia aupposed to be Kelly, committed suioide Monday on a ranoh near Pendleton, ty hang ing himself from a hay rack. Exoept for tbe statement of a former fellow prisoner in tbe Pendleton oity jail that tbe man's name was Kelly and that be was a lumber jaok at La Grande, nothing is known of him. The Ootober meeting of tbe Chris tian Woman's Board of Missions will be held next Friday tbe 6th, at 2:30 p. m., in tbe Sunday sobool room of tbe Christian church. Mrs. Ellen Hooter, the State Organizer, will be present and a full attendance of tbe membership ia desired, with aa many visitors aa may be pleased to attend. A 51-aore field of potatoes on tbe Joseph Bergevin place south of Atbena gives every promise of yielding a good orop. "Spuds is spuds" this year, tbe orop being reported short in all sections of the country. Tbe moun tain orop promises a fair yield, and aooordingly tbe orop in this vicinity should realize for the producers splen did margins of profit. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Barnett spent Sunday and Monday with friends in Atbena. Tbey were enroute to Port land from a tour of Alberta and saw many former Atbena people who bave settled in the British domain. Mr. and Mrs. Barnett left Monday evening for Weston, and from there go to Cornelius, near Portland, where Mrs. Barnett's parents reside. Tbe last of the three new bridges on Wild Horse creek near the oity, bave been installed and traffio on tbe road leading south from tbe Dudley and Taylor plaoes has been resumed after several weeks iu which the road was closed. This vioinity is now very well equipped with ridges, all of whioh are of steel and oonorete construction. Tbe saries cf lectures to be given during tbe winter at the Christian obuorb, will begin next Wednesday evening, when Mr. Meldrum will tell of his travels through Greece. These lectures are free to all, and it is hopad that Atbena peoplle may take advan tage of tbe opportunity to listen to the relation in an interesting manner, of tbe many experiences through whioh this gifted speaker has passed and to learn of those countries through wbiob he has traveled. The leotures will be illustrated with the etereop-tioon. They Used to Cat Crows.' Our forefathers despised some dishes which we regard as delicacies. In the thirteenth century, for instance, al though partridges abounded in Eng land, they were eaten only by peas ants and were never seen in the houses of the nobles. Hares, too, were despised by tho upper classes, and even zimong the poor a strong preju dice existed against them. On the other hand, gourmets in the middle egos ate herons, cranes, crows, storks, tormorants, bitterns and other birds which would revolt tho least dainty feeder of today. London Chronicle. Turn About. "Every husband ought to make his brido n regular allowance from the start," said a guest at a wedding re ception iu New York. "This is but Just," he continued, "because from the start every bride finds that she must constantly make allowances for her husband." Ella, Shorn. was your bazaar a sue "Miss cess?" "Glorious! All the men had to walk horne!"-Megsendorfer Blatter. His Last Residence. Lawyer (to witness) Now. then. Mr. Murphy, give us your last residence. Murphy-Faith, sor. Ot dunno. but It'll be the cimltery, 0m thlnkin'S Behavior Is a mirror in which every one displays his image.-Ooctb Do You Want a Position All schools arc not alike, and especially In lu'lV'lng student to a poeitlou. Do not overlook this point. PENDLETON BUSINESS COLLEGE cannot supply the calls recelred for Stenog raphers and bookkeepers and has several good positions in view. Students from other business colleges are nlteiuliiiR this school. What does this proveT That we give the best. Nothing else would satisfy us. Nothing else should satisfy von. Kookkeeutnsr. Shorthand and Tvnewrltin aud all husluess subjects practically and thoroughly aught. lectures on commercial law by a practicing attorney. lav and eve ning classes. School opens WepUsrafeer 5, 111. Uon't wait. IHvhie now. For particulars write, or phone Black 7tts. H. JU. IXASII, b, a., Frla, Km fern arts For Ladies and Misses are carried by all the best stores and we have a large assortment of them. You will find here the same styles, the same goods, the same fit; in fact you will find everything the same as in the cities, except the price. It is reasonable that we can undersell the city" store, same quality merchandise, when you consider differ erence of expense 11 mi Coats in running a store in a small and a large town. Come in and examine our garments and prices. Every coat and suit with the Redfern Label is guaranteed to give satis- faction to the wearer, in every particular. FIX & RADTKE THE "MONEY-BACK" STORE, ATHENA, OREGON iosgrove Mercantile Co Corner Main and 3rd, Athena, Oregon Just Received--The latset novelties in Ladies' Cloaks and Dress Skirts. Come and buy before assortment is broken. WW MmM New Dress Goods, Laces, New Silks, New Bandings. B. 5 H. GREEN IK STAM PS WITH EVERY CASH PURCHASE A dose at bed time usual ly relieves the most severe case before morning. 30 days treatment for $1.00. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. BACK-AC