The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 29, 1911, Image 2

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    jr: . . 1 .
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F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Published Every Friday. Office, Corner
Third and Jefferson Streets.
Entered in the Postofrlce at Athena, Oregon,
as Second Class Mail Mailer.
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year. . . , $1.50
One copy, six months ; . . . .75
One copy, three months 50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00)
( Advertising Rates.
Display, transient, running less than one
month, first insertion, per inch 25c
Subsequent insertions 2
Display regular, per inch 2
Local readers, first insertion, per line. 10c
Subsequent insertions, per line 5c
Lodge resolutions, per line 5c
Church notice, admission, per line. . 5c
tXT.HENuORE.j SEPT. 29, 1911
ba can articulate it) viz: two eeoonds
and "git."
Tbera is not a dwelling house for
rent in Atheua. Every tenant boose
ia full and demands for houses are
made every day. This speaks well for
tbe town, and tbe faot tbat it is known
that Atbena is to have an excellent
school tbis year makes tbe demand for
tenant bouses all tbe more pressing.
There are a few residence properties
bere tbat with tbe expenditure of a
little money oould be made habitable,
and oonld bo a Bouroe of revenue to the
owner. In their present condition tbey
ore not tit to live in and consequently
remain vaoant, when otherwise tbey
should be a souroe of benefit to tbe
community in accommodating a cam
ber of families who ato forced to fore
go residenoe bere for want of suitable
homes. In tbeir present oonditiou
these bouses are an eyesore and a det
riment to the town and tbe sohool
Generosity ia sometimes overdone,
We read of A nifty, courteous young
fellow, traveling on one of tbe oceau
greyhounds, who dumped himself
overboard tbe other day and resoned
tbe handbag of a Boston dame, con
taining her money and jewels veined
at several thousands of dollars. For
taking his life in his bands, tbe yonng
man was rewarded with a package of
cigarettes. As he did not smoke the
filthy little lung destroyers, be re
turned tbem to tbe lady with as mnoh
grace as under tbe circumstanoes he
oonld muster, and retired to bis state
room to "dry out."
"rosin" lils- bow lor a merry Jig. xne
stoiy is told of him that once when
away from home he received news of
the "burning of his father's house.
"Did you save any of my hooks?" he
asked of the slave who brought him
the tidings. "No, massa," answered
the negro, "but we saved the fiddle."
Maud Wilder Goodwin In "The Colo
nial Cavalier."
If some of tbe looal monev tbat has
been poured down the rat-boles of
wireless, wildoat mining schemes, As
toria town lots, smelter propositions
and way off oil fields bad been paid
for Athena building lots, lumber and
nails there would not now be a dearth
of tenant bouses to aooommodate fam
llies who desire to oome to tbe city to
take advantage of tbe excellent cobool
facilities offered. "Distance lends en
chantment" and tbis is true in tbe
matter of investment as in all tbiogs
Among tbe items of the Northwest
news service of tbe past week, was
one pertaining to the flour industry. It
states tbat Northwest millers already
have conl raots for furnishing flour to
tbe export trade in sufficient tonnage
to keep tbe mills grinding for nearly a
year. In addition to this, tbe domes
tic) demand will have to be taken care
of. From ovory view point the mills
of the PaoiUo slope wonld appear to bo
iu a prosperous condition indeed. This
state of affairs being true, and the
fact tbat weeks ago all available ton-
nago for Urieutal points bad been
oharteted by flour exporters, it is but
reasonable to conolude tbat wheat
should be worth more than 70 cents
per tusbel iu a very short time.
With tbe completion of harvest and
tbe sale of a portion of the soason's
orop, the towns of the Umatilla and
I'alouso wheat belt are flooded
with scores of agents. Ibis year is
no exception in this respect. Several
took agents have struck this office
during the week, and their tiresome
visits wore interspersed with tho obIIh
of a miuiug promoter and an ageut for
a new fauglod curpot sweeper, tho
latter being followed Ly a smooth in
dividual who posod as an agent for
a new Associated nows servico, but
wbo had a sido line, the latest edition
of tbe best encyclopedia ever publish
ed. We gave respeotful attention to
each of these individuals, and time
wbioli totaled two hours aud 45 min
utes. This time was consumed iu en
deavoring to overoomo tho obnoxious
persistency with which the follows
held on with the argument that we
oould not got along without aoceptiug
their goueious offers. Hereafter tbeie
will be a limo limit placed on all
agents visitiug this odioe, aud but
one word from tho editor (as soou as
Twelve Hundred
New Patterns
for Winter Suits. Guarantee
all wool, with top workman
ship, at prices from $15.01) up
The best values for the money
ever ottered in Athena.
r--H .!):,. ,.:
, IS
: : It
Ladies' Suits made to measure or
made from your own material. Come
id and look at tbo material aud get
prices, before goiug elsewhere.
Cleaning, Pressing. Reimiring
All Work First Class-
J. CONLEY, The Tailor
Main Street, - - Athena, Oicgou
When President Tuft said that he
was no politician, but that be was try
ing to do what be thought best, be
made a statement in direct: connection
with that made recently by one of bis
cabinet members, wbioh was in elfeol
tbat the President's obief ambition ia
life was to be made Chief Justioe.
Come to think of it, Taft has been
mere of a snooess in tbe role of jurist
than he has as the Nation's obief executive.
The Walla Walla fair was well at
tended, but oh, you lionndup. The
feature of tbe Walla Walla attraction
last week was tbe raoes, wbioh may
be seen any old time at any old pluce,
bnt tbe .Roundup, permanently located
at Pendleton will continue to be the
magnet in attracting trains from all
points of the Northwest with tbeir
human cargoes of excitement hunters.
Ten Out of Five.
It was in an Ideal scaeoast town of
Maine, to which they had fled for a
lazy two weeks, that they found him,
one of those "natives" with a largo
stock of undeveloped wit.
They were out gunning with the na
tive as their guide. A flock of five
birds flew over. Raising his gun, ho
took aim and fired. All five fell to tho
earth, and they were loud in their
praises of his skill.
"That ain't nothln'!" said he con
temptuously. "If I'd hod my other
gun along I'd 'a' done better than
that." Metropolitan Magazine.
The Story of the Duel Between Hamil
ton and Burr.
The story of tho Hamilton-Burr duel
Is tragic in its brevity. The llttlo party
of five the principals, their seconds
and the surgeon was on the ground
not long after sunrise. The prelimi
naries were soon arranged. As Ten
dleton, Hamilton's second, gave him
bis pistol he asked, "Will you have the
hairspring set?"
"Not this time," was the significant
reply, and then the men faced each
According to tho best authorities
upon n disputed subject. Burr fired at
the word. At the report Hamilton
started forward with a convulsive
movement, reeled, Involuntarily dis
charging bis pistol into tbo foliage
above lilm, and fell headlong. Burr,
with an expression of pain upon his
face, sprang toward bim, but Van Ness,
his second, seized bim by the arm and
hurried him down the bank and into
tbeir boat.
Hamilton, being lifted up, revived
fof a moment and gasped, "This is a
mortal wound, doctor." Relapsing
again Into unconsciousness, he was
again revived by the fresh air of the
river. "Pendleton knows, he said,
trying to turn toward his friends, "that
I did not Intend to fire at him,"
At 2 the afternoon following he had
breat bod bin Inst.
, .... A
- --.-.rx
Special attention given to all
calib, both night and day.
Calls promptly answered. Office on Third
Street, Athena Oregor
Athena, Oregon.
Calls answered promptly night or day.
Office in Postoffice Building, Athena Ore.
Hours, 9 to 12 and 1 to 5
Athena, Oregon. - Pendleton, Oregon
Homer I. Watts
Athena, Oregon.
The third cutting of alfalfa in tbis
vioinity is said to be bettor than for
many years. As a forage orop, there
is nothing that equals alfalfa, either
in quality or quantity. Grow more
of it and prosper.
They Have Never Yet Beon Made,
Even In the Laboratory.
Ono of tho needs, of tbo day is n
perfectly spherical steel ball, and yet
It has never been made even In tho
laboratory, much less in tho shop for
commercial uses. When we consider
the Importance of ball bcnrlngs for nu
tomobllos, motorcycles and other ma
chinery the imperfections in steel bails
must appeal to all as of the greatest
moment. Of course wo make pretty
good steel balls, which could net-have
been manufactured n few years ago.
So far as tho eye can discern, they aro
perfectly spherical, too, and ordinary
measuring Instruments will not be able
to detect any difference in them, but
nevertheless they are not perfectly
A Mod ball for automobile bearings
must bo perfect within .0001 Inch, and
they are made even more perfect than
this, but mathematical perfection In
this respect seems to be almost as Il
lusive as squaring tho circle or discov
ering the perpetual motion machine.
When the steel ball was first used In
the bearings of bicycles it was a very
Imperfect sphere. It was not called
upon to bear any great load, and the
velocity was not great. At the best
the load on it was not more than 200
pounds, and at tho rate of sixty miles
an hour the revolutions were not moro
than 720 per minute. Compare that
with the load and velocity of tho mod
ern ball bearings of automobiles. Fre
quently the load approximates a thou
sand pounds and tho velocity is any
where from 800 to 1,'JOO revolutions.
The small steel balls must take the
maximum load of the car and puss It
on to others without binding or catch
ing. .V slight imperfection in any one
ball would cause trouble. In fact, It
Is Impossible to use balls with any ap
preciable variation in size from ono
another, and the more nearly round
they are the better the results.
Steel balls aro not only made more
perfect In shape than ever before, bnt
they are harder and tougher. As
there Is a tendency to flake, only spo
clal stools can be used In their manu
facture, and theso tough, bard steels
are all the more dltllcult to work with
to secure perfect roundness. The
chrome steel, of which most balls for
bearings are made, Is one of the most
dltlicutt of steels to cut or shape, aud
tho work of handling it lias developed
special tools ami machines made of
even harder material.
While wo have not yet made the
perfectly spherical steel ball and per
haps may never succeed, the point of
perfection reached is little short of
wonderful. Tho approximately per
fect steel ball is a matter of vital im
portance wherever machines and ma
chinery are made aud used. The ap
plication of tho Ixill bearing system
is extended to new lines of industrial
use each year, and builders of all
kinds of apparatus are taking advan
tage of the perfection reached by the
manufacturers of these little spheres
of tough ateel.-Uarper's Weekly.
Administrator's Sale.
In tbe matter of the Estate of B. C.
Kidder, deneased.
Notice of sale of real estate.
Notice is hereby given tbat iu pursu
ance of an order of tbe County Court
of Umatilla County, State of Oregon,
made on tbe 20tb day of August, 1911,
in tbe matter of the estate of B. C.
Kidder, deceased, I will sell at pri
vate sale for cash in baud, at tbe
home of Rath (J. Kidder widow of
said deceased at tbe oity of Atbena,
Umatilla 'county, state of Oregon, on
or after the iSOtb day of September,
1911, tho following real property, to
wit: The southwest quarter of Seotion 5,
township 2 North, Range :S2 E. W. M.
Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, tbis
28tb day of August, 1911.
George B. Kidder, Administrator of
tbe estate of B. C. Kidder, deeeased.
C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V.
Olllclal Stock Inspector. Graduate McKilllp
Vetlnary College, Chicago
rhone Main 27, PENDLETON, OREGON
Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist
the most heallna salva In the world.
J. E. FROOME, prop.
Only First-class Hotel in
the City.
la the ouly one tbat can accommodate
commercial traveler!.
J Can be tecomended tor Its clean and
well ventilated rooms.
Cor. Main and Third, Atbena, Or.
Notice to Creditors.
In the Matter of the Estate of A. J.
Willaby. deceosed:
.Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may oonceru tbat Clydo
Willaby has been appointed adminis
trator of tbe estato of A. J. Willaby,
deceased. All persons having claims
against tbe said estate aro requited to
present them, with proper vouchers as
required bylaw to tbo said admiustra-
tor at, the law offices of Peterson &
Wilson, bis attorneys, at Atbena, Ore
gon, or i'eurilotou, Uregou, within six
mouths from tbe date of tbe flist pub
lication of this notice.
Dated at Atheua. Otegon, on tbis
the 1st day of September, A. D. , 1911.
Clyde Willaby,
l'otoisou & Wilson,
Attorneys for tbe Administrator.
Administratrix Notice.
In the County Coutt of the State of
Oregon, iu aud for the County of
In the matter of tho Estato of Charles
Wilson, Deeeased:
Notice is hereby given tbat Maggie
Wil-on of Atbena, Oregon, was on tbe
1st day of June, 1911, appointed ad
ministratrix of the estate of Charles
Wilsou, deoeased, by tbe above en
titled court, aud that all persons hav
ing claims against snid estatn are
hereby notified to present said claims
with proper vouohera thereto, to said
administratrix or to her attorney,
Homer I. Watts, at his oftioe iu Atb
ena Oregon.
Maggie Wilson,
Administratrix of the Estate of Charles
Wilsou, deoeased.
w,th Dr. King's
lew Discovery
Fnn ouchs mSYSmii
wii QLDS Trial Bottle Free
Southeastern Washington's
Walla Walla, Wash
Concerts Daily by Ruzzi's Famous
Special Rates on all Railroads.
Stop a cough before It
develops something1 mora
se rlous.
I The Remedy Tbat
Doea the Work.
It relieves coughing ImmedU
ately, cases soreness In the
lungs, loosens phlegm and
clears the bronchial tubes. It
is a fi ia family remedy, pleas
ant to take and good for chil
dren and adults.
price 25c. 50c and 81.00.
3uv the ti-00 size. It contains
live limes as much as the 250 &
size, and you tret with each bot
tie a Dr. Ilerrlck's r.ed Tepper
Porous Plaster for tho chest.
I JamesF. Ballard, Prop. St. Louis, Mo.
II -Ji-r, Mdmarpr
i V "I I I
in i
nmws n n f n ii n
Stephens Eye Salve Cures Sors
Byron N. Hawks.
A Good Line of Hosiery
The Mother's Friend
Is a good hose, which go out with the boy, stay
with him through the day's play, and come back
home whole at night. Look for the trade mark
shown below.
S. " ' " yT " cA. J. Parker
; v. ; MmwJ
Dancing In Washington's Days.
It was u nam ing iio. Xono was too
oll or to lliiiiw(l to join in tho pas
time. Wo Iimvo It on tho authority of
(JtMicnil (Jivimio that on cue invasion
Washington tlam-iM fur three hours
without oii.-o sitt int: down. Patrick
llcnn v ouM ( Io-h the doors of his of
IKv to .ela!-e hltuxelf to dauclns or
tUMUicr. lonl .MiVim dearly loved to
TMs la the title of a beautiful 4-tn ,.,
via show any boy or girl bow to SUCCEED. Drop a
postal In the mall TODAY and It wUl be Mat FREE
Tbe aim of the Collet li to dignify and poeularlio
the Industries, and to sew ALL tbe people. It offers
courses In Agrlcultaro, Clrll Sagtaeertnc. Electrical
Engineering. Mechanical Engineering, Mining Engin
eering, Forestry, Dome stl a.. Science and Art, Com
merce, Pharmacy and Music. Tbe CtUeg opeai
September Sid. Catajog free.
COLLEOS, Corraliis, Oregon.
Nt '
New Stock
Just in, a car load of goods direct from the fac
tory, and my stock is now complete. I have 25 pattern
of Dressers, 10 in Chiffonieres, 6 or 7 in Buffets, 4 or 5
in China Closets, and a large assortment of Exten
sion Tables, Stand Tables and Library Tables in all
shapes and sizes. Rockers from $2.75 to $40.00. Iam
sure that I can suit you in Rugs. I have the biggest lot I have ever had at one
time. Prices run from $14 to $35 for 9x12s; lots of small rugs, all prices. 12 pat
terns of Dining Chairs from 90c each to $30 a set. I have had over 25 years ex
perience in buying and long ago found that goods bought right can be sold right.
I own my store building, consequently don't have to ad rent to my selling prices.
Miller's furniture Gives Satisfaction
5 JlMllLluiwulil iil'i..iw yiw(ii.i,iWiU
Ml Kidney and
Bladder Diseases
Folefs Kidney Cure will positively cure any case of
Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the
reach of medicine. No medicine can do more.
If you notice any irregularities, commence taking
Folefs Kidney Cure at once and avoid a fatal malady.
A Merohant Cared After Having Given Up Hope.
Foley & Co., Chicago.
Gentlemen: I was afflicted with Kidney tad
Bladder trouble for six years and had tried numerous
preparations without getting any relief and had given
up hope of ever being cured when FOLEY'S KIDNEY
CURE was recommended to me. After using one
bottle I could feel the effect of it, and after taking
six fifty-cent bottles, I was cured of Kidney and
Bladder trouble and have not fell so ell for the past
twenty years and I owe it to FOLEY'S KIDNEY
CURE. James Smith, Bentons Ferry, V. Va.
Veteran ef the Civil War Cared After Tea Years
of Suffering.
R. A. Cray, J.P., of Oakville, Ind., writes:
"Most of the time for ten years I was confined to my
bed with some disease of the kidneys. It was so
severe I could not move part of the time. I consulted
the best medical skill available, but got no relief until
FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE was recommended to jne.
I am grateful to be able to say that it entirely cured me."
Refuse Substitutes
Two Sizes, 50 Cents and $1.00
.' J,.
15 "