The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 22, 1911, Image 2

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AN independent.'newspaper
F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Published Every Friday. Office, Corner
Third, and Jefferson Streets.
Entered in the Fostotfice at Athena, Oregon,
as Second Class Mail Matter.
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year $1.50
One copy, six months 75
One copy, three months. 50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00)
and Corrections. Ootober 22 and 23
will be spent in Portland, where con
ferencea on playground work will be
Advertising Rates.
' Display; transient, running less than one
month, first insertion,' per inch 25c
Subsequent insertions
Display regular, per inch 12
Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c
Subsequent insertions, per line 5c
Lodge resolutions, per line 5c
Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c
cATHENA. ORE.. SEPT. 22, 1911
The Portland Journal doea ex- Gov
ernor Moore of Walla WaJla the jnst
loe of doubtiDg that be is oorrectly
quuted. A man of pleasing personal
ity apparent poise and graceful speeob,
it seems incredible tbat be should ex
press the possibility of a republic to
be formed of Pacific Coast states, and
all because Alaska is not opened on a
basis of present laws. The Journal
cannot believe that there can be a re
volt, a revolution or even a breaob of
the poaoo orer the Alaskau situation,
now or hereafter. Indeed, tbe Journal
believes that (,'0 per cent of tho people
of the Pacflo states do not want Alaska
openod ou tbe terms proposed by Gov
ernor Moore. What is wanted Ly tbe
plain people of tbe count who aro all
paying $10 a ton for II coal is the
opening of Alaska ou suoh terms that
tboy will got $1 coal for ft. 'Ibis
cannot to done if a single syudioute or
combination of syndioatea ia (o have
ownership and possession of Aluska
coal lines, Alaska railroads, Alaska
terminals and Alaska st'tamer liuw,
In any ohoioe between tbe two plans it
ia very probable tbat for every Gov
ernor Moore on tbe side of u syndicat
ed Alaska, there is ou I bo other side
100 or 1000 plaiu aud patriotic
Amorioau citizens. If Seoretary Fish
ei should sucooed iu opening Alaska
ou a plan of fl coal for $4, aud if
tboso of Governor Mooie's way of
thinking should movo that tbe PaoiQo
Const states secede from tbe union as
a result, it ia u further happy fact
that seuessiou would be buried under
ballots a buudred iutborus deep.
A special session of tbe legislature
to euact good roads legislation has
been recommended by Governor West's
commission, which baa just met and
outlined several bills. These provide
for state aid, a state highway commis
sioner, aud for enabling counties to
avail themselves of the bonding aot
for road purposes passed at the last
general election. Tbe commissioners
who represent all parta of tbe state
are hopeful tbat much will be acoom
plisbed in tbe good loads mnvemen
by tbe enactment of these measures,
A banker at Bend, believing tb
hog is a great source of wealth, baa
arranged for tbe purchase through
the Portland Union htookyards Co,
of two or three carloads of sows c
good blood in the Middle west and
will sell them to tbe farmers around
Bend, taking their notes for them
for one year. This shows tbe confi
denoe the bankers have iu tbe hog as
a mortgage lifter and the plan prom
ises to aid very materially in building
up a great bog industry in tbe inter
ior. '
Throe thousaud miles of the Pacific
Highway aro said to be now located,
in three divisions. One suction con
sists of a stretch from Vancouver, U.
C. to lluzultou, which is sixty miles
from tho Alaskan bouudury. Another
pmty is at work from the California
Hue to the city of Mexico aud tlio
third is fixing guide posts through
Uregou. In uuober year, it is planned
to have an automobile route obnrted
from the oupilol to Alaska
The vaiious states, countries aud prov
luces crossed are ull cooperating. In
time, it is claimed this will coustitule
the tin est sceuio motor rood in tho
Teachers aud otbeis interested in
publio work throughout the North
west will want to atioud tlio Play
ground aud Kecreatiou lustituto to bo
held in Seattle (Motor 17. IS. aud 1!,
tho first gathering of this kind ever
held iu tho Pacific Northwest. Offic
ers ot the PluvKiuuud Association of
Arueiioa aud well known workers will
alteud. Following this gathering
will lie a three days hohhIou of tlio
North western Coufeience of Charities
Twelve Hundred
New Patterns
for "Winter Suits. (Guarantee
all vool, with top workman
ship, at prices fron? $15.00 up
The best values for the money
ever olleied in Athena.
a Tins is not
1 H - -
I. I'M
Ladies' SaiU made to measure or
nutria from your owu material. Come
iu a ml look at tbe material aud get
prices, before going elsew here.
Cleaning, Pressing. Reuairiug
All Work first Class.
J. CONLEY, The Tailor
Main Slrcrt,
Concrete Forts and Big Guns
Protect Our Sea Line.
The modern seacoast fort Is a bat
tery whoso guns nro protected in front
and flank with enormous monoliths of
concrete, covered, In the sides exposed
to tho lire, with sand enough to do
flect projectiles before they reach tho
concrete, nays the Engineering Maga
zine. Deep down In tho interior of
these hugo masses of stone aro placed
(he magazines and operating rooms re
quired for tho service of tho batteries.
They nre simply caves in stone, arti
ficial, to be sure, but as permanent as
the everlasting hills. It Is weird and
uncanny to reflect that In one of those
caves, scintillating with tho highest
resources of science, men stand over
a drawing board on a table and prac
tically seo and plot on a chart every
movement and position of the ships of
a hostile fleet and flash forth to the
gunners in the open such Instructions
for pointing their guns ns enable them
to make consecutive bullaeycs on a
target 0,000 yards away or from groups
of great twelve inch rifled mortars to
make 47 per cent of hits with flocks
of projectiles on the deck of a moving
target anywhere within range.
it Is vastly important that such
rooms bo made ns comfortable ns pos
sible for the strained human intel
lects working out their country's de
fense within them. But to make them
comfortable. Is a difficult problem. In
tho United States tho first modern bat
teries wero completed during an
exigency caused by tho war with
Spain. But since their compjctlon
during tho warm and humid months
of summer rind early fall their gal
leries, magazines and Rervlce rooms
rock with moisture. - Water stands In
great beads upon tho walls and ceil
ings, from which it drips down to form
great pools upon tho floors, and they
aro not safe places for either human
beings, ammunition or material of war.
To remedy the evil many expedients
have been tried and much valuable
experience gained. But the problem
is besot with difficulty.
An Experiment Which Shows a Sort of
Perpetual Motion Effect.
A novel experiment in tho demon
stration of perpetual motion Is to be
performed simply. A glass beaker
about hIx Inches high and four Inches
iu diameter Is tilled with water to
tho height of about four and a half
Inches, and two and one-half to three
ounces of commercial aullluo aro add
ed, which will sink to the bottom of
the vessel.
The temperature of tho beaker nnd
its contents Is now raised to 170 or
175 degrees Fahrenheit by means of a
burner, when It will bo observed that
tho aniline will rise to tho surface of
the water, from which It will haug In
n mass of curved outline. Almost lrn
aiedlately tho suspended aullluo com
mences to alter in shape, and grad
ually a large drop on lm h or more in
diameter detaches Itself from tho
mass and falls through the water.
And now, the detached drop having
fallen to the bottom of the beaker,
conies the surprising part of the ex
periment. Tbe fallen drop Is seen
gradually to rise to the surface, where
It joins the mass f,oin which It pre
viously broke away. At once another
drop commences to form and, having
become detached, falls and rises in the
same manner as the previous drop.
So long as the temperature of the
water Is maintained at 1TO degrees
Fahrenheit or over thi procedure con
tinue;! Indefinitely. - Spokane Spokes
man Nov low.
Worked Both Ends.
(Juiens at their best are but women.
Sulil Mary of Modena once In her days
of eslle. "It took all the Jewels that
all the goldsmith could procure to
decorate my crown." She was "pow
dered" with gems, which Fountain
hull says "made her shine like an
And Queen Caroline, too, the wife
of (leorge 11., used to allude to Lord
Honey's rather personal remark that
her crowning dress "was as flue as the
accumulated riches of tho city and
suburbs could make It, for, besides
her own Jewels, she had on her head
and shoulders all the pearls she could
borrow of the ladles of quality at one
clitl of the town, and ou her potth oat
all the diamonds she could hire of the
jewelers at lire other"
A Jolt to Ronni cs.
''Hubby, you have a l- U ' uiy bail
haven't you-.'" "r im;i'.'" "See if
von cm match It In suue puffs w hen
Labor must organize
If It Is to Secure Juttiee From Organ
ized Capital, Says Woodrow Wilson.
Few public men have taken such
definite ground on the Question of the
rights and duties of organized labor
as has Governor Woodrow Wilson of
New Jersey. In a letter written to
one of the labor leaders of his homo
stata recently the governor said:
"I have always been the warm friend
of organized labor. It is, In my opin
ion, not only perfectly legitimate, but
absolutely necessary, that labor should
organize if It Is to secure Justice from
organized capital, and everything that
it does to Improve the condition of
worklngmen, to obtain legislation that
will impose full legal responsibility
upon the employer for his treatment
of his employees and for their protec
tion against accident, to secure just
and adequate wages and to put
reasonable limits upon the working
day and upon all the exactions of
thoso who employ labor ought to have
the hearty support of all fair minded
and public spirited men, for there is a
sense in which the condition or laDor
is the condition of the nation Itself.
The laboring man cannot benefit him
self by Injuring the Industries of the
country. I am much more afraid that
the erent corporations, combinations
and trusts will do the country deep
harm than I am that tbe labor or
ganizations will harm it, and yet I be
lieve the corporations to be necessary
Instruments of modern business."
Tlis Plumb Line In Porto Hico.
There are place;-! where the direction
of a plumb line U not vertical. Irregu-
irilies of density l:i the crust or tlie
globe may produce tins pnenomenon.
A remarkable instance in point was
found in the island of Porto Rico,
vhcre the deviation from the vertical
s so great that In mapping tho island
the northern and rout horn coast lines,
s shown In the older maps, had each
to be moved inward half a mile.
Scientific American.
S. F. Sharp
Special attention given to all
calls, both night and day.
Calls promptly answered. Office ou Third
Street , Athena Oregor
Athena, Oregon.
Calls answered promptly night or day.
Office in Postoffice Building, Athena Ore,
Hours, 9 to 12 and 1 to 5.
Athena, Oregon. - Pendleton, Oregon
Homer I. Watts
Athena, Oregon.
C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V.
uncial Stock Inspector. Graduate McKillip
Vetlnary follow, Chicago
Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist
Worse Off.
"You know that I told you how I
dropped our rubber plant and wrecked
"I'm sorry T did it."
"My wife has Jufit bought a new one
that's twice as heavy." Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Administrator's Sale.
In tbe matter of tbe Estate of B. (J.
Kidder, deceased.
Notioe of sale of real estate.
Notice is hereby given tbat iu pursu
ance of an order of tbe County Court
of Umatilla County, State of Oregon,
made on tbe 20th day of August, 1911,
in tbe matter of the estate of D. C.
Kidder, deceased, I will sell at pri
vate sale for obhIi in hand, at tbe
home of Eulb C. Kidder widow of
said deooased at tbe oity of Athena,
Umatilla county, state of Uregou, on
or after tbe DOtb day of September,
1911, the following roal property, to
wit: The southwest quarter of Seotion 5,
township 2 North, liauge :J2 E. W. AJ.
Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this
28th day of August, lull.
George 13. Kidder, Admiuistrator of
the estate of 13. C. Kidder, deceased.
Notice to Creditors.
In the Mutter of the Estate of A. J.
Willaby, deceased:
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it muy couceru that Clyde
Willaby has been appointed adminis
trator of tho tstato of A. J. Willaby,
deceased. All persons having claiins
agaiugt the said estute are required to
present them, with proper vouobers as
required bylaw to the said admiustra
tor at. the law offices of Peterson &
Wilson, his attorneys, at Atbeua, Ore- 1
gou, or Peudlutou, Oregon, wit bin six
mouths from tho date ot tho llist pub
lication of this uotiqe.
Dated at Athena, Oregon, on this
tbe 1st day of September, A. I)., 1911.
Clyde Willaby,
Peteisou & Wilson.
Attorneys for the Administrator.
Administratrix Notice. i
Iu the Couuty Court of tho State of j
Oregou, iu and for the County of i
Umatilla. !
Iu tho mutter of tbe Estate of Charles j
Wilson, Dooeasad : j
Notioo is berety given that Maggie i
WiHin of Atheuu, Oregon, was ou the j
1st day of June, 1911, appointed ad- j
miuistratrix of the estate of Charles '
Wilson, deceased, by the ubove ou- j
titled court, uud that all persons Lav- i
iug olaiius agaiust said estut" are
hereby notified to present said claims ;
with proper vouchers thereto, to said
administratrix or to her attorney, !
Homer I. Watts, at his ofliee iu Atb- I
ena Oregou.
Maggie Wilsou,
Administratrix of the Estate of Charles
Wilson, deceased.
the most healina salve in the world.
t J. E. FROOME, peop. I
I Iff
Only First-class Hotel in
I the City.
Is the oaly one that can accommodate
commercial travelers.
Can be lecomeuded for Its clean and
well ventilated rooms.
Cor. Mxrs and Third, Athbna , Or.
KILLthe cough
and CURE the LUNGS
r. King's
New Discovery
OLDS Trial Bottle Free
U K ""Hi""3 80o & $100.
Southeastern Washington's
SEPTEMBER 18 TO 23. 1911
Walla Walla, Wash
Concerts Daily by Ruzzi's Famous
Special Rates on all Railroads.
Atlirnn, Mcrou' jotl p dow liluw o.' - I'illsln .i- Tost.
o4. J. Parker
Kverj thing Firit
L'tunn - Modern
nu.l l p-to -date
f, s
TtiU ia tho title of ft beautiful 64-care book, vblctk
will show any boy or girl how to SUCCEED. Drop a
vostal la the mail TODAY and it will be tent FREE.
The aim of tbe College le to dlf nlfy and populartie
the Industrie, and to serve ALL the people. It offer
courses In Agriculture, Civil Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, Mecbantcal Engineering, Mining Engln
eciing. Foroetry, DomettlOw Solence and Art. Com
tucrce. Pharmacy and Mutlc. Tbe College opeai
September ltd. Catalog free.
COLLEGE, Oorvallli. Oregon.
Indigestion, Bad Breath, Dizzi
ness, Vertigo (blind staggers),
Headache. Sallow Complexion,
a Tired, Discouraged Feeling
are all symptoms of a Torpid
Is an Effective Liver Tonic nnd
Dowel Regulator.
t. nwA,.t rovlvln? inf IU-
enco in tne iorpiu n' . o-
immointn improvement.
You feel better nt once. The
bowels movo freely so that tlie
I irapuru. . . w. flnS an
j tip trie aigcsun i6 -
oStlct When, the fyrtcm has
been- UU3 purmea,
half sick feeling disappears, the
complexion clears, the breath
1 'comes sweet, the mind alert
i rheerful and there is a fine
feeling of exhilaration all
through tho body.
t:- nOn ner Bottle.
JamesF.I3allard.Prop. St.Louls.Mo.
Use Stephens Eye salve tor
sore Eyes, it tures.
(lA Good Line of Hosiery
Byron N. Hawks.
II ii j i f 1 J 1 I I I I I
The Mother's Friend
Is a good hose, which go out with the boy, stay
with him through the day's play, and come back
home whole at night. Look for the trade mark
shown below.
f i I I I
New Stock
Just in, a car load of goods direct from the fac
tory, and my stock is now complete. I have 25 pattern
of Dressers, 10 in Chiffonieres, 6 or 7 in Buffets, 4 or 5
in China Closets, and a large assortment of Exten
sion Tables, Stand Tables and Library Tables in all
shapes and sizes. Rockers from $2.75 to $40.00. I am
sure that I can suit you in Rugs. I have the biggest lot I have ever had at one
time. Prices run from $14 to $35 for 9x12s; lots of small rugs, all prices. 12 pat
terns of Dining Chairs from 90c each to $30 a set. I have had over 25 years ex
perience in buying and long ago found that goods bought right can be sold right
I own my store building, consequently don't have to ad rent to my selling prices.
Miller's furniture Gives Satisfaction
rW'"'.itiij ii l.iiijii.iii phi mii mm um.n li i i iii i i,n i UK muiiuji m i mi mm ... . nm M imi whju- ..imto.
All Kidney and
Bladder Diseases
Folefs Kidney Cure will positively cure any case of
Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the
reach of medicine. No medicine can do more.
If you notice any irregularities, commence taking :
Folefs Kidney Cure at once and avoid a fatal malady.
A Morohant Cured After Having Given Up Hop.
Foley & Co., Chicago.
Gentlemen: I was afflicted with Kidney a ad
Bladder trouble for six years and had tried numerous
preparations without getting any relief and had given
up hope of ever being cured when FOLEY'S KIDNEY
CURE was recommended to me. After using one
bottle I could feel the effect of it, and after taking
sa fifty-cent bottles, I was cured of Kidey and
Bladder trouble and have not felt so ell for the past
twenty years and 1 owe it to FOLEY'S KIDNEY
CUKE. James Smith, Bentons Ferry, W, Va.
A Veteran of the Civil War Cured After Ten Year
of Suffering.
R. A. Cray, J.P., of Oakville, Ind., writes:
"Most of the time for ten years I was confined to my
bed with some disease of the kidneys. It was so
severe I could not move part of the time. I consulted
the best medical skill available, but got no relief until
FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE was recommended to me.
I am grateful to be able to say tbat it entirely cured me."
Refuse Substitutes
Two Sizes. 50 Cents and $1.00