WHEN YOU GO TO PORTLAND. STOP AT THE NEW HOTEL FOSTER Third ud Davis Streets, Near Depot 200 Rooms with Hot and Cold Running Water and Telephone. Free Baths. Rates 50c, 75c and $1.00 per Day Spec'al rates for Room and Board. Free auto bus meets every train or boat KODAKS AND KODAK SUPPLIES Write for eataloa-uee and literature. Developing and printing. Mail orders given prompt attention Portland Photo Supply Co. 149 Third Street PORTLAND. ORB. ) . Phsokai Servici 0. 0. MARTIN, " 'in wtebNDC0RBMM Writ4 ,or lorormatlon WE BUY OLD GOLD Highest prices paid for Silver, Old Jewelry, Gold Teeth, tic UNCLE MYERS. Forty years In Portland. 71 Sixth. betv, een Oak and Pine. I Envelopes for Packing. Envelopes used in packing email ar ticles win be found better than boxes, aa they take up less room. Stout, col lapsible envelopes, which may be bought where office supplies are sold, will be found satisfactory. Gloves, handkerchiefs, neck arrangements, etc, may be kept nicely In such en veloDes. JuagHng Good Exercise. I Juggling has been recommended as a desirable form of mental and physi cal exercise for persons of sedentary habits and those afflloted with nervous troubles. DAlSYOXfflLEl plad Mrvbr mi truta aid kill fell lilts. Neat, cleao, ornamental, convetv ient. cheap, Lutiall rtaoa. Can't spill or tip over, win not ton or injur saytntnf. Guaranteed etiect- yi, Otal! dealers or sent prepaid lor 40c HAROLD BUHr.K 160 De Kslb Art. , firoeklja H Y BELMONT AUTO SCHOOL Yes mI the ms ihoroDsh eutractfonj a trivial in) nntiol wars dial as be preduoxl, else isthe work, am srea sad lerjmt. Finely equipped main aes ai tamA resa, Tsitios toe $35 auk: (40 peynratt $10 per week. BELMONT AUTO SCHOOL I GARAGE. ill 23d end BerrieoB. rsrtliDiOr. Make Bis: Money Drilling Wells IMPROVED BTANPaRD DRILLING MACHIN'K One Man Can Handle Uui record ol drilling 130 feet and drlvtna casing la ope as, uaivmreeievers. Eitre laru. rope sheaves. ill drill nisohines. Will tell ton ail in cataloe- Write (or it. hiius sum ree ntrus ue Positlvelv wl kind of formation. Avoid d si ft re from sendinf bacl r.at. drill ever lalars from sendins back Bur from as. We build these np-tn-date DEATH BEFORE 100 YEARS IS SUICIDE IslEMOl MACKIHEIT CS.,lliNFIS.. IITURb.IIEMI Tonic Alterative and Resolvent The best remedy for Kidneys, Liver and Bowels. Eradicates Pimples, Eruptions and Disorders of the Skin. Purifies the Blood and gives lone, Strength asd Vigor to the entire system. No Time Wasted. Olaf Larson, working in a millinery warehouse, backed Into an elevator shaft and fell down five stories with a load of boxes. Horror-stricken, the other employes mshei down the stairs, only to find him picking him self unharmed out of the rubbish. "Ess de boss mad 7" he whispered cautiously. "Tal" 'em Ay had to oome down for nails anyway." Success Magazine. A Lost Art. Another art has been lostl There was a time when the elegant woman took a legitimate pride In her manner of ascending a stair. In this day of elevators, if there still exist women who have the manner, there are few stairs worthy to serve as a stage on which they may exhibit it. -Portland, Oregon rmm sv Keel dent and Dsv Softool for Girls lrrfss. ohsrge of Sieters of St. John Baptist (Episcopal)! Collegiate, Academic and Elementary Departments, allele. Art, Elocution, Gymnasium. For catalog address THE SISTER SUPERIOR Of flee 30, St. Helens Hall Par Oirli. Contort hv the SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES OF JESUS AND MARY. Grtii, AiadimU and Olhltttt Cmrm. Mimic. Art, Elocution end Commit del Deptt. fUriebni and Day Studtnti. Refined Mortl end InttllertuelTrtlainr. Write forAnnounctment. Addreee tlSTSR tUPERIOR. St. Mart'i jitadmi, RrrW mta ton be fcund nrvwhere minting to frris strrael si the rwsim for ttwlr remarkable tm Skylights Tanks Gutters Down Spouts Steel Ceiling . C BAYER 204 Market Portland, Oregon SEND FOR CATALOGUE. I roamc ' 1 Zbeb 7 IftSdR'.l'Stlfirad A r USIHESS COLLEGE SEND FOR FREE FIRST LESSONS JtUBHI"onSTUDEllTS,,' WIIEHCOHEmHT..J Ignorance of Laws of Health Ex plains Early End of Life. Noted Scientist Has Encouraging Word for Despondent Men and Women. , BLACK HAWK STATUE Lorado Taft's Monument to L Vanishing Race. J;- l lilti ALCOHOL OPIUM TOBACCO Habits Positively Cored. Onlr authorised Keeler In. lstltute la Oregon, Write lfor illustrated clrcaler. atrtrflNsmuTLn fcunia. GREINER'S CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH HOME A healthy bodjr defies rtieeane; Ohlropraotlo : no arum no Fasting and dieting dlreotei sol- sdjuetinents make henlthy bodies hj removing the oauee of dmeaee. Ko knives; no ar No knives; no ntinoaiir. Trained nurses. All DISEASES PERMANENTLY REMOVED OHteopathy. "7. IY OUR METHODS Sufferers from Appendicitis, Bronchitis, Csn per, Oiitarrh, Diabetos, Dropsy. Deafness, Knl leuiy, Kcsema. Goitre, GhII Stone. Heart Die. ease. Hernia, lumbago, neuralgia, rarairsis. ease. Hernia, lumbago, neuralgia, raraijreio, HhAiimntkin. Rnintica. or any other disease, are Invited to write us. We show you how to mine four vitality and keep well. IWrlte to day, your cure will be quicker.) MATILDA M. 0REINER, D. 0., SUPERINTENDENT Wi WILLIAMS AVENUE PORTLAND, OsEQON C Gee Wo Tbe Chinese Doctor This wondeful man has lea life study of the benefit of hi services. No Mercury, Poisons or Drugs Used. No Operations or Cutting Guarantees to cure Catarrh, Asthma, Loner, Stomach ond Kidney troubles, und all Private Diseases of M n and Women. A SURE CANCER CURE Just received from Pekln, China safe, sure and reliable. Unfailing in Its works. If you cannot cail, write for symptom blank and circular. Inclose 4 cents In stamps, CONSULTATION TREE The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. 162V4 first St., cor. Morrison, Portland, Or. "Death before 100 years of age has been reached Is nothing more or less than alow suicide. A man (or woman) who dies at an earlier age Is simply ignorant of the laws of health." Such was the original and rather startling statement made by Profes sor James M. Munyon, the famous Philadelphia health authority, who is establishing health headquarters in all the large cities of the world, for the purpose of getting in direct touch with his thousands of converts. Professor Munyon is a living em bodiment of the cheerful creed he preaches. . Virile, well-poised, active and energetic, he looks as though he would easily attain the century age limit which he declares la the normal one. He said: "I want the people of the world to know my opinions on the subject of health, which are the fruit of a lifetime devoted to healing the sick people of America. There isn't a building in this city big enough to house the people in this State alone, who have found health through my methods. Before 1 get through there won't be a building big enough to bouse my cured patients In this city alone," "I want, most of all, to talk to the Blck people The invalids, the dis couraged ones, the victims of nerve wearing, body racking diseases and aliments for these ate the ones to whom the message of hope I bear will bring the greatest blessing. "I want to talk to the rheumatics, the sufferers from stomach trouble, the ones afflicted with that noxious disease, catarrh. I want to tell my story to the women who have be come chronic invalids as a result of nervous troubles. I want to talk to the men who are 'all run down;" whoee health has been broken by overwork, improper diet, late hours, and other causes, and who feel the creeping clutch of serious chronic illness. "To these people I bring a story of hope. I can give them a promise of better things. I want to astonish them by showing the record of cures performed through my new system of treatment. "I have taken the best ideas from all schools, and embodied them in a new system of treatments individu ally adapted to each particular case. I have no 'cure alls', but my present method of attacking disease is the very best thought of modern science, The success which I have with these treatments In this city, and all over America proves their efficacy. Old methods must give away to new medical science moves. I know whai my remedies are doing for humanity everywhere. I know what they will do for the people of this city. Let me prove my statements that's all I ask." The continuous stream of callers and mall .that comes to Professor James M. Munyon at his laboratories, 53rd and Jefferson streets, Philadel phia, Pa., keeps Dr. Munyon and his enormous corps of expert physicians busy. Prof. Munyon makes no charge foi consultation or medical advice. Not a penny to pay. Address Prof. J. M. Munyon, Munyon's Laboratories, 63rd and Jefferson sts., rniiaaeipma, ra Red Man, Towering Over Valley Long Indians' Sole Property, Seems Leaving the Site Reluctantly Made of Concrete. Oregon, 111. With impressive cere monies the statue of the famous Indian chief Black Hawk was dedicated at Eagle Nest camp, the summer colony of Chicago artists and writers, near here. The statue of the great chief tain is the work of Lorado Taft and stands on a 200-foot bluff across the river from the town and Just outside the limits of the camp. Among the members of the party at the dedica tion were some of the best known of Chicago's artists, sculptors and writers. Edgar A. Bancroft was the principal speaker and presented the statue to the people of Illinois. Responses were made by Dr. Charles C. Eastman and Miss Laura M. Cornelius. The statue of Black Hawk occupies a position on the highest point in Rock river valley. It is mammoth in size being 47 feet high and repre sents the work of four years. It is built of concrete and Is expected to be a permanent monument to tbe red men who once roamed this section. The facial lineaments are of Black Hawk, but the sculptor's Idea was to make the statue typical of the vanishing North American Indians. The figure of Black Hawk is repre sented girt in a blanket, reluctantly leaving tbe valley which served his tribe as council grounds long before the white man came to this continent This remarkable statue, which is made of re-enforced concrete by a new process, is itself imposing, and has been placed upon a rock 200 feet above the water, the highest point in the pic turesque Rock river valley. The statue The Difference. European cities certainly have a laughing, contented air, people seem to take life easily, they have time for pleasures, if it's only a chair hired for two cents on one of the broad, shaded boulevards to watch the crowds pass of a Sunday afternoon, says Orison Swett Marden In Success Magazine. What smiling, care-free faces! One remembers with a shiver the faces in New York crowd grim, anxious, frowning, self-centered. No doubt this atmosphere of joy- ousness, along with the external beau ty end plcturesquenesa of European cities, has its attraction for our heir esses, but, of course, that alone would not make them live abroad and mar ry foreigners. There are other con siderations which bring them to this Important decision. m nA Mra. WtnaloWS BoothlBl lyrup the best romedv to use lot thalr oUUdren luring tne teething period. In HIa Power. "How effusively sweet that Mrs. Blondey is to you, Jonesey," said With- well. "What's upT Any tender little romanoe there t" "No, indeed why, that woman hates me," said Jonesey. She doesn't show it," said Witherell. No; but she knows I know how old she is we were both born on the same day," said Jonesey, "and she's afraid IH tell somebody." Harper's Weekly. - AVOID LIQUID BLUING. Drives away Flies, Mosquitoes and Gnats. It protects horses and cattle from attack! of insects, enabling them to feed and sleep in peace. It prevents loss of weight and strength from worry caused by attacks of insects, and from the irritation of their bites and stings. There is a satisfaction in the relief it affords domestic animals from the scourge of maddening parasites and flies, besides the profit in returns. Horses do more work on less feed and cows yield more and better milk when relieved from the frenzy incited by constantly fighting a swarm of voracious, insatiable insects. Four sizes, 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.25. Ask your merchant for it. I Hoyt Chkmicai, Co. Portland, Oregon mhw -i : . r or V DUMP. GUN 'Solid-breech, Hammecless, Saffi For ease of action the PcmlnQtOIL-UMG Pump Gun. Its short leverage enables shooter to"doub!e',at trap if 1 M . eel 1 -.inn" or bund witnoui xuig j Not a second lost when seconds count Five shots at the shooter s command. The only bottom-ejecting pump gun. Solid Breech, Hammerless, Safe I JmMMjUMS-- perfect shoot ing combinatiotu Send for Daaipfo Folder MH-CTOH AKMS-UN10H METALLIC CA1TMDGE CO. 299 Breeiway, Mew Tart City fftf v vr 1 Our Life's Work. We are not sent into this world to do anything Into which we cannot put our hearts. We have certain work to do for our bread and that Is to be done strenuously; other work to do for our delight and that Is to be done heartily; neither is to be done by halves or shifts, but with a will; and what is not worth this effort is not to be done at nil. John Ftipkln. Wealth Not Always Advantage. Advantage, opportunity, chance, luck! They are all on the side of the boy born in obscurity, brought up in poverty. Provided he be endowed with the will that brooks no obstacle, with the mental ability to conceive great thoughts, to plan great undertakings, the boy is all the more blessed who is not handicapped br wealth. Victoria Fond of Jewelry. Queen Victoria, although simple In her tastes, had an almost oriental lik ing for beautiful and costly Jewelry. Even if she rarely wore It, its posses sion gave her pleasure and she is re ported to have spent hours in looking over her collection. Foolish Wager Caused Death. A workman named Celestln Leroy, aged fifty, died in Paris, France, the other day while trying, for a wager, to eat a large beefsteak at one mouth Naturally Opposed to Change. When a new government is estab lished, by whatever means, the people are commonly dissatisfied with it Hume. You May Need It Ask your doctor about the wisdom of your keeping Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the house, ready for colds, coughs, croup, bronchitis. If he says it's all right, then get a bottle of it at once. Why not show a little foresight in such matters? Early treatment, early cure. A Wa pukllsk ear fersaalae 9 iers W. banish aloohel fross our siseUotuas W. art F ta eaasuli your dastor Many a boy is called dull and stupid. when the whole trouble is due to a lazy liver. e firmly believe your own Joe tor will tell you that an occasional dose of Ayer's Pills will do such boys a great deal of good. They keep the liver active. p Hails true. O. Ays 0. Lowell, Aids Nature The treat success of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dls." covery in curing weak stomachs, wasted bodies, week lungs, end obstinate and lingering coughs, is based on the recognition of the fundamental truth that "Golden Medical Discovery" supplies Nature with body-building, tissue-repairing, muscle-making materials, in con densed and concentrated form. With this help Nature supplies the necessary strength to the stomach to digest food, build up the body and thereby throw off lingering , obstinate coughs. The "Discovery" rt-establishes the ' digestive and nutritive organs in sound health, purifies I end enriches the blood, and nourishes the nerves in ' BLjrt establishes sound vigorous bcaltb. year dealer often eomefftntf "lust m iood," ' it is probably better FOR HIMlt pay better. Bat yoa aro thlnkln& ot tbe care not tbe profit, bo there' a nothing ,,luat aa good" for yoa. Say ao. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medioal Adviser, In Plain English; or, MeoV ioine Simplified, 1008 pages, over 700 illustrations, newly revised up-to-date Edition, paper-bound, sent for 21 one-cent stamps, to oover oost of mailing tmly. Cloth-bound, 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Th reason so many housewives prefer RED CROSS BALL BLUE is because it Is all blue. Liquid blue contains a large percentage of water. Why buy water when you nave u ny the tub full? Buying solid RED CROSS haul. BLUE is real economy. Dissolve it as you need it. A large four-oz. pack age, all blue, for 10c. Used In thou sands of homes. FOR SALE AT ALL GROCERS. Pleasure of the Children. There should be some time during the day, even in the busiest household, an hour at least, set apart in which the older members of the family should devote themselves wholly to the children. Little object lessons or stories containing practical knowledge told in an interesting way will be sure to hold their attention. The story of the gradual formation of the fruits, flowers and vegetables will de light them and will be eagerly looked forward to and always remembered. The Craze for the Weird. The artlstlo craving today is tor novelty for new expressions of form and combinations of color, the more strange and weird the better; hence the passing fashion for post-impre sionism and other kindred cuits, in which neither truth nor beauty is the Inspiring motive. Connoisseur. GILLESPIE SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION 534 Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. Two-year courses for teachers, readers and public speakers. Graduates after completing two years of post-graduate work, granted professional diplomas. Continuous classes from 9 to 1 o'clock, Ave days per week. Individual lessons with either the principal ar the aasiatants, afternoons and evenings. EMMA W. GILLESPIE, Principal. Canadian Heroine. "Monument to Madeline de Ver chores to be erected at Vercheres $15,000." This item, which appears for the first time this year in the esti mates of the publlo works department, marks the tardy recognition by Canada of one of the heroines of French Cana dian history the maid of fourteen, who for one long week In 1692 defend ed her father's seigniory against the attacks of hostile Iroquois. After two centuries the little heroine of the Cas tle Dangerous ia to have her memory perpetuated by a bronxe statue to be erected at -Vercheres, P. Q., on the spot made memorable by her exploit. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets first put up 40 years ago. They regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules. Punished for Yawning. When Henry Brown of Brockton, Mass., awoke the other day he yawned, tried to close his mouth and could not He had fractured his Jaw. With his mouth wide open he walked more than a mile to a physician's office and had the fracture reduced. As he was leaving the office his Jaws unlocked again. Finally' he was placed under ether and the Jaw permanently fixed. Your Own Opinion. Publlo opinion is a weak tyrant com pared with our own private opinion. What a man thinks of himself, that it is which determines, or rather In dicates, his fate. Henry D. Thoreau. Y. M. C. A. EXPANDS. New Statue of Black Hawk. Is visible for many miles, and hun dreds of people came from adjacent cities in Illinois to view and admire It, Should this work weather well and preserve Its fine contour and lines, Mr, Taft thinks it is probable it will mark an era in the' erection of statuary in re-enforced concrete. On leaving the grove which bordered tbe roadway climbing the bluffs, the statue appeared in Its majesty on the bank of the river. There was no un veiling, as Mr. Taft wished the first sight of the monument to be one of its entire majesty. Below, midstream, lies Margaret Ful ler's island, sacred to the memory of Madam de Ossoll, the poetess who once lived here. Two miles distant, beyond the oak groves, rise the spires of Oregon. Mr. Taft's other works, the Indian "Paducah" in the city of that name in Kentucky and "The Eternal Silence," the Graves monument in Qraceland cemetery, Chicago, have a similar feeling of majesty to that of his latest creation. , 1 ASSIST l YOUR 1 STOMACH ISR."1" lmm" "W KLill tmiirminm 1 ' ; K?issseiiitl.r1 QUEBEC BRIDGE IS BIGGEST Time of Construction Shows Advance in Engineering Since Brooklyn Bridge Was Built Quebec, Ont. The new bridge across the St. Lawrence river near here supplants the mighty structure that fell when half finished in the summer of 1907. The site of the new bridge is the same but the north pier is moved out 60 feet further into the river, thus appreciably shortening the central span The new bridge contains 130,000,000 pounds of steel, as com pared with the 100,000,000 of its pred ecessor. It will cost when completed not less than $12,000,000, and will have the longest truss span of any bridge in tbe world 1,800 feet, or 90 feet more than that of the great Firth of Forth bridge in Scotland. The construction of this bridge, which has taken two and a half years, Is an Impressive indication of the progress of mechanical and civil en gineering since the Brooklyn bridge was opened to traffic, May 24, 1883. The latter required 13 years to erect, and to date has cost over $22,- 000,000, of $10,000,000 more than the prospective cost ot the new Canadian giant. The length of the river spaa of the Brooklyn bridge is 1,600 feet 200 feet less than that of the bridge at Quebeo. Of the other brldgos across tbe East river the Manhattan has river span of 1,470 feet; the Williams burg bridge has a span of 200 feet shorter than that over the SL Law rence; the longest span ot the Queens boro bridge is 1,200 feet. SAYED FROM AN OPERATION By Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable compouna Peoria. 111. "I wish to let every one know what Lydia E. Pinkham's reme dies nave uoiiu iur me. For two years I suffered. The doc tors said I had tu mors, and tho only remedy was tho sur geon's knlfo. My mother bought mo I Lydia E.rinkham's Vegetable Com pound, and today I am a healthy wo man. For months I Buffered from in- flammatlon,and your Sanative Wash re lieved me. Your Liver Pills have no equal as a cathartic. Any one wishing Sroof of what your medicines have one for mo can get it from any drug gist or by writlnff to me. 1 ou can use my testimonial in any way you wish, and I will be glad to answer hitters." Mrs. Christina Keed, 105 Mound St, Peoria, 111. Another Operation Avoided. New Orleans, La. "For years I suf- fored from severe female troubles. Finally I was confined to my bed and the doctor said an operation was neccs- sary. I gavo Lydla li.l'lnkham's veg etable Compound a trial first, and was saved from an operation." Mrs. Lilt Peyuoux, 1111 Jierlerec St., New Orleans, La. The irreat volume of unsolicited tes- tlmony constantly pouring in proves conclusively that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 13 a rcmarKama rpmeilv for those distressing feminino ills from which so many women suffer. Old Church aa Garage. Long Hill. Conn. The old whit First Methodist church building, steeple and all, for many years used as a place of worship and the first church built in the town of Trumbull, has given away to the progress of ths times and garage. Tbe edifice, which stands almost in the center of the vll lace, has long been a landmark. The steeple will be retained, the galleries will be made into waiting rooms for women and the pulpit and platform I show place for accessories. Booklet Just Out Can Be Had for the Asking. The Portland Young Men's Chris tian Association is about to enter upon a new era in Its work, in ex tending the advantage or its educa tional department to the entire state. While a great majority of the 1400 students enrolled in night and day classes are residents of Portland, yet a large and increasing number are now enrolling from towns and cities outside of Portland. The -..different courses offered in clude ft full Commercial course, comprising Shorthand, Bookkeeping and related subjects; a college pre paratory course, a graded course in elementary subjects for bojs and vocational courses such as plumbing, carpentry, sheet metal, bricklaying, electrical work,' automobile- repair and driving. Many students trained in these classes are now occupying Important positions in the business houses of Portland. An attractive booklet entitled "Ac tivities" has Just been issued by the association and contains a statement of all Educational Courses. The Edu cational Director vlll mall this book let to all persons wio desire it. Classes for day school open Sep tember 5th, night clasfies September 25th. From present indications an unusually large registration is antici pated. Deep Mines Don't Pay. There is little or no ground for th belief that valuable metallic deposits lie very deep in the earth's crust. With few exceptions, ore deposits be come too lean to repay working below 8,090 feet. Nine mines in ten, tak ing the world as a whole, are poorer In the second thousand feet than in the first thousand, and poorer yet in the tb:' thousand than In the second. In its work of digestion and assimilation by beginning your meals with a dose of : -HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS It will prevent SOUR STOMACH INDIGESTION DYSPEPSIA SICK HEADACHE HEARTBURN MALARIA Try a bottle today Proteoted Against Bores, To save himself from loss of time caused by callers who are a long while In coming to the point, a Parlsl functionary has put on his office table) I card bearing the words: "Be so. good as to abstain from speaking of my health or the weather or of thai Bourse quotations, three subject ... . . - s .. 1 1 qualnted. Start at once on the, atterj that brings you here." J Whtiti WEI IF emores Shoo Polishes Plnoat In QusU'ty. Largest In Variety. They menl evi-ry rouuliemi nt for eleauliig autl yollsblng shues of ail klads aud colors. REDUCED RATES on all lines on account ASTORIA CENTENNIAL PAGEANT Ask your ticket agent for full details AUG. 1 0 to SEPT. 9 ; W0 L; mm: -A ' - r m triw-K tha only Mies shoa dressing "lAN U f "cKw-M cleaning and illeblnf .ii tinVi. r.r russet or tan slnes, 35o. "tar,f slM, loo. .L .la .hit lluuld form solt cu la ''rii aor.a.Uy applied. .pons. In ev.ry "U". rPdf to, u Two sum, 19 "if rour deal., doe. not keep the kind you want, send address aud Uio prlc. lu stamps for j WHVMOREBR08.00., Hhoe l'oli in World. Juvenile Misapprehension. 4 Tapa," whispered Johnny, who was In attendance at the Sunday morn. Ing services, "why do the people look so sad when they drop their money, In that plate!" MgiMifilll ere the safest and most reliable cat halt Ic and system cleanser. Tlie best remedy for Torpid Liver, Biliousness and Sick Headache. At Drug-gists' or by Mall, IS Cants HOVT CUttlUCAX, CO. P QKTLAND. OJUtOOIV jCOFFEEC J TEA SPICES SAKINO POWDER -, sTYTOarr uuai muni i S3IIj PeOSSnaOEVEB PNU No, 32-"lt WIIKlf writing to advertisers please mention this paper. COME TO PORTLAND AND BE CURED IN FIVE DAY8 VARICOSE VtlNS, MtKHIA, BLUUU rUieUN tv I No sorer, operations, ninny cases permanently enroll in one treatment. Most time-saving, most natural, most safe. A radical and permanent cur. I giro my word and will Cite rou to other medical authorities that tLis Is a fact. I ain cef. irionc I bi 111 gl guarantee that .very statement In tutsan uounceuieutls true. lainly prepsred to cure by eiperionce and equipment, which ar the keystones to success. 1 have tne uest equipped medical office on the Coast 1 will give $300 to any charity as 1 Invite tou to come to my orllce. 1 will emlaln to yoa my treatment for Varicose Veins, Hernia, Nervous liability, lllood I'oisou, Piles, Fistula, Bladder, Kidney, Prostatic and all Men's Ailments and give you t'KEK a physical eiamina tion; if necessary a microscopical and chouilral analysts of secretions, todetenuine atholngical and bacteriological oon dttious. Every man should take advantage of this oppor tunity to learn their true condition. A vtrmanont Curt ii what you want. A permanent Curs it u hat 1 givt. WRITTEN BUARANTEE My written guarantee meansacure or no pay. I guarantee to cure eertaiu ailmentaor refund every dollar you have paid. My aervlcescoet you nothing unless I cure your Varicose Veins, Hernia, l'iles. Fistula, lllood Vol eon. or any ailment I guarantee to our.. Terms are reasonable and do more than you are aht. and willing to pay for benenta Om hoars- li.H.toH. M. ssaTS. m a. m. . - A. O. Smith M. D. I aa the only ipeciajiit Is Fortius' b S'ocs sot advertise fictitious asa or SDOtOf fSph. I senilis ay true sbotof rsph, correct eaSM sad perieasllf rondeel air eftles. intu en. M non .Aitnu I .... ttil..u.. Vttrllrh'l wonderful new die (every, ' '606" la esses ot Speclsc Blood Polios. It eurce in one treat ment iu I. h. .,..,. m.rv.l si vdlcsi science. 1 hie new remedy hi bees lacc'llnlly sifd In iSomind, ot reifi. i' nmi J"ji i n a A" euiTiJ ssaauutiso tr. coa. uooas DR. A. 6. SMITH XJAT PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Xthan inv other dve. One loo package colors silk, wool and cotton equally weu skai? oiwi TvMOd poatpd at IOC package:. Write for Ireebopklef tic aeaw, 01 vve wmeeno R0 drug COM ANY, Qutncy, Ulinola. Color more f ooda brighter and faster colo: end ia sruarantaea to srive nsneci real I how to dye, bleach nod nix colore.