. r it 9i ANJNDEPENDENT newspaper nil F. B. Boyd, Publisher '. Published Every Friday. Office, Corner Third and Jefferson Streets. Entered in" the Ponitolnce at Athena, Oregon, "as Second Class Mall Matter. Subscription Ratea. One copy, one year.... .... .. .. ....$50 One copy, six months.. i On rniw thta months. ... . i ."' 50. When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.0fl)J Advertising Rates. Display, transient, running less than one month, first insertion, per inch 25c Subsequent insertions 12) Display regular, per inch 12j Local readers, first insertion, ner line. 10c Subsequent insertions, peflftje ... ... 5c Lodge resolutions, per line. . . 5c Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c cATHENA. ORE.. SEPT. 15, . ... . .1911 It won Id appear tbat it is up to the state board of test book oommkeioaers to alter the present service ot fur rjiBbiog Bcbool tooks to the different districts of the state. Under the pres ent method of seouriug text books the bigbor grades in thepublio schools are compelled in some instances to wait a week or more after tho beginning of sobool before entering upon the year's work, for the reason that books are not iu stook in local book stores. This in faoo of tho fact tbat the J. K. Gill company of Poitluad is nuder ooutract to koop a complete depository of text books iu every town iu the state, eo we are reliably informed. To the contrary, this is not done, in Athena at leat. The resnlt is that the Looks have to oouie from l'ortlaud on order after school stalls and ell of this week's work will be praotioally lost to thestndeuta iu tbe High sobool de partment. 'o blame can bo attaobed to local beck sellers for the reason that the narrow margin of 10 por cont oo sales will cot peimit of them oarry iug a voluminous stock of books, when the contracting company iefnses to allow the return of uueold books. This is nothiug less than flagrant in justice to tbe local seller, the school pnpils aud the public, aud appatently is iu rank violation of the depository clause of the coutract between the J. K. Gill company and tbe state. The text book situation should be eo ar langod that nn; one paying the price could at auy time piocare any look embraoed iu the general coats cf study without having to wait for aa order to go to Poitland. "Lot 'or Book." echoing and r eoboiug throughout the Northwest far tbe past month bad the dosireil etfauc Peudlotou has entertained- tbr laigHHt crowd in the history of tha tuwa ihm week. I'uousaada came from a dis traote to see the- West of yesterday, staged in an arena of commodious pro portions, and toga;nnr witli home people, counted thrills of exaicument; iu nnlson. The Roundup, it reliu uf frontier days, when Cliurluy Potter drove s'.age through Cuuturvilla aud all tbe reservation domain was a wav ing sea of buooh gra.s, may laok the refJuomeut and collate of the effete East, Lut as a vivid, at in iug exhib ition of rauge life aud a picture of tbe strenuous times of early days, and evou a true examplo of tbe life led ou tbo big onttlo rauolies of today, it elands unequalled. Aud tbat tbe peoplo like it, is attested by tbe crowds thut on me to sue tbe show. Askiuu for assistance from Divine Piovidunou to goido them in tberr de liberations iu arriving ut a verdiot io a murder trial, is u prouedore ttmtii oorlaiuly out of the ordluary in tbe Twelve Hundred New Patterns for Winter Suits. Guarantee all wool, with top workman. ship, at prices from $15.00 up The best values for the money ever offered in Athena. KtRKGliARRlS iROKr.SmuuHJi uMUuu p.'JLadiee' Suits made to measure or made from your owu material. Come iu and look ut the materiel aud get prices, lcforo going elsewhere. Cleaning, Pressing, Keoairing , ' -All Work First Class. J CON LEY, The Tailor Main Street, -' Atlieua, Oiegou annals of jurors. But this ia what happened in the Beattie wife' murder trial down in Virginia. On bended knee, tbe Virginia farmers comprising tbe jury prayed tbat they might reach a just and tine verdiot. And they did. After bearing tbe evidence in a conrt presided over by a fair and im partial judge, there was nothing left the jurymen to do but avenge tbe out raged xnorals and deoenoy of the com mtroVty io wbiob tbe atrooious crime was committed, by declaring tbe brute guilty, and allowing him to take the consequences of bis devilish act. it collapses' Into a tangle of apparently dead and withered stems. Among British wild plants the most sensitive to touch is the insectivorous sundew of English bogs. London Globe. Kind Critics. "How did Jones get such a reputa tion both as a singer and an artist?" "lie sang before tbe Painters' club and - painted pictures for the Mu sicians' union." Cleveland Leader. Tbe general land office has made a ruling in favor of tbe desert land en trymen iu this state, which enables the entryman oo a desert claim to make final proof and secure title to bis desert claim before seouiiug final water right certificate from tbe state. The water rights for desert claims are initiated by Oling a water right ap plication in the offioe of tbe state en gineer. Tbis application ie subse quently approved and returned . to- tbe applicant and is bis authority'toVcou; stroot works and apply water 4q tbe irrigation of bis claim, 'Ibis appla tion is analogous to tbe certifloafe tbe entrymaa reoeived . from tbe -Land Offioo and as tbe Land Offioe" certifi cate is roplaoed by a deed after Dual proof, so is the water permit replaoed by a final water right certificate or deed, after the land is under irrigation. THE PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT. It U Pervading the Whole Country, De clares Woodrow Wilson. now widespread is the progressive movement in American politics was eloquently expressed by Governor Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey in a recent speech. Tho governor said: "It does not require any great iaias ination to think that high thotttfcts and purposes In politics ore roaatsj subtly through every fcousetiotd aal every member of every housebchl ta this country. It doe not ueel taa you should tcucb, elbows actual! touch elbows witti men ia tn street and men ia the shop ia orvler t laow the great Issues of human uapplae that are lavolred la a great contest like taU, for tbe question cf to tarts Is not a mere question cf policy. I: l a qaestioa of the rearraajfemeoc of tan public interests a ym touoa every hoasehoM ia tola) coon try and So any man. ta saca circaawtaaiws i.a hold to bead up after he Ha voted for a special Luterest without a Just con ception of taj comaioa interests I f'jr one cannot comprelieml "Bat wlieclier meu can eomprelwnd It or not helD tt or not, we all liamv that the 'mills of ta gods grind slow ly." aad they 'grind exceedingly due.' and the men wao now resist this great impulse of reform, the men who impede this great compuJsiou uf pub lic interest, will be ground so fine ta some of these mills of the gods that their very dust: will bo Imperceptible." Reason Enough. "Why does she think be has such a splendid future?" "Because she has promised to marry him, I guess." Houston Post. Self Confidence. "Do'jou believe in all tho views yon advocate?" "Yes," replied Senator Sorghum, after some hesitation, "1 do, but 1 doubt whether a less skillful reasoner than myself would be able to convince me of the correctness of some of them." Washington Star. His Conclusion. Mrs. Gnoses I'll never forget the night you proposed to me. You acted like a perfect fool. Mr. Gnaggs That wasn't acting. Philadelphia Record. Talebearers are just as bad as tale makers. Sheridan. Administrator's Sale. In the matter of the Estate of B. C. Kidder, deceased. Notice of sale of real estate. t JSotioe is hereby given tbat iu pursu ance of an order of the County Court of Umatilla County, State of Oregon, made ou the SGtb day of August, 1911, in tbe matter of the estate of B. C Kidder, deceased, I will sU at pri vate sale for cash iu hacd, at ti home of Ruth C KdJr wutaw ? said deceased at tho ctSjr t As $.. Umatilla couuty. st Otou ra or after tbe SOSh djr of S-Swatnc 1911, the fdlowic w irojwrt,, wit: the fostowesi qa5 t! j-icSiow 3., ttiWBt&ipi 3 Xorti. Ksi K S. W;. XI,. It4 at Fnttdltca. tni'iu, 3?ta day ef AsasS. tilt. Georj EL, K;jlwk Al!ai4iicnirr'if tbe estate ci E C KLimc, Jooutimnii Professional S. . Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls, both night and day. CaHs promptly answered. Office on. Third street, Athena Oregor G. S.-NEWSOM, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Athena, Oregon. Calls answered promptly night or day DR. W. G. nUGHES, Dentist Office in Postoffice Building, Athena Ore. Hours, 9 to 12 and 1 to 5. PETERSON & WILSON - Attorneys-at-Law Athena, Oregon. - Pendleton, Oregon Homer I. Watts Attorney-at-Law Athena, Oregon. C. W. LASSEN. M. D. .V. Official Stock Inspector, tintdimte McKUIip etluary college, i uu-ago Phone Main 97, FE.VOCETUN, OKKGO Veterinary Surgeon A: Dentist TROY LAUNDRY For GOOD WORK IUKV KELNE, Asent. BANNER S A LVE , i. j. Ganaais of tha Playhouia. Tuespin in 031 B. C. acted hi play In :i wagon. In 4:)!) I. C, iluriuc th Umif of Aeschylus creator of drama, the performances took place upou tem porary wooden scaffold.-:, otic of which, hariutr collated UuriniJt a ri'i'reseuta tlou, the Atliouians were Induced to build tiie grat theater of Dionysitis, cnlling It tiie Louaion, which was the Dfst permanent stone structure of it-s kind. It required 100 years to erect it. There was no scencrj", but he scene was decorated so ns to represent the locality in which the action was golns on. Itoofless was hla structure, but around the building were porticoes, to which the people retreated during rain storms. Sometimes awnings were used ly Ward off the sun's heat. Invari ably the actors were males, who wore inaskn with mouthpieces, answering the purpose of apenklng trunipetH. Owing to the vhstness of the theater metal vases were placed under the seats to serve as reflectors of sound. Performances begnu in tho morning nnd usually lasted twelve hours.- New York Telegram.' Ia tb Wittuc ii eat 5twt' "jtw w Oerni i"u t.u t.i '!'' jo when it uju.v ouiiuut'J tijiii. C'lytiii WiiUby hiu btwn 4iuuiut.tMi. jiimaim Cra5;.T uf tdu (t:is u Ji- J. Wiii!j. iietfeotwd. U . nuriwiiH iluviiiir a-tiant: tUi twlaCu t'JUUJrni to pr!wu5 tUeut, witii pi'jpur vnuijiinri is rj.'jiri by law ta tao mul jdai iustru tuc au cba law uifimm Oif Fer,rwu 0!c WUhuu, bia att'jiuuyij, at; Atbtiua. Oee gou, or FotKiiutuu. Or'wm.. wUbia is montbs twa cbu Jata ot tan Hii" pub iiontiuti uf tbis uutioe. Uuted aC Atbeua. Oiegon, oa tbia tbe Ut day of Septum bur, A. 0., I J 11. Clyilu VViiiaby, Adaiinistiator. Futerwa Jc Wilsi;a. Aiturueys for tbe Administrator. n !MNia lx in the world THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. K. FBOOME, prop. Administratrix Notice. Ia tbe County Court of tbe State cf Oregou, in and for tb County of Umatilla. la tbe matter of the Estate of Charles Wiiioo, Deceased: Notice iu hereby given tbat Maggie Wil-;ou of Athena, Oregou, waa on the 1st day of June, 1911, appointed ad ministratrix of tbo estate of Charles Wilson, deceased, by the above en titled oourt, and tbat all persons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby uolided to present said olaiins with proper vouohors thereto, to said administratrix 'or to her attorney, Homer I.. Watts, at his office in Ath ena Oregon. ... MaRRio Wilson, Administratrix of the Estate of Charles Wilson, deoeased. Got What She Wanted. "I cnu stand for some things, but uot for everything," said the clerk as ho watched a stylishly dressed young womau leave tho store. "What is tho matter?" nsked tho proprietor, who had walked up unob served. "That woman who Just left hustled up to tho counter nnd nsked to sc men's shirts. I showed her every stylo nud color we enrry. After In specting- tho cntlro stock she rose nnd thanked uie sweetly, adding: 'I dldu't wish to purchnse nuy. You sec, I it id making my husband soino shirts, nnd I wanted to bo sure I was doing them rlht. My husbnud la very particular' about the finish of his shirts.' And they sny married women are so considerate." The boss smiled and walked away. llostou Traveler. Southeastern Washington's GREATEST FAIR SEPTEMBER 18 TO 23, 1911 Walla Walla, Wash $30,000 IN PREMIUMS ID PURSES t Outv X I i" '-aly one thai can accommodate commercial travelers. Cob. Maik and Third, Athena, Or. Iff First-class Hotel in the City. Iff THE ST. NICHOLS Iff Can be lecomeoded (or Us clean and well ventilated rooms. SUMMER COLDS . Should not be neglected. It means a condition In' the lungrs that brings 6n Pneumonia, Bronchitla or . ; come other serious disease. .,'" v Ballard's Horehound Syrup Is a good remedy for sore throat and cold settled In the lungs. It eases pain in the chest, hoarseness, obstinate coughs, congestion In the lungs, loss of voice and Inflammation. It Is a fine family remedy, . made only of the purest Ingredients and possesses a wonderful sooth ing and healing Influence In the lungs, throat and bronchial" tubes. ' Children like It because it Is pleasant to the taste; It Is a quick relief for the throat and lung disorders to which children are subject Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per Bottle. Buy the U-00 size.- It contains five times as much as the 25c size, and you get with each bottle a Dr. Ilerrlck's Red Pepper Porous Plaster for the chest. , PROPRIETOR ST. LOUIS, M0. JAMES F. BALLARD Fot Weak Sight or Sore Eyes, use Stephen Bye Salve. It cure. ISotoANO RtcoMwiNotB BvILl -2 BYRON N. HAWKS. SAGE RATS PRAIRIE DOGS POCKET GOPHERS ; GROUND SQUIRRELS ARE PROMPTLY DESTROYED "WOODLARK SQUIRREL POISON' THE Standard of the World Requires no Mixing or Preparation ' Always Ready for Use Always Reliable , ; , NO OTHER IS SO GOOD : NOR MADE WITH SUCH GREAT CARE Successfully used by 50,000 grain growers in 1910. .. When you buy, de mand the best. Get the "Woodlark '. Brand." Money back if not as claimed. PAMPHLET FREE Hoyt Chemicai, Co.. Portland, Oregon Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and Madder rixht. 1 ."Hi"'ll 0M JWHJMWI.WI,. J Miller's Furniture Store L f ISC it : " 1 New Stock Just Received I Special IraSais TO A i l Hit" O.-W. R. a N. Athena to Pendleton and re turn, Set. 14, 15 and 16, at one and one-third fare for the round trip. GREATEST RACE PROGRAM OF FERED IN THE NORTHWEST. I'AAKER AMUSEMENT CO MANY P FECIAL FEATURES Concerts Daily by Ruzzi's Famous ITALIAN BAND Special Rates on all Railroads. Foi the aooommodation of all dosiriug to attaiid "Tha Rouud-Up" and re turn oauie date, special trains will be ruu ou tbe above dates on the fol lowing schedule: Leave 10:35 a. m. ; Arrive ut Peudlotou 11:15 a. ni. Re turuing, loave Peudletou Thursday aud Friday at 10:00 p. in., and ou Saturday at 11 p. m. Also visit on the some datos Peudle tou's tig County Fair. For further iuformation. call on your agent, J. R. Mathers, Local Agent, Athena, Ore. R. llurue. District Freight & Paeseugsr Agt. Walla Walla, Wash. Just in, a car load of goods direct from the fac tory, and my stock is now. complete. I have 25 pattern of Dressers, 10 in Chiffonieres, 6 or 7 in Buffets, 4 or 5 in China Closets, and. a large assortment of Exten sion Tables, Stand Tables and Library Tables in all shapes and sizes. Rockers from $2.75 to $40.00. I am sure that I can suit you in Rugs. I have the biggest lot I have ever had at one time. Prices run from $14 to $35 for 9x12s; lots of small rugs, all prices. 12 pat terns of Dining Chairs irom 90c each to $30 a set. .1 have had oyer 25 years ex perience in buying and long ago found-that goods bought right can be sold right. I own my store building, consequently don't have to ad rent to my selling prices. : 7 ; filler's Furniture Gives Satisfaction We are sole agents for Royal Worcester and Gossard Corsets, Dent's Gloves, Hart, Schaffher Marx Mens Clothing, Butterick Patterns, Hercules Boys Clothing Ever wear Hosiery, Carheart Working Clothes and Gloves, Utz CBi Dunn Shoes, J. C cTW. Mens Shoes and John B. Stetson Hats, Special. Th Sun. . It ia computed that tho tmuperotur of tbo sun would bo expressed by IS, 000 degrees of Fahrenheit's thermome ter, or about ninety times tho tempera turo of boiling water. This is about flvo times tho temperature that innu Is oblo to produce by artificial means. Tho light given off from tho surface of tho suu Is reckoned as being 5,300 times more Intense than that of tha molten metal In a Hessemer converter, though that Is ot an almost blinding brilliancy, or, If wo compnro It with tho osyhydrogen (lame, tho suu sheds a light equal In brilliancy to 1 Id times tho intensity of tho limelight. . Plant That Ftign Death.' Iu South America there Is a plant, a species of mimosa, which resorts to death feigning, evidently for the pur pose of preventing grass eatlug ani mal from eatlug It," lu its natural state iuls plant has a vivid greeu hue. but directly It Is touched by a human, tlnser or by any llvlusr animal ' I Walla Walla, Wash. Siv ' cA' Parker I iBERip ! SiyfeK ; SOUTH SIDE MAIN DIGNIFYING THE INDUSTRIES" This U the tlU of a beautiful 64-pac book, wblch win mow ny boy or girl how to SUCCEED. Drop ft postal la tbo mail TODAY and It will b ttnt FREE. Tb aim of tbo Collet la to dignify and popularise tbo industries, and to serT ALL tbe people. It offer courses In Agriculture, Clril Engineering. Electrical Engineering, Hecbanlcal Engineering, Mining Engin eering, Forestry. Domestics. Science and Art. Com tu?rce, Pbarmacy and Music. Tbe College openi September ltd. Catalog free. Address: REGISTRAR. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEOE, CorralUs, Oregon. Are you ready? We are, in every way, shape and form. We have made preparation as we never have before for the big crowd that is coming , to Pendletons. big Shows. For the Women, we have suits sweaters coats, petticoats, skirts, waists, muslin underwear and the warmer knitted kind; hosiery", kid and silk gloves, auto veils, and the newer conceits, shoes, in fact every thing that you would expect to find in Pendleton's Greatest and Best Store Three floors and an annex; basement chock full of the best merchandise that mon ey and skilled buyers in every department could find, and coming from all parts of the world. For Men and boys we have everything that you desire from a collar button to a suit of clothes, not one thing missing; overcoats for big men and littfe men and the boys. Our shoe store has made a name for itself as being the home of good shoes, and this store is the home of the cTWodel Pure Food Grocery, in our basement. We have made extra arrangements for our out-of-town visitors. In addition to our lavatories on the top floor, we have made a rest room opposite the office. - We will check your parcels, grips and suit cases free of charge and you will have the as surance of knowing they are in a safe place. : . 5 . Headquarters for Fair and Roundup Visitors THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE save Your Coupons. Where it pays to trade. Save Your Coupons . j,,;